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occurrences in the location of that culture.

“Greek and Roman myths.”

Fable: A fable is a short piece of fiction

that features animals in the role of
the protagonist and usually includes or
illustrates a moral. A fable can also have
other inanimate objects, mythical
creatures, or forces of nature as main
characters. The distinguishing feature of a
fable is
PROSE the anthropomorphism or personification i
Fairy Tales: Fairy tales, also known as nvolved that leads to a moral lesson being
wonder tales or märchen (from the taught. At times, this moral lesson is
German), are a sub-genre of folktales summed up at the end of the fable in a
involving magical, fantastic or wonderful short maxim. “La Fontaine”.
episodes, characters, events, or
Folk Tale: Traditional folk tales were the
symbols. Like all folktales they are oral tradition of adults. Stories about
narratives that are not believed to be true peoples' lives and imaginations as they
struggled with their fears and anxieties by
(fictional stories), often in timeless settings
telling tales. Probably helped them to
(once upon a time) in generic, unspecified better be able to struggle with them in real
places (the woods), with one-dimensional life. Folktales include myths, legends,
characters (completely good or bad). They anecdotes, tall stories and fairy tales.

function to entertain, inspire, and enlighten Novel: an invented prose narrative of

us. “Rapunzel”. considerable length and a certain
complexity that deals imaginatively with
Myth: A myth is a story that comes from
human experience, usually through a
an ancient culture and often includes
connected sequence of events involving a
supernatural elements. These elements may
group of persons in a specific setting.
be anything from talking animals to people
Within its broad framework, the genre of
with superhuman powers to the
the novel has encompassed an extensive
interference of gods and goddesses in
range of types and
human affairs. Myths traditionally were
styles: picaresque, epistolary, Gothic, roma
created to explain the origins of the world
or of belief systems, practices, or natural

ntic, realist, historical—to name only some told via a series of documents. The word
of the more important ones. epistolary comes from Latin where
‘epistola’ means a letter. Letters are the
Types of Novels
most common basis for epistolary novels
• Realistic Novel: A fictional attempt but diary entries are also popular
to give the effect of realism. This sort of Examples: Samuel
novel is sometimes called a novel of Richardson’s Pamela and Clarissa, Bram
manner. A realistic novel can Stoker’s Dracula, Alice Walker’s The
be characterized by its complex characters Color Purple and Bridget Jones’ Diary.
with mixed motives that are rooted in
• Bildungsroman: German terms that
social class and operate according to
indicates a growth. This
highly developed social structure. The
fictional autobiography concerned with the
characters in realistic novel interact with
development of the protagonist’s mind,
other characters and undergo plausible and
spirit, and characters from childhood to
everyday experiences. Examples: Thirteen
adulthood. Examples: Jane Eyre by
Reasons Why by Jay Asher, Looking for
Charlotte Bronte, David Copperfield by
Alaska by John Green.
Charles Dickens, The Magic Mountain by
• Picaresque Novel: A picaresque
Thomas Mann etc.
novel relates the adventures of an
• Gothic Novel: Gothic novel
eccentric or disreputable hero in episodic
includes terror, mystery, horror, thriller,
form. The genre gets its name from the
supernatural, doom, death, decay, old
Spanish word picaro, or "rogue."
haunted buildings with ghosts and so on.
Examples: Rudyard Kipling's Kim (1901),
Examples: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein,
Henry Fielding’s The History of Tom
John William Polidori’s The Vampyre,
Jones, a Foundling (1749),
Bram Stoker’s Dracula, The Castle of
• Historical Novel: A Historical
Otranto by Horace Walpole,
novel is a novel set in a period earlier than
• Autobiographical Novel:
that of the writing. Examples:
An autobiographical novel is a novel based
Thackeray's Vanity Fair, Charles
on the life of the author. Examples:
Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities, George
Charles Dickens’ David Coppefield, Great
Eliot's Romola and Charles
Expectations, D. H. Lawrence’s Sons and
Kingsley's Westward Ho!
Lovers,Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar, Ralph
• Epistolary Novel: Epistolary fiction
Ellison ‘s Invisible Man, Maya Angelou’
is a popular genre where the narrative is


s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , longer than short story. Examples: Joseph
Virginia Wolfe’s The Light House etc. Conrad’s Heart of Darkness,
• Satirical Novel: Satire is loosely • Detective Fiction: Detective
defined as art that ridicules a specific topic fiction is a subgenre of crime fiction and
in order to provoke readers into changing mystery fiction in which an investigator or
their opinion of it. By attacking what they a detective—either professional or
see as human folly, satirists usually imply amateur—investigates a crime, often
their own opinions on how the thing being murder. Examples: Sir Arthur Conan
attacked can be improved. Doyle’ A Study in Scarlet ( Sherlock
Examples: George Orwell’s Animal Holmes), Satyajit Roy’s Sonar
Farm, Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Kella(Feluda), G. K. Chesterton’s The
Travel, Joseph Heller’s Catch 22, Mark Blue Cross (Father Brown), Dr. Nihar
Twin’s The Adventure of Huckleberry Ranjan Gupta’s Kalo Bhramar (Kiriti)
Finn, • Stream of Consciousness Novel or
Psychological Novel: Psychological novels
• Allegorical Novel: An allegory is
are works of fiction that treat the internal
a story with two levels of meaning- surface
life of the protagonist (or several or all
meaning and symbolic meaning. The
characters) as much as (if not more than)
symbolic meaning of an allegory can be
the external forces that make up the plot.
political or religious, historical or
The phrase “Stream of Consciousness” was
philosophical. Examples: John
coined by William James in his Principles
Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress , William
of Psychology (1890), to describe the flow
Golding's The Lord of the Flies, Edmund
of thought of the waking mind. Examples:
Spenser's The Faerie Queene etc.
Virginia Wolfe’s To the Lighthouse, Mrs.
Dolloway, James Joyce’s Ulysses, D. H.
• Novella: A novella is a short,
Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers, The
narrative, prose fiction. As a literary
genre, the novella’s origin lay in the early
• Roman á these/ Social Fiction/
Renaissance literary work of the Italians
Political Novel: The genre focussed on
and the French. As the etymology suggests,
possible development of societies, very
novellas originally were news of town and
often dominated by totalitarian
country life worth repeating for amusement
governments. This type of novels must
and edification. It is shorter than novel and
have social and political message. The
term generally refers to fiction in Europe


and the Soviet Union reacting to Example: Dime novels are, at least in
Communist rule. Examples: George spirit, the antecedent of today's mass
Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, market paperbacks, comicbooks, and even
Huxley’s Brave New World etc. television shows and movies based on the
• Prose Romance: This is a novel that dime novel genres. Buffalo Ball.
is often set in the historical past with a plot • Sentimental Novel:
that emphasizes adventure and an The sentimental novel or the novel of
atmosphere removed from reality. The sensibility is an 18th-century literary genre
characters in a prose romance are either which celebrates the emotional and
sharply drawn as villains or heroes, intellectual concepts of sentiment,
masters or victims; while the protagonist is sentimentalism, and sensibility. Examples:
isolated from the society. Examples: The Samuel Richardson's Pamela, or Virtue
Story of the Pillow by Shen Jiji, and The Rewarded (1740),
Governor of the Southern Tributary Oliver Goldsmith's Vicar of
State by LiGongzuo. Wakefield (1766), Laurence
• Novel of Incident: In a novel of Sterne's Tristram Shandy (1759–
incident the narrative focuses on what the 67), Sentimental Journey (1768), Henry
protagonist will do next and how the story Brooke's The Fool of Quality (1765–70),
will turn out. Examples: The Wizard of Henry Mackenzie's The Man of
Oz, Star Wars etc. Feeling (1771). Continental example
• Novel of Character: A novel of is Jean-Jacques Rousseau's novel Julie.
character focuses on the protagonist’s • Utopian Novel: A utopia is a
motives for what he/she does and how community or society possessing highly
he/she turns out.Examples: Jane desirable or perfect qualities. It is a
Austen’s Emma. common literary theme, especially in
• Dime Novel: Dime novels were speculative fiction and science fiction.
short works of fiction, usually focused on Examples: Utopia by Thomas
the dramatic exploits of a single heroic Moore, Laws (360 BC) by Plato, New
character. As evidenced by their name, Atlantis (1627) by Sir Francis
dime novels were sold for a dime Bacon,Robinson Crusoe (1719) by Daniel
(sometimes a nickel), and featured Defoe, Gulliver's Travels (1726) by
colourful cover illustrations. They were Jonathan Swift.
bound in paper, making them • Graphic Novel: Graphic novels are,
light, portable, and somewhat ephemeral. simply defined, book-length comics.


Sometimes they tell a single, continuous In an interactive novel, the reader chooses
narrative from first page to last; sometimes where to go next in the novel by clicking
they are collections of shorter stories or on a piece of hyperlinked text, such as a
individual comic strips. Comics are page number, a character, or a direction.
sequential visual art, usually with text, that Examples: J. K. Rowling’s Harry
are often told in a series of rectangular Potter Series.
panels.1 Despite the name, not all comics • Fantasy Novel: Stories involving
are funny. Many comics and graphic paranormal magic and terrible monsters
novels emphasize drama, adventure, have existed in spoken forms before the
character development, striking visuals, advent of printed literature. Examples: J.
politics, or romance over laugh-out-loud R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, C. S.
comedy. Examples: Frank Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia.
Miller’s Batman: The Dark Knight • Adventure Novel: Adventure
Returns, The Fantastic Four and X- fiction is a genre of fiction in which an
Men etc. adventure, an exciting undertaking
• Science Fiction (Sci-Fi): Science involving risk and physical danger, forms
fiction is a genre of speculative fiction the main storyline. Examples: Daniel
dealing with imaginative concepts such as Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe.
futuristic settings, futuristic science and • Children’s Novel: Children's novels
technology, space travel, time travel, faster are narrative fiction books written for
than light travel, parallel universes and children, distinct from collections of
extraterrestrial life. Science fiction often stories and picture books. Examples: The
explores the potential consequences of Christmas Mystery, Charlotte's Web by
scientific and other innovations. E.B. White, James and the Giant
Examples: The War of the Worlds by H.G. Peach by Roald Dahl.
Wells, The Time Machine. • Dystopian Novel: A dystopia is an
• Anti-Novel: An antinovel is any unpleasant (typically repressive) society,
experimental work of fiction that avoids often propagandized as being utopian.
the familiar conventions of the novel, and Examples: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray
instead establishes its own conventions. Bradbury, The Giver by Lois Lowry etc.
Examples: Laurence Sterne's Tristram George Orwell 1984 and Brave New
Shandy. World
• Interactive Novel: The interactive
novel is a form of interactive web fiction.


• Mystery Novel: The mystery genre Difference Between a Legend and a

is a type of fiction in which a detective, or Myth: There are marked differences
between a legend and a myth. While
other professional, solves a crime or series
legends are made up stories, myths are
of crimes. It can take the form of stories that answer questions about the
a novel or short story. This genre may also working of natural phenomenon. Myths are
set in olden times, even in pre-historic
be called detective or crime novels.
times. However, legends are stories about
Examples: Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci people and their actions, or deeds they
Code. perform to save their people or nations.
The people mentioned in legends might
have lived in recent times, or sometime in
Short Story: Brief fictional prose narrative known history. Legends are told to serve a
that is shorter than a novel and that usually specific purpose, and can be based on facts
– but they are not completely true. People
deals with only a few characters. The short mentioned in a legend might not have
story is usually concerned with a single really done what the story of the legend
effect conveyed in only one or a few relates. In some cases, legends change the
historical events
significant episodes or scenes.

Legend: Originated from Latin legendus, SUSPENSE: Suspense is a literary device

legend means “something which ought to
that authors use to keep their readers’
be read.” According to J. A. Cuddon, a
legend is “a story or narrative that lies interest alive throughout the work. It is a
somewhere between myth and historical feeling of anticipation that something risky
fact and which, as a rule, is about a or dangerous is about to happen. The
particular figure or person.” Traditionally,
a legend is a narrative that focuses on a purpose of using this type of anxiety in
historically or geographically specific literature is to make readers more
figure, and describes his exploits. Similar concerned about the characters, and to
to a myth, a legend can provide an
form sympathetic association with them.
etymological narrative, often filling in
historical gaps. Therefore, authors create scenarios that
could force readers to understand, and to
want to read on to see what their beloved
characters face the next.

MOTIF AND THEME: In a literary

work, a motif can be seen as an image,
sound, action, or other figure that has a
symbolic significance, and contributes


toward the development of a theme. Motif in contrast with the qualities of another
and theme are linked in a literary work, but character. The objective is to highlight the
there is a difference between them. In a traits of the other character. The term foil,
literary piece, a motif is a recurrent image, though generally being applied to a
idea, or symbol that develops or explains a contrasting character, may also be used for
theme, while a theme is a central idea or any comparison that is drawn to portray a
message difference between two things. What we
observe in literature very often is that a foil
CONFLICT: In literature, conflict is a
is a secondary character who contrasts with
literary element that involves a struggle
the major character to enhance the
between two opposing forces, usually
importance of the major character. For
a protagoniSt and an antagonist. Internal
example; Milton’s Paradise Lost, Book I,
and External Conflicts Careful
is based on the comparison of two
examination of some conflict examples
contrasting characters: God and Satan.
will help us realize that they may be
Satan, in the entire work, appears as a foil
internal or external. An internal or
to God.
psychological conflict arises as soon as
a character experiences two opposite MOOD: In literature, mood is a literary
emotions or desires – usually virtue and element that evokes certain feelings or
vice, or good and evil – inside him. This vibes in readers through words and
disagreement causes the character to suffer descriptions. Usually, mood is referred to
mental agony, and it develops a unique as the atmosphere of a literary piece, as it
tension in a storyline, marked by a lack of creates an emotional setting that surrounds
action. External conflict, on the other hand, the readers. Mood is developed in a literary
is marked by a characteristic involvement piece through various methods, including
of an action wherein a character finds setting, theme, tone, and diction.4
himself in struggle with those outside
PLOT: Plot is a literary term used to
forces that hamper his progress. The most
describe the events that make up a story, or
common type of external conflict is where
the main part of a story. These events
a protagonist fights back against the
relate to each other in a pattern or a
antagonist’s tactics that impede his or her
sequence. The structure of a novel depends
on the organization of events in the plot of
FOIL: In literature, a foil is the story. Plot is known as the foundation
a character that shows qualities that are of a novel or story, around which the

characters and settings are built. It is meant The result of the actions of the main
to organize information and events in a characters are put forward.
logical manner. When writing the plot of a
Resolution: Resolution, or the conclusion,
piece of literature, the author has to be
is the end of a story, which may occur with
careful that it does not dominate the other
either a happy or a tragic ending.
parts of the story.

POINT OF VIEW: Point of view is the

Primary Elements of a Plot: There are
angle of considering things, which shows
five main elements in a plot.
us the opinion or feelings of the individuals
Exposition or Introduction: This is the involved in a situation. In literature, point
beginning of the story, where characters of view is the mode of narration that an
and setting are established. The conflict or author employs to let the readers “hear”
main problem is introduced as well. and “see” what takes place in a
story, poem, or essay. Point of view is a
Rising Action: Rising action which occurs
reflection of the opinion an individual from
when a series of events build up to the
real life or fiction has. Examples of point
conflict. The main characters are
of view belong to one of these three major
established by the time the rising action of
a plot occurs, and at the same time, events
begin to get complicated. It is during this 1. First person point of view involves
part of a story that excitement, tension, or the use of either of the two
crisis is encountered. pronouns “I” or “we.”

Climax: In the climax, or the main point of • “I felt like I was getting drowned
the plot, there is a turning point of the with shame and disgrace.”
story. This is meant to be the moment of
2. Second person point of view
highest interest and emotion, leaving the
employs the pronoun “you.”
reader wondering what is going to happen
• “Sometimes you cannot clearly
discern between anger and
Falling Action: Falling action, or the
winding up of the story, occurs when
events and complications begin to resolve.
3. Third person point of view uses
pronouns like “he,” “she,” “it,”


“they,” or a name. the third-person

limited, a point of voice that
adheres closely to one character's
perspective, usually the main

• “ Stewart is a principled
man. He acts by the book and never
lets you deceive him easily.”

4. Omniscient Third Person Types of Character: There are many

he third-person omniscient point of types of the characters which include:
view is a method of storytelling in
Confidante: A confidante is someone in
which the narrator knows the
whom the main character confides. He
thoughts and feelings of all of
reveals the central character’s thoughts,
the characters in the story. The
intentions, and personality traits. However,
third-person is not the same as
a confidante need not necessarily be a
the third-person limited, a point of
person. An animal can also be a
voice that adheres closely to one
character's perspective, usually the
main character's. Dynamic Character: A dynamic
character changes during the course of
CHARACTERS: All stories need certain
a novel or a story. This change in character
necessary elements. Without these
or his/her outlook is permanent. That is
elements, literary works often fail to make
why sometimes a dynamic character is also
sense. For instance, one of the essential
called a “developing character.”
elements of every story is a plot with a
series of events. Another important Static Character: A static
element is a character. A character can be character remains the same throughout the
any person, a figure, an inanimate object, whole story. Even the events in a story or
or animal. There are different types of novel do not change character’s outlook,
characters, and each serves its unique perceptions, habits, personality, or
function in a story or a piece of literature. motivations.


Antagonist: An antagonist is a bad guy, or heroine of the story, as the whole plot
an opponent of the protagonist or the main moves around him or her.
character. The action in the story arises
from a conflict between the protagonist Round Character: The round characters
and the antagonist. The antagonist can be a are well-developed and complex figures in
person, an inanimate object, an animal, or a story. They are more realistic, and
nature itself. demonstrate more depth in their
personalities. They can make surprising or
Nemesis: A nemesis is the principal enemy
puzzling decisions, and attract readers’
of the protagonist in a work of literature.
attention. There are many factors that may
Though antagonists can be enemies of the
affect them, and round characters react to
main character, there is a notable
such factors realistically.
difference between an antagonist and a
Flat Character: A flat character does not
nemesis. Antagonists are any characters or
change during a story. Also, he or she
particular situations which create obstacles
usually only reveals one or two personality
for the protagonist. An antagonist may
even be a “good guy” or have the
protagonist’s best interests at heart, but do
Stock Character: A stock character is a
things so as to thwart the protagonist’s
flat character that is instantly recognizable
actions. A nemesis, on the other hand, is
by readers. Like a flat character, the stock
working against the protagonist because
character does not undergo any
the two are completely at odds in their
development throughout the story.
world-views and purposes. Two nemeses
will often consider the other to represent
Foil Character: In literature, a foil is
all that is wrong with the world. A nemesis
a character that shows qualities that are
will never have the protagonist’s best
in contrast with the qualities of another
interests in mind.

Protagonist: Every story has a NARRATOR: A narrator is the person

protagonist, the main character, who from whose perspective a story is told. The
creates the action of the plot and engages narrator narrates the text. A narrator only
readers, arousing their empathy and exists in fictional texts or in a narrative
interest. The protagonist is often a hero or poem. A narrator may be a character in the
text; however, the narrator does not have to


be a character in the text. The point of a play, and gives some sense as to what’s to
narrator is to narrate a story, i.e., to tell the come. There are many different ways in
story. What the narrator can and cannot see which the prologue may do this, such as
determines the perspective of the text and presenting the main characters
also determines how much the reader and setting in a straightforward way,
knows. explaining some background event or
events, or give a sense of
TONE: Tone, in written composition, is the theme or atmosphere of the upcoming
an attitude of a writer toward a subjeCt or work. An epilogue is a short speech, poem,
an audience. Tone is generally conveyed dirge, elegy or an event that comes at the
through the choice of words, or the end of a play, a novel or any other literary
viewpoint of a writer on a particular piece to close it or better to give it a
subject. Every written piece comprises a finishing touch.
central theme or subject matter. The
manner in which a writer approaches this POETRY
theme and subject is the tone. The tone can
be formal, informal, serious, comic, ELEMENTS OF POETRY
sarcastic, sad, or cheerful, or it may be any
other existing attitude. VERSE (MISRA) : a verse referred to a
single line of a poem. It has also come to
SYMBOL: A symbol (pronounced SIM- mean any grouping of words in a poem, for
bull) is any image or thing that stands for example a stanza or, indeed, an entire
something else. It could be as simple as a poem.
letter, which is a symbol for a given sound
(or set of sounds). Similarly, every word is Rhyming, Metered Verse: Many lines of
a symbol for the idea it represents. Flags poetry, especially from older poems,
are symbols for nations. And of course, we contain both rhyme and meter. Rhyme
have all sorts of visual symbols that we use (repetition of similar sounds) can either
every day. occur at the end of lines in close proximity
(end rhyme), or in the middle of a line
(internal rhyme). Meter is the rhythm of
PROLOGUE(GİRİŞ) : A prologue is a
syllables in a line; the most common meter
separate introductory section that comes
in English is iambic pentameter, which
before the main body of a poem, novel, or
means that there are five iamb units for a


total of ten syllables, alternating between words, it is the structure of end words of a
unstressed and stressed syllables. verse or line that a poet needs to create
when writing a poem. Many poems are
Iambic Pentameter: Iambic Pentameter is
written in free verse style. Some other
made up of two words, where pentameter
poems follow non-rhyming structures,
is a combination of ‘pent,’ which
paying attention only to the number of
means five, and ‘meter,’ which means to
syllables. Thus, it shows that the poets
measure. Iambic, on the other hand, is a
write poems in a specific type of rhyme
metrical foot in poetry in which a stressed
scheme or rhyming pattern. There are
syllable is followed by an unstressed
several types of rhyme schemes as given
syllable. It means iambic pentameter is a
beat or foot that uses 10 syllables in each
line. Simply, it is a rhythmic pattern Types of Rhyme Scheme: There are a
comprising five iambs in each line, like number of rhyme schemes used in poetry;
five heartbeats. some of the most popular of which include:

Iambic pentameter is one of the most • Alternate rhyme: It is also known

commonly used meters in English poetry. as ABAB rhyme scheme, it rhymes
For instance, in the excerpt, as “ABAB CDCD EFEF GHGH.”
“When I see birches bend to left and right/ • Ballade: It contains three stanzas
Across the line of straighter darker trees… with the rhyme scheme of
” (Birches, by Robert Frost), each line “ABABBCBC” followed by
contains five feet, and each foot uses “BCBC.”
one iamb. • Monorhyme: It is a poem in which
every line uses the same rhyme
▪ Blank Verse: Blank verse is written
in strict iambic pentameter, but has no
• Couplet: It contains two-line
rhyme scheme.
stanzas with the “AA” rhyme
▪ Free Verse: Free verse contains no
scheme, which often appears as
rhyme and no meter.
“AA BB CC and DD…”
• Triplet: It often repeats like a
couplet, uses rhyme scheme of
RHYME SCHEME: RhyMe scheme is
the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end
of each verse or line in poetry. In other


• Enclosed rhyme: It uses rhyme

scheme of “ABBA”
• Terza rima rhyme scheme: It uses
tercets, three lines stanzas. Its
interlocking pattern on end words
follows: ABA BCB CDC DED and
so on.
• Keats Odes rhyme scheme: In
his famous odes, Keats has used a
specific rhyme scheme, which is
• Limerick: A poem uses five lines
with a rhyme scheme of
• Villanelle: A nineteen-line poem
consisting of five tercets and a
final quatrain. It uses a rhyme
scheme of “A1bA2, abA1, abA2,
abA1, abA2, abA1A2.”
• Free Verse: there is not a rhyme
scheme and regular meter.

STANZA: In poetry, a stanza is a division

of four or more lines having a fixed RHYTM: In literature, rhythm is the
length, meter, or rhyming scheme. Stanzas pattern of stressed and unstressed beats.
in poetry are similar to paragraphs Rhythm is most commonly found in
in prose. Both stanzas and paragraphs poetry, though it is also present in some
include connected thoughts, and are set off works of drama and prose. The rhythm of a
by a space. The number of lines varies in poem can be analyzed through the number
different kinds of stanzas, but it is of lines in a verse, the number of syllables
uncommon for a stanza to have more than in the line, and the arrangement of
twelve lines. syllables based on whether they are long or
short, accented or unaccented. ( RHYME



BALLAD: The word ballad is of French

DRAMATIC MONOLOGUE: provenance. It is a type of poetry

Dramatic monologue means self- or verse which was basically used in dance

conversation, speech or talks which songs in ancient France. Later on, during

includes interlocutor presented the late 16th and 17th centuries, it spread

dramatically. It means a person, who is over the majority of European nations.

speaking to himself or someone else They are the folk songs.

speaks to reveal specific intentions of his

ELEGY (AĞIT): Elegy is a form of
actions. However, in literature, it is a
literature that can be defined as a poem or
poetic form or a poem that presents the
song in the form of elegiac couplets,
speech or conversation of a person in a
written in honor of someone deceased. It
dramatic manner.
typically laments or mourns the death of
the individual.
CAESURA: The word caesura comes
from the Latin word caedere, which means EPIC: The word epic is derived from the
“to cut. A caesura is a complete stop in a Ancient Greek adjective, “epikos”, which
line of poetry. A caesura can be anywhere means a poetic story. In literature, an epic
in a metrical line—it is called an initial is a long narrative poem, which is usually
caesura if it occurs at or near the related to heroic deeds of a person of an
beginning of the line, a medial caesura if unusual courage and unparalleled bravery.
it is found in the middle of the line, and a In order to depict this bravery and courage,
terminal caesura if it occurs near the end the epic uses grandiose style.
of the line. Caesurae are usually marked by
HAIKU: A haiku is a short poetic form
a pair of parallel lines (“||”), called a
from Japan characterized by juxtaposition,
“double pipe” sign. It is easy to find
seasonal imagery, and number of on,
examples of caesura in famous speeches
which are similar to syllables. The form
and songs. This is because caesurae happen
has been adopted into other languages with
naturally in regular speech patterns. We
a focus on the number of syllables; in
often take breaths or change direction in
English, haiku is a three-line poem with
the middle of sentences, which gives rise
phrases of five, seven, and five syllables,
to caesura examples.


LIMERICK: A limerick is a poetic form the Italian or Petrarchan sonnet and the
comprised of one stanza with five lines and English or Shakespearean sonnet. We will
a rhyme scheme of AABBA that usually is
look further into the differences between
humorous. The humor can be clean, though
it often verges on the obscene. these types of sonnet below.
The word sonnet comes from the Italian
Hickory dickory dock.
word sonneto, which means “a little
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
And down he run.
Hickory dickory dock
ODE: An ode is a lyrical stanza written in
praise for a person, event, or thing. The
word ode comes originally from the Greek
word ᾠδή (ōidē), meaning “song.” The
definition of ode has thus clearly changed
over time, as now it is often used
colloquially to refer to any praise or DRAMA
glorification of an individual or thing. Drama is a type of narrative,
usually fictional, that is performed. Drama
PASTORAL: "Pastoral"
usually involves actors on stage in front of
(from pastor, Latin for "shepherd") refers
a live audience. Thus, as a narrative mode,
to a literary work dealing with shepherds
there is the assumption that drama requires
and rustic life. Pastoral poetry is highly
participation and collaboration between the
conventionalized; it presents an idealized
actors and the audience. It is, of course,
rather than realistic view of rustic life.
possible to read works of drama, yet the
SONNET: A sonnet is a poetic form that full expression of drama is in the context
has fourteen lines. It originated in Italy in of performance.
the thirteenth century, and though it has
generally kept some of the original rules, TYPES OF DRAMA
such as the number of lines and having a
specific rhyme scheme and meter, the Comedy – Comedies are lighter

conventions of sonnets have changed over in tone than ordinary works, and provide a

the centuries to some degree. There are happy conclusion. The intention of

two primary branches of the sonnet form— dramatists in comedies is to make their


audience laugh. Hence, they use quaint hate between the persons destined by the
circumstances, unusual characters, and poet for good or bad fortune".
witty remarks.

Tragedy – Tragic dramas use darker Peripetia: Aristotle defines it as "a change

themes, such as disaster, pain, and death. by which the action veers round to

Protagonists often have a tragic flaw — a itsopposite, subject always to our rule of

characteristic that leads them to their probability or necessity." According to

downfall. There are important terms for Aristotle, peripeteia, along with discovery,

Aristotle Tragedy. These are: is the most effective when it comes to

drama, particularly in a tragedy.
Peripeteia is the reversal from one state of
affairs to its opposite. Some element
in the plot effects a reversal, so that the
hero who thought he was in good shape
suddenly finds that all is lost, or vice versa.

Catharsis: Aristotle describes catharsis as

the purging of the emotions of pity and
fear that are aroused in the viewer of a
Hamartia: Aristotle discusses hamartia in tragedy. Debate continues about what
Poetics not as an aspect of character but Aristotle actually means by catharsis, but
rather as an incident in the plot. What the concept is linked to the positive social
Aristotle means by hamartia might better function of tragedy. Aristotle writes that
be translated as "tragic error". Caught in a the function of tragedy is to arouse the
crisis situation, the protagonist makes emotions of pity and fear, and to affect the
an error in judgment or action, "missing catharsis of these emotions.
the mark," and disaster results.
Hubris: Hubris is an extreme expression
Anagnorisis: In Aristotelian definition of
of pride or self-confidence in a character.
tragedy it was the discovery of one's
In Greek mythology and drama, hubris was
own identity or true character or of
an affront to the gods, as no mortal should
someone else's identity or true nature the
believe himself to be more powerful than
tragic hero. In his Poetics, Aristotle
the gods, nor defy them. Therefore, Greek
defined anagnorisis as "a change from
ignorance to knowledge, producing love or


gods often punished characters who skillful exploitation of a situation.

displayed hubris. Farce examples also often occur in
just one place where all the events
Pathos: Pathos is one of the three means
of persuasion that Aristotle discussed in his
• Melodrama – Melodrama is an
text Rhetoric. The definition of pathos
exaggerated drama, which is
shows that it is an emotive mode of
sensational and appeals directly to
persuasion, whereas logos (the appeal to
the senses of the audience. Just like
logic) and ethos (the appeal to ethics) are
the farce, the characters are of a
not emotive. The word pathos comes from
single dimension and simple, or
the Greek word pathea, meaning
may be stereotyped.
“suffering” or “experience.”
• Musical Drama – In musical
dramas, dramatists not only tell
• Tragicomedy: Tragicomedy is a
their stories through acting and
literary device used in fictional
dialogue, but through dance as well
works. It contains
as music. Often the story may be
both tragedy and comedy. Mostly,
comedic, though it may also
the characters in tragicomedy are
involve serious subjects
exaggerated, and sometimes there
might be a happy ending after a • Mystery plays were stories taken
series of unfortunate events. It is from the Bible. Each play had four
incorporated with jokes throughout or five different scenes or acts. The
the story, just to lighten the tone. priests and monks were the actors.
Each scene or act was preformed at
• Farce – Generally, a farce is a
a different place in town and the
nonsensical genre of drama, which
people moved from one stage to the
often overacts or engages
next to watch the play. The play
slapstick humor. A farce is a
usually ended outside the church so
lighthearted comedy that centers
that the people would go to church
around a ridiculous plot that usually
and hear a sermon after watching
involves exaggerated and
the play.
improbable events. Farces usually
do not have much character • The Miracle play was about the
development, but instead rely on life or actions of a saint, usually
absurdity, physical humor, and a about the actions that made that

person a saint. One popular Miracle and relations of ladies and

play was about Saint George and gentlemen living in a sophisticated
the dragon. society. This form relies upon high
comedy, derived from sparkle and
• Morality plays were designed to
wit of dialogues, violations of
teach people a lesson in how to live
social traditions, and good
their life according to the rules of
manners, by nonsense characters
the church. Sometimes these plays
like jealous husbands, wives, and
had elaborate sets, sometimes no
foppish dandies. We find its use in
sets at all. It didn't seem to matter.
Restoration dramatists, particularly
The people attended these plays.
in the works of Wycherley and
They didn't have to, but it was a
break from their normal daily lives.
• Sentimental Comedy:
• Interlude: An interlude is a literary
Sentimental drama contains both
device used by authors/dramatist to
comedy and sentimental tragedy. It
provide comic relief to the audience
appears in literary circles due to
from an overpowering tragic or
reaction of the middle class against
gloomy mood created by highly
obscenity and indecency of
tragic scenes. The interlude may be
Restoration Comedy of Manners.
totally in contrast to the tragic
This form, which incorporates
mood but in some or the other way
scenes with extreme emotions
still be connected to the main
evoking excessive pity, gained
theme of the play.
popularity among the middle class

• Masque: especially popular in the audiences in the eighteenth century.

reigns of Elizabeth I, James I and
• Closet Drama: Closet dramas are
Charles I, ıt was a form of
plays that have been written to be
enjoyment that have a combination
read, but not performed. Their
of poetic drama, sond, dance and
value is in the play itself, not in the
music. It was a courtly
performance of the play. This art
form was popularized in the

• Comedy of Manners: This form of Romantic era by such writers as

dramatic genre deals with intrigues Robert Browning and Goethe.


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