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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: NCT (Band)
Relationship: Lee Donghyuck | Haechan/Mark Lee
Character: Lee Donghyuck | Haechan, Mark Lee (NCT), NCT 127 Ensemble
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Knotting, Anal Fingering, Rimming,
Light Smut, Alpha Mark Lee (NCT), Omega Lee Donghyuck |
Haechan, Domestic Fluff, Mating Cycles/In Heat
Stats: Published: 2019-02-05 Words: 7227

You're My Subject (the one who controls me)

by hitmyheart


Mark’s omega has always been waiting on him even when he feels like he’s losing
himself. If only he knew that Donghyuck is more than ready to submit.


It's finally here, my very first abo fic! Some of the readers have asked me about wolf au
and me myself have been wanting to do it for a while now and finally I did.
I really want to thank Cam for making this happened. Not only she beta-read this, she also
provided me with good amount of information about abo and ended up became my
consultant xD thank you for helping me beta-reading this even when you were sick u,u
You're the best <3
Some of you might not like this genre so please, don't read it if you don't like it. Hope you
enjoy this one :')

See the end of the work for more notes

There had been something itching at Mark lately. He still couldn't figure out why and it put him on
edge. It also made him unable to fully concentrate on practices, constantly making mistakes here
and there. It made him crankier and grumpier than usual. Thankfully his members were
considerate enough to give him some space. Even the kids from Dream were surprisingly
cooperative and listened to what Mark said very well. For once they treated the oldest alpha in the
Dream fairly and Mark was more than thankful.

It has been more than two weeks and that itching still didn't go away. Instead, it only seem to
increase rapidly and now it pissed Mark off. He was completely aware that his sour mood had
affected the kids and some omegas and betas from the 127 but he just couldn't help it.

When he was with the Dream, he noticed how the betas on the group, Renjun and Chenle, were
always on his sides. He knew they were trying to calm his nerves and it did work, even though it
would only last for a while. The mix of hazelnut and vanilla scents they were produced helped
Mark from snapping at whoever it was on his way and stayed composed. The other alphas, Jeno
and Jisung, kept their distance from him. They didn't want to confront the leader by making the
wrong move. Jaemin, being one of the omegas on the group, didn't even want to get too close to
Mark because his scent became way too bitter and dull. And sometimes it shifted to something
very strong and unbearable, causing the omega to be distressed.

Since Mark's mood went all over the place, every time he visited the Dream dorm, Jaemin would
immediately cling to Jeno, his alpha. Mark felt bad for making the kids became uncomfortable so
he opted to stay at 127 dorm instead. Being at 127 dorm with his older brothers was way easier
because he majority of the members were alphas.

Days went by and Mark still felt on edge. Today he and the 127 members went to practice to
prepare for their upcoming concert. He'd woken up with a headache and a very bad mood. He
was irritated for no reason and the scowl on his face didn't seem to want to disappear. Halfway to
the practice, Taeyong finally called it a break and Mark was glad because he needed time to
collect his thoughts. He was standing near the stereo when the leader slowly approached him.
Taeyong's scent had always been sweet but today the smell of fresh baked cinnamon with a hint
of lavender hit his nostrils in unpleasant way and it made his stomach crunched.

“Mark,” his leader called, his voice was gentle and soft like usual. Mark instinctively moved away
a little as his scent getting stronger because it made him dizzy. And if Taeyong had realized it, he
seemed didn't mind. He continued, “Are you okay?”

“I'm fine,” he replied and his voice sounded harsher than he'd intended. He knew his leader had a
good intention but his mood messed up with his mind and he couldn’t help the growing irritation
inside him.

“Are you sure?” he sounded hesitant and concerned. But his face was determined and firm.
“You've been acting out lately, Mark. I've been letting you off the hook because I figured you
needed some time to compose yourself but right now your antics have effected not only yourself
but also the team. I can’t let this happen any longer.”

Mark's lips twitched. He wanted to be considerate with his members but it wasn't like he wanted
himself to be this way. He felt so unfair. He had no absolute control over his mood and the way
Taeyong talked as if he was irresponsible made something inside Mark boiled.

“Then let me take care of my own business. Just fuck off.” Mark snapped, his face turned red as
he scowled at the leader who looked clearly taken aback by his answer.

Everything happened in a blur after that. Mark walked past his leader but his shoulder accidentally
knocked on Taeyong's harder than he'd thought, making the omega leader stumble backward and
then fall to the ground. Jaehyun who had just entered the practice room after coming back from
the bathroom saw that. A loud growl instantly rippled through him, deep and dangerous. He
rushed to his mate and carefully helped him up. Taeyong instinctively nuzzled his face against
Jaehyun's neck, breathing in his familiar scent to calm himself. He was a little bit shaken by
Mark’s sudden outburst.

Sensing Taeyong’s distress, Jaehyun snapped his head up at Mark and bared his teeth to him, his
eyes dark and cold. His hands curled around his omega protectively. Mark curled his hands into a
crawl, his body shaking, and he growled back at Jaehyun, deeper and louder. The other members
immediately crowded around them. Johnny and Yuta were on Jaehyun's sides meanwhile Taeil
and Doyoung were on Mark's. Jungwoo and Sicheng stood next to each other, a little bit far away
from them.

“What the hell is your problem, Mark?” Jaehyun said through gritted teeth. Normally, he and
Mark were one of the chillest members but when their alpha side took control, both of them were
known to be more territorial and protective, especially Jaehyun who had a mate.

“I want him to leave me alone.” Mark snapped, clenching his teeth together.

“Do not talk to him like that, Mark Lee.” Jaehyun snarled and it was so unlike him to lose control
but everyone knew that if something ever happened to his mate, it would immediately trigger him.

“Respect your leader.”

“I will if he mind his own business.”

“Guys! Enough!”

Johnny stood between them. He was the biggest alpha on the group even though Jaehyun was
slowly catching up with him. He looked displeased as he looked between Jaehyun and Mark.

“Boys, this isn't the right time to fight,” Doyoung said, grabbing Mark by his bicep to keep him in
place. Despite being the omega, his voice was firm and strict. Both of him and Taeyong were the
dominant type when it came to the team’s matters.

“I want both of you to calm down,” Johnny said, his voice held an absolute command. “We're
going to talk about this with cool heads.”

“As long as he behaves,” Jaehyun spat and it sparked anger deep within Mark.

A shudder rippled through Mark at the insult, along his shoulders and down his spine. His arms
began to quiver. Another growl tearing from between his teeth and he made an attempt to lurch
forward but Doyoung and Taeil were quick to push him back. Jaehyun growled back
threateningly and it took Taeyong's all energy to hold his alpha down.

“Mark, I said enough!” Johnny roared, standing tall before him. But it only added fuel to his fire.
His wolf refused to listen to another command. All he saw was red and all he wanted to do was to
attack. He wanted to rip something or break things apart. His heart was pounding against his
chest, his ears ringing, and his body shook violently.

And then, in the midst of the chaos in Mark's brain, a familiar scent hit him. At first it was light
and airy but slowly it became more distinct and sweet. After a while, Mark finally could pin point
the scent. It smelled rich; flowers, the warm sea breeze, and clean sheets with a hint of honey but
unlike Taeyong's scent that overwhelmed him, this time, it made him craved more and his throat
went dry. His wolf howled in delight as the scent getting stronger and when it hit him full force,
Mark's knees almost buckled from its impact.

Everyone turned to the entrance of the room and Mark felt his breath got stuck on his throat as a
sight of certain petit omega filled his vision. Donghyuck stood there with their manager on his
side, supporting his body. He looked slightly different than the last time Mark saw him. The
omega had to go back at home after his leg had been injured and this was actually his first visit
since leaving the dorm a few weeks ago. Donghyuck still had a cast on his right leg and he was
bundled up in a fur padded jacket that almost drowning his figure.

Mark stared at him with a slightly opened mouth and his vision was slowly getting clearer the
longer he stared at the omega. He exhaled sharply and the smells were more distinct and stronger
now, making him let out a low growl deep in his throat. Suddenly there was a strong urge to reach
out and be near with his omega best friend.


The omega inside Donghyuck could feel Mark's distress and it made him squirm uncomfortably.
He wanted to walk over there but he could barely walk and it almost made him whimper, feeling
helpless. Mark shrugged Doyoung and Taeil who still held him and quickly strode over to the
omega. Donghyuck opened both of his hands and Mark crushed him, falling into the smaller's
arms. He wrapped both of his arms around Donghyuck's slim waist, nuzzling his face against his
neck. Donghyuck put one arm around his back and the other on his nape, slipping his fingers into
the alpha's silk hair and gripping them gently.

Mark inhaled deeply and his whole body finally stopped shaking as the familiar scent filled him.
He didn't realize until at that very moment how much he craved this; the smell, the familiar body
heat, and the steady heartbeat against his. The omega was so warm and it made Mark slumped
deeper into his arms. He made a little sound of contentment in the back of his throat, feeling all of
his rampant anger slowly leaving him and making him boneless. He closed his eyes and felt
something shifted in the air. The itching and the dull smell around him were all gone.

The members instantly went relax as the smell of pine wood, coffee, and freshly cut grass slowly
filled the air. It was stronger and heavier than usual but it was better than the dull and bitter smell
that had been clouding around Mark the past few weeks. The mood was changed in an instant and
it made the atmosphere around them lighted up a little.

“Donghyuck,” Mark breathed out and relief washed through him just by saying his name again,
making him almost light headed. “Pup, you're here.”

“Hey,” Donghyuck whispered, stroking his head gently. The omega inside him was content and
happy to provide the comfort the alpha sought. “It's been awhile.”

“You've been gone for so long.”

“A little over three weeks,” Donghyuck corrected and laughed a little, the sound of it made
something inside Mark flutter. “It wasn't that long.”

Mark tried not to let out a whine.

“It was that long.”

Donghyuck laughed again.

“I’m here now,”

Mark let out a deep sigh. “Yeah, you’re here now.”

Donghyuck let out a content sigh, his fingers that locked into his hair tightened a little. Titling his
head up, Mark nuzzled the tip of his nose against his chin and inhaled deeply. He was so happy to
change everything, no matter how small. He hadn't felt this peaceful and reserved for what seemed
like forever. He didn't want to disturb this moment and pulled the omega closer even though there
was literally no space between them anymore.

But then, their moment was broken when Taeyong spoke again.

“Mark, I’m sorry to interrupt but it’s time to go.”

Taeyong’s voice was soft and gentle but the wolf inside Mark who didn’t want to let go of the
omega instantly felt threatened at the thought of being separated with the omega. He let out a
growl of protest, startling both Donghyuck and Taeyong. It triggered Jaehyun who still hadn’t
recovered from the earlier confrontation.

“Mark Lee,” Jaehyun hissed through gritted teeth, using his alpha voice that only came out when
he was on the verge of losing his control. “I’m letting you off because you aren’t in your right
state of mind right now. Next time, if you disrespect my mate again, I’m not going to hold back.”

Jaehyun was clearly furious as he dragged Taeyong out of the room, followed by the others.
Johnny and Doyoung were the last one to leave. The older approached Mark who still clung to
Donghyuck. The omega looked up at Johnny, eyebrows furrowed. He was a little bit lost now.

“Come on, Mark,” Johnny gently told him. “We have to go back to the dorm. Don't worry,
Donghyuckie will come too.”

Doyoung sent Donghyuck a helpless glance before leaving the room with Johnny, silently asking
the omega to take care of the matter. Still clueless as to what happened, Donghyuck cupped the
back of Mark's head and tried to get him to face him. Mark looked so dejected, so unlike him, that
Donghyuck almost cooed at him.

“Minhyung,” the omega started in the gentlest voice, staring straight into his eyes. “I don't know
what's gotten into you but we need to talk after this.”

Mark let out a whine. “But you'll come with me, right?”

“Yes,” he said. “And you have to apologize to Taeyongie hyung and Jaehyunie hyung, too."

Mark groaned. He knew he was being a brat and disrespectful to his hyungs, especially Taeyong.
He felt so guilty now that he's back to his senses. At times like this, Mark was ashamed to admit
that he's still having a hard time controlling his wolf. Sensing his discomfort, Donghyuck leaned
down to press his forehead against Mark's.

“It's okay,” he whispered. “I'm not going anywhere.”

Letting out a deep breath, Mark’s grip around Donghyuck's waist tightened, silently asking for

“Okay, pup.” he whispered back, feeling his body went lax in his arms.

They stayed like that for a few moments until their manager came to the room to get them. Mark
effortlessly lifted Donghyuck up bridal style and carried the omega all the way to the parking lot
and inside the car. He refused to let go of him and settled him on his lap instead. Even after they
arrived at the dorm, Mark still refused to let go of the omega. He heard Yuta muttered something
along 'disgustingly clingy' but he didn't care. They ended up cuddled in bed and fell asleep in each
other's arms with content hearts and easy breathing.

After the practice was over and they were back to the dorm again, Donghyuck finally found out
what happened and asked Mark to apologize to Taeyong. Jaehyun still hadn't talked to Mark and
still seemed agitated, never once leaving his omega side. Mark knew he was at fault here but it still
took some coaxing from Donghyuck to finally make him apologize to the leader of the group. He
might be an alpha, but ever since he met Donghyuck almost six years ago, he had never once had
the willpower to turn down the omega's request.

Donghyuck would stay at the dorm again because despite his injury, he would still show up at the
concert to sing a few songs. Mark was on his best behavior ever since Donghyuck came back. He
was aware that the omega was the one who kept him sane and grounded. He gained back his
composure and more focused on practices, never once making mistakes again. Taeyong was more
than happy with the change and the rest of the members seemed pleased too.

The next day, Donghyuck went with other members to the venue to do the rehearsal. They’d
practiced since morning and by the time it was lunch time, the managers told them to take a break.
Mark was sitting on the floor, sweat drenching his body and his chest heaving. It had been three
hours and they still weren’t done yet. He scanned the whole venue and his eyes eventually fell on
Donghyuck who was sitting in the middle of the stage with Taeyong and Doyoung on his sides,
talking animatedly to each other. He was too preoccupied with his own thought that he didn't
realize another presence beside him.

“When are you going to give in and ask him to be your mate?”

Mark jerked in surprise when he heard the sudden voice beside him. He whipped his head to the
right and found Johnny was comfortably sitting next to him.

“What do you mean?”

Johnny followed Mark's gaze and sighed.

“You know what I'm talking about, Mark,” Johnny said and Mark did know what the latter meant.
The problem was in admitting it. He knew that every excuse he made sounded like a broken
record because he had been repeating it to himself so many times before, over and over again.

“It's been years, Mark,” Johnny continued, his voice sounded grim now. “I think it's the right time
to claim him.”

“No,” he quickly denied. “He deserves so much better.”

Johnny let out a snort.

“How is he going to find someone better when you've practically been scenting him since the first
time you met him?”

Mark pressed his lips together and a frown slowly made its way to his face. It was a touchy
subject for him. He hated having conversations about his relationship with Donghyuck. Not
because he hated what he had with the omega, but because it always left him hopeless in the end.
Anyone who wasn’t a part of his friends circle would automatically assume that Mark and
Donghyuck were mates if they were to see the way they gravitated toward each other and always
seemed in sync. Long before they debuted, even some of his members had mistaken them being a
couple. Mark and Donghyuck would simply brush it off but it was clear that their actions didn't
convince the group.

Mark wasn't actually as dense as his friends thought he was. He was completely aware of his own
want and desire. They didn't know how hard it was for him. For years he had been trying to tame
his wolf. The want, the urge, the desire to take and claim were so strong and unbearable
sometimes that it physically hurt him to keep denying what his wolf craved. He was also aware
with Donghyuck's willingness. The omega was always pliant and soft when he was near him,
always ready to please and submit. Which made Mark more scared because despite his role as an
alpha, there was always fear that somehow there was an alpha who could take better care of
Donghyuck than Mark himself ever could. If that was the case then Mark wouldn't want to get in
the way. He shouldn't feel insecure whether he was good enough or not because it wasn't in his
nature. But when it came to Donghyuck, the alpha couldn't help but feel uncertain.

“Have you ever thought about his feelings, Mark?”

Johnny's voice snapped Mark back into the reality. Mark blinked and the first sight he saw was
Donghyuck leaning his head against Taeyong's shoulder, his body shaking with laughter. It had
been awhile since Donghyuck was with them and Mark felt his stomach tightened as he watched
the omega looking so beautiful when he's laughing with his entire face. It made his wolf wanted to
take him and tuck him under his arms. To protect and give him everything he deserved.

“I don’t know what’s stopping you,” Johnny continued, now he sounded tired. “At some points
he's going to be tired of waiting and don't blame anyone if there's an alpha who wants to claim
him. After all, he's still unmated. He is not your omega and you are not his alpha.”

Just thinking about it made the alpha inside him shake in fury, not liking the thought of another
alpha claiming his best friend and took care of him. Mark tried to imagine another alpha touching
his best friend in the way only he could. It made a threatening growl rumble deep in his throat.
Mark has never been known for good self-control when it came to Donghyuck. He knew how to
keep himself tame enough but he was always more territorial and protective to the younger.

Johnny put one hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. “Think carefully, Mark. This has been
going on long enough and all of us just want the best for the two of you.”

At that moment, Mark's eyes found Donghyuck's and they held each other's gaze for a few
seconds. Looking at him reminded Mark of what he’d always want in life but couldn’t get. He
was the one who tore his gaze away, unaware of the omega's chest-fallen expression.

In the weeks following up to the upcoming concert, the itching was back again. This time, Mark
was hyper aware of what had been itching at him. It was something rush and insistent under his
skin as if his body tried to make him to do something. This itch was more territorial and
animalistic. It was also followed by the strong need to always be near Donghyuck. They were
practically attached to the hip but it wasn't enough. Mark's brain kept screaming
DonghyuckDonghyuckDonghyuck like a broken record. There was also longing and it actually
pain him as it grew with each days that went by.
For some reasons, Donghyuck also latched himself onto Mark more than usual. He was always
there, pressed against Mark's side and even clingier than his usual self. With the omega's scent all
over him, it only made the longing inside him grow painfully stronger. He wanted Donghyuck
impossibly close. He wanted to bury his face against his neck and breathe him in for hours.

It was a few hours before the concert and the members were currently being spread on the stage,
doing the final rehearsal. Mark was practicing his rap when Yuta walked past him. The alpha
stopped and turned to the younger, scrunching his nose up.

“God, I should've known that it was your scent.”

Mark looked up at him, confused. “I'm sorry?”

“I've noticed that ever since Donghyuck came back again, he smells different. And lately, his
scent becomes sweeter even though your scent still dominates it. It’s all over him and it actually
unbearable to smell it.”

Mark frowned. It wasn't the first time someone said the similar thing. Mark admitted that he's
scenting Donghyuck ever since they first met. He hated it when Donghyuck smelled foreign thus
he always made the younger wear this clothes. And because they had been trainees and worked
together for years, it made sense how at some points they smelled like each other. Mark knew
Donghyuck didn't mind because even though he never said it out loud, the omega felt safe and
protected when he smelled like the alpha.

“I think Donghyuck's heat is approaching,” Yuta continued. “Taeyongie and Doyoungie also
smell sweeter than usual. Once one of them is going on heat, it will trigger others too. You need to
take care of him when it starts, Mark.”

Mark didn't miss a single beat to answer. “Don't I always?”

Yuta looked at him for a very long moment and something in his eyes made Mark want to duck
his head in shame but he kept his eyes on his level.

“If you don't want to lose him,” Yuta said, his voice sounded menacingly low. “Then do what you
should have done.”

For a moment, Mark was taken aback by the real threat in Yuta's voice. Yuta wasn't very vocal
with his feelings. He wasn't like Johnny and Jaehyun who never hesitated to talk to others if there
was something wrong and always ready to help. Yuta took care the others silently and usually he
preferred to listen than speak. Mark almost forgot that Yuta was very fond of Donghyuck. The
omega was his favorite dongsaeng even though he never said it out loud.

“I—“ Mark opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.

Yuta sighed and walked over him. He put one hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently.

“Listen, Mark,” he said, his voice and face softened. “I’m pretty sure you know exactly what you
want and what you need to do. Me and the other guys don’t mean to press you but we just want
you to know that we care about you and Donghyuckie.”

Mark swallowed thickly. “I know.”

“We just want you two to stop suffering and be happy.” he said. “Because that’s all that matters in
the end.”
Yuta smiled and patted his shoulder encouragingly before making his way to the end of the stage,
joining Taeil and Johnny. Mark stood frozen in his place, mind filled with a certain omega. His
shoulders dropped and chest heavy with uneasiness. He knew that sooner or later he had to decide
and he didn’t know if he would ever be ready for that.

The two days of concert passed in a blink of an eye. By the time the last encore was done and all
the 127 members went back to the backstage, Mark fastened his walk to the dressing room,
impatient to see Donghyuck. It felt so strange and incomplete not having him the entire concert
because they were always together since the beginning. They used to lay down next to each other
and talk about the day when they finally had their own concert for hours. What happened to
Donghyuck was unexpected. No one could predict it. Mark was grateful that Donghyuck could
show up and be there with him even for a very short moment. The fact that they weren’t missing
out on each other made him felt slightly better.

Mark entered the room, eager to see the omega, but then he and caught the sight he hadn't
expected to see. Donghyuck was with another guy, an alpha, and he looked so cozy and
comfortable in his arms. That alpha had his arms wrapped around Donghyuck's waist as he
nuzzled his hair. The sight before him made anger and fury washed through Mark and quickly
burned his insides. He could feel tremors rock him from head to toe, making him shake violently,
and he did not try to stop them. The temptation to attack was so strong and Mark didn't want to
fight it off. His mind scream kill as he looked at the alpha that was all over his omega. He wanted
to rip his body off of Donghyuck and break him to pieces for touching what's his. His wolf let out
an animalistic growl deep in his throat, the sound of it was enough to shake everyone in the room.
His eyes glowered bright red as he locked eyes with the omega's. Mine mine mine. My Omega.

As if he could listen to his calls, Donghyuck let out a loud whimper as his legs gave out. Before
he could fall on the ground, the other alpha caught him by the waist and it made something deep
inside Mark exploded in anger. The trembling was getting tighter and faster. He leaned forward
and felt the heat grow, it was stronger than he'd ever felt before, so strong Mark felt like it would
crush him at some point.


Someone, or maybe people, yelled his name but Mark was too far gone to stop. He bared his teeth
to another alpha, his dark pheromones increasing as the urge to kill intensified. All he could see
was red. Kill. Kill. Kill.

“Mark Lee!”

Mark stopped moving forward as hands grabbed him by the shoulders. He blinked and turned his
had to look at Johnny and Jaehyun who were on both of his sides, keeping him in place.

“Mark, you need to calm down,” Jaehyun said, his voice rough but firm. “Can't you smell
Donghyuck's heat starting?”

Mark's shoulders tensed up and his shaking jerked to a stop. He had been so angry that he wasn't
paying attention to the suddenly overwhelming scent of Donghyuck's heat flooding into his
senses. His lips parted and his throat went dry. God, Donghyuck smelled so good right now. He
always smelled good but this time his scent sparked an intense desire and lust deep inside him,
making him tremble again.
“Go to Donghyuck. He needs you.”

Johnny's words cleared Mark's foggy mind. The urge to kill was still lurking around him but he
knew that it wasn't important now. His priority was Donghyuck.

“Minhyungie, it hurts.” Donghyuck whimpered, his face flushed and beads of sweat started to
form on his forehead.

Mark wrenched himself between Johnny and Jaehyun before there was time to blink and this time
his hyungs let him go without a fight. He quickly strode over to the omega in light speed. The
other alpha still didn't let go of Donghyuck and the growl that ripped through Mark's throat was
territorial as he ripped him off of the omega, sending him flying a few meters away and almost
banging his head to the wall. There were loud shrieks after that and some of the staffs quickly
rushed toward him but Mark didn't even bat an eyelash as he picked the omega up into his arms. It
was what he deserved after touching what’s his.

Donghyuck nuzzled his face against Mark's neck and whimpered loudly as the strong pheromones
of the alpha hit him in full force and quickly filled his senses, making his body trembling with
want and desire.

“It’s okay, pup,” Mark leaned down to press his lips to Donghyuck’s forehead that was covered
with sweat. “I’m going to get you out of here. I’ll take care of you.”

“Please,” Donghyuck whimpered, wrapping both hands around the alpha’s neck. His whole body
ached and he just wanted a relief. “Please.”

Mark held the omega tightly before dashing out of the room and the manager quickly followed
them. Mark settled Donghyuck on his lap once they were inside the car. He asked the manager to
turn on the AC and pushed the wet bangs back from his forehead, making sure the omega cool

Mark could feel that Donghyuck was in so much pain but the omega surprisingly stayed still on
his lap. He buried his face in Mark’s neck, breathing in his scent to calm his raging emotions
inside him. It didn’t help much but it made everything became bearable.

Once they arrived at the dorm, Mark carefully collected the omega in his arms. He turned to the
manager when the man tried to follow them.

“Thanks for the ride, hyung. I got it from here.”

The manager looked at them before slowly nodding and walking back to the car. As soon as they
entered the building, Mark climbed the stairs like a mad man. Donghyuck's heat was pushing
Mark into a rut the closer he got to the front door of the dorm. He nearly dropped the omega off
when suddenly there was a teasing lick on his neck. A growl rumbled deep in his throat as
Donghyuck's scent once again hit him in full force, almost making him lost his balance. Mark's
mind was foggy, the air around him was all Donghyuck, and he felt like he was suffocating as he
finally stepped inside the dorm. He kicked the door close with his legs and went straight to his

The world shifted and Donghyuck was on his back as Mark carefully settled him in the middle of
the bed. Mark walked over to the door to lock it and when he turned around, Donghyuck was
looking up at him with his bright eyes and reached out to him silently. His eyes and his face told
Mark everything. It was clear that the omega wanted to be close to him and something warm
bloomed in Mark's chest at the feeling of being wanted.
“Minhyungie,” Donghyuck let out an impatient whine and he should feel embarrassed but his
mind was clouded and he needed Mark. He needed his alpha. “It hurts. Make it stop, please.”

Donghyuck spread his legs willingly as Mark hovered above him. The alpha settled himself in
between his thighs, pressing his already hard groin against the omega's. Donghyuck bared his
neck as he let out a gasp, his whole body vibrated with intense want. Slick started to leak from his
hole as he slowly rocked his hips, seeking the friction he needed. He settled his hands on the small
of his back. The weight of Mark against him made his heart skip a bit and his blood burn with

Mark let out a shuddered breath at the sight of the omega. He looked devastatingly beautiful
writhing underneath him. It was the very first time they were in such intimate position and Mark
couldn't help but think that their bodies fit perfectly like they were made for each other.

“Alpha, it's hot.”

Mark's whole body shook at the nickname. He leaned down and pressed the tip of his lips
achingly slow on his jaw, kissing it tenderly. It made Donghyuck almost huffed in annoyance.

“Minhyungie, don't tease!”

Despite the heavy lust and desire clouding his mind, he could feel his body relax a little and let out
a small laugh at the remark as he broke their kiss. Their lips only inches apart.

“I’m not, pup,” he said, his warm breath tickling Donghyuck’s skin, making the omega squirm.
“Let's take off your clothes, yeah?”

Donghyuck nodded frantically. “Yes, yes.”

Mark worked on their clothes achingly slow. He took his time stripped the omega off as if they
had all the time in the world. The growing desire inside him made his whole body ache and the
gentlest touch of Mark's hand on his skin made him burn with an intense heat. When the last piece
of clothes left Donghyuck's body and the cold air hit his skin, he arched his back and let out a
small whimper.

There he was.



And completely bare for the alpha to devour.

Mark sucked in a fast breath like someone had punched him in the gut. Ever since he met
Donghyuck for the first time, he always thought that the omega was the most beautiful omegas he
had ever encountered. And every year he bloomed brighter and prettier. Never had he thought that
the omega could be more ethereal and beautiful than he already was. It made Mark's heart ache
with sudden possessiveness. He would never let anyone see the omega like this. It made his blood
boil just to think about it. His. His only.

Mark leaned down and swiftly brushed the length of Donghyuck's cheekbone with his fingertips.
He lightly trailed his finger to the corner of his lips, brushing it with a feather-like touch that made
the omega shuddered. It made Mark smiled, chest puffed out with pride knowing that he held that
kind of effect to the smaller. His hand gild down to his neck and then ran down his chest ever so
slowly and tentatively and stopped there for a while, feeling its frantic heartbeat. His finger moved
to brush over his sensitive nipple and the omega cried out. His back arched off the bed and more
slick came out from his entrance.

“Alpha,” Donghyuck whimpered, looking up at him from his long eyelashes. “Touch me, please.”

Sweet slick dripped down Donghyuck's thighs and the smell of it made an animalistic growl
escaped the alpha's lips. Mark slid his hands from the back of Donghyuck's knee down to the
curve of his ass, just inches away from where the omega wanted him, and squeezed the squishy
bottom with a groan.

“Mine,” he growled, possessive and territorial. “Mine.”

Donghyuck let out a choke. “Yours, Minhyung. Yours.”

Mark dipped his head down to press his mouth to Donghyuck's hip bone. His warm breath
caressing him and the feeling of his mouth against his skin made the omega shudder in delight.
Mark wedged his broad shoulders between his thighs, facing where the slick coming from.
Another deep groan wrenched from his throat.

“God, baby, you're so wet. So beautiful down here.”

Donghyuck let out a loud whimper at the nickname, his skin flushed, and chest heaving. Mark
darted out his tongue to lick the slick between his legs, making the omega cry out in pleasure. He
touched his entrance, making the small omega tremble and his toes curl. His tongue went deeper,
as deep as he could. The sweet smell of the omega almost made him lose his mind.

“Please, alpha,” Donghyuck gasped, struggling to find the words. “I need you. Now, now.

Mark removed his face from his thighs and sat up straight. The omega was so slick for him, Mark
noted as he traced his rim, catching another moan escaped Donghyuck's lips. Mark's cock was
heavy between his legs and his knot starting to swell at the base. He was aching to get inside of
Donghyuck already but the omega deserved so much more. He didn't want to rush anything and
swallowed his impatience away. He thought about everything that he and Donghyuck had been
through that led them to this exact moment. It still felt surreal for Mark to finally had the omega
with him. He thought of all his resistance to claim the omega and decided that he did the right
thing. They weren't ready then. Things were still uncertain and making rush decision wouldn't do
them good.

And now that everything had fallen into place, Mark wouldn't hold back and hesitate anymore.

Mark slowly pushed his finger into Donghyuck with ease, drawing a sharp intake of breath from
the omega. He lowered his head and his lips surrounded the taut point of Donghyuck's nipple. His
mouth was hot and his tongue a rough velvet lash against the omega's tender flesh. When his teeth
bit into the hardened bud, Donghyuck let out a loud sob, his body jerking as a growing desire
arrowed to his core. Donghyuck clutched at Mark's hair, pulling it a little bit too harsh, feeling
overwhelmed with the sensations. And then a jolt of pleasure shot through his whole body as
Mark slipped his second finger inside of him, working him faster now.

“Min-Minhyung!” he sobbed. “More, please.”

Mark scissor his fingers and then crooked them up, hitting the bundle of nerves inside the omega.

“There!” he gasped, tears running down his cheeks. “D-don’t stop.”

Mark slipped the third finger and worked on him even faster. He kept thrusting his fingers
upward, hitting the same spot over and over again. A hot shiver race through Donghyuck's body
and he could feel the heat that was building in the pit of his stomach. He needed the alpha inside
him now.

“Alpha, please,” he sobbed. His body was coated in sweat and slick, barely able to breath. “I need
you inside of me. Knot me. Please.”

Mark lifted his head and his eyes locked with Donghyuck's warm brown eyes, the color reminded
the alpha of milk chocolate. His heart was hammering so loudly that it was hard to focus on
anything else but the beautiful omega underneath him. The want that had been denied for so long
was finally in their grasps. Without breaking the eye contact, Mark lowered himself and pushed in
with ease. He grabbed his butt cheeks in both hands and squeezed them, sinking deeper into him,
growling as the omega closed tight around him. Donghyuck's jaw fell and he arched his back,
locking his ankles around the alpha's small back to keep him close, hot breath fanning over his

“Please, take me. I'm all yours, alpha.”

It was all Mark needed to lower his head and sink his teeth in the juncture between the neck and
shoulder. The metallic taste of blood hitting his tongue just as he rocked his hips forward to
distract Donghyuck from the sudden pain. The omega's nails digging into the flesh of his shoulder
blades as he moaned the alpha's name. Mark's body jerked to a stop and heat flooded through him,
stronger than he'd ever felt, but it was a new kind of heat. It wasn't burning, but glowing.
Everything inside him came undone as he sunk his teeth deeper, knowing that it would create a
permanent mark. The mark that would connect them for the rest of their lives. He felt a new string
tying him to one thing, to the very center of the universe. He could see that now and it was clear
as the brightest sun. How the universe swirled around this one point. The gravity of the earth no
longer tied him to the place where he stood. It was the omega in his arms right now. Time and
everything else in the world ceased to matter. His senses flooded with Donghyuck, only


Mark retracted his teeth as his knot swelled and locked them together, now only allowing him to
roll deep and slow into the omega.

“My omega,” Mark whispered as he pressed his lips to the corner of Donghyuck's mouth.
Happiness overwhelmed him. “Mine.”

Donghyuck let out a sob, more tears rolling down his face. He couldn't speak but his hands were
all over Mark. He silently demanded a release and Mark wordlessly thrusting into him, hitting the
spot inside him that made his whole body quivered.

“I-I'm close!”

Mark reached down between Donghyuck's thighs and tugged at his cock, wrapping his fingers
around it and started to jerk him off. The omega was too swollen, too sensitive. Mark didn't stop
rolling his hips even though he could barely move. Hoarse please left Donghyuck's lips. Tension
spread through his body, tightening everything until he felt like he might snap under the pressure.
Mark stared down at the omega, letting himself get lost in his eyes as he moved on his, feeling
each emotion as it shimmered through him. He struggled to breathe and continue to move in and
out of him in an achingly slow rhythm. The orgasm hit Donghyuck first, rolling through him like a
crashing wave, building and swelling and spreading through him in a wave rush of pleasure. Mark
captured Donghyuck by the nape and just watching the omega sent him spiraling. The heat began
deep inside, racing through his body as he dropped his head with a rough groan. Mark rocked
harder, his knot swelling as he came deep inside him.
For a moment, they lay there with their forehead pressed together, eyes closed, and breath heavy.

“My alpha,” Donghyuck whispered after a loaded moment of silence, running his fingers through
Mark's damp hair.

Mark stared at the omega and love for him tightened his throat.

“I love you,” Mark’s whispered, his voice rung in his ears. It took him years to finally be able to
say it out loud. Relief flooded through him as the omega reached out to take his face in his hands,
cupping it gently. His lips slowly curved upward and the way he smiled at him lightened his

“As I love you,” he whispered back, soft and tender.

They shared smile. And then they kissed again, slow like a song and soft as a whisper. Finally,
they were home.

End Notes

Curious Cat

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