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A. Research Method

In conducting research, the researcher uses quantitative approach. The

method will be applied in this research is a quasi experimental method.

According to Hatch and Farhady, the quasi-experimental technique is a realistic

compromise between actual testing and the nature of human linguistic behavior

that we want to investigate.1 Because this is a quasi-experimental study, two

groups were chosen as the examined groups in this study. The alternative

meaning of a quasi-experiment is a decent approach that is not a real

experiment. According to Creswell, quasi-experiment research incorporates

much more treatments to internal validity than genuine experiment research.2

To carry out this research, the researcher conducted the following

research design:

Table 3.1 Quasi Experiment Design

No Class Pre-test Treatment Post-test

1. Experimental class O1 X O2

2. Control class O1 O O2

H. Farhady and E. Hatch, Research Design and Statistic for Applied Linguistics. (London:
New Bury House Production. Last modified 1982), Accessed August 31, 2021.
John W. Creswell. Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Fourth Edition. (4th ed. Bosten: pearson. 1386)



O1: Pre-test (initial test) before treatment is given

O2: Post-test (final test) after treatment is given

X: treatment of conversation to increase students’ speaking skill

O: No Treatment

B. Place and Time of Research

This research will be conducted at the eleventh grade of SMAN 7 Kota

Serang. The time of the research is from January to March 2022. The researcher

chooses eleventh grade of SMAN 7 Kota Serang because the students have the

problems in speaking skill in English that the researcher mentioned in

background of the study.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Arikunto, population is the whole of the research

subject.3 It can be said that population is a set or collection of all cases,

situations or individual who share one more characteristic. To collect the

data of this research, the researcher takes the eleventh grade of SMAN 7

Kota Serang as population in this research. The population of this research

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1998), 130.

is XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, XI IPA 3, XI IPS 1, XI IPS 2. The total numbers of

population are 142 students, consists of 5 classes.

Table 3.2 The Total Numbers of Population

No. Class Number of Students

1. XI IPA 1 27
2. XI IPA 2 28
3. XI IPA 3 27
4. XI IPS 1 30
5. XI IPS 2 30
Total 142 Students

2. Sample

Arikunto stated that sample is a part or representative of the population

which studied or to generalize research result to the population.4 In this

research, the reseacher takes purposive sampling because the subjects are

handpicked by the researcher on the basis of her estimates of their typicality,

and the samples of this research are 60 students of class XI IPS 1 and XI IPS


The sample is taken by using non-probability sample which sample

derives from the researcher targeting a particular group, in the full awareness

that it does not represent the wider population; it simply represents itself.

This is frequently the case in small-scale research.5

Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian,131.
Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion, and Keith Morrison, Research Methods in Education,
(New York: Routledge, 2007), 112.

The researcher will take 60 students or two classes as the research

sample at the eleventh grade of SMAN 7 Kota Serang. The first is 11 IPS 1

class which consists of 30 students as experimental class and they will be

taught speaking skill using conversation. The second is 11 IPS 2 class which

consists of 30 students as control class and they will not be taught speaking

skill without using conversation.

D. Instrument

1. Speaking pre-test and post-test

Brown stated that test is method of measuring a person’s skill,

knowledge, or performance in a given domain.6 The researcher uses test to

get the information and data from the students’ value. In this research, the

researcher gives the students two tests, it consists of pre-test and post-test.

a. Pre-test

The pre-test will be given to both of control class and experiment

class before giving the treatment of conversation. The aim of this test is to

determine the main value of the experimental class and control class

before the researcher will give the treatment.

Table 3.3 Pre-Test Instrument

1. Pre-test (Oral Test)

The topic: Asking and Giving Opinion

H. D. Brown, Language assessments principles and classroom practice. (Longman, 2004)

1) What do you think about Jakarta?

2) So, do you think that Jakarta is a great place to live?

3) What do you think about the idea that there are too many people living
in Jakarta?

4) Do you interest to live in Jakarta?

5) Give your opinion why do yo want to live in Jakarta?

b. Post-test

At the end of the meeting, a post-test will be applied in both of the

classes. The test will be faced in both classes to know the students'

speaking skills between experiment and control classes with the different

treatments. In providing the test, the control class use standard learning or

previous technique learning, while the experimental class uses

conversation to learn speaking English. After scoring the test, both two

classes will be calculated and analyzed.

Table 3.4 Post-Test Instrument

Post-test (Oral Test)

The topic: Cause and Effect

1) Do you think that there are many cases of bullying at school?

2) What is the kind of bullying you know?

3) Do you know the cause of bullying?

4) Do you agree that teachers and parents must give a lot of attention of

5) Bullying has effects very bad to mental health of someone. What do

you think about the effect of bullying?

E. Data Collection and Data Analysis

1. Data Collection

The researcher will use pre-test and post-test to collect data. Pre-test

and post-test were given to both of experiment class and control class. The

procedures in this quasi-experimental design are as follows:

a. Pre-Test

Pre-test is used to collect the data about student’s speaking ability

before getting treatment for experimental class and before getting

treatment for control class. In this research, the researcher will give an

oral test to both experimental and control class about the material based

on syllabus. The oral test will carry out between the researcher and the

students according to the conversation topic listed in the instrument.

b. Treatment

Both of the class will be treated differently. It can be explained as


1) Experimental Class

In this class, conversation will be applied as a treatment for

teaching speaking skill. The ways of giving treatment in the

experimental class will be written detail in the lesson plan, but the

researcher will explain a little about giving treatment in the

experimental class as follows:


a) The researcher makes groups which consists of 2 people.

b) The researcher gives the topic of conversation text to students

practice conversation.

c) The students will be given time for 10 minutes to prepare their

arguement in practicing conversation.

d) Then, the students have to practice it in front of class.

2) Control Class

In this class, the researcher will teach without using conversation,

but applying previous learning. The activity in teaching English is

carried out as usual through powerpoint media.

c. Post-Test

Post-test is used to collect the data about students speaking ability

after getting treatment for experimental class and after getting no

treatment for control class. The post-test will be conducted in the last

meeting. Similar with the pre-test, the researcher will give an oral test

again to both students of experiment class and control class about the

material based on on syllabus. The oral test will carry out between the

researcher and the students according to the conversation topic listed in

the instrument.

2. Data Analysis

The data analysis is done after collecting the required data and the

conclusions made after completing the whole process of this study (pre-test

and post-test). The data obtained from pre-test and post-test was aimed to

investigate the effect of conversation on students' speaking skill and will be

analyzed by the independent sample T-test. According to Anas, the t-Test is

the most frequently used measure in second language research when

comparing mean scores for two groups.7 It supposed to know whether

experimental versus control class when taking the same test has the same

score or not. The researcher uses the following formula:

a. Specify mean of variable by formula:

b. Specify mean of variable by formula:

c. Specify score deviation of variable by formula:

d. Specify score deviation of variable by formula:

e. Making quadrant , then summed it and obtained ∑

f. Making quadrant , then summed it and obtained ∑

g. Determining by formula :

Sudjiono, Anas. Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada,

∑ ∑
√( )( )

h. Giving interpretation towards

Notes :

= Mean score of the experimental class

= Mean score of the control class

∑ = Sum of square deviation score in experiment class

∑ = Sum of square deviation score in control class

= Number of students of experiment class

= Number of students of control class

= Constant number

df = Degree of Freedom (df = )

i. Effect Size

Alison Mackey stated that an effect size is a measure that gives an

indication of the strength of one's findings.8 Effect size is showing the

standardized difference between the scores of the control and

experimental groups. In this research, the researcher is not only interested

in the differences between the control and experimental groups, but also

Alison Mackey, Susan M. Gass. Second Language Research Methodology and Design.
(London: Mahwah, 2005), 282.

how big the differences are between the control and experimental group.

Effect Size is a standard unit, meaning that Effect Size can be compared

between several different scales and can be compared between several

studies with different sample sizes.

r2 =

r2 = effect size

t2 = result of t-test determine

df = result degree of freedom

Percentage of variance explained, r2 according to the criteria of Gravetter

0,01 < r2 < 0,09 = small effect

0,09 < r2 < 0,25 = medium effect

R2 < 0,25 = large effect9

j. Summing up

F. Scoring System

There are five components usually used to analyze speech performance,

they are comprehension, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary and fluency. The

standard of scores are excellent if the students get (score 90-100), very good

(score 73- 79), Good (score 65-72), standard (score 60-64), and poor (< 59).

Frederick J Gravetter, Larry B. Wallnau. Statistics For The Behavioral Scinces 10
(Canada: Nelson Education, 2015), 283.

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