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11/3/22, 0:15 Vocabulary 1: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos /

2022-C-1-1529-472-ING-004 /
Level 10-12 /
Vocabulary 1

Comenzado el Friday, 11 de March de 2022, 00:15

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Friday, 11 de March de 2022, 00:15
Tiempo 41 segundos
Puntos 70/70
Calificación 100 de 100

Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 70 sobre 70

Choose the correct word.

1. Harry broke his leg and was in a lot of pain  .

2. Disaster struck  when two of the climbers in our group fell into a gorge.

3. After 3 weeks, the rescue crew came  to the difficult decision to abandon the search.

4. If Robert's surgery is successful, he will be able to lead  a normal life.

5. She only took a small sip  of water as she didn't have much left.

6. We realized Oliver was missing  when he hadn't returned by nightfall.

7. Disable  athletes participate in the Special Olympics.

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