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WBL Journal #2

Instructions: Respond to each of the following questions with a complete sentence. You may receive if
a 100 if your answers show effort and quality. Please answer each prompt with at least one complete

Part 1: A big part of being successful now is knowing where you want to be in the future. As you plan for
your future this month list the 5 colleges you would like to attend below and why. If you do not plan on
attending a 4 year institution you can list technical colleges or training you plan on completing.

1) UGA: The vet program is really good, and their language program has many opportunities
for abroad studying
2) GSU: It’s in an area I really like and their exchange program is very interesting
3) KSU: An easy school to get into, but it’s a very good school. My mom graduated from KSU
and really liked it. From what I’ve researched and seen, their veterinary program is good
4) Emory: The campus is beautiful and it’s in the same area I like. It’s not an easy college to get
into, but I really like it.
5) Spelman: I feel like I would fit in well at an HBCU and this one is fairly close to my house. I
feel like I would have a lot of fun here.

Part 2: Of the five colleges listed select one as your top choice. Write a one paragraph summary of what
this college has to offer you. Include information such as campus organizations or activities you are
interested in, your intended major and how this college will help you achieve your professional goals.

Since I have remembered, I have always wanted to go to UGA. Their veterinary program is the
best I have seen, and many people have approved this. For my second option, an interpreter, their
language courses and abroad opportunities are to my interest as well. UGA isn’t super hard to get into,
but I must work and challenge myself to get the best outcomes. I intend to major in veterinary medicine
and double minor in Korean and Spanish. This college will help my complete my utmost goal in life which
is being successful and being able to translate between more than one language.

Part 3: How do you believe your time in Work Based Learning will help to better prepare you for your
future college and career plans?

I believe Work Based Learning will teach me important lessons that I will keep for college. I
believe it’ll prepare me to work completely by myself with having a teacher only tell me information and
then let me go as I will. WBL will teach me to manage my time well and not procrastinate to get my work
in. It’s better to do work sooner than later.

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