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“Año del Bicentenario del Perú: 200 años de Independencia"

Alumno: Gonzales Urco Melissa Carolina

Instructora: Rosaura Nelly Barboza López

Curso: Ingles

Tema: What do I do

Carrera: Procesador de industrias alimentarias

Ciclo: ll ciclo

Hello my name is Melissa Gonzales, I am 18 years old, I currently live in Chancay.

In recent months I have not found myself working, I only find myself helping doing
household chores, such as cleaning the living room, dining room, my room, the kitchen, to
have a good cleaning I use the broom, the dustpan, the mop and chemicals to good
disinfection. According to MINSA, it is good to have a good cleaning and disinfection at
home, due to the situation we are going through, which is COVID-19.

I get up at 6 in the morning, as soon as I get up I make my bed, after that I go out to exercise
on the beach (Experts recommend at least 30 min of physical activity. Roberto Refinetti
recommends that the best time to train is at the tomorrow) I am back at 7, while I walk I am
arriving at my house at approximately 7:20. I come home and help my mother to serve
breakfast. On Wednesdays, if I get up at 7:20, on those days I don't exercise, since classes
start early on those days.

After that I take turns with my sister to cook and do the cleaning, the day she cooks I have to
do the cleaning, and viceversa.

On Monday, Friday and Sunday I do not have classes, those days I get to do all my
homework, after I free myself with the homework.

In my spare time I sometimes go out riding my bike with my sister or watch movies.

A few months ago with my sister and a friend we started an online business where
we sold clothing and accessories online. It was only temporary, after that we stopped
selling because at 3 we started studying and we didn't have time.

In the following image I show the achievement of our undertaking

This photograph shows my sister, with both of them we came up with the idea of

starting the business.

* Disinfection: Disinfection to a chemical process that kills microorganisms.
* Household Chores: Set of household chores that are done on a daily basis.

* Cleaning: Physical removal of organic matter and contamination of objects.

* To train: Prepare in the development of an activity.




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