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Nabasca, Cherry Ann M.

Chapter 1

Lesson 12

Activity 1

#4. How would you interpret Francis Bacon’s statement: “Some books are to be tasted, others to be
swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is some books are to be read only in parts,
others to be read but not curiously and some few to be read wholly and with diligence and attention. “

There are positive types of books which can only be tasted. To have a style is just to have some
sensation out of reading it and it stops there. One does not pursue it nor hang to it. The taste can also be
precise or bad. When it is exact there is a further appeal and where it is awful there is solely repulsion.
Suppose one had in no way tasted a cup of proper tea but as soon as he receives it, he may also have
similarly urge to have greater cups of such a exceptional tea. But to him tea is not the thing; only its
taste just attracts him. He can carry on without a doubt except tea. To this category belong the novels,
dramas, quick stories, newspaper articles and so on. One reads a novel but now not to sear by means of
it. Coming to the second variety some books are to be swallowed. One swallows a medication capsule
not due to the fact he likes it however due to the fact it is integral that he takes it as per his doctor's
advice. Very frequently he may additionally now not even understand its contents. To this category
belong the blue books, treatises or dissertation, regulation books, and a number of sorts of hand books.
Not that they are not useful. Only one does no longer are looking for them to bring alleviation or are
looking for companionship in them. It is no longer for pleasure one reads them. Such books are like
multiplication tables to a child. Many that can be covered in this class even William Maxwell Aitken
could not have thought of. These are the quick professional books which litter the tables of distinct

Then comes the third category of books of which Baron speaks that they should be chewed and
digested. At least a modem college boy knows what a chewing gum is. To chew calls for the work of the
teeth. There is no hurry, each and every bit is chewed. Say one chews a tasty lozenge. It has to be
chewed to be enjoyed. One feels via the stuff, enjoys the flavor and with 1/2 closed eyes can go on
chewing because it is so tasty. The chewing gum stops with the mouth for it is nothing to be digested.
But in the case of good food, now not only have to it be chewed; it should additionally be digested only
to be assimilated into the body. But there is an area for all these classes of books and this is in a library
so that they may also serve the needs of one-of-a-kind types of readers. Even a serious reader may
additionally seem for a e book just to be tasted whilst traveling. So, a discriminating reader can pick out
the books in accordance to his needs.

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