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U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang



Manage vocabulary forms

manage V
Động từ điều hành
management n Ban quản lý, ban điều hành

manager n Người điều hành quản lý

managerial adj Chức vụ liên quan đến quản lý

manageable >< adj Chỉ những công việc có thể quản lý, có thể điều khiển,
unmanageable kiểm soát >< không thể quản lý
manageability n Sự có thể quản lý, có thể điều khiển

U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang

Question 1: To what extent is effective management something you are born with, as
opposed to a set of skills that can be taught?

U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang

As opposed to: rather than; instead of. (Ex: The box is made of plastic, as opposed to

Effective management = mixture of innate qualities (charisma, vision, empathy, caring,

energy, etc.) + learnable skills (knowledge of finance, policies, and negotiation skills,
organzational skills, planning skills, networking skills, skills of dealing with groups, etc.)

Your answer:

My opinion about effective management is something you are born with, like you’re the
chosen. Someone have quality of leader that is the one can do good in manage. A
manager has a vision is the key of effective management. Others quality like charisma,
empathy, caring make the lower grade trust in him or her. And the last is energy to raise
the atmosphere.

Question 2: Which business leaders do you admire for their managerial skills? What
are these skills?

U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang

admire /ədˈmaɪr/ (v): to respect and approve of someone or their behavior.

Suggestion: Steve Job (Apple); Bill Gates (Microsoft); Elon Musk (Tesla + SpaceX); Pham
Nhat Vuong (Vingroup); Mai Kieu Lien (Vinamilk); etc.

Your answer:

Steve Job is the business leader that I very admire. Cause in that moment is every body
use the cellphone with a physic button. But Steve Job has changed the world with the
touching display phone, which is the base of smartphone. And now Apple, which is
company he is the

Question 3: Do managers have a good reputation in your country? Or are they made
fun of in jokes, cartoons and television series? If so, why do you think this is?

make fun of sb/sth: to make a joke about someone or something in a way that is not

Your answer:


*Which of the five famous managers below do you find the most interesting and
impressive? (coursebook/p.10-11)

New vocabulary

Akio Morita co- Prefix Đồng together

orginal adj Độc đáo, không giống với những người khác

U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang

acquire v Dùng trong kinh tế, mua hoặc sở hữu các

công ty khác (trực thuộc)
Jack Welch market value n Giá trị thị trường, tổng giá trị cổ phần của
công ty X

Meg Whitman start-up Adj Khởi nghiệp, công ty nhỏ vừa khởi nghiệp
Resign >< v Tự xin từ chức >< bị cho thôi việc
fired Govenor: thống đốc - đứng đầu một bang

Carlos Ghosn convert v Chuyển đổi

To me Carlos Ghosn is the most interesting. He is the ceo of the Nissan car company and
Renault at the same time. Beside he is the wizard that he can convert a huge debt into a
huge profit. Is that wonderful, innit?


MBA: Thạc sĩ quản trị kinh doanh (Master of Business Administration)

Listen to two students (Carlo and Olga) talking about management and tick the correct

Yellow: right Red: wrong

Carlo Olga
A good manager should:

U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang

1. Follow the company’s goals x x

2. Help subordinates (cấp dưới) to accomplish their own goals x
and objectives
3. Help young colleagues to develop x
4. Know how to lead people x x
5. Know how to motivate people x x
6. Make a maximum profit for the owners (the shareholders) x
7. Meet the targets they have been set x
8. Successfully execute plans and strategies x


1.2: Carlos de Stefanis

… so, managers should (1) pursue the (2) company goal, (3) maximum value for (4)
shareholders, and so on, but on the other hand they should (5) accomplish also, the (6)
personal goals and (7) objectives of the people they (8) manage, for instance helping (9)
young professionals to (10) develop, and (11) understand the expectation of everybody
in their team and trying to (12) match goals of the company and even helping people to
(13) develop in their team

1.3: Olga Babakina

I believe that good managers actually don’t (1) manage anybody, and good managers
basically they are good (2) execute of strategies, because the companies today, those
ones who are (3) successful, are not those who have lots of (4) business plans and
strategies somewhere in the (5) reports and files, but those companies who have
managers, executors of plans, so basically in order to be a good manager you have to

U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang

know how to (6) lead people, how to (7) motivate people, and how to (8) make sure that
you are (9) meeting your target

New vocabulary

pursue v to try to achieve something.

Maximize v to make something as great in amount, size, or importance as
Accomplish v to finish something successfully or to achieve something.
Professional n a person who has a job that needs skill, education, or training.

execute v to do or perform something, especially in a planned way.

→ executor (n): (người thực hiện bảo đảm di chúc: luật sư )person
who does or performs something, especially in a planned way /
someone who makes sure that things are done according to a
dead person's will (= a document in which someone says who
should have their money or property after they die).
strategy n the way in which a business, government, or other organization
carefully plans its actions over a period of time to improve its
position and achieve what it wants.
motivate v to make someone eager to do something.


What do you think are the three most important characteristics of a good manager? Are
there any qualities or characteristics you would add to the ones mentioned by the MBA

Having good ideas: ý kiến sáng tạo

U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang

Having integrity: tính chính trực

Being hard-working: chăm chỉ

Decisive: người quyết đoán

Being prepared to take risks and take responsibility for them: dám chịu rủi ro và có trách
nhiệm cho những rủi ro đó.

Persuasive: người có sức thuyết phục

Educated: được giáo dục, có trình độ

Honest: thật thà

Intelligent: thông minh, có tầm nhìn

Three of the most important of a good manager is decisive, being prepared to take risks
and take responsibility for them and educated. First of all is educated, so if you’re have a
good educate you can easily to understand what subordinates do and they know your
goals. Second is decisive, that mean you need a leadership quality to make the right
decision. Last but not least is being prepared to take risks and take responsibility for
them, and that is also the quality of a leader as well as a good manager must have.
That’s all//



New vocabulary

Word/phrase Part of speech Definition/Meaning

failure N Thất bại

U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang

public sector N Khu vực công

institution N Tổ chức

not-for-profit N Phi lợi nhuận

classification N Sự phân loại

task N Nhiệm vụ

consultant N Tư vấn

integrating adj Tích hợp

accomplish V Hoàn thành

precise Adj Tóm lược

tactic N Chiến thuật

allocating V Phân bổ

resource N Nguồn tài nguyên

classify N Phân loại

U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang

relation N Sự quan hệ

individual N Cá thể, cá nhân

attain V Đạt được

promotion N Sự thăng cấp(khuyến mãi)

supervise V Giám sát

subordinate Adj Cấp dưới

consider V Cho là, coi như

modify V Thay đổi

innovation N Sự đổi mới

neighboring Adj Láng giềng

public N Cơ quan công quyền

crisis N Cuộc khủng hoảng

arise V Nảy sinh

U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang

technique N Kỹ thuật

Write a brief summary of each of the five tasks listed by Drucker

Five task: planning, organizing, integrating, measuring performance, developing


- planning: set aims, decide how to accomplish them (develop strategies, plan and
precise tactics, allocating resources of people and money)

- organizing: analyse and classify activities, divide work into manageable activities and
individual tasks

- integrating: pratise social skills of motivation and communication. Make decision about
pay and promotion

- measuring performance: see the objectives or targets set for the organization as a
whole and for each individual member of it are being achieved

- developing people: subordinate and themselves

Lên kế hoạch để đạt thành công

Ý kiến hay phương pháp mới
Người có vị trí thấp
Người cung cấp lời khuyên
Tình huống nguy hiểm mới chuyên cho công ty
Kế hoạch bạn muốn làm hay đạt được
Chính phủ kiểm soát kinh tế

Người có vị trí quan trọng

U1 Handout E4BS Lecturer: Nguyen Thao Trang


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