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Manuel Roxas was a proponent of democracy, as evidenced by his record in government and the

circumstances surrounding his death. He devoted his life not just for his nation, but also for the world's
democracies as a whole. His life was ended in a spectacular but sad event in Clark Field Air Base, when
he gave expression to all of his patriotism and abiding love of democracy in a public address that proved
to be his last. At the same time, he expressed his strong opposition to communism and its greedy and
predatory operations across the world. He made a sacrificing gift of his life with his fervent speech, and
he died shortly after. His death represents the Philippines and the United States' unbreakable alliance
and unbreakable destiny. He was born and raised in an environment of American democracy and
sovereignty, the latter of which has now ended in our nation, and he died when our nation had become
free and independent, in territory that remains under the American flag by treaty. As a result, he died
for both the America and Philippines, two nations he envisioned forever cooperating and fighting for the
preservation of their shared way of life and the world's enduring peace during his lifetime. His voice will
undoubtedly resound wherever free institutions are revered. His was the ultimate sacrifice for global

Manuel Roxas will be remembered for his many accomplishments. It will pay tribute to him as a fighter.
It will pay tribute to him as a leader. It will pay tribute to him as a hero. It will pay tribute to him as the
Father of the Philippine Republic. Above all, it will remember him for having the insight for seeing vividly
the rehabilitation of a country horribly ravaged by war, as well as the fortitude to face the situation with
firmness and daring. Filipinos will thank God on their knees that Roxas was in Malacañang to provide
clarity to his people's unclear thoughts and the statesmanship to uplift their prostrate country at a
crucial time. His allotted task was dutifully started. We can wholly commemorate him only if we
continue it with the same nationalism and devotion. I, therefore, call on each and every Filipino, of each
and every creed and standing in society, to join me together in honest spirit of unification to build a
huge memorial of accomplishments in the bold structure of his ideologies in loving devotion to his highly
regarded memory. At the sake of national peace and tranquility and security, as well as the growth and
prosperity of our people, we must make this great determination, putting aside petty disputes, selfish
purposes, and personal aspirations. As we pray for the everlasting rest of our departed distinguished
friend, may I, in his name and on behalf of posterity, passionately ask that we all hear the call of this

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