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Research Paper

Analysis of Childhood Rhotacism in English Pronunciation.

Seminar on Literary Work

Mochamad Jegis Yazhar Al Muhandis

English Department
Faculty of Arts and Letters
Pasundan University

1.1 Background
Language is an important element of communication. Without language, humans will
find it difficult to convey their intentions and thoughts to other humans. Basically, language
is a way of communicating living things to understand and understand the meaning of other
living things. Language has existed from time immemorial, even though ancient humans or
caveman already had language. The language they use is ancient and sign language. The
delivery is still simple, using hands, faces, and pictures drawn on the cave walls.
Even though humans already have language, sometimes they still can't understand
each other. It happens because their language is not the same or still different. It can be seen
from the writing, vocabulary, expression, tone, and culture. This is also because they live in
different places of residence/area. But now there is a language that can be used globally, the
language that is designated as an international language, namely English.
English is an international language originating from England or Great Britain. This
language is a bit difficult to learn and has many rules in its use. And there are two dialects or
general pronunciation, namely British English and American English. Even so, people still
have the right and opportunity to study it.” Humans have infinite potential” (Tenkuji Takeru,
Kamen Rider Ghost 2015).
Especially for people who have disabilities, both physical and mental. Here we will
focus more on people who have disabilities in their vocals that we usually call Rhotacism.
Rhotacism or Slurred people have many problems communicating. And it is often used as
material for Bullying and jokes by other peoples. However, that did not reduce her rights and
opportunities to learn and use English.
Lisp is generally known as the imperfect sound of the phoneme / r / so that it sounds
like a phoneme / l /. Rhotacism denotes the imperfect sounding of / r / as by making it / l /
(Garner, 2009: 66). This means that rhotacism shows the imperfection of the sound / r / so
that it becomes a / l/ sound. Language disruption (slurred) or rhotacism is caused by two
factors, namely physiological factors (anatomy of body organs) and neurological (brain nerve
disorders). Neurological factors can be caused by trauma (injury to the head) when
physiological factors can be caused by ankyloglossia (short tongue).
Slurred people do not usually feel worried about their Dysarthria symptoms because
they think it does not affect their health. This is certainly not a problem with the state of their
bodies. However, vocal defects or slurred will hinder the communication process. The
message conveyed by slurred people in communicating is not easily captured clearly,
especially in acute slurred sufferers. The communication process can be hampered and the
message in question is difficult to convey to the interlocutor or other people.
The research conducted in Wenty Anggraini's (2011) thesis, Department of
Psychology, Semarang State Unversity researched "Speech Delay in Children (Case Study of
5 Years Old Children)". This study discusses the problem of speech delays in children which
is a serious problem that must be addressed immediately because it is one of the causes of

In other research, related to the phonological level. According to Muslich (2012: 1),
phonology is a branch of linguistics that studies or concentrates on the sound of words.
Phonology studies the various sounds emitted by human speech tools. “Phonetics are studies
that investigate and analyze the speech sounds used in speech, and learn how to produce
those sounds using human speech” (keraf, 1984: 30). In connection with the human speech
instrument, the term tongue-tie is known. The ability to pronounce vowels and consonants
perfectly depends on the maturity of the brain's nervous system, especially the part that
regulates the motor coordination of the tongue muscles.
To pronounce certain consonants, such as [r], requires a quite complex manipulation
of the tongue, palate, and lips. Lisp or rhotacism can be caused by a physiological
abnormality, namely, a difference in the part called the lingual frenulum, which makes it
difficult to pronounce a sound. Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is a pathological condition in
which the lingual frenulum does not adhere properly to the tongue. This congenital state is
characterized by a short, misplaced lingual frenulum and a tongue that cannot be extended or
retracted. Ankyloglossia causes disturbances when speaking, especially during the
pronunciation of the sound [r] because the pronunciation of these sounds requires high tongue
activity (Langlais and Miller, 2001: 46).
It can be concluded that slurred is a language disorder caused by physiological
abnormalities in the speech organs and will have implications for pronunciation errors. To
find the advantages of slurred people in English, more research is needed on slurred people
with English. Syamsuddin and Damaianti., (2011: 14) state that the research method as a
solution to research problems is carried out carefully and carefully as planned.
Based on the description above, the researcher intends to conduct a study entitled
“Analysis of Childhood Rhotacism in English Pronunciation.” To find out what is correlation
childhood Rhotacism and English Pronunciation as a medium of learning that can influence
and increase students’ understanding and enthusiasm in learning English, especially in

1.2 Identification of the Problem

From what the writer sees, some of peoples in Indonesia experienced rhoticism when
they were child. Rotacism usually goes away as person grows up physically. But some people
won’t lose their rhoticism as they grow. The problem that will be discussed here is about
person who has rhotacism in his/her childhood and how about their English Pronunciation
My explanation about rhotacism are as mentioned in the background, has a role to understand
reader about it. By its unusual problem, the writer assumed that there will be a conclusion for
rhoticism people. The writer wants to dissect the problem by elaborating the root and its
solution from the others source using phonology by Muslich.

1.3 Research Question

1. What is childhood rhoticism?
2. How do people who has rhoticism adapt to communicate using english in the society?
3. What is the conclusion of rhotacism people in speaking English especially in

1.4 Limitation of the Problems

The title of the research is Analysis of Childhood Rhotacism in English

Pronunciation. The writer has been taken two limits, concist of two aspect to analyze and
will be focus to analyze it.There are childhood rhoticism and English speaking pronunciation.

1.5 Objective of the Study

The research is to find out what is correlation childhood Rhotacism and english
Pronunciation as a medium of learning that can influence and increase students’
understanding and enthusiasm in learning English, especially in Pronunciation. For the fact
that realize it or not, phonology is a really basic thing that is close to people speaking.
Understanding about it should be also close or familiar among the people, so that this
research is made also to make people who read this research are more familiar with

1.6 Signification of the Study

The research of rhotacism will be add plenty of information related rhoticism people.
That going to hopefully be valuable in order to add people knowledge especially those who is
in teaching and speaking field as their way to understand people who has vocal disabilities.
Especially in tourism and education to be better in explanation technique. Using effective
way in making people understand.
This kind of analysis is very beneficial for the target reader to be able to have critical
thought of knowing the rhotacism. As the writer of this research that is currently studying in
English literature department, this research is useful for the reference to the use of phonology
studies as an analytical method to understand the meaning of Childhood Rhotacism,
especially those research that is having correlation with English speaking.



2.1 Language
Language is an important element of communication. Without language, humans will
find it difficult to convey their intentions and thoughts to other humans. Basically, language
is a way of communicating living things to understand and understand the meaning of other
living things. Language has existed from time immemorial, even though ancient humans or
caveman already had language. The language they use is ancient and sign language. The
delivery is still simple, using hands, faces, and pictures drawn on the cave walls.
Even though humans already have language, sometimes they still can't understand
each other. It happens because their language is not the same or still different. It can be seen
from the writing, vocabulary, expression, tone, and culture. This is also because they live in
different places of residence/area. But now there is a language that can be used globally, the
language that is designated as an international language, namely English.
English is an international language originating from England or Great Britain. This
language is a bit difficult to learn and has many rules in its use. And there are two dialects or
general pronunciation, namely British English and American English. Even so, people still
have the right and opportunity to study it.” Humans have infinite potential” (Tenkuji Takeru,
Kamen Rider Ghost 2015).
And back to the function of language that as a medium of communication between
living things so that individuals can understand each other. Therefore, language is needed by
humans, apart from being a medium to understand each other, language can also be used to
prevent bad things from happening.

2.2 Linguistics
Linguistics is the science used in language that studies all forms and rules in
language. Linguistics or linguistics is not focused on one language only, but there are various
kinds of language arts in this world. Quoted from the page of The University of Arizona,
there are at least several branches of linguistics, as follows: Phonetics/Fonetik,
Phonology/Fonologi, Morphology/Morfologi, Syntax/Sintaksis, Semantics/Semantik, dan

2.2.1 Phonology

Phonology is a branch of linguistics that studies how to pronounce the language or

dialect of a language systematically arranges its sound (or also signs, in sign language). The
origin of the word phonology, literally simply, consists of a combination of the words fon
(which means sound) and logic (which means knowledge). In the Indonesian language, the
term phonology is derived from the Dutch word, phonologie.

Phonology functions:
 To find out the change in the sound of a word.
 Learn about the process of forming sounds, their delivery / pronunciation.

 Studying how the human organs work, especially those related to the use of language.

In other research, related to the phonological level. According to Muslich (2012: 1),
phonology is a branch of linguistics that studies or concentrates on the sound of words.
Phonology studies the various sounds emitted by human speech tools. In connection with the
human speech instrument, the term tongue-tie is known. The ability to pronounce vowels and
consonants perfectly depends on the maturity of the brain’s nervous system, especially the
part that regulates the motor coordination of the tongue muscles.

2.2.2 Phonetic

Masnur muslich in his book, “Fonologi Bahasa Indonesia (2008)”. “Phonetics is a

field of scientific research that studies how humans produce speech sounds, study the sound
waves of language that are emitted, and how human hearing AIDS receive language sounds
for analysis by the human brain” (o 'connor, 1982:10-11, ladefoged, 1982:1). Phonetics is the
science that investigates and analyzes speech sounds used in speech, and studies how to
produce these sounds with human speech tools (Keraf, 1984: 30).
Modern phonetics was started by Alexander Melville Bell through his book Visible
Speech (1867) which introduced a system of writing language sounds in a careful and orderly
manner. The science of phonetics then developed rapidly in the late 19th century due to the
invention of the phonograph, which helped the recording of language sounds. In phonetics
there are parts that explain why we can produce sounds in a sound system and these sounds
are different. In phonetics there is segmentation, namely the sounds produced by respiration,
speech tools, and vocal cords. (Masnur: 2008)

There are four types of segmentation, namely consonants, vowels, diphthongs, and
1. Consonant is dead letter , eg : p, t, k, b, d, g
2.Vokal Is lived letter,eg : a, i, u, e, o
3.Diphthong are vowels written in duplicate, eg: ai, ie, ou, ue, oi, au
4. Clusters are consonant duplicate letters that read as one, eg : sl (slip), gl (gleam), kh
(khusus), kl (klop), bl (blue).

Besides segmentation, there is also suprasegmental or suprasegmentation.

Suprasegmentation consists of three things, namely:
- Pitch (tone);
- length (length); and
- stress (pressure)

To pronounce English we should study English phonetics. The easiest way is to read
the phonetic symbol instructions in the dictionary. Phonetic Symbol in English does not
appear by itself. Its emergence started from an English and French linguist, Paul Passy.
Initially, this phonetic symbol in English emerged as a solution to make it easier for people
learning a new language. After the end of the 19th century, Paul Passy and his friends finally
decided to establish the International Phonetic Association (IPA).
If we learn the phonetic symbols in English, it will be related to IPA or the
International Phonetic Alphabet. IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) is a symbol system
that we can use in the pronunciation of words in any language. so, when we have mastered
the symbols in science, then we can also read various languages around the world. Even
though we basically don't understand the symbols.

In general, the function of the phonetic symbol is as follows:

1. Provides convenience for non-native speakers in understanding English

2. In addition, it also serves to provide an explanation of the differences between words
that have a homphone

2.3 Speaking Pronunciation

Speaking is very much needed in language, without speaking other people will be a
little difficult to understand and understand the meaning we want to convey. Unless you
experience mute or hearing loss, it will be a big problem when you communicate with normal
people. “Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing
and receiving and processing information”. (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997).
Its form and meaning are dependent on the context in which it occurs, including the
participants themselves, their collective experiences, the physical environment, and the
purposes for speaking. It is often spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving.

English Speaking also depends on a person's pronunciation skills when

communicating, if the pronunciation is wrong then the intent or purpose, we want to convey
will be different when the other person hears it.” A speaker’s skills and speech habits have an
impact on the success of any exchange”. (Van Duzer, 1997). Speakers must be able to
anticipate and then produce the expected patterns of specific discourse situations. They must
also manage discrete elements such as turn-taking, rephrasing, providing feedback, or
redirecting (Burns & Joyce, 1997).

2.4 Rhotacism

Lisp is generally known as the imperfect sound of the phoneme / r / so that it sounds
like a phoneme / l /. Rhotacism denotes the imperfect sounding of / r / as by making it / l /
(Garner, 2009: 66). This means that rhotacism shows the imperfection of the sound / r / so
that it becomes a / l/ sound. Language disruption (slurred) or rhotacism is caused by two
factors, namely physiological factors (anatomy of body organs) and neurological (brain nerve
disorders). Neurological factors can be caused by trauma (injury to the head) when
physiological factors can be caused by ankyloglossia (short tongue).

Rotacism usually occurred when childhood and goes away as person grows up
physically. But some people won’t lose their rhoticism as they grow.Slurred people do not
usually feel worried about their Dysarthria symptoms because they think it does not affect
their health. This is certainly not a problem with the state of their bodies. However, vocal
defects or slurred will hinder the communication process. The message conveyed by slurred
people in communicating is not easily captured clearly, especially in acute slurred sufferers.
The communication process can be hampered and the message in question is difficult to
convey to the interlocutor or other people.

To pronounce certain consonants, such as [r], requires a quite complex manipulation

of the tongue, palate, and lips. Lisp or rhotacism can be caused by a physiological
abnormality, namely, a difference in the part called the lingual frenulum, which makes it

difficult to pronounce a sound. Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is a pathological condition in
which the lingual frenulum does not adhere properly to the tongue. This congenital state is
characterized by a short, misplaced lingual frenulum and a tongue that cannot be extended or
retracted. Ankyloglossia causes disturbances when speaking, especially during the
pronunciation of the sound [r] because the pronunciation of these sounds requires high tongue
activity (Langlais and Miller, 2001: 46). It can be concluded that slurred is a language
disorder caused by physiological abnormalities in the speech organs and will have
implications for pronunciation errors.

2.4.1 Childhood Rhotacism

Learning to speak and pronounce the sounds of each letter in the alphabet correctly is
not an easy task for some children. Many children, for example, have trouble pronouncing the
“r” sound correctly when they start talking. This difficulty in pronunciation is known as
rhotacism and is really quite common. Rhotacism usually occurred when people in childhood
(3-6 years old). Few people won’t experience it, but mostly of children experience rhoticism
in their childhood.
However, when a child reaches 5 years of age, he should be able to pronounce all the
sounds perfectly. If this doesn’t happen, a visit to a speech therapist could help to determine
the source of the problem and propose treatment. As a parent, we shouldn’t worry too much,
since the fact that a child has difficulties pronouncing the “r” sound isn’t too much of a
problem and doesn’t imply that there are any problems at a psychological level. However, if
this problem can’t be resolved, then this can create some frustration in the child and can
directly affect his or her self-esteem.
There are basically three factors that can cause children to have difficulties in pronouncing
the “r” sound. On the one hand, it may be due to physical problems:

 Hypotonicity: This is a lack of muscle tone in the speech organs and a lack of control.
 High-arched palate: The palate is higher and narrower, so they can’t properly support
the tongue on it in order to pronounce the letter “r.”
 Lingual frenulum problems: The frenulum is short and doesn’t allow you to raise the
tongue due to physical limitations.
The other factor that influences rhotacism is at the functional level:

 Lingual malocclusion: A wrong positioning of the tongue; the tongue protrudes,

sometimes even through the teeth, and so no vibration occurs.
 Lack of strength and coordination when blowing outwards.

How to deal with Rhotacism in childhood

Parents can apply the following ways to deal with lisp in children, namely:

a. Get used to children drinking with a straw. This movement of sucking a drink with a straw
can train the motor strength of the child's mouth. This is important in developing his ability to
b. Encourage children to play games that can train their oral motor strength, such as smelling
soap bubbles and toy trumpets.
c. Ask the child to pronounce his wishes in clear pronunciation before obeying his request.
d. Teach and train children to pronounce as often as possible to pronounce various words
from letters that are difficult to pronounce clearly.

2.5 Adaptation

The definition of adaptation in general is the ability of living things to cope with
stresses and limiting factors from the environment in order to survive. The way in which
every living thing adapts varies depending on the individual's abilities. According to Rohadi
et al. (2016) adaptation is the ability of living things to adapt to their environment.
Adaptation can be in the form of adjusting body shape, adjusting behavior, and adjusting
body functions. This adjustment can be done through genetics or from the habitat.
Daubenmire (1959) explained that adaptation is the specialty of an organism or its
organs in adapting to its habitat. In addition, Wilsie (1962) argues that adaptation is a trait
possessed by each organism to continue living in accordance with the environmental
conditions of its habitat.
The adaptation that will be discussed here is how children who has rhotacism
(temporaryor permanent) adjusts to his environment. At first it may be very difficult for
children to adapt to their environment. Especially for children (children under 10 years), they
need parental support to adapt. But with the right actions and attitudes, a person can adapt
and overcome speaking problems in their environment.
For example, in Indonesia, people who experience rhotacism must be able to choose
the right and easy to pronounce vocabulary in speaking so that they are not laughed at or
insulted by others. And in English we (people with rhotacism) can slightly increase our
intonation and volume when speaking, especially when saying words that contain the letter
"R / S". This is done so that peoples better understand what we say in English. By doing that
continuously, this will accustom us to the language in our environment. And the support of
family, friends and teachers is necessary to achieve the perfect adaptation for people who
have rhotacism.


3.1 Introduction
As it is indicated in the title, this chapter includes the research methodology of the
Case Study. In more details, in this part the author outlines the research strategy, the research
method, the research setting, population & sample, technique of data collection and analysis.

3.2 Research strategy

The research held with respect to this Essay for last assignment of bachelor’s degree
was an applied one, but not new. Rather, numerous pieces of previous academic research
exist regarding the role of researcher and english expert to explain rhotacism, not only for
English student in specific, but also for all people of the world who want know about
rhotacism. As such, the proposed research took the form of a new research but on an existing
research subject.

3.3 Research method – Qualitative versus Quantitative techniques

In order to satisfy the objectives of the Essay, a qualitative research was held. The
main characteristic of qualitative research is that it is mostly appropriate for small samples,
while its outcomes are not measurable and quantifiable. Its basic advantage, which also
constitutes its basic difference with quantitative research, is that it offers a complete
description and analysis of a research subject, without limiting the scope of the research and
the nature of participant’s responses (Collis & Hussey, 2003).
However, the effectiveness of qualitative research is heavily based on the skills and
abilities of researchers. While the outcomes may not be perceived as reliable, because they
mostly come from researcher’s personal judgments and interpretations. Because it is more
appropriate for small samples, it is also risky for the results of qualitative research to be
perceived as reflecting the opinions of a wider population (Bell, 2005).
Features of Qualitative & Quantitative Research
Qualitative research Quantitative Research
The aim is a complete, detailed The aim is to classify features, count them, and
description. construct statistical models in an attempt to
explain what is observed.
Researcher may only know roughly in Researcher knows clearly in advance what
advance what he/she is looking for. he/she is looking for.
Recommended during earlier phases of Recommended during latter phases of research
research projects. projects.
The design emerges as the study All aspects of the study are carefully designed
unfolds. before data is collected.

Researcher is the data gathering Researcher uses tools, such as questionnaires or
instrument. equipment to collect numerical data.
Data is in the form of words, pictures or Data is in the form of numbers and statistics.
Subjective – individuals’ interpretation Objective: seeks precise measurement &
of events is important, e.g., uses analysis of target concepts, e.g., uses surveys,
participant observation, in-depth questionnaires etc.
interviews etc.
Qualitative data is more 'rich', time Quantitative data is more efficient, able to test
consuming, and less able to be hypotheses, but may miss contextual detail.
Researcher tends to become Researcher tends to remain objectively
subjectively immersed in the subject separated from the subject matter.
Adapted from: Miles & Huberman (1994, p. 40). Qualitative Data Analysis, available at

3.4 Research Setting

The research was conducted at Al Azhar 20 Cianjur Islamic Junior High School, Dr.
Muwardi street No.182, Bojongherang, Cianjur, Cianjur, West Java. The research was carried
out from May 21th, 2021. Before doing the research, the researcher prepared preparation such
as laptop and some E-book about rhotacism. The research held at Al Azhar 20 Cianjur
Islamic Junior High School because it is good and match place to get data that relate with
childhood rhotacism. The researcher also wants to investigate the relation Childhood
Rhotacism with English Pronunciation.

3.5 Population and Sample

3.5.1. Population
Population is all cases, situations or individuals who share one or more characteristic.
According to Sugiyono, Population is generalization that composed of the subject / object
that has certain qualities and characteristics of the applied researcher to learn and then be
concluded. Population of this research is some of people in Al Azhar 20 Cianjur Islamic
Junior High School who relate with the topic, such as English teacher and the students.

3.5.2 Sample
Sample is a subset of individuals from a given population. According to Suharsimi
Arikunto, Sample is a part of population which has same characteristics. There are two ways
in selecting a sample. First, if the population is less 100, all population can be sampled.
Second, if the population is over 100, the researcher can take 10%-15% or 20%-25% from all
population as a sample. Based on Gay cited by Aprin, the total of sample which could be
accepted was depend on the kind research. For this essay the minimum of sample was 10%
from the large population and for simple population 20% of sample was needed, whereas the
number of sample for correlation was 24 In this research, the author took some English
teacher and the students of Al Azhar 20 Cianjur Islamic Junior High School as a sample.

3.6 Technique of data collection
The technique of data collection in this research includes Reading, Questionnaire, Video
call and documentation are employed in this research. These techniques will focus on the
relation Childhood Rhotacism with English Pronunciation.
1. Reading
"Reading" is the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning
from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation
marks and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs
that communicate something to us. Reading can be silent (in our head) or aloud (so that other
people can hear).
Reading is a receptive skill - through it we receive information. But the complex process
of reading also requires the skill of speaking, so that we can pronounce the words that we
read. In this sense, reading is also a productive skill in that we are both receiving information
and transmitting it (even if only to ourselves). Researcher will read some sources: scientific
journal and essay about childhood rhoticism. It gets from internet and educational web.
2. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is a list of questions provided to others who are willing to respond
(respondents) as requested by the researchers. The goal is to collect relevant data from
respondents which can then be used for a variety of purposes. When you give the respondent
the ability to give a longer answer, it can yield more insights because they can elaborate on
their thoughts. There are two kinds of questionnaire, they are open ended and enclosed
questionnaire. In this case, the writer using the open-ended questionnaire. As the name
implies, these questions are open for the respondent to answer with more freedom. Instead of
presenting a series of answers choices, the respondent writes as much are as little as they
There is list of Question to get data about on the relation Childhood Rhotacism with
English Pronunciation:
1. What do you think is rhotacism?
2. Have you ever experienced something like that, especially when you were a child? if
so, please tell me. If not, do you have any acquaintance with people who have
experienced such things?
3. How do you/they communicate using English? Is it clear/good, especially in
4. How do you think the relation between childhood rhotacism and English
pronunciation? will it really affect each other?
5. Do you have any suggestions / solutions to solve that (childhood rhotacism) in
English speaking?

3. Video call/ Videotelephony/ Videoconferencing

Videotelephony comprises the technologies for the reception and transmission of audio-
video signals by users at different locations, for communication between people in real time.
A videophone is a telephone with a video display, capable of simultaneous video and audio
for communication between people in real time. Videoconferencing implies the use of this

technology for a group or organizational meeting rather than for individuals, in a
videoconference( )
The researcher will use zoom and WhatsApp to get data from respondent (sample, some
English teacher and the students of Al Azhar 20 Cianjur Islamic Junior High School). It will
take 30-45 minutes. And the question that will ask in video call is same as Questionnaire.
4. Documentation
It means that the researcher collects data from what they read and heard and write/type in
notes. “Documentation research may refer to the technique of collecting data by gathering
and analysing documents. While document is any communicative material (such as text,
video, audio, etc.) used to explain about problem. Documentation may be examined to
investigate patterns and style of the past as is commonly done by expert. Documentations are
also examined by researchers who are investigating subjects who are available.
The researcher will record video from video call and type data in Microsoft word. After
that it will categorize to suitable data in one folder at researcher Laptop.

3.7 Data analysis

Content analysis was used to analyse the data which was gathered from personal
interviews. According to Moore & McCabe (2005), this is the type of research whereby data
gathered is categorized in themes and sub-themes, so as to be able to be comparable. A main
advantage of content analysis is that it helps in data collected being reduced and simplified,
while at the same time producing results that may then measure using qualitative techniques.
Moreover, content analysis gives the ability to researchers to structure the qualitative data
collected in a way that satisfies the accomplishment of research objectives. However, human
error is highly involved in content analysis, since there is the risk for researchers to
misinterpret the data gathered, thereby generating false and unreliable conclusions
(Krippendorff & Bock, 2008).
The researcher will analyse all data include: video call record, answers of
Questionnaire, data from journal and other essay. Then it will summarize to one document in
Microsoft word.


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