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Cristine Joy F.


1. I can differentiate the types of communication in relation to communication mode by

defining and giving examples of each type. Types of communication in relation to
communication mode include verbal, non-verbal, and visual communication. When we
use words to convey or share information to other people, it is called Verbal
communication. This Verbal communication can be in the form of written or oral.
Examples: face-to-face conversations, speech, letters, emails, and interviews. Non-
verbal communication happens when we transmit our messages or signals with the use
of non-verbal means. Examples: Gestures, body language, facial expressions,and
others. Visual communication is a way that people communicate and share information
through images and visuals. It is the transmission of information and ideas using
symbols and imagery. In addition, Visual communication is believed to be the type that
people rely on most, and it includes signs, graphic designs, films, typography, and
countless other examples.

2. Visual communication creates effective communication. The information that the sender
wants to convey will be easily understood by the receiver if it will use visual means. For
instance, in order for them to believe what you are saying, you need to provide evidence.
This evidence serves as your visual means so that you can persuade someone to
believe in you.

3. Formal communication is defined as the mode of communication that uses complex

vocabulary for exchanging ideas in an organizational setup. An example of it is having a
formal meeting with your boss together with your investors. Informal communication is
casual communication between coworkers in the workplace. It is unofficial in nature and
is based in the informal, social relationships that are formed in a workplace outside of
the normal hierarchy of business structure. An example of it is talking to your friends,
family or work colleagues on the phone.

4. Types of communication in relation to context: Intrapersonal communication,

interpersonal communication, extended communication, and organizational
communication. Intrapersonal Communication is a type of communication that occurs
within oneself. It can be spoken, written, or just random thoughts. Interpersonal
communication is the exchange of information among people. Extended communication
is a type of communication with the use of or it involves electronic media. Organizational
communication is the term used to define communication that takes place in business

5. I’ll just listen to his/her opinions but it doesn’t mean that I will totally agree on what
he/she is trying to convey. We must evaluate and know that we have different beliefs
and differences. Let’s listen but don’t forget to consider other factors. We need to
analyze what we have heard. Be mindful and concentrate on the idea or information that
is being presented. In addition, try to validate one’s opinion but don't forget to ask
yourself whether it is useful or beneficial. In that way, I think we will be more wisely and

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