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10-1: Discussion: Reflection

For the last discussion of this course, review a part or segment from the program that has made you
proud. That may be achieving your first certification or badge, or completing your first graded
assignment, or even going through the resources that have helped you expand your knowledge on
leadership. You may choose to discuss someone you have learned the most from: your manager, your
spouse or partner, or even a peer you have become friends with during the program.

In your initial post you should address the following questions:

 How would you describe your experience in participating in this course? How has your
experience shaped your intention of how to participate in future MBA courses? In this course I was
able to compare myself to leadership I have experienced as an employee over the course of my
career, from entry level to upper management – I have enjoyed learning new techniques,
philosophies and reading about different types of leadership and communication skills over the past
several weeks. As this course got started, I was very nervous about video journaling, and I wasn’t very
confident on how well I would do recording myself, or if my answers were going to be correct or
incorrect. Learning to step outside of my comfort zone, and try new things that I wasn’t confident in,
was really eye-opening for me. I am glad I was able to get through the course relatively un-scathed
and earn the grades that I have throughout the course.
 What were some of the challenges you faced in this course, and how did these challenges
help you prepare for challenges in today's VUCA world of work? How do you think future courses will
help you deepen your ability to work in the VUCA world? A leader cannot control changes as they
occur around them, only how they react and handle changes as they come along, we can prepare for
some anticipated changes, however we cannot see or predict a lot of changes as they come along.
But leaders can prepare how they’re going to react as changes are occurring, they can chose to make
the best choices for a positive outcome, or they can chose to attempt to stop changes. We can have
positive outcomes, or good attitudes about changes, or we can chose to be bitter and negative about
changes. The VUCA environment is not going away anytime soon, it will continue to become more
volatile, and more unpredictable as the Fourth industrial revolution moves forward.
 The fourth industrial revolution has introduced early advances on the internet of things;
artificial intelligence (AI); and the production of smart equipment that can analyze, diagnose, and fix
issues without the need for human intervention. How do these complex technological developments
challenge leaders to adapt their leadership style and behavior? The world is rapidly changing,
anticipating changes, or market changes is almost a thing of the past. The better you, as a leader can
handle unanticipated change, the better off you will be as a leader. As technology continues to
overcome a lot of the challenges in the workplace, having experience or employees who are willing to
get out in the dirt, and build things that technology cannot is going to be more and more challenging.
With the most recent societal change is still taking place, when we went into lockdown over one year
ago, reopening the employment market, things have changed, some for the better some for the
worst, but permanent changes have been made, such as employees’ ability with the help of
technology to tele-commute more efficiently and sometimes more effectively. We saw a rapid
evolution of change happen, practically over night, when COVID-19 (Coronavirus) hit the media.
 Considering those challenges, what do you want to learn to help prepare you to lead more
effectively? How will your future work in this program benefit you and the people you lead? Learning
to better motivate people, beyond “expecting the numbers” or “goals” to be met, is going to be the

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most important asset I could learn or bring with my leadership. Having a good solid foundation for
effective leadership and communication will help in future courses throughout the MBA program to
ensure that I have the tools to manage any type of employee effectively and efficiently, under any
type of circumstances. This will benefit me as a leader, as well as my employees to be more
productive and more efficient, meeting organizational goals quickly, anticipate any upcoming
changes, or challenges in the VUCA world we are leading in today.
When responding to at least two of your peers' postings, your responses should show that you have
given thought to what the original post said. They should also push the conversation forward, offering
insights or asking clarifying questions if necessary.

In your initial post you should address the following questions:

 How would you describe your experience in participating in this course? How has your experience
shaped your intention of how to participate in future MBA courses?

 What were some of the challenges you faced in this course, and how did these challenges help you
prepare for challenges in today's VUCA world of work? How do you think future courses will help you
deepen your ability to work in the VUCA world?

 The fourth industrial revolution has introduced early advances on the internet of things; artificial
intelligence (AI); and the production of smart equipment that can analyze, diagnose, and fix issues
without the need for human intervention. How do these complex technological developments
challenge leaders to adapt their leadership style and behavior?

 Considering those challenges, what do you want to learn to help prepare you to lead more
effectively? How will your future work in this program benefit you and the people you lead?

Consider the following questions:

 Does your response push the conversation forward?

 Does your response offer your perspective?
 What about your peers' stories can you relate to?
 What can you learn from your peers' stories?
 Are your responses clear?
 Have you considered the viewpoints or insights of the posts?

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