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Jessica Tipping Fact Sheet Unit 1

Audience Profile

Jazmine is a 16 year old girl who is transitioning into a boy.

He lives in Wales and he speaks English and Welsh and he
goes to college in Bangor where he takes photography.
Their preferred name is Glam and their pronouns are
he/him. He has short hair; half black, half red, Glam works
in Burger King as a part time job where he earns £75 a day
and mostly hangs out. He used to live with his Father due to
him wanting his Father to have custody over him but now
lives with his Mother. Glam would be put in the E category
because he's still a student and only works part time for his
job which makes him a casual grade worker.

Glam mostly goes to college every week and between

college he works at his part time job at Burger King. In his
free time when he's not in college or work or on a break he takes photographs with
his phone or sometimes his camera. He tends to take photographs of nature and
people with cool effects. He also draws art of his photographs as an illustration of
what his photo means.
His hobbies consist of taking photographs, doing art or mostly making tiktoks and
posting them. His interests are more of the same as his hobbies since his hobbies
were originally created from what he loves. Glam’s interests are; anime, animation
which is mostly making animations of moving art and normal digital art, he also likes
his photographs that he takes of nature or people and himself, when he does take
photographs of himself he has the hobby of using fake smoke in which he uses as a
cool smoke effect when the photos taken. Glam doesn't go on holiday that much he
may spend 2hrs from Wales to England to hang out with a friend or stay over but
that's all he does. His favourite film or rather series is My Hero Academia although
it’s just an animation, he likes it because it brightens his day up and it's interesting.
Glam also shops at HMV and Asda because he’s able to get things he wants and
likes in one place. He also likes digital camera magazines because he loves to learn
new techniques and loves looking at the camera’s in the adverts in the magazine as
well as admiring other photographers' photos. He mostly spends his money on travel
and anime, but also spends it on his camera.

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