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IDN : 419241105

1. Seorang peneliti ingin meningkatkan uji validitas instrumen penilaian mereka.

a. Jelaskan cara meningkatkan uji validitas instumen jika terdapat instumen
Validity relates to a variable measuring what it is supposed to measure.
Validity in research states the degree of accuracy of research measuring
instruments to the actual content being measured. Validity test is a test used to
show the extent to which the measuring instrument used in a case measures
what is being measured. It is also said that the validity test is used to measure
the validity or validity of a questionnaire. A questionnaire is said to be valid if
the questions on the questionnaire reveal what the questionnaire will measure.
A test can be said to have high validity if the test performs its measuring
function, or provides precise and accurate measurement results in accordance
with the purpose of the test. A test that produces data that is not relevant to the
purpose of the measurement is said to be a test that has low validity.
SPSS testing technique is often used as a way of testing validity. And the
correlation used is Bivariate Pearson (Pearson Moment Product) and Corrected
Item-Total Correlation.

b. Jelaskan cara meningkatkan uji validitas instumen jika tidak terdapat

instrumen penelitian yang tersedia!
The validity of the instrument can be proven by some evidence. These
evidences include content, otherwise known as content validity or content
validity, constructively, otherwise known as construct validity, and criteria, or
known as criterion validity. Content validity or content validity focuses on
providing evidence on the elements that exist in the measuring instrument and
is processed by rational analysis. Content validity is assessed by experts. When
measuring instruments are described in detail, the assessment will be easier to
do. Some examples of elements that are assessed in content validity are as
follows;Variable operational definition, Representation of questions according
to the variables to be studied, Number of questions, Answer format, Scale on
the instrument, Scoring, Instructions for filling out the instrument, Processing
time, Sample population, Grammar, Writing layout (writing format). After
conducting a content validity test to the expert, then the instrument was revised
according to the advice/input from the expert.

2. Terdapat 4 faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap suatu uji reliabilitas. Jelaskan!

Many factors affect the reliability of a test instrument. The reliability
coefficient can be influenced, among others, by the time of the test-retest. The
implementation interval that is too close or too far will affect the reliability
coefficient. Other factors that also affect the reliability of the evaluation
instrument include the following:
 The length of the test, the longer an evaluation test, the more the number
of items of learning material is measured.
 The spread of scores, the reliability coefficient is directly influenced by the
shape of the distribution of scores in the group of students being measured.
 Difficulty tests, normative tests that are too easy or too difficult for
students tend to produce low reliability scores.
 Objectivity, which is meant by objective, is the degree to which students
with the same competence achieve the same results.
Meanwhile, according to Ngalim Purwanto, the factors that can affect the
reliability of a test are:
 The extent of the sampling taken. The wider the sampling, the more
reliable the test.
 Differences in the talents and abilities of the students tested. The more
variable the ability of the test takers, the higher the state of the test
 Atmosphere and conditions of testing. The atmosphere during testing, such
as calm, noisy, lots of distractions, angry testers can interfere with doing
the test so that it also affects the results and reliability of the test.

3. Enam mesin yang berbeda sedang dipertimbangkan untuk dipergunakan dalam

pembuatan segel karet. Mesin-mesin tersebut dibandingkan sehubungan
dengan kekuatan tarik dari produk. Sampel acak dari empat segel dari setiap
mesin digunakan untuk menentukan apakah rata-rata tarik kekuatan bervariasi
dari mesin ke mesin. Berikut merupakan pengukuran kekuatan tarik dalam
kg/cm persegi.
1 2 3 4 5 6
17,5 16,4 20,3 14,6 17,5 18,3
16,9 19,2 15,7 16,7 19,2 16,2
15,8 17,7 17,8 20,8 16,5 17,5
18,6 15,4 18,9 18,9 205 20,1
A. Lakukan analisis varians pada taraf signifikansi 0.05 dan tunjukkan apakah ada
perbedaan kekuatan tarik yang signifikan untuk keenam mesin dengan manual. b.
Dengan SPSS!
Ujilah dengan taraf keberartian 0,05 apakah rata-rata kecepatan merakit produk yang
dihasilkan beberapa mesin tersebut berbeda!
H 0 : µ1= µ2=…= µ4 ,
H 1 : paling sedikit dua rataan tersebut tidak sama.
Daerah kritis: f hitung > f tabel= 3,24 dengan derajat kebebasan v1 =3 dan v 2=16
Dengan cara matriks:
Observasi = Grand Mean + Deviasi Treatment + Residual
y ij = y .. + ( y . j − y) + ( ij - y . j ¿

(dikuadratkan)=100 (dikuadratkan)=116

SST = SSA +SSE = 216
Dengan cara rumus:
SST= 122 +222+ …+182− =216
2 2 2 2 2
60 +80 +80 +70 300
SSA= − =¿100
5 20
SSE= 216-100=116

Tabel Anova
variansi SS df MS Fhitung
Perlakuan 100 3 33,3333 4,5977
Error 116 16 7,25
Total 216 19

Dari perhitungan dengan cara matrik dan cara rumus untuk tabel Anova
didapatkan hasil
yang sama, sehingga untuk melakukan perhitungan boleh dilakukan dengan
salah satu cara tersebut.
Karena f hitung=4,5977 > f tabel= 3,24
Keputusan: tolak H 0 dan disimpulkan bahwa keempat mesin tidak
mempunyai rataan yang sama (Mesin memang berpengaruh)

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