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Multiprocessor Technology - Combination of 8, 16 and 32 bit types

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SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS 78216 (512) 344-0241

GUIDE Is skillfully written In a friend­ Mlcroware Systems Corporation
ly and easy-to-read style. Just 1866 NW 114th Street
GUIDE comes from the people who
perfect for those new to computers Des Moines. Iowa 50322
wrote BASIC09. As the leader in
and to BASIC09. It's also a valuable Telephone 5151224-1929
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MICROWARE care about our users
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05·9 and BASIC09 are trademarks ol M•croware and Motorola --------------------------�

68' Micro Joornal

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Portions of the text for 68 Ml� JOlAW... wes prepered
Send All Correspondence To:
using the following furnished herd/software.
ea.puter Publishi ng Center
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S09-5/8 DMf" dlsk-COS1-8212W-Sprlnt 3 Printer 615 842-4600

GIMIX Inc. Copyrighted 1984 by

1337 West 37th Place Co•puter Publishing l•c• CCPI>
Chlceg<>, IL 60609
Super Malnframe-oS9-FLEX-Assorted Hardware 68' Micro Journal Is publishod 12 times a year by
Computer Publishing Inc. Secood C.lass Postage
Paid ISSN 0194-5025 at Hixson, Tenn. and
Technical Systems Consultents, Inc.
111 Provldence Roed additional entries. Postmester: send Form 3579 to
C hep el Hill, NC 27514 68' Micro Journal, PO Box 849, Hixson, Tennessee.
FLEX-Ed! tor-Processor SlllSCRIPTION RATES
Greet Plelns Computer Compeny, Inc. 3-Years �64.50
1-Year �24.50 2-Years �42.50
PO Box 916
ldeho Fells, ID 83401 fOREIGH
STYL o-Mell Merge See Page 60
Edl1-orl a l Staff It-s Sublltltted for Publication

Don WIIIIams Sr. Pub l isher A r t i c l e s submitted f o r p u b li c a t i o n s h o u l d b e

Lerry E. WII IIams Executive Editor
a c compenled b y the authors ful l na-e . address. date and
Tom E . Williams Production Editor
Robert <Bob> Ney telephone nu•ber. tt Is preferred that articles be
Color Editor
submitted on either 5 or 8 Inch diskette In TSC Editor
Ad.lnlstr&tlve Staff format or SlYLO format. All diskettes •Ill be returned,

Mery Robertson O f f ice Meneger T h e following TSC Text Processor commands ONLY should
Penny WII IIams SubscrIpt 1 ons be used (due to our proportional processor): .sp spece,
Mlcheel WestfelI Shlpplng/Rec. .pp paragraph, .fl fill and ,nf no fill, Also pleese do
Christine Kocher Accounting n o t format within the text with multiple spaces, The
Contributing Edl1"ors rest we will enter at time of editing.

Ron Anderson S T Y L O commands are all acceptable except the .pg page
Norm COIIIIIO command, we print edited text flies In cootlnous text.
Peter Dibble
Dr. Theo Elbert
Wllllem E. Fisher All articles submitted on diskettes should be In TSC
Or. E.M. Pass fLEx• format, elthar FLEX2 6800, or FLEX9 6809 any ver­
Special Tectlnlcat Projects
If articles are submitted on peper they should be on
Clay Abrems K6AEP
Tom Hunt white 8XII bond or better grade peper. No hand written
ertlcles (hand written or drawn art accepted). All
CONTENTS p a p e r submitted artie les will be p h o t o reproduced.
This requires that they be tyNJd or produced with a
Vot.VI,Issue VIII Aug./Sept.84 dark ribbon < n o blue), single spaced and type foot no
smaller t h a n 'elite' or 12 pitch. Typed text should be
a p p r oximately 7 I n ches wide (will be reduced to column
FLEX USER Notes 8 Anderson
•••••••••• • • •
width of 3 112 Inches). Please use a dar1t rlbbcltl
OS9 USER Notes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10 Dibble
C USER Notes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 12 Pass All letters to the edl tor should also comply with the
a b011e and bear a sign ature. Letters of 'gripes' as well
68000 User Notes • • • • • • • • • • • • 17 Lucido as 'praise' are solicited. W e attllfllpt to publish oil
Reading Non-Flex DiskS······ 19 Fraser letters to the editor verbatim, however, we reserve the
right to reject any subltllsslon for lack of 'good teste'.
Comrnunlcetlng with OS/9 ••••• 23 Thompson&
W e reserve the right to define whet constitutes 'good
Pass taste'.
Review of S Disk, Bootflx, &
Advertising: Canmerclal advertisers please cont11ct the
F l Iter Kit I 29 Pass
68 Micro Journ!ll advertising deportment for current
Disassembler • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •• 30 Stock rate sheet 11nd req ulr81118nts.
Bit Bucket • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 39
Classified: All closslfled m u s t be n on-commerclol.
SWTPC Prospering Pioneer 39
M11xlmum 20 words per classified ad. Those consisting of

Hyperdlsk • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 43 Hazelwood more th11n 20 words should be figured ot . 3 5 cents per

Classlf leds • • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • 46 word. 20 words or less S7 . 5 0 minimum, one time, paid In
advance. No cl!lsslfled ad s accepted by telephone.

2 '68' Micro Joumal


All systems feature the GIMIX CLASSY CHASSIS; with a ferro-resonant constant All OS-9/FLEX systems allow you to software select either operating system.
g voltage power supply, gold plated bus connectors. and plenty of capacity for future Also Included is the GMXBUG monitor and, in systems with 128K or more of RAM,
expansion. GMX-VDISK for FLEX.
Static RAM and double-density DMA floppy disk controllers are used exclusively in all All GIMIX DS·9 systems include Mlcroware's Editor, Assembler, Debugger, Baslc09,
systems. and Runb; and the GMX versions of RMS and DO for OS-9.
All systems are guaranteed for 2 MHz operation and Include complete hardware and All GIMIX versions of OS-9 can read and write RS color computer format OS·9 disks.
software documentation, necessary cables, filler plates. etc. as well as the Microware/GIMIX standard format.
Systems are assembled using burned·in and tested boards. and all disk drives are New and exclusive with OS-9 GMX Ill systems is the GMX OS-9 Support ROM. a
tested and aligned by GIMIX. monitor for OS-9 that Includes memory diagnostics and allows the system to boot directly
You can add additional components to any system when ordering, or expand It In the from either hard disk or floppy.
future by adding RAM, 110. etc. A wide variety of languages and other software Is available for use with either OS-9 or
GIMIX lets you choose from a wide variety of options to customize your system to your FLEX.

OS-9 GMX Ill/FLEX SYSTEMS (179) OS-9 GMX I I FLEX SYSTEMS 149 Want to expand your system to a
The 119 super system now Includes (In addition to the above): the GMX The 149 systems Include 64KB static RAM. 1105 CPU. 1143 2 port senal megabyte of Static RAM and 15 users?
6109 CPU Ill, a 256K CMOS Static RAM Bolrd (172). and a 3-polt In· board. Simply add additional tnemOrf and 1/0 boards. Your GIMIX syslem can
tlllgtlll snt 110 Precastr (111). with dual40 track OSOO drives $3991.49 grow with your needs. Contact us tor a complete list of mltable boards and
The GMX 6109 CPU I l l can !*form high-speed DMA transfers from options.
with dual80 track osoo dnves. $4191.49
memory to memory and uses memory attributes a.nd Ulegal lnstructlon trap­
with Ill dual 8" OSDD drive system $5698.49 172 256KB CMOS STATIC RAM board
ping to protect the system and users from progl'lllll etashes. II a user pro­ with battery back up S1191.n
with 190 19MB Winchester subsystem and one80 track $6891.49
gl'lllll etashes, only that user Is aHected, other users are unaware ol the 164 64KB CMOS STATIC RAM board
problem. with battery back up $521.14
The3·Portlntetligent SerialiiO Board (Ill) s�grvlicantly reduces system OS-9 GMX II I FLEX SYSTEMS 139 16764KB STATIC RAM board $471.67
overtlead by handlirtg routine 1/0 functJOns. freeing the host CPU tor run­ The 139 sys�ms lnW<Ie 128KB static RAM. 1105 CPU, J43 2 port serial 111 3 pon inteftigent seriaiiiO board • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $491.11
rung user programs. This 1mpro>m overal system performance and allows board. f.43 2 port senal 110 board $121.43
user to be run at up to 19 2K baud 142 2 port paralleiiiO board $11. 42
with dual40 track osoo drives $4.491.39
195 cable se1s ( 1 needed per port). speaty board $24.95
With dual 40 tract� osoo dnves $5991. 7!1 with dual SO track DSOO drives $4691.39
With dual 80 track osoo drives $6191.79 with 118 dual 8" DSDD drive system $6191.39
with Ill dualS" DSOO drive system 11691.19 with 190 19MB Winchester subsystem and one 80 track . $1391.39
with 190 19MB Winchester subsystem and one 80 track SU91.79
with a 47MB Wnchester subsystem and one80 track $10,891.19 GIMIX DOE.S NOT GUARANTEE PERFORMANCE OF ANY GIMIX SYSTEMS, GIMIX Will allow you up to S1100.00 credit toward the purchase
w1th a 47MB plus a 6MB removable pack Winchester of any GIMIX System when you trade-In your worlung Color Com­
subsystem and one80 lrack dr1ve $12,391.79 puter, peripherals. and onglnat sottware The trade-in value Is
limited to 110% of the RADIO SHACI(lll list price at the time your
EXPORT MOOELS: ADD S30 FOR 50Hz. POWER SUPPliES. order Is placed. You pay the freight. This offer Is good only In the
TO OADEII BY MAl.: SEND CHECK OR MONEY OROEA OR USE YOUR VISA OR Continental u.s.: Is limited to the first 100 orders. and expires on
MASTER CHARGE P!Nse '*""" 3 -ks tor per$01111 Cheelcs to c:leil U.S orders� GIMIX, Inc. reserves the right to Chartge pricing. terms, and products
SS handling H Oilier Is unclel S200 00 Rnlgn 0«1e11 add $10 llandUng n ordel Is 9/30/84 . Only one trade-In per customer.
t s at any tlme wllllout further notlce
under S200 00. foreign orders OYer $200 00 wll be shiPI*l YJa Emery � freigf!t
COlL£CT. and we wil charge no llandling AI orClefs �!l�St De pttp�fcl in u S funds AU PRIC ES ARE F. O. B. CHICAGO
!'Ieise noce 11\at foreign chedcs 1\a\'1 been taldng abOut a weeks fcf ccllecllon $0 we

would advise wiring money. or cheoks drawn on a bink a=�Unlln lhe U S OUt bink
Contact GIMIX lor price and avallablhty of UniFLEX and UniFLEX GMXIII
1$ C1e Continentallllnois Nalionii!Wik o1 Cl'licago. 231 S USalle S!teet. Cllbgo. ll
60693. i!CtOUnt f73.32033. Systems.

NOTE on aft drive systems: Dual 40 track drives have about 700KB ol lor·
1337 WEST 37th PLACE
(o) BASIC-o9 and OS·91te trademarks ol MICIVtltlft Sy$11111\S C«p and MOTOROlA. Inc CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60609
FUX and Ul'llfl£X are lrllleiNf1cs ol TIICIInbl Sys'-"S Con$ubnls, Inc matted capacity: dual 80's about 1,400KB. dual 8" about 2.000K B The
GIMIX. GHOST. GloiX, ClASSY CHASSIS. ¥1 ndiiNI1cs ol GJMJX. tnc formatted capacity of hard ds
i ks Is about 80% of the total capacity. (312) 927-5510 • TWX 910-221·4055
II* GIMIX "C •·114

Microware presents 4 new
OS-9 software packages.
programs: Most can be used as "filters" using OS-9 pipeline

facilities. Included are:
LEVEL II 0 - unformatted directory listing with "wild card" matching
PRINT SPOOLING SYSTEM Ctlmpi'8$S - does character compression on text files.
Expand- restores a "compressed" file to the original state.
This versatile package gives your OS-9 Level Two System a Split - breaks a file into smaller files.
complete print spooling management capability for lime­ Space - indents lines with optional spacing between lines.
sharing applications. Features of the spooling system are: Code - decodes any key on a keyboard to hex.
• Handles up to seven independent spooling devices and Osott - quick sort for small fifes, directories. etc.
queues with "print on first available device" feature. Pr - versatile formatted file printing utility.
• Prints large block header pages between listings with date. Tr - transliterates text pattern to substitution pattern.
time, user name and job name. Grep - searches fife for a pattern and prints matching lines.
• Multiple listing copy option. Xmode - same "tmode" except changes are made to the
• Complete forms change capability for each job and device. device descriptor.
• Prints formatted or unformatted listings. Ctlunt - counts words, lines, or characters within a text file.
• Status command displays print queues and status. Suggested List Price $85.00
• User can kif/ or change priority of queued jobs.
Available only for OS-9 Level Two Systems.
SUggested List Price: $150.00 Manual Only: $15.00


A collection of games and other interesting programs that

are not only entertaining but serve as good instructional
MACRO ASSEMBLER examples of Basic09 programming techniques. All programs
include complete Basic09 source files and can be easily edited
At fast - a full feature relocatable macro assembler and to run on standard alphanumeric or graphics terminals.
linkage editor for OS-9. RMA permits sections of assembly
Blkfik - A Vegas-rules blackjack game.
language programs to be independently assembled to
Clk - graphical display of a wall clock on your terminal.
"relocatable object files': The linkage editor takes ant number
Dogs - Greyhound racing with simulated graphics.
of program sections and/or library sections and combines
Eliza - Basic09 version of the famous artificial intelligenc e
them into a single executable OS-9 memory module. Global
simulation of natura/language dialogue with a psychiatrist.
data (including indexed and direct addressing modes) and
Ha iku - Program that creates original "haiku" prose.
program references are automatically resolved in the pro­
Ouest - a mini .!'Adventure" game.
cess. The macro facility permits commonly used statement RBI!- find your way out of a computer-generated maze­
sequences to be defined, then used within the program with
from a rat's point of view.
appropriate parameter substitution. RMA also supports con­ Towen - a graphical display of the solution to the "Tower
ditional assembly and library source files. of Hanoi" puzzle.
SUQQfSted List Price: $200.00 Manual Only: $20.00 SugQested List Price: $85.00



Mlc10ware Systems Ctlrporalion

Introducing a special toolbox for OS-9 users who do a lot P.O. Box 4865 • Des Moines. lA 50304
of file manipulation! A collection of 12 useful OS-9 command 515-279-8844 Telex 910-520-2535

OS.IMd».,. tr� ol Wictow•• aftCt �

u.r.t. .....�olhll.o.

4 '68' Micro Journal

THE 68oo-6809 BOOK
By: Ronald W. Anderson
As published in 68 MICRO JOURNAL'"

The publishers of 68 MICRO JOURNAL are proud to announce the publication of Ron Anderson's FLEX USER NOTES, in
book form. This popular monthly column has been a regular feature in 68 MICRO JOURNAL SINCE 1979. It has earned the
respect of thousands of 68 MICRO JOURNAL readers over the years. In fact, Ron's column has been described as the
'Bible' for 68XX users. by some of the world's leading microprocessor professionals. Now all his columns are being
published, in whole, as the most needed and popular 68XX book available. Over the years Ron's column has been one of
the most popular in 68 MICRO JOURNAL. And of course 68 MICRO JOURNAL is the most popular 68XX magazine

As a SPECIAL BONUS all the source listing in the book will be available on disk for the low price of: FLEX·· format only- 5H
$12.95- an $16.95 plus $2.50 shipping and handUng. if ordered with the book. If ordered separately the price of the disks
will be: 5" $17.95- 8" $19.95 plus $2.50 shipping and handling.

Listed below are a few of the TEXT files included in the book and on diskeHe.

All TEXT files in the book are on the disks.

LOGO.C1 File load program to offset memory - ASM PIC

MEMOVE.C1 Memory move program - ASM PIC
DUMP.C1 Printer dump program - uses LOGO - ASM PIC
SUBTEST.C1 Simulation of 6800 code to 6809, show differences - ASM
TERMEM.C2 Modem input to disk (or other port input to disk)- ASM
M.C2 Output a file to modem (or another port)- ASM
PRINT.C3 Parallel (enhanced) printer driver - ASM
MODEM.C2 TTL output to CRT and modem (or other port) - ASM
SCIPKG.C1 Scientific math routines- PASCAL
U.C4 Mini-monitor. disk resident. many useful functions - ASM
PRINT.C4 Parallel printer driver. without PFLAG- ASM
SET.C5 Set printer modes - ASM
SETBAS1.C5 Set printer modes - A-BASIC
(And many more)

··over 30 TEXT files included In ASM (assembler)- PASCAL- PIC (position independent code) TSC BASIC-C. etc.

NOTE: .C1,.C2. etc.= Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc.

This will be a limited run and we cannot guarantee that supplies will last long. 0 der n w for early delivery.
Foreign Orders Add $4.50 S/H
Softcover - Large Format

Book only: $7.95 + $2.50 SIH

With disk: 5• $20.90 + $2.50 SIH

With disk: a· $22.90 + $2.50 SIH

See your local S50 dealer/bookstore or order direct from:

Computer Publishing Inc.

5900 Cassandra Smith Rd.
Hixson, TN 37343
(615) 842-4601 •
NFLEX is a trademark of Technical Systems Conaultanta
'68' Micro Journal 5
Smoke Signal's VAR/68"' gives you:
• Fabled Chieftain performance that led the • Proven reliability backed by our exclusive
pack in tough Benchmark surveys Endurance-Certification Program

• Integrated. easy-to-use software that covers • Extremely good looks and unsurpassed
your complete business needs operator comfort

(2) Our Advance-Replacement program IS yours for

a low fixed charge (3) You get mstant diagnostic
serv1ce by telephone It's free (4) Normal repa1rs
are handled with super speed (5) Software and
hardware suppon are part of domg busmess wtth
Smoke Stgnal


Powerful busmess appllcallon programs are tngenl­
ously tnterhnked to g1ve even untratned operators a
qutck, smooth upper hand The VAR 68 IS a joy for
ferst-t1me users, and an unprecedented pr0duct1v1ty
tool for anyone who wants new dtmenstons of control
over cnt1cal busmess matters

Thts screen tells part of the story


That pnco buys you a VAR/68 computer w1th multi­
user. mulll·task1ng capab1ht1es. and an ergonom1cally
dos1gned terminal You get t28K RAM-expandable
to t m b Eight senal ports, up to 16 1f desired Two
parallel ports and more are ava1lable Plus a long
list ol olher Impressive capabll111es

Smoke S1gnal's experience allows us to olfer OS-9 and

other UNIX-like. and mulll·user operating systems.

The styling IS completely new fashioned lor the

utmost m operator comfort And it's remarkably GET A BIG DISCOUNT ON YOUR
compact VAR/68 1s a combmation of great perfor­ INITIAL ORDER
mance and good looks demanded by the office of Most re-sellers can save up to 42 percent-even on
tOday small orders Smoke S1gnal's pnce schedule 1s a
powerful proltt-maker for dealers of almost every
{1) Your new computer 1s Endurance-Cert1f1ed before
delivery Thais an exclus1ve quality-assurance process MORE INFORMATION ON THE VAR/68
that guarantees perfect operat1ons from day one COMPUTER FAMILY

Products and Support for VARs

31336 Via Colinas • Westlake Village, CA 91362-3984 • (818) 889-9340

6 '68' Micro Journal

50% TO 75% OFF LIST

Seven year11 ago, Smoke Signal was founded t o sell state·OI·the·
art computer products, by mall, to Individual professional pro­
grammers and hardware engineers. At that time, most b1g
companies did not believe In the power or future of micro·
computers lor serious computing applications Only after you,
the 1ndlv1dual compuler user, proved the vlablltty of the mocro· PRODUCTS
computer was Smoke Signal able to sell systems lor business The hear1 of all these upgrade k1IS Is SMOKE SIGNAL'S new
uses. However, as wo progressed to become the leader In SS·SO
systems, we had to add the sales and technical support services
SCB-68K 8 MHz CPU Board. Thts standard iSYl" x 9")
board w11l replace a SCB-69 CPU Board in any SMOKE SIGNAL
demanded by these bus1ness customers- and our prices tor computer with current rev1slon boards ThtS board contains a
complete systems reflected these added costs.

reat·tlme clock with battery back·u 2 EPROM slots lor up to
With the introduclton ot our 68000
prOducts, we wanted to lind a 64K bytes ot storage, a MACSBUG l.i type monitor along wllh an
auto boot loader and a mnemonic disa,ssembler. plus many more
way to say thanks 10 you. our original customers, the lndlvodual
computer users, and still offer complete sales and techn1cal features
support to our business customers tor complete systems We All upgrades also come standard with REGULUSTM. a UNIX ltke
think this offer accomplishes both of these goals. We are offer. oporatrng syslem which Is totally compatible with UNIX. REG·
tng you a cho1ce of upgrade kits that will brrng any SS·SO ULUS supports real·tlme tasks. shared memory, record locking
computer up to the electrocal equ1va1ent ot our complete 68000 and conta1ns a shell similar to the Berkeley C shell. Along with
computer systems at prices far below complete system prices the operating system, you get C, an edttor. assembler,llnklng
In tact, the proces offered are 50% or more off our normally tow loader, Interactive debugger and a word processor.
proces tor the components contained In the upgrade kits SMOKE SIGNAL Is also including on many ot the kits the OCB-4A
double denstty floppy controller wh1ch can handle up to tour 5"
This spec1at offer os 1tm1ted 10 one upgrade kol per customer and
and tour 8" floppies and contains IK of buller RAM tor last disk
1s our way ot saying thanks to those of you who had confidence
translers: the PSA·I Wrnchester/Tape DMA Interlace board
1n us from the beginning.
wh1ch has taps tor SASI and Priam disk Interfaces as well as a

THE UPGRADES tap tor 90 Ips tape streamers wh1Ch are supported under both
REGULUS and OS9™: e1ther a M·256·X or M·512·X dynamic RAM
The following upgrade kits wore designed so that •ny SS·SO
board with over two years ot held proven rellabll1ty: and the LMB·
system can be upgraded to 68000/UN IX.
t A heavy duty motherboard with gold plated connectors.
SWTP UPGRADE . . . . . • . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,800.00 extended and on·board baud rate generator with ten
Contains: U.4B·IA SS·SOC Motherboard,OCB-4A ttoppy con. selectable baud rates.
troller. PSA·I Winchester/Tape DMA Interface. SCB-68K
68000 CPU, SER·2 dual serial board, 5Mb Winchester and
controller, power supply, all cables, and REGULUS.
Software and Software Support os avatlabte only Irom Smoke
GIMIX UPGRADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . $2,500.00 S1gnat dealers. Spread Sheet. Word·Processing, Relational
Contains: Same as SWTP Upgrade except allows you to use Database, C. Basic and Cobol are all ava1labte now. Additional
your GtMIX motherboard, seroal board and Winchester power system's soltware Is becom1ng available every day because ot
supply the UNIX compatibility,
Users of standard SMOKE SIGNAL systems may choose one of SMOKE SIGNAL deators are also ollering Microware's
the following upgrade k1 ts: OS9168K™ 10 purchasers of these upgrade kits. SMOKE SIGNAL
For SSB lloppy based systems: will oller other M1croware 68000
products as they become
SS·FD UPGRADE $2,100.00 available.
. . • . . • . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . .

Contains: SCB-68K CPU, PSA·I Winchester !Tape OMA

Interface. 5Mb Winchester and controller. power supply, all SUPPORT
cables. and REGULUS. Even at these "lower lhan PC" prices. we're not going to leave
you with "PC" type support. We've arranged with one ol our very
For SSB Winchester based systems:
technically qualified dealers to provide you with add�n software
SS·HD UPGRADE SSOO.OO and technical support. In addition to answering your Questions
68008 CPU and REGULUS.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conta1ns: SCB-68K
on how to convert your system to the 68000
. he has a group ol his

customers wno are themselves computer exports who are join·

COMPLETE SYSTEMS lng In a network that will help with even the most technical
SMOKE SIGNAL Is also mak1ng available complete VARI68K™ questiOns. We hope you will contribute your Ideas to the network
so that we all can benefit from new and fresh thinking. Complete
systems at dramatic discounts. Thos offer 1s only available
details of the support available are Included with the upgrade
through SMOKE SIGNAL dealers. Contact SMOKE SIGNAL
directly tor Information about how to order a complete VARI68K
--··•••••••••• ORDER FORM ••••••••••••••

order wtll shipped

Ftll ln your na,., .o<�ress end phone number below. Your be

RULES OF THE OFFER ��e:�ce·:��1eC:a��t,:c�::. -gA �:�o��f.��::"��;e 1':::'::. ���:ta���

amount tor your order ano ct>eck pay,.nt method below.
1) Limit, one upgrade system per customer.
Nome -- 0 SS.FD UPGRADE $2100---
2) Prices valid through Oecember31, 1984.
Address 0 ss.t1D UPGRADE

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and a motherboard such as the LMB·IA wlth extended 800


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Mlcrowere: MACSBUG Ia a tredemarl< Ol MotorOlelnc.

• Regulua the 08 offered Ia UNIX Competlble

'68' Micro Joumal 7

Don F ornsworth of Polm Beech Software <end of recent
Flex User Notes " greet debote" feme) sent me prellmlnory 118rslons of his
SPELLS . I gove It o workout end responded with S811erol
Ronald"'· Anderson suggestions, ell of which were taken seriously. Both D11n
J5-40 Sturbridge Court 11nd -,feel that the flnol result was better for hevlng hod
two people look ot ft.
Ann Arbor, loll 48105
W h e n I f i r s t r e c e i v e d PL/9 I m11de o number of
su ggestions for Improvements In feotures end I found
Gr&hem Trott, Its outhor, most willing to lis +en. Merry of
Bells end Whistles or Bricks end Morter? the sugge sted Improvements were frnplemented end the
rest at leost brought forth 11n explonotlon o'( why they
I recently have been doing some thinking about couldn't be odded.
software ogeln. This topic Is the result of "'f hevlng
looked ot o couple of products over the post seYerol More Complier Oebote Evidence
months. As usuol, let me Stlf first thot I em not out to
pick on onyone In portlculor, so I will use no nemes. I know, I sold lest time th11t the topic hod been
W het I om stl(lng Is thot the outhor of software nor-molly exh ousted, but something hos hoppened since then. Let
becomes so Involved In the detail thot he can't see the me give you o cose hlsfury of o project In which I hove
overoll picture very cleorly. (I Include rrPfself In these been ln110lved. 11118 mentioned this previously, but It hos
remorks). Becouse of this tendency, sometimes, the come to o conclusion so I c11n report flnol results.
softwore writer will Include o "cute" feoture of merglnol
use to the user, while completely 011erlooklng some very Severol months ego, I recelll8d a coli from o C0111pony
freq\18ntly used feoture, either omlttlng It, or m11klng It thot needed some help with softwore. They hod o folrly
very 11wkword to use. complex colculotlon progrom thot thev hod written for o
6 800 In ossembler. The execution time for the
The first exomple might be 11 screen editor th11t I colcufatlon wos 160 seconds• "Send me the listing end o
received some time ego. I found th11t It would 11ctuolly non-disclosure ogreement, end I'll see whet con be done"
tot111 volues In 11 t11ble so th11t tot11ls could be run for I sold. The listing orrlll8d, end I found thot the mot�
rows or columns or both. Th11t Is o nice "whistle" by "'f pockoge wos 11 BCD 118rsI on. The scientitle functions EXP,
definition. I've never needed such 11 function In en LOG, e n d XTOY (In BASIC X'tY> were required. The
e d l tor, 11 n d If I did, It would be so e11sy to use 11 functIons were occurote enough1 but with the slow BCD
colculotor olongslde to do the totols, 11nd then type them orlthmetlc end overly complex Tunctlons, XTOY took 5
ln Now, I wos going Into this editor's feotures end seconds ell by Itself.
I discovered th11t fn order to Indent o poregr11ph, I hod
• • • •

to put the cursor 11t the first II ne of the p11regroph end A look ot the code for tlte colculotlons showed thot
type e sequence of Instructions. At that point, the the outhor hod used 8!'.5 end X
1'2 llberolly rother then the
p11rogroph would reform11t. Now to Indent the next much fester B"B"B end X"X. I changed those end then os
poregr11ph, It wos ogoln necessory to bump the cursor o f i r s t step_w r ote o new SQRifunctl on since the
down to fhot porogroph end type the sequence of p ockoge used XTO.5 for the squore root, end I knew thot
Instructions In ogoln. Worse, orry editing of the first to be o slow colculotlon. The result wos on execution
line of orry porogroph, would cause the Indent to be lost, tIme of 16 seconds· Next step was to write more
end the process for thot porogroph hod to be repeated. efficient scientific functions. Ttiot done, the time wos
down to 8 seconds.
I lmeglne th11t most of you have used screen editors by
n ow , end you know that most hove some prOiflslon for I hod mentioned switching to o blnory moth pocko90,
Indenting. The prob lem with the 11bove mentioned editor end we decided to go In thot direction for further
c o u l d be fixe d s imply by modifying the porogroph Improvement. I h!ld a math pockage thot I hod done
formatter routine so It would Ignore <end leove In pl11ce> previously, end I mode some lmprc:NaMnts to It, oddlng
orry feeding spaces ot the stort o f o new porograph. The t h e necesS!Iry scientific functions. Now, of course the
spoces could be Inserted bv sp11clng or tabbing 011er o colculotlons hod to be recoded to motch the new moth
few spoces ot the start of eoch porogroph, end would pockege. It wos obout o 12 hour chore to recode the 8
remoln there pennonentty. When I wrote the supplier of or ten poges of colculotlons end get them debugged.
the editor with the suggesti on, he epporently didn't Resulting execution time wos not quite what I hod hoped,
toke kindly to "'f crltlcr sm, end he hos not answered""' but It wos opproxlmetely 2.75 seconds. I could probobly
letter. I don't know obout everyone's oppllcetlons for with some hours of looking end heir pulling mon��ge to ge +
editors, but I would lm11glne thot o porogreph Indent thot down to 2.5 seconds or o little less.
would be performed vostly more times th11n totalizin g the
columns or rows In o toble of numbers. I c11n onry Stlf I wrote the customer thot I felt thIs wos about os well
thot this editor wos skimpy on the boslc building blocks os we could do with o 6800. Becouse the 6809 hos the
but contolned unnecessory frills. MUL Instruction thot does en 8 bit by 8 bit multiply In 12
microseconds <six on 11 2 MHz system> It should run
E xomple 2 Is o comp ller thet I looked ot recently. I conslderobly foster, portlculorly In light of the feet
found thot It had o nice feature thot would convert thot the scientific functions use mony murtlplles 11nd few
Integer numbers to the equlvolent Romon Numerels <In 11 d I v i d e s , so o s t o t o k e o d v o n t a g e of t h e 1 0 9 ' s
choice of upper or lower cose yetll. Th11t Is o nice cepobllltles.
fe11 ture thot merry users of the complier would never use,
end some would use lnfreq\18ntty. I found toter thot 11 I hove 11 6809 version of the blnory moth pock11ge, but
couple of very stondord feotures of the Oon:-PIIer hod not I w o u l d hove t o code the Imp rovements to moke It
been Implemented. On this cose, the version I received compotlble. I decided to test "'f theory obout the '09
wos o "very prellmlnory" one, and the missing feotures odv11ntoge by coding the colculotlon In PL/9 end seeing
ore being Implemented, but It struck me strange that how fosf It would run. Would you believe thot It ron In
the frills were done before the standard feoturesJ. 0.280 seconds? The MUL Instruction brought about o
Sfeed odVDntoge of neorlr' ten tl���es, In going to o 6809.
When I wrote some softwore some time ego, I was guilty I ve still not coded the 6809 blnory meth pockoge for
of doing some things "c'-rly" thot could neve been done compo tlblllty so I con't yet test It, but I'm bettlng It
In o way much more stand11rd to FLEX users. When this won't be much better (If 11ny> then the PL/9 results.
w11s pointed out to me by someone thot received a oopy
for comments, I was defensive on first reading of the I drew severo! conclusions from all this. First,
letter, but decided thot the c0111nts 111e were qulfe valid, Assembler code Is not Inherently fest. It has to be
and I changed the software to make It oper11te In a efficiently coded to heve the speed odvontoge so g_llblv
monner mucfi 1110re os expected 11nd In keeping with FLEX. clollned by Its proponents. Second the processor UO£S
I think the result wos a greotly lmprOifed pack11ge. m o k e o di f f e r ence, t h o u gh t h e odvantoge of one
processor over onother w nt depend greotly on the
Perhaps this lndlcotes that not only Is e softwore appllcotlon. In o simple control application consisting
11uthor too close to the proJ ect to be able to write the mostly of AND end OR logic end shifts end rot o tes, the
Instructlon monuel, but that he llttlf also be too close to 6809 would hove no s peed odVIIntoge 0\fer the 6800, for
the project to be objectlve about the feotures th11t are exomple. Third, CQMP.IIed code Is not n�1arlly slOw or
Included. We ell have software that Is "almost". A Inefficient. The PL/9 output wos obout 20J forger then
second opinion would have mede most of that software 11t t h e best ossembler code version, end obout the some
leost "greet" If not perfect. size os the orlglnol osselllb l er code 118rslon.
While I om throwing bricks, let me olso pitch a couple As I stoted obove, the recodlng of the colculotlons
of bouquets• Though there Is reason to leave the bricks end the debug of the ossembler ¥erslon took obout 12
aimed ot folks who will remain enorrymous there Is no hours. It took no more then hoff on hour to write the
reason not to mention nomes for some posit 1ive feedback. PL/9 code. end It wos debugged In flll8 minutes on the

8 '68' Micro Joumal

second try. Now someone convince me that assembler was resolve the problem. If solving the problem meens giving
a better choice for this appllcatlonll I think this was a you the latest version of the product then you wnl get
felr test. The lob to be done wes clearly defined at the t he l11test version of the product free of charge. All
start. The cllore w a s s i m p l y o n e of c o d i n g the you have to do Is send me the ori ginal disk. You"ve had
celculetlons, end there wes n o edvantage gained bv my product for over 11 ye11r. I J ust released 11 new
h avl ng done one wrsIon ehead of the other. I em about version with all sorts of lmprO\Iel'llents. All you he��e to
e s femlllar with and experienced In assembler coding as d o Is send me S25.00 and the orlgln11l disk. I will send
In PL/9 so there was no advantag e one way or the other you the latest wrslon and 11 new manu11l (If eppllcable>."
due to familiarity. I wrote tl\e scientific functions
p ackege for the essembler wrsion, and was responslble Of course Wlndrush's guarantee Is the latter. Bill's
at least In part for the package In PL/9, so that there letter continues:
was no familiarity bias In that eree either. The fact Is
thet It Is much ees ler to code: "Asking for the original disk back may seem to be 11
waste of e��eryone's time until you consider the following
Z•C1-SQR<B"B+A*A*Al/3}ft1/3l points:
Than It Is to code: "l'le do not keep llr?f sales records from one year to the
next. Therefore we hiiVe n o way of verify ing whether
JSR MATH someone Is 11 'paid up' customer or 11 rlr-off artist. If
FCB PSH the customer can p roduce our orlglne disk then he Is
FOB ONE considered to be legltlmete . If he c��n't he Isn't.
FOB A "It prevents the customer from selling his old copy to
FCB CPY someone else, who then expects to get an upgrade for
FC8 CPY S25 .oor
FCB CPY "We have 11 greet desire to keep our administrative
FCB FML costs to e very low level. If our edmlnlstratlve costs
FCB FAD start to rise then we will h1111e to adopt policy II es It
FCB PSH will be the only way we could recover the losses.
FOB Tlft:E
FCB FOV "We lose mon ey on $25.00 upgrades and p ositively lose
FCB FSB money when we glw someone 11 copy of the latest version
FCB PSH to fTx a b@ he has dl sc011ered In 11 product that Is two
FOB ONE years old· The lellst the customer should be willing to do
FCB PSH l s to send us his disk back at 11 cost of l!bout $ 1 5.00
FOB THREE and walt bit for the replacement.
FCB SWP "It Is not really practlclll to send 'upgrade' pl!cks to
FCB EXT the distributors to stock liS there Is always the denger
JSR XTOY that they will be sold and neither we nor the author see
JSR MATH ar?( money from the Sllle.
FOB Z "The bottom line Is that for us to be able to support
policy 12 the customer has got to be willing to put up
I m e d e a couple of mistakes In co ding the above with a little delay. If you hlld lhe choice of payln� us an
example and hed to correct them Just now. "ultlply this
little example by 20 or so, and you get an Idea of the
order of magnItude of the project.

addltlonel $75.00 within 90 deys of purchll sfng the
product end $75 for eve yeer of melntenance you wanted
In return for the libIll to hone us for e free copy of
the letest vers lon (wl houf having to return the disk
Maintenance Polley first> would you pay lt7 I rest t1tf case."
I've recently been disturbed by what seemed to be BIll, thenks for the clerlflcetlon end defense of )'9ur
r e s t r i c t i v e p o li c i e s on t h e p a r t of W l n d r u s h poll c I es. Now they mllke rather good sense to me. I've
Mlcrosystems, end I wrote and told them so. Their reply always found Wlndrush responslw to reports of bugs.
to my criticism Is well thought out end It explains their One thing else to remember Is thet It takes 11bout ten
p olicies quite well, so, with their permission, I am going days for a letter from the U.s. to r!lllke It to England and
to explain here. about the same the other way. Of course I am talking
llbout air mall letters. In addition to the mell del11y,
My Irr I tet I on was over the fact that Wlndrush won't software authors sometimes �et busy or hl!ve other
provide a n upd11te of a customer's complier unless that c ommitment s o that the y can t drop everything and
customer r e t u r n s the original disk on which the search for a bug lmrnedlately.
s o f t w a r e w a s s u p plied, to England, fully Insured.
Wlndrush then will su p_plv the updete on the orlglnal d lsk1 Well, Don Wllllems tells me that I heve been getting 11
to the customer. � lrrltatlon was twofold. First, IT little too long winded llltely� so I lim going to give 1\lm
tekes 11 long time for 11 disk to m11ke 11 round trip to some space for some other sturf this time.
Eng land. Second, lnsurence end postege ere not cheep.
"Wt iy c��n't you he��e u. s. distributors provide upd11tes?"
I asked. Well, I found out. Let me quote from Bill
Dickinson's letter.
"The fact that we upgrade customers who report bugs
free of charge has got fo be worth the delay and cost of
post11ge back to tne U.K. If we wented to get clever we
would st11rt ch11rglng m11lntenence like ewrybody else.
I'll let you decide wh lch of the<sel two policies Is the
better one:
1. You buy "'r' product. You've got 90 days to report 11ny
problems with lt. If you find a bug on the 91st day you
have got to buy "'r' me lntenance contr11ct to get the bug SUPPORT YOUR
fixed. My maintenance contr11ct costs S7 5.00 per year.
You will heve to send me the ori ginal disks to get bugs
fixed on your malnten11nce contract. You've h11d t1tf
product for 011er e yeer. I just released 11 new wrslon
with all sorts of lmpr011ements. You hi!Ve not been paying
for mal ntenance so you will h!!Ve to pay for the upgrede
which Is 50J of the purchase price Of 11 new one. f you
h11ve paid me S75 11 year for the past two years you will
get the upgrade tree.
2. You buy t1tf product. If you find 11 bug I don't care If
you bought It last week or two years ego, I will try to

'68' Micro Journal 9

carelessly It can destroy Important Information.

OS9 USER NOTES BACKUP Is a relatively fast way to copy an entire

disk (It Is a very good thing to get Into the habit
of doing this>; perhaps a careful discussion of
by Peter Dibble BACKUP will encourage people to use It more.
Explaining DIR Is a good excuse to say a few things
("OS-9 Ueera lotee" Columnist;
about directories: one of the more Important
'68' JU.cro Jounua.l) features of OS-9. CHX and CHO also relate to
directories, and seem straightforward. What they
are supposed to do Is Iess Important to a person
The First Step Into OS-9
with a OS-9 on a small computer than their
unofficial side effects.
There has been some cal I recently for Information
for the beginning user of OS-9. Color Computer
users new to OS-9 feel swamped by the number of
details Involved In the operating system. This
The format command Is the flrst one to use. Until a
column Is an attempt to make OS-9 seem simpler to
disk has been formatted It Is unuseable to OS-9.
new users.
The format comman d writes a pattern on the disk
which marks the disk off Into sectors (which amount
The OS-9 operating system has started to
to pigeon-holes for OS-9 to store data In). After
develope a reputation for complexity and obscurity
writing the pattern format checks the disk to make
-- In other words, user hostll tty. It Is an unjust
certain the pattern Is recorded correctly on the
accusation. The thing that makes OS-9 appear
disk. If It Isn't, format will note that the
confusing Is the way It Is presented. There are
sectors where the errors occurred are faulty, and
many subtle features In the operating system, and a
those sectors won't be used to store data. Format
large array of utilities. The manuals that come
also writes some Information which wl I I be used to
with It could help but don't. The OS-9 manuals were
manage flies on that disk. In the process of doing
written as reference manuals, not tutorials. They
all this the format program completely erases the
drop everythIng on you at once. A n ew OS-9 user who
disk. If the disk Is fresh out of a box of new
1 s experIenced wIth computers or very brave shou Id
disks you can feel certain that there Is nothing on
read the manuals, wrap his mind around the whole
the disk that you care about, but, If It Is one you
thing, and sit down at the computer to enjoy OS-9.
are recycling, be very careful. After format Is
That Is the quick, brute force, way to learn OS-9,
started any data that was on that disk Is gone
but If It doesn't work for you, I recommen d a
gentler approach.

Put the disk you want to format In the drive

My copy of CoCo OS-9 Includes about fl fty
you aren't using for the system disk (I'm going to
111a ds.
c0111n A II these COIMII!nds are Important to at
assume you have your system disk In the drive OS-9
least some people, but most of them are only
calls /DO, and the disk you want to format In drive
confusing to to new OS-9 users. The entire English
/01 >. 1 nvoke the format command by typIng FORMAT
1anguage Inc Iodes more than a hundred thousand
/01 at the OS-9 prompt. The command line should
words, but most people only use fewer than twenty
look like:
thousand of them, and It Is possible to communicate
OS9:FORMAT /01 to which you should get tho
with a vocabulary of a thousand words or less.
Operating systems like Unix and OS-9 are very much
like English In that respect. Of alI the �nds
available under OS-9 about a dozen are really
READY? This Is format giving you a chance to
change your mind. It Is also a way for you to
The bare ml nllnum set of OS-9 commands are:
format disks If you only have one drive, by asking
format to format the disk In drive /DO and replacing
the system disk with the disk you want to format In
at this point. In either case double check that you
are about to format the correct disk. If you want
to be especially safe take your system disk out of
dr1 ve /DO at thIs poInt even If you are formattIng
the disk In drive one. There Is n o danger at alI of
format writing on the wrong disk, but you can't be
too carefu 1. If you reply N to the READY? prompt
shel 1 The shel I Is the program which processes
format wl II quit Immediately leaving the disk
the commands you type Into OS-9 and runs the other
Intact. If you reply Y, there will be a pause <2:5
commands. Several commands are built Into the
seconds on my CoCo>, then format wI I I prompt you for
shel 1. They are:
a name for the disk. The prompt will look like:
DISK NAME: At this point enter the name you
have assigned to the disk. The name can be up to 32
characters long and may Include blanks. Follow the
disk name with an ENTER. Format will now check the
disk. As It checks each track on the disk It will
setpr The on Iy sheI I COIIII!Iands that you rea I Iy
write the track number to the screen In hexadecimal
need to know are chd and chx, If you mean to do
(base 16 >. If you have a th lrty fl ve track drlve,
assembly language programmi ng you will also need:
the numbers wl I I be from 000 to 022. Then format
wll I print the message:
debug If you wit I be using Baslc09 you wll I
NUMBER OF GOOD SECTCAS: S000276 If the number
Is smaller than 276 <a base 16 number which Is 630
In decimal> some sectors were faulty.
If you want to deMonstrate to yourself that
Of all these commands there are four that need format dl d somethIng to the dl sk try the FREE
explanation especially badly. Format needs to be command on the new dlsk. Enter the COIIIn I!Ia d FREE
discussed because It Is dangerous; If It Is used /01. The command line should look like:

10 '68' Micro Journal

OS9:FREE /DI The response should be something
disk name CREATED ON 84/01/24
620 SECTORS Where "disk name" In the first line
of the response �II I be the name you gave the disk
�hen you for���etted It.


The next comman d to use after the format commend Is

August 1� 1� 1� 20
BACKUP. It Is crucial to have e backup copy of each
sof�ere distribution disk you have. If you make en Pre-Registration Only!
error that demegos the only disk �lth en Important
piece of soft�ere on It you �1 I I have to �elt until
you can got e replacement for the disk before you
can use your comput� egeln. Evon If the time
�ested �eltlng for the replacement disk Isn't • MORE INFORMATION
Important to you, consider that replacement disks
cost money. • MORE EXHIBITS

Seckup Is e relatively fest �ey to create en • MORE SPEAKERS

exact copy of e disk· It has lots of options, but
the simplest �ey to use the command Is to just give
the commend BACKUP. The commend II no shou I d Iook
OS9:BACKUP The response wl II be:
?: At this point put the disk you went to copy
In /DO end e formatted disk �hlch has nothing you
�ant to keep on It In drive /01. Then check the
disk In 101 BACKUP �II I erase
• • • anything that's
on that disk. When you are certain everything Is OK
typeY. Now BACKUP�III double check �lth you by • TECHNICAL
telling you the name of the disk In drive /DI. The
message �Ill look like: SESSIONS FOR
6809 & 68K
OK ?: If you reply Y to this, the backup from
the disk In /DO to the disk In /01 �I II take place.
The disk In 101 �Ill become en exact eopy of the
disk In /DO right down to the disk's name. ___p lan now to attend the 3rd Annual OS-9 User Seminar. Thls.­
ls an event you won't want to miss If you use, sell or are Inter·
The BACKUP commen d takes �hat seems like e long ested In systems that use Mlcrow�re 6809168000 softwlre.
time to run. There ere �o things that can speed It Informative round·llble discussions on almost every aspect
up. Ono Is to use tho -v option �hlch prevents the ----"f the design and use of Mlcrow�re softwlre will be held. A__
copy from being verified. I don't suggest that bigger and better exhibit area will have display booths from
anyone use this option. The other �ey to speed many of the leading suppliers of OS·9 compatible hardware
BACKUP up Is to Instruct OS-9 to give It extra and softwlre. Don't miss this chance to Increase your
memory to run In. BACKUP cen use extra memory to ___knowledge and skill In the latest microcomputer software _ _
run more quickly. BACKUP ren for one minute 58 technology - Register t.odaytll
seconds �hen I started It �lth the command line:
OS9:BACKUP Normal ly BACKUP uses 19 pages of
memory. If you give It more -- sey 100 pages Fee: $125
with the commend line:
OS9:BACKUP 100 It runs In one minute 48 location:
seconds. It Is also quieter because the heeds on
the disks don't load end unload as often.

The comman d �hlch tells you �hat files ere one your
disks Is the the Dlr (short for directory> comma nd.
I f y ou Just typo DIR after booting OS-9 you �III
get a response like


DEFS STARTUP This means that you ere
listing the current directory �hlch Is known by the
pseudonym "·" at 11:55:08 In the evening. The files
In that directory ere OS9800T, CMOS, SYS, DEFS, end
START\IP. Now, In feet only OS9BOOT and START\IP are
norma I f II es, the other three f IIes ere
subdirectories. Subdirectories ere such an
Interesting topic that they �ere the subject of
their own column some months ego, end �on't be
covered any more then absolutely necessary here. To
find out more about the files then their names use

'68' Micro Joumal 11

the command DIR E. somethIng unexpected where the dl rectory was. The
OS9:DIR E which wl I I respond: result could be any of a number of error messages.
DIRECTORY OF • 23:59:57 The solution to this problem Is to always give OS-9
a chance to locate the directories on a new disk by
CREATED ON OWNER NAME giving It Chd end Chx c ommands as necessary when you
ATTR START SIZE change dl sks.

83/06/02 1921 0 OS9BOOT There Is one lest tricky thing about the
---- -� A 3032 Chx/Chd commends' special use. If you keep things
83/06/02 1956 0 CMOS very simple It will seem that you only need to use
D-EWR� 3C 6AO the Chx commen d, but this Is Just a special case. I
83/06/02 2002 0 SYS suggest that you learn how to make directories end
0-EWREWR 164 AO use them as soon as you can, but, untlI you start
83/06/02 2002 0 OEFS using them, the new disks you use to store date wl I I
0-EWREWR 17F CO only have the directory FORMAT eutometlcel ly creates
83/06/02 2003 0 STARTUP <eel Jed the "root directory"), The root directory
---R-WR 1F5 E then It will stop Is aI waysat the same I ocatI on on a dIsk. Because
because the screen Is ful 1. When you ere reedy to of this special feet about the root directory OS-9
continue hit any key • • • I usually press the space Is always able to find It, end changing disks that
bar. That was the end of the directory, so alI you only have the root directory on them won't cause any
get after you let the output continue Is a few blank trouble. The execution directory Is usually not the
lines end a new OS9 prompt. root directory, so this special case doesn't
generally apply to lt.
Two of the fields In the DIR E output are of no
special Interest until you become an advanced OS-9 The set of commends I have mentioned In this
user: OWNER, end START. The first two fields for column might be considered a "starter set" for OS-9.
each flie ere the date end tl���e the flie was The dozens of comme n ds I left out are certainly
created. The date Is In the usual YYIMM/ DD format worth learning, but you can get OS-9 working with
end the time Is In HHMM format with hours ranging these few.
from 00 to 23. The attributes field contains
Information about whet the fl le can be used for. Oops
The Important thing right now Is that fl les with e D
as the first character In the attribute field ere neglected to mention a few months ego that OFiex
directories. Files with a dash as the first as reviewed In this column Is available only from
character In their attribute field ere normal flies. Glmlx. Richerd Don, the salesmen for Glmlx,
explained the geneology of Oflex to me. It Is Flex
by TSC adapted by Richerd Hogg to run under OS-9.
The other option which can be used with the DIR Glmlx provides enhanced disk Device Drivers to
commen d Is X. The X optIon Is a short hand way to support Flex's requirements, end made some
get the directory of the execution directory; that enhancements to Richard Hogg's design. Anyone who
Is, the directory OS-9 searches for programs, like takes out licenses from TSC end Richerd Hogg can
the commends, you ask It to run. The command line: set I Of lex, but the version I reviewed has features
DIR X wll I give you a rather long list of alI added by Glmlx.
the fIIes In your executIon dIrectory. I f you
haven't written any of your own programs, this wll I
be a list of ell the commands end utility programs
which came with OS-9.
press the
You wl II probably have to
space bar In the mid dle of the output of
•c• User Notes
this comme n d. It Is more then one page long. Edgar M. (lud) Pass, P�.D.
1454 La tu Lane
Chx end Chd COf!JerS, GA 30207

Chx stands for Change Execution Directory, Chd for

Change Date Directory. OS-9 expects to find elI
commands, whether they are pert of the operating
system or something you wrote, In the execution
directory. All flies that you don't mean to execute I NlROOUC TION
ere looked for In the data dl rectory. <There are
ways around both of these restrictions, but let's This month's column discusses the new Tandy C
skip that for now.> After you boot OS-9 you wll I complier for COCO OS/9 end provides en example of
find that the execution directory Is /DO/CMOS end the use of the C language In Interfacing with
the data directory Is /DO. If you have a second Interrupt-driven devices: In particular, the COCO
drIve ( I have been assumIng that you dol you w I II printer port.
probably went to use that for date. The c omm ana:
CHO /DI will cause ell future references to TANDY C COMPILER
date flies to look for them on /DI.
Tandy has recently begun marketing the Mlcroware
To speed OS-9 up, the location of the directory !McCosh> C complier for the COCO for $99.00. This
file on the disk Is kept In memory. This leeds to Is In sharp contrast to the Mlcroware cost of
the Important side effect of the Chd end Chx $250.00 for essentially the same product. It
c ommen ds. When you reed the directory OS-9 goes Includes Its own relocating macro assembler, for
directly to the directory's location on disk end which Mlcrowere asks $125.00, If purchased
starts reading • • • Imagine what would happen If you separately from the C complier.
fooled OS-9 by changing disks. You change disks end
type a com���and like For a COCO OS/9 user, the situation Is excellent, In
LIST F O O or even Just DIR. Your operating that Tandy has made a full ·c complier available for
system wll I start reeding where the directory Is $99.00, along with reasonably good documentation,
supposed to be. Since the disk with a directory at which Is e typeset version of the Mlcrowere C
the selected spot Is sitting In Its envelope and manuel. Even the relocating macro assembler Itself
scale other disk Is In the drive, OS-9 will find may be worth thA $99.00.

12 '68' Micro Journal

For non-coco OS/9 users, the situation Is not quite sources/sys/ld.a sources/sys/id.a
so clear. AlthO\Igh the price Is very good, there sources/sys/1 ntercept.a sources/sys/lntercept.a
ere several non-monetary disincentives to the use of sources/sys/Jo.a sources/sys/Jo.a
the Tandy c. sources/sys/make.sys 50\.lrces/sys/make.sys
sources/sys/mem.a sources/sys/mem.a
One obstacle which must be cleared Is the COCO OS/9 sources/sys/mlsc.a sources/sys/mlsc.a
format of the Tandy C diskette. There are several sources/sys/mod.a sources/sys/mod.a
means of solving this problem. If a COCO Is sources/sys/process.a sources/sys/process.a
available, the o. P. Johnson SDISK software may be sources/sys/profdummy.a sources/sys/profdummy.a
used to copy Jt to a standard OS/9 mlnl-floppy sources/sys/slgnal.a sources/sys/signal.a
format. If no COCO Is available, but a GIMJX system sources/sys/stat.a sources/sys/stat.a
with mlnl-flopples Is available, the GIMIX COCO sources/sys/syscal l.a sources/sys/syscal t.a
driver may be used to read the diskettes. If sources/sys/syscommon.a sources/sys/syscommon.a
mini-floppy diskettes are not acceptable, the flles sources/sys/tldyup.a sources/sys/tldyup.a
may be transmitted wlth one of the available modem sources/sys/time.a sources/sys/tJme.a
programs from one system to another.
The only differences between the versions, In terms
A small problem wlth the Tandy C package concerns of the f IIe structures of the release dl skettes,
the fact that Jt does not Include the K & R C book, Involve the organization of the compl lers and the
while the Mlcroware C package contains ft. The file "sources/sys/ccdevlce.a". As far as could be
highest price noted for thls book Is S19.95, from determined, the contents of the corresponding
Mlcroware. non-executable fl les on the release diskettes are
Identical. The "ccdevlce.a" file provides a simple
Another disadvantage with the Tandy C for OS/9 Level means of changing the assumed device containing the
2 users Js that only the version of C for OS/9 Level DEFS and LIB fl les. Since this Is assumed not to be
1 Is Included, whereas the Mlcrowere C provides a problem with COCO OS/9, It Is not provided on the
versions of C for both OS/9 Level 1 end OS/9 Level diskette. However, the device strings In the
2. There may be subtle dl fferences In the versIons complier and preprocessor could be found and patched
of the compliers for the two levels of OS/9, but I If this were a problem In a particular environment.
em aware of no dlfferences aside from the obvious
one of two passes for the OS/9 Level 1 version. The objection to the use of the Tandy vers Jon of C
on non-Tandy systems may present a problem to
For new users, the Tandy C complier Is supported by copyright purists. Copyright lawyers disagree on
Tandy service and the Mlcroware C complier ls such usage, but most do not envision a conflict with
supported by the Mlcroware hot-llne. Both services the existing copyright laws, assuming the product Is
are free for the first ninety days, and available not used for resale. The standard Tandy copyright
for a fee subsequently. The Mlcroware support costs notice In the manuel does not prohibit the use of
$150.00 per year for alI products. the software on a non-Tendy system, and allows the
making of backup copies for the customer's use.
Following Js a table representing the combined
alphabetized directories of each of the C complier Hopefully, this discussion has clarified, not
release diskettes. obscured, the Issue of the use of Tandy C on
non-coco systems.
Mlcroware/McCosh Tandy
cmds.comMOn/c.asm cmds/c.asm INTERRUPT-DRIVEN DEVICES
cmds.common/c.llnk cmds/c.llnk
cmds.common/c.opt cmds/c.opt RecentIy, I had been attemptIng to get a modem
cmds.common/c.prep cmds/c.prep program working properly under COCO OS/9, using the
cmds .If / Internal printer port. The program Is written In C
cmds.ll/c.pessl cmds/c.passl end was already working on several non-coco
cmds.ll /c.pass2 cmds/c.pass2 6809-besed computers.
cmds.ll/ccl cmds/ccl
cmds.ll 1/c.comp The primary problems Involved the original RS2)2
cmds .11 l/cc2 driver module, which had several serious errors,
defs/ctype.h defs/ctype.h Including the lack of a status function and Its
defs/dIrect.h defs/dlrect.h lnebl llty to process characters properly at any rate
defs/errno.h defs/errno.h over 300 Baud. After procurIng a rep Ia cement modu Ie
defs/modes.h defs/modes.h from Dele Puckett and rewriting It to correct the
defs/module.h defs/module.h status function end other problems, Its performance
defs/os9.h defs/os9.h continued to be unacceptable.
defs/os9defs.a defs/os9defs.a
defs/setj,..,.h defs/setjmp.h The primary problem with the original and revised
defs/sgstat.h defs/sgstat.h RS232 modules concerns the bit-banging nature of the
defs/slgnaf.h defs/slgnal.h printer port when used for Input. The original
defs/stdlo.h defs/stdlo.h module pol Is for characters on each Interrupt and
defs/tfme.h defs/tlme.h has no Input or output character queues. The
llb/cllb.l llb/cllb.l revised module uses the FIRQ Interrupt to signal the
llb/cstart.r llb/cstart.r beginning of an Input character, and places the
sources/llne.c sources/If ne.c charocters Into an Input queue, but norma IIy
sources/prof.c sources/prof.c receives characters properly only until Its queue Is
sources/rdump.c sources/rdu,..,. c fuI 1.
sources/sys/abort.a sources/sys/abort.a
sources/sys/access.a sources/sys/access.a With either module, to ensure proper timing,
sources/sys/ccdevlce.a Interrupts must be masked during the reception or
sources/sys/cflnlsh.a sources/sys/cflnlsh.a transmission of characters from or to the printer
sources/sys/change.a sources/sys/change.a port. The Input routine wafts until half of the
sources/sys/comp.sys sources/sys/comp.sys first bit time has elapsed, then checks the status
sources/sys/cstart.a sources/sys/cstart.a o f the line for each bit time to determine which bit
sources/sys/dlr.a sources/sys/dlr.a pattern Is on the Input line. The output routine

'68' Micro Journal 13

places the appropriate signal on the output line for Xunmkpla enables the flrq Interrupt.
the time corresponding to each bit time, In order to
construct the ASCII chorocter code, w lth Xoutplo transmits a character at the specified baud
transmission envelope of one start bit and one stop rote.
Although It may bother OS/9 purists, the functions
All other processing on the COCO Is restricted to shore a work area Into which they store data on a
the time beNeen character reception or pc-relotlve basis. This could hove not eosl ly been
transmission. If chorocters ore being received or avoided, because of the Interrupt-driven nature of
transmitted continuously, the time beNeen the code. However, the COCO has only one printer
characters Is only about ten percent of the port, and thus It con logically hove only one owner
available time for processing. The overhead active at any point In time, so sharable code Is not
Involved with OS/9 uses up most of this small a problem.
amount, leaving the program on Insufficient amount
of time to process Input data, even If only stuffing There are a few rules the C driver program must
the characters Into memory, and the queue overflows obey. The primary one Is that It moy not
If enough characters are received to fl II lt. arb 1 trar II y man Ipu Iate the queue head and ta II
pointers. In particular, It should oot directly
1 decided to change the concept of the character modify the head pointer and should advance the toll
col lectlon process to that of on Interrupt-driven pointer by one and only after removing each
handler depositing the Incoming characters Into a character fran the buffer. If the buffer Is
large <possibly circular> buffer, from which the C circular, the tal I pointer must be reset to the
program could dr8W the characters. This helps beginning of the buffer when It overflows the end of
reduce the OS/9 overhead and postpones the the buffer. The overflow flag Is actually a counter
queue-ful I situation until the circular buffer of the number of characters which could not be
overflows, which may oot occur If the user Is placed Into the buffer; It moy be zeroed after
careful In what the COCO Is requested to receive. 1 nterrogatlon.

The real point of the Inclusion of the C functions The COCO must not be requested by any user, not only
described below Is not to demonstrate how to use the the printer port user, to perform operations <such
printer port on the COCO, but to provide a concrete as disk 1/0) which would cause Interrupts to be
example of the use of C programs with Interrupt masked during periods of character reception, or
drivers. Many other situations will be similar to Input characters moy be lost. Since OS/9 Itself
this one, and wll I often be more complex, especially periodically masks Interrupts to perform such
In the area of output. operations such as timer service routines, the exact
time delay between the start of the character and
The COCO printer connector must be wired as follows: the start of the f Irq hand IIng routIne w 1I I vary
pins I and 2 received data slightly. This may cause on occasional garbled
pin J ground Input character at higher baud rates.
pin 4 transmitted dote
In order to allow a FIRO Interrupt to be generated The program must col I xlnltpla to establish the
at the beginning of each character. routine's necessary pointers, vectors, and flags.
During periods when no characters ore to be placed
The output charocters ore written directly to the Into the buffer, the xmaskplo function should be
port, since there Is no Interrupt to ·Indicate that used. Conversely, when characters ore to be ol lowed
the port Is ready for output, as In the ACIA and Into the buffer, the xunmkplo function should be
other chips more suited for serial output. used. The xtermpla function must be used before the
Characters are transmitted and received as eight-bit program terminates; It disables the flrq Interrupt
bytes with no parity. and restores the f lrq vector.

The C program controls the processing of the Input The baud rote delay factor specifies the number of
and output characters thru a group of functions, the delay loops required to correctly receive or
logic of whlch Is Implemented thru transmit characters on the printer port. The
assembler-language text. They ore as follows: following table provides the suggested delay factors
for certain standard baud rates:
xlnltplo sets up pia and flrq
xtermpla resets pia and flrq baud rate de I ay f ector
xresbuf resets buffer pointers 110 S04cc
xmoskpla disables flrq JOO SOibf
xun"*.plo enables flrq 600 SOOde
xoutpla transmits one character 1200 S006d
2400 SOOJ6
Xlnltpla establishes the boundaries of the large 4800 SOOib
buffer, the addresses of the head and toll queue 9600 SOOOe
pointers, the address of the overflow flog, the 19200 S0007
circularity state of the buffer, and the baud rate
delay factor. It establishes the flrq vector, but Because baud rates may vary by as much as ten
disables the flrq Interrupt Itself. It calIs percent from device to device, some modification In
xresbuf to reset the queue pointers and overflow the suggested values may be required In specific
flog. cases to reduce the error rate.

Xtermpla restores the original flrq vector and The functions just described are presented below,
disables the flrq Interrupt. along with a simple moln function which displays the
characters Input Into the buffer from the printer
Xresbuf resets the head and tall queue pointers to port. In order to provIde a term 1 nat 1 on poInt, the
the beginning of the buffer, sets the circularity buffer Is made non-circular and the program
state of the buffer, and resets the overflow flog. terminates when the buffer Is ful 1.

Xmaskpla disables the flrq Interrupt.

"68" Micro JoumaJ

.ain II t buicp
• basic pia input driver
char buf H 10001; •
• char thud,tliiI;
basicp pshs d,dp,x,y,u stack other registers
int over;
leax Morka,pcr build dp-register
tfr x ,d
xun1kpia II;
tfr a,dp
•hile ltail<=•buff(999Jl
ldd baud,pcr baud delay factor
cepd ISOOOb >9600 baud
•hile lhead==taill;
bhi basicl Mait for rest of st•rt bit
putchar lttail++l;
ldb l$09 get bit count
pshs b hoi d it
bra basicS get the character
basicl lsra divide delay factor in half
rorb for start bit
xinitpia lbuff,bufe,head,tail,over,circ,baudl
subd l$0005 overhead
char tbuff,tbufe,•head,•tail,•over;
basic2 subd l$0001
int circ,baud;
bne basic2 tite half bit
ldb l$09 get bit count
pshs b hold it
basic3 ldd baud,pcr baud delay factor
• initpia ILbuff,,bufe,,head,,tail,&over,circ,baudl
subd lf0005 overhead
t initialize pia and start processing
basic4 subd 1$0001

bne basic4 ti•e full bit
initpia pshs cc,dp,x
basicS ldb Sff22 get inco1ing bit
orcc ISSO 1ask interrupts
lsrb hold bit in cc
Jdx 1Sff20 point to pia
ror <•orka build the character
clr SOI,x data direction
dec 1s decredst bit count
Ida ISfe set rs-232 lines
bne basic3 done •ith character?
sta ,x eostly output
puis b
Ida l$36 set data register
Ida Sff20 clear pending interrupt
sta SOl ,x
Ida <•orka get character
Ida llparlas-parfirl initialize internal storage
ldx (head,pcrl get head pointer
leax SOa,s point to first para1eter in stack
sta ,x+ put character into buffer
Jeay parfir,pcr point to storage
capx Ctail,pcrl check tail pointer
initlp ldb ,x+ copy paraeeter list
beq basic7
stb ,y+
c1px bufe,pcr check for end of buffer
bls basic6
bne initlp
ldd [circ,pcrl check circular flag
ldd circ,pcr reset buffer pointers and flags
beq basic7
pshs d,x,y,u
ldx buff,pcr reset to start of buffer
lbsr resbuf
basic6 stx Chead,pcrl set ne• head pointer
puis d,x,y,u
bra basic9
leax basicp,pcr set ne• firq vector
basic7 ldd (over,pcrl incr overflo• flag
ldy lfrqos9 os/9 firq vector address
· addd UOOOI
ldd IS7ecd cheer for flex
beq basic9 ensure no rollover
cepd ScdOO
std lover,pcrl
bne initos
basic9 puis d,dp,x,y,u restore other registers
cepd Scd03
rti return to the original ta5k
bne initos
ldy lfrqflx flex firq vector address
t interrupt handler storage areas
ldb ,y flex firq ju1p

stb oldj1p,pcr
parfir equ • first paraeeter
sta 1 y+ ju1p
buff fdb SOOOO address of start of buffer
initos sty oldadr,pcr
bufe fdb $0000 address of end of buffer
ldy ,y reee1ber firq vector
head fdb SOOOO address of head pointer
sty oldfrq,pcr
tail fdb fOOOO address of tail pointer
stx (oldadr,pcrl replace firq vector
over fdb $0000 address of overflo• flag
puis cc,dp,x
eire fdb $0000 circular buffer flag
lbra overfirq
baud fdb $0000 baud rate delay factor

'68' Micro Journal 15

po&rlii equ t list po1ro111ter uutpio1 II

oldidr fdb SOOOO old firq iddrtss {

oldjap feb SOO old firq juap hu
oldfrq fdb SOOOO old firq vector ...............

worko1 feb SOO work o1re1 • uskpi• ()

frqos9 equ S0030 os/9 firq vector t diso�ble firq frot p!o1

frqflx equ SOIOf fltx firq vector
overfirq equ t tukpio& pshs cc
1tndo1u orcc ISSO task interrupts
ld• lf34 disable firq fro• pio1
st• Sff21
ldo1 Sff20 cle•r pending interrupts

xhrapi• II clr• return zero

{ clrb
hst puts cc
Ufttfttttftttf lendist
• tertpi• ()
tertin•te pia processing

tertpi• pshs cc,x xunakpio1 ()

orcc ISSO ••sk Interrupts {
bsr tiskpii east firq fro• pi• hsa
ldd oldfrq,pcr restore firq vector ...............

ldx oldo&dr,pcr t unakpi• ()

std ,x t eno&ble firq fro• pi•
ctpx llfrqflx+l) chect for flex
bne tertpix unakpio1 pshs cc
Idol oldjtp,pcr restore jutp orcc ISSO 1o1sk interrupts
sti -SOI,x ldi IS35 eno�ble firq fro• pi•
tertpix clra return zero sh Uf21
clrb ld• Sff20 clear pending interrupts
puis cc,x clri return zero
lendut clrb
puis cc

xresbuf lcire)
!nt eire;
( xoutpio1 lchrl
las• cho1r chr;
tttttttttfttfff {
• resbuf lcircl hst
reset buffer pointers and flags ...............
t outpio1 lchrl
resbuf pshs cc send one ch•r•cter to ptol
orcc ISSO task interrupts t

bsr taskpia tisk firq frat p11 outpii ldb l$09 nutber of bits to output
ldd buff ,per pshs b,cc store bit count and interrupt flags
std [hud,per l clrb clear carry for st1rt bit
std £to�il,pcrJ orcc ISSO ••sk interrupts
ldd S07,s outpil !db IS02 pi• aask for I bit
std circ,pcr bcs outpi2 if carry set, write a I else write 0
clr• clrb pii task for 0 bit
clrb outpi2 stb Sff20 put tht bit on the line
std [over ,per 1 ldd bo�ud,pcr baud del•y f1ctor
puis cc subd l$0006 overheid
tend•s• outpi3 subd ISOOOl
bne outpi3 tite full bit
lsr S09,s shift cho1racter for next bit
dec SOI,s count bits

16 '68' Micro Journal

bne outpil continue tf tore bits
e x cep tion. When re g ist er varillbles are used on the
68008 though, the tlmes are reduced to less then half
ldb l$02 pia task for I bit 1
what They were. As far as assembler goes, the second,
pointer version of the program Is 11 better CQiliPIIrison
slb Sff20 put stop bit on line for the 6809 assembler test In the August 1984 68MJ.
ldb $ff20 clear interrupts The 2 MHz time there wes ).) seconds, while here It Is
2.2 seconds.
puls cc,b There Is another point that can be made here. To
clra return zero
get really good times for the 68008 usln9 11 high
ranguege , I needed to be able to keep vartables In the
clrb reglsters at ell times. As fer as I know, C Is the only
commonlY available language with this ability. Without It,
lendast a 68000 would offer little significant Improvement in
speed o v e r a 6 8 0 9 . It seems, then, that as our
m icroprocessors 8110111'6, the languages must do likewise.
I'm not re111ly suggesting that Pasc11l or the like should
a I low r e g I s t e r d e claration s. W e do need to have
l11nguages that do a much better j ob of optimizing the
object code that they produce, to fake advantage of the
lhh o0<1th'' coiiMin dilcyutd th hndy C c�allf lor COCO OS/9 power inherent in the new crop of chIps, though.
an� lht nt of • C pro,ru an drlvan' tht COCO pr i nhf pod alia'
anhrruDh to lndle�tt (npyt aptr•tion an ordtf to dtfllll to More on OS-9/681<
rtCtiYt lhf ChiHCttr\ IOU .CCUrlttly,
I'm getting this column out a little earlier than I
had plann ed, so I haven't recleved ...arslon 0.6 of OS-
9/68K yet. The remarks I have to make apply to version
0.5. I'll h11ve more to Stfo/ as the new versions come ln.
In 11ny case, these are ell still preliminary releases.
68000 USER NOTES F lrst of ell most of the utilities that I recleved
with Level 2 OS-9/6809 are present with the 68000
v ersion. Missing are display, echo, ident ll'erlfy, binex,
Philip Lucido and exbln. I cfon't particularly need b (nex and exbin,
2)20 Saratoga Drl¥1!1 but the others come In handy. In fact, I wrote my own
Sharpvllle, P� 161')0 display utility since I need It to configure my terminal in
the startup file. Hopefully, these should 1111 be present
In Jeter wrslons.
Most of the ut ilities run e little differently here.
The biggest difference has to do with the handling of
options In the command line. Now, all options must be
For this month's column, I ha...a the results of the preceded with a minus sign. This may be the hardest
prime number benchmark on my 68008. There are also adjustment to make when moving from OS-9/6809. I keep
listing s of the C and assembler progrems used In the ty pIng 'dlr e' when I should type 'dir -e'. Most ut 111 ties
test. I elso will cover the verious programs Included In now allow an option of '-1', whlch causes 11 summary of the
the OS-9/681< peckage a little more deeply. command to be printed on the standard error output.
As I mentioned last month, the dlr command has been
A Speed Test m a d e m o r e powerful, with the addition of wildcard
seerchlng as well as an option to output the flies found
W h e t would e new computer be without someone one per l1ne , without eny header Information. Most
Immediately t esting I t s speed? To perform the test, I utilities wh fch 11ccept a number of filenames In the
used the prime numbe r Sieve of Eratosthenes program, command IIne also accept the option '-z', which allows the
which has appeared in Ron Anderson's column, as well as Jist of flies to come from a text file or the standard
In Byte m11g11z lne ertlcles on benchmerklng. The test Input. Piping the results of e wildcard dlr command Into
consisted ol verlous versions of someC programs, as well o n e of these utilities gives the equivalent of the
es two 68000 essembler programs. All were run on 11 powerful wildcard file specification found In Unix, which
10 MHz 68008, and the C p rog rams were 11lso run on 11 c o m e s I n very hendy when performing such jobs liS
2 MHz 6809 for comparison. Mlcroware's C compiler was deleting 1111 of a group of related flies.
used with both the 6809 and the 68008. The pro grams There are several new utilities Included with the
were run for 100 Iterations, with the times In the table package. The 'inlz' utility performs an ISAttech command
adjusted for 10 Iterations for comparison with the on memory modules. ThIs command can be used to perform
previously pubIIshed benchmarks. the init i alization of a device driver. I h1111e used It to
The first C program Is a direct copy of the program start up e RAM disk drive which Is part of OS-9/681<. By
found in the January 1983 Bvte, p11ge 284. I first r��n running 'iniz rO', 32K of memory Is set aside as a f ast
the program a s written, with the scalar variables 1111 dIsk dr rve, referred to es /rO.
auto variables, that Is, variables located on the local A utility by the name of 'cfp', for Command File
stack. I then changed the variable declaration from Processor provides a method for submitting procedure
'tnt' to 'register l nt•. For the 6809, this caused the files with l(mlted parameter substitution. A text file Is
variable '1' to be kept in the U register. For the 68000, creeted on disk, with an '*' In piece of a filename. Cfp
though, this regi ster declaration caused all of the will read this file, end substitute the filename supplied
v11ri11bles except 'Tter' to be kept in re gisters D4 to D7. o n the command line for each occurence of the .... The
I then wrote an assembler program wh lch closely mimicked resulting commands are stored in a procedure file and
the algorithm of theC progr11m. executed.
The first C and assembler programs refer to the There Is e 'debug' J)rogram , which is quite 11 bit more
'flags' array using Indexing. That Is, references InC powerful th11n the 680g version. The main reeson for
are of the form ' flag s 111', and references In assembler this I s the ability of the 68000 to eutometlcally trace a
are of the form 'O<eO,dOl' where AO holds the 11ddress of !)rogram, one Instruction at a time, as It Is run. OS-
'flags I OJ', and DO holds the value of the variable 'J'. 9/68K provides all the links r85Julred to use thls and
Whlfe keeping with the same general algorithm, I wrote debug does a good job of lt. Debug cen dlsassemole t e
improved versions of both programs In which fhe arrtfo! portlon of 11 program, and can also step thro ugh a
Is referenced using pointer variables, which hold the program disassembling es It runs. This was avallabre In
address of the current entry. TheC program wes then the 680-, "' wIth the Frex Debug, end was missed <by me at
run with euto variables and register varlllt51es. For the least> under OS-9/6809.
68000, ell seven of the veri abies In this version were There are two editors Included with OS-9/681<. The
kept In registers, using D4 to D7 end A2 toM. first Is 11 line editor named 'edt'. Edt Is useful with
Note tl1at , for the C versions using auto verlables, small text flies. It functions In much the seme Wtfo/ as
the 6809 was about as fast as the 68008. When register the editor found In 8aslc09 <without the Basic languege
verlables were used, though, the 68008 reelly flew. In syntax checkin�, of course). The other editor Is e
fact, theC times, then, were not all thet different from screen editor, scred'. Scred combines 11 COITII1Illnd mode,
the times for the assemoler code. The speed of utilities for doing such jobs as global searches and changes, with
and the like written InC should prove to be quite good, edit enCI insert modes, which operate with automatic
e s long as the lar e register set In the 68000 Is screen updating. In my rele ase, scred required some
properry utilized. I�m not sure what the times would be customiz ing before It could be run. The main pert of
for a true 16 bit 68000, but my guess would be about 60% the program w e s In a relocetable file 'scred.r'. AC
to 75% of the tlmes for the 68008. s o u r c e code file, 'sconflg.c', contained ell of the
So what does the test show7 In verlous tests of t erminal-specific routines, end I had to modify It to
6809 compilers, high level language versions generelly work with my equipment, and then compile and link the
take about 10 seconds et 2 MRz, and my times are no result to qet a worklnq program. Unfortunately, this

·sa· Micro Journal 17

requires the C complier to work. Future versions lfltiY .:cunt • 0;
come with e number of pre-configured 'sconflg.r' flies, fer 11 • 01 1 <• SIIE; 1•+!
requirin g you to link In the onewhlch epplles to yoor I h91l II • TRUE:
own termlnel . This would ellmlnete the need for theC
complier, which does not come es pert of the OS-9/681< lor It • 0; 1 <• Sll£1 1••1
peckege. If lfl�t(IJI (
The stenderd assl!lllbler wh lch comes with OS-9/681< Is ,,. .. ' I t I ' 31
a relocateble essl!lllbler, 'r68', which perlonns much like lOt It • 1 'riMI t <• SIIE; t u ,-1•1
the 6809 assl!lllbler 'rme'. There Is no absolute assembler

lh,t(tl fM.S£;
like the 6809 'asm'. There Is also e linker, '168', for

converting reloceteble code Into executable modules.
Reed through the two assembler listings thet were used
In the primes benchmark to see an exe�le of the source
code accep ted by r68. Notice thet the second program
Is meent to be used In conjunction with theC libra ry.
The program calls the 'prlntf' routine to dlspltiY some
results at the comp letion of the run.
I did not recleve e ny manuals for r68 or 168. This
was not much problem, but I did discover something /t Erotostbtnu su .. PriM llutttr Protrat u C t/
having to do w ith the aeta erea which Is not Immediately /t Vtrllon l • u11 ,OIAttrt lor 11191 �rr�r rtltrtnct t/
a pparent. Lool< et the first assembly language program,
wh ich does not use theC library. The pr og r am starts l?v ldthnt fRL( I
e d d l ng SBOOO 02K> to register A6. rn the 68000
Indexin g Is within e 64K renge, using a signed 16 bit ldtllnt fAlSE 0
velue. l'het me ens thet locations up to J2K forward or ldthnt 511£ lito
beckwerds of en address re gister's contents can be ldtfa�t �.AILOOf' 100
referenced. To address e full i54K In the data erea, the
address register must point J2K fest the stert of the
deta erea. You might think the this Is not re q uired
with m partlculer frogram, since the dete eree Is well
under v. J2K long. I turns out, though, thet the linker utnfl
e ssumes thet a reference to a deta area label Is made [
with en address regis ter that hes been offset. The rttllttr Ut l,priM,COVII.Ittrr
label 'fla gs ', for lns fance, Is esslgned a value of -32768 rtQIIttr (�jr tf11911, tfllttt, tffj9Und;
<-S8000> lly the linker, Instead of the expected value of
o. Since a module running under OS-9/681< starts up prantll'td 1 ttr .tions. \n',MrlOOPir
with A6 pointing to the sterr of the dete eree, I hed to lh9nnd • flit• • SliEr
add 32K to A6 to address the correct locaTion using lor httr • 11 11tr (• MILOOPr lttr"l
d a t a aree l e b e l s . I did not need to perform the
offsetting In the second pro gram, since this Is done count • 0;
within the 'cstert' routine wl'llch actually begins all ICI lflltli 0 flttll fl •tll (• fl�tltndl
programs produced with theC complier. ., ..�, .. • TN1
111911 • "�'''
I'm Out of Room!
101 11 • o: 1 <• SliEr 1u1 <
There ere some long listin g s with this column, so I 11 Ufl l•ll••l [
better cut It s hort liere. [.ook here next month for priM • I t I t lr
some thoughts on o p erating s y stems, end what I mig ht lor llhtd IIAfll • pratt I; llttd <• lltttft4r
like to see. I ) ust bought e OOok , 'The Unix Programmlng
• •

lhtlk "priMI
Environ m e n t , w h i c h was written In part by Brian
Kernighan, who co-wrote the standard book for theC tfhttt • FM.S£1

language <he's the K of K&R). The book describes how to countu;

use tlie Unix s ystem and spends a Jot of time on using
t he shell. Just e q u ! ck glence makes me wish thet some
of the shell cepabllltl es were Included In OS-91681<, end
s Inee memory usege Is of less concern with the 68000, I
s ee no reason tliet they could not be Implemented.
AnywtiY, more on this next month.
Sit.. b..-churk tltlft.l • 10 ittf'lhOCII • in IKOCidl ""
C • IUtO C • rttllllf hlttbltr
t tftYt
Vtrtlon I • lhttll rtltrtnud with lnduin• •
• bt�cheut, In 68000 lllttthr
4809 11.0 ' 7 ·
t finds Prlttl utlnt titYt Of £r1totthtnH

48001 '7 · 1.1 l.S

Vtruon 2 • flltlll rtltrtnct4 •1th ,o1nllrt Oft

1.9 1.2 UN , .ldth/ntdtft

••• 3.0 2.2
000010 01 r,. wt 1Prtr•«II4Jct
00001010 ._ wt lll&at!(ll•l
/t £ro(QI����� su.. PraM lluthr Protru an C t/ 00000200 m wt 512 thck dlout101

tdthnt TRUE I
,_t Slne,r,.,Rtvt,Ed,Stt ,[Atry
Uthu r�S£ o
tdthnt SIIE lito lito .,,., 1111
Wtfont MIL. 100
000011It lilt ... ll�t• • I

OOOOOO.f ...,1tr ... 100 AuMr of lttr�tittl

000000 n-.• ...� lilt+I
000000 ....
int l,,ntt,t,cOUIIt,lltrl • a,.utr uutt • Vrlttlt - •• fr• ·c· protru
• 00.1 • I • t�ia ,,.._ Ia lllft •ur
prattll'ld illrlhOI\1, \a' .MUIKI'II t 01.1 • ,.,. • tllfl'•t ,riM nUIINr
lOt llttr • I; oltr <• RAtlOil'; lttr+tl 02.1 • t • crMt...t ladn u lllft .,,,
03.1 • couftt • c-t of ,.,_ 1..-

18 '68' Micro Jouma.l

04 •• • itlf - ad• 1hratioa loo, c-br AO.l • po••l�< to slut of fl£91 &rTI\
�0.1 • po1nllf to thrt of fl£tt UT£y At. I • pohttr to fltgsli I
U.l • POltltr to flits!\ l
0000 ddlt Entry 144£.1 tf8000,d olfut d.t£ �put po1dlf AJ.I • po1nltr to ll&�lllutl
0000 ''" , .. I h91 1£61 ,.0 pa1nt to llf91 ur£y
000£ 7803 aa•�t� hmhr-l,dt 0000 41tt Nlft! ,., llf91h61 ••o point to II £91 &rr £1
I COWit • 0 0004 47t8 ltl liztl£01,£3 point to lhvsts:ul
OOO c 4243 I ltdoa, clr �3 0008 780! IOvtq luuttr-1 ,a&
I lor h • IIIII I )• 0; 1-1 OOOt 4243 !ttrloop clr dl count • 0
• llf9shl • I; OOOc l03t eovt lhiu,dO
OOOt 303t ao" hut,40 0010 213t eovt.l ttOIOIOJOJ ,d7
0012 llbt hllloa, aa... , ll.OI£0, 0016 2148 IOYI.l £0,£1
0018 �lt8 dbr� dO,filii� 0018 22c7 fillloop IOYI.J 47,1£11+ 111 •II fhesli I trut
I far h • 0; I (• till! 11tl 0011 51t8 ••,£ 40, filii oop
OOit 70ff 10'111 t-1 ,dO 1hrt i .t -1
OOit 4240 clr dO
0020 2218 IOVt.l 10,&1 1hrt fhtslll poinltr
OOit 0<&0 u1nloop tlljll hut,dO
0022 5240 Niftlpl lddq tl,dO ..,
00726214 bhl.l dont
0024 4119 ht •• 1&11 t 1111rch lor n11t ,,..,
II lllf9S(ill (
0026 "" �·· Nlalp2
0024 4£30 hl.b OhO,
0021 3200 ..,.. 40,41 loud - ,rl• • 1 • I • 3
0028 67h hq.s laoptnd
0021 d241 .u "·"
• pflN • I t I • 3;
002t S641 --·� ll,fl
002£ 1200 aovt dO.dl
002t Ufl IN -llll,dl.ll,ll point to fltt•lrl•pt�•l
002c 0241 £dd dl,dl
0032 6004 ""'·' cronlp2
002t 51>41 &�d. fl,dl
00� 4112 tfotllpl clr •• 1121 clur out llttlkl
for lk • 1 • priM; I <• Ita; k .. pt�otl
0034 d4cl Md&.o �1,12 t .. prllt
lhesHI • o1
0031 b5cb crot•l'2 Cipl.l 13,12
0030 3100 I
lOY dO,d1
OOll 6318 "'·' cronl,l
0032 dttl £dd dl,d2
OOlt 5243 ..,.. tl,dl count,.
0034 Ot42 crouout Clljll hiu,d2
OOlt bleb 11Jnlp2 Clljll.l 13,11
00l8 6208 ••LI cdont
0040 6310 ..,.. Nlnlpl
003& 4230 clr.b 01£0,
0042 51cc Ar& ..,lllflOip
OOlt dUJ 144 dl,d2
dl,-1& 71
0046 2103 IOVt.l prlntfl'ld prhnln' ,count I;
0040 6012 .,£.1 trotiOIIt
0048 4811 ,., ... ,,,,
I c-ttt;
004t>6100 •v print!
0042 5243 tNM ll,dl
.u, ooso 5081 1-'d•• l ta,l7
0044 5210 loo,t��d &ddq tl,dO I++ h for loa,
0052 4t75 rh
0044 60d6 •r£.1 Nlnloop
• )
0048 5lcc �- �·,. 44,1ttrloop
004c 4281 clr.I fl Ao w--ror
OOC.•4t40 "' fS£Jit £11 hn111ltd'

Error•: 00000
�2 lftdS
11t10ry u11td1 1St
EI£P11td ti11: 7 ��ttondls!
��t�ot., uMd• m
o.,ud tift: ' sttondhl READING NON-FLEX
Ul lltvt1
ttl 'rllll '' litvt •tochurt BASED DISKS
• tint
• c::ool'lW'ED FKH 1.ASl' �

t •tnc�url, in 68000 llltllll tr

t Hnd1 '"'" u11"9 lltYf of Er&tolthltlt1 t Encounttrtd I lib Ch�IC!tr. If outPIIttfM
f f to l fllto lht tlb MISt bt COAVtrltd to tht
• 2nd Yfrslon - athlljll &t 110ft a,ti1111llon t ProHr SPlttS• dtP'tftdlnt on tht curnnt
• ..itttn to 111 ·c· shrt IOdult • col-.

opt C46S 34 04 PSHS 8 saw currtnt coiUM ctr

a,t C46A C4 07 ,.. tt.OOOI
OO II 8 • eodlcurcol .81
C46C 86 oe LM 18
pillet Shwt,O,O,O,O,O C46£ 34 04 PSHS 8
C470 AO EO SI.IA o.St A • 8 - .o41curco1.81
OOOOlllt lilt .... 8190 fl••• trr&y lin - I Ctn 34 02 PSHS A SIVt thfs Vllut hO
00000800 hut "'U 1i n/hl &rrly IIUt In lent 110rd1 C474 IF � TFR A,B 8 • hNCu to lnJtrt
00000061 IUiltr "Ill 100 o..Otr of lltr&IIOIII
C476 86 20 LM 19'
VItti C478 P95 EW
00000000 flat• �•• t hin C478 80 ane JSR P\JTott OUtPut l SPICt
000000 "d' C47B !!A llC8 until 111 dont
C47C 21> FA H P95
• Rtv•shr uJifl - Vru"t n•- lrt fra. T Pf"Ofi'M
C47E 35 04 PI1.S 8 ttl kck t SNCH
oo.• • I - 1111 Inn• In flit' ""' C480 EJ EO AD O,St ldd to cur colt���� ctr
01.• • prl• - currlftt priM nulllt r C482 20 81 BAA Pit lftd contiMit
03.• • COUll - tout of p rIt�� found
04.a • ittt -111ft lltttlillfl loop C«Nftllf C484 Pl4 EllJ
07.1 • ltr&tch lo• fill loop C484 80 COI8 JSR P\JTCitt ovtlout a chu as is
C487 � 110 incr col ctr

'68. Micro Joumal 19

(488 zo � FAA PBI contanut •
C48A P83 EQI • A 8IE or !lEO st.oul� � uud afltr ul hnt
cc� � 36 f'l.lS Ao8oloY rulort rtn tnu rouhnt to chtck for Pouablt rud
C'SC � RTS lnd rtturn trtors.

t �h UU for I'I!TaJ: I Ulltd br CIP11f) 1111 rnultrs t.:et•t II ut Prturvtd.

c� £1FS£C " I C406 I(AOSS E1IJ •

C48E EIF!Jf Ale I C406 ED 88 IE STD Fca:P.X ut trk/uc
(4fl' £OIU' " 2 (409 84 09 LOA ·� ttl fu�c!lo� co4t
(418 A7 84 STA FC!Iftol Itt CO�f 1ft fCI
(400 7E 0401> ,. FltSCf(. rud and rttutn

..... - C£TCIIN
• Function - Tbas routlnt takts 1� a trk/uctor •

•alut 1ft o. and tnds ltot tr&nult • Hut - 1M:

stutlnt at t�t Pouhon. A uanult t Function • fhu routlnt eovts tht 'froe• strant
hu IJWU. stctors wath SSIZS htu • to tht 'to• strant u follows:
•tr ucttr.
• X ·> 'froe• htld
On txlt• ace 0 contaans tht ntxt Y > 'to' fltld

lrkluc &fttr tht truult •ust rnd. D • I char&cttrs to eovt

All ruuttrs itt "tstrvtd • Rtn AoBoloY itt PtfSttVtd

(401 34 30 PSHS loY nvt rttuttrs Col£0 34 31. PSHS Ao8oloY n•t rus
C49'l 32 E? FFF'D L£AS •l>6oS &lloeitt local storatt
C4E2 10.{ Elll
C407 IF 01 TFR Dol nvt trk/stc to X (4£2 34 06 PSHS D nvt Iu to eovt
C4E4 U 80 WI Oox• ttl & 'froe' chit
(41Q C6 � lD8 ltlWll 1 stctors l"tr tt&nult C4Eo E7 AO STi OoY• tr&ns to 'to' fitld
c·� E7 E9 0000 sra Tlt'loS SiYf "aJUf C4E8 � 06 1'\.t.S D ttl ltn
C49f ICE£ 0518 lOY t£AFFDI wlltrt to out data C4EA 83 0001 sa.o II dtc.r br I
C4Ul I083 0000 Of't) 10 dent nt?
C4A3 If 10 TFR loO transftr trklstc to D C4ft 2o EF N 11M br..b If ntt
C4AS 081 EQJ
C441:5 ED E9 0001 STD Tlf'3oS uvt trk/uc C4f3 � 36 Aoa.x.v
1'\.t.S rntcw-t rtts
CCA'I BE C840 LDl tSYSFCB ttl aft fCI c�� ��� ud rttura
XliC 17 0011 L8SII A£AOSS &nd rnd tht tr k/ste
c� 1026 Ftto LN D¥102 lflVt If trror

• Trtnsftr b•tn "'It tt&d t!Uf - a.c
• Function - Tllu rouhnt COWU'ts tw stnnn
C483 30 8340 UAX fCBS8ol •fr�· fald
u hlliltls:
C486 CC 0100 LDD IS$125 ltn to eovt
)(489 17 0024 L8SII 1M: eon at
C4S: 31 AI UAY OoY 1 ncr buf idfr
I ·) Slrlotl
Y > striftt2

C4BE EC E9 0001 LDD Tlf'3os ttl currtnt trk/Stc • A • ltntlh of straots to c-trt
C4C2 SC 110 toto ntxt stctor
C4C3 Cl 09 01'11 IMXS£C hit tnd of trtck? • Str anti u COIIPirtd to Strlnt2• tnd tht
c� 23 02 IllS G82 brnch 1f not
""ootuh condataon codt is ut.
C4C7 4C II(A toto ntltt tr&Ck
C4C8 SF ClA8 stctor 0
RtU AoBoloY itt •ttstvtdo
C4C9 G82 EQJ •
c� 6A E9 0000 �c Tlf>l oS totttn all stctors? C4f6 ClC EOU •
�CD 20 D6 lliE GBI brnch 1 f not C4f6 34 36 P'li4S Aoa.x.v StVt fftl

C4Cf 32 E9 0003 t.E.AS LS6oS frtt loC&l sto ratt C4f8 COf>R EQJ •
C4Q3 � 30 1'\.t.S loY rutort rtts C4f8 E6 80 LOB O o lt ttl t str 1ntl cw
c•�� IITS tad rtturn C4FA El AO Clf>1l OoYt c-ut It strut2 cllu

C4ft 26 Q3 lliE RAO: If ���� t ht& dOM
• C. h &ttl for !£l!RI
C4f! 4A �CA &II t�rout� straots?
'* U't S£T C4FF 26 F7 lliE COf>R btnch af not
0000 CRl 10000
0000 lA S£T c:501 RAO: EQJ •
0000 Tlf>l " I c:501 � 36 1'\.t.S AoBoloY rtstort rtts
0001 Tlf>3 Rl'l 2 �� RTS &Ad tttura
0003 LS6 EQJ fo-lQ. l tr. of loclI 1tor&tt

'* CRl U't rtltOrt PC •

t!Uf • PO/ITA
• Funct1on Thu routJM Pranh • str1nt to u

outPIIt dtv1ct. Oa tatrv, I •o1nts
• IIYt ·IDDSS to tilt strint to Print. As wath tilt
• FMCtltn - Tbu routant rnds an tht tnck/uctor of
PSl"'Ml rouhM lA ftElo ln EDT
tht disk u tht drlvt Sl"tCJhtd bv u FC8 dtllaattr !lUst ll'l"tlr tfttr tht
,oanttd It bv X. Rtt D sl"tclhu tht straH to l'l'lnt.
• tt�cttuctor to rud in. Rtu A lAd 8 1ill l'ftl!n u ho &nd

20 '68' Micro Journal

I will bt '01�tlnJ to tht EOT C548 80 COlE JSR PSTRI(;
dthll ttr ci!M. C$4£ :'II � BRA R6 rtturn

004 P�T� EW
�86 08 l.M 1M ut tdnu•n ul'
�� 06 PSHS A.B �vt rus
�80 C033 JSR rom

• a..� tbt hit
�A6 ao LM O.h ut (fW' lr01 strut
�Bt 04 CII'A I((JI t�d ol tt...t"
�86 02 l.M UCWIIT �"" for .,.th
�17 05 8EO PMTA2 �·•c� 1f tts
�A7 84 STA FCllft,l nvt 1n FC8
coc 80 COIB JSR PUTOft 'rut c�r
�80 tMOb JSR FliSrAl Cill f1IS
�20 n BRA PMTAl ln4 cenhout
�27 08 IG R7 contlnut 1 f f1lt not thttt

C:lll PMTA2 EW •
• ftlt lltnd'l uuts -> SiY so iAd rtturn
011 3:5 06 PllS A,B rutort rtn
013 'j9 InS lftd rtturn
�a: 0290 LOX lftJST
(561 80 COlE JSR PSTRI(l
C51>1 20 42 BRA R6 rtturn

• Nuot - AQJTE
C566 R7 EW
• F u�ctlon - Thu routltlf dtttr11�ts whtrt tht ustr
lli.nts bu �vt,ut to bt routtd. Tht IIJtr !::�a: 0298 LOX IFTYPE uk for flit tvl't

hu thrtt o't10ns:
CS69 8D COlE JSR PSTlll«<
�80 CD09 JSR 1!01 9ft rtsi'Onst

ROo�INIIL: In thiS CiSt• no control c:w: 84 s AliDA "� lowrcut·)u,trcut

tnfo nttd bt Itt. othtr thin tnSVtlftt

tht out,ut SWItch IISIT01) U non
�71 � CLRB
C572 81 !14 Clf'A .. , tut�
uro so F'LU •til ust tht MCH2
C574 27 II a:o R8 br�ch 1 f so
routl�t U 'r:nt chltiChrs.

(576 81 00 CII'A ICR CR? (sut u !txt)

ROof'RINTE!H I � thu CUt• tht 'rtnltt brnch 1f so
CS78 27 00 a;g R8
14dult routt�t lUSt bt lo.dtd lfth
-•v tf 11 Is not ilrtldl thtrt. CJf'A
07A 81 42 ••• blftUY"
Ud tilt oubut SWI!cll IUS! h cltUtd 8IE bid ltivt 11 ntt
07t 26 2A R6
u Fl.EX w1ll ust Wl'Oi to l'r�tn
tbt ChulCttrS
C57E C6 A() lD8 IO'II+SIIfiY stt OHI-blft bth
c:seo 86 .... l.M tSCACSt ttl'fSl)I 1\UY
ROofiLE: Ia thu cut. tht ustr u STA
C582 87 0411 FILFCI+f'CIISO' Itt (Oif>tfSS. flu
l'tt.,hd for l hit to lllnc� lll
�20 02 11¥1 Rl
out,ut 11111 bt rntt4. FLEX's f"JTOft
rouhbt luttlihc&tl r routtS o�t'<ltttd
C587 R8 EW
cl>lrs to tht lilt's FCB tf tot4 IC1!t+TD stt Ol'tlf"tfxt blts
CS87 C6 co WI
It do so. C589 Rl EW
CS89 llE ()lJl6 LDX lfllFCB stt ill o/' to ft It
All rntsttrs lrt "fltrVtd FM
�IF tt24 STX
C58F 7f CC22 WI OSII TOi •'' to tht It It
"14 ROOT£ EW �n 0519 m IJ'IflG uvt flu bth
014 34 36 PSHS A.8.l.Y nvt rtts
WI WI� ztro m •1dth v&lut
095 7f CC04
C50S 20 OA BRA R9 tthrft
016 SE 0000 LOX 10 cltu ftlt out,gt iddrus
0!9 IF tc24 m FOA tn FLEX
C59ll R2 EW

OIC SE 0223 I.DI IWTFIL f>to•t uur for routt t ,trlora sttv' for out,ut to Hlnhr
022 &II CD09 JSR 1101 ttt ,.,.�It O'IA 7F CC22 WI OSIITCH Of' to &1/X. dtVICt
0:'5 84 ,; AI()A � 1-rcut·>u,Hrcut
090 80 0£ 891 PIITSET fttcb nt�lfr aodu1t

"17 81 � CJf'A I'P 'tl�ttr? "'lf 20 03 BRA R9 &nd tttur�

�27 bF J!EQ R2 brnch tf so
CII'A I'T ttr11t1il? f
CS2B 81 !14
"21) ':1 n BEO R3 brncb 11 so • 'trforl sttu' for outi'Ut to ttraltlil

02F 81 00 CII'A ICR CR' lllllf U ht1Utlill OAt 7t CC22 IIC ISITOi
c:53t 11 liE JIEQ R3 tl so �rnc-
� R9 EW
t:533 81 44 CJf'A I'F hit? c:5M IC ff a.c stt tood II:
�26 71 8IE R6 ltlvt tf att C5A6 20 02 R RIO lftd IMvt

cw R6 EW
• Ht,ut to & flit �II\ 01 SEC sttbidll:
� RIO EW •
0378E 0251 l.DI ITCfllE ut lor 'to' ftltbUt �35 36 Pll S A.a.x.Y rutott l'tts
C53lll 10 COlE JSR f'STIMj OAt 39 RlS and rttun
�80 COli J5lt IMI.f Mt ttsi'OIIH
(:540 8E an LDI lfllFCI 'tt'FCB
t:i43 110 C02D JSR OCI'Fil Vlltditt ftltftiM
C546 24 08 ICC R4 chtct 1f It It txuh f Nut • PIITSET
• F•nctton • Tbls routiM u c&lltd to load tht
c:548 8E 0281 LOX lllfJSPC lftVlltd ft ltNJW tttfrtd Htnttr aodult tf ntcunrv.

·sa· Micro Journal 21

lll4 1n1t tw PIA, so tllolt o01bvt t� OCl 0002 CitRO Ct28 co: CC29 CWIS COOO COf'R C4f8
h rowttd It tilt "IIItt. C!I'YIT C2C8 CR 0000 CllF OOOA CTRI 0002 Me CCI8
1)\l 0007 IDIV 1(00 In CCOI CE7Tll CC03 DIR (#19
� rttuhrs ut ,tst.-..4 OI!IEG <=Ill> OIII'Sl 014C OUPTR 0000 Olf!SIZ 0002 OlRTS 0005
�Ct\48 005 ccoo !PI � IP2 C3J) lY.l C32!l
� PIITSET Elll • 11'4 Cl21 IJIY 0518 IIM'!fT 0I02 E.Rl CC08 EliOCO' OIM
�7F CC09 CUt PI1U dUUit NWSt fOltvrt OOIR 0168 EIITAIII 0000 fJN CC2D ECaF cq E(f'(J'f C48E
cao 81> CCE4 � POST HI IU bYlt tf SNCt �SEc cceo Ell (C02 EOT 0004 EM Cl79 � Cl73
c:i83 81 39 O'f'A fQ IS 11 •RT� ESC CCOA £5011 CCII> FACP 0010 FAll' 0040 FARP 0020
�z. 29 - P15 1f net tilt loaded Fill 0080 FCMS 0002 FCMS£ 0409 FaiCDA 007 FCIICP OOIE
FCICRJI 0020 ftlall D40t FCIIII 0022 FaOI 0003 fCIIE:[)\ 0013
• FCE8 000 1 FCFA OOCJ FCIFt 0000 FCIFCD 0019 FCIFIJJ 0032
• Loa• ,.,nttr routlnt FC!f'S 0015 FCIFSII 0017 FCil..D 0140 Ft1ll OOIC FtiMI 0004
FC&ItiB 0024 FCIRI 0023 FCIIRSI 0010 FCIIRS2 0018 FC8S8 0040
t:5B1 8E 02f4 l.DI IPSYS - 1n ,.lnt l'tn - FCBSCf 0038 FC8SCR 003S F�OOII FtNR D43S FCOOAY OOIA
C3A IOllE C844 LDI' ISYSfc:t+FCIJWI IDh nshe FCI FC!Im4 0019 FCDYR 0018 FIE 0000 FWfll 0012 F1mC 0000
c:5l( cc 0008 UXJ Ill FIEfiF 0000 FU:fN 0005 FIEIGil 0001 F'OO..DI 0020 FOO.Jil 0004
C5CI 17 FFIC LB 1M: � OOIE F'IIlJ)t 0015 FtUI\. 000 3 FIECfll 0014 F!IRSY 0002
esc• 7F C843 CUt SYSF'CitfCIIOI elite\ drl,. 0 FllU'II 0010 Fllxa 0011> I'IA CC21> FIEF CC2F FIFIW 0008
FIFP!( 0080 FIRE 0010 FIFSYS 0040 FILFCI 0301> FIICliR C22D
C5C7 8E C840 LOI ISYSFCI �tint to nstte FCI F'LEJ FilS D400 �0406 AISCLS 0403 FIISERR CC20
CSCA 81> 01 � lltw!EAD o�n for tOld AISIIIT D400 f[)\ CC24 f(lN) C403 FSIZ 0000 FSIMI 0002
CSCC A7 84 STA FCifC,X FSIISED 0000 mPE 0288 FJIST 0290 G81 C4A5 G82 C4C9
C!CE ., 0406 ... FIISCAL Clll FilS OCT! Cl53 om � OCT3 C:U.7 OCT4 C361 OCTOf! atl5
�1 27 05 liD PI brnch 1 f o�n tk OCTIJIY 04:5 OCTFIL Cll'2D G£T(JIN C491 OCTIEX CD42 OCTO C2f4
C2A3 GRAtU. 0005 GS C282 GS2 C298
�., Co:J' ... RPTEJil tt�rt trrtr GTI C384 GT2 C398 GT3 C3AI GTIAD c.5 GTGOOO C3A7
CSI6 20 II • P2 tnd rtturn GTSPEC C36A GJJIETll
C2C5 GUIT C2C4 lEAD 0100 IHaf CDIB
1101 (009 IIOa COOC liCE C048 IIOIY 02(18 Uf'lLE OlF4
� PI EW INT'IIl 07ff IWSPC0281 IGFlG CC21 ISIITOI CC23 Jr Cl38
�81> FF � ISCAISC nt for b1nuv !"'ld lAO CCII Ul. 0000 LF OOOA UOf coao UWJ C!XlO
en A7 8838 STA FC8SCf,l U'C C406 LSI 0001 LS2 000 3 LS3 0014 LS5 0005
ODD a! C!XlO ... LIWJ INd eo4ult LS6 0003 LSTM CCII ,., Cl43 '" Cl41 112 CISS
10 Cl60 rw ccoo MXSEt (#19 Ieee CC28 102 CIIC
ClEO P15 EGU IOJ Cll9 I'CM C4E2 1M: C4£0 IU Cll>3 IU1. CC05
0£0., ccco JSII PRillIT to 1111 ,�rt
11110t am Cf'll 0080 IPWlG om OSWTOI CC22 M 0008
�3 8E CCE4 LDI IPQIT MAIII aM15 MOl CllOf ClJT0(2 C!ll2 lliTIE CXJ39 (lJ1'IJtY 011>7
wt •'' Udrus
CIU BF COlO su ClJTf IL 0223 ClJT)£1 cox lliTSIZ 0004 PI � P15 C§EO
MOttl stvff 1n F'LEJ
C5[9 P 2 Elll P2 C5[9 Hl.l CC09 Pll CG" Pl'2 C4U: Pl3 C48A
OD 39 RTS Pl4 C4M 1'15 C478 "" C430 Pf1 C425 P88 C438
"" C464 f'OU' CD24 POl CtD2 Ptl3 CIIIC PD4 c;g
PO:! ClEO "" ctn I'DIITA C504 f'OjiTAl � f'OjlfA2 �II
. ... -� PIIIIIIT CCCO f'IDI Cl25 Pill OOOA PRTW.J( &410 PRTSET �
• F...ctltn Tim ttuiiM u tllld tt rutt tht

PIITm. CZ47 PSTMl CDIE PSYS 02f4 MOt! C!l18 PU C254
Rl t589 RIO C5M R2 � R3 C5AI R4 CS50
FlD out,ut Mite� �• clost &nv hit
twt ••tilt bt o�n tt�tt<ltlt tbt FlLFCI Rl> C5A8 R7 CS4 R8 t:5B1 R9 C5A4 1100¥1 02EO
FCI. f(AOSS C406 REIIT'Eit (ll()(> �� RET C409 ROilt �14
� � EW sa.u« 0040 SlitS! 0042 SCfiiSC OOFF SCFSC 0000 SCR 0006
C5EA 81> 01 � II smn t033 SET1'MJ c168 SFA C980 SIIOIE 0023 SIR[)\Y 0024
C5EC J7 CC22 STA OSIITOI rutt out,ut s•ltc� SIIIFS8 0010 Slltf'SE OOIF SIRFSS 0021 SIRLEN 0028 SlRlfTll 0023
t:5El' J7 CC09 STA PI1U t.Uit NUft SIRifTS 0026 SIIMIII 0010 sum 0003 SUNG. 0018 SIIIVR 0025
CSl7D 0519 TST IJ'Ifl.O u l flit o�n' SP 0020 SP4 OIEF SPS C700 SRCI C3IK: go C303
�27 15 8EQ RSI rtturn IF ntt SAC4 CD SlOt! C3AA SACXH c:Jf SSIZ5 0100 START CIOO

t 0.11'111 IIU tOIIIII It flit, clott It

CS7 .. �lA � TTtlllD rutott m wl4t• TDSIZ 0002 TDP 0002 TEl 0040 TFSIZ 0008 nf'l 0000
�11 CC04 STA VIITill Tlf'3 0001 nf'4 0000 Tlf'5 0006 nf'lll. oooc TIIXTS 0003
TRF\..0 TTtiiiO ���� m 0001
C5F1I 8E oa LOI lfiLFCI wt FC8 I£A CIOO t.CTA CC12 111M 0000 IMIS CD03 lllCOI 0128
aoo• 04 � ncua clest u-. liiiTill CC04 IdlY eeoc 001 0011> ICI.OS£ 0004 llEliT oooc
am 111 84 STA FCIIfC,J XWE ocn Xll.DII OOFF lfll) 0014 IGIR 0007 ICR 0011
C604 ID 0406 ... flEt4l Clll Fl6 IXSS OOCJ l(IIIR 0006 lOSIA 0010
lt10I 000 1 miUT 0003
am '11 03 101 RSI 1f ot tttwn XCNIIT 0002 "'It 0008 IP(SI 0015 V'RI 0012 llfMI 0000
IIU1 0001 1102 OOil 11103 0013 XII*) 0005 IRS& (#19
C609 ID CDJ" ... IPTEJit tt�trt ttttr XJUe 0000 XliiS OOOA
C60C 7F 0519 QJI !NU 1114ltltt lit flit -
atE 39 RT'S lll4 tthr•

ADIIJ co:r, .... 000 1 IISIIIIT 0002 III1IC 0008 IWFIL 02hC
MDIII OB 1M 0005 MS 0003 IIW. 0007 Bill 0000
Bll«'t 0020 8S ccoo BSIE CC07 BSIZ5 0500 Sl.f1'ER 0511
8I.F'PWT CCI4 Q.M8 CD21 CLC t4n CUI CCIA cuo: noo

22 ·sa· Micro Journal

COMMUNICATING WITH OS/9 It uses the some source code for both the F'LEX and
OS/9 versions. This foci litotes the transfer of
flies between F'LEX and OS/9 systems, In addition to
the ability of communicating with CP/M systems, as
described above.

by Sidney Thompson The F'LEX version of CMOOEM allows the user to change
181 Greenbriar Court the modem port address at execution time, since
Conyers, GA 30208 there Is no standard address for a modem, as there
404-922-3097 Is (normal lyl for the console. The OS/9 version of
CMOOEM uses a standard OS/9 path descriptor name (by
and Bud Pass default, "/TI"l to access the modem port; this Is
1454 Lotto Lane compatible with both OS/9 level I and OS/9 level 2.
Conyers, GA 30207 However, due to the overhead associated with COCO
404- 483-1717 OS/9, a special version of CMOOE M containing Its own
drivers Is used for a COCO with a PIA printer/modem

The following describes the application of OS/9 to Since It Is Inconvenient to modify system parameters
the task of communicating (usually over modems and upon each entry to the program, CMOOEM supports the
telephone lines) with other computer systems and use of a parameter file Cprofllel which con be used
with computer terminals. to define the modem port addr·ess or nome, baud rote
of the modem port (for those operating systems and
Because telephone lines are Inherently noisy, one of devices supporting variable modem port baud rate>,
the moj or requIrements whIch must be pIaced on the duplex status required (half or ful 1), etc.
communications hardware and software Is error This parameter file Is described later In this
control and correction. discussion. It also allows the definition of an
expert mode, which ol lows the use of CMOOE M without
Because many computer systems and many terminals the occasional display of the menu. This feature Is
hove unusual and different requirements, the useful when one has used CMOOEM long enough that the
communications software must be as flexible and as menu has become completely memorized and It
transparent as possible. decreases the time required to transfer among the
different operating modes.
The program described below <named CMOOEMl attempts
to provide these facilities under OS/9, to allow The current F'LEX version of CMOOEM does direct 1/0
communication with other systems, In a potentially to the modem port and wl II not work with those
error-free environment. systems not using ACIA's; however, a special version
Is available for COCO F'LEX, just as a special
The program was written to overcome the many version Is available for COCO OS/9.
problems Involved with trying to transfer data
between not on I y vorI ous machInes but between CMOOEM OPERATIONS
different operating systems on the seme machine.
CMOO EM Is menu-driven to make It as simple as
CK>OEM F'EATURES possible to use. The menu Is displayed upon entry
Into the program and also when the user strikes the
CK>OEM contains a combination of features found In defined ATTENTION key.
the original BOS-e Teledlt program, a TTY program
published In System 68, Yam (Yet Another Modem), and The selectable program modes ore described below.
other features added for this version only C"l love
It, but could you make It do ? "l.
• • • T: Terminal mode - no text collection

It uses the Ward Christiansen MODEM file transfer CMOOEM simulates an ASCI I terminal In this
protocol to facilitate the transfer of flies between mode.
systems that support thIs protocoI. Both MOO£M and
CMOO EM support a checksum block verification that By default, eight-bit characters ore sent and
allows for error-free transfer of data between two received without parity. The DEL character (7F'
computers supporting the seme protocol. hexl Is the only character that wl I I be removed
from the conversational terminal mode Input
F'or those systems that do not support a botch data stream. Most other characters ere passed
transfer protocol, CM:X>EM supports on ASCII file unchanged to the console, so formatting
collection/dump mode for transfer of source flies. characters and nonsense noise characters are
usually passed thru for the user's Inspection.
The use of multiple file transmission modes allows
sending and receiving either binary or text flies. To return to the selection menu, the user may
hit the SPECIAL character. The current SPECIAL
CMOOEM wll I work at speeds of at least 1200 Baud for character of <ctrl>-t (NULL> was chosen because
transfer of flies at high rates of speed, for those It Is unlikely to be struck accidentally, or to
systems with ACIA's or other asychronous be required Input to most systems. Changing
communications support devices. It Is used the SPECIAL character requires recompl ling
regularly at 4800 Baud between adjacent machines to C� with the desired character code In the
transfer data between them. The COCO Is copable of following statement:
reliable transmission at rates of up to 2400 Baud,
In general, and may (In some cases> be capable of ldeflne SPECIAL • • •

transmission at rates of up to 4800 Baud or higher,

when using the PIA printer port. A BREAK key Is a I so supported for those systems
thet require en ectuel break slgnel be pieced
CMOOEM Is written In a high level language (C) and on the line. This Is set by default to
Is ovaIIobIe In both source and object formats to <ctrl>-underllne, but may be changed to eny
allow adaptation to other systems or for the desired key. It must be emphasized thet this
addition of new options for specific requirements. key currently works only on e SWTPC-comoetlble

'68' Micro Joumal 23

system using e 6850 ACIA under FLEX end for e ATTENTION key returns the menu.
COCO system under FLEX or OS/9.
The memory cepture buffer end the batch
?: Toggle expert mode transfer buffer share the same Internal memory
area. This means that If one Initiates a batch
This commend flips expert mode, alternetely file transfer, any data which mey be In the
outputting end not outputting the menu to the buffer will be destroyed during the process.
console. This seves time for those very
femlller with using the progrem. A: Enter ASCII file dump mode

G: Gather text In memory buffer CMODEM wll I trensfer a text file over the
communications line. It can be used to sond a
CM:>OEM processes text receIved In thIs mode file to those systems that do not support the
slmller to thet received In terminal mode, MODEM protocol, but do support paper tope
except thet eny text cherecters received from cepture. This mode honors the X-QN/X-OFF
the common lcetlons link ere seved Into e text protocol, so that the remote system may contr·ol
buffer. Teb, cerrlege-return, line-feed, end the flow of data during the process.
form-feed characters ere pieced Into the
buffer; eny other control cherecters ero K: Kill text buffer
dlscerdod. The one exception to this Is when en
end of line CR LF sequence Is received, the This commDnd marks the text buffer as empty and
program only Inserts the CR Into the memory exits ASCI I text cepture mode. It Is normally
buffer. ThIs prevents the storage of used when the user has Initiated capture mode,
double-spaced text to the disk file which could but has captured unexpected data end does not
occur If both control cherecters ere pieced wish to save It on disk.
Into the dete file. If the text buffer becomes
ful I, CMOOEM wlI I Issue en X-OFF to the remote E: Toggle Echo (duplex) mode
system. The program then wll I continue to
capture d4te for a maximum of en eddltlonel 95 This option determines whether cherecters Input
cherecters. ThIs ellows time for the remote from the console ore echoed beck to the display
system to receive the X-OFF end to stop sending screen locally or not.
It should be toggled to "full" If the user Is
If the remote system et the other end of the communicating In echoplex mode and Is
II ne does not honor the X-OFF, CNJDEM will receiving on echo from the remote station.
flush the buffer to the disk storage file end
then return to eccept more dete from the It should be toggled to "half" If the user Is
communlcetlons line. Date errlvlng during this working with e system which does not echo to
buffer-dumping process wlII almost certainly be the sender or Is In half duplex mode.
lost. In this case, since this loss Is not
normally desirable, the emount of dete The current setting of this option Is displayed
transmitted In each group should be limited to In the menu.
less than the number of characters required to
fll I the text buffer. M: Modify program option parameters

If, on the other hend, the remote system does The non-COCO, FLEX version of CMOOE M Is able to
honor X-ON/X-OFF, no date wll I be lost while modify several of the current program
CMODEM flushes the memory buffer to disk. Upon parameters with this option. A submenu of
resuming Its d4te capture mode, CMODEM Issues current options guides the entry of program
an X-ON to restart the remote transmission. parameter changes. These Include the following
There are some systems which either do not port address for modem
recognize X-ON/X-OFF or require cherecters such baud rote of the modem port
as the ESCape to do both the halt and resume parity settings of the modem port
function. Using this option of CMODEM on these
systems wll I require either thet the values B: Set Baud rote
wIthIn the progrem for STeP and RESUME be
modifled. The COCO versions of CMOOEM ere able to set the
Baud rete of the attached PIA printer/modem
Since the standard printer port on e COCO works port with this option. A submenu of available
In half-duplex mode only, transmitting the Baud rates guides the entry of progrem
X-OFF will gerbege eny characters being parameter changes. Although Baud rates higher
received. The user must be eware of this feet than 2400 Baud appear In the menu, they ore not
and request the retransmission of the garbaged rell4ble enough, In general, for normal usege.
data or somehow arrange for the gather buffer
never to be overflowed. 0: Set Delay rote

V: View text buffer The 0000 versions of CMOOEM ore able to "tweak"
the Baud rate of the otteched PIA printer/modem
This mode el lows the viewing of the data which port with this option. A submenu of aval leble
currently Is In the memory capture buffer. Baud rates guides the entry of program
This Is helpful when one wishes to review a parameter changes. AIthough Baud rates hIgher
long transmission from e remote system; than 2400 Baud appear In the menu, they are not
elthough this mode allows only paging forward, reliable enough, In general, for normal usage.
the view process may be restarted at the Since the PIA printer/modem port Is driven In
beginning, es required. On non-coco systems, a bit-banging mode by software, It Is not as
the cerrlage return dlspleys the next line, the tolerant of Baud rate variations as a hardware
spece bar displays the next page, and the device such as an ACIA. This option ol lows the
ATTENTION key returns the menu. On COCO variation of the stenderd delay values to
systems, the space bar toggles a peuse end the attempt to reduce communIcations errors.

24 '68' Micro Joumal

S: Send e file with MODEM protocol disk directory, and not with the contents of
the flie.
CMODEM prompts for the name of the file to
send, then waits for the receiving computer 0: Quit
(which must be using this progr� or one thet
uses the s� protocol l to get Into for non-coco, fLEX versions or CMODEM, this
synchronlzetlon. The detel Is of the protocol option resets the modem port, dropping the
ere provIded Ieter·. telephone line or other equipment using the RTS
signal on an ACIA as a DTR Indication. for alI
CMODEM returns to Terminal mode after versions, It returns to the operating system.
completion of this option, whether the trensfer
wes successful or not. 0: Operating system return

R: Receive a file with MODEM protocol for non-coco fLEX versions of CMODEM, this
option returns to the operating system without
CMOOE M prompts for the nome of the file to resetting the modem port. This can be used to
receive, then welts for the sending computer return to the operating system to perform
<which must be using this progr� or one that various functions without disturbing the
uses the s� protoco I l to get Into equipment using the RTS signal on the ACIA as a
synchronization. The detal Is of the protocol DTR Indication.
ere provided later.
H: Hang up the phone I lne
CMODEM returns to Terminal mode efter
completion of this option, whether the transfer This option Is used to hang up the phone line
was successful or not. by dropping the OTR<RTSl signal on the modem
port, on fLEX versions of CMOOEM using ACtA's.
X: Binary file transfer with MODEM protocol This Is very useful for the auto-dial type
modems In which the user may wish to hong up
CMOOEM prompts for the n&me of the file to from one system but Is not reedy to exit from
send, then waits for the receiving computer the program. The port Is reset after
<which must be using this program or one that approximately one second so that It Is then
uses the same protocol> to get Into available to col I another remote system.
synchronization. The details of the protocol
are provided later. f: flush doto collection buffer to capture file

CMODEM returns to Terminal mode after CMOOEM flushes the text buffer to disk and
completion of this option, whether the transfer resets the memory pointer to the beginning of
wes successful or not. the buffer. This would be used If It were
desirable to capture several smal I fl les and
This option may be used to transfer compl led concatenate them onto disk or to capture flies
binary flies from one system to enother like longer than the available buffer size. The
system. It can eI so be used between fLEX capture 111e Is currently closed on exit from
systems to send flies In space-compressed mode the progr� or upon receipt of a Close command,
to save transmission time. so that the buffer may be flushed multiple
t lmes to the s&me f lie.
This file transfer does not Involve character
trensllteretlon of the contents of the file C: Close text collection file
being transmitted. There Is no conversion of
CR to NL, CR to CRNL, or CRNL to CR. This may CMOOEM flushes the memory buffer to the
ceuse unexpected results, depending upon the collection disk file and then closes the file.
system from which a file Is being received or This allows the capture of multiple flies
to which It Is being sent. without the necessity of exiting CMOOEM.

Y: Binary file receive with MODEM protocol L: Line feed generated locally for CR

CMOOEM prompts for the n&me of the flie to While this may not be the most popular of all
receive, then welts for the sending computer options, It proves to be very useful for those
(which must be using this program or one that systems which send only a carriage return or do
uses the s� protocol l to get Into not echo anything after an end of line
synchronI zat Ion. The deta I Is of the protoco I character Is sent. This Includes the COCO
ere provided leter. printer port and many other systems. This
option ol lows the production of a local CR NL
CMODEM returns to TermInal mode after sequence to prevent repeatedly overwriting the
completion of this option, whether the transfer seme line with successive lines.
was successful or not.
This option may be used to transfer complied
binary flies from one system to another <like> As described earlier, CMODEM supports a parameter
system. It can also be used between fLEX file for the purpose of automatically modifying
systems to send fl les In space-compressed mode certain default paremeters. for fLEX, this file
to save trensmlsslon time. This file transfer Is named PROFILE.TXT and must be placed on the
does not Involve charecter transliteration of working drive. for OS/9, this file Is named
the contents of the file being received. PROfiLE and must be placed In the current
directory. The user Is responsible for creating
When this option Is used under OS/9, the file the par�ter file according to the description
must then be processed with ATTR to make the below. If the file Is not available or a
program executable at the receiving end, parameter Is not modified, the default par�ter
assuming en executeble OS/9 module was values wl I I be used.
transmitted successfully. This Is true because
the file attributes are associated with the Each record In the parameter file contains a

·as· Micro Journal 25

keyword �nd �n optlon�l operand, end Is terminated �re produced by the comp II er < • osm l • There are
with � c�rrl&ge return. �I so some rewrItten II br�ry fl I es provIded wIth
CMOO EM since the st�ndard versions �volloble with
For non-COCO FLEX CMODEM, the parameter file has D yno-c did not support ol I of the features
the following contents: required �nd did not comply with the standards
norm� I ly found on UNIX-type machines.
BAUD 3 0 0/1200 (1200) boud rote
DUPLEX F/H CFl duplex switch While this moy seem to be troublesome, It does
MOD€M xxxx <E074 l modem port address m�ke the source to CMODEM us�ble to more people
UNITS nn (10) disk buffers per 1/0 (I -25l since It does not require the purch�se of one of
XPERT <no> expert mode toggle the $400 C complIars currently av�lIable for the
6 809. The new version of Mlcrowore C for the COCO
For non-coco OS/9 CMODEM, the parameter file hos wos not �v�lloble when this program was being
the following contents: developed.

DUPLEX FIH (F) duplex switch While conversions have not been attempted, there
PORT /oa�o <ITI l modem path descrIptor nome Is no reoson th�t some of the other smol I C's
UNITS nn (10) disk buffers per 1/0 (J-25) could not also be used If the proper library
XPERT (no) expert mode toggle functions were written for them. There �re
versions of CMOOEM which hove been developed for
For COCO versions of CMODEM, the p�rometer flle Mlcrowere C �nd lntrol C in the post.
hos the following contents:
BAUD 300/1200 ( 1200)boud rote
CCI 10 xxxx <04CCl II 0 boud de I �y f�ctor This section Is of Interest only to those who hove
CC300 xxxx COIBFl 300 b�ud deIay foetor purchased the source vers Jon of CMODEM. It
CC600 xxxx <000€) 600 boud delay foetor descrIbes some of the "ldefIne"s thot ere used In
CCI200 xxxx (006C) 1200 baud daley foetor· the source version of CMOD€M. Some of these moy
CC2400 xxxx (0033> 2400 baud daley factor require modification to suit the requirements of
CC4800 xxxx <0019) 4800 baud delay foetor p�rtlcular systems.
CC9600 xxxx COOOEl 9600 baud delay foetor
CC19200 xxxx (0007) 19200 boud del�y factor TWIDTH
DUPLEX F/H CFl duplex switch
X PERT <no> expert mode toggle This Is the width of the terminal dlspl�y In
The COCO version of CMODEM requires th�t the PIA
modem port be wired as follows: This Is the number of horizontal Jines that con be
dlspl�yed on the terminer.
pIns I and 2 received data
pin 3 ground MYMOOEM
pin 4 transmitted dot�
This Is the default address of the ACIA port being
Note thot this Is different from that used by used for the modem.
Tondy and Mlcrow�re.


This Is the default �ddress used for the console
This section Is of Interest only to those who hove
purchased the source version of CMOOEM. LPSEC

The source version of CMOO EM Is composed of nine

This Is en Intern�! timing loop value used for time
modules. This Is because of the composite size of del�y.
the v�rlous modules end the abl llty of some
editors to work well only with flies that can fit CPU�Z
Into moln memory.
This Is the default clock speed for the processor
The CMODEM modules ore as follows: �nd Is used as part of the timing loop formula.

C800eoo.c option •election•

-.Inc e.-. lnlonutlon SECSIZ
c...c!t.,...c t.-.lnel -.olotlon
c...c!•end.c -fil e tron•ler
This Is the size of eoch received or transmitted
c...c!recv.c -file receive
c...c111 re.c file open. close. reed. write data sector. It Is set to 128 bytes to be
c...c!•lt.c "SCII file trensalulon compatible with CP/M MODEM tr�nsfer protocols.
-.dsupt.c utili tv functiOft•
-··C Include• ell h,_.. file. end ·-.,.,.,1M
-•file c:aoplletlon -•d file

This Is the total buffer capacity In bytes. It Is

The "makeflle" file provides a comman d file which the size of each sector times the number of sectors
will perform the entire compilation and assembly thot wlII be sent or captured before a disk reed or
process on the CMJOEM moduIes. The "makef II e" write.
modules are somewhat different among the vorlous
versions of the C compliers available under OS/9 SPECIAL
end FLEX.
This Is the control sequence that Is recognized by
Since CMODEM was rewritten Into D yna-C, the Make.c the program from the console as a request to display
file Is used to Include alI of the required the menu. It may be reset but has the default value
library flies end the assembly longuoge flies that <ctrl>-t.

26 ·sa· Micro Joumal

BREAK any other arbltrery flies

This Is the control sequence that Is recognized by While this protocol Is designed for use with en
the program from the console &s & request to 8-blt date formet, It could eeslly be &d&pted for
transmit & physical break condition. It may be use In e 7-blt environment end used for the
reset but h&s the default value <ctrl>-underllne. trensmlsslon of ASCI 1-only Cor unpacked-hex>
data. This could be done simply by having both
BRKCOOE the sender end receiver logically mask any
protocol-dependent d&t& to clear the eighth bit
This Is the value that wl I I be sent to the modem before transmitting end after receiving ft. This
ACIA port to Initiate & break code on the line. would be limited to the verl&ble-dete portion of
the trensferred d&t&, end would not Include the
SYSDEPENO following 8-blt protocol control d&t&, described
Since the various C compliers &v&lleb le seem to
return different codes for OPEN, this verlebte Is the checksum
defined &s required for & given C compl fer. It Is
defaulted to NULL for Dyne-c. the block numbers

MODEM PROTOCOL DEFINITION the one's-complement of the block number

The following description of the Ward Christiansen

MODEM protocol wes derived from various sources, To maintain comp&tlbl llty with the CP/M flle
Including the original MODEM description, the structure, the date file must follow the
TELENET description, the TTY description, end e fo f lowIng d&t& format:
description on the NEWSNET by Keith Peterson, with
eddltlons for CMOOEM. ASCI I tabs must be used (09Hl; tabs are essumed
set every 8 positions;
This description provides the criteria for operation
of the MODEM protocol If It Is to be compatible with AI I lines must be termlneted by CR/LF COOH
the various CP/M end UNIX systems In operation. OAHl;

Using this protocol, CMOOEM has been used to End-of-fIle must be Indicated by one or more
trensfer flies from OS/9-besed, UNIFLEX-besed, end <ctri>-Z (IAHl characters;
FLEX-based systems to end from each other, to end
from CP/M-besed systems using MODEM, end to end from Data Is variable length, but whll e the file AS
UNIX-based systems using TMOOE M, UMODEM, end XMOOEM. being handled by the transfer program, It
It h&s also been used to send end receive flles from should be considered & continuous streem of
other assembly language MODEM programs, &s welt as d&t& bytes. This continuous stream Is then
programs written In C, that exist on the verlous broken Into 128-byte chunks by the program for
C-Nodes across the country. transmission and Is regrouped upon reception.

The control characters that define the MODEM dete If the date ends exectIy on e 128-byte
block ere &s follows: boundery, I.e. C R In 127, end LF In 128, en
additional block containing the <ctri>-Z EOF'
<soh> OIH cherecter<s> Is optlonel, but Is preferred, es
some CP/M utilities end user programs do not
<eot> 04H handle EOF without <ctri>-Z correctly.

<eck> 06H The lest block sent Is ldentlcel to &II the

others; there Is no "short block" supported by
<nak> 15H the MODEM protocol. Peddlng Is edded to the
block to complete the required 128 byte block
<can> ISH size on the test det& block. While one would
be tempted to p&d this block with <ctri>-Z,
this wit I work reliably only with CPIM-b&sed
TRN-ISMISSIOtH£01UM LEVEL PROTOCOL systems. Other systems, such es OS/9, UNIX,
FLEX, end, UNIFLEX, would not usually process
Fot lowing ere the attributes of the trensmltted the <ctri>-Z cheracters correctly. It Is safer
end received d&t&: to use spaces for peddlng even though this
could possibly edd 11 slight length to the file,
&synchronous end potentially cause difficulties with blnery
transmissions to non-cP/M systems.
8 det& bits
no parity
The format of every d&t& block transferred In
one stop bit either direction under the MODEM protocol Is es
This protocol does not place any restrictions on
the contents of the data being transmitted. Any <SOH> <blk I> <255-blk I> <--128 dete bytes-->
type of date can accurately be sent using this <cksum>
protocol. This Includes the following types of
flies: In which:

ASCII text flies <soh> = 01 hex;

blnery complied program files <blk I> = binary block number <starts et
01H, Increments by OlH, end wr�s around
command files containing control characters from OFF'H to OOH;

'68' Micro Journal 27

<255-blk I> • one's-complement of binary SENDING PROGRAM CONSIDERATIONS
b I<>CK number;
While welting for the transmission to begin, the
<cksum> z the lest eight bits of the sum of sender may have only & single long timeout,
the date bytes. normally one minute In length, or It may have e
shorter timeout, normally 10 seconds In length,
PROGRAM-LEVEL PROTOCOL before retry! ng the transmlssIon, for some number
<such as 10l of retries. Cmodem uses the latter
CQMI()N TO BOTti SENDER AND RECEIVER: method, &s this aborts fewer transmissions. The
use of this 10 second timeout makes the
All errors ere retried 10 times. transmission time-sensitive, whereas the one long
timeout &I tows the entire process to be
Some versions of the protocol (but not CMODEM> completely receiver-driven. The 10 second
use <can> (18H>, to cancel the transmission timeout Is compatible with any of the existing
operation. This has never been adopted as e MOOEM protocol progr11111s.
standard, since & single "abort" character
makes the transmission susceptible to false When the sender has no more d&t&, It wit I send an
termination caused by an <&ck> <nek> or <soh> <eot>. It wit I then walt for an <&ck>. The
being corrupted Into e <can> and canceling sender w1 I I resend the <eot> If an <&ck> Is not
transmlss Ion. received, just &s In normal transmission.

The protocol may be considered "receiver Another procedure, used by some MODEM protocol
driven", that Is, the sender need not progrIIIIlS, &Ithough not by CMODEM, Is to have the
automatic&I ly re-transmit, although It does In sender Implement only e high-level one-minute
most of the current Implementations, Including timeout after sending the <eot> before aborting
CMODEM. the transmission. This would give the receiving
end more control of the data exchange procedure.

The receiver has & 10-second timeout. DATA FLOW EXAMPLE

It sends e <n&k> each time it times out. To show an example of & d&t& flow session, &
3-block message Is diagrammed below. It Includes
The receiver's first timeout, whIch sends e the two most common line hits: & g&rb&ged blocK,
<n&k>, signals the transmitter to start the end en <ack> reply getting garb&ged. <xx>
transfer of data. represents the checksum byte.

The receiver could send e <nek> Immediately, In

case the sender Is ready. This would work If the
<times out after 10 seconds)
sender were & versIon of XMODEM, whlch Is &
<--- <n&k>
variant of MODEM which must be Initiated remotely
<soh> 01 FE -d&t&- <xx> -->
by the receiver.
<--- <ack>
<soh> 02 FD -data- XX ---> (data gets line hltl
This would save the Initial 10 second timeout,
<--- <nak>
and Is used by CMODEM. However, the receiver
<soh> 02 FD -date- XX --->
must continue to timeout every 10 seconds In case
<--- <&ck>
the sender wasn't re&dy.
<soh> 03 FC -data- xx --->
<eck gets g&rb&ged > <--- <ack>
Once the receiver has begun receiving e block of
<soh> 03 FC -d&t&- XX ---> <ack>
data It wit I use e one-second timeout for each
<eot> --->
character and the checksum. If the receiver
<--- <ack>
wishes to <nak> & block for any reason (fnvalld
header, timeout receiving date>, It must welt for
the line to clear. See "progremmlng PROGRAMM ING CONSIDERATIONS
considerations" for various techniques used by
different modem programs for h&ndl lng error Following are suggestions published In various
conditions. sources for potential MODEM-compatible program
writers or modifiers. Most of them are Included
If & valid block number Is received, It will be In the CMODEM progr&m.
one of the following:
The character-receive subroutine should be
1l the expected one, In which case everything cal led with & p&r��meter that specifies the
Is fine; number of seconds to watt. The receiver should
first cal I It with & time of 10, then <nak> and
2) & repeat of & previously received block; try &g&ln, 10 times.
this should be considered OK, since It
Indicates that the receiver's <ack> was After receiving the <soh>, the receiver should
glltched, end the sender re-transmitted; the call the character receive subroutine with &
only special handling Is to discard the !-second timeout, for the remainder of the
received block of data; message and the <cksum>.

3> any other block number wl I I Indicate & loss Since they are sent &s & continuous stream,
of synchronization, such as the sender getting timing out of this Implies & serious problem
& line-glitch that appeared as an <&ck>; this that may have been caused by the receipt of
condition normally Is not recoverable, so the only 127 characters Instead of 128.
receiver normally aborts the transmission by
sending & <can>. When the receiver wishes to transmit & <nak>,
It should cal I & "PURGE" subroutine, and walt
for the line to clear. The sender should have
discarded any characters In Its Internal

28 '68' Micro Journal

hardware and software receive buffers software was developed before COCO OS/9 was
Immediately upon sending a block, to help available. In order to port software to COCO OS/9,
prevent misinterpretation of line glitches. It was necessary to send It thru the Tl port on the
COCO at 300 Baud <and hope that OS/9 did not garbage
The most common technique Is for "PURGE" to It too much), or use the FHL Q-PAK XCOPY utility
cal I the character receive subroutine, (which works, but Is tedious for many flies), or use
specifying a 1-second timeout, and looping back the new GIMIX COCO drivers (If you hove o GIMIX
until a timeout actually occurs. system, which I do not>, or type It In by hand, or

The receiver then sends the <nak>, hopefully

ensuring that the transmitter wll I receive It 0 P Johnson has a solution to the Incompatible disk
properly. format problem which also extends the capabilities
of the COCO for those who hove drives with more
Some may wIsh to add code to the character· capacity or speed than the SS 35-track drives sold
receive routine to set an error flag If the by Tandy. It Is called SOISK and costs S29.95
ACIA or other device on the modem port shows (+$1.00 shipping>, but Is worth several times that
framing error or overrun. This code Is not amount In the terms of the convenience It affords
currently Included In CM:)OEM. the user. It supports 1 to 3 SS or OS, SO or 00, 35
or 40 or 80 track 5.25" drives.
This wl II help catch a few more glitches, the
most common of which Is a hit In the high bits SOISK Is composed of on OS/9 device driver <SOISKl,
of the byte In two consecutive bytes. The several device descriptors (/SOx>, o format program
checksum Is unaffected In this case, since <SFORMATl, and o conflgurator <DESCGENl.
counting In eight bits and discarding the carry
bits produces the same results when adding <SOH If ell that Is desired Is to access and create
+ SOH> as with adding <OOH + OOH>. standard OS/9 diskettes under COCO OS/9, the user
runs OESCGEN once to generate a new device
S�Y descriptor <ISOO, /SOl, )
• • • for each drive ond
saves them, along with a copy of the SOISK module,
The orecedlng has discussed the application of OS/9 on a COCO OS/9 diskette. Then, whenever the SOISK
to communicating with other systems and with other and /SOx modules ore hove been loaded, each drive
terminals. The method described, a program named has a dual Identity: /Ox for COCO OS/9 format, and
C�M. Implements sever·al modes of communication /SOx for standard OS/9 format. AI I standard OS/9
<some of which are compatible with CP/M and other programs, with the exception of FORMAT, work equally
systems), which attempt to provide en error-free wei I with either type of device descriptor. The
means of communication despite potential ly-nolsy SFORMAT program Is used In place of FORMAT; It works
telephone IInes, and other modes of commu nlcotlons, with either type of descriptor, so the original
which, while not error-free, ore compatible with FORMAT progrom cou I d be deIeted and repIaced by a
other systems and terminals. renamed SFORMAT.

POSTSCRIPT If the user desires to construct a bootoble SS

diskette already containing SDISK and /SOx, the
The development of this program has proven to be a manual accompanying SDISK provides the detailed
real learning experience. This was due to the many directions for accomplishing ft. Essentially, the
pieces of code that hod to be written to handle user constructs the device descriptors with OESCGEN
Issues that are not a part of average applications and uses OS9GEN to Include them In the boot, along
programming environment. Much of the program can b e wl th SOISK.
considered closer to operating system programming
than to applications. In order to construct o bootob le OS dl skette <or to
construct a single-stage bootoble diskette for those
There also tends to be a never ending supply of "one systems without the DOS command), Johnson offers the
more little feature" requests that keep the program BOOTFIX program for $9.95. It Is used on a diskette
In a constant state of change and also bring out freshIy formatted by SFORMAT end COBBLER to
latent bugs that did not seem to exist before. rearrange the bootflle end kernel on track 34 so
that the boot wll I be able to properly access them.

SOISK also provides three extensions to the



AND FILTER KIT 1 dIrect sector read
with specified sector size,
side, density, tracks
direct sector read
with specified sector size,
REVIEW Of 0 P JOHNSON'S slde, densIty, tracks
FILTER KIT 1 unfreeze oo. Information

by E. M. <Bud) Pass, Ph.D. In summery, the SOISK and BOOTFIX package provide
Computer Systems Consultants, Inc. the facilities for standard OS/9 disk format
1454 Lotta Lone, Conyers, GA 30207 operations which should hove been provided under
Telephone Number 404-483-1717/4570 COCO OS/9, rather then the restricted form actually
present. The Implementation Is performed In an
The standard COCO OS/9 disk drivers support only the almost transparent manner, using the nor-mal
SSOO 35 treck non-standard disk format used by Tandy focilltles of OS/9.
on the COCO. Th 1 s 1 s very Inconven 1 ent for those
users ond deve Iopers concerned wIth buyIng or The other package from 0 P Johnson that I reviewed
marketing OS/9 software, as most exlstlnq OS/9 was FILTER K I T 1. It contains the following utility

·sa· Micro Journal 29

progrlll'ns, end costs $29.95: twW f( 1160 IORl LOX ICilGS
ens 1OBE 0069 LOY lf'(fCD
Cf'89 C4 07 1..111 17
Is lists file nlll'nes In current Cl'B8A6 80 IXXHil UlA o.x•
directory, with matching logic �A7 AO SIA O, Y+
buf buffers Input to eof, then (f"lf" 5A ltC8
<f"CO 211 f9 liE IXXHil
posses It to output <f'C2 9(, 19 UlA NlTIJ>
cp copies flies In current directory <f'C4 17 f£94 LBSII t£XA9:
to flies of slll'ne names on output <f'C7 ED AI STD O.YH
<f'C9 96 lA UlA HXTIJ>•I
path, restricted to list of files F£80 LBSII t£1ASC
<f'C8 17
on standard Input <f'C( ED A4 STD o.v
dl deletes list of files from (f1)0 80 40 BSII PRINT
<1'02 80 31 BSII C1JI'UI
current directory (f1)4 39 RTS
f IIst copies contents of list of fIles pf(J

from current dlrectory
(f((XE, • IJ'9Wil
• Illi TES ll£ TAG,
Info dlsploys detolled file Information t TO OJSC, SU'R£SSIICi OTRA SIW:ES ISAO!.
mv moves IIst of flies from current •
directory to output poth C11lS 8E 0�9 II!TDSC LOX lfCIIIliT tilliTE 5(l.A([ TO DISC
peg reeds stondord Input, producing 11'1..11(�
aoc 1oec 0088 II!TDSI Of'Y
o peglnoted listing <nO ?7 ID 8EO II!TDS3 tiD£
re1n0ve removes f I Ie nlll'ne from d l rectory (fE2 A6 AO UlA o.v•
(f'E4 84 7F II!TDSS IWlA "7F
without releoslng space JSR FilS
a'£6 80 0406
sell chonges owner numbers of list of (f'E9 26 19 81( II!TUS4 lEI¥IOl
f lie n&mes <f'EB A6 :J UlA -I,V tOET IT 8iO:
enD 81 AO Clf'jl ltM
setot chonges file attributes of list 81( IIITDS I
<f'EF 26 EB
of fl I e nlll'nes <f'FI I08C 0088 II!TDS2 Of'Y 11'1..11£+62
sort performs In-memory sort of (JF5 27 08 8EO II!TDS3
records on stondord Input to Clf'jl ltM •SPECIAL SPACl:
<f'F9 81 AO
stondord output <f'F8 ?6 E7 81( II!TOS:i
(f'R) 20 F2 BRA IIITDS2
(f'Ff 86 00 II!TDS3 LOA KO tCIR
The filter kit moy be used on ony OS/9 system, end 1001 80 0406 JSR AIS
Is not restricted to the COCO version of OS/9. The 1004 39 II!TUS4 RTS •TEST £Mil El.SBHJ£
utilities which I tried oil seemed to perform OS PAG
1005 8E 004A C1JI'UI LOX 11'1..11( tClEM PRINTLII(
expected. If even one of them Is usefu I, It Is 1008 86 AO LOA ltM
probably worth the cost of the entire pockoge. IOOA C4 4f 1..111 179
loot A7 80 CURl SlA o.x+
100£ 5A 1tCI
The &ddress end telephone number for D P Johnson ore loef" 26 F1l 81( CURl
OS follows: 1011 39 RTS

D P Johnson •
7655 Cedorcrest Street 101? 96 13 PRINT LOA LIIEMl
1014 17 FE� LBSII l£l.A9:
Portlond, OR 97223
1017 00 4A sro f'UIO
( 503) 244-81 52 1019 96 14 LOA Lti()C)tl
1020 96 14 L OA LII()C)tl tiUI' TIE Lll( I
1022 88 01 AOOA II
1024 19 !WI
10� 97 14 STA LII()C)tl


1029 89 00 AOCA to
1021 19 !WI
102C 97 13 STA Lll(ll)
102£ 8E 004A LOl IPUII
1031 80 :1£ BSII ZSl.f'P tIDIO Sl.f!'A£SS
1033 86 CC03 UlA W'Tll
1036 27 09 8EO PRINT3 tfCl t£AOIIGS
CONTINUED FRCl-1 LAST tvOi'mi 1038 80 04 SLIA M
103A 81 CCIA Clf'jl aRM
1030 26 02 liE f'IIINT3 tiClT TIJ> Pia
IO:J 80 3A BSII Pia tPRINT t£A011Cl
• 1041 S£ 004A PRINT3 LOX 11'1..1 1(
t SEM0£S TAG TAil.f fOR AIDIESS Ill D �. 1044 80 COlE JSR PST1Mi tPRINT IT
t IF FWCJ, CR1 IS Q..EM; ELSE IT IS SET. 1047 80 ec BSII II!TDSC t4U lii£S 00 TO DISC
• 1049 39 RTS
<1"80 34 06 FIIIDTG P9CS D •
OF82 CC 6000 LOO K6000 t3 X 2"13 10441 FC 0117 pt£AO LOO lf'Cill tPRINT t£A0IICl
<1'85 DO I( STD 81110 1040 IE 89 ElG A.B
<1'87 � 07 LDl TAGST 104f 88 01 AIDI II
Cf'89 30 10 L£Al -3.1 1051 19 !WI
OFIII 30 88 FIIIOTI L£Al o.x •8J.V AIWS1 1052 IE 89 E.XG A.B
OF80 'lC 09 Of'X TAWil IIIJTlllll TAil.f? 1054 89 00 AOCA to
<f'IF 24 09 IICC FIIIDT2 tiiD; 00 L(lfll 1056 19 IIAA
OF91 EC E4 LOO o.s •TAO Wlll 1057 FD 0117 STD lf'Q()
<1"93 IOA3 0I Of'D t.X tTAil.f WLl.E 105A 17 FDfE LBSII 1£�
C»'96 27 II 8EQ FIIIOH tfWCITAG 10'50 FD 0112 STD If¥«
OF98 24 08 IICC FIIIOT'l tttOO I(Xl (ff SEl 1060 86 0118 LOA lf'00+1
OF'lC 25 08 ecs Fl11DT4 tTAG IIOT FWC1 1066 FD 0114 STD IAU+2
(f"� 43 aJWI �TE FCII SU8TMCT 1069 8E 0112 LOX llf'ta
(f"'lf S3 aJII tot£ eo 23 BSII lSl.f'P •ZERO SlJ'PRE'SS
<f'AO C3 0001 AIQ) II t06E eo lA BSII FOOTI
<f'A3 20 E6 BRA FIIIOII ot£nT11Y 1070 80 18 BSII FOOII
(f'� 80 04 FIIIOT3 BSII FIIIDT5 tlllt�RV DIYIIE ton ae 0003 LOX HAD
<f'PIIlS 86 FIIIOT4 Pll.S o.PC ti£T\M TO PCJI 1018 80 10 BSII FODTI
OFM 04 IE FIIIOT5 LSR 81110 tillt�RV DIYilt 107- 39 RTS
<f"AD 06 IF lUI 81110+1 tfJifft SET • 10£ •
<f"M OC IE LOO 81110 1078 86 CCIA PK£ LOA aR.H tPRJitT FODltl! ISIW:ESl
<f'BI 39 RTS 107£ 81 lnl3 Clf'jl IIJ'Tll
PAG 1081 27 04 f(Q Plat
t PI/TS TIE IRl PSaiXl IJ> Ill 1083 90 05 BSII FOOTI
til£ PRINT L UE:. 1085 20 F4 11M PK£

30 '68' Micro Joumal

1087 80 Cl PAOCI 8SR PI£AD 1153 A6 84 LOA o.1
1089 39 RTS 1155 BO CDIS J5t! PUTOf!
• 1158 � 61 LOX !.S
IOOA SE 0099 FOOTI LOX llfAD4 liSA 30 01 LEAl I.X
1080 BO COlE J5t! PSTllMl 115C BO CD45 J5t! ll/TAM ti£STOfTIIG
1090 39 RTS liS 86 20 LOA H20
• 1161 80 CDIS J5t! PUTOf!
1091 A6 90 lSIJ'P LOA o.x+ tZERO SU'I£SS 1164 86 20 LOA H20
1093 81 30 Clf'A 1'0 1166 80 CDIB J5t! PUTOf!
109S 26 ()/; liE lSIJ'PI 1169 86 20 LilA H20
1097 86 20 LOA H20 1168 80 COIB J5t! PUTOf!
1099 A7 IF STA -1.1 116£ 35 34 I'ILS r.v.s
1098 20 F4 lfiA lSIJ'P 1170 30 OS 11¥'1112 l!AI s.x
1090 39 ZSIJ'PI RTS lin IOAC 01 Clf'Y I. r
PliO 1175 26 89 liE IAPIIIII tlfll TIIG
tsa!TS JRTIIG INTO 1l£ CROSS flFDE)(E 11n 5ll TSTB
HAll£. 1178 24 II liE IAPIIII4
f 117A C6 00 LOB 113
109£ 34 14 IRSOIT PSiiS x.o 117C 34 34 PSiiS r,Y.B
IMO 9E 44 LOX XA£)fJ 117E 80 C024 J5t! PCIU
IDA2 30 OS l!Al s.r 1181 86 20 XRFIIH3 LOA H20
10114 � CC2B Of'I I£I£IC) 1183 80 C O IS J5t! PUTOf! tll/TPUT 13 SPACES
IOA715 ()/; BCS IRSOII 1186 5A II:CB
IOA9 30 18 l!Al -
s x. 1187 26 F8 liE lRFIIH3
IOAB 9f 42 sn XRST tBEYOil I£IOIY 1189 35 34 PillS a.x.v
lOAf cc sooo XRSOll l.OO HSOOO • s • 2"12 1180 20 El lfiA lRPIIQ
10!2 DO IE STD 8 1111 IIIF 80 Cll24 XlmCS JSII PCIU
1084 9E 42 LOX XRST 1192 39 RTS
lOBI> 30 18 l!Al -s.x •
10118 30 88 IRFINI l!Al o.x 119'3 3 4 34 XRPUI PSiiS J,Y,B
IOBA 9C 44 Of'X XA£)fJ 1195 A6 03 LOA J,r
IOIK: 14 09 BCC XRFIN2 tLMR 1197 17 fCCI L8SR 1£1ASt
lOBE OC 47 l.OO XRTIIG+I 11911 co 94 STD IEA04-5
lOCO IOA3 01 Clf'D 1.1 119C A6 D4 LOA 4. I
IOC3 27 13 SEQ lRFIK4 tfWil 119E 17 fC8A LBSII t£XASC
IOCS 24 oc BCC XRFINJ liUX) IIAI DO 96 STD 1004-3
IOC7 17 fEEl XRFIN2 l 8SR riii1TS tSt.811!ACT IIA3 86 20 LOA H20
IOCA 15 oc BCS XWIK4 ll()l n£1£ liAS 97 98 STA IEA04-I
IOCC 43 cavl IIA7 SE 0094 LOX II£AD4-5 tlERO SU'I£SS
lOCO 53 cnt8 l iM A6 90 IRPUII LOA o.r.
IOCE C3 0001 AOilO II !lAC 81 30 Clf'A 1'0
IDOl 20 ES IRA IRFINI II� 26 ()/; liE Xl¥'UI2
1003 17 fED5 llf'INJ L8SR flllll'S 1190 86 20 LilA M20
1006 2 4 EO BCC IRFIIII 1182 A7 If STA -1.1
loal 9C 44 Xlf'IK4 Of'I 1REII) 1184 20 F4 lfiA XRPUII
1011: IOA3 01 Clf'D ••• 1188 A6 90 llf'UI4 LOA o.r•
Ill:! 25 04 BCS llf'lll6 tAT IJ! BEYOil IIIII BO CDIS J5t! PUTOf!
IOC3 30 OS l!Al s.x IICO 5A II:C8
IOES 20 Fl lfiA llf'IK4 IICI 26 FB liE Xlf'UI4
IOC7 OC 46 llf'IN6 l.OO IRIIIG IIC3 6A E4 occ o.s
1Cl:9 2A II BPl Iff'IliB �Sim IICS 35 84 Pill S x.v.a.PC
lll:B 9C 41 XRFIII7 Clf'X XRST PliO
lOCO 21 00 SEQ XRFIIIB tai:Sim IIC7 4E 4f 54 20 II5G2 FCC "NIT 0001 1(101'(; AIQITII«>. "
IOEF OC 47 l.OO XRTIIG+I IIC8 45 4E 4f 55
IOfl IOA3 IC Clf'O .... .x IICF 47 48 20 40
10f4 25 02 BCS XRFIIO 1103 45 40 4f 52
10f4 26 04 liE XRFIIIB tOES 1m 1100 59 38 20 41
10f8 30 18 XRFIIO l!Al -s.x 1108 42 4f S2 54
IOfA 20 EF lfiA XRFIN7 I!Of 49 4E 47 2£
IOfC 9f IE lRFU8 sn BINI fTEll' STlH: IIE3 04 fC8 4
IOfE 9E 44 LOl llell IIE4 42 49 4E 41 IISG4 FCC "81WIRY �T Elm!"
1100 30 OS l!Al s.r liES S2 59 20 46
1102 9f 44 STl XREICI IIEC 4f 52 40 41
1104 30 18 XWIN9 l!Al -s.x liFO 54 20 45 52
1106 9C IE Of'
I BINI IIF4 52 4f S2
1108 27 Cl: SEO IRFIII llf7 04 FC8 4
IIIlA A6 18 LOA -s.x llf8 AO TFlG FCB tAO tTIWCSfei/£10WCl (J'II)S
IIOC A7 84 STA 0.1 IIF9 44 FCC ·o ·

ll<l EC IC l.OO ....., IIFA AO FC8 tAO

1110 EO 01 STD 1.1 llf8 58 FCC .,.
1112 EC IE l.OO -2.1 IIFC AO FCB tAO
1114 EO 03 STD 3.1 IIFD 59 FCC •y•
1114 20 EC lfiA JAFIN9 lifE AO FCB tAO
1118 96 46 llf'lll LOA IRTIIG llff 55 fCC ·

lilA A7 84 STA o.x 1200 AO fC8 tAO
1201 53 50 43
II IE ED 01 STD I.X 1204 AO FC8 tAO
1120 oc 13 l.OO Lllllll 1205 41 FCC "A"
1122 ED 03 STD J,J 1206 AO fC8 tAO
1124 35 96 XRSIJ!9 PillS I.O,PC 1207 42 43 43 44 FCC "BCCIJ'"
PliO 1208 50
• 120C 43 43 PSfl fCC ·cc· tfiiJSH/PUll (f£JMlS
ti'!IIIITS 1l£ CRlSS retJ0::E 120C AO FC8 tAO
• 120f 41 fCC "A"
1124 86 CC03 lii'IWT LOA IIPlll 1210 AO FC8 tAO
1129 27 03 SEO WIIN6 1211 42 44 50 FCC "811'"
1128 17 Ff4D L8SR PAOC 1214 AO fC8 tAO
112£ 9E 42 llml6 LOI XRST 1215 58 FCC ·x·
1130 9C 44 �I Of' I 1REII) 1216 AO FC8 tAO
1132 27 58 SEQ tli'IICI tiD( 1217 59 53 !IS 50 FCC ·Y'SlPC·
1134 34 10 PSiiS I 1218 43
1136 86 CC03 LOA t:lPlll 121C 44 50 20 4C lfltSO FCC "IP LDAIED"
1139 11 DA SEQ 111'110 1220 4f 41 44 �
1138 90 04 UA H 1224 ••
1130 81 CCIA Oft Wl.H 1225 44 49 S2 45 lfltSOI FCC "DIET 1011"
1140 16 03 N XAPIIIf7 1229 43 54 20 41
1142 17 FF36 L8SR 1220 44 44 52
1145 Ill 1230 2A 57 41 52 IAISG2 fCC •.._IICII DIET fiG laKSSIIC>"
Cl24 � J5R PCIU
1148 35 10 1234 4E 49 4£ 47
PillS I
11411 !OlE 01 LOY ,,, 1238 3A 20 44 49
1140 C6 (( L� 114 12X 52 45 43 54
tfiAl lOll'S Ill LIIE
114F 80 42 1240 20 50 41 47
1151 34 34 � x.v.s 1244 4� 20 41 44

'68' Micro Journal 31

1248 44 :>2 4� 53 1365 AO AO FC8 tAO.�
124C 53 49 4£ 47 1367 0190 FDB �190
1nl20 1369 4f 52 43 43 FCC '(I[:C'
1251 55 53 45 « fCC •US£Dt• 1360 AO FCB lAO
125!5 21 131£ 4288 Fill '4288
1250 53 45 54 « IJ'IISG3 fCC 'SETU' o·
1370 ILJ..EG
12511 so 20 30 1Jn 41 4£ « 43 FCC 'AIIX:t'
I� 4£41 40 IWIS fCC 'MAlt' 1378 43
1260 4f 52 47 (JIGS FCC '(Ri' 137C 4288 FOB ...288
121>3 AO AO AO fC8 lAO. tAO.lAO 137E 53 4S 58 FCC 'S£1'
12� 24 FCC 'I'
1381 AO AO FCB tAO.tAO
1267 45 51 55 EWS F CC 'EliU' 1383 01110 FOB �190
126A 46 43 42 FC8S FCC 'FCB' 1385 45 58 47 FCC 'EIG'
1270 24 FCC 'I' 138A 0288 Fill t0288
1271 45 4E 44 ENlS FCC 'Ell)' 138C 54 46 52 FCC 'lfR'
1274 46 43 43 FIXS F CC 'FCC' 138f AO AO FCB lAO.tAO
1391 0288 FDB t0288
FCB 122 t£lCl lx STMT 2x
127A 22 'lf!A'
'!PT' 1393 42 52 41 FCC
1278 4f so 54 !PIS FCC
1396 AO AO FCB lAO. tAO
t£lCl rE !ll'ro!T IID.US 1398 01188 FOB IDA88
'f'AG' 139A 42 52 4£ FCC 'BAH'
1181 so 41 47 FCC
• LIB I.DISTB... rxT
t212?. 12324. 12526. 12718. lmA 139F 0288 FOB 10288
1284 2122 2314 LIXJCIO FDB '&II'
13AI 42 48 49 FCC
1288 2526 2718
13A4 AO AO fC8 tAO.tAO
I?BC 2m
13A6 0288 FOB 10288
IM me 21l2E FD8 1'2112C.121l2E,12f3f .t8JOC,t8E93.��
13A8 42 4C 53 FCC 'll.S'
1291 2f3f 838C
1296 BE93 9C'IE 13A8 AO AO rca IAO.IAO
I?9A 9fA3 fOE 19fAJ,VICI(, W83. tiiCIIE. t&I'CE.ti£11 13AD 0288 FOB 10288
FOB ·ecc·
13AF 42 43 43 FCC
I� AfB3 �BE
12A2 IFCE IE!.f 1382 AO AO FCB tAO.tAO
FCB 1(£. tEf. tf[.tFF 1384 0288 FOB tD288
12A6 EI £f FE FF ·acs·
12M lJ(I� EIIU • tiQI'T SCilEll WITH THIS TIG 1386 42 43 53 FCC
LIXJCII FD8 1:1'83. SOC93' t9CA3.tACB3 1389 AO AO FCB lAO. tAO
12M 3f83 OC93
I� 9CAJIU3 1388 0288 FD8 10288
1282 IIC FCB IIIC 1380 42 4£ 45 FCC •••
lu.EG MCRO IX2 0288 FOB tD288
FCB tFF 13C4 42 45 51 FCC 'BEO'
" 6 IX7 AO AO FCB IA(),IA()
001 I� 0288 FDB tD288
13CR 42 5I> 43 FCC '8\IC'
1283 lllll EliU • 13CE AO AO FCB tAO.tAO
12113 4( 4S 47 ClllTa. FCC 'ftE(j' tOO 1300 0288 FDB 10288
1186 AO AO FCB tAO. tAO •SPEC IAL SPIU 1302 42 5I> 53 FCC '8YS'
1288 2288 FDB 11188 1305 AO AO FCB tAO. tAO
128A lu.EG 1307 0288 FD8 tD288
I?CI ll.lEG 1309 42 so 4C FCC 'If\.'
I?CB 43 4f 4D FCC ·en�· t03 130C AO AO FCB tAO.lAO
I?CB AO AO FCB tAO. tAO 1311: 0288 FDB 10288
I?CD 2288 FDB 11188 13EO 42 40 49 FCC 'IllI'
I?Cf 4C 53 52 FCC 'LSR' t04 13El AO AO rca IAO.IAO
1202 AO AO FCB tAO. lAO 13£5 0288 FD8 t0288
1204 2288 FDB 12288 I:V 42 47 45 FCC ·n·
1200 52 4f 52 FCC 'RIJI' •06 13EC 0288 FOB 10288
12£0 AO AO FCB tAO,tAO 1:& 42 4C 54 FCC 'Ill'
12£1 2288 FDB 12288 llfl AO AO FCB IAO.IAO
12£4 41 53 52 FCC 'ASR' t07 13f3 0288 FDB t0288
12£7 AO AO FCB tAO.lAO 13f5 42 47 54 FCC 'IKll'
12£9 2288 FDB 12288 13f8 AO AO fCB lAO.lAO
12£8 41 53 4C fCC 'ASL' •OB FDB 10288
13fA 0288
12£E AO AO FCB tAO.tAO 13fC 42 4C 45 fCC 'll£'
12f0 2288 FDB 12288 13ff AO AO FCB lA(), lA()
12f2 52 4f 4C FCC 'ln.' t09 1401 0288 FDB t0288
12f5 AO AO FCB tAO.lAO t£HD 2x STMl 3x
12f7 2288 FD8 12288 1403 4C 45 41 58 FCC 'LEAl'
12f9 « 4S 43 FCC ·occ· tOA 1407 AO FCB lAO
12fC AO AO FCB lAO.tAO 1408 1288 FDB 11288
12f! 2288 FDB 12288 140A 4C 45 41 59 FCC 'LEAY'
1300 lu.EG 140£ AO FCB tAO
1307 49 4£ 43 FCC 'lit;' tOC IW 1288 FDB 11288
130A AO AO FCB tAO.tAO 1411 4C 45 41 53 FCC 'LEAS'
130C 2288 F DB 12288 1415 AO FCB lAO
I� 54 53 54 FCC ·rsr· tOO 1416 1288 FD8 11288
1311 AO AO FCB IAO.IAO 1418 4C 45 41 55 FCC 'l.EAU'
1313 2288 FDB 12288 141C AO FCB lAO
1315 4A 40 so FCC ...... tOC 1410 1188 FDB 11188
1318 AO AO FCB lAO.lAO 141F SO 53 48 53 FCC 'PSKS'
IliA Mll8 FDB wee 1423 AO FCB lAO
131C 43 4C 52 FCC 'QJI' t{S 1424 0288 FD8 t0288
131F AO AO FCB lA(), lA() 1426 so 55 4C 53 FCC 'Pil.S'
1321 2288 FDB f2288 142A AO FCB lAO
t£lCl Ox STMT lx 1418 0188 F DB f0288
1 32 3 1 0 fCB t!O 1420 so 53 48 :liS rcc 'PSHJ'
1324 Alii I. 1431 AO rca lAO
13211 II fC8 ttl 1432 0288 FDB f0288
1328 Alii I. 1434 so 55 4C :liS FCC "PP.Lll'
1331 4£ 4f so FCC ·�· •12 1438 AO FCB lAO
1334 AO AO FCB lAO.� 1439 0288 FDB t0288
1336 0180 FDB f0180 14:.1 lu.EG
1338 53 59 4£ 43 FCC "StW;" tl3 1442 52 54 53 FCC 'Ill'S'
133C AO FCB lAO 1445 AO AO FCB tAO.�
IDl 0190 FDB f0180 1447 0980 FDB f0980
13:1' lu.EG 1449 41 42 58 FCC 'Alii'
1346 lu.EG I«C AO AO f'CB IAO.MO
1340 4C 42 52 41 FCC 'I.JIAjl' •16 I� 0180 FDB f0180
1351 AO FCB tAO 14SO 52 54 49 FCC 'IITI'
1352 D88C FDB ...: 1453 ft) AO FCB IAO.MO
1354 4C 42 53 S2 FCC 'I.BSR' 1455 0980 fll t0980
1358 AO FCB tAO 1457 43 57 41 49 FCC "CIMI'
1359 D88C fll ...: 1458 AO FCB lAO
1358 lu.EG 145& 4288 FDB ...188
1362 « 41 41 FCC 'OM'
·� 40 ss 4C FCC 'fll.'

32 ·sa· Micro Journal

1401 110 110 FCB 1110.1110 1592 52 4f 4C F CC 'ln.' 16A3 53 55 41 41 FCC 'SUIA'
1403 01110 FD8 t0180 1595 110 110 FCB 1110.1110 16A7 AO FCB 1110
1405 IUEG 1597 1288 FllB •• 288 16A8 2288 FllB •2288
FCC 'Sill' 1599 44 45 43 FCC ' lf.C' 16M 43 40 50 41 FCC Cif>A
1401: 53 51 49
' '

146f 110 110 FCB 1110.1110 159C 110 110 FCB 1110 . 1110 ·� 110 FCB 1110
1471 0180 FOB t0180 159£ 1288 FOB ••288 16AF 2288 FOB 12288
t£lCl 3lt S1MT 4x 15AO IUEG 1681 53 4? 43 41 FCC 'SBCA'
1473 4E 45 47 41 FCC '!EGA' 15A7 49 4E 43 FCC 'IIC' 1685 AO FCB 1110
14n 110 FCB 1110 ISM 110 110 FCB 1110. 1110 161lb 2288 Fllll .-z288
1478 0180 FllB t0180 ISfe 1288 FD8 11288 1688 53 55 42 44 FCC 'Sl.IIO'
147A IUEG ·�54 53 54 FCC 'TST' 168: 110 FCB 1110
1481 IUEG 1581 AO AO FCB 1110 . 1110 1680 2288 FllB 12288
1488 43 4f 40 41 FCC ·eow�· IS83 1288 FllB 11 288 161f 41 4E 44 41 FCC 'IMWI'
I« AO FCB 1110 1585 4A 40 50 FCC .,.,. 16C3 AO FCB 1110
1480 0180 FllB .0180 1Sil8 110 l'i) FC8 1110. 1110 lbC4 2288 FllB 1 2288
IW 4C 53 52 41 FCC "lSRA' 158A 9A88 FOB 19MB 16C6 42 49 54 41 FCC 'RITA'
1493 AO FCB 1110 ISBC 43 4C 52 FCC 'a..R' 16CA 110 FCB 1110
1494 0180 FllB t0180 158F 110 110 FCB 1110. 1110 16CB 2288 FOB 12288
1496 IUEG !SCI 1288 FllB 11288 16Cil 4C 44 41 FCC 'UlA'
1490 52 4f 52 41 FCC ·�· t£lCl 6x STMT 7� 1600 110 110 FCB 1110. 1110
14AI 110 FCB 1110 ISC3 4E 45 47 FCC 'lEG' 1602 22£8 FllB 12288
IWOI80 FOB t0180 15C6 110 110 FCB 1110 .1110 1604 53 54 41 FCC 'STA'
'1\SM' 1607 AO 110 FCB 1110.1110
14M 41 53 51 41 FCC 15CB 330C FllB S338C
14A8110 FCB 1110 15CA IUEG 1609 2288 Fllll 12288
14A9 0180 FllB t0180 1501 IUEG 16llll 45 4f '52 41 FCC '((Jlj\'
IW 41 53 4C 41 FCC 'ASl.A' 1508 43 4f 40 FCC 'COl' 161F 110 FCB 1110
14t4' AO FCB 1110 1508 110 l'i) FCB 1110 .1110 lt.EO 2288 FllB •2288
1480 0180 FllB .0180 1500 330C FOB 1330C 16U 41 44 43 41 FCC 'AOCA'
1482 52 4f 4C 41 FCC 'Ril.A'
ISlf" 4C 53 51 FCC 'LSI!' II>Eb l'iJ FCB 1110
1486 AO FCB 1110 1�2 110 110 FCB 1110.1110 11£7 2288 FOB 12288
1487 0180 FllB .0180 1�4 330C FllB S338C lt.E9 4F '52 41 FCC '(Jlj\'
1489 44 45 43 41 FCC 'IECA' 15E6 IUEG 16EC AO 110 FCB 1110.1110
1480 AO FCB 1110 ·�52 4f 52 FCC 'ROl' tt.EE 2288 FllB 12288
1411: 0180 FllB t0180 15FO 110 l'iJ FCB 1110.1110 16f0 41 44 44 41 FCC 'ADDA'
14CO IUEG 15F2 330C FllB I330C 16f4 110 FCB 1110
14C7 49 4E 43 41 FCC 'IICA' 15F4 41 53 52 FCC 'ASI!' 16f5 2288 FOB 12288
14CB 110 FCB 1110 15F7 110 l'i) FCB 1110.1110 16f7 43 40 50 58 FCC 'Cif>l'
14CC 0180 Fll8 t0180 15F9 330C FllB 1330C 16f8 110 FC8 1110
14<1 54 53 54 41 FCC 'TSTA' 15F'B 41 53 4C FCC 'ASI.' t6FC Z288 FOB .-z288
1401 110 FCB 1110 15FE 110 110 FC8 1110.1110 16FE 4A 53 52 FCC 'JSII'
1403 0180 Fll8 t0180 1600 330C FOB I330C 1701 110 110 FCB 1110. 1110
1405 IUEG 1602 52 4f 4C FCC ·�n.· 1703 AA88 FOB IAA88
14DC 43 4C 51 41 FCC 'a..RA' 1605 AO AO FC8 1110.1110 1705 4C 44 58 FCC 'LOX'
14£0 110 FCB 1110 1607 330C FOB I330C 1708 AO 110 FC8 1110 . 1110
14£1 0180 Fll8 t0180 1609 44 45 43 FCC 'llC' 17GA 2288 Fll8 12288
t£JtJ 4x STMT 5x 160C 110 110 FC8 1110. 1110 170C 53 54 58 FCC 'STI'
FCC 'I£Cl8' 17Cf l'iJ AO FCB 1110.1110
14£3 4E 45 47 42 16« 330C Fll8 S338C
14£7 AO FCB 1110 1610 IUEG 1711 2288 f'DB 12288
14£8 0180 Fll8 t0180 1617 49 4E 43 FCC 'IIC' t£ICl � SlMl Ax
14EA ILUG 1 61A 110 110 FCB 1110.1110 1713 53 S5 42 41 FCC 'SUIIA'
14Ft IUEG 161C 330C FOB I33EIC 1717 110 FCB 1110
141'8 43 4f 40 42 FCC '(XJtJ' 161E 54 53 54 FCC 'TST' 1718 1288 FDB Sl288
14FC AO FCB 1110 1621 AO AO FCB lA(), 1110 171A 43 40 50 41 FCC 'Cif>A'
14FD 0180 FOB .0180 11>23 330C Fll8 S338C 171E AO FC8 1110
14ff 4C 53 52 42 FCC 'LSRB' 1625 4A 40 50 FCC .,.,. 171F 1288 Fll8 ••288
1503 AO FCB 1110 11>28 AO l'iJ FCB 1110,1110 1721 53 42 43 41 FCC 'SBCA'
\504 0180 Fll8 .0180 11>2ABIJa: Fll8 ...: 17251'iJ FCB 1110
1501> IUEG 162C 43 4C 52 FCC 'a..R' ln6 1288 F ll8 11288
FCC 'RIN' 'Sl.&l'
1500 52 4f 52 42 11>2F AO AO FCB 1110.1110 1728 53 55 42 « FCC
1511 AO FC8 1110 11>31 330C Fll8 S338C 172C AO FC8 1110
1512 0180 Fll8 .0180 t£Ml 7x S1M l 8x 1720 1288 FOB 11 288
1514 41 53 52 42 FCC 'ASI!B' 11>33 53 S5 42 41 FCC "SUBA' 172F 41 4E « 41 FCC 'IMWI'
15181'iJ FC8 1110 11>37 AO FC8 1110 1733 AO FCB 1110
1519 0180 Fll8 t0180 11>38 4288 FOB 14288 1734 1288 Fll8 ••288
1518 41 53 4C 42 FCC 'ASI.B' ·� 43 40 50 41 FCC 'Cif>A' 1731> 42 49 54 41 FCC 'BITA'
ISIF 110 FC8 1110 1a 110 FCB 1110 173A 110 FCB tAO
1520 0180 Fll8 t0180 IIJ 4288 FllB 14288 1738 1288 FllB •• 288
1522 52 4F 4C 42 FCC 'ln.B' 11>41 53 42 43 41 FCC 'SBCA' 1730 4C 44 41 FCC 'UlA'
1521> l'i) FCB 1110 IM5 AO FCB 1110 1140 l'i) fi) FC8 1110.1110
11>46 4288 Fll8 54288 1742 1288 FllB 51288
1527 0180 Fll8 t0180 'Sl.&l'
IMS 53 55 42 « FCC 1744 53 54 41 FCC 'STA'
1529 44 45 43 42 FCC 'llCB' FCB 1110
11>4C 110 1747 l'i) l'i) FCB 1110.1110
1520 AO FCB 1110
11>40 4� F ll8 14� 1749 1288 Fll8 11288
152£ 0180 Fll8 t0180 'IMWI' 'El*'
11>41' 41 4E « 41 FCC 1748 45 4f 52 41 FCC
1530 IUEG tAO
11>53 l'i) FCB 1741' l'i) FCB 1110
1537 49 4E 43 42 FCC 'IICB' FOB 14288
11>54 4288 1750 1288 FOB 51288
1538 l'i) FCB 1110 11>56 42 49 54 41 FCC 'RITA' 'lttA'
17'52 41 44 43 41 FCC
15X 0180 Fll8 .0180
11>5A AO FCB 1110 1751> AO FCB 1110
15:£ 54 53 54 42 FCC 'TSTB'
I� 4288 F ll8 1 4288 1751 1288 Fll8 fl288
15421'iJ FCB 1110 'UlA'
11>50 4C 44 41 FCC 17'59 4F 52 41 FCC •(Jljl•
1543 0180 Fll8 t0180 11>60 110 l'i) FCB 1110 .1110 175C AO l'iJ FCB 1110.1110
1545 IUEG 11>1>2 4288 Fll8 14288 175E 1288 Fll8 51288
154C 43 4C 52 42 FCC 'CLR8' 11>64 IU£0 1760 41 « « 41 FCC 'ADOA'
1550 110 FCB 1110
11>68 45 4F 52 41 FCC 'EIRI' 171>4 110 FCB 1110
1551 0180 Fll8 t0180
11>6f 110 FCB 1110 171>5 1288 Fll8 51288
t£Ml 5x ST Ml 6x
14288 FCC 'Cif'X'
1670 4288 Fll8 1767 43 40 50 58
1553 4E 45 47 FCC 'lEG' 'AOCA'
tt.n 41 44 43 41 FCC 171>8 AO FC8 1110
1551> 110 AO FCB 1110 .1110
1671> 110 FCB 1110 me t288 FOB •1288
1558 1288 Fll8 51288 'JSII'
lt.n 4288 F ll8 14 288 176£ 4A 53 52 FCC
155A IUEG '(Jlj\'
11>79 4F 52 41 FCC tnll'iJ 110 FCB 1110.1110
lSI>I tum 1110 . 1110
11>7C 110 AO FC8 tm9M8 Fll8 19A88
151>8 43 4f 40 FCC 'COl' 167£ 4288 F ll8 f4288 ms 4C 44 58 FCC 'LOX'
ISI>BI'iJ l'iJ FCB 1110. tAO
11>80 41 « 44 41 FCC 'AilOA' 1178 AOl'iJ FCB IIIO.MO
1560 1288 Fll8 11288 ••288
1684 l'i) FCB 1110 InA 1288 FOB
IS6f 4C 53 52 FCC 'LSI!' ·sn·
1685 4288 Fll8 14288 me 53 54 58 FCC
1572 AO AO FC8 1110.1110
11>87 43 40 50 58 FCC ' Cif'X' lnF AO AO FCB 1110.VtO
1514 1288 FOB 51288 FllB 1 1288
1688 l'i) FCR 1110 1781 1288
1511> ILUG t£Ml Ax STMT lb
1510 52 4f 52 FCC 'Aal' 16a: 438C Fll8 ..�
•BSR• 1183 53 55 42 41 F CC 'SUIA'
1580 AO l'iJ FCB 1110.1110 1611: 42 53 52 FCC 1787 110 1110
1582 1288 Fll8 11288 1691 AO l'iJ FCB 1110 . 1110 FllB S338C
'ASR' 1788 330C
1584 41 53 52 FCC 1693 IWI8 FllB lllA88 FCC 'Cif'll'
178A 43 40 50 41
1587 110 110 FCB 1110.1110 11>95 4C « 58 FCC 'LOX' tAO
In£ 110 FCB
1589 1288 Fll8 51288 1698 AO AO FC8 1110.1110 FllB S338C
178F 330C
1588 41 53 4C FCC 'ASI.' 11>9A 438C Fll8 1438C
1791 53 42 43 41 FCC 'SBCA'
158E AO AO FC8 1110 .1110 169C IUEG
1795 110 FCB 1110
IS90 1288 FOB 11 288 t£Ml 8x STMT �
1791> 330C Fll8 1338C

'68' Micro Journal 33

179e 53 ss 42 44 FCC "Sl.IO' 1899 2288 Fa 12288 199C t:t.l AO fC8 '*'·'*'
17'lC AO FCI lAO 1898 45 4f 52 42 FCC "EOIB" 19a Die n. I33IIC
1990 41 44 .. 42 FCC "AIIIr
1790 338C fml I33IIC 189f t:t.l FCI lAO
17'1f 41 4£ .. 41 FCC "AICIA" 18AO 2788 rm� 12288 1994 AO f'CI lAO
1710 t:t.l rca lAO 18A2 41 .. 43 42 FCC "AOCS' 1995 338C Fml I33IIC
1997 4C 44 .. FCC "UlD'
17A4 338C Fml I33IIC 18A6 t:t.l FCB lAO
17AO 42 49 54 41 FCC "BITA' IBA7 2288 Fml 12288 199At:t.l AO fC8 '*'·'*'
17M t:t.l fCI lAO IBA9 4f S2 42 FCC "018" 199C Die Fml I33IIC
17AB 338C Fml I338C IBAC t:t.l AO FCB '*'·'*' 199£ 53 54 .. FCC ·sro·
17� 4C .. 41 ra: "LilA' IW: 2288 F1l 12288 19AI AO t:t.l FCB '*'·'*'
1180 AO t:t.l FCB '*'·'*' 1880 41 44 .. 42 FCC "AID" 19A3 l38C F1l I338C
17BZ 338C F1l I338C 1884 t:t.l fCI lAO 19AS 4C .. � F CC ·w
1784 53 54 41 FCC "STA' 1885 2288 F1l 12289 I'IAB t:t.l AO Fca '*'·'*'
1717 /II) t:t.l FCI lAO. lAO 1887 4C .. .. F CC "lOO' 19M l38C F1l t338C
188A AOAO FCI '*'·'*' 19AC 53 54 ss FCC ·sru·
F1l 1338C
!m'J '*'·'*'
1719 338C IBK 2288 19AF /II) t:t.l fCI
FCC "E<RI" Fml
17118 45 4f 52 41 181l 53 54 44 FCC 1981 l38C F1l I33IIC
17F AO FCI lAO 1983 llllV Efll •
IBCI t:t.l t:t.l rca 1110.1110
17CO 338C f1l I33IIC
18C3 2288 Fll8 12288 1983 4C 42 52 4E !DOC) FCC "LIAI"
17C2 41 .. 43 41 FCC "AOCA" 1987 /II) FCB 1110
IBC5 4C 44 SS Fct "UlJ"
i7a t:t.l FCB 1110 IBCB FCB 1988 0308 Fml 10308
17C7 338C F� I338C IBCA 2288 F1l t2288 198A 4C 42 48 49 FCC "UIHI'
17C9 4F 52 41 FCC '1M' " STU" 191£ AO FCI 1110
ll'ct AOAO fCB '*'·1110 IBCF t:t.l � FC8 IIIO.MO 198f D308 Fll8 ID308
11(1 338C F1l I338C 1801 2288 F1l 12288 19CJ 4C 42 4C 53 FCC "liLS'
J7!)0 41 .. .. 41 FCC "AliDA' 191:3t:t.l fCI ..,
170tt:t.l FCB .., 18113 53 ss 42 42 ftC "9.8" 191:6 D308 n. 10308
1705 338C Fml I338C 1807 t:t.l fCI 1110 19C8 4C 42 43 43 FCC ·ua:·
1Jg7 43 40 �58 FCC "Cif'l" 19CC AO FCB 1110
lanl 1298 F1l 11298
FCI lAO •C1f18• 190) 0308
ISOA 43 40� 42 F CC
19Cf 4C 42 43 53 �

7DC 338C 181£ /II) FCB 1110 �·
71£ 4A 53 52 'JSR" 1903 � FCB 1110
ljg 1298 F1l 11298
t:t.l t:t.l
I� FCB 1110.1110 ·sacs· 1904 D308 F1l 10308
leEI 53 42 43 42 FCC
17E3- F1l I888C leE5 t:t.l Fca 1110 1906 4C 42 4E 45 FCC 'LIIIE'
7D4C4458 FCC 'LOX' leE4 1298 F1l 11298 190A t:t.l FCB 1110
17E8 AOAO FCI 1110.1110 JeE8 41 .. 44 44 FCC 'AIDI' 19al 0308 F1l ID308
17£A 338C F1l I338C leEC AO fca 1110 1900 4C 42 � 51 fCC "\.IIEQ'
17EC 53 54 58 FCC 'STl' F1l J9EI t:t.l rca 1110
18ED 1298 11298
11£f AO llD res 1110.tAO 19£2 D308 F1l 10308
18Ef 41 4£44 42 FCC 'AIIJI' 'I.B\oiC'
1�1 338C F1l l3'l8C 19E4 4C 42 54 43 FCC
18f'3 t:t.l rca lAO
101) 8lc \lUI ex 19E8 AO Fca lAO
IIF4 1298 F1l 11288
17f3 53 ss 42 42 FCC -suse· 19E9 D308 F1l 10308
17f7 llD FCB lAO IIF6 42 49 54 42 FCC 'BITB' 190 4C 42 54 53 FCC 'UYS'
17FB 4298 F1l 14288 IIFA t:t.l FCB lAO 19Ef /II) fCB 1110
17FA 43 40� 42 FCC 'Cif'8' IIFB 1298 F1l 11298 19f0 0308 F1l 10308
17Ft AO FCB 1110 llf'D 4C 44 42 FCC 'Lml' 19f2 4C 42 � 4C fCC 'Ufl..'
17ff 4298 F1l 14298 1900 /II) t:t.l FCB 1110.1110 19f6 t:t.l FC8 lAO
1801 53 42 43 42 FCC 'S8CI' 1902 1298 F1l 11298 J9f7 0308 F1l 10308
180:5AO FCI 1110 1904 53 54 42 FCC ·srr 19f'l 4C 42 40 49 FCC 'liU'
1806 4298 F� 14298 1907 AOAO FCB '*'·'*' 19f'D AO fCI lAO
1808 41 44 .. 44 F CC 'AID)' 1909 1 298 F1l 11298 19fE 0308 F1l ID308
ISOC t:t.l FCI tAO 1908 45 4f 52 42 FCC 'EDII ' IAOO 4C 42 47 45 FCC 'lllOC'
1800 438C F1l 1438C I"' t:t.l FCB 1110 IA04 AO fCB lAO
I� 41 4E 44 42 FCC .,.... 1910 1298 F1l 11298 IACXS D308 F1l ID308
1813 AO FCB 1110 1912 41 .. 43 42 FCC 'AOCB' tt:t.l7 4C 42 4C 54 FCC "la.T'
1814 4298 F1l 14298 1916 t:t.l FCB tAO IA08 t:t.l FCB tAO
1816 42 49 54 42 fCC '81TB' 1917 1288 F1l 11298 IAOC 0308 F1l 10308
181A AO FC8 tAO 1919 4f 52 42 FCC 'MI' IACl: 4C 42 47 54 FCC 'L80T'
1818 4288 F1l 14298 t91C t:t.l t:t.l rca W), 1110 IAI2 t:t.l FC8 tAO
IBID 4C 44 42 fCC ·�· t91E 1298 F1l 11298 11113 D308 Fml 10308
1820 t:t.l (II) Fca 1110,\AO 1920 41 .. .. 42 fCC 'AID' IAI5 4C 42 4C 45 FCC 'LBlE'
F1l 14288 FCB 1110
1924 �
1822 4298 IAI9 t:t.l fCB 1110
1824 IUBl 1925 298 F1l 11298 tAlA 0308 F1l 10308
1821 45 4f 52 42 FCC 'EMI' 1m 4C" 44 FCC 'I.W lAIC 53 S7 49 32 F CC ' 51112'
182f (II) FC8 1110 FCB 1110 .1110 IA20 t:t.l FCI tAO
1830 4298 F1l 14298 192C 1298 F1l 11288 IA21 OICO F1l tOICO
1832 41 .. 43 42 FCC 'AOCB" 192£ 53 54 .. FCC ·sro· IA23 43 4D � 44 FCC 'Cif'O'
1836 AO FCB tAO Fca W),IIIO 1 4?7 t:t.l FC8 1110
1837 4298 F1l 14288 1933 1288 F1l 11288 IA28 4300 F1l 14308
1839 4f 52 42 fCC 'MI' 1935 4C .. ss FCC 'lllr
tAlA 43 40 � " FCC 'Cif'V'
ISXAO� fCI 1110.1110 1938 t:t.l (II) Fca 1110 .1110 IA2E /II) FC8 tAO
18:1: 4298 � 14288 1931\ 1298 Fmi 11298
'AID' IA:lf 4DI f1ll 14DI
1840 41 .. .. 42 FCC 19X 53 54� rex: 'STU' IIUI 4C 44 :W FCC 'LDV'
1844 (II) FCB tAO IWAOM fCB tAOoiiiO IA34 t:t.l t:t.l fCI W),W)
·� 4288 F1l 14298 1941 1288 F1l 11288 IA:ll. 4DI F1l IUI8
1847 4C .. .. FCC 'l.DD" 101) Ex START FX 'Cif'O"
JA38 43 40 � .. FCC
184A AO (II) fCI 1110.1110 1943 53 ss 42 42 FCC ·saw lAX AO FCI 1(11)
184C 438C F1l I438C 1941 (II) FCB tAO IUI2200 F1l t2200
184E IUE.G 1948 338C F1l I 338C IA:F 4 3 40 �:W FCC '0¥'1'
IIISS 4C 44 � FCC 'Ul!' 194A 43 40 � 42 FCC 'Cif'8' IM3t:t.l fC8 1110
1858 MAO FCI 1110.1110 194£ t:t.l rca 1110 IA44 2200 F1l moo
·� 438C F1l I438C 194f 338C F1l I338C IA46 4C 44 :W ftC 'LOV'
185C IUE.G 1951 53 42 43 42 FCC 'S8C8'
IA49 AO t:t.l fCI W),W)
t£111 ex START 1bc I'ISS t:t.l Fca tAO
'SUIB' 1MB 2200 F1l t2200
1863 53 � 42 42 FCC 1954 338C F1l I338C IA4D 53 54 59 FCC ·srv·
1847 M FCB tAO 1958 41 44 44 44 F CC 'AID)' 11\50 M (II) Fca 1110. \AO
1868 2288 F1l 12289 19SC (II) fCI 1110 ·� 2200 F1l 12200
186A 43 40 50 42 FCC ·�· 1950 338C f1ll I 338C I A54 43 40 � 4 4 FCC 'Cif'O'
t84E (II) rca 1110 197" 41 4£ .. 42 FCC 'AIIJI' 11\58 (II) FC8 tAO
186f 2288 F1l t2289 1963 (II) FCB lAO 11159 12110 F1l 112110
1871 53 42 43 42 FCC 'SID' 1964 338C f1ll S338C FCC 'Cif'V'
16 43 40 � "
1875 (II) FC8 1110 1964 42 49 54 42 FCC 'IIll' 16 t:t.l 1110
12288 FCB
1871> 2288 f1ll 196A M FC8 1110 IA60 12110 112110
1871 41 .. 44 .. FCC 'AID)' 1968 338C F1l I338C 11162 4C .. " fCC 'lDV'
t87C t:t.l FCI 1110 19611 4C .. 42 ftC -u.·
t2288 IA6S AOAO FCI 1110.1110
1870 2288 F1l 1910t:t.l AO fC8 ..,,.., 1At.7 1200 F1l 112110
187f 41 4£ 44 42 FCC .,.... 1m 338C F1l I338C ·m·
ltw.9 53 54 59 FCC
11183 t:t.l rca 1110 1974 53 54 42 ftC 'STI'
t2288 IA6C M (II) Fca W),W)
1884 2288 F1l lfflf:t.l(JI) FCI w.w
'IITI' IA6E 12110 F1l tt2DO
1886 42 49 54 42 FCC 1979 338C F1l S338C
fC8 .., IA70 43 40� 44 FCC '01'0'
IBt:t.l 19'71 45 4f 52 42 FCC 'ER' fC8 tAO
t2288 IA74 t:t.l
ll181 2288 f1ll 197f AO FC8 tAO
FCC �· IA75 3DI F1l
1880 4C 44 42 1980 338C F1l t338C FCC
w.MO llln43 40�:W 'Of"('
1890 Nl Nl FCI 1982 41 .. 43 42 ftC 'MICr
F1l S2288 IA71 AO FC8 1110
1892 2288 1986 AO FCI 1110
1894 53 54 42 FCC 1987 338C F1l S338C
fC8 IIIOoiiiO 1989 4f S2 42 FCC '018' IA7E 4C 44 :W FCC 'lDV'
1897 llD (II)

'68' M1cro Journal

IA81 AO AO rca SAO,UIO 185A 80 03 FCXI'R3 8SR (lJWI
IA83� FOO t3D IIISC 8S 00 BITA 10
lASS S3 54 5? FCC 'STY' 185£ 39 FCO'R2 RTS
IA88 AO AO rca SfiO,UIO •
IA8A� FOO t3'308 18Sf 8b AO (lJWI LilA nAO
IABC 4C 4-4 S3 FCC 'LOS' 1861 C6 38 UJj 156
IABF AO AO FC8 1110.1110 181>3 I£ 009A LOl Ill.IliE
IA?I 4308 FOO 14308 1866 A7 80 a..AFCI STA o.I+
IA93 4C 44 S3 F CC 'LOS'
18b8 511 occa
IA91. AO AO FCB SAO.SilO 1&9 26 FB BilE a..AFC I
IA98 2200 FOO t12DO 18b8 07 15 ST8 FIXOO'
IA?A S3 S4 S3 FCC ·srs· l&bD cc 008A lDD 110'11)+1
IA9D AO AO rca SfiO,SfiO ta70 00 16 S TD FCCLOC
IA9f 2200 FOO t12DO IBn 39 RTS
IAA6 1200 FOO tl200 t!ClYES FILE IWl FAOI O.X TO o.Y.
IAAB S3 54 53 FCC ·srs· la73 A6 80 ICMMI LilA O,l+
IAAB AO AO FCB SAO.SAO ta'/5 27 02 9£0 ICM)(2
IAAD 1200 f� tl200 tan A7 AO STA o.v.
IAAF 4C 4-4 53 FCC 'LOS' ICM)(2 occa
1879 511
IA82 AO AO rca 1110.1110 ta7A 26 F7 BilE ICMlfl
IA84 3D FOO t3DI IB7t C6 2( l� 1'.
IA86 53 54 53 FCC 'STS' 187E E7 AO STB o.Y•
IAB'J AO AO rca SAO,SfiO 1880 C6 03 UJj 13
IA88� f� moe 1882 A6 80 I(M')IJ LilA 0.1+
IABD S3 57 49 33 aYCifl FCC 'SIIIJ' 1884 A7 AO STA O,Y+
IACI AO rca tAO 188b 5A llCB
1887 26 f9
IAC4 43 40 50 5:! FCC 'Cit'l.l' 1899 39 RTS
lAC? 4308 FOO MDI
lACS 43 40 50 53 FCC 'Cif'S' •
188A 9E
IAOO 4308 FOO � 188C IF TfR x.y
IAD2 43 40 50 5:! FCC •QFll• I all: I09C 09 TAOCI..I Of'Y TNIMl
IAD6 AO rca SAO 12 t!Qf;
1891 27 9£0 TAOCI.. 3
IAD7 2200 FOO t22DO
1893 A6 AO LilA O,Y+
IAD9 43 40 50 S3 FCC 'Cif'S'
1895 8S 21 alTA H21 �IRIST
1897 27 oe 9£0 Ttal2
!All 2200 FOO t22DO
'Cit'l.l' 11199 84 FE AlllA ttFE
IA£0 43 40 50 5:! FCC 1898 A7 80 S TA o.x•
IA£4 AO FCB SAO A4 lDD o.v
1890 EC
IA£'5 1200 FOO tl200 189f ED 81 STD o.x++
IA£7 43 40 50 S3 FCC 'Of>S'
IBAI 31 22 Ttal2 LEAY 2.Y
IA£8 AO Fca SilO IBA3 20 E9 lilA T AOCI.. I
lA£[ 43 40 50 55 FCC 'Cit'l.l' IBA7 9f 08 STX TTGST
IAF2 AO Fca SAO IBA? 9f 00 STX nooe
1AF3� FOO .:ml IBA8 30 06 LEAl 6.X
·� 43 40 50 S3 rcc 'Cif'S'
IAF9 AO rca SAO 4-4
IBAF 9f STX XR£)1)
1881 39 RTS
(p1' LIS
• OCT 10011 MTA HAS
tll.lf'S Tl¥3 TAll£ FIR�YSIS. •
�SSED BY A +0 Af1'ER Tl£ 1882 8b CC22 OCTMT LM MSII tSIM: m ...s
tREST rE Tl£ ClltMl LIJE.
1885 f6 CCI A L� wu
tiCIT IXW()ITED. IF \'OJ FilM 1888 34 PSHS D
•IT \'OJ CM U!l n. IIJT IT litiS MSII tOO TO TEitl
IBSA 7C CC22 lie
tfOIT FIJI IUWliiCl Tl£ PIOMI. tltSil5
1880 I£ ICI6 LDI


IAFE C6 07 Wf'l L08 17 STX
IBC5 9f 05 MTDG
1800 9C 09 IUf'2 Of'I TAIBI!
IBC7 8b :E �TDI LM I'?
1802 27 30 11:0 1Uf'4
IBC9 80 CDI8 J5R P\ITCifl
1804 BD cox J5R WTI£l tiET MTA
un 80 CDIB J5R llaff
1807 A6 80 LM 0.1+
1809 26 02 BilE IUt'3 tiOT l£11 EXIT
1802 25 28 BC5 OCTD2
1808 8b 20 LilA H20
1804 109£ 05 LOY MTDG
IBDD BD CDI8 IUt'3 J5R P\ITCifl A4 STI o.v
H20 1807 AF
1810 8b 20 LilA
1809 80 CD42 J5R OCTI£1 t2111 ADIII ITOI
1812 BD C018 J5R P\ITOtl
!SOC 25 21 BCS OCTD2
1815 34 10 PSHS 1
IBil 109£ 05 LOY MTDG
1817 BD CD45 J5R MAll!
19£1 31 24 LEAY 4.Y
ISlA 35 10 PI.LS X
19£3 AF :E STI -2,Y
IBIC 30 02 LEAl 2.1
I�EC X lDD -2.Y tOm SOlllCI rE III'IIT
181E 8b 20 LilA H20
11£1 IOA3 X 01'0 --4,Y
1820 BD CDIS J5R P\ITCifl OCTll3 tN)T RIOO'
IBEA 25 oe BC5
1823 8b 20 LilA H20
1825 BD CDIS J5R MCifl pal.f
lBEf BD CD24 J5R
1828 5A lUI Rl �·
IBF2 20 03
1829 26 05 BilE IUf'2 J5R pal.f
IBF4 BD tn24 OCTll3
1828 34 10 PSHS l LOX
18f7 9£ IC56 1115Gb
1820 80 C024 J5R pal.f
1830 35 10 Pl.lS X
lilA �I
IBFD 20 ca
1832 20 CA Rl Wf'l OCTD2 LOX 0110 f'OillltRS
1834 BD CD24 IUf'4 J5R pal.f 07 TIW3ST
1837 39 RTS
IC03 30 03 LEAl 3 .1
ICOS 9f 09 su TAWil
t PllllfT 'ftc• LIIIE LEAl 3.1
IC07 30 03
1838 00 15 Fa:JIIIT rsr Fca:rT
9£0 IC09 9f oe sn TTGST
183A 27 IE I'CXI'R3 tiCITllliCl TO Pll llfT
leal 9f 00 STX nooe
IBX' 8b 11 IM "7? tOOSF cum: ICOO 35 06 Pl.lS D
18:£ '-1 9F 0016 STA IFCCLOCl IC12 F7 CCI A STI CIRJI
11142 9£ 009A LOX Ill.IliE IC15 39 RTS
184!5 I08E 0050 LOY •
IPGJt '00'£11 ICIDII MT'- liDS '
1149 C6 38 UJj «56 IC16 45 4E 54 45 11505 FCC
1848 A6 80 fiXJ'Rl LilA O,h ICIA 52 20 48 4E
1140 A7 AO STA o.v. ICIE 4F 57 4E 20
184f 5A lEI IC22 4-4 41 54 41
1850 26 f9 BilE FIXJ'Rl IC26 20 41 52 45
1852 17 F480 L8SR PillNT IC211 41 S3 20
IC2D 28 4f 52 20 F CC 'IIR 'DCl' J'
liS'S 26 07 BilE FCO'R2
1857 17 FW lJSfl CUf'UI IC31 27 45 4E 4-4

·sa· Micro Journal 35

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36 '68' Micro Journal

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68000 X·ASMS on 6809 25 250 20 35 300
conneciO<a. assomt>IOd and tesoea $950 00 J>asc..l 50 200 25 50 300
ELEKTRA CPU 1/9 Usc 0111\or tho 6802 or � Ito run 6800 soltware) or 6809 Has Rot ASMII/llnkong Loadl!t 25 150 20 35 17$
t n tor up 10 3 27 16 Epromi. 1K seratehpad, MC6840 tnple t•mtw. and an opuon•t
ov.,o 6800 X·ASMB on 6809 100
� to tnrougn 38,400 t>aud on two useo cooot 30 75 1$0
'"'': ��
� ��a..,: �.!'���·;v, �'{i-��� �1�.��0 forHat\ 17 3!> 65 450
S� 00 Kit $22$ 00 Assemi>IOd $275 00 Sottwa,. by Mk:roware Sy•lema Corp. Soutee Manual
Opllonat Bou<l Anto Goneoacor $2$ 00 Only
Baroooaro Run· Tlme

�S.\t't:!��·�����A��,.�'::�J 40000 25000

ELEKTRA DPS DUAL PORT SERIAL CARD Fns the standard 30P•n SS-50buSIIO SlOt •o oo
Con be conl>gurOd lOt 4 or 16 adOres- P<ll p o l l RTS. CTS, OTR, OCO, l AO. OS·9'- LOVOI 2 w/E d•t . Asm Debug 40000 •o oo $000 0
prt mptemcnteo tor 25 00 12500
���.:!':�· "1�b8ot' •••• can DO ap�� ir&J 5 �n,.:;:,..
$9 00 8:���·: b�:�:�:, 8!��;��tter (SpOC•Iy MOdel) 10000
Cable wttn lOCk sockot assembles �two neeooo per board) Eacn S25 00 Oev•co Onver tor AC IA and PIA 5000
CkK:� Ouvcr for 6840 an<J $8167 cloc;:t.. c;h1ps 3�00
ELEKTRA DPP DUAL PORT PARALLI!L CARD F•ts tno stlndlld 30 t>tn SS-50 t>us l/0
Entcrta.nment P8Ck 1 o • F•Je Handler ToOibO'
1101 Can be conllgurOd tor • Ot 16 ao<Jrenes per 110 slot Tno dorec11on ot the TTL
Of NmoCom 1000 8500
oorters can be conltOIIttel by oltner on bOitd Jumper eonnectors or by a s.gnaJ ftom I he
e 1500 9500
pettpherala The tntetrupl reQuest hne tor eaef\ pon may be tndtvtc::luatty tumpered to
C:;���oC::c'O��� :l�::· �, only, 1 000 8500
either the lAO o r FIRO/NMI bus �ne RMA A_,.oeatabtc Assembler 2000 12500
BoroDoard $2500 1<11 S60 00 AssomOIOd S80 00
RMA/68000 Cross As�mblet
CaDle Will\ jACk sockel ...embhH fiWO needed per boord) eaeh S2$ 00 BAStC09� WIAun·Tome 50 00 N A
25 00 20000
EUKTAA 141( STATI C RAM/ROM Mf:MORY BOARDS wolh gold connectO<s flln BASIC09 Tour GuidO Ek>ok 18 95
IYIIIabiO) Asse mb ..
d And tolled W1Ch 56K RAM SZ6900 Woth 64K RAM $299 00 c· Cornpooer 25 00 25000
Kll Wolh RAM $21900
56K Woth 64K RAM $24900 C P!og,.mmlt1g Lnnguaoe (Kornognon & Rotcnoe) 1 905
CIS CobOl Compoklt wlfO<ms 2 Poog Gnn 50 00 ·N A
4() 00
DISK CON�ROLLER THAT YOU CAN BUY• ContrOls up tO tour 5-1/4" Orl-lnd tour Pucal Compo leo 50 00 N A 25 00
$afl'! Apploc,otton Gntl<ltOIOt 300 00 N 995 00
25 00
M•crowarc yNrly support a.erv•ce (All ptO<JVCit) 15000
MHL . oil Other combonatoon s or performance are posSi ble 1 Antilog pnose toc k ftd loo
2 p Ed•t•on UP<S••e wofmanv{llt 2S 00 Vttta•on Updat& w,manvnts 7500
data separeton wnn separate adjustments 101 S .. ana 8'" drivel Ana
. l og wrtte �lal sonwo<t
precompen1111on c ,cwc w' " aepar11e ICIJ USimttn& I Of s. •no 8 .. dr• vo� Des�ned to 75 00
. '
meot tne data hold t tteaLme me nt a of Wo11em Dt0;1111 Uoppy conuollet tC Ass e
mbktd �
K ��5e"SG" 1 �g>�·•r:��KJ�;sa�ilJ �:����r�·:�. �gg
lnd lOlled $295 00 SpeU'n F.. t> eter Stark 178 58 Wtttc n Spell oy Pettt Stooo 7$ 1 1
g:� 'Ft�:.rm·x ;'��� ��"�'t��= �·���L:�!·�;��x
... 2 o. 6800 All•ln•Onc,� trn Foa, and Wroten Spell pack•fl" 25000
$30oo SUPER SlE TH O.sasseml>ler Systom (S101 00 too 05·9 •eosoon) 9900
DISk W1th drtvera I<>< OS·9 !SPoc oty 5" or e·1 S50oo 1 nead 2 neads 2 n..o. 1 nead 2 1\eaos
STAA·DOS (SI>e<:oly ELEKTRA or DC.2. $" or 8") $7500 AOaptotoon gutdO S50 00
CAN euv• Hluutornouc error aetoctoon end CORRECTION ot up 1o 11 b•t t>utot errors 5·114" 80trocks 30000 37�00 37500 32500 40000
SS-50 bus.. extended ackltess•ng capablllhot. OMA on bQDrd seclor buffat dnvers MPI or CDC Setvtee Manual fSpocoty 40 or 80 trOCk) 26 00 Duma DT·B 550 00
•n<:lu<led lOt 680V FLEX or 05-9 Spocoty wnose vors10n ol FLEX thlt you ore us•nv OUTBOARD EPROM PROGRAMMERS BY OPTIMAL TECHNOLOGY
Ouvers for FLEX2 (6800) Ill IYIIllbtO for an •odlfiOnaJ $10000 Prtce •nclvQe:s nost Model EP·2A•79 {Pcooonahty mOdules e•ua) 16900
tnter1ace, COI'\HOUer, d1rve(a), lnd cables Opllmll TechnOlogy, Inc 30 t>fn pAr..lel 110 OOOtd tor E P 2A-79 3 7 00
M FLEX� Soltware package tor EP·2A·79 (Spoc•ty 6800 0t 6809) 3000
�2 � :� �.. ��.CI��:::�a :��: �: ::::g:��:: ��:: �::: :� m:: 1000

Ill Megabyte �
11nglo 01••• sys $2995 00 38 Mogi!Dy!e dual drive sya $4695 00 �,sEf'�-2��f����02oe�A�M��o oota 1mc 8K outtoo 1200i9600 bOuoJ
�19 Megat>ylt 011•01 ••• thO lllrgest chllt can be supported 1>y FlEX) Model EP•2B·88·4 {Copies 1 to 4 EPROMS)
C•rcu•t boaJd,, cables, . software (No ctfiYCS, 995 co Pcrsonaloty/Copy Mo<lutos lOt 2708. 2716. 27C 1 6 . 2732. 27C32 2732A 2758,
S5-50C OMA Bus tnter1oee bOard onty 695 00 MCM68764, MCM68766. 2764. 27C64, 2764A 27128 21123A 27� 27C2$6
ElUTAA. HO·S CaDInet lor Ck.IAI 5 1/4" flo P� duv&s w11h pOwer aupply. hne co td. fuse 2$08,2516, 2532,2564,25128.2316. 281GA R87C32. 8751 38E70 �17 to $39
oower switch, and power caotet to duves 150. 00
• US Robot.cs t 200 baud d • rec: t conoec 1 auto answer modem
El,lKTRA. HO,·SW As abOve but w1th EMI flitor, ran, and neavy Outy power aupply 29900
Powero 1 lk>PPY ono 1 Woncnesoer t99 oo • SSB BFO Floppy ConuOIIOt (Versoon 3 1 Aun fLEX or SS DOS 10000
• SWTPC 4K Memory S 1500 MP-Mt> (4K oareOo<ttd) 995
�· rlDbOn cable tor dual outbo�ud s-. v.-- Cliall. d"""' •o 00 ' SWTPC OMF2 S·32' RAM no1 oncludOd 124 50
2' rll>l>on cabte lor duol onboord s-u•· d•sk <lf••es
• SWTPC MP-o9 2MHL CPU' S29S 00 ·wnole !upphos lasI
3S oo
Cu'Stom etbtes \1YI•Iabte Pnone
• H•gn s.peitd tape roadOt SO 00 300 81uo aeoust•c !l'lOdam 12900
ELlKTAA HO·I 8.. du¥e e ab•nttt , EMI liltftr tan w•th rtlter power •opply ancJ • Tt 810 Punter wllower cate ano lull vc,l•(.ai iOtms control 120000
power •uppty co bios 350 00
6" nbO()n Clblo lor dual e· disk dll- 4500 Mocr04•mo II Colenoar a no Ctock Bo••O (Assemoted) 6000

O.ta Mart 16K EPROM barei>Oard (2708 chops) 3000

ElEKTAA 50 PIN PROTOTYPINQ BOARD 40 00 'smo-• Slllf\ll •--uno
DCS·•.A Oout>te Q.}nsoty Coouotter Boatel tor 5 and e· wotl\ DOS 54900
GOLO 1 0 PIN CONNECTORS f Specjly male wit h oquore pons or lomale ) 1 50
T1N 10 PIN CONNECTORS fSpocoly mola wo11\ sq uare pins 0 1 toma le) SSS DOS fSpocoty 6800 0t 6809, BFD oo DCS·4A s· or 8 1 7600
SSB vorsten ot FLEX .. (Wh•te supply last_sJ 1 5 0 00
r Molhe•Ooooo 39900
�tg!: �..M:��:,:or����k';';;��,<;.o..Ts�,!';::�'c onwotoniS tnc SCB·69 680V C PU Board 39900
r LMB· 1A
HELJX as 1 u aoemark Ha zelwoOd Computer Systemt Cnoet 9524 64K Computer System woth OS·DT·DD 5" FD • 32500
. S.. t lnd BASI Cot a re tra demattls o f M otorola tn c en
O d M.crowau; System• Corp Oynomoc Mcmor·y Bo ards M·I28-X 99S 00 M-256-X 1295 00 M-512·X 189500

(312 ) •59- 04 50
64K 6809 Compucor

�s;;.:,�� �.;,Fs�P.fd Concrollcr $2395 00

1 2 0 CHESTN UT L ANE • W HEEliNG. IL 60090 Otnor comi)Uter systama availabhlt
focMocal consu1t1110n IIYIIIIble 4 PM to 6 f'M most weekdl)'l CtMect ;:�: 6809 CPUBoard 49$00
t'Ytn•ng.a end weekends CPIM · 68K 3SO 00

T!AMI Mtmmum order $20 CO Shi P P•ng and nandhng ee um.atos w' " ''" the Conh· LIST OUR LIST OUR
nenuol U S . ldd 3��MINIMUM $2 50) lilt nola r eso cle n iS ead 7� utos cu Wo wtl l relund
r c Cot>le fPar 110) 2 0 00 6800 CPU t>oor<J 2 2 4 03 10000
= 1�rt�:���M :��:o�ng:�s
sr:�'::o'1 n: ����l01t>O Fp�e��������P�OO.,��:,:·c::�s 64 lC 16 Video Boaros
muSI 1>0 orawn on • u S Dink Heo..y l<><ttlgn llems W>ll oe snippeo "" treogl\1 eolloct 198 7 1 10000 Slnvte pr t s er , 1 coble t 1 3 36 SIO 00
PINse pnono between 4 PM a no 6 PM weekdays 11 queStoons ��rise riiQitOing sh•PP'"ll 16K Mem Bdo w/cntrt reg 14500 Dull prt 2 cabiH 138 32 1 10 00
fees Master Chatge, V1N, and Amenean Eaptess honored 93L•22 OAT Chop 11 SO 1500 IOa24 VIdeo 8oardo 3U,7t UO.OO
Our IPOk>Qr We ate not atailed to answer technicllln<au•u•• throu g h tho mall Pteaso WARNING AAA Chtc•go Computf!r Cenler ooes noo pro.oae repah Of dlagnostoc
phOne IOf technteal notp dunng tno nours IndiCate<� abO-..e The too f
requent cha"'9lng ser¥te0 for customet auombtec:l luts MA Chtcago Computer Center does wen1nty
ol our •nventory anc:t ptiCH
' ma\es It uneeonomtcal to publish a catalog Our ads are and mainta•n lef"Y1Ce fOt our assembled boaJds The cuatomet should ea,.lully tak.e •nto
tntended to serve lhat purpose Prtcet and •nventOty ar-e subJ*CI to change WithOut conskJetltlon t� smelt d1ttetenUat soparlt•ng out )ut and usemottd prtees when
advanee nouc• ma•ung hts chotce of purchase

'68' Micro Journal 37

IC35 27 29 IIIX FC c� lOO (lll()!
IC37 00 OA 00 00 fC8 JO,SA,o.o.o.o
1041 1083 C012 Clf'l) (lll()Q
IC38 00 00 1045 27 OS BEO l'll£8 tOll MP\IT
I� 46 52 4f 40 FCC 'flO!, TO CIIQ.USI't{I' 1047 96 00 lOO PllJ>nt
IC41 2C 54 4f 20 1049 87 CC03 STA llPTif t66 LilES
IC45 20 20 28 49 104C IC FE l'll£8 ClC
IC49 4£ 43 4C SS 104£ 39 RTS
IC4ll 53 49 S6 45 104f 80 CIG' l'll£3 JSR RP!lM
IC51 29 1052 !A 01 SEC
IC51 OOOA OA04 F1l8 JOOA.SA04 1 054 39 RTS
1CS6 07 1flCo6 FC8 7 tRIICl BEll tOSS 57 49 4C 4C Fct ·wrLLtM srocx·
1CS7 4E 4f 21 20 Fct ...,. IST IQJI ) 2111 IQJI I • ID59 49 41 40 20
lc:il 20 31 53 54 IDSD 53 54 4f 43
IC5F 20 41 44 44 1061 48
1C63 52 20 :J: 20 1062 31 31 32 35 Fct '1125 lOIS IIIII,{'
1C67 32 4£ 44 20 1066 20 4C 4f 49
IC68 41 44 44 52 106A 53 20 44 52
1C6f 21 llli>E 49 S6 4S
IC70 00 OA 00 00 FCS JO,SA,o.o.o.o.4 1071 43 49 4£ 43 Fct 'CIICIINHI, ()UO 45237'
1C74 00 00 04 10� 49 4£ 4£ 41
sen f'(ji£JC) EOU •TAG TAil.E CMJUYS 1079 54 49 2C 20
1070 4f 48 49 4F
t!XIS Plll.I"IIW!Y S£Tlf> rF FilES. 1001 20 34 35 32
tTAil.E (JQ IT HAS IXK ITS lltll«i. 1007 35 31 33 20 fct 'SI3-61Hl181'
I 1008 36 34 31 20
sen BE 0119 Pill. I" lOX lfCSIN tf'OIIIT TO C001n. a.ocx II&" 30 31 38 31
IC70 I025 OOCE liK:S l'll£3 t£liUI OCTECTED
ICSI 4F CUIA •.BIN llfl¥1.1 I EHlllll Sl I£TECTED
IC82 00 C033 JSII smn tS£T EXTEIISI OI
ICS7 A7 84 STA fUC,X t(J'£)1 FM REAO
IC89 80 0406 JSII � tCJUFllE lOll SYSTDI AIIO! Tf 001c 8AOCf' 0023 SINO OOIE BYIOO 00'1f ClOSE 0406
ICSC I026 OOif llll£ l'll£3 tE:JlJO (UIU IW ClRFCI 1866 ClRPll IOOC Q.RP\)1 1005 an:HT 002£
IC90 Ill 0406 JSR FilS tOE READ kWS OIDTa. 1283 OOR 0011 CIXJ\.G 0021 all' 0038 COlTI OJOA
IC93 1026 0088 LIIE l'll£3 • FlE11W'PV CI»>T2 �4 CI»>T3 0403 COlT4 0303 Cl.fUI CCIA MTAG 0038
IC97 EC 88 II lOO STRS£C,l [Wlfl 009A OATA 0040 OATOO OOOS OATST 0003 OCDI 09A8
IC'XI ED 88 IE STD NEXT.X fiU.(II INITI((. RElll._, OCD2 09C8 OCI)2jl 0903 OCD28 0900 OCDJ 09(f" OC03A OAI2
IC90 BE 0259 lOX lfctl)JT tf'OIIIT TO MP\IT a.ocx OCD38 OA28 OCDJ: OAIO OCDJD 09E7 OCDln OA4C OCOCIIl 0998
ICAO 00 C02!) JSR (£Tfll IOXi 0018 llPllt CC03 IKX 009F OIOl 0022 OIR 1&"3
ICAl 24 12 sec I'll£I t<nJl !WI:: aS£ DIRI OCOB ll.IIIE 009A 0010 OA40 OOIOA OA79 OOIOC 0Ab2
ICAS loeE OIIC lO'f lfCS111+111\1 tTIW«SfDD !WI: 0011 OAJC OOIIA OM8 OOIIC DA91 OORi (f'82 OORil lf"88
ICA9 30 03 l£Al M\I.X IO'CD 0083 IXJ'II) 0089 IJ'A..AG0012 1A1SG 121C IAISGI 1225
ICAB C6 09 LDB t9 IAISG2 1230 IJ'IISG3 1256 OE4 7
ICAO A6 AO PRE1 lM O.Yt tuf> IAFC lllf'l IAFE llJt>2 11100 tuf>3 11100 tuf>4 11134
leAF A7 80 STA Oolt a\'Cl'AlsABO oos 1271 EOUS 1267 Ell OCIO FC81N 0119
IC81 5A ll'CS FCIOJT 0259 FCBS 126A FCWIT 0015 fCClOC 0016 FlX::PIU 1848
ICB2 26 F9 liE PRE1 FCCPR2 IBSE FCCPR3 185A FCCPRT 1838 Fees 1274 FIND oo:l
IC84 BE 0259 lOl lfCBOJT tREST(JI[ 1 FIICII OOS8 rum 0069 FINDJ 007A FI._,TI OF88 F1�2 r:F9A
IC89 A7 oc STA M\lt-9.1 FINIA 0425 FlEX cooo filS 0406 FIISClS 0403 FOOH IOOA
ICIII 86 53 lOA t'S fUC 0000 GMDIJI 0035 GOCifTR 003A GIJIIDX 0039 GOnt: 0037
ICBD A7 00 SIA MV•IO.x CEll OE2E CET2 0£24 !not! CDI5 CETDI IIIC7 OCTD2 18FT
ICff 86 41 lOA t'A OCfD3 IIF4 GETOAT 1882 (£Tfll CD2D OClltEl CD42 ClTRET OE46
ICCI A7 OE STA MY•II .x I(AI) 0003 � 0099 I£XASI 0£63 l£lAS2 OE67 I£XAS3 0£71
ICCJ 86 02 l'll£10 lOA 12 I£1ASC OES8 I£XAIT 0031 l*llE OOE2 t«FilE OOFC !flU 0112
ICC5 A7 84 STA fUC:ol t(J'£)1 FM 1111 TE If'()() 0117 101 OAA8 lOll DACI IDliO �0 lOlii 0860
ltt1 80 0406 JSII � 10ll2 086F 1om oen IOU4 0874 10ll5 086A IOIIb 08M
ICCA 27 10 BEO 1'110 IDXI7 0887 10118 09:7 IOX19 oen 1012 OACC 10120 0881
ICCC A6 01 lM STAT.l I OX20A Olll8 IDX208 (1897 IDX3 OAil: 1014 OA£8 1015 OAFS
Itt£ 81 03 Oft 13 1016 OAFO 1018 �2 1019 084A IOlR OB4C IOIJIEI 010
ICOO 24 70 liE l'll£3 tmut IDIREG 0806 llfl 0019 lltl2 0036 INll.fT CD 18 llfl OC35
ICD2 A6 04 LOA MY•t.l llfll ocw llfliO OCF8 lltUI 0001 llfll2 OIXl llfll3 001�
ICD4 A7 9f 0009 STA ITIUMll llfl14 OCA2 llfliS 002 llfll6 OCA9 llfl17 OCB2 llfl18 octl
ICOO 86 oc LM m tlll£TE llfi.ICATE llfll9 oct? lltQ OC'M lltl20 OCCD lltQI OCOC lltl22 (([8
ICM A7 84 STA fUC,X IIKl OC98 llt+4 OCS3 llt+48 OC6S IIttS OC96 llflb OC8C
ICOC 80 0406 JSR � IIH7 OCEE lltl9 0006 LASlO 0025 ll� 0013 !.til£ 12M
ICOF 2b 6E liE l'll£3 t£JRJI lKII£ 1283 utf'PT CC 14 uoao 1284 lOOCII 12M LSlll.J( 0027
ICEI A6 9f 0009 lM [flml)) lfJ£ICl CC28 IU( O!m ICI'wQI 1882 ICMJI2 1819 ltMlfl 1813
ICES A7 04 STA M\ltlol oii:ST(JI[ !WE ltiiDX 0041 �c oo:J' IISG2 IIC7 IISG4 11£4 IISGS IC16
ICE7 20 00 Rl PREJO I1SG6 ICS6 IWIS 1250 NEXT OOIE HEm rF66 IIEXnt r:F6A
ICE9 6F 8838 l'll£ 9 ClR alf',l tCQfi£SS SfjUS NEXm rF7D �0022 NXTOI C027 NUIJ> 0019 IJ>TS 1278
ICEC BE OliO l.Dl IFCSIII+III\ItI lllGS 1260 MAO!� MOl COOF MOO 0112 (li1IC aJX
ICEF loeE OOE2 LDY HllE MSII CC22 PIA 0481 PIB 04:ill PIC 0488 PID 044F
IC3F C6 08 LOS t8 PIE 048F PIF 0479 PIG 04IIC PIH 04C1 Pl l 04CS
ICFS 17 FE7B I.BSR ltMlfl tiCM !WI: TO lUll IIi PIJ 04C9 PIIC 04(f" Pll 040£ P2A 0589 P28 04EE
ICFB BE 02511 lOX IFCIOJTtMY•I P2C 0519 P20 0529 P2E OSS2 P2EI OSS6 P2F OS62
ICF8 loeE OOFt lO'f Ml'llE P2FI OS6C P2F2 OS7F P2G 059A P2TAG 0030 P3A 060A
ICFF C6 08 LlJI t8 P3C OSA6 P30 OSCA P:J: OSD1 P:f' 0602 � 061A
1001 1 7 F[6f I.BSR ltMlfl P3i 05£8 P4A 0627 P4M OEIO) P48 06:11 P4C 06:1)
1004 17 F343 I.BSR PI£Ail P4CI 0653 P40 0671 P4£ 0688 p� 0805 P�l oeE4
11107 BE CCI4 lDl UlfPT tiiiiCI( POINTER lf> P4002 1&"3 P48CI3 0919 P4EIG4 0925 P4F 0699 P4G 06'1£
IOOA 30 18 lEAl -$.1 P411 060A P41 06ED P4J OI>FI p41( 0700 P4kl 0720
IIIOC IF CCI4 STl LJ&l>T P4l 074A P411 0760 P4111 om P4112 0780 P41Cl 0704
I� Ill CD27 �4 JSII NJTOI t(£T NEll OWl P4114 0789 P4115 OJCO PW. 0798 P411 0700 P40 om
1012 81 00 Oft HI) P401 0800 P4P 0817 P40 0868 P4R oan P4S 087A
1014 27 23 IIEO l'll£5 tC/R P4T OBJF P4U 0889 P4Y 0892 P411 0894 P4111 08A6
t01b 81 CC02 Oft mEil P4% OBAil P4Y 0886 P4l OB8E PAIOI 0050 PIU 1078
1019 27 IE IIEO PIC oOCI rF liNE Pral 1087 PAStil 0088 PASSI 043A PIISS2 04£3 PASS3 OS9D
1018 81 28 Oft ••• PASS4 0618 PCOI OoeE PCIIJ CD24 Pll'PlH 0000 f'(ji£JC) ten
1010 2b FO liE l'll£4 PI£Ail 104A Pl£1 � Pl.IIIE 004A PUC! 004A PIJ>(ll 0069
IOIF 80 C027 l'll£6 JSII NXTOI tCI£0( f(JI IO.Cl � 006F I'll£I IC81 l'll£10 ICCJ l'll£2 I CAD �3 1041'
1022 81 00 Oft ttl) PIE4 I� PIC 1039 l'll£6 IDIF Pl£1 1031 PRES 104C
1024 'l1 13 11£0 PIC tO! PR£9 ICE9 Plll.l" ten PRINT 1012 PRIIIT3 1041 PSPl. I?OC
1026 81 CC02 Oft mEil PSTRIIi COlE PT� 0063 PIITOfl 0118 1911 0070 19111 (U;O
1029 2 7 OE BEO PIC READ2 ocm RfAD3 � REA04 IXI4 100:5 01& READ6 0093
1028 81 ... Oft 1'0 R£AII7 O(f"O REAII8 om: REAII9 01115 REAP! OOF8 101111 0£13
11l211 26 02 liE Pf£1 tiOJ) REAIR2 OEIF REAII!3 OEIC REI.. OCI8 InI OC2B Ra2 OC20
IW 9 7 18 STA IOU) �I 099 7 RO'AS2 O'fT1 IIPAS4 093A f£PRS6 0960 �0926
1031 81 43 Pf£ 1 Oft I'C REllllll r:F63 REllllf2 r:F2£ REIIUCI !Fib RIDI 0023 RIP I OECC
1033 26 EA liE PIQ RJPJ OEEb RIP5 llf2 RIP6 (lJ8 RIPS OED9 RIP9 OFOO
11135 '17 10 !fill-IIIIR.M RIPPlE OEC7 II'TEIII CD:J' lf!IDJ 0018 SIM:I'II 0029 smxr C033
1037 20 E6 lilA �6 STMT 0399 START! 031113 STAT 0001 STRS£C 0011 TAGilJI 0032
1039 86 CC03 PIC lOA llPTif rAGCLI 188£ TAGCL2 IBAI TAGCL3 liAS TAGCL.N 188A rlmll 0009
IDJC 91 49 STA 11YilP TIIGST 0007 TEJ«::tt 1983 Tf1G IIFB T!IIP4 OEV7 Tli1P5 OE8F

38 '68' Micro Journal

TRIPPl �n TTCINI 0000 TTOST 0001 TTY1V 0049 TTYEO.. am for 2.0 MHz operation. For users wishing to upgrade
!MIS C003 lln'DSI en; lf!TDS2 <f'FI IIITDS3 Cf'FF lf!T11S4 I004
lf!TDSS OF'E4 lftlllSt Clm their 6800 systems, Southwest provided updete
lf!TEJfl08EO XfEJI 0024 lfiWJO OO(f'
XR£IG 0044 Xli'IIO 10f8 XIFIII 1118 JIFIIU 1088 XJFIN2 IOC7 documentation to accomodate the new processor.
XIFIN3 1003 Xli'IIM 1008 Xll'l1161�7 IIFHI7 lOEB JIFIN8 IOfC
XRf1119 II04 JlflAG 0010 Xll'lH 1193 XAPUU liM XII'UI2 II86
lff'UI4 1188 MULTI-USER SYSTEMS With the power of the 6809
JAI'ftll 1130 lii'IIQ 1170 XAPAN3 1181 lii'IM 1181
XRf'lll5 118f JAI'NII> 112£ XAPIII7 II«< Xlf'IIIT 1126 XRSI:III ICW' processor now available, the decision was made to
lR$019 1124 XRSI:IIT I09E XRST 0042 lATf¥1 0046 ZN'FLG 0020 Implement a multi-user operating system for the
lWT �" ZIV'T2 we ZIW'T3 tOO ZIV'T4 CEliE zam �cz
ZIW'T6 �C3 ZSl.fP 1091 SWTPc computer. After close examlnetlon of the
lSl.fPI 1090 lZZZY 1913 lllll 1213
evelleble OS designs, SWTPc chose UniFLEX* • • • 11

OS closely modeled on the Bell Lebs' UNIX** system.

BIT BUCKET Also Implemented by TSC, UniFLEX lncorporeted

of the user - friendly ettrlbutes of FLEX.

S/09 AND S+ SYSTEMS The mu It 1-user system,

SWTPc - Prospering Pioneer dubbed the S/09, was offered for the first time In
1979. This system provided feetures previously
MIcrocomputers. See that word and you thInk of expected only from minicomputers end melnfremes • • •
those ubiquitous marvels of technology that Multl-termlnel (up t o 1 2 ) operetlon, Dynamic Memory
represent the miracle of modern electronics In the AI locetlon and Direct Memory Access. Furthermore,
horne and workplace. With the variety of machines the S/09 system was conflgurable to Include
available today, It is difficult to visualize a "Winchester" hard disk drive technology. With the
world that does not Include these machines. But addition of a hard disk, the S/09 echieved full
there was a time when there were no microcomputers stetus as a new, hybrid computer classification •••
on the market at all. In the early 1970's, If the MICRo-MINI.
computing was done, It was done on mainframes or
minicomputers. That Is, until 1975 • • • The state-of-the-art In SWTPc micro-minis Is the
S+ system. Designed for office, school lab and
Southwest Technical Products Corporation, San Industrial data processing, the S+ provides for
Antonio, Texas, began manufacturing microcomputer operetlon of up to 32 terminals through the use of
systems that year with kit systems based on the effeclent data hendllng, Jerger memory capability
Motorola 6800. With RAM capacity of 32K, these end peripheral processor lnterfece. Running In e
systems provided hobbyists with the ability to have supervisor and user stete, the S+ CPU monitors
computer systems of their own, with considerable system functions to prevent user - generated system
power, at a reasonable price. Running an SK, creshes. The S+ cen elso run the MUMPS Operetlng
cassette-loaded BASIC, these early systems brought system with up to 16 Terminals.
computers Into the home for the first time.
Both the S+ end the S/09 support 14" end 5-1/4"
BEGINNINGS 1975 was the beginning of Winchester disk drives, loglcel tepe beckup, end up
SWTPc's Involvement with selling microcomputers, but to 5Mbytes of floppy disk storege. A verlety of
the company had begun some eleven years earlier with letter-quellty end dot-metrlx printers ere evelleble
kit electronics produced In the garage of for use with either system.
entrepreneur Daniel Meyer. Electronics hobbyists
wll I remember the product line of amplifiers, X12+ AND BEYOND... Southwest Technlcel Products
graphic equalizers, color organs, digital meters, continues to develop end manufacture microcomputer
strobe lights, ultrasonic burglar alarms, timers, systems to meet the lncreeslng deta processing needs
counting units, the Beachcomber metal detector and of the marketplece.
the Theremln, an Innovative electronic musical
Instrument. It was as a natural extension of this The new X12+ Is e desk-top, 2561< computer
varied product line that Southwest took Its first Integrated with a SWTPc-menufectured Intelligent
steps Into mlcrocomputers. termlnel. Running UniFLEX, the system feetures
MIn 1-WI nchester aux Ill ary storege, deta
Microprocessor - based machines were Introduced communications, optlonel herdwere floetlng point
at about the same time by SWTPc, MITS (with the computetlon end supports 2 eddltlonel work stetlons.
Altair 8800) and IMS Associates (with the IMSAI
8080). For the 6800 computer, Southwest Invented Other herdwere under development et the SWTPc
the SS-50 bus, with 7 slots for processor, memory 5-bul Iding facility In Sen Antonio Includes plug-In
and controllers, and Including a separate 3Q-pln 1/0 68000 processor, floetlng point processor, virtual
bus with 8 slots on the motherboard. The system ran system processor, 1 Mbyte memory board and
at a clock speed of 1 .o MHz. Auxl llary storage was networking lnterfeces.
accomplished on this early system through audio
cassette player/recorder. SU�Y In the fast-peced end
volatile world of microcomputer manufecturlng, It
DISK OPERATING SYSTEM The first disk operating takes lnnovetlve engineering end eggresslve pricing
system for the 6800 computer 11as Introduced to the to stey In competition. Since the very birth of the
micro world In 1977. Running on floppys, FLEX was micro, Southwest Technlcel Products hes provided
developed by Technical Systems Consultants, now of this kind of leedershlp In design and production of
Chape I HI I I, North Caro II na. DesIgned to be computer system.s. Southwest Technical Products Is
powerful end user-friendly, FLEX beceme the defacto the Prospering Pioneer of microcomputers.
stendard operating system for the 6800.
• UniFLEX and Is 11 trademark of Technical Systems
6809 CX)M)UTERS In 1978, Southwest Consultents •• UNIX Is a trademark of Bel I Lebs.
Introduced the /09 computer besed on the new
Motorole 6809 microprocessor. This Improved The following Is a description of the X12+ system
processor gave the system user a greatly enlarged from SWTPc:
Instruction set, es compared with the 6800, and
X-12+ Multi-user computer system
provided the programmer with four pointer registers
and a program counter • • • each of 16 bits. Of the
Motorola models, Southwest chose to use the 68809,

'68' Mlcfo Journa.l 39

The X-12+ system Is designed es e stend-elone 256K Sound synthesizers, three peral lei ports, four
computer cepeble of supporting one to three users serial ports, 1.25M floppy, 20M mini- Winchester
simultaneously. The system Incorporates es and UniFLEX Operating System • • • S6,595.
stenderd features meny cepebllltles thet micro users
.!Ire coming to expect from their systems--herd disk Single-user configuration wlth dua I I .25M floppIes,
cepeclty; multi-user, multl-tesklng, FLEX+ Operetlng system, fu II CRT features and
multi-processing cepebl I tty; expendebl llty to 1024K BASIC • • • S4,495.
RAM; verlety of evelleble progremmlng lengueges
end proven operetlng systems. "UniFLEX Is a trademark of Technical Systems
Consultants, Inc.
The Herd�tere: "*UNIX Is a trademark of Bell laboratories.

The X-12+ CPU resides Inside the SWTPc X12 [Glt.or

termlnel, with e 12 Inch (diagonal) CRT end a 68 •Hlcro Jo�rn•l
P.0. lox 4•9
deteched 91-key keyboerd. Stenderd euxlllery tH,uon. Tennea••• lll'l
storege sits alongside the CRT In en Sir r
ettrectlve "Mellbox Memory" unit that contelns e
t ha•• JU,3t flnUhed r•ao&na tl'le June L.aaue. lt. vaa
high speed 20M-byte mlnl Winchester and e 1 .25M-byte .reat . lt too'ca ll'tce u'' 61000 (or at haat Ute 68006' b.a.t
mint floppy drive. arrhed on U'le .SS-�0 tuu wU.h • ven&ence. The K•lt• of fer ln June
•nd the rY.orec$ S•oice Stcn•l orrer ln J11lr loo'r ll'lte ete•l hnt
o�ar• c.o cet cotnc q lc
11 ic l y wlt.ft the 68000 and OS9/68'C or a UIUI
olo ne. , ..... keep up the 68000 "'"'· a loo'cl •• tt ll
System architecture Is built &round the
wwhert ..,, wlll all •••otualty be ,olna.
Motorola 66809 processor, end Includes extended
eddresslng, optional TMS 320 32-blt processor for t vaa eho plt•••O to ••• �n•" out • ••t l'ltdle Ia ttov
orterlBI John AUo,.o • • SCIIED1�0fll 11 t "oro proe ea aor . lt la a
s n
floetlng point work (trensperent to the user>, &rtat proar•• vl\tch until ta1t aontft "'' alaatna rroa .Southeaat'e
p,.oouot lin.
256K of dynemic RAM, buffered disk 1/0 to r·educe
redundant disk reeds, two RS-232 ports for Kt vir. a.ncs l ha•• b«tn happtly u.atna SCIItonoa to,. our
law praat Ice for &loost t•o year a. "• atarttd vtth tht 6800
eddltlonel termlnels, and one
future communlcetlons with loop
para Ilei
port for
The X-12+ .
ver al on for f1.BX 2 and now h••• oo•tO up lo lttt fLEX 9 ••r a to n .
C l aho ha•• tbe OS 9 ••r aloft ) All •tratona uae U't •••• coaaanoa

communicates with
ultra fest output
own CRT
In perel lei for
RS-232 printer aU of tbt WIUal (tet..,rta. Wt
and vorlt the •••• fro• tht uatr'• ltanopotnt.. Tbtt pro•lOt a cood
.so\14·••e·H ..h-whu..:rov·a•t
. type vorCI proota1or wtth
ual ly \�It SCI£DITOR aa a aorttn
tdlt.or v tth vord vrap at tn4 or a llne, but It can alao �
port end one 'Centronics Perellel' printer port uatd for oultlplt colu.n ooouatDll or aa a Uot tdltor. fht only
lU• vhloh SCfiiDlTOI dot• not n.&•• ano . woulo "'' uatful to u • ll
ere Included es stenderd. An eddltlonel RS-232 tbt abl llty to ·raand lt r t.
oo notea. ( 1r yo"' M•• •••r raad a l•c•l
serial port Is Included to &I low the X-12+ to ect brl t f, JOI.I "-"0" that. at.torca)'l a_re fond or footaottt.)

as e termlnel on e remote system. !ht conflaurat.lon v loh scu:onoa co••• vl th

allow U. to •• uaed "It" alaoat anr type or ttratnal or
CRT Features
W e uet lt. wttn a rae d r oa
eonrt1uratlon pro,raa ltt.a va .., ,,
100 Md H-19 uretnal1. Tfte ura tn-al
tftt runot.lon and w-ord

The X-12+ display Is control led by e

""redeflneo control codea. Tbla
uaa one or tht •lncl• tcer runotlona.
proceaaln• tceya an our t.er11lnah lnet.ead ot M•IDI to uet
., ,, \1.1 a 'ctJit. ro t •••rt tlee ve ltl.
separate 6809 processor, end an on-board vocabulary Ve t.vo dlfter1nt. prln era vttb SCJCDt:OJI. Thtt. conrtaurauon procra.a both uae •••• t.e•t. tllea. Vhea
of 255 words mey be spoken by the voice prtnttnc. SCJitDtTOI t.atcaa c•r• or ,,.ftdln& the rlabt. code for
prtnttr vhloh h beh1 Ultd.
processor lnstel led es standard equipment.
User-programmable charecter
formats, 15 programmable
sets, multiple
function keys,
68XI artlc: S.
1 f'I.OPt you l(eep up cood work publlahtn•
a ana sotlvare.
aaa ••ll t na

generetor, reverse fielding, under and over-1 lnlng, S incerel y

blinking cherecters, field protection, multiple

J<i.v, )�W.
,.� ... <�••
f!•J• •, t•A"" :.IIJ
screen formats, dlspley stetus line, graphics
and ergonomic design ere additional features of the (•q ii Ke" ""' ' ore
r b#tu CO'Poretor�
unit. ao. "'
� ,...,_.... 311.,

Software: exPREI"
IV . t.rry Will._
... _

The stendard X-12+ wll I run the powerful *UniFLEX '61' Ki cro Jo\l.l"Ml
$900 Caaan.dra .,ad
Operating System from Technlcel Systems Consultants.
&lJCODo �·111\ell.. )1)4)
UniFLEX Is optimized for the 6809, end provides
the same file structure end 'shell' facl llty that
Is evalleble with **UNIX. UniFLEX dynemlcally z..rry,

al locetes up to 64K of memory for each running At� rt•d.l-09 the -...r.•e U. MOOO?• .rU.cle lut .ootb t •clo-d it ..,..

task In 4K Increments, end supports BASIC, t.Yte t.o alt. daw'a a.a d wrlt.e one of tboaa •,«r ·�·· lau..ra! l f..l
that tba nacie:ra ahoul d be avua of Ofta a_Na where chart .18 a u_.nGou.a
FORTRAN, Pescal, 'C', COBOL, a relocating assembler -..aow�t. of 68000 art.lrt.t
. .
and PIlot. Input/Output redirection, piping, random
end sequential flies end virtual array capebl llty
provide for the complete range of fl le access needs.
.. be.n at. r.dar&l Drpr. aa 'he.,. •e� 1a9'0l.•e4 wU.h vhat "' 1..1 .t.a
op�� aol.vU<m t.o ..Sc:rotyat-.a 4ell9ft p.robl-.e
for .......
.,. I 68000. -
ftll ·�
._.. ""'f'fdt.alt at.uo,eaa• a.nd l a • at:.a.D4ard.ia.d � al:Z'Vrt\lh &n4
As an addltlonel option, the X-12+ wll I be
'l'bua were eonul.bu.t..o.r a t.o t.he ..-c.J.11c:atloe.•••• *t·torola. JII)I:TD..
three ..,or
conflgurable to run the single-user FLEX+ a.D-4 &:l.fM't.lCa "lba '9IG: apeclUcaUon M• 1t.. a' roota 1ft wbat 11
operating system, with dual-floppy operation. c� n:f.-rt4
aa • •
t.o ODe o f tbe _,rt 1Mtt.1.�1• �U.Uanncet

Speclel Feature:
bat.wean at.aAMrd bzo-card. &ad V'JG Ca.a epeclfied bf �ola. tt. al. » U U..
pbyalc.a.l al ee, 2ZO.. 4ept.b tor auro-cu4 . 160.. fotr .,...
fa.c:t.o.r• vaa �· appeal.l.D9 aM to �·-• a.n4 ••�lt:y.
.The wa •r-.. ,
The X-12+ hes capability to run In Locel end Remote
modes. The unit can function as an Intel llgent
terminal on another
terminals ettached to
It are

,.a41ly ••a.t
lllua of pro4uct avpport. • • • •both �Uc
t&b1a •eu"a-or�ha·•
u4 i.Dt.U"'UUOMl.
t�loe 1.acl.v41.b9 -
- V14e1y eceapu.4 1116aOOO faa.Uy pi"'C'N.aor ud'
- ur,e ae.lacU.on of ,.,-tphual dia.t" ftiPPOrt �••
system resources. Future development wll I Include - ran, .uc:b aa �,
tltJtl.ble �17 opt.lOCLa
synchronous loop network cepabl llty for up to 255 hlth-4e:na1ty Oyft&&lc ud ·�ta•
X-12+ units, each with up to 2 addltlonel • 'fbe ••a.1l.abU.lty o.f •ll19h z...wt• ope_ru.J.ft9
• .,..� ••�u
ao4 proqra.aift9 aida.
workstetlons. • ,_ utM toward 1\lth cp.allty, cona.htet'lt. �t..atlon ac:roea •

Pricing: The X-12+ multi-user configuration of • 1bt vl. Uln

lar� n � of 'IIGI ,roctoc:t aaolialactu.rua.
fJD• • • for the p&,.tlnt •unlfa.ct.W"tt t.o p.lac• all
f"t'q\ai:nd 1n.foraat loa. 1Ato b&bcla of the •r•� 1.aU9f&t«a
CPU, 256K RAM, CRT, deteched Keyboard, Voice and and tnd�aa..l"t�

40 '68' Micro Journal

We an wry coaton._&ble "1th �. <Ur-.ction ._,. M•• choa.n. A u-ndova runnanQ 09-9 or t
· •
· .£k tor- uno...- eu.)()O·? A• a coeout.,.. •c•enc.e
...ouat. ot etton. ••• put. U'lt.O Ul• proc•••· ,. r·•-'"'h.a "-••• been boUt •• ,or •t fa.• StAte un•v.,..., tv f n•v• •Y CoCo • VW'V
auc:ceaaful a.n4 r•""•rcUnq. rinaUr• ...,. u• loo.kiACJ forwa rd �o • l.onv and v•1u•ble CCMW)Ut.,.... FOI"' one t.hlnQ \t n•• Qaven - An

prod"-C't.ive LM•olva.nt wlU YKI I 41000 ba-aed �·· OPOOI"'tanatv to u•• and •tudv an •avanced ...,..11-latrce oo.,..•t•no
•v•te• on •Y •toy• ca.out.,... Secondly. •t �·• qtven .. •
cM•nce to OI'"OQr•,• '" • ss
bter •net l"laQI'\ aevet lanQuao.. •t
h�. not Ju•t an cl•••-ork.. FO#'" ••.-ole, tne C lanqua�e ••
not currently t•uont to Uftd.,.Qr•du•t•• at tSU out •atn •v CoCo
Al\d ,,C:OI'"...,.e'• C CCMIIDa lw J now h•""• a chance t.o tearn C •t
no-. wtt.h t_he full coaoalttr t can ...,..,t• u•Mutt,
tr.n•aortable cOde �•en 1 could not d o watn oth� ••�ra. and
tMeir S..ll C"a. Aa&de fro. C. f C6n P"09'"&a an BASJCoq ��en
MICRO·MATION va•tly pref.,. over "•croao+t 8AS1C or .ny of the otn.,. &ASlC
eta •1ectw on t.he •• once YOU .re u-..c� to .aoutar

INCORPORATED 0,..00,..._.'"4 at •• n•rct to qo b•c� to u•anq GOro•• •nd GOSUM'•·

80/0..C��t»ROMJ Watn\n • fe- MOnth• �,c,'a P••c•l .nould •tao be on tne
8o<lld(WA9tJOIZ �•rket qavtnQ •noth.,. •ull P•sc•l C0.0\1.,. far the CoCo. one

1201Ji441lllll ••••t• for RS-005 and�ner for Ft,..,Ex: •tre·.csv. W\•t o·�n.r to­
co•t ••cro on tne ••rket "'•• •11 �h ..
e futl l&nQu� •v•al.Ole
Co•Pwt•� Pvbl••Mlng Cent•r to 't •1\d under eever•t dlf ferent oo.w•tano •Y•t-?
68 "'c�o Jo���•l Thu• 1 ••e the Coler Ca.c:Jut.,.. •• beanQ •� free • ..u..1 ..a
1>,0. Bo· 64') tov· •nd I •l•o ... at •• far suoeraor to the Coe.ldcre ._. ancs
Ht••on, TN 3?343 AI 1 t.,e otner 1a. coat ••Ct"'Oa on th• f'ty "'' ...,.
a&rket. .,..e no·t
sanout•.r elth.,... tl'le CoC·o n•• • ,.,.o• followano •• c•n oe •..,..
by tne l�r-qe n�er o+ clubs. ••o•t&ne• •no .a•t�• •uoolaere
wno auPOOI"'t at. t �now •tot of the •oftN4re ,. a.... out th�•
•• Qett.lnQ to be fiOf""e Wttf""a ou• •�t,..,.re out "c. too trc::. .,...._.
Co� J�"• bOU�h�••t "•a•• and r•nov•• �&cra-are'e
n•ven' t. h•d t u•• to -.�u.e ••"'Y letter• the J)••t r-el•••••· D•••o•• 1t •• nace to aat b�c� &no ot•v • oA .. no.
c;ouole of y••,.•• o�t 1 •tall t�f'td 1.1•• 'o ,.••a you,. and tnen. Cf t wa• l"'unn•no a bu\san••• •t -auld oe n•c• to
·.ohtQ..&:ane. l'Ye looke-d •t • couol• of tl'le co..oetato,...• but
Mav• • S-:50 bu• oeoq CY oEtVO<.I ••chan• but for .... •t hOI!Wt tne
they don't •••• to even ''�'an out My ye•r• •ub•e�1P\ton
CoCo •• Juet raqnt ana h•• D•en • Y•rv use•ul
o•fore a•••PPe•,.ang. t•v• ,.•c•�tty •�lved • •••t1 probl••
tn•t h•• oeen n•gging •• for • couple or Y••�• o� Fle• c•s.o
•y•t�•· l'v• ownec • �upl• or ayat-.• tn•t provade • re•d�
lnOut to the floppy at•k cont,.olle,., ••ther f�N tne drtvea
tne••elve• or tro. •n •�•� pula• detector, Mlth the ld••
\ lf drtvtt ••n't r••dy tnen tryl�Q to •cc••• '' wall
l �� H..,.r�•
�"'••t.�lt •" .,.r"',.. •••••u• ,..tne·r tn...n • ""'"'0 . ,. , ... at n.ver ••--•d to �r� Q�ate ,.lgnt •nd at,.•�o•
\nang• •••.ed to n..ppen, •t.�Ch •• gettlng • •NQT FOUND•
•••••;• wnen tryang to u.. • •y•t .. utllaty th•t -••
defln&tely P'"•••�t. I don•t ••f'\t to co- out • ••Y th•t
there •• • bug, ••the� •� Flett O.f" an the dOCt.&Ment411t lOf"t1

o.c•� •• l ••ont oe the only one th•t n•• h•d p,..ool•••·

Fa�t. let .. •t•t• tn•t t n•v• .,,.,tten .y own di•k

dr"I"Vef"'•• so the P"Obl.. ••Oht De Mlrl• •lone. Ho-ev•,.• t A while back I needed a terminal for my "Hikbug Board"
•hould •1� at•t• thAt tno•e orav•,.• •re al•tt•,. to ·�
,.,,.,..nea •''� tno•• •�uo•at.o oy TSC '" the Fl•�
(G-Job) to be able to use the thing at home. I was always
I'CS•Pt•tiOt'l "•�u•l lot" Gene,.•l Fl••· No.. that I've lnc:wd.O using a terminal at work. Now with a little work I have a
•II th••• daac-1••••,.•• l•t ,.. t•SJ you how th• pr-oble,. "scmi-intel1 lgent" terminal. The terminal uses the 1-btorola
occu�a. •no one po•••ble •olutaon. lne•""' Oag•t•l fanily of chips, le � 1)802 processor, 6847 video generator,
••r••• of floppy da•� co�t,.olle,.. Chapa C l771 , 1971,�791) n•v•
• "••oy anput .nach c•n be uaeo to d•t•� 1f the drave ••
and 6821 for input/output. Since 1 was using the 6847 in
re•dy for •cc••• t-otor on, •P••d vp, diak an pl•�•• etc.) something like "TVBOO" I had to wait for some kind of sync
Wn•t .o-eta••• M•ppen• •• t�•t tne Ga•k �per•tang ayat.. pulse to load or read the display rm. Now the 6802 is in a
t005) •••u•• • r-·••d •tteto,. COMM•"" Ca•y for tne cu,..ectory)
Interleaved Direct Memory Access mode. The 6802 Is dedicated
•nd the cont,..o11er •tt••Pt• to ,..••cs th• •ector c•llecs for,
nc-•v•"'"• lf &Me drave ••n't r••dy the controlle,.. ctup •all
to the 68117 in a terminal mode. There used to be snow ltlen
•�•da•t•ly •bO�t tne ope�•tao� •nd �•tv�� •lth the "�t the �802 talked to the 6847, now there is no, I repeat no
�"••dy• t l•O •et. It the AEAO •ector •vb�out. l'*'� aoean• t te•t snow when display rm is accessed! This is done by syncing
tn•• D•t ,,.o- tne cont�Ste,.., •nd the •••MPl• p,..o••d� Dy
TSC ooe..... t, thel\ the 009 t,,,... th•t • v•l ao
the 6802 to the 68117 at power-up with a either-edge trig­
�••O h••
occwr�eo ••tno�t •ny d•t• -"•t•o•v•,.. belng �e•o t� the gered device. Together with a 8 bit \&tch, the 6802 and
6847 share the sane mEmory and they do not know about each
other (kind of like the Radio Shack 6883 setup). The reason
Two po•••Dt • t•�•• •�oa••t tn•�••1v••· o�• •• to •dd for this modification is for the 8 point move, draw, box,
tne �••dy oat to the �e•o •�to� •��o� te•tl the otner 1• to rectangle and crosshair routines. Originally the routines
gerfor• • drlve r••dy teet befO,.e \r"ylnt to r••O tne ••ctOI"'. took a lot of time to draw any 1 ine because of the waiting
Tn• l•tter •• -"•t l cnoae to do, •dOang • t/Z •eco� d•l•y
for the sync pulse to do memory accesses. Finally the f'ull
' ,.•t.••t •r "-Ct. The •••• aoo' t •on ••• ••d• to the
.,...,,. eector ro�t��.
speed of these routines can be used to an advantage. Yes
the processor r�.r�s at color-burst crystal speed, but I can
Very trv\y yov�•. tell you that the graphics routines are quite fast. Also the
"TVBlXi" ca1 be modified to accept these routines (and
fi-e �.Jd-.J hardware�) without having to use the handshaking for
blanking sync thereby increasing throughput and elbftinating
any snow on the screen in any graphics mode. So, now t have
a semi intelligent terminal that runs at processor speed as
b!Sl P•-el I.!OW""t. the input/output is 8 bit parallel handshaking. The firm
�. lo•• �&o ware is just under 2K (hex) bytes of data, inchxHng the
June 3. ,qa_.
graphics routines. Tf you would like the schematics and
C0110ut.,. Pub1'.,.,,no C.ent.,.
firmware, please contact me about these items. I will be
loll •HCRO J� glad to make these pubUc .
5q00 C••••ndr• S.ath Ro.
P.O. Box 84., After this terminal was built, I wanted to r�.r� 6800
Haw•on. TN 37343
type progr<f11s 11 little faster so I upped my 6800 to a 6809.
o•.,. S&r•• Currently I am running Santa Barbara Tiny Basic with exten­
1n re,•oon•• to tMe letter oof ,.,.. L•F•r-r Stu•rt ...n acn sions (poke, peek, wait and various terminal oriented f\xlc­
•ooe4r� an vour June •••ue, I MOUld la�• t o ••• �. Stu.rt.
tions) .
.nv. af he truly bellev•• tn•t ••ch co-out� •v•t.. n•• at•
qood .nd D•d polnt•. doee he •••e the tot•llV neo•t•"'•
•t•t..,.nt e•ll•nq the Color eo-out_.. • -..... ., ... cava ant.,.tcr All in all I have a delightful combination to use. This
to tne C.a-octore 64•'"" ls only the beginning of course, there is always Ft£X to add
..._I l, 1 a.- the o-ner of • oAf< Col Ot"" �a-out.,.. runn1nq \)$-9
in someday.
&nd •lthouon at •v &de• � tne lO••• coeouter syet .. lt
,. not
•• far fro. 1 h&ve n.a •Y
u••t.... cOMOlalnts Mat� the
••chtne. the ...arv. �h• O•d ••voo.rd •nd.
la••�ed Y.. . the Paul T. Barton
wsel••• chul•v but h•v• a.otveo ..nv ot tne.. aroaa .. e t:o
. an
1q12 N.E. 46th. Ave.
extent •v••lf •nd at ..... th•� r•ndv too •• .oavanQ ao.e �
Portland, Oregon
tl"'... Aelde tro- tn•t the CoCo ,•• _....,..,..., v.,.y OOOd 001nta.
FO#'" etA,.t.,.e. ..n.,.-e el •e C&n YOU. Qet • o90Y OA.ed MAChlne 97213

'68' Micro Journal 41

""'•*oo "'cro 1.-•t•- J.,....,.,.., ,....
3. Sch�ulano• All aopoant-.nt•. l.ct. ure •nd ta•t -cn.Oul••·
s..o .... .-onl tto.-
end •pectal date• are ��t. '" • ••note ftl• whach can b• CoiOI'"•tto eoJOa
t)O]IU.t·� va.:s eearci\H an ord..,. t o ortnt ttpKt•laz.ct schedule•.

,..._ .. · · · ··- 4. Or•d• ..tnten•ncea �lttple ChOICe t••t• ere qrad� and
que•t.•on• en•ly�ed for Qu•lat.y. T-.t •car .. are •tared •net
••••vn...-- t .cor ... are ..,, ... ..,, 'u.nctaon• allOM potnt• to b•
conv.rted to lett ... or•des.
••v• tf'l• <M•�t of ,.,... •I• ant�•\ .. carcYttrv u ...
.su. t-1'1-• •"••1•­
••lttY 1tf �fvl ,.__ ...... __...•• t"�\.,., "'•• III.C� • r••ltty. '"''" 5. Inca-. t•• -.naQ•�t• QU.,terly evelv.t•on• of taK
,•.- t..Cf"'•ol-ov "'•• •l•o "'� wp u� '"��.,,.,.. to furt-tt:� �toa•t• l1abtltty •tn t •tt e •lthhohhnQ end the chor• et ,..,._,.,end•
•.,.,..,...,., Of"' t.-•ow• .,... P�"e<t•tOI"t •••�l'f proc_ec�•• tn .-...••
�ltiple for•• ar e provtd�.
O"oclowclU31n ltfl'l•• •r�CI t"• �···

,.._• •#ll" '"• ftr•t ,,._ 11\ ht•lOr"¥ U'te •w•d.Otlly of '"'" le<-N'tOIOQY
b. L.cture or•Dh•c•t c�t••n top•c• tn btOIOQy l.nd tl'l..
"•• -...•M•••••• tf'• """Otl\leltOI"t Of 1o. :o•t
.1 o..,.•�•• roootac• ._.lve• to Qr"a.phac pre•.ent•t•on t n color and ...att\ ant..lton.
•"'14 I >•t tfl'lef�oa\t" •I I"QiibOttC '"""-· • ., ..,.t. ,,t..,._t 1ft ...,.,, f1C1111I
l"t•lH 11t" • ....._ r.AtOll • "'•• .,.,,,.or\ Ne to t"• •,.••I•JHlttV o• 1"-­ 7. Sa-...l etton•• "Y QIPf"'•t •c• •tud..,..t s u.. • provra.a .., th
. ..11 •�•wl C.�Yt� ,.,..,, ... th.•t •••• l"'telltc;..-.t robot , .,.,., •
Mhach stud.nt ••-ul•t-. •n•••l cro•..•· Th• offsp,..tno
.. o........
c•n be u•.CS tn fur"th.,. cro•••� tn order to deter•ane the
•• •"trt .:• rMottC• Aln•IOQ lh(I"O "i'•t••• type o4 tnhet"'llence tnvolvecJ tn the va .
ru:. tr• tls •
*"' lf'llD the lt•l• of t•
,,.,. "1 • •"'CCI•t• I tn• a• cO'IIP...t•r ·•v·otIect rotaot•c• fOJ'"
.,.,....,., ...,..,,,..clwc•tton. � ....11 •�•trY ' . u,. •tr•t su·Qid!�Cl to •• No one cl•••• lhal th• CoCo •• the eQutvalent of • O••••·
"'•*•••_.. •t)l"" "'• " Yt•t "•1• t " , ,.. . ·�tc.-ot•l • co-pt.oter •-<oi'O cont,.oll" but for •200 • b41'Qtnn.,.- 1n p.,.,.son•l COIIIIPullnQ purche .. a
rll!b<11 ., • •..a • .,.••on• gf UH" 1"000\. .,. • ., . roco- Detnq of •erect on l"'• b4� o&O• •ach t ne •tth Eatend� BASIC. c•ssett• tnt.,. . . f•c•. rv
:•"'� tl .,.,_,,..t Qr\• ,..,..,,.Jin ' ' • PhHI Ifill o.-.p•\ICtl• �tP'olt. J•.,.tc.• for'
tn\erf•ce. AS 232 port. •net \wo AID con�.,.l� p�l•. lf ht•
t"• ••dto .... • Cot"" ...,.,..._'"" '"• ·•oe.ot.-a• •• CC!i"l"�"" bv- ••'"'.,..
tnlwr••t ••"••· hta doorstop h••n"t. co•t hta a fOf"'tune. If
•ott: ,,.d 01' ••'-•c." ,.�t• to t"-• c-otor- CGA�P""\.,.. �. ""P.,.•tor c..,.""'
'"• •r.t... '"" • '*"'''" NKI•
nd P�•t• tl'l• t"ob:Jt .,. . lo p...-f Of'"• • lt�e Mine hts tnl•re•l QrO.s, he h•• ...Chtn• lh•l C•n Q�O.
,a, ....,. ••;a• • .,, • ., tt<• J.•' .tt ,. .- . ,. �..u4eo •he oc o t-1 Ut,..-.._,,.. 'l"t•
ft -· th ., •••
•'"•ou• ,..,••.._,,,. ...-ct ,,..,,,,on., tn• .Jlt) ••f ,.,_., '""trvct t.h• If Ot•� BASIC c••••• to ••ttsfy for Mhat.ever r••.an.
te-o '-"' to ,..�. ... t" .,. •1\d "'•P••t '"• -..qw-"C• of eov.......,..t• ..,d f�cttOI\• th•r• •• FL£• (•ba•t•rdlzed• lhouQh at .ay be... L•F•rr••
.,.... tt�-.t)...,. .•l ,, .... . ,,. ""'.. e�t •1w•-"<•• .-• .,. ..a..o oe �·�•ct Of\ t�•
t•r•. not atnet and 08-9 C•llhOUQ� tt• approprt•twne•• on
01' cu•• ,01' l•t���' "••· '""• RoOot IC �• co-otet.• ••t-n •11 .ott••�"'•
•nd •"'CI\oJ••• p.,_.,.. •wr-Pl'fo "' _.,. c.., .....,.•• ,..,..,�o ontratl.,... •II c..Ol••
the CoCo can be que•t•oned). Th•s,• addt t.tonal DOSea op.n
•"" • *otJot•l. fh• -. bot IC •• prt •a •t •:�.QO c l•l•· oreal Vt•t•• of prOQr•--•no an •ddltton•l tanou•Q.. CPL/9 ••

•Y curr.nt. f••c•n•tton). An d eKp•n••on tnt�f•c•• ella- the

fh• "* t -' '' )11'1 at ••'"OI I ..... ..,.,. t1ff��l l"teor-l•c• ele-c;tf'"Ot'UC• u•• of the type11 o4 board• totihtch SS-50 u•...-• .,JOYt &Ow�
Mr..,. to •"" ..- • � •' ).,... �.,,. • f• t•
1 • _,,ch Ia•• •n• ColO' video dt•PI•V•• .., , ., •nd p•r•llel port• • ctock,calendArs,
C ..
h •l-' ••• I"'• ·••• .,, *"lP" •••01.' lht • •til llt Cotot" Coeeto.t....
•t•t•c �y, •nd •t.,.eo -u•tc •ynth••••·
•"�" tit >•"•'J• .,..,,_ t ·�I ttl " 1Qi -.ttl #"CDC\ '••'••• _,, •• o.•tt\Q
'"• ••� • . . ... ,.
.. •t-·•l P•f J•••ICOP•I •Of" tl'le ':� Gr C�t.,.. fl'\t•
Ron And�•on ••Y• th•t th• •••11 st&e of the SS-$0 •oft­
�'"'' ..,,.• .,. t •• •••'•• •• ...--.'M'I,. '"......, •• ,..,. :;5-!>0 l)u••· ft-�e ••r• •arket a.y eventu•lly kall th• bu•. The •usel••• tov•
•oeot tl �••• •• "" ••_.. ..<JJ'"••� '"'"'" P'" �"'"" t �to...t . :Cif""e<.tOO"" Oft h•• 'ntroducttd •any thouaand• to tn
. e ple•aure and p� O'f
t�• 't1 • ., o "" ro , .,.,, • •• • '' ..,..o
. �t-,.att- M'ld Go-- �cply � ca-outano. If the effort' of .oft••�• pl"'oducer• tn
, ...... ,,.4. ...
,. ''"'• t l 1 •·•� •1••"'•1• a• t.h• ,..,.�..,.. c�t er DtoJ•• •Qettano tt. to oo on the CoCo• CL•Farr• are .ny and•c•taon
•� •*' -� ..q •., �a • •"' ,. •.,, .,.,,. to ... ., • "" t.,..���et •"��• lv ""'41
of the potent••• ..��•t. th• Color to-outer ••v postpone the
•••·I' I • 'Ill f •'I J ' • ..,..,
• '-'Itt ,.OOCit. .., . •o•• •·•re. Att �.....,..\
••"-..., ., �·,. • ,.••tl"d •""' <�e,go.' • ...,. "" 111 "\ tQ a• .,. ., ,..,..,..., I,,.,. de•th of the SS-50.
�eoe•lt"'� '-""• ....,, tl I t ...-•C \ 1 �• '"cAIOt. .,. -.g.. �t ._eq.,.en<••• Sot.v'C•
c:MJ• •• .,,.•..,,:!ect ..,," ••• ,._., ..o•t.•.r• to .,.".r-c• '"• •••• Of
'"•••.,C:f' +"41 ••IP.,.t•-"'tiii\IGft U'l the ' •t• Of robotiC ••

""• t..Ct-4"114\1•• t"-•t '*"• "'"'"• lllooot-1 ..., •• dtre<

.,. '•""""
Dear Don.
,,...,..,.,_.._. lCI ,......
t"-e w'• •' ... , .,.,. llloeot•J t4"1Gw.•t�••1 -oo-\ roeot v••
•• U<te ..., •., . te<twttctV.... t"-• COI"It.rot te<l'l"l�. M'\4 t."'• ltl' t.,.t.ce
,..,.ct-w• .,.. telenttc•l. llt�t·l •• •1..0 •t. '000\tc ..,,_..,.,�t..
,...,._..,.C:t\1 .,... echlc•ltOA. �t·2 •• �,.,...,., tor ,...,
. , tNtu•trt•l Getting out of XBASIC
.,...__,., -.wc.h •• .tectrOf"'tC ctrcvlt M.,.d•• IIIOaot-J •• • lvt;�.,. ..,..,.,,01'\
"'... •or .,...,....,. Owtv •...-.uorte '""" " •• c.,...,.,. . ,....,.,.. •••�'tl�
,..�.. .,.. of• ..._.,.,., •• AU .. raoot
...,..,,.,.., or th•
There's a much easier w�:
.,... ••'4 '"''-• the ,..... tnt.,.t.c.e l trOfttc • ec.
•llo-i"'O 1o.t co•t
........ . ... ,. ·��.,,. •• , .......c..t.tor'l•. Aooefl\t011'tll1
l .oft..
..,. ..... .,.
•we�•''" ••'" •���<""
,. ••, ., •. •
29g99 EXEC. exec,flex.txt"
• �-- of •CC•Wif"••• ""•II It• ... . .tiiiJtle .,. 1t."•ffltl'" ftOCtot..l
�c.•••or•. h•t..,..• ••<"'•••• 11ft•ll •• •"•ll61tl• to �v• •ooot-1 troe
,,... •"• ' "' o• """ •••• ..oo.rlt equtP-...,t •llo-t"'Q c.-t• tn br••"-ev:e And "flex.txt• just reads "asn• or anything.
cl• �. ...
o•t.t.,."'•· ..... .. ,u •• .nd •CMI., floti"CttO"• to con\l"ol tf'l• ''*'•' v•
After executing 'flex. txt', exec.crnd returns to
.,..,......,t ... "'••• .,. . •��•• ••••• for U'•
""'•IOQ l'hcro Sy•t..• �•1 ....,..,..
(1.-ct,....,,""•' �'"·•"' ... . .... .. ... . ,.,•• .,....... l"• "ocl•l e'Zit-4 ••ot•eoctoe.clt FLEX.
,,.aoct•tOf'l '•"'Pet"III\IM'• ,..,,, .. , tf'l• ...-.1 r.•2 IIK\I"C.YOO'•P"• .,ct t.rt•
""vet• I 1:.0".-.h. A I o- co•t ch o• t•l vacseo TV c•_.,.. • ""'"''' b•
•w•ll •••• •or '".-:NO\ IC. •tOf'lt el"4 P•lt.,.n t"e<Gq/'111-UW'I• ..,.. w&l,t"III"OI"'IC �:s sincerly
#"111/tQ• •t .. .
,. .,... b• •�o•ti.Ot• for CII.\MK. ,._• ..,.lf\4. A -.abtl• Cllll'\
tO �� t. th• "" t)O\ .,.., D••• lfl'ltO •IIt qt..,e tP"'e 1'000\ .,. . -obi ll \ f• 'tttowld

:•bl•• to t""• ""MOt tr-Ill und••tr•••• • r•CitO ltt\lo W'llltl D• •v•tllll.ble
,,.. '"•••en.• ont'"=�* of tne """*'I • o••• .,.ooot ,.,....,. �"'..,. Ql-".,.•'•d
<�OtC• CN\DY\ •IO"Q •1\" •�d #"e>COQftltlan t• •••ti.Oie tU�"•Ctlo; to tf'le
cg,..Chtt..,.. •• -•• •• O¥ef'" ,,. r•d•o lt"'lo to,,. -.ooil• ..-ooot " "•t••· A
•our 1oy•t•c� •n• ...,,c, uu,...,.••c• •• •w•tl•DI• tO' COII!Put..,.,. fi'IO\
"•vtnq •.,.C, '"'P"'t•• fh• •ba.. e •CC•"'.ot"l- 'loh•l I be •,.•ti•DI• .0"" SS-!loO
�·••If Q"'PUt.W •t•t••••
""'• rooottc• ,.;,, .,.,. �'-I tl'led •Do"• ., • ..,.,..,I.,. •n "'•""• ..,.., ••Y D• 563D Remscheid
•••••••� '" •"" ..�.,... o• PG•••••• con••ou.r •tH.l'"•· lii'"Of" •• .....,, •• •
"'..-ot• ,. tel to c.ll"''troii.O ....,11• rooot •I t. h •P•eC-"• eOul'd re<OQntuon.
Western Gennai'IY
wit'"• .ot\IC .. ,... Q tf'I.Q ..,.d .Jet.C\IOt\o ..,.d "000\ w•••ort -v D• ••••-lN
•1\P\ \"-• •OO" • .adulllll' CD*'POI"ef'l\,.. 0.• ,..�l\lf'\0 •Y•t•• C.., tae
Cl' v••.tt '" • IHQh •-•• c:oecHoot..,. 11111\QY•Q• ,..,.,ult.t� '" • ..uo...-tor
..,.ttft<.t•1 tf',..c • •��, .. . , ..,. .., ••�•-.... o• I"Jw�-" •''ort. rke
;tet"tr•..r • to o•t ,.,. ,ao o• t"• .oo-.. """'•• • •
,. ••C•.U• ..n,t. f'l att' th•t May 8, 1984
.. .
..... . ...,.Oft tGCtllly"• • •
, .. . ..
1201 Bradley Rd.
�. WA 98264
"68" Micro Joutnal
Crummy CoCo
Ihr Sirs:
l•n• "'· Le•\.,.
. ,.. P't-1.0.
,.,.o••••ar of 8aolooy
Ltberty I•Pttst Cotl�• The folling program �• an extena1on of the os-9
Lynchburo. VA 24500
command, proca e. What this program does is take
In ht• lett� prtnt� tn \he �une ••.ue o4 •• ••cro certa�n information fran a procs e. Then it 001pilea
Jo�r�•l. LaF.rr ltu.,t c•ll• tne Color Co.puter • •u•ele•• this infometial into an euy to read fonnat.
to·y•, .,...d ••v• th•t •naoocty ..ath • oraan of ..,.. t��CJUlct
Firat it vill talce the uaer name fran the proca,
• ._,.,.., C••c, ccwu�ad.,. tne Color eo.c.ut.,. for .eny't.htno ..,..,_
ou••. then it will loolc at \of\at they are doing. After it haa
It '• fortyn•te for - that I 1•ck a oraan of ...,..,
becau.. tne folto-ano el"e .oee of t.he thlno• I do •ath •Y taken this information it will dump it onto the
•u•el.-.• toy•.
ecreen, giving the name of the user and \of\at they are
1. WOrd proc...•tno• L.ctUf"e ,.ot.•• • te•t•. corr.-.ponct..,ce.
doing at the time you execute the program.
.,.t,ct.. for oazan...,
.. and l�cwatory -..nueJe. 1 auggeat that thia program be packed and put on
the an:1a directory ao it oan be executed fran os-9.
2. Li•t -.n•o.-.nts l l •t• of eev.ral hundred � elides,
•u.pplt.. to be ord.,.ed, •des,. ...... and phone nUAIIbere .,.
Before you can run the program, you have to aet up
...antalned. hlecttno -.nd aortano funct.ton• •llOiol repcrtano a data file on the �rya clirect.ory. 1 have also writt.en
an ..tect.ed for••t•.
a p� to do thia . What it does is to t.alte the user

42 '68' Micro Journal

number and name from the password 1o10rd file and p.1t t •HEN £1£CtllED AS A COli/lAND EXPANDED liE/lORY IS SEAACHED
into a file of its o..n . • OUT �MD FORIIATIEO AS A DISK, DISK 1/0 CALLS ARE IHE•
This program makes it easier to monitor the t !NIERC£PIEO AND All REHRE.cES 10 DISK l ARE DIRWEJ
activies of other users on the system, making it t TO IKE SIIM.ATED Dlsr:, All OilERS ARE PASSED OIC TO I"E
easier to maintain security (\ot\ by the WilY was loolhat I PXYSICAl DISX DRIVERS.
it �o���.s originally designed for).
Sincerely t IIEIIIOD:
Lynden High SChool �HD OllR I IIG DISK SlmllATIOW IT IS THE 1/0.
F'F<OCEIAJ!\£ procsu- f anc y
0000 REM •••••••••••••••••••••••�•••••••••••••• !RACK' IS TilE AC UAL VALUE TO SlUfF t•To !HE 041 rlHD Tit£
oo�= REM • S•curt t y 1'-roqrar., O•sl qn•o ano IKE 'iRACKS' AR£ FllliNATlED .UH IONOIIJI6UOUS LINKS 1• O.A.DEA
O<t1£l REM • Wrltt•n at Lyno•n H1qn �chool by •
OOA4 REM • l'hch••• 1.1. Kl• 1 n on Ma> _, J9tt4. •
OOFb REM •••••••• •• ••-••••••.-.••••• •• •• •• •••••• •• 'r!E -CiUAl ftEftORT ADDRESS BYTE IM CASE SOft£ PRIMiRAII ASSUIIES
0132 DIM num1procs1procl50l:STRIN� tHO Of FILE.
014o DIM count ,nuo>b•rl :iOl: INTECEF\
015b SHELL "procs • l/hO/sys/proc_aat"
ARE 'AI'PED INTO SII!\tlAIED 0101 AIID 0102. •tRACKS' 01 m 02
0173 OPEN •path1"/h0/sys/proc_oat• :READ
01AO READ epath, ltn• APPA'�III\AIELY m SAil£ WID AS OH ACitiAl DISXS.
018:. count•O t STSIE" EQUATES
01C7 count•coun t •1
READ •path1 1 tn•
01E9 procs•M!Os ( 11 n•14::1, lol Mll':� EQU ICD11 SEl llt:IT C!WI
Olfb procCcountl•procs OUIDEC EO\! ICDl9 OliiPUI DECiftAL lfJft
0202 numb•rlcounti•VALCnuml INOEC EIIIJ ICD48 INPUT OECIIW. fllllll IM8Uf
0210 t:NDWHILE
0214 CLOSE •path
021A SHELL "d•l /h(>lsy•lproc-da t '' LSTERII EQU Itt! I LAST IERIIINAIOR
0232 DIM nam.,passworo_nu.,o•r:ST!\ING DATE EOU ICCO£ SYSIEft O.TE
OZ30 O�EN •path1"/h�/sys/us•r -no. :READ DSXVEC Ellll ID£00 DISK VECIM TABLE
o�sa PRINT .. D&t*: "; DATE5 llfPTR EQU ICCI4 rLEI llll£ IUffER POINTER
02o:. PRINT "U•Qor Nloo···,•proc••••
027C PRINT "·--··············-············
02't[l PAiNT
o::9r WHILE NuTIEOfl•p�tnll 00
(12AA READ •oaTh1nan,•,p•••word_nufnb•r" t f!IEO OISX IRK/SEC AOORS
�,::&8 fOR �·1 TO count
O:?Cli 1f VAL ( p•ssworcl_"u••b•r) •nurnbfor C�) TH::N SIRSEC £� 10003 SYS!Eft INfORIIAIIOM R£CORO
o::or �KINT nam•1proc(J) 0IRSEC EIIU 10005 0 IREClORY SUA!
02EEc ENI:rlf
02Et• NEXT J
o::rc CLOSE •path
�·1-:.:JCEOUH::. uvwr '"U'f·- t •nc:) �iliOOW EOII 1£000 USE ADOR CF WUOOII REFEREIICE
1)01,)\) D:M P&tn,p:BYTE
vooa [riM ltn•:STRINGt80l
001} DIM nam•,nuo>O•rtSTRINC
vo�= OPEN •p&th,"pas•word":AEAO
003S CREATE •p, 'us•r-no. ":WRITE
0048 WHILE NOTCCOfC•path)l uO CA EQU 10 CAAttiA6E RETURtl
0053 READ •path,ltn• EOl EQU 4 [MD Of LINE Wl£1
v05i:J �·SUBSTRC ,· 1 lln•l PA6
\JOoA nam••LEFTSC ltn•,�·ll
00711 ltn••RICnT5tlln•,LENCitn•l-�l
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OOAC: :•SUEISTRC","11tn•l
OvBB numO•r•LEFTfll ltn•,:-1) START LOA U S£1 D£FAUI.I D«IYE IIIII
ooc;: WRITE •o,n•m•1numb•r SIA OR'IIIUII
LOD IllOff
OvH CL:lSE •p
cu DOifl6 ClEAR ·c0111W10 LIIE PROCESSU' FlA6


SEQ 110111111 60 IF IIUIIIEJI 1101 FOUIIA

CliPI t1
au 1110DI6 60 IF 1110 Dl&ll MUIIIU fOlJII)
01'1 PAO
CftPI ·�
Ill HElll 015r: SIIIUlAIOII
IU 1110011 5 DI&IT PIIOC£SSIIIG SM€ � 2 01&11
CliPI tl
SYNTAX ER1101t IF 11111110 OTHO IIIAII 11 2, Olt 5 016115
CliPA .,
SIA DR'IUI STOlt£ 11411'1£ IQI(JI

·es· Micro Joumal 43

CliPI tl DCI I IIC.lCM AAOIIO : 01611 'i'JIIJER lOA Slktr 6£1 SEGIIO! S!AJI �OCR
�l(g SIIIE._ 511 &OOOTK lAST SOD) .RACK t
�· P�RSU COJII•U£ 911115{ !RnP lOI t•l•:,. &(I IASf IICC£55 �t!•ESS
C!"JII LOA IE� SIA OAT 5(1 fOil IE$11!16
::I!Pl •• lOI UAS 5£1 IES Ill£
IU _.SH Sll mr,r "'lt 11
OlfA •• Clltl IIFF I I :s I' So\11!£1
IU OPTIC. t!l£ nr n 110, liiY 11£11 Tf�tr
Gill'A tU s•a rr•r,r ra� orrrnt�r •n• JUSt •o •.A«£ SJR£
1(0 ,..S£2 SECLP SIO ,1" S£1 FU lllll:
USH lit SlrtM 5{1SIAAI 81.00: ��ESSro· rtA& lOI t�4 COUIIIU
•• PA�l CC.U.ll[ PMS£ ClRSEC ClR , 1t
1110015 l SI SIFlAS PROC£55{0 STAAl !tOC' lEI' �CI CNI DOW
INC SlflA6 5{1 flAS �011 PUlS I &EI lACK
su 518\.CK S£1 SIIIRI 1\.0!r llftl BUIIP
CftPA •• BEllER IE OASH CKII m•DillldiO(IO LASt ON 111At�)
:liPA m
CliPA OUU: 001('
CftPA ITY£11.
SEt SIO �IIOOif•lfOO SEt ll*
lilA IRI:lP DO 11£1! S£611(11
• Si�UR
11\KUO LOA �It
lDo\ lllfPill CJECI: 1£11 CK"ACIER
CIIPA STkCX •.:1( SUR! SOliE 6000 1£/IC�i WAS FOOIID
CIIPI •• (pi((II"
8TIE rQf'!.at 110, IllS! IE lE� G�IVE t
JSA U!CH SliP OYER •· �lll
omc. ;sa MITCH 6£10fi!C. SlO WllfDOW•tFOO
Jst ll!CH
CliPA tU
CliPA IIYEil. IIC.SO If IIY£11. lOA StlltK 6£1 fiRSt 8lOCr
Cft,U I
C"PA f'ft
ll£0 Mlf�l t BUilD SIR
Ll£0 R£111'1£ lOI ..INDOII
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U£0 �lE!E
lOU fi'OLJM 5{1 I'OlUII( liAII(
J., UR'IU lnl 114£" MD l(AY( sra ,,.
kO IWll
l!IP � sro ,,..
FOWl! lOA �IQI lOI ll
CU t'O Ml£ ASCII SID •'"
S!A 0!156 PUI 1• 1151 lDA MIUl •t LAST r•
lDI lfllti!SI lOI UIO IIIII S(C C. r•
511 ·'"
LEAY ·l,T ROUe£ SEC Clll f1ll Sit l 011 SEC
� ··- Sll 11++ S£1 S{CTQjl CMT
lOO DA![ SEI lottE
lDI l£llll.l
STI , Itt
lOot OAI£t2
JSR ,oar•

44 '68' Micro Journal

S11 ,1" stl IWII IRK/SEC ill£ RIU 110

I fUS£WE El!SIIIIi !liFO )(LEI£ LOA Gil�

lltlfl!T lOA snm SET ORI FO� SIR tU A,U
.DI 1Wl!IOC�+l4 S£1 f� COif'�£ sra stUCI
lOU IYOUWI ... (Ill
iii\.� ul ,u•
CftPi ,1• 1 HEI 1�1 SUIIICUIII« • Oll.1 IICctPIS FlaST llO '!51TS
Clfll t'IQ.MII•II &ETH£1 CUt
il« ClfV 1101 0., KW 01 PSHS IEif'ORARi STli!AiiE
LOA 11,1 6ET IWII IR' tsR 6EIDI6 6El "'"
STA IIAIIRl stT tts 6111:11 I EllI If IIOT HEJ
C""l t2
IHI 5Hl0t'P 161101!£ ot&JIS AfTER SECQIID
!Nil LOA tSIODAI RESET m TO IKibAl ASl O,S Alt611 �s maLE
5IA OAI ASt o,s
CftfD tREAD ASl o,s
ClRSlf CLR ,U+ .,. 61tlDOP
Clii'U tSlllU•IO
111.0 ClRSlf lilf£111 PillS A,l't 6(1 lYlE AND RETIJI
LIIU 15llt.KS Pill 51111111116 llOCX ta lAkE 11.0 IIOTH£1
SU I,U CliPA ...
le) 111001 SU t•IT 1Rl/S£C kS SlPAOJ
m rua :lirA •••
I lEU fl4£ft. M( .. SUtA t7
StiA.DJ ... ur
01 IJ!Si :t.e
TfR S,I 6ET rtR 10 SAYlt SEC
CUt stT !� Fl6 m
CliPA t£�
Ill( PDlOt'P
'MIL, lCA ,It
£11011.1 bl £11Dlll6
STt OSI:Y£C·I«VY£C•SI!£·1,1 SET 110'1£0 01.0
Clfl ,_MY£C•SI!£ OOIIE?
S!fl� 1111 SIAIII llOCl rtOCESSED flA6
11.0 IMIIJ 110 OOIIFl& ltl!t COIIIM O CCif.lHElT I!MSEO FlA&
&OOtll .,..

\IJITCH lOI tiiOifft

\lll.I1M fCC 'lfil'tAOSI:Ill'
fNTII$8 fCC 'foruth•t ',£01.
ttMIS& fCC • u dn•t •
OIISi rcc •o•,£01.
Jlf W!IS All 001( Ill"ilol.lllll&
NS& ftt 'lotII Stctors huIMltl ',E�
£111 lSI 0Cifl6 MYTHIII& RSE Ill CIMW lll«'
lt£0 ,A.tS£4 rES, COIITIIU PAlS£
tAOMI fCC 'tAO t'PIIIJI' ,£�
IIOffll ftC 'IIE!IOIIT 1101 fO!NTfED',Eil.


i:,.O MI £A0 IS II 115?
tl« £111 110, IIOIHllli TO to
Jlf •m
Jlf YOifl
Jlf mrot
su ,1• NOV£
Jlf tRIV£

'68' Micro Journal 45

liRA .. SI!E
1•11, P•SS THlU !.0 !Wtr!ll
liRA t•Sil( Wll, PASS �'U CP.P! 'IoHSE�
JlfP sm iHI

-� rtR! SE I 'J E�IIR
• mr o•tvra StJU.Aroa r� HIPE�OIS• R S
IIOTF\D lOS Ill' S£1 RMf �
�6 OsrvEC•SIIE �.UYE SfiiC( F� �16111Al. ;tc·�
50 R"1 l SPoiC£ FOil IIOY£0 YECTORS
TELETYPE Model 43 PRINTER - with serial <RS232l
•EPI F'Y PSHS � Interface, end full ASCII keyboard. LntE NEW- New cost
>FY �l
te� S 1295.00 - ONLY $759.00 reedy to run -Cell Tom -Larry
RES Rill l
sam - Bob, C?l 615 842-4600
CP.PA llfF
�;w �· l
CK< !ti'J l
f".l.S A The follc.tlng SWTP-6809 Flex/Unlflex components: 2-S/09+
l8U YH 110, .PASS ON ma inframes, 2561< board IOmeg Mlni-Winl, X-12 2-821 ?:�
01� iltt l 1
3 - 64K boards, duel 8-! nch dl skette drive, CT-82 QUI"t;
ClRt YES, US 6000
45cps printer with tractor, sheetfeeder, end , .,P-QP
$0111 l Interface board.
Make offers to Richerd Devl �
n , (517)332-5989.
ljj!ll£ I'SHS A
SI8US R"l 10 SUA11116 BLOC�S Filii OIIIYES 0·9
I Iff IF
L141 sum SWT-S/09, 2MC 128kR& f!11
2 x 8" dsdd end/or 2 x 5" sssd
1O use. Make me en offer.
CIIPA IIFF flop pies, rea� T
P\.lt.S A
Peter Keller Swlt"zerlend <T �
I-984 29 84l (Tx:59887)
ll£0 1111 •o
AAISEC F C8 110 IIAI SECTOR SI!E MEX6801 Sup p o rt <development> system for Exorclsor or
ISR SEEK 611 TEST E xorterm.
A_ND S£l Con s I sts of Intercept, Control and Buffer
81( £MOUl modules, soft-were, documentation. User System Evaluator
PSHS U SAYE <USEl cepebllltv, reel time emulation, EXORbus C<:lmp&tlble.
lOt l,l 6£T ORI'IE HIJft �
List price M X6801 52700. For sale et Sl200. Also 10
8511 RliS£T
UCJ tSIJLKS c a rd slot power supply, reck mount chassis (M68MM..Cl for
LOA 8,U S300.
MA zru Contact Kerf RitzInger (603 434-2300 (NH) days. 1;..

DlaOt PSI!$ A LOA smcl

8SR CKtQ CPJ� tiFf
Pllt.S A
lEO Cllr U£G RD Ill), PASS IJI
C'�o�l SEI
.S ROT lSI! S££t SED: m llm TESI
8511 �� 60 SU II' FOil IW
JSR ClOOUI lfEJ TFI l,t 6£l 10 UOA
BII!SEl PSHS 0 SAYE fOil COit'AR£ As some of you m i ght have noticed, this Issue carries
�.OJ LOOP LDD ,II+• SH IIORD two dates AUGUST7SEPTEMBER i 9 8 4 . The reason being
Sll ,1.. SET IIORO t h a t we ere growing on the newsrecks. Because o l
lib U6 OFf
511 S£lECI
ClfPI , S A� Ill D041E7 de te/tlme considerations we needed e llt"tle more time
iRA D«Y SO 00 ROI. then our present Issue dating allowed o n the bookreck
81( lllOf' 110
SEl LDI l,l I� US IJI shelves. Hence, the double dating.
511 (
ClRt SEI 110 EMIM LOA tSTODAT ThIs will In no way effect your subscription frequency.
RIS S IA OAI S£l BACK IIORML You will still receive the proper number of Issues. It
will ust be that If y our subscr iption expired In s&y
Octo er '84 b efor e lt will ne-t expire In November '84.
R£51011 I'SHS A No t h i n g l o s t a n a 11 l o t m o r e e x p o s u r e f o r o u r
JSR CHOlll ERROUT RIS advertisers, end we sell 11 f ew more copies.
PUlS �WS£T lDA TRACK Hope you understand, n othin g really changes es fer es
y our subscription Is concerned, It Is ust one of those
PISS THROUGH t echnical things that occur es we 'grow.
ri.\S A D(CA � 8ACJC
rut S£1 110 mol CLR8
a1s lEAU O,U CAlC S£C STU!
ClfPA llff
1(0 5I( 110, PlSS II
,. u
FLEX Utility Reports
CJ'tD tsiRS£t IS II SIR"
llll Sll Ill File Creation Date
lOA A,U Ill SIM11116 IUJCX By Geoffrey A. Gass
LD1 II SET 10 FIRST SEC 5240 S. w. Dosch Rd.
Portland, Oregon 97201
Ill( 51(2 10
SET TO SECIJIO SECTIIR You may not be aware of it, but the
LDI t2
su PSHS I FLEX* operating system carefully notes
LDI Sll£CI down in the disk directory the creation

46 '68' Micro Journal

If the revision byte is nonzero,
date of every file you save. In the
VDATE will report:
standard set of utilities furnished with
FLEX 1.0 (for the DMAF-1 8" disk), there
Rev 35 April 22, 1981
is no means of accessing this infor­
mation, except by single-stepping the
- or whatever. The "Rev" title and num­
directory and snooping in the $A890-A97F
ber are omitted if the data byte is 0.
region of the file sector buffer.

The original DATE routine in loader

There is a DATE transient command,
format just barely slops over into a
however, which allows you to read or
second sector - so there's plenty of
alter FLEX' MO-DA-YR registers (this, by
room if you want to substitute this pro­
the way, is not the routine used when
gram for the original DATE.CMD, even on
the system is first booted up: that's an
a full disk.
input-only routine in the resident part
of FL��). As your command string is
The VDATE routine here is coded and
parsed by the DATE program, it jumps to
"ORG 'd" 'tor the SWTPC 68�0/DMAF-1. It is
an input routine if it sees something
no doubt adaptable to the SWTPC mini­
beyond the DATE or DATE.CHD filename,
floppy and 6809 versions, and perhaps to
but simply reports the current date if
SSB FLEX as well -- but I haven't seen
there is no operand in the line.
the code on these versions, and won't
promise a thing.
It's a relatively simple operation
for the program to look a little closer
But if you have the original target
at the operand, and if it looks like a
equipment, give it a try: you'll like
filename (starts with a letter or with
one digit and a period), to use that
name to open a file and extract the date Htl� IW� YDATt llodlfltd OAT£ Utlltt,y
... Rev J.l 11arch 28, 198J
information from the directory, proces­ ...

sing it as it would the MO-DA-YR regis­ IIHSf •Provides report1"9 of creation/revision date
ter. INI6t •of disk files; and of revision nll!lbtrs If
...,. •IIIIPl-nttd, as well as current date 1/0.

*TM, Technical Systems Consultants, Inc. He9f •ay Geoffrey A. !:In Port land, Oregon 972'1

There are a couple of traps to HllJ •External References

watch for. The TSC-furnished .SYS, .LOW ACil L T E111 EQU SACil Last te1'1111nator or dell•lter
and CMD files have �0-� as creation HIU ACil2 EOLCH EQU SACJ2 EOL character

••lSJ ADill WARI1

dates. The �onth-lookup routine can't Jl&161& A84f FC8 EQU SA84J Systell FC8
Hl7f ADlf RPTERR EQU SAOlF Error reporting routlnt
handle ,.,,, so a ,.,, date must be trap­ tl&l&e A048 IIIOEC EQU SAD48 DeciNl Input, binary conv.
ed out. llll191l AD24 PCRLF EQU SAD 2 4 Output CRLF
111121111 ADI8 PUTCHR EQU SAD18 Output character
Je211& AD39 OUTDEC EQU SA 039 81nary to decimal & out.
ll�2211 ACilE F I IO EQU SACJE FLEX Date regfs ter
And, if you have been
playing ll112311 ACIIF FDA EQU SAC.F
around and using these directory bytes Jll2411 �CIJI fYR EQU SACIll
JII2SJ �CI4 LBUFP £QU SACI4 Llne buffer pointer
for something else, you'll also need to Jll 26. AD2D G£TFIL EQU SA02D Pick up file spec
trap out any "month" value higher than '1127. AD33 S£TEXT EQU SAD33 Set default ext If none.
JII28J 84116 ms EQU S84J6 File 111anagment SYstllll
$C, or the month routine will print out .112911 AD36 AOOBX EQU SAD36 XR•XR+ACCB
garbage -- maybe lots of itf JIIJlJ AlN ORG SAIll.

Hl» AI.Jil 2• 1!7 YDATE BRA DATE! Skip registers

In the FLEX directory, the byte
N35f Alt2 Jl v FC8 1 Version
just before the month digit is not (yet) FC8
Jl&36f AIJ3 H REY , Rev , for files so nagged
used by TSC. It's a handy place to keep N37f �1J4 H 110 res • Fro� fLEX or file
fJ38J AlJS lit OA FC8 •
track of revision numbers particu­ N39f AIJ6 N YR FC8 •
N4N AlJ7 .. IU4II rc.a • llorkl119 register
larly on files which may be revised o r JI'IJ AIJS .. FCB LS8
updated several times in a day. If you
N43f AlJ9 86 ACII OATtl LOA A LTEAM Gtt last dell•lter
train your assembler or text editor t o J1'41 AlJC 81 J0 OIPA ISIIO C/R?
N4SJ AlJE 27 SA BEQ DATO If so, just report due.
extract this byte o n every delete opera­ N46f All. 81 ""2 OIP A £0LCI� EOL chancter?
tion and plug in the incremented value ,..,. Alll 27 55 8EQ DATO No Input: output only
N48J AilS FE ACI4 LOX LlliEP lklfftr pointer
when you open the file for writing, you N49f AIIO A6 ., LOA A J,X llave a look
NSN AliA 81 48 Cit' A 1$41 Alpha?
will be able to check on this revision
N51. AllC 22 J6 IHI FILDP Probably a f11en­
number (1 to 255) of any file, without .,52J AilE A6 Jl LOA A I X Look at next-fo11ow1n9
having to download the file itself, just NS» Al2. 81 2 E Cit' A ISzE Period?
HS41 Al22 26 Jl SHE DAT£2 Probably date Input
by calling VDATE,FILENAME.EXT. Jt55f Al24 7E AICF FILDP J PIP FILDAT Must be fl 1en-.

'68' Micro Journal 47

1115411 AlE7 26 16 8NE FERJtl
..57J Al27 80 2F DAT£2 8SR IU1111 Cet �r f...:. buffer 14 LOA A
115511 AIE9 86 ,, Close-file code
,.sa. Al29 zs 29 acs SYIIERR C set: btd Input STA A
1111 5611 AIEB A7 Ill! I.X
NS98 Al28 81 JIC CHPA ISI!C Over 12? 111571 AIEO 80 84116 JSR HIS Do It
"16111! Al20 22 1C BHI SYIIERR Does not compute
815Be Alfll 26 110 811£ FERRI Problems?
H61J AI2F 87 ACIE STA A RIO Into FLEX date regis tar
11591' Alf2 A6 IS LOA A SIS, X Byte 24. non-FLEX Rev I
I!K211 Al32 80 24 8SR 11111111 Get next dlgit(s) lll�IJ AIF4 87 AIIIJ STA A REV FLEX files "Ill hue lit
N6311 All4 25 IS acs SYIIERR BLnll!lr? 1116111 Alf7 C6 19 LOA 8 l$19
648 Al36 81 IF 01P A ISI F Over 311 1162111 AIF9 80 AD36 JSR AOOBX Point to cre1t Ion data
1111651 AilS
22 11 BHI SYIIERR Don't dig long .ant.hs 116311 AIFC 7£ A160 Jt1P OATOI load 110-0A-YR and outpUt.
lt66f AllA 87 ACtF STA A FDA februtry 31 Is OK.
•11 Al30 80 19 8SR IU1111 For y�tr tl651 AlfF E6 1!1 FERRI LOA 8 I,X roet error code
� Allf 25 tA acs SWEAR C fl a gs IIG or no dttt 1116611 .\291 7E A159 FERR �" SYIIERI Report ' exit
H6911 Al41 81 63 CHI' A IS63 99 In hex
N7H Al43 22 1!6 BHI SYIIERR Actual date • 256 Is OK. l1681t A2114 52 REVT FCC /Rev I
N7UI Al45 87 ACII STA A fYR To FLEX II 16911 A21lS llll FCB II
,_7211 Al48 7£ AOI!l JHP WARIIS All done. 11171111 A21l9 2C CEIITUS fCC /. lg/
tll7111 A2110 Ill FCB ll
..7411 Al48 CE A8411 SYIIERR LO� IFCB Systeo control block
N7st A14E C6 lA LOA 8 ISlA Syntax error (126} 117311 AZIIE ' A 110TA8 FCC /January/
..7611 Al58 E7 tl SYilE.RI STA 8 l,X Into ErTor Status bytt P!74� A21S llll FC8 D
tent Al52 80 AOlf JSR RPTERR FLEX routine 117511 .\216 46 FCC /february/
N7S. AlSS 7E ADel JIIP WARIIS Blck to fLEX. 1176J A21E H FCB .,
em11 Aztr •o FCC /lltrch/
.... Al58 80 A048 NUIIIII JSR IIIDEC Input & binary conversion et1ea Azz•., FCB •
..811 A158 25 fC acs IUI£X Bad Input .179111 AZZS 41 FCC /April/
..82t AlSO 50 TST 8 ChecL for no-Input fCB
11191111 AZ2A llll II
H831 AI5£ 27 1!8 BEQ IIREJ Otlt111lttr -- no digits lllSlll A228 40 FCC /1\ay/
N8411 Al61 FF AUI7 STX IIUHH Four hex dlgl ts rca
lllalll A22E llll •
1!11851 A163 86 Ali!B LOA A I�IL Get LS8 only IIIIS311 A2ZF 4A FCC /June/
N861 Al66 1!C CLC All's well
J184� A233 .. FCB •
J1187J Al67 39 RTS
lll85f A234 4A FCC /July/
..8811 Al68 110 NREJ SEC Boonce flag FCB
118611 A238 .. II
� Al69 39 I�IEX RTS
JIS711 A239 41 FCC /�liSt/
118811 A23f , FCB II
N911 •OATO will output REV (ff all)'}, 110, Do\, YR. tl899 A241 53 FCC /Septeflber/
tl91111 A249 119 FCB II
�31 A16A CE ACJE OATO LOX IFI� Sttrt of FLEX date registers 1111911! A24A 4F FCC /October/
�41 A160 A6 .. OATOI LOA A ti,X Entry for creatIon dtte lltgzg A251 IIJ ft
8 •
'"St A16F 87 A114 STA A ItO Loctl register III93e Azsz 4£ FCC /llove�r/
H961 Al72 EE Ill LOX !,X Get OA, YR Jl941l A25A .,. FCS •
H97t Al74 FF AleS STX OA Jl958 A258 44 FtC /Dtcfl'lbe rI
N98e Al77 80 A024 JSR PCRLF Do 1 CRLF tl9611 A263 H FCB II,SFF
111 991 A17A F6 AU13 LOA 8 REV Look at REV register
11... Al70 27 IE BEQ OAT02 llothlng? mention. II1981J AI'S ORG SAliS
119911 Af48 Alall FOB SAtee Transfer address.
11111 AI7F CE A2J4 LOX IREVT 'Rt¥ ' tzm E/10
t1129 Aiel 80 A180 JSR STRilGO Output text
11141 A186 80 lA BSR HUM() Output It
flllst Al88 86 21! LOA A IS21 Space
11161 AlBA 80 AOI8 JSR Pl/TCHR Out.put that
C4LE"D4l-CLOC� I Tl"ll I P4l4LLEL POlT

t111811 Al80 86 Alt14 OAT02 LOA A I«) Get 110nth (binary}

111191 Al9111 27 22 8EQ EIIOPRT H1 Print one zero.
llltll Al92 CE A29E LDX IIIOTAB Table of n���es
tlllJ Al9S 4A IIEX/1 DEC A Count 's out
11129 Al96 27 18 SEQ OPRIHT Found It? Print ft.
11131 Al98 18 LOOP Ill X Step to next
11141 A199 60 H TST e.x Looking for Ill dell•Iter
lllst Al98 26 F8 BilE LOOP
111611 Al90 18 Jill Put dell•lter
11171 A19E 21 FS BRA IIEXI1 Try Lhls one

1119111 AlAI 80 18 OPRIIIT BSR STRIIGO Run liOnth n-

112111 AIA2 86 ze LOA A me Space
111211 AIM 80 A018 JSR Pl/TCHR Output It
Jl221 AlA7 86 AlliS LOA A OA
Jl231 AIM 80 16 OSR IUIO
LOX ICEIITU S Text string ' , 19
112411 AlAC CE A2119
tl2SII AlAr 80 11C 8SR STRII:O Run It
J1261 Alii 86 All!6 LOA A YR
Cale ndar • Clock CLlU·I
tl271 Al84 80 11C EIIOPRT BSR IUIO
111281 Al86 7£ AOIIl JHP \IARIIS All done. : ,
.. . . .. . . ,.. ... .. .-
... . .., , .. .. , ,
.. .. - ...,
• U tl•• • f••• U••• l •ft•• • • ••• U • U ••
. ... . ... ••tt•tl ........... . . . . ., ...... ....... ..... , .. .....,•
• ,
••, . '"''· . ..
..,••,,,••, • •••• ••• ••• tllll• .. ..
tlllt A18C 18 INX Interval Tt••r
113211 AlSO A6 1111 STRIIGO LOA A II,X Entry point • ''"' ..
'"'''' ,,•• aa ,. _, ..�,...,.,, . . ..
11331 Al8F 26 F8 BHE STRNCl . , .. , ... .... ··�··· ... ,,, . .,
,. . ..
e ••·• rttt fotlot t�t\ CLttt�l tlllo• •It• '''""' •••• •• tWlrt tf•f
t13411 AlCl 39 RTS H Is de11•1 ter • .
c... . . . . .. . ... ... .
. ..... ... ,.•• ••• •••••••• •• ,, • •••

t1361 AIC2 SF IIUI«l CLR 8 No leading zeros Parallel l/0 Port ftUr ••fltft. f IHt t•t•lt•t t•tt

tl37t AlC3 F7 All7 STA 8 IUIII No garbage In HS8 e 11, ••u•••• •••••• ••••• • • ..,,,, hlf••••• (•• J••ru• - ••• ••••••
tl38f AIC6 87 AilS STA A IIJil. Dltt . ,......... .... ''''"'' ······· ....... ...... ........ ......,

11391 AIC9 C£ Alt7 LOX IIIIIII Pointer for 4 dlgl ts

fl.._ AltC 7£ A039 JHP OUTDEC Prl nt the last I or 2 Co al t nac tton ....., . , .,
.. .. . .. .. . , .... ... ' .
.. . .. .. ....

"•nual -· V• ll docueented • l6 pea••

tl42f •FILDAT looks up 1 file creation date
.. .... ' .... .
.. . .... ... . .....
114411 AltF CE A8411 FILOAT LOX IFCB Use sys ttt� FCB Kll
Aue•bled end uoted Sl 19.95
ll45f AI02 80 A020 JSR GETFIL Get fllen- fre�a buffer Co14plated �ue conn 7.SO optton 2 MKa
ll46J AIDS 24 •• ace FILOI OK? Stt extens Ion Dlek S ot I to. SSI ot Flu• OS.tAveiiiOie HCW
11471 Al07 t6
15 LOA 8 ISIS Code for fllenMOe error
...... .. . ......... ........... .,..... '-•••·······
11481 Al09 2t
26 BAA FERR • fl•t t• , tt•••••t\ et f••••t••l tr•t••• C••••U••••• l•t•

t149111 Al08 86 Jl FILOl LM A 11 <liNn for read

tlSH AlOO A7 .. STA A I,X Into FCB lO I IlT SO• IL ICtlOW I CS Pbo.. (SO)! U4-0 0 H
l15lt A lOf 86 N 1 00 ) Vet• S o od o D t· $& MK reet 4 e at• a 44 41 t aa
LM A ,. Default extension (.BIN)
t1529 AIEl 80 A033 JSR SETEXT Albu�u et�ue, " " 1711) 4d d ll S�tppto1 • Meodllol
Stt default If no ext.
tiSJt AlEC 80 8416 JSR F"S Ooen fllP.

48 ·sa· Micro Journal

Deer Editor, Of course we ell make mlstekes. When I do, I meke no
At one time I wes very interested In the 6809 CPU. 1 bones ebout It. HIdlng an error hurts everyone, end cen
owned 11 computer from SWTPC wh lch Included duel disk end up costing more than most people ere willing to
drives lind the FLEX operetlng system. Needing a better admit.
versIon of 11 6809 based computer I bought 11 Redlo Sheck In the publlcetlon you work for you come In cons tent
64k Color Computer. At the time I had received 11 few contect with software and h<�rdwere that just does not
free Issues of the Color Micro Journel end reed about work right. There Is no excuse for this, but It heppens
the deficiencies In the Redlo Sheck disk system. 1 ell the time. I have seen equipment costin g more than
decided to buy their new disk controller end mate It to SI O 000 wh lch was not even 11 good boet anc nor . At m.t
my duel flop p y. The dealer seemed to think that wes last job I sew 11 computer driven test system built thet
0 .K ·, end thet wes when the trouble sterted. He did was "joke from the stert. When all the smoke cleared
not reellse thet Redlo Sheck keeps things to themselves. the grapevine had It tht�t 11 querter million went down
After goi ng to 11 lot of trouble to gef ell the perts he the tubes. I knew most of the people Involved. Not one
found thet 11 menuel wes not evelleble. He wes 11 decent of them wes unintelligent or dishonest, but still the
guy, but I still got so med I set the entire computer f iesco went ahead.
eslde end heve not touched It since. After 25 yeers es Perhaps I should not unload all this on you. You ere
en Electronic Engineer I heve leerned thet some things p robab ly quite busy, end heve heard a l l this before.
ere not worth bothering with. Redlo Sheck could h!IV8 Whet I em ret�llv trying to find out Is the description of
done a lot with that computer, but seems to be just too the new Radio Shack Color Comput er disk controller and
che11p end greedy. whether the computer Is wor th developln q h<�rdwere and
This brings me to the substence of ""!letter. Wh software for. After working with FLEX CPM OS8 RTS8
does "American Menegement" meke such bed decisions?y and pr oprietary operetlng systems end bulld(ng wo r
Whet heppened to personel pride In 11 job well done? My herdware, I feel I h!IV8 the �ellflcetlons needea.
experience hes been thet even though eng ineerin g Is
sometimes difficult It Is Infinitely more dlffrcult to t elk E ds Note: ThIs letter was sent to us with a request
to menegement. W (tness the millions that heve been lost that this letter not be published since the writer felt
In the computer field by companies thet "had It made". 1 that by h avl n g hIs name appear at the bottom, It might
heve seen people who seem much smerter than I em (end not be too dllflcu lt for someone to figure out whlch
whom I personelly liked) meke ebsolutely unworkeble c ompen y he worked for and possib ly the people he
decisions. No wonder the Jepenese cen penetrete our mentioned. Since some of the thoughts e x p ressed In
mer ket so eesiJy. this letter ere shered by many In the SS50 Industry, 1
have teken the respon sibility of Inserting It Into the
Bit Bucket.
Larry E. Willi ams
Exec. Editor

Dfslt-1 F i l e s o r t, Minica t, Mini copy, Minifms,

-Lifetime, "*Poetry, .,.Foodlist, *"t>iet.
Dtslt-2 Diskedit w/ fnst.& fixes, Prime, "Prmod,
**Snoopy, **Football, *"tlexpawn,**lifetfme
Dtsk-3 Cbug09, Secl, Sec2, Find, Table2, Intext, Br- Ron Anderson
Ofsk-Exp, *Disksave.
Dhlt-4 Mailing Program, *Ffnddat, *Change, The S.E. MEDIA DMslon of Collpvi'er
•Testdisk. Publi shing Inc.
Is offering ffle follciwlng 'sooSCRIBER
Dfslt-6 "*Purchase Order, Index (Ofsk file indx) CCM>IL..ER CCM>ARISION N«J EVALUATION REPORT
Dfslt-7 Linking Loader, Rload, Harkn ess
Due to the constant end rapid updating and
Dfsk-8 Crtest, Lanpher (May 82) enhanchment of numerous compliers, ana the
Dfsk-9 Datecopy, Di skfix9 (Aug 82) d l fferent utility, appeal, speed, level of
Dfsk-10 Home Accounting (July 82) commun lcet l o n , memo r y usage, etc., of
Dfslt-ll Dissembler (June 84) different compliers, the following services are
now being offered with periodic updates.
Dfsk-12 Modem68 (May 84)
DISit-13 *lnf tmf68, TestJnf6B, *Cleanup, *Dskalign, ThIs service, with updates, will ellow you who
*Leobug, Help are wary or confused by the various cfalms of
Dfsk-14 *Init, * T est, * Terminal, * Find, *Oisked1t, comp ller vendors, an opportunity to review
comparlsons comments, benchmarks etc.,
Help concerning fhe mt�ny different compl(ers on
the market, for the 6809 micr ocomputer .
IIOTE: Thus the sevlngs could fer offset the smell
This is a reader service OIILY! No Warranty is
cost of this service.
offered or i m p l i e d . T h e Disk Files are as Meny heve p u r chased compliers and then
received by '68' Micro Journal, and are for reader discovered thet the pertlculer complier
c o n v e n i e n c e ONLY ( s ome MAY include fixes or p urchesed eIther Is not the most efficient
patches). A l s o 6BOO and 6809 programs are
f o r t h e i r purposes or does not conteln
features necessary for their application.
•hed, a s e a c h is fairly simple (mostly) to Thus t h e e d d e d e x p e n s e o f purchasing
convert to the other. additional compller<s > or not bein g eble to
f u l ly utilize the advanteges of h fgh level
PRICE: 8" Disk S29.95 - 5" Disk $24.95 lenguage compliers becomes too expensive.
The following COI.f>ILERS are reviewed lnltlelty,
68 mcRO JOURIAL m o r e wIll b e reviewed, c om p ared and
POB 794 benchmerked es they become available to the
Hixson, TN 37343 euthor:

• indicates 6800; ..,. indicates BASIC SWTPC or Initial Subscription- $39.95

T SC <Includes 1 yeer updetesl
Updates for 1 year - $14.50
6B09 has no indicator.
RASTER CARD - VISA accepted 5900 Cessandre Smith, POB 794
F or eign -- add 101 for surface Hixson� TN 37343
615 t!42-4601
o r 201 for air! I

'68' Micro Joumal 49

for the
INTROL-C/ 6809,Version 1.5
lntrol's highly acclaimed 6809 C
compilers and cross-compilers are now
more powerful than ever!
We've incorporated a totally new 6809
Relocating Assembler, Linker and Loader.
lnitializer support has been added, leaving
only bitfield-type structure members and
doubles lacking from a 100% full K&R
implementation. The Runtime Library has
been expanded and the Library Manager is
even more versatile and convenient to use.
Best of all, compiled code is just as
compact and fast-executing as ever - and
even a bit more sol A compatible macro
assembler, as well as source for the full
Runtime Library, are available as extra-cost

Resident compilers are available under

Uniflex, Flex and 059.
Cross-compilers are available for PDP-
11/UNIX and IBM PC/PC DOS hosts.
lntroi-C, lntrol Corporation
Flex and Uniflex. Technical Systems Consultants
OS9. Microware Systems
PDP-1 1, Digital Equipment Corp.
CORPORATION UNIX. Bell Laboratories
647 W. Virginia St. IBM PC, International Business Machines
Milwaukee. WI 5.'3204
(4 N) 276-2937 For further information, please call or write.

50 '68' Micro Joumal



If you're looking for a language to The host system must be 6809 bas­
write real-time process control soft· ed and have at least 48K of ram (56K
ware, look no further. With the rising recommended) and run one of the fol·
lowing operating systems: MOOS,
cost of labor, It is becoming more critl·
XOOS, OS-9, or FLEX. Priced from
cal that a high level language be used. $425.
Find out why over 1000 companies have
switched to OmegaSoft Pascal for �09SUPPORTPRODUCTS
their demanding applications.
The OmegaSoft Relocatable As·
sembler and linking loader Is de­
signed to support the Pascal Complier
Pascal was designed to teach stu­ Package and can also be used for gen·
eral assembly language program de­
dents how to write structured pro­
velopment. Priced from $125.
grams that are easy to read and main·
OmegaSoft's Screen Editor sup .
lain. In the past decade it has also ports smart terminals and comes com­
proved to provide the same advant· plete with the Pascal source. Priced
ages in industrial applications. from $90.
For complex real·time applications,
EXTENSIONS the Multi-tasking Kernel provides task
scheduling, Inter-task communlca·
lions, and resource Interlocking. The
Kernel Is a runtime library that Is ac·
cesslble as Pascal functions and pro­
OmegaSoft Pascal has been tested cedures (with full source Included).
using the pascal Validation Suite. The Priced from $175.
Suite Is a collection of over 400 Pascal
programs designed to test the quality
of Pascal Compliers and their runtime A Cross Pascal package Is available
systems for compliance with the ISO that runs on a 6809 host system and
(International Standards Organization) generates code for a 68000 68008, or ,

Pascal standard. OmegaSott Is the on­ 68010. This package does not Include
a debugger, but does Include a Relo­
ly supplier of 6809 native Pascal com·
catable Assembler and Unklng load·
pliers that publishes this report in Its
er. Priced from $600.
Instruction manual. A Resident 68000 Pascal package Is
available to run under VERSAdos, with
DEBUGGER support coming soon for OS-9168000,
The complier package Includes an CP/M-68K, and UNIX. This package will
Include the Compiler, Relocatable As·
Interactive, symbolic debugger. The
sembler, Unklng loader, Debugger,
debugger ,allows setting of break·
and Screen Editor. Priced from $900.
points, displaying and changing vari· Dealer and OEM Inquiries Invited.
abies, and tracing statements. The de­ OmegaSoft products are also available
bugger allows very fast turnaround for from distributors In Australia and
Western Europe, call or write lor more
programs to be run on the host system
6809TARGET SYSTEM OmegaSoft products to run on
Motorola development systems are
The target system may be any 8809 available from Motorola systems dis·
system. No specific 1/0 devices are r& trlbutors In Europe.
qulred. The output code is re-entrant
and rom-able, perfect for single-board OMEGASOFT
systems up to large development sys­
P.O. Box 842
tems. There are no charges lor use of Camarillo, CA 93010
the output of the complier or the object Tel: (805) 987-6426
of the runtime library In your products. Telex: 467013

TM: OmtQ.SOII It a ,,.demallc of Cerllfled Soflwara Corpo<allon MOOS, XDOS, and VERSAdot ere tredemall<a 01 Moto<OlL os-e and QS.W&8000 are tradernaJiul ol
Mlcroware. FLEX Ia a lrademall< ol TSC. CPfM-68K Ia a trademark Ol DRI. UNIX II a lredemall< ol A T & T.

'68' Micro Journal 51

Fill 1/IKlTTl W/Tif Uli11SI lll_ltlfAil_
N.J. Qonp.>ter 9y8�;C�n
Olnaulunta SO.ftw<u" e
W TOLL PRIIII n.ns on tho <l:lkr nz:x SylleGotW
N.J. in etoc:l<
1·800-3 3 8·6 800
fior ...aMB CIUIIIRr

.... ..
, �·
An "easy to use" , I'O'"U"WI Oi.Noamt>tor !or lllak Jeaidclnt. 6009
11nd 6e00 Binllry FUoa. Allo..,. the deVOlOf"l!ll!l't O( a "<l:lntrOl
FUe" of varloue Pro9ram "Boundoriee" durln9 euceeeatve
dlaaaoerrl>Uea: oan UM o Label FUe which outoMtJc:eUy replaces
o tlex loeoUon with a Label l'bme: lnelu:lee on x.1 OUUty: et.e.
5900 Cassandra Smith Rd. Label I'Uea pl"O>I16ed !or Mini-PLEX. Pt..E:X2, f'l.oi:':X'.I, <Jolor �er
Hixson, TN 37343 (for uee with Color FU:X Syllt-), etc. 06-9 Veuion lnclu:lea
s pecial os-9 opt.l.ons.
for Information
ttf, ObJ, 0.1)' SIOO.OO
call (8 15) 842-4801
ceo, sst.ts
• •

CoCo 05·9'• PL.X'" 0,

u. uoo.oo



6819 � � LMllg. QJoPMn


Sout.lleut Medii
ASTRUit09 PL/9
A "Structured Assembler for the 6Sog• which requires the TSC By Graha11 Trott. A coeblnatlon £dltor/C011pller/Oebugger, all In
,..c ro Assellbler. Allows direct use or structured sUU!ment-s OlE PACl�; prov i des a totally I.TEitACTIYE Program Oevelop!lent
such as IF, ELSE, 00, REPEAT, etc., and provides lndentec! level Cycle. The Single-Pass co pfler supports large Symbol Na��es:
forma ttlng or the listing so thtt the structure Is appuent.
Variable Types; Pointers: Control Structures (sl•lltr to 'C' or
Re. '68' llfcro Joumal, Sept. '83 (program was ctlled "STAS/109":
'Pascal'): Stack, A· ,8-, and D·R�glster unlpulatfon: etc. The
has �en renallll!c! due to connlcts).
So.,ce-Gr1n11H Trace/Debugger provides Single Stepping, Break­
A user reports
pointing, etc. 4n excellent Softwar� OeveloPMnt Tool 11hfcll
I'• e
v ry pleued tnd am now writing almost exclusively In
.a�l•""' utllfntfon of Ute power of tile 6809.
• • . .

( AS TRUK09) . I've s e lected ll ov er --- for til future sysU!ros provlc!es for the
development... A.s (one) o f my early e v aluations, I rewrote a F, CCF - SlM.OI
rather eltbortte routine originally done In usembly. Out of
the 1000 bytes or code generaU!d, the (ASTRUK09) version used
only 20 110re bytes thtn the original. --- could not handle tiiiiMIIIC\L
this progra• since It uses t r i p l e -precision rtxed point I'Oeed the Ease of Deeign one! HalneetnabWty or "St.ructured
arithmetic... I have • lerge bodY of code elready written thtt PrOCJra.mming" NID the Speed and Control of Aaaeltt>ly l.Angua9ft7
Is lncompttlble with - - -
constructs. �o proble111 with 1'hen WHIMSICAL was c!eai9ned !or youl This Single Pau,
( AS TR UK09) and the structure sure helps In understanding the Recursive Descent Compiler provides ehe eool for d4Mll.oplnq
loglcl" elmple Ut1Ue ie e to MAJOR Systems ln Assembly LancJuoge.
F. CCF • S99.95 Supports 3 •r..ex• Levels which allow one level of Procedure
n o e t l n g , or more within •MOdultts". lt is eaay to develop
TSC prOCJrams ....-ttten for oeher IMChinea aUice :.ou are -.orldr.g a t.
,..cro A.sWIII> ler th.e Assembly Lan9uo9e level. Features unified, user�
The flU STAIIOAIIO Asuebler, f.CCF SSO. 00 1/0: produoea RCH!Ible, relocatAble, recuraiw, re-eru:rant ())de:
Relocatfng AsWIII> ler w/lfntlng l01der Structured style and seatementa with PrOc::ec!uru one! fot:>c!ules:

use with many or the C tnd Pascal C001pHers. F, C�F SlSO.oo eupport.o Byte an<! Double-Byte prlmltivea wieh 3 types of
Into8<Jere (up to 32 bie), Olar one! Booli!M, and unllmlt4d eizec!
�t Plains C-. Co. Arrays (vectors only): Interrupt. handling: unlimited lef\9th
Variable Namea; Vartable Inlt.l.aliution (c!efaulte to $00):

llelocat1ng. Recu sfwe--cro AsWIII>ler and Untlng LOider. Include "SOurce File" ctirect1ve: condlt.l.onal oorrpi.Ung: dlrect.
F .CCF U20.00; w/Source S2<Ul.OO Q)(!e insertion: control of the Stack �t.er1 etc. To quote
A:>n Anc!eraon 1n hla r� of .aMfllDIL in the sept. '83 Ia­
of '68' fl1cro .JDumal that, ex.,. tor the lack ot flollta, • • • • ,
- fttALU I haw to giw th1a var � mtiDg, . . ••. Ie 1a a PloSr
Relocating Ass.-.ler and Llntlng LOider Q:lmpller which producn PloSr Cbde (hie •PriJnea" Bl'nC:tml.rk ran
F.CCF Sl25.00: for One Year Halnt., add sso.oo ae 9 -=-· on a 2 Klz 9y8t.em).
F one! OCF - $195••
ltfndrush llfc..-o sys-s
IIAC£, by G-aham Tro n. r . ccr - S98. oo

�ter sys-s Consultants

Computer Sys teu Consultants Super Sleuth fs I "TIN Tested",
C ea.,fler
By James McCosh. Full featured C Co11pller for the rL£x
reliable, PROVEN Olsassubler that has gained acceptance
through out the SS-50 Sus C:Of'ftunl� as an extremely POWERFUL , Opera tl n g Sy s te• (lacking ONLY "bit-fields"), In cl udi ng a n
INT(AACTIVE. Softwar� Tool. The Super Sleuth Software Ptckage Assembler. Requires the TSC Relocating Ass.-.ler IF the u s er
consists or 3 Progra,s: SlEUTll (the Olsusellbler), CHGIWI (used w1shes to IIIPltMnt his own Libraries.
to globally Change Ltbels to • metnlng f ul Name), and XREF (a F' anc! CCF - SztS.OO
Cross Reference Generator for Source Code Files). SLEUTH will
Dhuse•ble Me•ory Resident 6809 Code and 6800, 6801, 6802,
6803 (the "8aby CoCo"), 680 5, 6808, 6809. and 6502 (Ap ple,
II full-featured C, etreamllned for the 6809, GenerlltH YelY
Atarl, Co.,IIIOdore, etc.) 81nary Disk FlitS. (See Aug. '83 '68'
efficient Object code. OUtput "benchmarlcs" eloee to li!MtE
llfcro Joumal "Color Users Notes" Column for a full Review.)
68000 in 8 Bit Operations: I. 5 u-s than a 4 - Z88
Color c-uter ss-so Sus (all w/ Soul".:e)
� ualng a 2fflz 6809 Syllt111n1 (Re. p 43, "68" l'laQ Jcurna1. Mlly
ceo !32K Req'dl '83). f'loata, etc.
Obj. Only S49.00 r, S99.oo
F, cx:P, one! 0 - $375••
ccr, ObJ. Only sso.oo u. noo.oo
u- $G5••
CCF, w/Source S99.00 0. SIOI.OO
Ole YMr - s-.•
ceo, ObJ. Only sso.oo

,9 0 Caall
... .,,.o
,••, -····
ndre Smith Rd. coco o�- ,...-
....I..LiibWty r...- -
P •
0 •
u •
Pl.[)(, cc:r • Color Coooput�r f'U:X
OS-9, CCIO • Color COI!pUter 06-9
�FlEX •s a trademar1< ol Ted>n�C.'I Systems Coosuhants
Hluon. TN
Into (8111) 842·4101
Ill 111 0
•11 CXD
• Color Ceo�puter 01 sk
• Color Ceo�puter T•pe
�osg os a ttadema.rk ol Mocrowere

52 ·ea· Micro Joumal

I�EE IIIKlTTl WITif lfll1 lSI lt/Uiflll

'3' TOLL,....

f an4 CCF- $•••

•• ,
._ -···· ,
P-Cocle CompUer (ISO Standard). Deaigne<l eapedaUy £or
Microcomputer Syatema: Run-time syatem cheelta ava.llable
ruourcu for eech teak, allowing operat.ion on e\Oifl minimal
computer Allows llnkb9e to Aasel!t>ler Q:lde &:>r rMx!Jruo
flexl.bUicy. 5900 Cassandra Smith Rd.
F an4 CCF 5" - $�•• Hixson, TN 37343
f 8" - $:laS• •
for Information
call (815) 842-4801
I'IIIOL OliiiPJ,er
For the PIIOFB881011AL: ISO Baaed, Native Code Compiler. CoCo OS·9'• FL•x••
Primarlly for Real-'!'lme and PrOceU Q:lnuol appl.i<:ationa. Uae

cuetom 1/0 devicee in place of the Paacel IN'PUT and C11I1'\11':
LOng Int. (32 Bit): Dynamic length atrlnge: Interrupt
proceaaing, ROI-Able, PIC, Re-Entrant COde, etc. �
Includee Source t'or the �lie Debugge.r, Runt.lme, and .-rAl
Utllitiee. Requirea a "H<>torole C ompatible" Relocating
AaiW!int>ler end Linking IA�r.
F and 00' - $425••
Ole Year Ma.lnt. - s•·• Sou tlleut Me<!Ia
OS/9 to FLEX - flEX to OS/9
finally; the barrf�r has been removed between OS/9 and flEX
formatted disksf Now you ctn READ rro., an d WRITE to, a Single
Sided s• or 8" HEX diskette fr001 OS-9 wllh G-F. G-F is a new
and unique progra01, written In USIC09 (with Source), that
118 (A I.WfU::X "b<uw:" �r)
performs the following functions;
Re-create a Sou rce from UniFLt::X Ccmpile<l baalc
REFOR"AT: A 8ASIC09 Progra11 tha 1 reform.� ts a chosen amount or
Prognme. Eaay t.O lla<l: -.orlta w/ AU. Verel.ona of lh1f'LI::X bllaic:
an OS-9 disk to FlEX For11at so it can be used norm.11ly by
OJtput to Oielt or Terminal. TiJne Tt::S'I1:l) an4 PRCIIIEN: SOUDI
u- $219.95
FlEX: A IIASIC09 Progr•• that d o e s th� actual read or write
function to the special G-F Transfer Olst, all selected frono •
UTILITIES user-fr ien dly •enu. Func tlons provided Inc lude reading the
fLCX Dir ectory , Oeletlng FUX Fi les Copying both directions,
Soutlleut !tedfa etc. All selectio n s are Interactive and c011plete, including
Basfc09 XRef oil necessary proonpu to the op erato r.
Thfs Basfc09 Cross Reference Utflfty fs a 8asfc09 Program whfch FLEX u ser s con read, write and use the special disk u ••Y
wf11 produce o "pr etty printed" listing with eoch line numbered, other HEX disk, provided the FLEX directory is not allowed to
followed by • COI!Iplete cross referenced lfstlng of all variables, continue beyond trad zero (too many fli es) .
ea ternal procedures, and line numbers called . AI so Included Is r and c cr - S79.95
o ' ro grae lfst Utflfty "hfch outputs the lis ting without the
overhead of building the cross reference table, "hfch allows it
to run considerably faster when only a "pretty printed" listing Southeast Me<lfa
with line numbers h desired. Requires Baslc09 or RunB for COP'OIIl.T
operotfon. --- Copy LAIIGE Ofsks to several SMiler disks --
The fol lowing FLEX u tili ties allow the backup of AllY sfze dlst
,.. ,., c.or••'"'•'""' no f .........,,. , CHOC•n
Cllf .,.....,......... . .
aJ""T •r...,.,..,,,.., •• ' Ott .....,..,_.._••
to any SMALLCR she diskettes (Winchester to 8's or S's a· to ,
S's, etc.). B y si.,ply In se rting diskettes u requested by
"' .,&�'. ....,..,... . _. .......
11 --· - · · COPYIIILT, a large disk syste• 11\ly be do.,nlooded to your pruent
" .. .... . floppy disk systeto, any sh e. No need to fiddle with dkectory
"' Cll t •�IPII II'• \ .... c - •
" ...._.....,._ . .Oo••·....,...,,...,' ."' f deletions or any or the o ther tedious operations that 11\USt be
- ..,..,.\. ..... . 1, done using the norNI copy routines •
•• ""''1... ......._. ..
.. COPY"UlT.C"D unders to nelS nonnal "copy" syn t.u and always teeps
u p with fllu alrudy copied by 111ain to inlng directories for
.. .. •• .. both host a n d receiving disk system, eli minat in g hours of
.. .. 01 tedIous keyboard en tries and other tIme consc.mtl ng cleanup
. .. .. ..
, ,., -
. 20 .. .. n .. . . c ho res.
. BACKUP.C"O Is a spec l a l program that downloads "randM" type
. n .. "

files, any she .
-•• •
II "
o • nd ceo - ObJ. Only sl9.95 -- RESTORE.C"O a special progroto to restructure copied "rand011"
files for copying, or recopying back to the host syst.etn.
0 and CCO - w/ Source - S79.9S FREELIU,CIIO o " bonus" utility that "rellnts" the free chain or
noppy or hard disk thereby eliminating frog..,ntotion .
Ca.plete!y doc-nted SOIIret ffles Included.
Os-9 Y01st Al l 4 Progrus (8" or 5") $99.50
Give your OS-9 Lnel I Sys tea the speed of � access that
con be severol orders of Ngnltude over your present noppy disk Southent Me<!Ia
drive. Use that Extended lleeory capability of your SWTPC or CHESS 6809
Cltob CPU card (or any other tho t hU the sane OA T) , Requires FLEX And DISPLAYS On Nry Type Tenrfnal
The she of the VIrtual Ofst Is co11pletely variable In whole Features:
lncreaents of 41( up to 960K • .,hfch Is all that these syste"'s "Four levels or play,
co n addrus beyond the base poge that os-9 lewl I uses. By •s..ap side. O!>oint scoring systea.
putting all of your OIOS Directory on your Virtual Disk, you can •Two display boards. "Change sktll level.
hove the futest execution speed possible ( nut to eating u p "Solve CheckNte problecos In 1-2·3-4 moves.
Syste• Me11or y ,. f t h all o f the•). You "n a l s o set u p h igh "tl.lke 11ove and swap sides. O!>hy "hlte or black.
speed Inter-process c.,..,...nicatlons vla rand011 virtual disk Illes This Is one of the strongest CHESS programs running on any
o n d not eat up valuable system memory .,fth pipe buffers. Some! •fcroCOIIIPUtH, ts tf11ated USCF Rating 1600. ( better than IIOSt
Asselllbly Required - Lewl I OIII.Y. 'club' players at higher levels) .
0, obj. only - S79.9S F and CCF - S79.9S
"' Source - Sl49. 95

�ii ,••, t!ftfT
Mu..bWty IAcJendS-
P • fU:X, ex;, • C<>l"r Computt'r fU:X

•• �•0
0 C1111ndre Smllh
Rd. CoCo .. naa..
0 •
0 •
OS-9, CX:O • Colnr Coonput<'r OS-9
'FLEX •s a,,..,_.,.. of TecM!Ul Sys1ems Consullallls
···os9 ''a l<ademll<k o1 Mlc•ow•••
Hluon. TN
info It15) 142-4801 ·��� miiB
• Color COf!lputer Disk
• Color C0111pu ter Tape

'68' Micro Journal 53

'Z' TOLL ,.... PASCAL U11LffiES
1·800·338·6800 �,., L lDATA PeiCil wr l.
IUf - p�oduce 1 Cross Aefe�ence Listing of eny teat; o�lenltd
to Puc•I Sou�ce •
F end CCF - us.oo
,.-. ,. IIIClUOE -- 1llows the Inclusion of olllt� Files In • Sou�ce T..t;
.., hu unll•l ted nes tlng CIPibflftles.
Also 1llo"s 81na� File

r end ccr - szs .00
PAOfllER - - prOduces en Indented, No.wobe�..S. •svuc�ra•• of •
Puul Source Teu File. Allows 'tfewfng the O¥trt11 svuctu�e
of 11�91 pr��us, lnd p�o¥1dts clues IS to the lntegrlt,y of the
p�ogre•. Supplied u Source Code; requl�ts c�llatlon.
5900 Cassandra Smith Rd. F and CCF • SlS.OO
Hixson, TN 373"'3
for Information
call (8 15) 842-480 1

coco os-•·· P'L•x•• COPYCAT

PISCI1 .aT requlr..S

Allo"s �..ding TSC Min t -fL E , sse 00568, ond Ofgltll Rese�rcll
CP/M Disks while operltlng unde� FLU 1.0, FLEX 2.0, o� FLEX
9.0 w i t h 6800 or 6809 Syste•s. COPTC4T will not perfor•
Ml�•clts, but, between the pr�ra• end the ..null, you stlnd 1
good chence of •cco.plhhlng • Vlnsfe�. Includes Utilities to
List D l r e t t o � l u , copy Ffles, •nd con•t�t Text Fflts when
�equl�ed. Also Includes e Utfllty for ln¥tst1gatlng Pl!yslc.el
Co.pit! bfll t1 p�ob Ius. Prog�a•s supplltd In ltodula,. Sollr<e
DltT-TUC rorecuwr Code (Asseably L•nguege) to •eke It eule� to sol•e unusu.l
DIET·TRAC Fo�euste� Is In XIIASIC p��rl• Ulat pl1ns 1 diet probl..s.
In te�S of tithe� ulo�lu lnd Pt�ctntlge of Cl�bo"rdrltes, F and ttF s· - sso.oo
proteins ud f1 u (C P Gil o� s�••s or !Arboi!Y'Ir•te. Protein F r s,s.oo
1nd F1 t food uchuges of . ell of the sh bulc fOOd g�oups
l•egetlble, b�ud. Mit, ski• •Ilk. f�ult 1nd fit) fo� • specific
Sex, Age, Height, P�tstnt Weight, friM She, Actl¥1t,y Lt¥tl
Coolp;lwr sYs-s COflsultlnU
1nd lull MH•bollc Rite ro� norNl lndMdu.l lrt tlten Into
account. !dell weight 1nd sustllnlng e•lor1ts fo� 1,.y weight of
Eight (I) different FlEX Utilities that should be e p&rt of

the lbo•• lndl•ldull �re ulcul•ted. llhen • weight g01l Is
e¥t� FLU Users Toolboa; Assellbly (Source Code):
gl••n (either g1ln or lou), lnd 1 calorie plan Is 1grHd upon
Cop)' I Fflt "lth CAC [rTOrs, so It can possibly be st1¥1ged;
be tween the co•utt� and Ula lndlridu.l, the nlllbe� of dlys to
Tes t Disk fo� e��o�s: taoop�,. two DhU; • rut Ofst llctup
ruch the weight go1l Is p�ojected. Tilt stl�tfng lnd ending
P�ogre•: Edit Ohk Sectors; LfnHr1lte r -clll f n on the Disk;
rate of weight 1 oss Is calculated. and a dally calenda� wf til
p � l n t Disk ldelltlffutlon: and Sort and ••place tile Dht
tach d1y's weight for a JO•day period Is p�lnted.
Dl�ecto� (In sorted orde�).
r sst.ts
r and CCI' • 150.00

U • SM.ts

A COIItlllCATlOI Puklge
for the u.u�a Dpe�utng Systeoo WORD PROCESSORS
Allows UttlfLU kstd S}'stes to T�•nalt 1nd Recel¥t files to
and f�o. other Co.pute� Systeoos ria llod... Use wltll CP/H, lllln Alfonl and Anocle ws
Fr•••· ot�r Unlf'L£X Systeoos, etc. SGII£DITOI Ill
•• verifies Trenalsslon lntegrlt,y using EXTREMELY Powerful Sc�ten·O�Iented Edlto�/Word P�ocesso� •
checks.. o� CAC A l•ost SO different e-nds; E.XCELLCNT ooc-ntltton (O¥t,. 300
-· Auto.�tlully Ae-T�ansalu bid bloch P lgtsl. Including e full Tuto�lal Section to help you lttrn 11ow
T�u s.l u dltl In 128 by� bloch to use the I)'S te•. Fu tu�es Cu�so�·bUtd edt tlng, cl)'nt•lc
Sc�een ro� .. ttlng (what you see Is what you get), Multi-col..,

u- sm."
display end editing, "dtclul 1llgn• col'*'S (ANO 1dd �up
luto.�tlcelly, If "•nted), define .ultlple teysvoke ..eros, t¥tn
JUST •nd odd page� �•de�s lnd footers, l_.,.d prlnte� cont,.ol
Ten ForNtte� codes In text, full Justtrlcotlon se�lts of e-nds, full "help•
JUST, a rut For••tte� dtoeloped by Aon Ande�son, pro¥1des support, sto�e co ..on co"""nd st�les on disk fo� futu�e use
nu•erous fe�tures which .. te It a ••lUiblt lddltfon to lftJ' FlEX etc. tuy "Set-Up" (fo� eu•ple, you just lilt the key you wan t
Users Softwa�e Llb�tr)'. JUST Is designed for forNttlng Text to use fo� 1 specific function, such •s •cu�so� up", lnd the
Output f o � Dot Ma trh Pdn te�s and p�o•ldes uny unique Syste" �eods In stores tllet key- no digging Into tech .. nu.h
ftlturiS: fo� codes, etc.); use suppli..S "set-ups•, o� rtNp the k��d
-Output the "ForNtted• Tut to the Ofspl., for forNt 1n1lysts to wh1 t you 1re used too. Except f� p�oportlonal printing,
1nd change. thts PIChge will 00 IT AI.LI
-Output the "Forutted" Text to • Text File fo� use wllll the 6800 or 6809 FlE� or SS8 DOS, OS-9 • S17S.OO
supplied F'PRI•T.Otl fo� p�Oduclng .ultlple copies of the Teat
Utility Is •ery useful It othe� tl•ts 11so, and wo�th the
price of lilt p��re• by ltulf).
·"Ustr CHflt•rallle" fo� adapting to otlle� Prlnte�s (c-s set STYL05WII
up fo� Epson MX•80 with GrlfVu); pro¥1des for up to ten (10) A full-screen oriented IIORO PROCESSOll - (now �uns on the Oetl·
l.t>edded "Pdnte� control e-nds", such IS ltlllcs on 1nd Co•p l n d F"HL Color FLEI Syste•s: uses tilt Sl • 24 Dlspl1y
off, boldf1ce on end off, etc. Screens). Full screen dlspl., lnd editing (I.e.. "hat-you see
-Auto.�tlc c�nsttlon for e "DOuble llldth" printed line. I s "hi t y o u get): supports the Delsy Whee 1 propor tfonel
-lncludts the no�.. l line "ldth, ••�gin, Indent, p•�•g�aph, printers.
s p 1 c e , •trtlcll stlp lines, p1ge length, p1ge nu•btrlng, SPECIAL CCF • UIS.OO
centering, fill, justification, etc. r •nd o • stts.oo u - llt5.00
•Use wl til Allf Edtto� , SPEll
·Supplied with "Structured Sou�ce• (lllndrush PL/9); euy to see rut C�ute� Diction•�·
the now of the pr��e•. r. CCF, OS/t - sus.oo U • Sl75.00
F end CCF - �4t.ts IWL �
Grutly utends the -� end nulblllt,y of STTlOGa.YM.
F, CCF, 0 - S14S.OO U • SlfS.OO

-.uawtr c....- -
P • ru:x, a:� • Color Colop.lter f'U:X
0 • 06-9, CX:O• Color Colop.lter 06-9
o • lk\lru:x
"�EX •$ a l<ademaltl ol Tedwcal Sytlems Consullanlt CX:O • Color Cooop�ter Olall
·osg •• • t•ademefk o1 Moc:towert CXT • Color Cooop�ter 1"•

'68' Micro Joumal

lilt .ISKETTl_WITII Ulll ISI 11/ttii�Sl

"J: TOLL Ptt••

Gr..Uy ••tMida the power and OedbUity of ft'IUDIN'I,I

�tiple Ten fllee �o be prln�ed out. u on. 1anJe dcc:ulwiL

'·� , . Ill

ProYid.. for lnforOM�Ioot ' " •> tl>e Ten Pile
prtnt.lng (IIUtfl,..
dil!ei'Wlt - and addr-). et.c:.
P, o:P, 0 - $145••
u- sas.•

SPtlll "COIII'uter DlctloMry"

OYER 120,000 wrcls!
No 110rt "Let your fingers do tile walHng through t he Dictionary"
.... 5900 Cassandra Smith Rd.
whllt you a r e entering Tut with your fa.orlte Edl�r or llord Hixson, TN 37343
Processor. SrElll I s • o r e thin just •another Spelling lor Information
call te 15) 842-480 1
Editor or Word Processor so thOt you 111011 It Is right WHEN TOU
Checker": It allows you to loot up a word fro• within your

TY'E IT IH with tht SPH.CIIl Utility (which opera us In the FlEX

Utility Space). Yes, 1tAlSO allows you � clleck and uPdate the
CoCo 08·9'� PL•x·�

Tut after you are finished: along with allowing y o u �ADD

for evalua tlon Itter, "VIew 1 word In conte&t" before changing

WORDS to the Die tlonary, ·nag• questionable words In the Te&t

Dictionary•, then the nor.. l Dictionary, tllen 1 "Personal Word

or I g n o r i n g , etc. SrELll Nrst c h e c k s a "ComMon Word

List", and Nnally, any "Special W o r d List" y o u otay have

srELLI also allows the us� of S.ll 01st S�rage
eo.pu ter Systees Consu1 tants
r and ccr -
Ten A
B SIC Progra11s to:
A &ASIC •esequencer wl th EXTRAs over "RCNUI1": wor�s 11ithALl

o.l.l.owa dirOC:Uy d\ang!zlg the Ten

rue, adding -.ot"de to the cUeUonary, et.c:. 75,eee -.ot"de In leu

f'l>at Onmpuvr Dlctlnn10ry
Versions of HCX BASI C AMD the Preco ..pller, checks for
•lsslng label deflnl tlons, processes Dlst to Disk Instead of

than 4ee MCtOI't.

In '1tll0ry.

P, o::P, 06/'J - $125••

Co•pare, "erge, or Generate Updates between two BASIC

u- ,$175•• unuquenced files, and S Progra•s lor establishing a "aster

Progra•s. thee� BASIC Sequence lu•bers, co•pare two

Directory of several Disks, and sorting, selecting, uPdAting,

and printing paglnated listings of these files.

A 8ASIC Crou-bfere�tce Progrt... wrhten In Assetobly lang.age,
which prO'IIdes an X·ltef Listing of the Yadables and Rese,....,d
Words In T5C BASIC, IIASIC, and rttEC.JL£R A B SIC Progra•s.
All Utilities IIICl'* Source (elt,her BASIC or Source Code). M
--I!RilW ....._ .,__
(XC(LL(NT VIluel
r and ccr - S2S.OO
.,..llable, �hl• Nc:hlnt language prograa 1e .-u enough tO
Po.,.ibly one of the -t powertu1 Dtt.N:>ut Management Syll�'

operate on • alagl.e aided s• 4IJik. yet pr'Oiides the � ot

11. L. and � l.lMIted only by the woer'e u.ginat.lcn. 1hle 1MS
Cool s111 tan t

� llelAIUonal, SequentiAl. llierarc:hical, and �-­
Colipu teo' s;stees
fULL SCtt£(1 IIYOlTOrt/lltP
rue suucturu, and hat Vlnuel Hooocry Ccc �
Giant O.Ut Beau. U.. '-1 l provide• • tunctional "antzy
lhe run Screen Inventory Sys� provides a •tans of ,..lntatntnq
s ll Inventories. IISing a linked, te,.ed randooo file structure
1-1· Syet..,. ""'ich prod.clte Ccc • Dote Bllee, entulng
and the Dete, end producing Aoport.e. JDII '-1. n
bued upon the lte• field, It ke•,•• ttl.• file In alpl\a�ttcal
o r d e r for easter Inquiry, With tile FIND cooo.aM. tile user NY
edde the � 1 1ft tacil.lty � utH M
locate and/or print all records .,tchlng on p.trtlal or CO<oplet.c!
,... File Struc:tur•, Sort, Select, O•lculet.e, et.c. JDII
r»glieh Left9U0911 o:..-ncl tltt'uc:ture ln manip.>lat.lng the Dtta to

a-1 lJJ adde eeveral epecial "Utilltiea• .mich provide

beln" •lnl•u'" stock levels Ny be lOCIIA'd aM/or prlnti'd thru
ltee, description, vendor, or utrlbutes. ltt'IIS In b.lckorder or

Prln ted output NY be produced In I �en or

idtit..l.anal eue of o.orldrog wlth U>e ""ricua at.ructurea, dlancJlnq
the u10e process.
��ar-tera, •�·
vendor order. A NU'rlals requlre,..nt pl annin g (MAP) capability
lCIRI Loll I - F ' cx:P - f129,95 for ooanur.cturlno environments Is Included to allow the
XIRI Loll n- F" cx:P -
It rcqulrts TSC's EaUnded BASIC.
•alnten•ncc and •n•lysh of Hierarchical useto�>lles of lte�>S In
JCDe lJil m - r ' cx:P -
r and ccr - uoo.oo. 11 - uso.oo
$269.95 the Inventory fllr.
XI:MS Svw� � onlv - S:M.95

ar-t. Ple1M Oltilplt.- Q) ,

JVt XBASIC, Menu Driven, DllHS with "Bullt-ln" AIJd:it 'l'rll<:klng,
�zy Powertul llllpOrt ' R>nmt QapebUitiee, etc. 'n\la '!lloe lllrACl Is ustd for storing accounting, nur:�ertc and llnanct•t ,
ProND 08115 vUI bec:ome tho "W:)rk Hor••" ot your Sott.,..r e d a to w h i c h con then be used for pldnnlng, budgeting.
foreu sting, analyzlng, etc. Whtte "(lee vonlc Spr<eodsheC!ts"
F and a::F $295••
a r t utrucoly useful In nany sttuttlons, lllPACl ucels In
u $395.• businesses where thtre are n.-rous e•pense colu"llls, rrvenue
sources. significant business lndlca�rs, l•rge nllllbers, erratic
week-to-week and •on th· to-•on th nuctuattons, etc. BUPACl

IIMS, "S4100tl1S' data vi• eovlng averages, analyze seasonal data,

helps dettr•lne statlstlul rtl•tlons hlps, establish trend

functions, pl ots da t•. •tc.

adJusts f o r lnfhtlon, lags dau In Statistics or Colu•n

strlu •••lysis of businesses. lilt Progrt• dlspl•ys Info,.. tiO<>

lllrACl ts oriented towtrd tl.,.
firut rlahs Coepu ter Co. tnd Unlftrsal Olta b�rch, Inc.
B SIC for FLEX, on the s c r e e n In Colu•ns of I n fo••• tlon with u c h Jtow
confor•lng to 1 de f in ed Period of rtw (weeks, 110nths, �ars,
both have luslntss Packages written In TSC XA
CoCo FLO, ano UIIIFLEX ----
etc.), and Is very easy � use (data Is euy � enter, change,
a n d •odlfy: co••ands ctn be ren••ed to suit t h e users

B SIC Sta�nts: etc.). Requires TSC's Eatended

requlrt.,.nts; unll•lted abill ty � crta u speclallud e-nds

using co-on A

r tnd ccr - Ul5.oo

vi til Source • SZSO.OO
Purchase XIASIC and lllrACl I.OC)ether for S221.SO

- ------------�� --
- - a Sivlngs of Sll.50 --
·o.,: �

s- a��.ii ,••, -··. ··


IWI.Libillty � -
P • FU:X, cr:7 • C..,l..,, COI'OI"•t er
0 • OS-9, a:o • Cotnr COII!pUt er
81ftllh Ad. C:ol:o - - oua•
0o C•" •ndra u • Unlf'LtX
•. ...
·.... Hluon. TN
•FLEX •s a tr�k 01 T� Systems ConsuUnts OCD • Color C001put e r Dlslt
•ost os • treoem.rk 01 Mic:rowltt
Into (8111) 842·4801 I"FT111
n OCT • Color COII!pUter T•pe

'68' Micro Journal 55

Fllli/JKITTI W/TIIIfll1 lSI ftlltiiAJl


Intriguedby Porth??? Uero Ia " FOiml packi198 tD the
Color Coaputerl Thle pocltoge te eupp1le4 on Tape, with
ln•tructtona for tranaf•'rl"i"'J IL tD ell* 1l )OU wish. 1\riLt.en
prUMnly in rMctun e l.,ngunge, lt"a � Ia �. A

full Semlgropl\l.c-a l:l11tor I.e prcMded, along with "'JOO(Iie a" W<e
craphica and 9:>und Olnmlncla. PrinUtr COnm>nda, 1\uto-Rc.,-L and
o:>ntrol K"Y•· 1>tc. I! )OU are ln�on.ated In l.eaming FOR'Ill. 11
Troce Feature ta proviCiod \o'hich Ia lnYilluable. lf )OU are a
5900 Cassandra Smith Rd. FORTII Pro, thla package pl'Oiide. CPU C<>rry Flag accculbllity,
t'on Toalt Mult.lpleXlJ'I9. Cl""" Interrupt llandllng, etc. (Orz )OU
Hixson, TN 37343 1o0n't •ou._ gro./" t.he Baalc capi\bl.llt.lea of tl\l.e !Jot>lemcntAUDn).
for Information Olmbtno this paelcAge l<ithJ.J>O Bro:lle"e � R->01< •
call (8 15) 842-4801 FORTii", an<l you wlll l)e " I'Oiml t:ltport befOre )OU kl'll>t It (and
MW 0 lot O( fun <loing Ltl) •
Q)lor Q:lnp.Jter Till'£- $ 58.95

o...- SOft>ere l!no;l.neerlng. 1nc.

Q)tor Q:>np.Jter <liW'RIC SCRI!'J!H I"RDff" P'ro9rMWJ
Dumpa any "PMODE" screen tD the Printer wit.h the BASlC USR
F\mctlon. Shift t-he Printout Le!t o r Right or R<M!reo Print
([))rk tlor Ugnt Screen ond Vtce \'erM). AU P'ro9ramo on 'nlpe.
QSI'R for R.s. LP-Vli/VlU � CI'IP 100/200/400 $7.95
<lSl'IIE !or Q>eOn w/ Craftnlx andGraftrltx +- $9.95
- 6l'l!Cl\L - GSPIIG for Oem!J'Il 10 ond 15 $9.95
I'UrCN.\se lCIIIISlC and BIZI'N:K together tlor $221.511 CJSPRP tlor the l'rown ter Printers $9.95
- o S.v�Jlq• or $U.511 --
o...- 9oofb8re �. Dw:.
Colpuwr Systeoos Consult.nts � 0\l.l!llli\R P'ro9ram
TABULA RASA SPR£ADSHE£T AMenu Driven l!!la1!IIID!D 111\SlC Pro<]ram lo'hich al.lowa the entry ot
I ABULA RASA I< sl11l lu lO OESHOP/PLAII and p•ovfd�S for the up to l2 Merro• per Day, each of which mAY contoln up tD 28
gcne•a lfon and ""lnwnanc� of tabular cO<"Oputallon sc�s ofwn Chor�tcura, !br My 4lry ot the M:lnt-11 bet-....een the years 1700 Md
u sed for analysis of business. sales. and cconocnfc scenarios. 2099. A � CBleldar •...,._.,. <.1\ claya contAin Henoll. and a
1 u "enu-ddven us�• interlace provides these capaollltles even "Key �rd" Seardl la prcMded lo'hich con be outpu� tD the Sc:recn
to those use•s wf th no 11•ogramlng c•perfence. Its utenslve or Prlllter.
•epo• t·ge n era t lo n upaO illtl es allow the use• to g e nc• atc - 01\'l'IXHIASE CAI...EN!lAA
p•oresslonal •esul ts with nlnlmun orron. ll reQu l•u TSC"s (Eadl Tl\pe t'Ue will hold up tD 400 _, $16.95
£llwnde4 BASIC. DISK 01\TI:-o-BASE CI\UN)I\R
F an d ccr -
SIZS.OO (4,000 - lit. J00/1-tlnth per Dl.elt) $19.95

a.- 9oofb8re � lnc.

'lbllt•• Dri1!'JI

THE Electronic Sp read Sheet fo• 1>809 Co.,puter SystMS. 4n lntcreated in � (t-ho MOn"Y lUnd)? /V1 t:XranJED I!ASIC
eurue ly POII(RfUL BuslnHs Too l this P•og•a., "Ill find an Program tha� will help )OU deal w>th nureroua problema requiting
u n llml t e d number of "non-business" appll c atlons. olso (for lntereat c:o lc:ulatlone. Present llalue. Pa�e or lletum, Curren t
exa.,ple. a full Junior College Ele ctronics Cunlculu., was set up Dond YLcld •nd Pate of Retu rn tO IMtUrlty, U>lln Repayment

using OYNACALCI. Advanc�d featuru like "Table Loa<up• make Am o r tlz a t l o n Sc: he du l o a , e t c .
lnCOOil' Tax work cuy; Colu"'n or Row So r tin g fo• nuMe•ous
APt>llcatlons; •He. r.oMpletely "Mer:�o•y Residen t" MHhlne
Language. this P•ogro�n Is fAST. Provides STAtlllARD FLEX Tt>xt
Flit' output for us� �lth BASIC. \lord Proc�sso•s. •as c� l. "C", o...- 9oofb8re �. Dw:.
etc. •tso avai lable fnr Odt..l·COI!IP an1 FHL FLEX sysw..s u sing DISK Dim\ � 64IC
tlo� so x 24 Ohp lays. /V1 EXTENDED BASIC DM.o Mon ageme n t Syat� w/ Moch. Lang.
F 110d SHCIM. CCF • UOO.OO Aout..uwa. J\J.loo4 0 IMX O( 246 0\ora. and )4 Plelda per Reootd,
CoCo OOS - Stt.ts and another Record can be llnk..S tD the firat: 8 O.Or. f'ield
0 - szso.oo t�amca. u p t.o 99 Chars. per fleld. Powerful <n-Screen Mltor
u - szn.oo Cor Input. and update, Oex!ble Output copebWt.l"" lnc:lucling
output to Disk Fi Iea !or uaa by other l'rogri�me. Pile
ODDS & ENDS Dehnit.ion without. re-cnterlncj the Da�a. Split. Fllee, et c .
A1.J.cws Mult.lple Pielt! 9:1rt.a, Seloct. on My ccntrinatJon of f'i.GM.,
Colpu ter Systeoos Consul unts etc. fv1 extnrotiy l:o."ERFIJI. 'roOt< ltuotruct.Wna pr<Mele e"""tll•
FULL SCR((N fORMS DISPlAY of MaiUIIg ueu Md " t'lnanc:i.lll �oc:!l Pmfit Md Lou 'h"acldng
lhls pac�agt' supports any Serial Teroofnal "hh cursor control 9ts�....
of MeMOry• Happe� Yldeo 01sphys. The p a c �age Sothstantldlly DISI( - $54.95
extend� the su•cn Input/Outpu t copobllftles of TSC:"s Eatencled
BASIC prog•ans by prov l�l n g a s lnt•l� . table-driven ..ethod of o...- SOft>ere � Dw:.
d e sc dl) ln g and u • lng full screen displays. These tahlc entries taSK IXUIZ-
are easy to "'"" u:� '"�t "'a ln uf n. o\nd t""f' n or-m11y stored on DISK EXTENDED BASIC Ac:c:ountlng Program w/ Mach. Lang.
dlst and read"' required . � sh.,plc. l nt�r a c t l ve ,..cans of Ro ut I nee. A "Tr�tditlona I" Accounting Pocltage !or SmoU
?Cnc•atlng th•• lnroos Md t he data rtcld defini tions Is provided. �ae, Clubs, Churc:hctl, Pereonal IJae, Ot.C. Up tD (our l4Mlle
r and CCF -
SSO.OO. 1J - PS.OO of •ubtotole with 'l'r:ia1 Balance, t:no:loro St.attment, Md ll&lAnoe
Sheet Reports. Ml: �u"'""' up t.o 300 accounts ond n Trial
Cooop uter Systells Consul unts &lance of $9,999,999.99. Tn>na<K:t.iona m11y be up tD 14 Ullee
FULL SCREEN IIAILIIIG LIST long, an4 commente o nd exp laMtlnna ""'Y be freely ua..S.
The full S c ree n Xall l n g List SyHA" provides • "�ans of 1\CCOunta are traceable to the journal trllrulllc:t.lo, n lolhich m11y
oo a lntaln l ng slmplt' Nfllng lists. IJs fng a random ff11 structure Lnc:lud e convnonte. S c reen report• allow rl!view o! paat
based on the flo·st cha racter of the nao� HeM. It ..alntafns the tnuUk'ICt.Jon• ond curren t bo.l.ancea.
file In alpbabttfc.l order fo• euler Inquiry. With the FIHD DISK - $44.95
co'I•Mn�. the user ,..Y loc a te •II reco rds r•atchln� on partial or
c onplc tc nane. city. sut-. zip. or att db u tc s . Prlntc•l
l istingS •nd output to lallcls ""Y \lsO bt' o•oduced on the '1<1.....
s�lcctlve bash. H require s TSC's btencled BASIC.
f end CCf -SIOO.OO. IJ -


. ,••,
MillbUJty �
r • ft..Ell, cc:r • Color COIIIf'U t er f'L&X
0 • 06-9, CXXl • Color C""'puter 06-9

,9 0 cauand
... �•0
ra Smith Ad. CoCo
Htuon. TN 37343 D
"fTm .,__.- oua-
8ft' u • lkllfU:X
�FLEX os a lrader'nalit ol Technocal Systems Consullanls liM WH II 0CD • Color C..,puter Of sk
tnlo (815) 842·4801
CCT • Color C""'puter Tape
�os9 os a !tader'nark o1 MICroware

56 "68" Micro Joumal

fill IIIKlTTl WITit trliY lSI Hltltlll
- �t.i-uoer, �t.i-Taakin<J Wlt.h
�8t MedJ.a t.. ,.,.. el\1pplng �wu: ....
PUll: -

�rultl-uaer, mult.i-taaklng capability of � a1.1ows l't.£)(

� - t.he
3' TOLL,,_••

·��II •• ,
ueen the advllntagee of more on<l ume eavtng r ...age wlt.hout having to buy or loam a ,_ l..ftNJUII9ft or

q> 9flltM11 ¥tax. ._-.. 01 Ita 1\1\100 �· ...UO..

true "" operat.l.on .....S.. r t.he populAr FLEX
eyst.M, and .U.O 6l.loo eadt UMr to run t>o aUalltan010<1e jobe

.... lit I
(noult.i-taakiz>g): even on elngle-ueer eyst.,e. For e"""'Ple,

wllll� ln mrr, )OU 011t1 tin IIIIOU>er We or o <!ll'eet.ocy.
Or, you mlght look up an Lt., Ln " Dlta llaee wi\Ue a Sort t.. Ln
proqre a DVIIII8UNa! aleo provi<I08 aome frlnqe ben<lflto t.hftt

wUl be greatly t�ppreclatacl by l't.£)( .-re, lneluc1lnq t�. 5900 Cassandra Smith Rd.
o::mrand line e<, M<l lnltant re� to •eacape•.
DDINIIIAitB Le t.he pa Inle.. tho<!I Uae your ewt.lnq nu
Hix so n, TN 37343
�by ailrply .cldinq 641< of !WI for eactt ueu and/or uak. for Information
Pact La, you atUI uee PI.EX juot llke you al....,yo havel Clll (8 15) 842-4801
l7nii\IIIIE le not Lnt.ooe<t ae OOI!'J)etit.l.on to l.hl.Fl£X. It <1oee
not l.mprove on the epee<! oC PI..EX, and <loee not offer paouo.orcl
protection or ol.her nlc:et.Lea or a l'ull-bl.ooon mult.1-U84r eyot....
lotwlt IMIIIHIIIII: <loee � t.. give l't.£)( ueara a � -.y to -
eJI:Uoting � tn • .ald- .altl� � eo •

your exletlng FL£X verelone of BASIC, XBASIC, e<lltore,

•••••b l a r e , <lleaaaemblera, aort/merge packagee, word
proc:eaeore, C!Ciq:IUera, � epreod--t peelw)e, and eo on
are at.LU good .
IJCII'B -- The WUa.l rel- o! D't'Nl\SIIM£ la Cor lllm'C 8/C8
�p.ltere, but wralone wi.U alao be e Cor other populAr In the past there has been too auch
uten<ICICI-ceo<y (up to UI24IO eyotMN, eucn •• HEUX and GIKD(.
A .uru- or 1281t of aM wUl be required vit.h AU. ""rat.ana. software offered that was not quite ready. We
� rtoquiru 64ll ol IW! lbr .m .c:t:tw tMI!,: t.hue a 256< will strive to eliminate that element. But,
eyal<lft C'O\IICI allow !oreqrounCI-backgroun<l operation on two
term.ln&ls, or roreqrounCI-only operation on four terlllinale. right up front, we tell )OU only that we will do
our very best; nothing more. Also, we will
strive to keep cost to a bare � wnue
securing for the author a fair return in
royalty pa}'merlts, praTptl.y paid, and in custaner
support for his product.
Of course, we will expect, no -- IJIIYm,
that the author keep the product free of
errors (bugs), and maintain it in a pratpt and
For the past seV<�rnl m::>nths, we at the
business like manner. Also we shall require
bJt:beB8t MldiA Dbd..ldca of OWpJt:er fd)lt.tdng,
that authors be willin g to furnish 'source' fi:>r
Ibc. (CPI), the parent company of '68' MICRO
those programs that justify, by price and
.JOOJaiDU. and coum MIIK> � have debated
utility, inclusion of same . The lack of source
expanding our software diat.ribution business.
code, properly commented, is a continual
Many other magazines have been doing so for
complaint we hear. Not all programs will be
years (in fact, MOST were in the Software
Distribution Business BEFORE they began to sold with source, but where necessary, we w.i.ll
publish a Magazine) Presently there are many

insist that it be inclooed.
In some instances the program may be small
fine examples of software that h a s been
or short and not justify itself as a "aingl.e"
developed by YOU, our readers, that will never
s a l e p r o d uct. In this event it will be
see the "light of day" due to the Ooet of
� and TlME aDd eo.t imolved in the combined with other like programs, and offered
as a package. In that event, the royalties,o � and � stMQd'
of software unless SOMECNE, with enough will be split bebleen the various authors.
If you have software that you feel will
exposure and the willingness to continually
qualify under this program. please oontact one
adllertise, runs with the ball.
of t h e people below. Remember, if your
Software is the "bacKbone" for the REAL
software has any problems or "funnies" - czr
utllization of any Computer system, and ours
are no exception! This has been no simple IT STRAIGII'l' BEPORE 1'aJ <DrDIC'r QJU Aleo get
your source code in proper shape and well
deci.sjon. While we realize that there could be
COIII'nented: there is too nudl 99\ oode already
some conflict with some of our adYerti.sers, we
ALSO hear a LOUD and CONTINOUS cry for E11LP around.
from our Readers. Fran day one, the Jix--t
If )Our eoft\olare is RBNJr oontact1
concern of '68' MICRO JOURNAL has been it's
RBADBRBI Therefore, our Southeaat Media
Bcb lilly, !))n Wil.llama, or 'ltln W1.lll.anw
Divi.aial will accept, for appraisal for p::!88]ble
Dl.stribution, 68"9 eott...e .ar : Games, Utilities,
Software Development, Business Application
Programs, etc.

�ii -····
,•• C!"fT111

�� oo
P • FU:X, CCP • Cnl"'r Cor•putf'r F'I.£X

, 0 • OS-9, CX'O • Colnr COI'IpUtf'r OS-9
CoCo o••• ,..••
c auai>Cira llmlll\ Rd. v • unlru:x
� Hlaaon. '" 37343
·nex os ••·� o1 T� Sysaems Consullan�s
�ost" • •·�� o1 Mlc:row•••
inlo (lUI) 142•4101 ... II II CXI)
• Color Cor�p.�ter Dlek
• Color COIIIpUter T•pe

·sa· Micro Joumal 57

our EPROM PROGRAMMER with the field.
All Mu �an d!I"Ct..l.y t:rcn .mnutacwru•a curt'Wit. �lng. So ·
intAtrt'acw. or po�llt.y ll()dul.. MY aJ.o be required •t COJt.
Trlple -..ol tage fl'IOot POolER SUPPLY ' CABIN!:l', CASU:, -'NO MANUAL.

• �U«<In�h !""" c


PNt fl - 1 SINGLE SIDED, DC)JBL£ OENSI'N SYS . $389.95
f--- FNt 13 - 1 0008LE SIDED, IXX.JBIZ OENSI'N SYS. $439.95
0.• • • PNt H - 2 IXXJBIZ SIDED, 1XXJBIE DDISI'N SYS . $699.95
2608 • • • • PNt 15 - 2 IXXJBIE SIDED, IXXJBIE DDISI'N SYS •
2708• • • •

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2518 • • • • • •
2718 • • • • • • • CX)U)R a:.MPl1l'ER I I 64K W/'f:Xr. BASIC $189.95
2718• • • •
2532 • • • • • •
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2584 • • • • • J5.M DISKcx::Nl'R:)LU;R W/ J006 OR RADIO SlWl<
2784 • • • • • DISK BASIC, SPEX:IF'f WHAT DISK BASIC. $139.95
2528 • •
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fl'tWI rP101 Prov-r. $US. ,.,_Uty """'lo foe �. 27S8, 2516, on:l
2716 Incl-. Spo<:lfy CPJ, dlok oh.e, Md q>OAtlrog ..,.,_ (TSC'o t'l.r:>C or
SSB'o 1Xl6) """"onlortrog. """""' only. flO, re!Undoble vlth I!PIW1 put<:h.ue. 64K UPGRADE W/�. INS"l'RRJCl''CtiS,
C,O,E,F, AND COCO 2 $ 49.95
UNITEK • P.O. Box 671 • Emporia, VA 23847
liJL I<E'ii!CIM06 $ 69.95
M!CR) Troi LOriER CASE 1101 A!W"'"ER $ 74.95
RADIO SHACK BAS IC l. 2 $ 29.95
RADIO SH1.C< DISI< BASIC 1.1 $ 29.95
only fcom RADIO SWICK 00'. BASIC $ ·39.95
LSI ""'V"''rOf'OIIdot a.;._,. P'O(ftWCW W.,.
ltf .. 90ti000 ...... 1Nf0'
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68008 �-'rOiit ....... o- ....a-u....y(IW...
R!!X DISJ<S 5" SS,OO $ 24••
o,-...c��� ...... PPINJ llClJJ[E[) al DISK PRICES
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SMI(.IOI.elll\. •!.SCM • rcsYto SttM $375••
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58 '68' Micro Journal


1. What ts an electronic spread-sheet, anyway? 6. Will DYNACAlC read my existing data flies?
Business people use spread-sheets to organize YOU bet! DYNACALC has a beautifully Simple
columns and rows of figures DYNACALC simulates method of reading and writing data files. so you
the operation of a spread-sheet without the mess can communicate both ways with other programs
ot paper and pencil. Of course. corrections and on your system, such as the Text Editor, Text
changes are a snap. Changing any entered value Processor. sort/ Merge, STYLOCRAPH™ word
causes the whole spread-sheet to be re-calculated processor. RMS™ data base system. or other
based on the new constants. This means that you programs written In BASIC, C, PASCAL, FORTRAN, and
can play, 'what if?' to your heart's content. so on.

2. ts DYNACALC just for accountants, then? 7. HOW fast IS DYNACALC?

Not at ali. DYNACALC can be used tor just about any very. Except for a few seldom-used commands,
type ot job. Not only numbers, but alphanumeric DYNACALC is memory-resident, so there Is little disk
messages can be handled. Engineers and other 110 to slow things down. The whole data array
technical users will love DYNACALC's sixteen-digit twor1<sheeo is in memory, so access to any point is
math and built-In scientific functions. You can build instantaneous. DYNACALC Is 100% 6809 machine
wor1<sheets as large as 2S6 columns or 2S6 rows. code for blistering speed.
There's even a built-In sort command, so you can
use DYNACALC to manage small data bases - up to 8. Is there a version Of DYNACALC tor MY system?
2S6 records. Probably. YOU need a 6809 COm uter t32k fl

minimum> with FLExrM. UniFLEX M. or 05·9
S. What Will DYNACALC dO fOr ME? operating system. You also need a decent crt
That's a good question. Basically the answer Is that terminal, one with at least 80 characters per line.
DYNACALC will let your computer do just about and direct cursor addressing. If your terminal isn·t
anything you can Imagine. Ask your friends who smart enough for DYNACALC, you probably need a
have vtstcatc™, or a similar program, just how new one anyway. The uniFLEX and 05·9 versions of
useful an electronic spread·sheet program can be DYNACALC allow you to mix different brands of
for all types of household, business. engineering, terminal on the same system. There's also a special
and scientific applications. TYPical uses include version of DYNACALC for cotor computers equipped
financial planning and budgeting, sates records, with FLEX tFrank Hogg or oata<omp versions!.
bills of material, depreciation schedules. student
grade records. Job costing, Income tax preparation. 9. How much does DYNACALC cost?
checkbOOk balancing, parts inventories. and payroll. The FLEX versions are just 5200 per copy; uniFLEX
But there is no limit to what YOU can do with version S39S; OS·9 version tworks with LEVEL ONE or
OYNACALC. LEVEL TWOI 5250. Orders outside North America add
57 per copy for postage. we encourage dealers to
4. Do 1 have to learn computer programming? handle DYNACALC, since it's a product that sells
NOt DYNACALC is designed to be used by non­ Instantly upon demonstration. call or write on your
programmers. but even a Ph.D. In computer company letterhead for more Information.
Science can understand lt. Even experienced
programmers can get jobs done many times 10. Where dO I order DYNACALC?
faster with DYNACALC, compared to conventional see your local DYNACALC dealer, or order directly
programming. Built-In HELP messages are provided from esc at the address below. we accept
for auick reference to operating instructions. telephone orders from 10 am to 6 pm, Monday
through Friday. can us at 314·S76·S020. Your VISA or
5. oo 1 have to mOdify my system to use DYNACALC? Mastercard Is welcome. Please specify diskette size
Nope. DYNACALC uses any standard 6809 config­ for FLEX or 05-9 versions. Software serial number Is
uration. so you don't have to spend money on required for the uniFLEX version.
another CPU board or waste time learning another
operating system.

computer Systems center

Order your DYIACALC today! 13461 Olive Blvd.
Chesterfield, MO 63017
15141 576-5020
Foreign Dealers:

Australia & southeast Asia: order from Paris Radio Etec·

uniFLEX softWare prices Include maintenance fOr
cronies, 161 Bunnerong Road tPO Box 3801 Kingsford.
the first year.
2032 NSW Australia. Telephone. 02·344·9111.
DYNACAlC Is a trademark Of
United Kingdom: order from compusense. Ltd.. PO Computer Systems center
Box 169. London N13 4HT. Telephone: 01·882-<l681.
YISI QIC I S I triOtfna
rll Of VI�
scandinavia: order from swedish Electronics hk AB. STYLOGIIA PH Is I lnclem¥11 O f Gtu! PIIIM CQmCIII t« CO.
s I tra<lemllk Of Washlnoton ton'C)Uttf S«Vtcft.
Murargatan 23·2S. Uppsata S·7S4 37 swede n. Tete­ FlEll lnCI uniFLfX are trleltmarks Of TSC.
phone: 18·2S·3Q-OO. OS.9 IS I triOtfnatk Of MIC10WII't anCI MotOIOII.

'68' Micro Journal 59


* The only ALL 6800 Com pute r Magazine .

* More 6800 m ateri a l than all the others com­

"THE CODE BUSTER" (2 years)
disassembles any 6809 or 6800
machine code program Into beautiful source
Monthly Averages
6800 Articles TOTAL
• Learn to program like the experts! KB BYTE CC DOBB'S ' PAGES
• Adapt existing programs to your needs!
• Convert your 6800 programs to 6809! 7.8 6.4 2.7 2.2 19.1 ea. mo.
• Automatic LABEL generation. Average cost for all four each month: $6.53
Allows specifying Fca·s. FCC"s. FOB's, etc.
(Based on advertised 1-year subscription price)

• Constants input from DISK or CONSOLE.

• Automatically uses system variable NAMES. ·sa· cost per month· $2.04
• Output to console. printer. or disk file.
• Available for all popular 6809 operating systems. That's A•ght' Much. Much More

FLExtM 5100 per copy; specify s·· or a· diskette. lor About

OS·91M 5150 per copy; specify 5" or 8" diskette.
1/3 the Cost'
UniFLEX1M S300 per copy; 8" diskette only.


For a free sample disassembly that'll convince
you DYNAMITE+ Is the world'S best disassembler, Bill M y: Master Charge 0- VISA 0
send us your name. address, and the name of
Card:# ____ _ Ex p. Date_ _ __ __
your operating system.
For 0 1-Year 0 2 Years 0 3 Years
Order your DYNAMITE+ today!
see your local DYNAMITE+ dealer, or order di­ Enclosed: $____ --

rectlY from esc at the address below. we accept

telephone orders from 10 am to 6 pm, Monday Name _____________

through Friday. Call us at 314-576-5020. Your VISA

or Mastercard Is welcome. Orders outside North Stree.__ _____ _ ______ ____

America add ss per copy. Please specify diskette

size for FLEX or OS-9 versions.
City____ ____ State___ ,Zip ___

Foreign Dealers:
Australia & southeast Asia: order from Paris My Computer Is:

Radio Electronics, 161 Bunnerong Road <PO Box

380> Kingsford, 2032 NSW Australia. Telephone: 88 Micro Joumel
02-344-9111. 51100 CU..ndra Smtih Rd.
Hixton, TN 37343
United Kingdom: order from compusense, Ltd.,
PO Box 169, London N1 3 4HT. Telephone:

scandinavia: order from swedish Electronics hk USA

AB, Murargatan 23-25, Uppsala s-754 37 sweden. Year $24.50, 2 Veer $42.50, 3 Year $64.50
Telephone: 18-25-30-00.
*FOREIGN SURFACE Add S12.00 per Year to USA Price

computer Systems center

*FOREIGN AIRMAIL Add $36.00 per Year to USA Price
13461 Olive Blvd.
Chesterfield, MO 63017 **CANADA & MEXICO Add S5.50 per Year to USA Price
(314) 576-5020 Cash CUSA) or drawn on e USA Benkll I

UniFLEX software prices include maintenance

for the first year.
DYNAMITE+ i5 a trademark of computer systems center.

FlEX ano Un1Fl£X are traoemoariCS of TSC

05-9 Is a triiOtmart( of Mlcroware ano Motorola,

Dealer InQuiries we lcome.

60 '68' Micro Journal


• ,_�J .net VflHlU 25 08 , l701� Z.S16 , 2716, ZSJZ:, 2732A, 2S64, tnd l764
�lOfiS. "'""" htrdver• 110-dt trt" rtOut,..d t o orogr.. th• IN Tfl.. 27128.

• t d-volt and Sl ntl • Volt ZSO&/l108 It'd 2516/2116 devl ut uc tYI)I)Or1ed.

• fwfn bo-1rd• vttlt fhe f.. t of tvhted pefr pl•Mr ctbl• ouh the
_,rogr-uaer out on the �f\th where tt hlonot •

• ss-lO .t nd uo.cno. .,. tvatbble. • $.,...CHITS AU. I'OIH

C , � IIODU Of THC UU-488
_ 1 19 7$/81 IUS IPf
C fiUTII*o

• fltnU drtv-en t.ohvare J!t'O\tldu ttle foUcwtnt facHhhs1 - h\hr t tlt hill
- Str
' - Sl"9\• or Outl PrtNf")' Addreu
•· ltCIVt bloc'-• of .,._.,., -..hhtn ttl• bufhr. • l..faUMI' - ,.,..u.t fi'otl - S tc.ond
ary A r u dd e
b. lt!
I tf'\ tO
" N lnu tl'l• bufftt'. • Sys t n
Controlhr -G ouP Trtov•r
r - ht� only •••Lhten on\r
c. vutn � tttttOft •oatntt th• buffer.
(JI U II NE •nd ch •"V
• the contenu of tt•• buffer. • Pul\)' docUMnted 'llh h • COIIIP l•U r.-ortrtt of t"-- I(!LOIAUO art tel• Of'l lht
... O(mP th cont•"tt of tM bufhr tn tttx Mid ASC II. U([ IKio.
r. flU • Mhcted er·u of the buffer with • t�dfted <htrttur.
• Low leve\ ant.Olr l•f'• drtvttt wtubtt for 6800, 6801, 6&02, 6105,
• Sofhlare 4WttLtble for tU �ntton1 of $.SI OOS, flEX 2, fLEX 9 Mid OS...,. 6808 tnd 6809 ert tupptftd fn the to ,. or \htlng1. That d"'"'"' hiYt
•n.-.,\y tan.euttt so urce tUn tuppliH on dhlr ••••�abtn cutto-t&fnt.. been tlfUnstnly tuted tnd Ire GUAJtAHT!ll> to \itOr\t

• Vtll dotUNnt.-d "'"" �l provto.s steo-brttt"P tdaptetton and • Stntle S$-3.0 boar-d (4, I, or 16 addrutts p., DOrt), fu\\y tOChttd, OOld
ootrolttno tl'\strve�t4on.t. obttd but CON\tctora, end Jf.U fnttrflet cab\• UJ.-l)'.


EDITOR I COMPI..ER I DE-BUGGER A co--restck!nt UnOI/ASSO..t• for the 6809 -wrhttn b)' Gr•Jrl..
uh• ��att of th• petn out of uselllbt)' l•�•o• oroora• dtYflOOMnu

rrttnd\)' tnttr•.ctl�t •nvfront�tn\ viM!rt )'OU "nt 1M$U.Nl tCCtll tO tltt

fdhar, the C-.pHer, and lht Tr•c.t-D�otr, !ditch, HOnOII Olhtr • Prfendl)' fnur-ecttve et�'firon.ent v'hert rou Pleve lHSTMl ecuu to U••
lhfne•, c•n ''ntlt u� tht the progra11 • lotMC£ \tnt tt 1 ''"· YCM.I 1\to ldhor, the Aueftbttr, fl(lt and rour S)tt" Nonhor.
flavf.' dtr•<l acnu to any RU uttthy .net )'OUr Sysu• "onhor.
• l'tAC E un 1lao prOO,c.. A ,.
S •oc•
s for flt./9 with tJrlt ••n.O\r li"'OU•trt
• UO "V4' u.nu1\ h oroenhed •• • tutorftl vhl'l PltntY of t•teltt. tourn pen.O to tl\t outCK.�t ftte u c�nu.

• rut slntl• p•u cOIIIt IP ler oro4Jcu 8tC of OI

C I' C T .nd fAIT 6809
A ..c-htne l nctu .
. lMtt • c o·rttidtto�t 6600 /1/ZI)/8 lOllCHt/i
t SS ASSf..UI.
codt �twt oer •'r•n• wtth no,.,_,, ..
ovtrh-u.ct. or \tul'\t• ft ...

TJrlts b thf' n.rx \l•rsion of ,.., J._• cC " ot

h •c• CC*C»Her tJrl•t h el.o
avathblt on UHirt.U tr011 51itP end OS·9 fro- •Ucrqwar•;

• "•lht:Mtfu\ t•prntlont: (..) , (-), (•), (!), aoc:lllus (\), �gnton (-)
• The r&.o f-o\tMf'\t�tlon supporu the f·uu llttrn•oJrlan and •heMe •c•
• (.-ortuton tva\uatoru (•), (O), CO, C>), (><-), (<-)
to•cfHcuton eueot 'floau•, 'doublet', end'bh-Htld '
s .
• Oh otarltOrs: (AO
H ,) COR), UOI/XOIU, HOC n, U�tlfT>, CIVA.')
• lo-1tu� ootruoru <.ANt>, c.o•>, <.101/.X�M>.
• 'roducu very efttc.hf\t au.-.blr hnvueoe 50Ur<• O!Jtput vhh the '

• Control Ul� H••TMEM• •UU, H••CASfl .. CASU ••[LSE , G N O.O,

t ••
Wilt: •• , UPOt..UHtlt.., U.Pt.Af••fOUVU, CALL, JU.., ltt.TUIUf, UUK, 'OTO.
IE JOurce OQtfort•tl)' fnttrletwd n

• But\t•f" OPtfMh:tr vf\\ thOttM ObjeU COde by •bcalt 111

C CCB), CA((t) , fCU) and CUt;G).

• t•reu acuu '-0 (ACC-.U, A

• lUlU •uPPMU t._t ft(-4809 SWI, SWI2, S I

V S ..U, Fllt,Itt W'ld lUll
.,...c,IMt. ur•ttng • ••tr-turtlf\9 Ctroa I)OI.Itf"""\41 ) proor•• tJrlat u ..t A.HT,
or lt.l.
o , of the MC6109 tnt•rrvpu h '" absolute tntp!
MU C680'1 no .,lr> •••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••••• • • •••••• • 98 . 00
• ltroct"dur·tt &)' bf: ai'd ••1 return v•rhbtu. Thh ..\u th" I'\. It (6809 n.o on\)')••• h tttll •t tJrlh orfcet> •••••••••••• 1191.1»
h•nct lcwn vhh.h bel'\•�• u ti\Ough they vtrt an htt.ttr•t plrt of "-"· •c • (a S6JC syah• 1nd tht TSC SII09-11 pachoe h r�'c:U ••• � 129S.OO

• h vttra L ful\)' docufll!llt n tf'd ltbury tu nct ton �\tt art w�ltH 1 1
( [
( -
­ wtth ttU-481 cable atsetlibl)'••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1298.00
IO�UIS, 11110, KAIDtO, KUJO, flE:XIO, SCtPACX, SlliU8S, 1nd UAlO
C ..N U·lO Unfvtrul tP•ON progr1...,,. w/Me vtrsfon of aohvare ••• Jl15.00
DOhtstr Unfvtrtal (PJO,. proora_...r w/01\t vtttfOn ol aohlllla"•··• ll9S.OO
••• 'fMl$
1 THf O
M ST '
l i
C tINt lU 1 HAVE rOUND TO DAtE.' SOHWUt Orlvett for '
n , lrd, or 4th ootrattnt .-yn. .. . .
2d . .. . ..
I 2..5.00

. L L PRI(


STATIC IWf boord will bo
l IATES. evail•ble SOOtH

Wrht for detaHt I ENGLAND. NR28 9SA.

TEL: (0692) 405189
fl.D h • t,..ckqrll or hdniul Sytt"' Contvttanu, OS•9 h•) h • pdctng.
ttadt•tr-k at l'lh.rowltt 1)'1'-Pt Cor()Orat,Of'l,, ..OOS h•l and UO«cher h•>
. • ttlc».tt\1 of 11\otorot• rnc:orpontfod.

·sa· Micro Journal 61

THE 6809 "UNIBOARD"'..


Hew_, •






FOR 5-1/4 OR 8 INCH

ADO $10.

THE COMPACTA UNIBOARD'": Through special arrangement with COMPACTA INC., we are
proud to have been selected the exclusive U.S. Mfg. of their new 6809 UNIBOARD"' COMPUTER
KIT. Many software professionals feel that the 6809 features probably the most powerful
Instruction set available today on ANY 8 bit micro. Now, at last, all of that Immense computing
power Is available at a truly unbelievably low price.

* 64K RAM using 4116 RAMS.


* Double Density Floppy Disk Controller
for either 5-1/4 or 8 Inch drives. Uses WD1793. FLEX'" from TSC $149
OS9'" from Microware $199
* On board 80 x 24 video for a low cost console.
Specify 5-1/4 or 8 Inch
Uses 2716 Char. Gen. Programmable Formats.
Uses 6845 CRT Controller.

* ASCII keyboard parallel input interface. (6522)

* Serial 1/0 (6551) for RS232C or 20 MA loop.

• Centronics compatible parallel printer interface.

• Buss expansion Interface with DMA channel. SOLDER MASKED, 11 x 11·1/2 IN.

• Dual timer for real time clock application.

* Powerful on board system monitor (2732).

Features commands such as Go To, Alter, Fill, Move, Display, or Test Memory. Also Read
and Write Sectors. Boot Normal, Unknown, and General Flex'".

Digital Research Computers TERMS: Shopmenls woll � mddo approxomaloly 3

roceovo you1 01d01 VISA, MC cash accepled Add
10 6 weeks eller
S400 shopping

P.O. BOX 461565 • GARLAND, TEXAS 75046 • (214) 271-3538 USA AND CANADA ONLV

62 '68' Micro Journal

SUPPORT ICs " CAPS- $18.00


* Uses new 2K x 8 (TMM 2016 or HM 6116) RAMs. 56K $219
* Fully supports Extended Addressing. 64K $249
* 64K draws only approximately 500 MA.
* 200 NS RAMs are standard. (TOSHIBA makes TMM 2016s as fast as 100 NS. FOR
* Board is configured as 3-16K blocks and 8-2K blocks (w• hln any 64K block)
for maximum flexibility.
* 2716 EPROMs may be installed anywhere on Board.
* Top 16K may be disabled in 2K blocks to avoid any 1/0 conflicts.
* One Board supports both RAM and EPROM. Lo _ E _o_u
_ s = T-....
= .E'""'
c -
_ __, __

* RAM supports 2M HZ operation at no extra charge! wE HAVE DROPPED ouR 32K ss-so sTATIC
* Board may be partially pOpUlated in 16K incrementS. RAMS. WE WILL SELL THE REMAINING

The new 2K x 8. 24 PIN. stat1c RAMs are the next generation of h1gh dens1ty. h1gh
speed. low power. RAMs P1oneered by such compames as HITACHI and
TOSHIBA. and soon to be second sourced by most maJor U.S manufacturers,
these ultra low power parts. feature 2716 compatible pm out Thus fully
mterchangeable ROM/RAM boards are at last a reality, and you get BLINDING
speed and LOW power thrown 1n for v1rtually nothrng.

TERMS: AddS:? 00 noslage We pay balance Order under $1!> add 75¢
Digital Research Computers handling No C 0 o We a ccept Vr'ia and MasrerCharge To• Res edd 5'111
(OF TEXAS) Tax Fo1ergn orders !except Canada) add 200. P & H Orders over $50 add
P.O. BOX 401565 • GARLAND, TEXAS 75040 • (21 271-3538 esc lor rnsuronce

'68' Micro Journal 63

rntetecuvely generates source on disk w1tn label&, rncludes xref. ieoel deflnouon, bonery file a d i un g. etc.
specofy 8800,1,2,3,5,8,9/6502 veraoon or 2·80/8080/85 ver5oon


COCO DOS available on 8800, 1,2,3,5,8.918502 verSion on ly


specofy for 680011. 6502 6805, Z·BO, or 8080148185
DS/9 ver on roouores Mocroware RMA or FHL OSM metro asaambler
FLEX versooro requores TSC ASMB or FHL A.SM or OSM macro asaomt>le•


specify 880011, 118051148805. 8502, or 18809 OS/9 only)


debug OS/9 eno UNIFLEX appllceuon programs under FLEX u�ong TSC DEBUG facility


transtet.. 6502 prooram5 to 6809. no11ng Inexact conversrons

6800 TO 6809 & 6809 PIC TRANSLATORS $50-FLEX, $75-0S/9, $60-UNIFLEX

translates 6800 pr o gr ams to 11809, 6809 program• to PIC
twtth comp1e1e cursot con1toU


edtl desk sec1orc. son d•recsory. matntajn masuu catalot:a.. etc.


orov•des monu·onven tolecommuntCIIIOna factlhte$ w i t h ••rm,nal mode uordown loao. MOOEM7 protocol ttc.


wttl'\ lyvol< JltCI(Ol$, nuo gt..
r •n I aboI:.

Specify oPO'IIII\g svstern comou11r m•"-• tnd lVPO 1orm•n•t tyoe

PfQilflml OfOYIOid In IOUfCO f orm on diS�•tt• IDIC:lly SILl ana OlnSit'f Computer Systems Consultants, Inc.
Conttct esc lor tuU C:ltllog end aeator tnto or•ntod m•nulll provlaed Witt\ produc15.
For VISA and MASTER CARO. 11••• account. exp date. phone US funds only.
1454 Latta Lane. Conyers, GA 30207
Add 5•1t for ShtDO•ng tOfiWitl. Dut not tor ditUUIS
Telephone Number 404-483-1717/4570
(UNI)FLEX ttldtmttk lethntc:at Syatams Consu111n11 OS/9 tradomarll Mtcrow•••

6301/6801, 6809, and 68000

... • IFORTH SYSTEMS <....

.. FORTH specialists - get the best!I .. For all FLEX systems: GIMIX, SWTP, SSB, or EXORcisor Specify
5 or a inch diskette. hardware type. and 6800 or 6809.
NOW AVAILABLE- A variety or rom and dtsk FORTHsystems to
run on and/or do TARGET COMPILATION lor .. tFORTH-extended ftg FORTH (1 dtsk) $tOO ($t5)
with ftg line editor.
6800, 630116801 . 6809. 68000. 8080. Z80
.. tFORTH... -morel (3 5" or 2 a· d1sks) $250 ($25)
Write or call lor information on a special system to Itt your require· adds screen editor, assembler, extended data types. utilihes.
ment. games, and debugging aids.
•• T RS-ao COLORFOR TH - available from The Mtcro Works
Standard systems available lor these hardware­
•• firm FORTH - 6809 only. $350 ($tO)
EPSON HX·20 rom system and targ et compiler For target compilations to rommable code.
6809 rom systems for SS·50. EXO RCISER. STD. ET C. Automatically deletes unused code. Includes HOST system
COLOR COMPUTER source and target nucleus source. No royalty on targets. Re·
680016809 FLEX or EXORCISER disk systems. qu1res but does not include tFORTH + .
68000 rom based systems .. FORTH PROGRAMMING AIDS -elaborate decompiler$t 50
68000 CP/M· 68K disk systems. MODELII/1 2116
tFORTHIs a relined version of FORTH Interest Group standard
•• tFORTHlor HX-20, in t6K roms lor expansion unit or replace
BASIC $t70
FORTH, faster than FIG·FORTH. FORTH is both a compiler and
an interpreter. It executes orders of magnttudes laster than inter·
•• tFORTH16aK lor CPIM·68K a· disk system $290
Makes Model t6 a super software development system.
AND TESTING is much, much laster than comphed languages
such as PASCAL and C. II Software DEVELOPMENT CO STS are
.. Nautilus Systems Cross Compiler
an important concern lor you. you need FORTH!
-Requires: tFORTH + HO ST + at least one TARGET:
firmFORTH'" is lor the programmer who needs 10 squeeze the - HOST system code (6809 or 6aOOO) $200
most into roms. It is a professional pr�rammer' s tool lor compact -TARGET source code: 6800·$200, 630t/6801-S200
rommable code lor controller applicatiOns. same plus HX·20 extensions- $300
6809-$300, a080/Z80-$200, 6800()-.$350
' tFORTH and l1rmFORTH art t raa.ll'la kS
r 0! Talbot MICIOIYII..,I
" FLEX 11 a lrodell'lal� ol Tochnoeal Syll..,S ConsunantA Inc Manuals available separately - prloe tn ( ).
.. CP M·68K ,, tr-mll!k 01 Oog!tat
Researcll Inc
Add $6 system lor shlpp1ng, $15 lor toretgn air


64 '68' Micro Journal

••• FREE '''

$1. g s
Bulk Rate
u.s. �·ta9•
CMt�nooqa, 'tW
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Qtnlnr ilirrn 3Jnurnal

ne C... � Moadlly Mapziae:_ _
________ .l :.:...
..S.:..:.; 5 . �
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_;__ 1111

..:: ...:. 1ue V
___;...:. 1 , ..: ..:.
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Octollu l ....__ �


---- ----·---- ----

The IDJ ...., th1.a ftO'Ith l.a that 06-9 hu o ne of the •operating Systems of the
flnally arrived for the COloc c:ll:r1plter. Puture• la oaot .-ll.abLe lbr the "UtUe Cl:lkx" � 0&-97 the IW:IIaglt
The AS'I'OOIDI*' part of the Radio Shack o l d Color computer�: os-9. Preely
os-9 P•cka9e, beal.dea the !X'ice, la the t r.nslated, os-9 .-ns "'perating � we had been running a � re1eaae
llDCDDIM'ICIN. 'lt>u 'Old Time Radio Shack for the 6609" (05-9 la no.t bc.1ng written of OS-9 on the Color <l:Jiplte:r foe • few
followers' will not bell- �t )OU -· for the �. abo). Sillce it la tairly weelta, and received the "'ffi.c:ial �
Jon Shirley haa boon tell.lnJ ua that the obvious that UNIX and "UNIX-Type" Shack" version for Review a couple of
ma i n r e a son tor t h e "lack" o f Operating �taM will be running on just days ago. To put it mildly, th1.a pec1c.age
documentation w i t h a lot of their about every cortp.�ter to oc:mo out ln the ie IMPIU!:SSIVBI For $69.9S (Radio Shack
producu wae the reetrict.iona placed on next few yeare, a whole new l.angu&CJe la CaUl09 N�r :lf.-:wJIJ), )OU receive a 9
releaaJ.n9 that. l.nfi:mMt..l.on by� I beqinninq to appear on the horl.zon. l/2" x 7 5/8" x 2" package <XInt.ainirq 4


1-800-338 6800
MON.·FRI. 9·5 E.S.T.

USA-$12.50 per year. Canada& Mexico-$19.50 per year

Surface Foreign- $24.50 per year. Airmail Foreign-$48.50 per year

Qtnlnr 11trrn 3Jnurunl ,.

TM Color M1cro Journal 1S a trademark of Computer Publishing Inc.

5900 Cassandra Smith Rd. Hixson, TN. 37343

'68' Micro Journal 65

Checks all words against an Internal user·
expandable dlcrlonarv of over 42,000
059, FlEX $145 UnlFlEX $195

Fie• 1nd Vnllle• are trademarks or Tochnlc;al Systems Consul18n1t, rne

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------- ADC1200 -------

- 16 CHANNELS Srnpl&-onded 01 Er11hr Drlloronrllll
- 80k SAMPLES PER SECOND m $1nflle Channel Bu111 Mode
- Conrelne<l on Single 30 Pin Boe1d
- CONFIGUREABLE rn a Ve1101y of Cotnpuler Controlled Modes
-$795 E•cn se 1e 2 1o •

------- DAC1220 -------

- Contalnecl on Single 30 Pm Board

XPNDR1T" SuperGuide'" -s3�5 Eaen

SJJ5 2 ro •

. Z809 ---
CoCo Expander Card PreciSIOn molded prasllc tnsert
- fe/all. lJSitner, ConltoJIII M•tter -zao CO.PROCESSOR
desrgned specrflcally to align
Gold edge connector plugs 1nto -&.lata the Ti 8$JJ4 ControJierCh�p -ASSEMBlER DEBUGG ER UTiliTIES
and support pronled c1rcur1
the CoCo canrl dge connector -ICEf <88 Ponti Mounr Connec101 -PUBliC DOMAIN SOFTWARE
cards m the CoCocanrodgeslot,
Srgnats are labeled on Ihe bot­ -Contatnta on SmgHI 30 t)tn Soard -1505 Eocn S<l6 2 10 •
an unbreakable removable card
tom (w�re side) with ground and -S20S E"'� I IO •
gurde Patent Pendrng
power buses. pl ated thr ough WRITE OR CALL TODAY FOR COMPLETE DATA
holes The 4 3 � 6 2 Inch glass/
epo�y card isdrrlled tor ICsand $3.95 each FOREIGN DEALERS
l<lmt Comp&Jtttt • �6$2 ,.,,, Wtll Gtrmanr
components. The finest bare Ttl' 852·52U

breadboard lor your CoCo In­ Available now from O.grcomp AG • Zurteh, Swltt•ttana
cludes 8 page App/lc.llon Note• Ttl 1·48H2•13
ROa ROSYSTt:"S 8.,ntttin ComJ>Uitr Conlultlnt• • row'\
to help you get started

$19.95 each or 2 for $36 BOX30807 SEATTLE.WA 98t03

r$11tAB South "''"c• • T•l 2f·831"

(103) 4 ·1" 1 1 7 1t
h B ?'>COUNT VliNE R O A 0 1

66 '68' Micro Journal

• ADLIB 50.00 • XRF 200.00
Allows shared source code Low-overhead database emulator
• ISAM 350.00 • TERMINAL 95.00
Indexed Sequential File Access Method CommunicatE with other machines
• SMATH 95.00 • LDMAC 15.00
String Arithmetic Assembly code routines "tool box"
• SORTC 150.00 For more information, or to place an order.
Full-record disk sort

,....,., �1IlJ
EXAMOD/CHGREV 50.00 Dept. 68 8 0

Determines contents of a module The JBM Group, Inc.
• IN-DATA/REPORT-GEN/MENU 75.00 Continental Business Center group
Data entry/Menu & Report generator Front & Ford Streets
Bridgeport, PA 19405
Tel: 215-337-3138{I'WX: 51Q-660-3999
"Wild Card" directory searcher
VISA/MC accepted: PA residents please add 6% sales tax
• VID 75.00 U.S. order.> please add 5.00 pootage/handlin�t
Display/input data edit package




Whenever a new DOS is introduced, th�re's

always the problem o( developing software to Ron Anderson, respected author and columnist
for 68 MICRO JOURNAL announces the Anderson
work with it. So we did it the opposite way- we
C011p uter Consultants & Associates, a con­
analyzed the requirements o( software that s u l t i n g firm dealing primarily In 66XX(Xl
already exists and developed a DOS that met software design. Our wide experience In
des lgn Ing 6809 based control sys tems for
them... and exceeded them! The result is STAR·
m a c h i n e t o o l s I s n o w a v a i lable o n a
DOS Level l , a new DOS (or 6809 systems, ideal consult11tlon basis.
for single-user industrial, control, and advanced
Our exper l e n c e Includes programming
hobbyist applications. This includes SS-50 machine control functions, signal analysis,
systems and single-board computers from a multi-axis se rvo control (CNCl 11nd general
softw11re design and development. We have
variety o( vendors.
extensive experience In instrumentation and
Level I is compatible with most current 6809 an!llysls of specialized software. We support
all popular languages pertaining to the 6809
hardware and software. On the hardware side, it and other 68XX<Xl processors.
allows up to ten (loppy or Winchester drives with
If you are a manufacturer of a control or
appropriate controllers. On the software side, it
measuring package that you beli eve could
runs existing 6809 software from all the major benefit from efficient software, write or call
6809 software suppliers, including TSC, Star· Ron Anderson. The fact that any calculation
you can do with pencil and paper, can be done
Kits, lntrol, and others. m u c h better with a microcomputer. We will be
Write or call for more information. STAR­ h a p p y to review your problem and offer a
m o dern, state-of-the-art microcomputer
KITS Software Systems Corporation. P.O. Box solution. We can do the entire job or work
209, tvit. Kisco N.Y. 10549 (914) 241-0287. with your software or hardware engineers.

Anderson Callputer Consuttants & Associates

}540 sturbridge Court
Ann Arbor. Ml 48105

'68' Micro Journal 67

US6-expondllble generic ,..�
• Includes data for online.._, with OS-9 utifitilel
• Fast. efficient disk sto.
• Three leve� of nestina

Wild Card searchini

• Automatic displa ble help

• Steps the user un .. .., -tile answer
........, "

Controlled� II-.puc;
I ... . , a

• Handl�filel ..... .._ oulpal llllldia D n. "ilII
'. ..
. ... --���
-it -aat -
- i-
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68 '68' Micro Joumal

Utes lhe new TMS99 18A Vocleo D•s·
p4ay poocesor Hogh resolu1oon 2!>6 •
192 poael dosplay wo lh I$ colo r s 16K
Bl'le• ol onboard RAM doe• no• reduu
user memOtY. 32 grae>h'c •mages can TE RMINUS D ESIGN INC, on c:ontunc>
be tf\dlvtdiJally moved w•lh StmOie X· V

hon w•th M•e roware System s Corpora·
eommaf\dS lot amoolh antmatton uon. 1 5 ptoud to announce FBASIC 1.1'\
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• Eighl enaloo lnpull wi th 8 b tl reso­ BASIC •nreroreters._ It supports stan· CASH SMAll
tullon dard BASIC onSiruc:ho n o nc:l ud rng
• SuPOOtlalour joyslicl<s wolh pushbul· Str ong lunc: loons Dos
ton awttches 8hlh met iC w11h mulhple-prec ts .on UCla·
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ARCADE 50 usembte<l anellested S32$00
Vtdeo and Audio conneetot 1e1 1500
4 Jo
ysh ck connector se t 1500
2 RadiO Shack Jovsrocks 2400 COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION $19.96
Gold Molex eonneciOf S 1200
A/BASIC lor 6800 11000 059 • BASIC 09 ARE TA.AOEMAAK OF
FBASIC twolh ARCADE 501 7500
ARCADE 50 RGB 37()00
LABVIOEO (Motorola EXORbus) 37500

NEW MV09 8809 Proc:e..or Board 22500
256K Oynamoc: Memory Board 79500
256K Dynamoc: Memory Bo..ra (w/64Kt 39500
64K Dynamic: Memory Boerd 29500


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'68' Micro Journal 69


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'OORN COMPUTER SYSTEMS • • • • • . . . • • • • • • • 70

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70 '68' Micro Journal

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n Z:
. 1 • • h••h· £•c:"
o t

Data Management System

1•••1 \ftCiuGit tf'lt XOMS ftUCltut. ut1 y •nd Sy•t•,. Ooo.unenUtton
for level ll one of tf'•• I"'Ott power'ul t)'th"'t ava1labh for
••o• C puhn and M•�
•• utt• for • •Jde varleey ol •pphutlona. JDHS
uttrt art ttgltUted "' o�o�r ••t••••• t o per�t�lt dl•CfiDuuon o f ptod�o�ct
&nnounc.,.tntt •net <;•hd•tton of u••r UPt'•••• Aftd M•tf'lteA6ftt• r•cau••h.

XQMS beyel I
XOKI L•v•l I con•••t• of oa:ruu:, tf\d RIPORT hctltU••·
TIHt ltvtl •• '"'"'dtd •• •" .,,...,,. l•v•t• •y•t•"'• •.nd p•rfWitt •ntty ana
reporuno of ••h on • •tt•v�ar• D•tt•· Th• REPORT lty •upportt
''cord ef'ld '•••• tthctton, li•ld ''"'''' torttng, hn• c••cui•Uont,
column tohh •n• ,,,o_.t Uthng. ConHol u vt• • E�'�th•.,-h'c:• l•rttu•o•
which It VIIW.Utl to"'et•tt•l• wtth l•v•l u. IOMS Lt.,tl t • , • , • ttz•·''

Lei�'el II •••• to L•v•l J t h e powtrlu1 OtM£RAT£ faclhty. Ttut huhty
can •• thOvghl of •• • tff'lft&l hit pronttOt wh,Ch <•" produce repor-t.,
(c;.,ma end for�n ltttt't • • wtU • • ltlt output wh1c" "'•) Ot ,.,..Input t o
the hclhty. OCMIRAT£ "''Y li t uttt 11'11 t OI'I'
pl•• prouu•nt .app1icdtOftt
•nd •• controlled •r • tnoltth•hkt co�t�.,•ftd t•nou•t• which t�'�CDft'P••••'
tt'•t uttd by Ltvtl t. XO"S Lewel U • • • • • • , , , • , , • , ·''''·''

XQMS beyel m
L•"'•l ltt tnchJd•• •H of l•v•t ll p l vt & ••• ol ua•lul OMS VUiih•••

Ttt••• utahtltt •r• ''"0"'d to a1d an th• dtvtlo,.,,,.., f,flld M&II'IUftenc•
of ..,.,, •j:�phc•ttof'la •" d '""''' �'�•••hc•tton of XDHS
,.,,,,. p•r•••t•n••
II'IP\It &Ad output of XOMS hi••• d•u·la.y •nd .. o c
h huuon ol f1te for..•t.
gupi'UC di•Phr of fUI•tncal f•U af'd Otftet f""'ChOf'l•• L•Y•I lJI 11
lf'ltfndtd lo' ••vu•c•d XDMS vtttt• XDMS Ltwt1 IU . , , , • • , . tl••·''
ID"I lyth.. DOCUI'I'I•"..tlon D�'�ly 1110. t••tllt toward pu,Cl'l•••)• • •t 2t••

ttng Byatem
O•f\•r • l Accountlftg •r•t•"' u ••••I"'' for lift l l '""'n•••
fftvHOft•••h ol up t o .ccouM• f,ftd lt'IWfl'ltory u .... Th• .,......
ll'lttgr•t•l ACCO\Ifthl'lt f ftCtiOnt Aftd lftVII'ItOfJ' pl\1• lflle t•neral t•dget1
ac:co�o�fttt "''''"''"' •Ad ••r•lfl• fu•chon• •or.. •Uy told ••p•r•t•lr '"
other •r•••,.•· '••tu,•• ,,.,, ''"""' account•. product• lor .,,.,,c••••
ltaftlaChOftlo IAV01Cift0o l tC. £at1ly COftfltured to fi!IOtt lft¥1r0fttflllfttlo
IACC Otntrel Actek.lftlll'll Sytt•• c•e�ulnt XDNS, pr•f• t.v. JJJ)• • tl99.9,
XACC lr•••• Docv••�'�hhOft 01tly tiiO. Cf'•dtt toward pute:hllt), • •t )4•.,

WB&TCHESTI!R. Applied Buei.neaa &ye't'•tn•

,..,,Office lo• 117, lre.arcltH "•no,, •·'· 10510
All sottwer• Is •�I tt•n In MK�oles.-le� end �uns ..,.;.,. 6809 fLEX 0/S.
Syatem Architecture
�:;;:;. ?2�· m�r�g:,·.·��::·:,��:;��-�h'f.:,����·c!,.c'��··
WB8TCH88TBR Applted Bueln••• Sye�•me
Seles: $. [. I€DIA, 1-4100-))8�, Co•sultetlon: 91•-9•1-35�2 I-ns),
,oat OHic:e Boa 117
8rurc11H )C.nor. •·T• 10,10 FlEX Is e t�-r11 of TKIInlcel SystMS Consvlh"'•· '"'"

'68' Mk:fo Journal 71

For the user who appreciates the need for a �
bus structured system ustng STATIC RAM e
GIMJX has 19MB or high performance and powered by a ferro resonant constant �
voltage transformer:
47MB Wbachester Drive Systems and/or

GIMIX has smgle user systems that can run !8

Floppy Disk Drive Systems. both FLEX and OS-9 or Multi user systems for
use With UniFLEX or OS-9.
GIMIX verstons of OS9 and UniFLEX m­
clude mamtenance and support by Micro­
ware (90 days) and TSC (I year). Mamie­
nance and support after thJS period
are avatlable at extra
(NOTE: thts support and
mamtenance is only
for use with approved
For the ultimate in performance. the Unique GMX 6809 CPUID, GIMIX hardware)
using etther OS-9-GMXIII or UniFLEX GMXIII (available shortly),
gives protechon to the system and other users from crashes
caused by defecbve user programs. e.g. Dunng program
development, a programmer who crashes goes back to the
shell or the debugger. whtle the other users are not even GrMlX 6809 systems
aware anything support tlve predorrunant
operating systems

The intelligent senal 1/0 processor boards sigrufi­ 05·9 GMX W,

canUy reduce system overhead by handling rou­
tine 1/0 func­
05·9 GMX D,
tions, there­ UnlFLEX,
by freeing up
the host CPU for 05·9 GMX I,
running user
programs. Thts
speeds up system per­ and a wtde vanety ol languages
formance and allows and development software
multiple terminals to be
used at 19.2K baud.
Whatever your appllcatn to software
developmenl Instrumentation. process
control educational. sctentitic or business.
whether you need single or multi-user
BASIC-09 and Os-9 vt II10emartcs ol MICIOWJTI Systems Corp and MOTOROLA. lne, capabilities. GlMIX has hardware and the
R.EX and UnoflfX ve ndemarlcs ol Technical Systems Consuflants. lne
GIMIX. GH<ln GMX. ClASSY CHASSIS, muadlmllb ol GIMIX. Inc operating systems to get the job done

Please phone or wnle u you need turther Information

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68 Mtcro Journal Second Class Postage P&Jd
5900 caaaandra Smith Rd. AI Chattanooga, TN
Hluon, TN 37343 ISSN 0194·5025
28 Lt. r l s �N I 'H d c
r 1 s 11 � 1 )/
A3�JI� ·�,
3/V ZZ r
demonstrates Its leadership In computer technology by
delivering the only computer system capabfe of switching
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Switching Is easily accompflshed by a simple front panel
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Hazelwood Computer Systems Is also proud to be the first

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The ease of switching processors and operating systems

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