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Bài 4: Hộp đen

Cho dụng cụ gồm một hộp đen với 3 đầu cắm, vôn kế, đồng hồ đo thời gian. Bên trong hộp đen
có hai tụ điện và một cái pin, được mắc như thấy trên hình vẽ. Tụ điện .

Bạn được yêu cầu xác định điện dung và ước tính độ bất định. Chú ý: đầu “+” là dây dẫn dài
để có thể nối tới đầu A hoặc đầu B.

Problem 10. Black box (8 points)

Determine the electric circuit inside the black box. It is known that apart from the wires and two
resistors, the electric circuit includes four components. Equipment: black box with four output leads, a
piece of wire.

Problem 4. Friction of a string (8 points) Measure

the dynamic coefficient of friction µ 1 between the ballpoint pen and the string. Estimate the uncertainty.
It might help that the dynamic coefficient of friction between the pencil and the same string was
measured beforehand and µ2 = 0.20 ± 0.01 was obtained.

Equipment: dynamometer, string, ballpoint pen, pencil and weight.

Problem 9. Resistive heating (8 points) Measure the resistor. You are not asked to estimate the

Equipment: resistor, voltage source (batteries), ammeter, calorimeter, thermometer, stopwatch.

The calorimeter has V = 0.80 dl of water and m a= 27 g of aluminum, specific heat capacity of water cw
= 4.2 J/(K · g) and of aluminum c a= 0.90 J/(K · g). Internal resistance of the batteries will vary. Your set of
batteries may become depleted, spares are available.
4. Black box (9 points) Equipment: electrical black box with three outlets, battery, voltmeter.

It is known that inside the black box, there are three resistors (connected with wires in an unknown
manner), the smallest of which is R 1 = 100 Ω. Find the value of the largest resistor R3. What can be said
about the middle-valued resistor R 2 ? Estimate the uncertainties of your results.

Glass plate (10 points) Equipment: Laser (λ = 650 nm), thin glass plate, lens, ruler. NB! glass plate is
fixed to a stand; avoid touching the glass itself (because its edges are sharp, and because it can break

Find the thickness of the plate and estimate the uncertainty of the result. Draw the scheme of your
experimental setup.

5. Ball (9 points) Equipment: ruler, a glass ball, sheet of paper, marker. Find the coefficient of friction
between the glass ball and the ruler. Estimate the uncertainty of you result.

4. Coefficient of friction (12 pts)

Equipment: a wooden brick, a spherical ball, board and ruler (the mass ration of the brick and ball is

1) Determine the static coefficient of friction between the board and the brick.

2) Determine the static coefficient of friction between the ball and the brick

9. Experiment (15 pts)

The black box contains a nonlinear element (active resistance) and a capacitor, connected sequentially.
Find the capacitance C of the capacitor (5 pts) and the V − I characteristic of the nonlinear element (6
pts). Note that (a) the electrolytic capacitor accepts only one polarity of charge (indicated by the colors
of the output wires of the black box); (b) the V − I characteristic cannot be expected to be symmetric
with respect to I = 0. However, you are requested to study the range I > 0 corresponding to the
discharge of the capacitor. Tabulate your measurement data and draw appropriate graphs (4 pts).

Experimental equipment: batteries, wires, multimeter, stopwatch, graphic paper

Solution The idea: take readings of discharge current, as a function of time. The surface area under the

graph is the out flown charge Q. Taking the readings of voltage U 0 and U1 at the beginning and at the end
of discharge, we obtain Q/C = U 0 − U1, i.e. C = Q/(U0 − U1). As for V-I characteristic, interrupt from time
to time discharge, take reading of discharge current I just before interruption, measure voltage U , and
continue discharging. Collect enough data to draw V-I characteristic.

8. Experiment (12 points)

Determination of attraction force between iron plate and a permanent magnet as a function of distance.
Tools: iron plate, wooden brick, ruler, dynamometer, paper stripes.

Attention! the permanent magnets are very strong, keep them far from credit cards etc.
Avoid also hitting them against each other and against the iron plate, because they are fragile and can
be broken.

1)Determine the static and dynamic coefficients of friction between the iron plate and a paper stripe.
Draw the scheme of your set-up.

2)(4 points) Determine the attraction force between the iron plate and a magnet for those distances
which allow direct usage of dynamometer.

Draw the scheme of your set-up.

3)(4 points) Determine the attraction force between the iron plate and a magnet for smaller distances.
For that purpose, you can use the wooden brick sliding down an inclined plate and hitting the magnet.
You do not need to study the zero-distance (direct contact of magnet and iron plate) case. Draw the
scheme of your set-up. Depict all the measurement result graphically.

4)Join two permanent magnets by a bridge made of a piece of iron (a) as shown in figure. Put a stripe of
paper (b) on the iron plate (c) and put the system of magnets upon it. Determine the attraction force
between the system of magnets and iron plate.


1)We incline the plate until sheet starts sliding: the static coefficient is found as
, where h is height of the plate endpoint, and l — the plate length. Now we
push the sheet laying on the plate slightly, and find the inclination angle, for which the sheet will slide
down with a constant velocity; we use again the formula . The reasonable
numerical values are µstatic 0.37 and µkinetic0.29.

2)We put several paper stripes on the plate, and the magnet on the top of them. We make a loop of
cord, put it around the magnet, and pull it using the dynamometer sideward (sliding the whole system
of paper and magnet). The attraction force F≈N (where N is the reaction force) is found as the ratio of
the reading of the dynamometer F d and the appropriate friction coefficient (depends, which reading is
taken: either the maximal one, or the one corresponding to sliding), F≈F d/µ. The distance d is measured
in the number of paper stripes (one stripe had a thickness of ≈0.2 mm). For large distances
(approximately d>4 mm), the weight of the paper F p stripes and magnet is no longer negligible, the
accuracy of the results can be enhanced by subtracting this weight from N: F=F d/µ−Fp.

3)We use a similar set-up, except that smaller number of paper stripes is used (totaling up to around
2 mm), and a steep slope of the plate. We let the brick slide down the slope and hit on the magnet. We
keep the falling height and plate slope constant, and measure the sliding path, which is covered by the
papers and the magnet after having been hit by the brick. This path is inversely proportional to the
attraction force N. If this path turns out to be too short for an accurate measurement (for very small
distances between the magnet and the plate),several brick hits can be used. In that case,

the single-hit path can be found as the measured path, divided by the number of hits. The constant of
proportionality can be found by comparing the results of this and previous question, for those distances,
which are covered by both measuring techniques. Reasonable measurement results are given in the
attached graph.

4)The same technique as in the case of previous question is applied, except that a larger number of hits
has to be used (≈10−−20). Reasonable result for d=0.2 mm (one paper stripe)is F≈270 N. Note that the
result is much larger than the double result in the case of a single magnet; this is due to closing the
ferromagnetic loop of magnetic field line

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