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Assignment Outline

Student’s Name:

Institutional Affiliation:

Instructor’s Name:




Problem-solving is at the heart of computer science. Programmers must first

understand how people solve issues, then translate this "algorithm" into something that a

machine can do, and last "write" the exact syntax (required by a computer) to finish the task.

It's not uncommon for a machine to approach an issue in a completely different way than a

human would. The problem-solving strategy will be discussed in this assignment.

The formal course definition says:

Introduction 5%

A Method for Creating Algorithms 10%

A strategy is the first step in any problem-solving strategy. This method is referred

to as an algorithm.

A set of instructions for solving a problem is known as an algorithm.

The design of an algorithm (a plan) is an important step in the problem-solving

process. Once we have an algorithm, we can use a programming language to

translate it into a computer program. Our algorithm development process consists of

five key components.

1. Obtain a detailed explanation of the issue.

2. Examine the issue.

3. Create an algorithm with a high level of abstraction.


4. Add more detail to the algorithm to improve it.

5. Examine the algorithm once more.


Approaches to problem-solving;

1. Dynamic programming

2. Divide and Conquer strategy

3. Bottom-up strategy

4. Greedy attitude

5. Top-down strategy

Demonstrate how to use variables, constants, operators, and the hierarchy of 10%

operations to create expressions and equations.

Discussion about the four logical structures: 15%

1. Case

2. Decisions

3. Sequential


The steps and processes of problem-solving are briefly explored. 35%

Solve two real-world situations involving calculation. 10%

Conclusion 10%

Course Objectives

The learner will be able to:

 Recognize the talents and personality qualities of successful problem-solvers after

completing this course.

 Use typical problem-solving heuristics to help with related problem-solving to the

field of computer science.

 Use problem-solving skills to complete programming tasks.

 Use problem-solving skills in school and personal contacts.

 Use problem-solving approaches in pairs and groups.

 Use established heuristics to generate potential solutions to problems.

 Create and effectively communicate problem-solving solutions.

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