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Module 1

Castor V. Balacuit, Jr. Page 1

Castor V. Balacuit, Jr. Page 2
A life without a heart to recreation is lifeless and
meaningless; but a life full of adventure and
happiness is always successful and meaningful.

- C. Balacuit, Jr.

Table of Contents
Author’s Note 2

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Table of Contents 3

UNIT 1. Introduction to Recreational Activities

Introduction 4

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 4

Pre-Assessment 5

Importance of Recreational Activities


Categories of Recreational Activities


Characteristics of Recreation 7

Types of Recreational Activities 8

Health Benefits of Recreational Activities


Health or Wealth 10

Wealth is more important 11

Learning Tasks

No. 1: Complete the Chart 12

No. 2: Easy-Essay 13

No. 3: Enumechart 14

No. 4: Two-Corners Debate 14

No. 5: Multiple Choices 15

References 20

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Recreational activities are any undertakings

voluntarily performed by an individual or group
for the sole purpose of obtaining entertainment,
leisure, fun, and enjoyment. Leisure activities can
be very passive with little or no physical activity
where you can do it all by yourself, whereas,
recreational activities require physical activity
and interactions with other people.

It is impossible that work becomes a

recreation, although an individual is enjoying the
job because it is not obligatory but necessary for
growth and development. Recreation is vital for
individuals that can contribute a positive impact
on growth and creative development during the
activities, especially to the young ones because it
primarily stimulates thinking, motor-sensory,
and social skills that enhance cognitive abilities
and capabilities. These activities are usually
organized and structured yet, it is widely
experienced that unplanned recreational
excursions are the best and highly realized. Croff
(n.d) conformed that people who make recreation

Castor V. Balacuit, Jr. Page 5

a priority are more likely to feel satisfied of their
lives. Lastly, recreational activities help the
development of a student in physical, mental,
and emotional (Devi, n.d).

Intended Learning Outcomes

• Define recreational activities.

• Synthesize the importance of recreational
activities to every individual.
• Categorize recreational activities as active
or passive.
• Recognize the characteristics or features,
types, and health benefits of recreational
activities; and
• Appreciate the importance of health and

Directions: Compose your concepts and ideas

comprehensively according to what is asked
1. What are the purpose of recreational activities
-Recreational activities can help you enhance
your physical health, emotional health, and
cognitive performance.

2. How do recreational activities contribute a positive

impact to the creative development of an individual?
- Recreational activities really contribute to the total
development of an individual. Recreational
activities does not only develop the physical aspect

Castor V. Balacuit, Jr. Page 6

of an individual but it also develop the mental, social
and emotional aspects. 

Wait! Before you start the class let me share you

a simple tip:

Smiling and clapping of hands are best exercises

for the heart and mind.
Make it a practice with your students then radiate

Importance of Recreational Activities

There are numerous reasons why

recreational activities are important. They enrich
self-expression, self-fulfillment, interpersonal
skills, techniques, and methods of using leisure,
physical strength, creative expression, and
aesthetic sense. Recreational sports activities
contributed to increasing time spent in

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Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA)
(Faria, 2019). Recreation also helps
participants to recover from the deteriorated
physical strength caused by the lack of exercise
and develops the latent ability to achieve self-
realization. Moreover, recreation even assists
people to effectively deal with the usual day to
day problems as it makes people more optimistic
and with a positive outlook on life (Devi, n.d).
Devi (n.d) added that recreational activities help
students become more self-reliant, emphatic,
and selfdisciplined. Further, it also provides a
chance to nurture oneself and provides a sense
of balance and self-esteem, which can directly
reduce anxiety and depression.

Recreation is also advantageous to

pregnant women and lactating mothers. The
benefits of physical activity during pregnancy
include lower maternal weight gain, a lower
likelihood of gestational diabetes, low back pain,
preeclampsia, pre-term delivery, caesarian
delivery, and macrosomia (Todorovic et al, 2020).

Various studies have shown the importance

of recreations to one’s life specifically in physical
health, mental health and improving the quality
of life. For higher education students, the best
place to include recreational activities in their
lives is in school rather than at home since they
spend most of the time at school. However,
students nowadays are both physically and
emotionally weaker than their older generations
due to the intricacies in present-day society and
the way of living (Devi, n.d).

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Hence, parents, teachers and other school
personnel as well as the government shall look
for possible opportunities to embrace and offer
recreations to students’ lives for the growth and

Categories of Recreational Activities

1. Active recreational activities. These are

activities that require an optimum level of
strength and total physical energy, force, and
endurance. Living an active lifestyle is crucial
to a healthy life.

2. Passive recreational activities. These refer to

activities for fun and enjoyment that are not
strenuous to physical health. It includes
relaxation, watching TV, sleeping and the

Characteristics or Features of Recreation

1. Free time. It is set during leisure time,

where works are set aside.
2. Wide-ranging. It is varied based on the
preference of an individual.
3. Accessible. It is for everybody. The right to
organize recreation shall not be abridged
or deprived.
4. Voluntary. The activities are not
compulsory but are voluntary.
5. Flexible. It is flexible because it can be
enjoyed alone or in a group.

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6. Expression. It allows individuals to
limitlessly express in different ways.
7. Developmental. It creates an opportunity
to hone talents and develop skills.
8. Beneficial. Recreation flaunts a lot of
benefits and provides chances to maximize
self-time that releases tensions and
9. Valuable. It derives creative enrichments to
particular personal and social values.
10. Satisfaction. It gives total happiness
and contentment at the end of the day.

Types of Recreational Activities

The several types of recreational activities are

classified as follows:

1. Physical activities. These activities

commonly require energy and strength
which cause sweating; usually active
recreations like sports and games. Physical
Activity (PA) provides health benefits in all
stages of life; it can improve quality of life,
mood, and general health (Todorovic, et al,
2. Outdoor activities. These are another
active way of recreation which is broadly

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conducted outdoor, such as camping,
backpacking, and the like.
3. Social activities. These activities are usually
agreed among the groups with maximum
social interactions in the community, like
parties and picnics. The indulgent with
peers for recreation purposes is called
“we-time” which one should not regret.
4. Arts and Crafts. They are passive that
highlight creativity, skills, and
innovativeness of an individual for making
things beautiful, attractive, and refine like
painting, carving, and sculpture including
landscaping and weaving.
5. Performing arts. Performing arts refer to
the recreational activities that necessitate
the interest and talents of aesthetically
inclined performers such as singing,
dancing, and acting.
6. Service Activities. These activities are
organized and conducted for a cause with
very significant reason and purpose to
extend help and support for the under-
privilege and less fortunate people. These
activities are in the way of fundraising, run
for a cause, and the like.
7. Mukbang. A modern way of recreation by
most of the millennial through lively and
fast-paced eating in front of audio-visual
broadcasting. The concept of mukbang
originally comes from South Korea in 2010
which aims to enjoy too much eating
variety of foods. It is widely adopted by

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some of Filipinos and rapidly spread
throughout the world.

Health benefits of Recreational Activities

Recreational Activities are not just for fun,

enjoyment, and leisure, yet it flaunts numerous
benefits to people too. Specifically, these
activities are also beneficial to the following

1. Physical health. The condition of an individual

having a strong body through the
development of movement and improve body
organic system toward physique perfection. It
is the absence of disease, sickness, and
illness; including the resistance from fatigue.
Participation and involvement to recreational
activities improve physical health by building-
up muscular strength, endurance, and
flexibility, including mending of stamina and
energy level. It even helps individual all too
often maintains normal percentage of body
fat, boosts cardiovascular endurance, and
lowers the level of blood and cholesterol.

2. Mental health. It is the capacity to control

thinking including correct discernment and
interpretation of knowledge and making
appropriate decisions. Recreation helps boost
memory and creative thinking through more
practical experiences. Mental health is
essential for overall physical health (Devi, n.d).

3. Social health. The capability of being able to

integrate and interact with people, respect

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individual diversities, and relate to society in
general. It even holistically develops a better
attitude, responsible behavior, and ethical
character from the extreme social exposure to

4. Emotional health. It is the state of capability in

dealing with personal feelings, sense, and
mood. Emotionally healthy people are in
control of their thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors. They are also able to cope with
life's challenges (

5. Spiritual health. A strong belief that God exists

as the source of life and the creator of all the
creations in this world.

A healthy individual should have developed these


Health or Wealth?

Be healthy to be wealthy or be
wealthy to be healthy? Health is more

The primary wealth is health. Health is

necessary. Health is the real wealth because it
sustains our lives. When there is health, there
would always be life, so much happiness, and
hope. The healthier we are, the wealthier we can
be. Health is an asset to generate money which
holds our lives from being more productive.
Healthy people are able to work, think, and
capable of doing things that can be beneficial to

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themselves. Further, one cannot work to gain
money when unhealthy. In fact, it is too tough to
be bed-ridden after health drops down from
working too much for the purpose of becoming
rich. Remember that life is only one; there will be
no second chance and take two scenes.
Money becomes useless when one is
suffering from illness. How can you enjoy wealth
if you are not healthy and dying? It is all useless
or inutile. Wealth cannot buy health and life but
being healthy makes a person wealthy. In
addition, wealth cannot totally save lives
especially to those incurable diseases. In other
words, wealth is not a panacea to every illness. It
does not even make life healthier and happier.
However, if we are healthy enough then we can
easily fight other problems in life but if
unhealthy, days of life are spent fighting to
health problems. Hence, living a healthy life is
enough and what we need to survive longer. We
must take care of our health and be mindful of
daily lifestyle for the reason to live longer with
the people we value and accomplish goals in life.
Thus, health must be our top priority to live a
happier life.
Wealth is more important!

Wealth is the sufficient condition.

Practically, wealth is what people need today to
survive. It will make people sick when they
cannot acquire their needs and when the only
way to obtain is through debt. Wealth is one of
the building blocks of a healthy life. Having

Castor V. Balacuit, Jr. Page 14

enough wealth safeguards one’s health. However,
being disadvantage or financially unstable causes
too much stress and severe mental disturbances
which greatly affects deterioration of health.
Once we are wealthy, we can provide and sustain
the needs and wants of our family and for
ourselves as well to maintain a great living. In the
same sense, wealth gives total happiness in life
especially when you can extend financial help to

We are now in an era where money matters

most. Given a chance to be wealthy is like a one-
time big-time opportunity where safety, future,
and even health are already secured. Wealth is
also an important tool to have a healthier life.
You can buy healthy food to be healthy. In the
modern market place today, the healthier food
choices are expensive. Even fitness and
recreational equipment as gears toward health
are costly. Furthermore, health care services and
facilities cost thousands to millions of pesos too.

Even how healthy we are, it is inevitable

that there are times we get sick. Normally,
human body has limitations despite how well
enough we care; still it tends to weaken as we
grow old. Health alone doesn’t guarantee stable
life. In instance, when a child is born with
syndrome or disease; without money, one cannot
find a specialist doctor for immediate medical
attention; one cannot even live happily yet it
could lead to suppression. Poor people are sick

Castor V. Balacuit, Jr. Page 15

of being poor; they want to be wealthy. Money
nowadays has power; the more wealth you
possess the more dominant you can be.

Health and wealth are both important to

humanity. These should go together to have a
happy life with quality.
Activity No. 1: Complete the Chart

Directions: Define recreational activities and its

importance using the graphic organizer.

What is Recreational Activities?

1. outdoor activities
2. social activities
3. performing arts
4. arts and crafts
5. service activities

Importance of Recreational Activities?

1. recreational activities are important because they enrich self

expression, self-fulfillment interpersonal, skills, methods of
using leisure, physical strength, creative expression and aesthetic

2. enhance self-esteem

3. reduce feeling of depression

4. Incase personal confidence and self awareness

5. Improving the quality of life and learning

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Activity No. 2: Easy-Essay

Directions: Compose your concepts and ideas

according to what is asked below.

1. Why do we need to indulge in various Recreational

- We need to indulge ourselves in every various of
Mental wellness is critical to overall
physical health. Participating in
recreational activities helps manage
stress. Taking time to nurture oneself
provides a sense of balance and self-
esteem, which can directly reduce
anxiety and depression.

2. How do Recreational Activities contribute to the

growth and development of every individual?
- Recreational activities help us to relieve stress
and it also help us to become physical fit
by developing agility, flexibility,
endurance and more.  and it also give us
the way to communicate or interact with other

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3. What should you do if you have all the money
where you can buy what you wanted however
having a non-cure disease?
- I will used that money to give to the
people who need it and I will find a way
to help those people we see in the
street, and I will donate the money I
have to some charity and in the way I
feel like I have been given the
opportunity to extend the lives of
offers, because HEALTH is the most
important and long-lasting WEALTH

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Activity No. 3: Enumechart

Directions. Cite the importance of HEALTH and

WEALTH on the chart below. Use extra sheet of papers if it
is necessary.


1. Health is necessary

2. Health is the real wealth because it sustain on


3. When there is health there would be life

4. Happiness

5. Hope


1. Safety

2. Power

3. Freedom

4. Better Life

5. Knowledge

Castor V. Balacuit, Jr. Page 19


Croff, L. (n.d). Importance of Leisure & Recreation

for Health. Retrieved at
recreation-health/. Accessed on April 15, 2020.

Devi, R. (n.d). The Importance and Impact of

Recreational Activities in the Educational
Curriculum. Retrieved at
educational-curriculum/. Accessed on April 15,

Eker, T. (2018). 4 Reasons why living your

purpose can make you rich. Accessed at

Faria, F., Howe, C., Faria, R., Andaki, A., Marins,

J., Amorim, P. (2019).
Impact of Recreational Sports Activities on
Metabolic Syndrome Components in Adolescents.
International Journal of Environmental Research
and Public Health, 17, 143;

Foley, J. (2013). Health Resources in Action:

Advancing Public Health and Medical Research.

Jackson L. (2005). Characteristics of


Castor V. Balacuit, Jr. Page 20
characteristics-ofrecreation.html. Accessed on
April 15, 2020.

Winter, P; Selin, S; Cerveny, L; Bricker, K. (2019).

Outdoor Recreation, Nature-based Tourism, and
Sustainability. Sustainability 2020, 12, 81;
doi:10.3390/su12010081. Accessed at

Online Sources or Readings:

your-emotionalhealth/Benefits of
Accessed on April 15, 2020.

Castor V. Balacuit, Jr. Page 21

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