Business Plan For A Computer Repair Company

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0 Executive Summary

The purpose of this business plan is to raise N500,000 (five hundred

thousand naira) for the start of a computer repair and service business and
publish my book on computer repair and maintenance, while showcasing
the expected financials and operations over the next couple of years. The
Computer Repair Business Company, (“Computer Clinic”) is a company
that will be based in Owerri, Imo State and it will provide computer repair
services and accessories sales to customers in its targeted market. The
Company will be owned by Petrinus Onuoha.

1.1 Sources of Profit

The primary profits stream for the business will come from computer repair
services to the general public, and also from the sales of my book,
viruses, Maintain it and Recover Lost Files). As computers have become a
necessity for many people on a day to day basis, the business will be
immune from harmful economic changes as people will continue to require
computer repairs in any economic climate. The business will generate
revenues from per repair fees plus accessories sales related to the repair of
computers. A secondary stream of revenue for the business will come from
maintenance of computers and installations of computer systems and
software for the customers. Also website design and networking will be an
added source of income for the business. This segment of the Company’s
operations is expected to generate approximately 15% of the business’
aggregate revenues.
1.2 The Financing

I am seeking to raise N500,000 (five hundred thousand naira). The interest

rate and loan agreement are to be further discussed with the bank lending.
This business plan assumes that the business will receive a two year one
month loan with a 4% fixed interest rate.

1.3 Mission Statement

Computer Clinic (“cClin”) mission is to become the recognized leader in its

targeted market for computer repair and maintenance services.

1.4 Management Team

The shop will be owned by Petrinus Onuoha. Mr. Petrinus has four years of
experience in the Information & Communication Technology industry.
Through his expertise and his already-gotten client connections, he will be
able to bring the operations of the business to profitability within its two
months of operations. Mr. Petrinus specializes on software aspect of the
computer repairs, so he will work with Mr. Peter Nwadibia, who has a
diploma in computer science, specializes on hardware, and has got six years
experience in the hardware repair business. Our website designer and
networking engineer will be on contract bases. To this respect, we have
Chima Ogbonna ans Ifeanyi Ogidi respectively. There will be a sales clerk
who will always register every computer that comes into the company for

1.5 Expansion Plan

Mr. Petrinus expects that the business will aggressively expand during the
first six months of operation. He intends to implement advertising
operations that will effectively target individuals and small businesses
within the target market.

2.0 Registered Name and Corporate Structure

Computer Repair shop, Computer Clinic. The Company will be registered as

a sole-proprietor company in Owerri as it expands.

2.1 Required Funds

At this time, the Computer Repair shop requires N500,000 (five hundred
thousand naira). Below is a breakdown of how these funds will be used:

Projected Startup Costs

Book Publication N85,000
Shop Rent N90,000
Generating Set N65,000
Woodwork, demarcation N55,000
Showcases N50,000
Accessories & Software N100,000
Repair Tools N40,000
Miscellaneous N15,000
Total Startup Costs N500,000

2.2 Management Equity

Petrinus Onuoha owns 100% of the Computer Repair shop.

3.0 Products and Services

Below is a description of the computer repair and maintenance services

offered by the Computer Repair shop.

3.1 Computer Repair and Parts Sales

The primary business of the Computer Repair shop is the repair of

computers for customers living within the target market and for those
working and running their business centers within the area. Mr. Petrinus
with his team will be able to provide standard and complex repairs
pertaining to any aspect of a computer. They are well versed in many new
technologies, and the business will continue to provide fast and reliable
services for people and businesses that have computer repair, maintenance,
or installation needs. At the onset of operations, all business will be
conducted from the Company’s location (Nekede, Federal Polytechnic
environment). Also, the company will be providing onsite repair services in
order to provide computer repairs to any individual or business within

3.2 Installations, Customization And Maintenance of Computers

The Company’s secondary business unit is installations, customization and
maintenance of computers for our customers. These will enable the
computers of our customers to run fast and serve them well in a good

3.3 Website Design, Programming And Networking

Another unit of the company is the unit that will run website designing,
programming and networking of our customer’s systems.

3.4 Book Sales

A different aspect of the business, but important and income-bringing part

is the book sales.

4.0 Strategic Market Analysis

4.1 Economic Outlook

Currently, Nigeria economic market condition has been unstable, bringing

more of recession than boom in the economy of the country. Crises,
bombing and kidnapping in the country have aided to thwart the economy
the more. But despite the chaos in the country, many foreign investors from
different parts of the world are still coming to do businesses here and are
seeing the country as a better playground for there businesses in the near
future. However, as computers have often become a necessity in day to day
living (especially for businesses), injurious changes in the economy should
not impact the Company’s ability to generate revenue.

4.2 Competitive Analysis

There are no computer repair companies in the area where this business
will be located, except for two which are about 5 kilometers from the
location of this business and they run on sales of accessories only. This
implies that am bringing to the area a business that has been in want by the
people, students and lecturers living and working around the area. The
competition will not be strong because our services are already speaking
volumes for us, which is the main reason we want to have a location point
so as to consolidate the relationship we have already established between
us and our customers, and also gather more customers. Also, since our
software and the services we render with them are the most needed because
of its uniqueness, our customers will not hesitate to seek our services. Our
services are not exorbitant because we seek to deliver quality services and
at the same time redress the bad name fake and incompetent computer
repair engineers earlier smeared on the business. There has not been a
book like the one I have on computer repairs and maintenance, so the
books is another way of teaching our customers how to do some of their
maintenance works by themselves, so they will be fascinated by the idea
and rush to have a copy of the book, and even recommend it to the friends.

5.0 Marketing Plan

The Computer Repair Company intends to maintain an extensive
marketing campaign that will ensure maximum visibility for the business in
its targeted market and beyond. The book will be sold not only around the
target market or in Owerri, but it will be distributed to major markets like
Onitcha main market and Ariaria Aba market. As a writer who has
published and sold a book before, Mr. Petrinus is experienced in book sales
and knows the nook and crannies of the business of book sales.

5.1 Marketing Objectives

 Sustain and establish relationships with our already gotten customers

and our would-be customers, and also with other computer firms in
the area so that the Company can act in a subcontracting capacity for
fixing large numbers of computers.
 Implement a local campaign within the Company’s targeted market
via the use of flyers and word of mouth.

5.2 Marketing Strategies

I intend to use a number of marketing strategies that will allow the

Computer Repair Business to easily aim at individuals and small businesses
within the target market. These strategies include traditional print-and-
paste advertisements and ads placed in offices and shops of our clients. The
Company will maintain a sizable amount of print and traditional
advertising methods within local markets to promote the computer repair
and maintenance services that the Company is offering.

5.3 Pricing

The cost for a job to be done is graduated as follows:

Repairs Per System

Systems Amount (N)

Installation 1000.00
Formatting 1,500.00
Formatting & Installations 3,000
Hardware replacement Depends on the problem and the part
Printers Depends on the problem and the part

Maintenance per system

Systems Amount (N)

Software CDs 500.00
DVDs 1,000.00
Upgrade 1,500.00
General maintenance 2,000.00

Website Design & Networking

Systems Amount (N)
Website Design, registration, Simple Sites 60,000 – 80,000
hosting & maintenance Complex Sites 150,000 & above
Networking – depending on the number of 2,000 per computer

6.0 Management Biographies

Manager – Petrinus Onuoha: A statistician and a writer, with relevant skills

and four years experience in computer software repairs and maintenance;
specializes in software.

Hardware Engineer – Peter Nwadibia: A computer scientist, with relevant

skills and five years experience in computer hardware repairs and
maintenance; specializes in hardware.

Website Designer – Contract staff: Ifeanyi Ogidi: A statistician and a

website designer; creates, hosts, manages and maintains a website.

Networking Engineer – Contract staff: Chima Ogbonna: General repairs

and fixings; specializes in computer networking.

7.0 Financial Plan

7.1 Underlying Assumptions

• The Owner will acquire N500,000 of debt funds to start the business.

• The loan will be paid within three years with interest as agreed by the
• The Computer Repair Business will have an annual revenue growth
rate of 30% per year.

7.2 Sensitivity Analysis

The Company’s revenues are moderately sensitive to changes in the general

economy. In the event of an economic recession, the business may
experience decreases in revenues. However, computers have become an
integral portion of the Nigerian people’s life, and it has become a necessity
for many people to have an operational computer. As such, Management
expects that declines due to poor performance within the general economy
will be minimal, and the business will be able to continually service its
ongoing obligations.


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