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I think I started using chowhound 20 yrs ago. It literally opened my eyes.

I loved food
beforehand, but really started to learn and discover better food and food offerings as
a result of that board. I was living in LA at the time and they opened my eyes to the
Asian offerings in San Gabriel, the cheap delicious Thai at the Hollywood temple on
weekends, the dives of little Tokyo on Sawtelle, the first fridays trucks at Abbott
Kinney. I will be eternally grateful for all the tips I got as a traveler. It was a glorious
place. Until they ruined it. I am so sorry that all of that wonderful content will be lost. I
am looking forward to this site growing as a result. Especially the regional boards.
That’s what I miss most about CH is the lack of regional information in certain
geographies on HO. Fingers crossed we will inherit some PNWers!

Just surprise at the length of time it took to finally kick the bucket. Their death began
in September 2015 with the big site conversion where it was impossible to search on
their site, the damn tags (HO’s tags are way easier to deal with), and the banner at
the top that essentially blocked messages on the message boards. All they wanted
you to do was scroll past the insane number of ads.

My first post there was on 11/12/01 in response to someone else, but my first Thread
on CH that I started was on 11/14/01. I left in Sept 2015, so I had a good run there.
Now, HO is my home (along with several private food groups on FB).

Good times! I’m going to have to find my favorite threads from the good old days.
The meatball thread, the tuna salad thread, the macaroni and cheeses thread, the
Thanksgiving blow by blow, coming back every year for the beginning of the SF crab
season, and Melanie’spost about steaming Dungeness crab. My annual preserved
lemon, spiced nuts, and whole preserved fig experiments. The “Just got braces and
everything hurts” thread! I’m glad there’s HO. I’ve posted links there in the past, but
I’m guessing they won’t work.

I have deliberated about making this post / thread because I understand this can
become a lightning rod for off topic comments. Regardless this is a legitimate “online
food related” story about the unfortunate war being waged in Europe.

I am requesting that you think before you post. DO NOT post political commentary -
personally I LOVE stories of ingenuity like this under such extraordinary
circumstances. PLEASE DO NOT disappoint me by making me or my fellow mods
have to overly monitor this thread for inappropriate or political content.

Expressing support is fine - prayers are always welcome - or just thoughts of support
for our fellow humans who are enduring terrible circumstances.

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