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SCHOOL YEAR 2020 - 2021



“Many business in Vietnam believe that CRS is

only for big, multinational corporations”
Apply relevant theories with examples to evaluate the statement


HCMC, 3rd July 2021

Group’s Members
No Student’s full name Student’s ID
1 Lưu Ngọc Mai Anh 17DH107201
2 Trương Bích Hậu 17DH107267
3 Lâm Minh Khang 17DH107255
4 Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Nhi 17DH107200
5 Nguyễn Hàn Quỳnh Ngân 17DH107191
6 Đoàn Thị Thúy Quy 17DH107196
7 Nguyễn Huỳnh Phương Trang 17DH107215
8 Phạm Minh Thư 17DH107236

Thái độ Nộp bài Tổng
Phần bài thần
Họ và Tên tích cực Đúng hạn điểm
được giao hợp tác
( 2đ ) ( 6đ ) cá nhân
( 2đ )
Lưu Ngọc Mai Anh II (2.2), IV 1 6 2 9
Foreword, I,
Trương Bích Hậu 2 6 2 10
Lâm Minh Khang I, II (2.1), IV 1.5 6 2 9.5
Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Nhi II (2.2), IV 1 6 2 9
Nguyễn Hàn Quỳnh Ngân II (2.3), IV 0.5 6 1.5 8
Đoàn Thị Thúy Quy II (2.3), IV 0.5 6 1.5 8
Nguyễn Huỳnh Phương Trang II (2.2), IV 0.5 6 1.5 8
Phạm Minh Thư II (2.3), IV 0.5 6 1.5 8
Đánh giá mức độ tham gia thực hiện bài tiểu luận

Examiner’s comment
Total Examnier’s
No Student’s full name Student’s ID
Score Comment
1 Lưu Ngọc Mai Anh 17DH107201
2 Trương Bích Hậu 17DH107267
3 Lâm Minh Khang 17DH107255
4 Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Nhi 17DH107200
5 Nguyễn Hàn Quỳnh Ngân 17DH107191
6 Đoàn Thị Thúy Quy 17DH107196
7 Nguyễn Huỳnh Phương Trang 17DH107215
8 Phạm Minh Thư 17DH107236

I. INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH.........................................................................2
1.1 Definition of CSR.........................................................................................2
1.2 The overview of CRS in Viet Nam...............................................................4
II. BODY PARAGRAPH..........................................................................................4
2.1 CSR analysis of the corporations in Viet Nam.............................................4
2.2 Why CSR is not only for big, multinational corporations?..........................6
2.3 What are the most effective CSR methods for small and medium firms in
III. CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH.........................................................................14
IV. REFERENCES..................................................................................................14

First, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the commitment that an enterprise makes
in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the environment, economy and
society for the country. Each enterprise has the responsibility to perform this work well,
bringing benefits to both parties, the business itself and the social environment.
CSR essay analyzes the topic "Many business in Vietnam believe that CRS is only for
big, multinational corporations" is an essay aimed at making assessments, analyzing
problems, explaining the process and ways of implementing CSR of enterprises big and
small. The essay can evaluate the strengths and weaknesses, it can also analyze the
difficulties, or the experiences and lessons learned from the CSR implementation process

of enterprises. Not only in big, multinational corporations but also in small corporations.

1.1 Definition of CSR
 What is CSR ?
CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR is a widely used term.
It is an enterprise's commitment to business ethics and contributes to sustainable
economic development, improving the quality of life for employees and their families, the
local community and society at large. CSR is considered an important factor like other
traditional factors such as cost, quality, etc. CSR is integrated into the enterprise's strategy
and becomes a mandatory condition for the business to survive and develop in the long
CSR also has one more advantage, that is: being seen as "beyond" expectations can
improve the company's reputation internally and externally, making employees and
customers more engaged.
Moral Responsibility

Legal Responsibility

Economic Responsibility

Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR

 Types of CSR
Ethical CSR: is a pure type of CSR activity. Corporations clearly define their roles to the
community and legal responsibilities.

 Internal: Making the right ethical corporate insiders such as always ensuring
financial issues, ensure the profitability of the business to shareholders.
 External: Comply with what is required and required by law. Voluntarily
implementing CSR as encouraged by Law in Vietnam. Pay taxes, contribute to
disaster relief funds, participate in social insurance, sign labor contracts for
employees. Fulfill this responsibility by ensuring that members of the business are
fully equipped, dressed, and trained to meet health and safety regulations. Protect
your business and customers by storing, updating, and securing accurate data.
 Corporations use Ethical SCR: LUSH Cosmetic, Vinamilk, etc.
Altruitsic CSR: is a CSR activity that contributes to and supports social activities.
Examples: Allowing business members to volunteer during their work hours, sponsoring
community initiatives, providing expert advice to nonprofits profits – or in the case of
Unilever, solving global poverty.
Strategic CSR: combining CSR with strategic activities of the business. Promote the
image of the business through CSR activities. Most multinational corporations also apply
Strategic CSR.
Impact of CSR on businesses:
 Increase competitive advantage for businesses.
 Protect the reputation and brand of the business.
 Attract investment capital to improve the quality of CSR.
 Effective CSR can help an organization improve its reputation, increase profits,
and engage employees.
Things to avoid when building CSR:
 Avoid doing charity activities just for marketing purposes. This may mislead the
public, that: You do these activities just to polish your name, not for the sake of
contributing to the community.
 Avoid organizing volunteer activities when you do not have enough resources to
do so. Instead, you should directly donate to reputable charities. Hosting a “half-
hearted” event can seriously damage your business’s reputation.
 Avoid taking actions that may harm the environment when organizing volunteer
activities. You think that planting trees will contribute to protecting the
environment, but if you choose a tree that is not suitable for the soil, the
surrounding environment may be destroyed.
1.2 The overview of CRS in Viet Nam
CSR activities in Vietnam are increasingly popular, especially in the 4.0 technology era.
The process of implementing CSR often brings many dual benefits to large and small
businesses. Therefore, CSR will certainly grow stronger in Vietnam in the future.
Examples of CSR in Vietnam:
 Techcombank: Vietnam Technological and Commercial Bank (Techcombank) has
donated 60 billion VND at the program "The launching ceremony of the Covid-19
vaccine fund and launching support for the Fund" nationwide on June 5, 2021.
 Honda Vietnam: Since 2008, Honda Vietnam has built many meaningful
educational programs such as "Traffic safety for children's smiles", "Traffic safety
for tomorrow's smiles", "I love Vietnam program" … to disseminate knowledge
about traffic and guide people to drive safely.
 Vietcombank: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam
contributed VND 4 billion to build schools for poor childrens.
2.1 CSR analysis of the corporations in Viet Nam
In Vietnam, the implementation of CSR is considered an act of solving social problems
for charitable and humanitarian purposes.
Corporations in Vietnam implementing social responsibility will affirm their brand in
society. Therefore, accompanying the common development of the country is not only a
responsibility but also a benefit for businesses, thereby creating humane values and
corporate culture, as well as increasing competitiveness in the industry.
CSR is a new concept that has been introduced to Vietnam for more than a decade, but in
recent years, there have been many Vietnamese businesses to create a sustainable and
bright brand.
Therefore, implementing CSR is increasingly recognized by Vietnamese businesses and
entrepreneurs as an indispensable and objective requirement in the integration process.
When competition is getting fiercer, requirements from customers are increasing and
society has an increasingly strict view of businesses. Enterprises that want to develop
sustainably must always comply with standards on protection of the natural environment,
working environment, gender equality, occupational safety, labor rights, training and
employee development. contribute to community development. In fact, some Vietnamese
enterprises have made the concept of CSR. However, small and medium-sized enterprises
that are not currently able to obtain these certifications can still gain concrete business
benefits if they voluntarily adopt CSR standards.
Reality of implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Vietnam:
In recent years, Vietnam is facing great challenges in terms of climate change and
environmental pollution, which threaten social security and human health as well as the
sustainable development of the ecosystem. In addition, there are many difficulties and
barriers in educating and building the future for the young generation. Those are just a
few of the many issues that need resources and the cooperation of the whole society to
bring about positive changes to the community.
One of the pioneering and successful enterprises in initiating CSR activities with practical
significance is Prudential Vietnam. As part of Prudential's strategy of climate change
adaptation and environmental protection for the period 2018 - 2021, the project "For a
community without plastic waste" begins with research on the current situation of plastic
use and understanding. , attitudes and behavior of plastic consumption nationwide.
Another typical example can be mentioned is Vingroup. Last year, in the group's business
areas, the commercial segment grew the most, reaching more than 900% when the group
put a retail system with many VinMart, VinMart+, VinPro, VinDS... across the country.
One of the push of this "big man" to the domestic small and medium business community
is the announcement of the association with nearly 250 manufacturers to develop "made
in Vietnam" goods. Accordingly, Vingroup will create maximum incentives to bring
domestic goods into the group's retail chain, especially in the field of food supply,

committing to distribution without profit, returning revenue to partners at the correct
selling price. listed retail. Explaining, Vingroup said it wants to create more resources for
businesses to reinvest in product quality. At the same time, this private group also
encourages suppliers to reduce selling prices to support consumers.
In the process of global economic integration, CSR has become one of the requirements
for Vietnamese businesses, if an enterprise does not comply with CSR, it will not be able
to access the world market.
2.2 Why CSR is not only for big, multinational corporations?
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a relatively new concept in Vietnam, mostly
driven by multinational corporations (MNCs), development agencies of Western donor
countries, and other international organizations (Hamm, 2012). In a developing country
such as Vietnam, CSR is a new concept that is not fully understood by businesses which
thereby might make it hard for companies to implement it. Moreover, as multinational
corporations (MNCs) in developed countries are the most powerful and SMEs in
developing countries are less powerful, so most research focuses on the CSR of MNCs in
developed countries compared to studying the CSR of small and medium enterprises
(SMEs) in developing countries. Likewise, many businesses in Vietnam believe that CSR
is solely for multinational corporations in addition to not being relevant for a developing
country. In fact, today’s CSR activities in Vietnam focus on some successful programs
implemented by multinational companies such as HondaVietnam, Coca-Cola Vietnam,
Unilever-Vietnam, Microsoft,... CSR activities of Vietnamese Corporations, if any, are
only charitable activities for some individuals or communities where the business
However, recent studies concluded that Corporations in Viet Nam are playing an essential
role in the national economym. According to the report of the Asian Development Bank,
Vietnamese SMEs account for up to 97.4 percent of all registered firms. They account for
77.3 percent of the country’s total labor force and contribute 26 percent of Vietnam’s
GDP (Shinozaki 2012). Furthermore, recent researches have shown that CSR benefits
both business and society, both large and small and medium enterprises (Udayasankar

2007). These figures partly explain the importance of Corporations to Vietnam’s
economic development, and the growing interest of domestic and foreign researchers in
Vietnamese Corporations as well.
According to article 6 of the Vietnamese Government’s Decree No. 39/2018/ND-CP,
“Corporations are business establishments registered by the law. It is divided into three
levels: micro, small and medium scale.”
Vietnamese Corporations is limited by the financial resources, personnel, size of the
business, and usually, the business owner is also the director. They focus more on profit
maximization than on social responsibility. However, recent studies implied that CSR
benefits both business and society, for both large and small corporations .The benefits of
implementing CSR in Corporations ( small and big ) include: improved image and
reputation; improved trust and understanding; larger, more prominent profile; better
market position; increased sale volumes; increased employer motivation; increased
attractiveness to potential recruits; cost savings and increased efficiency; enhanced risk
management; benefits for company culture; enhanced customer satisfaction, employee
loyalty, etc.
On the business side, lack of resources and commitment for CSR is the major cause for
the current situation. Many local companies resist to change and still maintain their
conventional thinking system, in which business performance is measured by simple and
more visible metrics. They are more driven by short term incentives to make money,
therefore using CSR as a branding tool is in fact more sensible to them. Even for
companies that want to pursue a longer term, more sustainable approach to CSR, finding
competent staff to overlook CSR activities is also challenging. In Vietnam, the number of
people with professional training in CSR is very limited while the subject of CSR is not
yet taught or even mentioned in most universities’ bachelor programs. On top of that, the
attitude of businesses remains as an internal barrier to practice CSR at the moment. Many
businesses in Vietnam believe that “CSR is only for big, multinational corporations”, or
even “CSR is a luxury of the developed world, which is not relevant in a developing
country”. Therefore, it is important to change their attitude from “CSR as a cost” to “CSR

as an investment” in order to see more active CSR initiatives among local business
community in the near future.
• First, implementing social responsibility contributes to reducing costs and increasing
productivity. An enterprise can save production costs by investing and installing new
equipment. For example, a large Polish packaging manufacturer saved US $12 million
over five years by installing new equipment, resulting in a 7% reduction in water use,
70% waste water and 87% gas emissions (1).
• Production costs and labor productivity closely depend on the human resource
management system. An effective human resource management system also helps
businesses cut costs and increase labor productivity significantly. Reasonable salary,
bonus, clean and safe working environment, training opportunities, and health and
education insurance scheme all contribute to reducing employee leave and dropout rates,
thus reducing costs. recruitment and training of new employees. All that contributes to
reducing production costs and increasing labor productivity.
• Second, implementing social responsibility contributes to increase revenue. Every
business stands on the given table. As a result, a consulting firm that supports local
economic development can create a better source of labor, a cheap and reliable source of
supply, and thereby increase revenue. Limitations, Hindustan Lever Company, a
subsidiary of Unilever in India, in the early 70's was operating at only 50% capacity
lacking the local supply of cow's milk and as a result, suffered severe losses. To solve this
problem, the company has set up a master program to help farmers increase cow milk
production. This program includes training farmers how to farm, improving infrastructure
and setting up a board of local suppliers. As a result, the number of villages supplying
cow's milk has increased from 6 to more than 400, helping the company operate at full
capacity and become one of the youngest business branches in the group (2).
• Third, implementing social responsibility contributes to attracting good labor force. A
good and capable workforce is a decisive factor in productivity and product quality of
enterprises. It is a fact that, in developing countries, there are not many trained human
resources of high quality. The problem for businesses is how to attract and retain them

and promote their full capabilities in the management, production and business activities
of the enterprise. Therefore, attracting and retaining qualified employees is a big
challenge for businesses. Under the conditions of the market economy, businesses that
pay fair and reasonable wages, provide employees with training opportunities, have health
insurance and a clean working environment are likely to attract and retain high quality
human resources.
• Fourth, implementing social responsibility contributes to improving the brand value
and reputation of the company. Social responsibility can help businesses increase brand
value and reputation significantly. In turn, prestige helps businesses increase revenue,
attract partners, investors and employees. Around the world, giant companies are
spending huge amounts of money to become the ideal business model. For example,
consumer electronics company Best Buy has a product recycling program; the famous
coffee company Starbucks has been embarking on community activities; Famous French
mineral water company Evian distributes its products in environmentally friendly water
bottles. Multinational corporations such as The Body Shop (British group specializing in
the production of skin and hair care products) and IKEA (Swedish furniture trading
group) are typical examples. Both of these companies are well known not only for their
quality products and reasonable prices, but also as environmentally and socially
responsible businesses (3).
EX: The largest dairy company in Vietnam said that over the years, it has been carrying
out many large-scale CSR activities: The "Rise Vietnam" Milk Fund established in 2008
has given nearly two million glasses of liquid milk to more than 21 people. thousands of
disadvantaged children at 727 facilities nationwide; The program "One million trees"
initiated by Vinamilk in 2012 has planted more than 250,000 trees of all kinds in 20
provinces and cities. In addition to the two major programs mentioned above, Vinamilk
also participates in many other social and charity activities with a total budget of about 25
billion VND in 2015. Vinamilk is currently using raw materials from 110,000 dairy cows
from nearly 8,000 breeding households. In addition to maintaining free agricultural
extension, consulting and technical services for dairy farmers to improve milk quality, in

2015 alone, 31 technical training courses were organized. In mid-2016, Vinamilk said that
it was developing organic dairy products without using genetically modified foods,
without growth hormones
EX: In recent years, mainly due to the request of foreign purchasing partners, a number of
Vietnamese enterprises have implemented CSR programs. A recent survey conducted by
the Institute of Labor and Social Sciences on 24 enterprises in the two textile and
footwear industries has shown that thanks to the implementation of CSR programs, the
revenue of these businesses has increased by 25%, labor productivity also increased from
34.2 to 35.8 million VND/worker/year, the proportion of exports increased from 94% to
97%. In addition to economic efficiency, businesses also benefit from creating an image
with customers, employee engagement and satisfaction, and attracting highly qualified
EX: Google is trusted not only for its environmentally friendly initiatives but also due to
their outspoken CEO Sundar Pichai. He stands up against social issues including
President Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim comments. Google also earned RI’s highest CSR
score much in part due to their data center using 50% less energy than others in the world.
They also have committed over $1 billion to renewable energy projects and enable other
businesses to reduce their environmental impact through services such as Gmail.
2.3 What are the most effective CSR methods for small and medium firms in
There are various different forms of corporate social responsibility, all of which address
individual issues. However, the three main types of CSR are environmental, ethical and
Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility
One of the most common forms of corporate social responsibility, a number of companies
focus their CSR efforts towards reducing their impact on the environment. Environmental
CSR tends to focus on a business cutting down its greenhouse gas emissions and waste.
This involves re-evaluation of a business’s production processes in order to identify
wasteful acts and cut these from the company’s business plan.
Companies that seek to embrace environmental responsibility can do so in several ways:
 Reducing pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, the use of single-use plastics, water
consumption, and general waste.
 Increasing reliance on renewable energy, sustainable resources, and recycled or
partially recycled materials.
 Offsetting negative environmental impact; for example, by planting trees, funding
research, and donating to related causes. (Stobierski, 2021)
Environmental protection activities of Honda Vietnam are carried out synchronously and
comprehensively in two main aspects: the environment in the factory and the environment
With the environment in the factory, Honda Vietnam focuses on building a green factory
and strives to become a leader in environmental protection. Since 2011, the company has
received the certificate of environmental management according to the international
standard ISO 14001 with activities such as reducing temperature, dust... in parallel with
environmental protection activities in the factory, Honda also focuses on environmental
protection activities in the factory. Paying attention to environmental protection outside
the factory, contributing to building a clean and green environment when investing in
waste treatment and recycling technology.
Honda Vietnam's responsibility for environmental protection is highly conscious in the
"Tree Planting Day" campaign "Together with Honda to keep Vietnam green" taking
place on April 20, 2008 in Hoa Binh province.
This is the first AR-CDM project in Vietnam recognized by the United Nations.
Following the success of this project, Honda Vietnam Company has continued to
coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Bac Kan
province to implement the project of Planting Production Forest since 2013.
During the past 20 years, Honda Vietnam not only strives to provide quality and safe
products, but also actively implements social contribution activities including
environmental protection, to become a company is expected by society.

Ethical Corporate Social Responsibility
Ethical corporate social responsibility programmes focus on ensuring that all stakeholders
in a business receive fair treatment, from employees to customers. Though sometimes
difficult to enforce, these programmes are intended to help ensure that employees,
customers, shareholders and all other stakeholders get the fairest deal possible.
Firms can embrace ethical responsibility in different ways. For instance, a business might
set its own, higher minimum wage if the one mandated by the state or federal government
doesn’t constitute a “livable wage.” Likewise, a business might require that products,
ingredients, materials, or components be sourced according to free trade standards. In this
regard, many firms have processes to ensure they’re not purchasing products resulting
from slavery or child labor.
Vinamilk develops a strategy to produce dairy products that meet international standards
and are safe for public health. All members of the company, from leaders to employees,
are well aware of their job responsibilities. Their production process is always clearly
monitored and tested. They implement business ethics from production to bring to society
a quality and safe product. General Director of Vinamilk said that the current production
of fresh cow's milk can only replace 22-25% of Vinamilk's milk production, which is
calculated for all the company's product lines such as powdered milk. , yogurt... As for
fresh milk (milk water) pasteurized, Ms. Lien confirmed to use 99% fresh cow's milk for
pure pasteurized fresh milk products, from 70-80% for pasteurized fresh milk products
with color & smell like strawberry, chocolate and sugar.
Regarding the reason for not specifying how much % fresh cow's milk, how much % milk
powder... on the packaging, Ms. Lien said that this is the secret of production (own
recipe) of the company. However, she also announced that in the near future Vinamilk
will specify these ingredients for consumers' peace of mind. Lien (2006)
Besides, Vinamilk also admitted that the word "pure" on the packaging of fresh milk is
not in accordance with the labeling regulations. "From 10/10/06, we have sent an official
letter to the authorities asking for the adjustment of the label" - Ms. Lien added.

Accordingly, Vinamilk's "pure pasteurized fresh milk" will be changed to "pasteurized
milk"; “Other pasteurized milk (strawberry, chocolate, sugar)” will become “Milk fresh
Philanthropic Corporate Social Responsibility
Philanthropic social responsibilities go beyond simply operating as ethically as possible
and involve actively bettering society. However, philanthropic CSR does not only refer to
charity donations. Other common philanthropic responsibilities include investing in the
community or participating in local projects.
There are some activities such as donating money to charities with many businesses
supporting particular charities that are relevant to their business in some way, generating
their own charitable trust or organization and spending a portion of their income in order
to aid those who are in need. Organisations can take into account these activities when
they want to carry out this method.
Established in 2011, Pizza 4P's is an Italian-Japanese pizza restaurant with branches
located in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang and Nha Trang. Not only favored by diners
with unique food quality, house-made fresh cheese, customer service and so on, Pizza
4P's is also known as a pioneer in sustainability and corporate social responsibility in the
F&B industry in Vietnam. Toward the end of March 2020, Pizza 4P's to doctors, nurses
and staff at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in HCMC and and Mekong Capital's Future
Changer Fund have successfully donated meals the National Hospital for Tropical
Diseases in Hanoi (4P'S CORPORATION, 2020). More than 1000 meals were prepared
with the contribution of hundreds of Pizza 4P's staff from 7 branches. It was said that their
absolute pleasure to see the big smiles of those health workers, who are at the frontline of
the battle against coronavirus. With the mission to "Delivering Wow, Sharing Happiness",
Pizza 4P's hopes that this simple support can help generate more happiness and positive
energy for people. Furthermore, Pizza 4P’s has also been delivering many charitable
activities. The restaurant has been a supportive partner of Thang Long Vocational
Training School (for young people with disadvantaged backgrounds) in HCMC by

recruiting the students to work for them. They have also been making a contribution to
plastic waste cleaning activities, offering meals for patients at the National Hospital of
Tropical Diseases, and creating ‘pizzas for peace’ and contributing all the proceeds to the
peace fund of UN on the International Peace Day.
Employees’ happiness is often looked after by HR departments and customers’
satisfaction is usually handled by operation departments. The way Pizza 4P’s treats their
people reminds us that CSR cannot be separated from a business operation. The
responsibility and ethics of this brand are embedded in their HR and operation functions.
These factors are vital for Pizza 4P’s continued sustainable growth in the hospitality
Corporate social responsibility is a new issue for Vietnam. SCR is not only not only for
big, multinational corporations but also for small and medium corporations in Viet Nam.
The process of implementing CSR is assessed to bring many double benefits to businesses
Benefits that CSR programs bring:
 Businesses can bring benefits to the community & society, and at the same time can
develop their own brand.
 CSR activities also help promote working spirit and cohesion among departments and
employees of a company.
 Create a better culture and working environment, create success for companies and
In general, CSR possesses comprehensive benefits and roles for the whole community,
society, employees, businesses and the brand of the business itself. Therefore, the
implementation of CSR policy is really considered important and necessary.
16 Brands Doing Corporate Social Responsibility Successfully. (2019). Retrieved from

Phạm Văn Thanh, Szilard Podruzsik. (2018). CSR in Developing Countries: Case Study
in Vietnam. Retrieved from
Phan Ngọc Thanh. (n.d). Trách nhiệm xã hội của doanh nghiệp [Corporate social
responsibility]. Retrieved from
Thanh Phụng, Phạm Văn Đức. (n.d). Trách nhiệm xã hội của doanh nghiệp: một số vấn
đề thực tiễn của Việt Nam [Corporate social responsibility: some practical issues in
Vietnam]. Retrieved from
THS. Trần Thị Hà My. (2020). Nâng cao trách nhiệm xã hội của doanh nghiệp ở việt nam
nhằm mục tiêu phát triển bền vững [Enhancing corporate social responsibility in
Vietnam for sustainable development]. Retrieved from


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