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React on what you read:

1. Are the rashes caused by some disturbed spirits? Explained your answer.

= Scientifically speaking, skin rashes usually caused by some factors such as heat or long exposure from
the sun, dryness, moisture, diet and it can even be hereditary. So, to the question if rashes were caused
by some disturbed spirits. The answer would be NO.

2. Can playing at the backyard harm some spirit? Explain your answer.

= Following old beliefs is not bad at all, it will not cost or take anything from you, so it is best to follow
those rituals such as “Tabi-Tabi po” and be cautious at least aware of the surrounding because we don’t
what is really true.

3. Can scattering some rice grains around help heal the rashes? Why?

= If we explain it scientifically or medicinally, we can say that scattering some rice grains will not do
anything on the rashes, it is just a traditional preventive way or paying respect if there’s disturbed spirit
on that backyard.

4. Can rubbing the soil in the arm, face and feet hail the rashes? If yes, Support your answer.

= For me, doing that process like rubbing those soils on affected part of the bodies will only cause
infection or will make those rashes worse because soils may contain bacteria that can triggered your
rashes or worst, it can be multiplied or spread in your entire body.

5. Do you agree with the belief of mother-in law? why or why not?

= Those Spirits is part of our life, they somehow make us conscious or at least be careful in anything we
do. Again, agreeing or believing on those beliefs will not cost anything, at some point spirits can play a
vital part on the happening. On the other side, being new on that environment might be the reason,
because the body of that child is that use to it in that environment, that is why, it may cause her in

1.What measures should you do to control spread of disease?

= “prevention is better that cure”, there are lot of measures that we should take in to seriously, before,
during and after preventions are also important. We should take our part in order to stop the spread of
those diseases, we need to start inn within ourselves, this is not only to help ourselves, but the
community at large.

2. How can one’s lifestyle affect the management of communicable disease? Explain.

= One’s lifestyle affect the management of different diseases either communicable or not. Negative
lifestyle for example can affect the management of communicable disease, because we need to start the
prevention of the diseases by taking responsible of our own lifestyle, because it can affect the lifestyle of

3. Why do you need to prevent and control disease?

= we need to prevent and control disease, simply because it can affect our entirety. It will not only affect
our body and self, but also those people around you. We must be part of our solution, not be the
problem of the society. Participating in the prevention of the diseases could mean a lot.

4. Differentiate the two factors influence disease transmission which are the environment and socio-
economic factors.

= Environmental factors that influence disease transmission pertains to those factors that is in our
surrounding or we encounter everyday such as chemical pollution, air pollution climate change, lack of
access to heath care and the like. On the other hand, Socio-economic factors involves issues in our
economy and society such the pandemic.

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