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Date of preparation: 24/02/2022

Period: ……
1: Family Life NGỮ
Lesson 2 – Vocabulary: Household chores

I. Class Description Môn: Tiếng Anh

1. Grade: 10
Bài: Family life
2. Number of students: 30
Lesson 2- Vocabulary: Household chores.
3. Students’ English level: Lower- intermediate level (A2)
Họ và tên GV: Vũ Thị Thanh Huệ
II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

Họ và tên SV: Lục Thị Trưng

1. Knowledge: - Define and list words and phrases related to household chores and duties. - discuss about household chores and duties in family. - …….

2. Skill: - Introduce and describe household duties Thị Thư
and daily household chores. - motivate students to develop skills to work in pairs and groups.

Trịnh Thu
3. Attitude: - Aware of the duties and responsibilities Phương
of their own work in the family life. - motivate students to work harder.

- Encourage students to help and share chores with family members.

Ngô Thị Thảo
III. Time: 45 minutes
Linh Thị Tươi
IV. Assumed knowledge and Skills:
Nguyễn Thị Lan
- Some vocabulary items and phrase related to the topic household

-The Skill of take note and matching the newords Thái Nguyên, 2022

V. Anticipated Problems and Possible Solution:

1. Anticipated Problems

- Some Ss are shy and reluctant to speak in front of a large class.

- Some students do not concentrate and have difficulty pronouncing words correctly.

2. Possible Solution

- With shy Ss, T may ask them to speak in small groups.

- Put students with difficult pronunciation into a group and teach in the right way.

VI. Teaching aids: textbooks, board, powerpoint , projector.

VII. Teaching Procedure

1. Oral checking: No

2. Checking attendance: 1’

3. New lesson (42’)

Step/Activity Aims Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

WARM -UP (5’) - Arouse students' interest and background - Tell students that: “Now, You are going to - Listen to the teacher

1. Ask and answer knowledge in the subject of family life watch a short video related to the topic of

family life and give answers to each

Group 05 Lesson plan - English 10

(Show the video)

- Ask students to watch the video

- Then ask sts: - Look at video

“Now I have some question for anyone”

1. “Is the daily work of family members the - Answer to the teacher’s question.

same”? - No, it isn’t

- Yes, they do
2. “Do family members share housework”?
- Listen to the teacher’s feedback.

- Give feedback to students' answers:

“you got the correct answer.”

2. Read and match(12’) - Students remember vocabulary longer - Tells the students that they are going to -Listen to the teacher

match the words (in the box) and phrases

with their meanings

- Asks the students to look at exercise 1

vocabulary page 7. Then gives instructions

and checks the students' understanding of

-Look at exercise 1 in vocabulary page 7.
the instructions (Ask students to recall what
Listen and interract with teacher.
they will do in Vietnamese to check the

student's understanding of the instructions).

- Then, gives the students 4 minutes to

complete the exercise.

+ Moves around the classroom and takes

note of common student mistakes.

+ Gives students about 1 minute to check

their answers with friends.

-Students do individual exercises then

share their answers with their deskmates.

Answer to the teacher's question.

+ suggest answer:

1.chore - f

2. homemaker - e

3. breadwinner - a
- Calls 2 students to the board or stand in

4. groceries - h
place to give answers; checks the students'

5. split - b
answers and gives feedback; asks students
Group 05 Lesson plan - English 10

if they have any related questions and 6. laundry - g

answer them if they do. 7. heavy lifting - d

8. washing-up – c

- Give their answer and get feedback

3. List words and phrases (12’) - Ss identify words and phrases related to - Tells ss that they are going to list all of the - Pay attention to the task 2 page 7.

household chores. household chores that are mentioned in the

conversation and then they are going to find

more about chores to add into the list in the

task 2 page 7.

- Asks ss to read the conversation in the

part of getting start page 6 again. Then ask

ss to pay attention to verbs or verb phares

that are mentioned in the conversation and - Read the conversation in the part of

then underlined to these verbs or verbs getting start page 6 and pay attention to

that they’ve found. words or verbs phares related to household

+ Gives examples about verbs or verbs chores.

phares related to household chores. + Write household chores that they’ve

For example: cooking, clean the house. aready found in their notebook they

+ Asks ss to list all of the household chores continue to find more household chores.

that they’ve aready found in their notebook.

And then, they continue to find more

household chores that they know to

complete the list.

-Asks ss to work in pair and list all the

household chores that are mentioned in the

conversation and find more chores.

+ Call randomly some of students to the

board to list all the household chores that

they’ve found.

- Corrects ss’s answers and gives feedback.

Group 05 Lesson plan - English 10

- Work in pairs and find more chores to

complete the list.
+ Answer teacher

- Pay attention to the teacher’s feedbacks

and can write household chores to complete

their list in their notebook.

4. Discuss the questions (11) -Ss review and practice words or phrases Ask Ss to work individually, read their list - I often help my parents V/to V

related to household chores. of chores and write down the person who - I often help with N/Ving in my family

- I take the responsibility for Ving/N

does each of the chores
- I am responsible for

- My main responsibility is to V
“Now, work in pair in. And discuss the two


Let Ss work in pairs or in groups to ask and

answer the questions

VIII. Consolidation and Homework (2’)

1. Consolidation: T consolidates some main points of the lesson.

- Today the children learned some vocabulary related to household chores

- The meaning of sharing housework for family members

2. Homework:

Talk in pairs, share with your partner the negative effects of today's youth not helping their parents with housework and offer some ways to overcome it.

XIX: Self- evaluation:


Group 05 Lesson plan - English 10

VIII. Consolidation and Homework (2’)

1. Consolidation: T consolidates some main points of the lesson.


2. Homework:

- List some common conflicts between teenagers and their parents and suggest the solution.

XIX. Self – evaluation:



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