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Field theory of relativistic strings. I. Trees*

Michio Kaku and K. Kikkawa
Department of Physics, The City Collegeof the City University of Hew York, New York, ¹w York 10031
(Received 14 March 1974)
%'e present an entirely new kind of field theory, a field theory quantized not at space-time points, but
quantized along an extended set of multilocal points on a string. This represents a significant departure
from the usual quantum field theory, whose free theory represents a definite set of elementary particles,
because the field theory on relativistic strings can accommodate an infinite set of linearly rising Regge
trajectories. In this paper, we {1) present canonical quantization and the Green's function of the free
string, (2) introduce three-string interactions, (3) resolve the question of multiple counting, (4) complete
the counting arguments for all N-point trees, and (5) introduce four-string interactions which yield a
Yang-Mills structure when the zero-slope limit is taken. In future work, we will discuss loops and
explicitly calculate Reggeon-Pomeron and Pomeron-Pomeron interactions.

I. INTRODUCTION In this paper we will write down a multilocal

Lagrangian formalism from which the properties
Quantum field theory provides one with a con- of the dual resonance model2 can be rigorously de-
venient formalism in which to describe the world rived. We will introduce equal-time commutation
of strong interactions. Building on the phenomenal relations and Green's functions defined on strings.
successes of quantum electrodynamics, quantum We will also introduce interactions, which essen-
field theory yields scattering matrices which are tially represent the successive splittings and re-
Lorentz-invariant, crossing-symmetric, unitary, eonstitutions of the free string. The interaction
and analytic. Quantum field theory, however, is comes in takeo terms: The first represents the
a clumsy formalism in which to describe simple breaking of one string into two smaller ones; the
phenomenological properties of hadronie interac- second represents a four-string interaction. Using
tions, such as Regge behavior, resonances, fac- the usual Dyson product and the Wick expansion,
torization, and duality. 8-matrix theory, on the we can calculate the unitary S matrix. We find
other hand, is another hadronic formalism, but that each term in the expansion has a simple in-
one which avoids the problems of finiteness and tuitive picture. In Fig. 1, for example, the four-
renormalizability. 8-matrix theory, though it point function ean be represented as two strings
can conveniently accommodate these features of which emerge from the infinite past, which then
strong interactions, can, at best, only yield quali- momentarily merge and then split up, and then
tative predictions concerning hadrenic scattering propagate to the infinite future. We will show that
amplitudes. these "Feynman" diagrams are equivalent to the
In this paper we present an entirely nese kind of amplitudes introduced earlier in the dual reso-
field theory, ' a field theory defined on multilocal nance model.
relativistic strings, which combines the attractive Though theorists have suspected that the dual
features of both quantum field theory and S-matrix resonance model could be reformulated in terms
theory, and reproduces the properties of the dual of a second-quantized field theory, attempts to
resonance model. Because the free string has isolate the underlying field theory have always
well-defined resonances, this new field theory been frustrated for several reasons.
easily describes a hadronic world with infinitely First, there is the problem of multiple counting.
rising Regge trajectories. This new field theory, Any field theory, including this one, yields Born
though it has all the features of quantum field terms which contain both s- and t-channel poles.
theory (such as canonical quantization relations, In the dual resonance model, however, one dual
Green's functions, equations of motion, etc. ), rep- diagram can be expressed either as a sum over
resents a significant departure from the usual s- or t-channel poles; hence there emerges the
theory, for it is a field theory defined not at a problem of multiple counting, which becomes quite
point in space-time, but a field theory which is severe as we go to higher-point functions.
defined on an infinite set of multilocal points on Second, there are formal difficulties in writing
a string. It is a field theory which describes not down a second-quantized dual theory. As we shall
just the interactions of a certain set of fundamental see in Sec. ID, there does not exist a simple can-
particles; it is a field theory which accommodates onical momentum to the field variable if we quan-
the interactions of an infinite number of hadrons. tize covariantly.

10 1110

FIG. 3. Another light-cone diagram of a 4-point am-

plitude: t -channel resonance exchange.

tian Hamiltonian, which produces unitary S ma-

trices (exciuding the question of the tachyon).
Third, the question of the weights for the per-
FIG. 1. Scattering of two pairs of strings into another turbation diagrams has never been resolved, ex-
pair of strings (4-point amplitude). cept at the single-loop level. ' The field-theory
formalism automatically fixes all weights for all
And lastly, the gauge problem persists in the
second-quantized approach. The formulation of Fourth, isospin is introduced ad hog via Chan-
Paton factors in the usual DRM. In the field-theory
gauges, crucial to ghost elimination, is difficult
to express in second-quantized form. approach, the Chan-Paton factors emerge natural-
ly by assigning isospin indices to the master field
All these difficulties are resolved once we spec-
ify light-cone quantization. In particular, in this
choice of gauge, though it yields both s- and t- Fifth, the DRM has long been suspected of being
equivalent to an infinite-component field theory.
channel pole diagrams as shown in Figs. 2 and 3,
In the field-theory formalism, the Lagrangian ex-
the sum of these two diagrams yields the usual 4-
plicitly displays this character.
point beta function. The generalization to N-point
functions is straightforward once we know that
This paper is divided up as follows. In Sec. II
we review the first-quantized formalism of the
certain sPecific sums of li ght-cone diagrams equal
one N-point dual amplitude, thus resolving the
relativistic string. In Sec. III we write down the
second-quantized field theory on the light cone.
question of multiple counting. The other questions,
In Sec. IV we calculate the Green's function, In
as we shall see in Sec. III, are also resolved once
the light-cone gauge is specified.
Sec. V we discuss the interaction. In Sec. VI we
discuss multiple counting. In Sec. VII we discuss
In addition to representing a significant departure
the four-string interaction. And in Sec. VIII we
from all previous field theories, the second-quan-
discuss the measure problem and give concluding
tized formalism of the dual resonance mode1. has
several distinct advantages over the usual one. remarks.
In summary, we wish to emphasize three im-
First, the field-theory approach explicitly con-
portant theoretical points made in this paper,
tains a four-string interaction in the master La-
First, we are presenting a new type of field theory
grangian, which reduces to the Yang-MiBs struc-
which differs radically from all field theories pre-
ture in the zero-slope limit. The usual dual reso-
viously studied, but which preserves the same
nance model (DRM) contains only three-Reggeon
canonical basis. Like the usual field theories, this
vertices, in which it is difficult to see how a Yang-
field theory defined on a string possesses a re-
Mills theory can be reproduced to all orders. In
normalizable, unitary form with canonical quanti-
the usual DRM, we must tediously take the zero-
zation re1ations, Green's functions, and a Coulomb
slope limit for N-point amplitudes before any
gauge condition, except that the free Lagrangian,
Yang-Mills structure is revealed.
instead of representing a few select elementary
Second, theorists have long assumed that the
usual DRM can be unitarized through the introduc-
particles, now represents an infinite set of par-
tion of mu1tiloop diagrams, ' though there is no
ticles lying on linearly rising Regge trajectories.
Second, this field theory is the second quantiza-
formal proof outside of the tree theorem. The
tion of the dual resonance model. The DRM,
field-theory formalism contains an explicit Hermi-
though it has met with considerable success in
providing a theoretical framework for strong in-
teractions, lacks a rigorous unitary formulation.
There exists no proof of the conjecture that sum-
ming over all topologically distinct Riemann sur-
faces with equal weights generates a unitary dual
FIG. 2. A light-cone diagram of a 4-point amplitude: amplitude. Now that the model can be expressed
s-channel resonance exchange. in terms of a field theory, the questions of uni-
eo 1/2
tarity and weights can be studied in exactiy the
way usual field theories deal with the problems of
X„(o, 7) =x„(7')+ g (ate "'+a„e"')
tt~ z
— cosno,

unitarity. (2.4)
Third, in this paper we present new results on
the geometrical nature of the relativistic string. n
i)g-(a„e"' a,-e "') —
%e prove that the three-Reggeon vertex function P„(cr, r) = —p„(r)+( cosnv,
ft- z
can be rigorously shown to be the amplitude for
the breaking of a classical string. Ne also show (2.6}
the necessity for a hitherto unsuspected four- such that
string interaction term.
Finally, we wish to comment on the reason why [P&(&), X (& ))= fg-q c(c —c ). (2. 6)
this multilocal fieM theory is consistent with
causality. Traditionally, nonlocal field theories The Hamiltonian in this first-quantized approach
have been plagued with the problem of introducing can be written as
interactions which do not violate relativity. In our
model, however, the problem of causality does not H =v da [:P„'(o) + (2v)'X„"(o}:], (2 't)
appear for two reasons.
First, the quantization procedure is defined on so that the Nambu equation of motion can be written
relativistic strings, whose classical, free behav- as
ior is known to be consistent with causality. Vfe
can also demonstrate Poincard invariance in both
first- and second-quantized forms. (2. 6)
Second, the strings intexact with each other only
at points. For example, the 3-string interaction
only takes place when the end points of two strings The Hilbert space spanned by the harmonic oscilla-
join to form a third. Likewise, the 4-string in- tors a~ represents an infinite set of linearly rising
teraction takes place when two strings touch at an Regge trajectories. Notice that, however, the
interior point. Lorentz metric creates resonances with negative
metric, i.e. , ghosts.
A great step in reformulating the gauge problem,
which sheds much light on the underlying field-
Before considering the question of second quanti- theoretic nature of the DRM, was made by Nambu,
zation, it will be instructive to reexamine the Mansouri, Goto, and Chang, ' who reexpressed
first-quantized approach to the theory of the rela- the model with the Lagrangian
tivistic string.
Nielsen, Nambu, and Susskind4 formulated the
DRM in terms of a first-quantized coordinate (2. 9)
X„(&r, t}, which obeys the two-dimensional wave CIX'g —(X X')
Since this Lagrangian is invariant under arbitrary
8 8 reparameterizations
, X„(c,f) =0, (2. 1)
c- cr'(a, t),
which sweeps out a two-dimensional Riemann sur-
face, with t going from — to + ~ and o' going from
t. t'(c, t), (2. 10)

0 to m. From the Lagrangian we are free to choose two gauge conditions

(X —X' )
X X'=0,
X2+X'2 =0. (2. 11)
(2. 2)
= —
X'= —
0 8g XP~
%e notice that the moments of these gauge condi-
we can introduce the canonical momentum tions [which are sufficient to linearize the La-
grangian to give back Eq. (2.2)) give us the Ward
~(")=6(sX5I gsf) ~ (2.3} identities of Virasoro':

Variations of L near the boundary 0'=0, m enable us

(2. 12)
to write X'(0, f) =0=X'(v, f) and hence decompose
X~ and P~ as follows: (2. 13)
where ~ X) is an on-shell state of the dual Hilbert ing 8, to bethe upper half plane and the z„ to be
space. real Koba-Nielsen variables, we can perform the
The proof that the Ward identities (2. 13) are suf- functional integrations by compl. eting the square,
ficient to eliminate ghosts caused by the negative and me arrive at the usual N-point integrand. They
metric was completed by Brower~ and also by showed that this formulation is equivalent to a
Goddard and Thorn. ' Because Lorentz invariance Hamiltonian formulation in which the operators
is never broken and because the Ward identities are all transverse, i.e. , ghost free. Though their
are imposed on the states themselves, we see that functional approach makes use of the Nambu-Goto-
this approach corresponds to the Qupta-Bleuler Chang-Mansouri (NGCM) Lagrangian (2.9) and the
formulation. light-cone gauge of GGRT, their formulation lacks
The Coulomb gauge formulation was finally com- an intuitive string picture originally implied in the
pleted by Goldstone, Goddard, Rebbi, and Thorn work of GGRT. (To reproduce the loop diagrams,
(GGRT), who revealed the importance of the string we must sum over distinct topologies R„which
interpretation of the DRM. Their essential obser- must represent planar, nonplanar, and nonorient-
vation was that a relativistic s«i'
X„(e) can be j
able topologies, and is the loop number. )
represented in terms of only its transverse com- The final step in the first-quantized string pic-
ponents, and hence the question of ghosts never ture mas comp1. eted by Mandelstam, "
who found the
appears. Their constraints conformal mapping which maps the upper half
plane onto light-cone surfaces much like Figs. 2
X2+X'2 = 0, and 3, which immediately allows a string inter-
X X'=0, pretation. His mapping,
X,' = —
(Xo+Xo, ) p =g a; In(z -z, ),
n, =0,

are sufficient to determine all coordinates in terms

of the physical operators X(a), thereby eliminating can be easily checked to produce a mapping of nar-
the redundant longitudinal modes. In the GGRT row, parallel strips which join and split, much
gauge, the Nambu equation of motion, (2. 8), is like relativistic strings. He was then able to iso-
now replaced by an integral over only transverse late the three-Reggeon vertex function" in this
modes. Of course, choosing a noncovariant gauge formulation and prove that both Lorentz invariance
forces one to check that the Poincarb generators and conformal invariance depended critically on
once again satisfy the correct commutation rela- the space-time dimensionality being set at 26.
tions. They found that the commutator [M „M,
] The importance of Mandelstam's approach be-
can only be equal to zero if the dimension of space- comes evident in the second-quantized approach.
time is 26. We will see, in the next section, that the pertur-
Interactions mere first introduced into the string bation series produced by the field theory pn
picture by Gervais and Sakita„' who showed that strings is in one-to-one correspondence with dia-
the ambiguities in the functional expression. grams which have the topology given by the pre-
vious mapping.
SX„(o, 7) Notice that, though the string picture presented
g 2$+N -p
9=o g, , L(o, r) so far resembles a second-quantized theory be-
cause of the presence of an infinite number of
harmonic oscillators, it is actually only a first-
quantized theory, because we are only quantizing
the coordinate X„(o). There are an infinite num-
(2. 15) ber of oscillators only because they represent the
normal modes of the string, i.e. , because the first
where L = (-2w) 'u-g, can be eliminated by choosing quantization is performed over an extended object.
the gauges The lack of a second-quantized field theory is
obvious by looking at Eq. (2. 15), where we must
II 5([X„(o,7)+X'„(o, r)]') 5(X, —5'), (2. 16) sum over an infinite sequence of topologies. A
second-quantized theory would have a master
and then properly accounting for the Faddeev- Lagrangian from which all topologies can be de-
Popov determinants. In (2. 15) P„,„represents the rived. In a first-quantized approach, like this
external momentum attached at (o, r) =z„. By tak- one, we must insert the topologies in by hand.

III. SECOND QUANTIZATION ON THE LIGHT CONE the light co-ne gauge fixes a common time for the
entire string.
In the transition from the usual first quantization Now, we remove all dependence of the field func-
of quantum field theory to second quantization, we tional 4 on longitudinal components. Though we
impose canonical equal-time quantization relations started originally with C [X]=@[X,X„X ], we use
not on the coordinates but on the fields themselves. conditions (2. 14) to eliminate X, and X . The
Much the same approach will be taken for the functional still has a dependence on the zero modes
quantization on relativistic strings. Vfe begin try- of X . Then we take the Fourier transform with
ing to introduce a field functional 4[X] of the string respect to the zero mode of X, so the field de-
variable X„(a) B.ecause this master field 4[x] is pends on P, , VFe now take the region of the param-
a functional of the string variable, it loses explicit eterization of the string to be [0, sa] (a =2p, } for
dependence on the parameter 0. later convenience when we have breaking strings.
%'e divide the interval on which the string is de-
Before simply writing down the I agrangian, per-
fined (o = [0, su]) into an infinite set of points (o„ haps it is instructive to first identify the field-
o„o„. . . , a„}. The functional 4 is then a function theoretical features which must follow from vari-
of all string variables taken at al/ points along the ations of the Lagrangian. This will give us an ap-
interval: preciation of the various components of the second-
quantized Lagrangian.
@[X]= 4(x„(o,), X„(o,), X„(o,), . . . , X„(o„)).
First, we wish the Lagrangian to give us the
(3.1) Schrodinger equation on a string:
Because coordinates taken at al/ points along the
interval appear in the functional, the functional
loses explicit dependence on the interval param-
eter o.
At this point, there is a technical difficulty which c, [x]
emerges when trying to define a unique second-
quantized procedure, mentioned in the Introduc- =(f., +m, 2)4, [X], (3.4)
tion. If the I'~~rangian S for the second-quantized
string contains the field functional 4[x], then the which is the ghost-eliminated version of Nambu's
canonical momentum to the field functional should Eq. (2.8). Guaranteeing condition (3.4) ensures us
be given by that the usual Hamiltonian in the first-quantized
5Z approach continues to produce translations in time
8(ee [X]/SX,(a)) '
(3.2) for the field 4.
The next condition that we wish the second-
where the Xo(o')'s represent an infinite of "times" quantized approach to incorporate is equal-time
defined along the string. Notice that the canonical canonical quantization relations. A desirable fea-
momentum then displays a dependence on the string ture of our Lagrangian approach would be
parameter o, and hence there is no one-to-one
correspondence between the field functional 4 and rl [x]= i4 "[x],
its momentum conjugate. For this reason, quantiz- which would produce
ing the relativistic string in a Lorentz-covariant
fashion leads to profound problems of definition. [4,, [z„r,], e,' [X„r,]],
The lack of a mell-defined canonical momentum to
the field variable is immediately resolved in the
light-cone formalism of GGRT. It we take the
gauge conditions (2.14), then we see that the mo- %'e wish, therefore, to write down a master La-
mentum grangian which will preserve the Schrodinger equa-
5Z tion of (3.4) (which ensures that we reproduce the
5 (8 @[X]/sx, )
(3.3) usual spectrum of states and the usual Hamiltonian
in the first-quantized approach) and a Lagrangian
can now be unambiguously defined, and that there which will yield (3.5), so that canonical quantiza-
is now a one-to-one correspondence between the tion relations on the string can be written down.
field variable and its momentum conjugate. Pre- Ne now write down the master Lagrangian:
viously, there was an infinite number of "times, "
g=20+Z, +22+2~ (3.7)
each time corresponding to a coordinate Xo(a&) de-
fined at a point r, in the string interval. Choosing

2 KP+
&fa uX 4~t [X]i
4~, [X] n-«'4 ~~ [X] —,+, 2

X"(o) 4~ [X] (3.8)

(2, is elaborated in Sec. V and 2, in Sec. V1I. cal equal-time commutation relations, we need
which is related to the Pomeron contribution will only the commutator between the operators A
be discussed in a subsequent paper. ) We first [Eq. (3. 10}], and the completeness relation for
notice that II is indeed independent of 0, so that the Hermite polynomials:
conjugate momentum to the field functional 4 is
simply its own Hermitian conjugate, i. e. , Eq.
(3.5). And we also notice that the Euler-i. a-
grange equations for the free Lagrangian yield
the Schrodinger equation defined on a string,
Eq. (3.4).
Much as in ordinary field theory, we can ex-
pand the field into functions of the classical solu- At this point, we must emphasize the difference
tions of the equations of motion. The Schrodinger between the little a„, the harmonic-oscillator
equation (3.4), written in terms of each oscillator creation operator found in first-quantized dual
mode, simply reproduces the equations of the har- models, and the large A that appears in the
monic oscillator, so we can write the field func- second-quantized formalism. First, the string
tion 4 in terms of Hermite polynomials. In anal- X is no longer an operator in our formulation. a„
ogy to ordinary field theory, we now write the in the conventional formulation creates simply one
solution to the field which satisfies both the equa- oscillation mode of the string X; it does not rep-
tions of motion and the canonical commutation resent the string itself. The A~, on the other hand,
relations: creates an entire string, with excitations labeled
by the indices {n(,')}. The ground state of the oscil-
A)+ p („& )}f) p („(l)}(x,&(«)
, X~) ', lator A is called 0)) and should not be confused

with the ground state ~0) of the usual oscillator a .
(3.9) Now all that remains to be proved in the free-
field theory is Lorentz invariance. Because we
have explicitly taken the gauge conditions (2. 14)
[A), , p, („«)},A, q( (i)}]
before we quantized the field theory, we must be
sure that we can define Poincare generators such
that the correct commutation relations are un-
changed by the choice of gauge.
f~ z(„(&)}(x,x(, X ) %e shall explicitly construct the second-quan-
tized Poincare generators through a simple tech-
nique. Previously, in the work of GQRT, it was
«= j. ~= I shown that the first-quantized Poincare generators

xexp[i(p x -X,E(p„p, {n(,"])}j, ~/V 2 60 Xjf g PV 0 +V O'~+P Q


(3.11) (3.13)
consistent with the Coulomb gauge (2. 14} can be
shown to satisfy the correct commutation relations

X('(a) =x('+ 2P &(, cos(lu/a), ' if the dimension of space-time is 26. %e use the
fact that if M„„are first-quantized operators act-
ing on fields O and 0,
then the second-quantized
and i is the transverse Lorentz index, is the &
generators Ä„=OM„„O satisfy the same com-
label for the excitation level of the string, and mutation relations as the original M„„ if
is the number + of excitations in the ith Lor- ]=1.
entz direction in the 1th level. Notice that the
[0, 0 (3.14)
Schrodinger equation, which is actually a super- It is then straightforward to show that we can define
position of an infinite number of harmonic-oscil- second-quantized Poincare generators consistent
lator equations, yields eigenfunctions which are with the Coulomb gauge and covariance if we
Hermite polynomials. In order to prove the canoni- define


dp, sacr 4~ X p„4, x,
The construction of the Green's functions of the
dp» sx @'p X M~„4p X, theory sheds much light on its relationship to path
integrals defined over Riemann surfaces. We wil1.
show that the Green's functions for the freely
propagating string simply reproduce the functional
P„= do P„Q,
average over a rectangular Riemann surface with
j sources at either end. In this fashion, we simply
P = X"(o) ' do, (3.15) reproduce the results of Qervais and Sakita, '4 ex-
2p sX(g)~ 2w)
cept expressed in a second-quantized formalism.
If 0)& is the ground state of the operator A,
,'X~ -Xp P~ g) ~~ .' d{x.
0' 0'
M~p = g (T gp then the Qreen's function for the field theory is

We have now shown how to construct a second-

quantized canonical field theory defined on free «0I 4, [x„., ]et [X„., ]I o»
Before writing down the three-string and four-
string interaction terms, it will be instructive to
first construct the Qreen's functions of the field (where H is the second-quantized generator appear-
theory. The three- and four-string interaction ing in the Poincare group generators, not the first-
terms arise naturally from a detailed discussion quantized operator of the Schrodinger equation).
of the Qreen's functions of the free theory. Expanding this, we now have

~ (I(())/a~ ~ ~

~ ~l
p ~~ ~ ~ t q~ t (m(g)) I 0&&

~ ~
~„(&)~ ~~(s)

" II IIH(„(())(x(I')e '"~& 'exp[i(p x -x, E(p, p [n,'}))]

i eS"- j. 1 I&= j.

x H(~(j))(x~g, )8 QA exp[-z(q'I —X+2E(qp, q, ]I y )))]

J g exp . I,
, , cosh (x~g +kg ) —2x~g* x g

I ((sinh(ITln)

(4. 2)

The above expression, representing the amplitude

for propagating a string prepared in state x(,", over
L— —
1 —
to a string in state s,~, is simply the solution to
found in the first-quantized formalism. Now
the path-integral problem, the functional average take the functional average over a surface, so
over a rectangular Riemann surface (of length T, that we are now calculating the amplitude for
T„and height -2wP+) with sources x„', and x,~~ at
propagating a string x(,', at time 7, over into a
either end. To clearly reveal this structure, it string x «» at time 7, . The prescription for the
will be instructive to review the highlights of the
amplitude is
work of Gervais and Sakita. In their work, they
showed that the propagator of the dual model can
SX , 7 exp dv dcrL
always be written as functional averages over T1 0
Reimann surfaces, which in turn can be reduced to
the problem of finding the Neumann function de- xII0 ()(X(o, r, ) -X,(o))5(X(o', r, ) —X, (o')), (4. 3)
fined over that surface. Qy

Let us begin with a Lagrangian where o and both assume all values from 0 to

~e. The functional integral is evaluated by the usual means, by completing the square:

x(a, )-x(v, r) ~ 2 f )((a, v; 8, r')z(tr', v')du'dr',

(4 4)
( , +, a2
N(a, ~ o', r') = —n 5(o —a')5(r —T'),

BX(a, T) exp LdadT+ J(a, T) X(a, r)dadr J

&X g, 7'
exp Ldgd7' exp J g g ~
pf g y g

We now can quote our desired result: The Fourier transform of (4.3) yields terms like
ff Cf

exp P, (a) f)/(a, 7„a', r, )P, (a')dada', f(a, T) =[p, (a)5( —T, )+p, (g)5(7 —r, )]/~p (4.6)

The exact expression for the Neumann function is not hard to find. We simply expand the Neumann func-
tion in terms of the free-string eigenfunctions and then match boundary conditions. We easily find the
unique solution

N(a, ~; a', ~') =- & max(~, r')

oo I
f fi)g g )/ Cf f. rl / iI «f (-nT -Ng +ggyg-yg Ty) /~
+ h

+ e+rt(r) r 2)a/( s- ()))-)')/~+a n(r --) )/~)

+ gt. tl(~+ ~') -«2-n 7l 1/' ll

JS ~ (4. V)
Putting the expression for the Neumann function back into the integral, we arrive back at our original so-
lution. In other words, we have now shown that the single-string Green's function for the second-quan-
tized theory is simply the first-quantized functional average over a Riemann surface with sources.
In summary, our main result for this section is

(4 g)

V. INTERACTIONS In this integral, a string starts at "time" 7, and

In the previous section we have shown that the propagates until it splits into two sma11. er strings
Green's function is simply the functional average at T=0, which then propagate further on to "times"
over a rectangular Riemann surface with sources ~, and 7', . We take each string i to be of length xe, .
at either end. Given the one-to-one correspon- We will take the parameterization shown in Fig. 5:
dence between Green's functions and Riemann sur- 0& 0'(& wo.'(l, l

faces, it is then tempting to conjecture that the

interaction term, responsible for splitting a string o, = a, (0& a, & xl u) l ),
into two smaller strings, is simply in a one-to-one
correspondence with the infinitesimal Riemann a, =a, +xi+, l (0&a, &xi&, l),
surface which represents the splitting of a propa- 3
gator into two smaller propagators, as in Fig. 4. gn, =o,
We are led, therefore, to construct an interac-
tion term which is the limit of the Neumann func-
tion defined over the wedge-shaped region of Fig.
4 as the width goes to zero: The product over g& is taken to mean a product

llm X)X 7' L dgd, 'T

—X) g) ) .
over all points defined in the region & sl a, l. 0«,
Q~ exp g]q7') The functional integral can be explicitly taken and
f=l Q) yields terms like
& le& I
boundary conditions X' = 0 at the edges, propa-
exp gates until there exists a point in its interior such
that X' =0, where upon it may break into two
pieces at that interior point. Continuity leads us
II do, p(o, ) ~
N(o„r„o„r,)p(o~) to suspect that the limit of the integral in (5. 1)
should somehow reproduce the condition
(k = 1, 2), (5.3)
X,(c,) = X, (c,) 8(v a „ —o, )
i i

where N is the Neumann function defined over re-

gion A. On the other hand, our intuition tells us +X,(cr, )8(o, —m( u, ~) . (5. 4)
that, as a string breaks, it must do so such that
there is a smooth transition between the original Vfe are led, therefore, to consider the following
string X, and its broken pieces . The string X„X, action, which will generate a Riemann sheet cor-
picture motivates us to believe that a string, with responding to interacting strings:

II 2 '„, sx, (c, )5(p„-p„-p„)e,' [x, ]c,'

&, =kg [x,]e, [x,]
x II ~(X (o,) —X (&, )8(&) u, —o ) -X (c, )8(o, — ) vl o', I ))+H c. , 0«& v Io, . I (5 5)

Though the functional integral given in (5.1) will case of freely propagating strings, we must con-
generate the Riemann surface which can break and struct the Neumann function over the corresponding
join strings, our string picture motivates the ac- finite Riemann surface. By expanding the Neumann
tion in (5.5). In order to reconcile these two dif- function over a complete set of eigenfunctions of
ferent viewpoints, we must show that the free string, and then by matching boundary con-
ditions over the various regions of the Riemann
5g, (o, ) -X,(o, )8(w) u, ]
—o, ) -X, (&r, ) ( 8,o- (vu, ) )) surface, we are able to construct the unique Neu-
mann function defined over that region. %hen we
compare this result with the calculation performed
lim X) X o', 7' exp I.dudT by attaching three different propagators onto the
~x a 3 . R
three strings appearing in the 5 function and then
integrating over the set of intermediate string
x IIII'(x(o„r, )-x, (o, )). (5.6) eigenfunctions, we find that the two results are
0) exactly identical. Thus by letting the interaction
times in the Neumann function gradually approach
The proof that the Neumann function defined over
each other, we recover the original 5-function in-
the Riemann surface corresponding to a breaking
teraction. (The procedure of explicitly construct-
string is identical to a 6 function defined over the
ing the Neumann function by expanding over com-
breaking string (when the interaction times ap-
plete eigenfunctions of the free string is quite a
proach each other) requires rather involved calcu-
general program„and can be applied to all light-
lations, so the proof will be presented in Appendix
A. The plan for the proof is as follows: As in the
cone topologies, N-point functions, and multiloop
diagrams. )
Also, in Appendix 8 we will outline yet a third
method of defining the interaction between three
strings. It is not hard to show that the following

FIG. 4. A vertex diagram; splitting of a string in bvo.

The functional integration is performed over the region
&, then the limit 7; is taken. -0 FlG. 5. The parameterization of strings.

equations, which represent the mapping of one string er surfaces. The Varick expansion creates surfaces
onto two smaller strings, can be solved exactly: which can, piece by piece, be joined together by
summing over a complete set of string eigenstates
[X,(a, ) X„(a,) e(a ~,
I ( a, ) to produce the functional integral over Riemann
surfaces corresponding to multiloop amplitudes
-X,(a, )e(a, —w( a, ()] ( V) =0, and higher-point functions. In other words, there
(5.7) is a one-to-one correspondence between the Rie-
mann surface representing N-point functions or
F,(a, )+ p, (a, )8(~l ~, I
—a.,) multiloop functions and each term in the perturba-
+p, (a. )&(a. rl a, l )ll &) =0.
tion series.
As in ordinary field theory, the Nick expansion
The advantage of this proof is that we obtain the gives us the standard decomposition of each term
interaction vertex directly in terms of the familiar in the perturbation expansion into vertices and
harmonic oscillators. Vfe will show that the re- propagators. In the usual fieM theory, the ver-
sults are identical. tices are points which connect propagators defined
The calculation outlined in the first part of this between space-time points. In this field theory,
section was performed in the eigenstates of the the vertices are wedge-shaped regions which join
relativistic string, not the usual eigenstates of the propagators defined between two extended strings.
first-quantized Hamiltonian. Therefore, to com- The fundamental difference between this field-
pare our results with the results of Mandelstam, theory perturbation and the usual one is that now
who first constructed the vertex at infinite sepa- the topology of each Feynman diagram is the topol-
rations of interaction times and then reduced the ogy of extended strings which propagate and split
vertex to finite times by adding multiplicative fac- into smaller strings, while the usual field theory
tors such as e ~-~'» '&', we must be careful not to reproduces the topology of points which can prop-
confuse the difference in our basis states. By let- agate and split into other points. In both cases,
ting the interaction times in our finite-time vertex we functionally integrate over all Feynman paths
go to positive and negative infinity, we can show to calculate the propagator; only the topology is
that we recover the vertex of Mandelstam. different.
(For our present discussion, we will temporarily The final resul. t of contracting over all states is
omit discussion of the four-string interaction, an amplitude which agrees with Mandelstam's
since this vertex does not affect critically our original light-cone formula (3.1). The only differ-
discussion of the question of multiple counting and ence is that he explicitly accounts for the "self-
the formal perturbation series. ) Once we know energy" term which arises in this dual field theory
the structure of the three-string interaction term, because the string has a finite extension. In our
we can insert this term into the standard Feynman- formalism we can eliminate this infinite contribu-
Dyson expansion of the S matrix: tion by dividing our field functional by an infinite re-
normalization constant. In addition we must note
that our formalism gives a relativistic result, even
though we have separated the transverse and longi-
tudinal components from each other. As in Mandel-
y(7) ev Hg e rs- (5.8)
stam's original paper, the longitudinal contribu-
tion to the amplitude arises when we correctly in-
terpret the term exp(P w).
%e leave it as an exercise to show that we re-
produce the usual Wick expansion when the Lagran-
gian , is inserted into the S-matrix expansion.
The net effect of inserting the vertex (5. 5) into the Though we have now shown that the interaction
perturbation expansion is to have a set of light- inEq. I5. 5), when inserted into the S-matrix ex-
cone Feynman diagrams composed out of two- pansion, yields a functional average over an entire
dimensional Riemann surfaces. The propagators surface like Fig. 6, we still must show that the
are represented by finite rectangular regions, counting of this field theory reproduces the count-
while the vertices are simply the infinitesimal ing found in the usual dual theory, and that it is
Riemann surface corresponding to the breaking of consistent with the counting found in the zero-
slope limit" of the model, i. e. , the p' theory (or
a string. By integrating over a complete set of
eigenstates of the intermediate string, it is possi- the Yang-Mills theory, " if we include isospin and
ble to smoothly construct the functional integral the four-string interaction).
over the surface formed by joining together small- First, let us discuss the four-point function and

upper half plane onto the surfaces found in four-

point functions. In other words, our perturbation
expansion gives us expressions for the Neumann
functions defined over surfaces appearing in Figs.
2 and 3, but it is much easier to simply transform
the upper half plane into the corresponding sur-
face. Mandelstam has given us the conformal
FIG. 6. Construction of scattering amplitude. Green's mapping of the upper half plane onto stringlike
functions and vertices are joined together to form a surfaces, which are all that we need to discuss the
light-cone diagram.
counting problem:

the problem of multiple counting. When the pre- —1) + u, ln(z —x) + u, ln(z
vious interaction given in Eq. (5. 5) is expanded in
p = u, ln(z ),
the S matrix to second order in the coupling con- u„u, & 0),i u, 0,
& u„+u, & ( u, ). (6. 1)
stant, we find 12 diagrams in the series, corre-
sponding to four sets of s-, t-, and u-channel We know from the usual Koba-Nielsen forma1ism
poles. I et us first study the behavior of the s and that the region of integration 0 «x «1 is sufficient
t graphs, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. to produce the four-point beta function. The ques-
It is possible to functionally integrate over all tion we will now investigate is whether the above
intermediate states in the perturbation expansion mapping reproduces the s-channel diagram or the
to get an exact expression for the Neumann function t-channel diagram.
defined over a Riemann surface given in Fig. 6, To gain insight into the topological. structure of
but the cal. culation is tedious and yields little in- the mapping, we first must find the points u, and
sight into the counting. A much simpler, but en- u, in the ~ plane which correspond to the turning
tirely equivalent approach, is to use the Neumann points in the p plane. To find these points, we
function defined over the upper half complex plane, take the derivative of p with respect to ~ and set
which is known, and then conformally map the the result to zero:

—=0 ~u„= — Q, x+u, +u, +u, xa [(u, x+u +u, +u, x) +4u, u x]" }, P u,. =o. (6.2)

When x is close to 1, then the turning point situated strings 1 and 2 goes to positive infinity, so that
between strings 1 and 2 necessarily must go to the turning points Pass each othe~ in the complex
negative infinity, because then the images of ~ =1 p Plane, corresponding to a t-channel diagram
and & =x become arbitrarily close to each other in (Eig 3). We se.e, therefore, that the mapping (6.1)
the p plane. Therefore, when x is close to 1, the is sufficient to generate both s- and t-channel pole
turning points in the p plane are infinitely far a- dl.agrams.
part from each other, so we are in the region cor- When u, +u, & 0 (i. e., when string 3 is smaller
responding to the s-channel diagram, s=(P, +i', )' than string 2} then we are interested in the region
(Fig. 2). when x is small and positive and ~ is also small,
When x is close to 0, however, the limit becomes but more negative than -x (this corresponds, in
very subtle. I et x be an arbitrarily small quantity the p plane, to the region of separation between
&, and let us investigate the image of ~ in the p strings 3 and 4).
plane when z is also small, but larger than x (i.e. ,
X=6 )
in the region corresponding to the separation line
between strings 1 and 2): ~ =-a&, a& 1
(6 4)
p in(u, +u-, +u, )+u, ln(ae+~)+u, in&,
&=a6~ a& 1
(6.3) p inu~+ (u2+ u-, ) in& .

p ts(u~) + u2 ln(ac —e }+ u, inc,
For arbitrarily small x, we see that the separa-
p ivu, +(u, +u, )lne. tion region between strings 3 and 4 goes to nega-
tive infinity, so the turning points again go past
When u, + u, 0 (i. e., when the "length" of string 3 each other, corresponding to the t-channel pole
is greater than the "length" of string 2), then the diagram.
region corresponding to the separation between When a, + a, =0, then the limit when x goes to
zero corresponds in the p plane to the situation
when the turningpoints simply collide and then
t, (t, ) to negative (positive) infinity in any order
we please, by simply allowing successive pairings
come to a halt. Therefore, in this situation, there of Koba-Nielsen variables to approach each other
is no t-channel diagram. As Mandelstam has in the z plane. %e still must show how it is pos-
shown in his previous paper, in this situation the „.
sible to send the turning point t, (t~) to positive
&-channel diagram alone is sufficient to reproduce (negative) infinity in any order we choose.
the entire dual beta function. Let us examine the region in the ~ plane defined
To summarize our result, we find that a careful by a point x as x approaches z„,
(x=z„, +e). This
study of the integration region given by the Koba- point mays onto the region corresponding to the
Nielsen variables in the mapping given by Mandel- separation of the ith and (i+ l)st strings in the p
stam yields both the s- and t-channel pole dia- plane. If all the other ~'s are kept fixed, then the
grams which are produced in the second-quantized point & is mapped into the point
field-theoretical approach. %e suspect, therefore, j
that the multiple counting difficulties of the dual (2~+& Inf + zw gQ~, at~+&+ 0,
model are resolved once we know that certain sums l=g
of light cone di-agrams, given by the field-theoret-
ical aPProach, yield one dual diagram. so that the turning point t&„most likely lies close
The generalization of this result to higher-point to negative infinity. If we can find a configuration
functions is not difficult. I et us assume that we of Koba-Nielsen orderings which wi11 map the
have the mapping (Fig. t) for an (K+1)-point func- point x to positive infinity, then we will have
tion, proved that the turning point t„,
approaches posi-
tive infinity.
p =g ol (zn- xP+n&
) ln(z —x&), Now, let m, be an integer such that t has an
imaginary part slightly less than the imaginary
part of E, +, .
such that Then

Now take the Koba-Nielsen ordering such that all

variables z, (l =i+1, m) all lie within order e of x,
i.e. , x=&j„+&— = ~j„+e =
— '&= —~ +e such that
The region (x„x„,
) in the z plane has an image in the original ordering is not destroyed. Then the
the p plane corresponding to the separation region map of the point x in the p plane is
between strings 4' and 4+1. The limit x~-&&„,
therefore, is responsible for sending the turning x —2)
Q) ln +2Ã Qg
point located between strings 4 and 4+1 to nega-
tive infinity if 4+ M and positive infinity if 4& M.
In other words, by allowing the Koba-Nielsen vari- .
Q) in& +2lT Qj
ables to come arbitrarily close to each other in
successive pairings, then it is possible to send the
turning points, in any order we please, to negative The mapping of the point & now approaches posi-
(positive) infinity for turning points located be- tive infinity, and hence turning points &j for 2& M
tween the hth and (0+1)st strings for h& M (h& M). can now be sent to both positive and negative in-
For convenience, we will label the turning point finity independent of the ordering of the other points.
in the p plane which separates the ith and (i+1)st [In this proof, we obviously do not want to change
strings by t;„and the jth and (j+1)st strings by the ordering of the turning points, except to send
t& (i& M, j
~ M + I). In the above paragraph, we t„, to positive infinity. As all the variables from
showed that it is possible to send turning points &j„ to & are collapsed to within order & of each
other, we must first make sure that this limit does
not alter the orderings of the turning points
t„(i+2& n = m —1), which can always be done by
taking first the limits on the various &„ such that
the orderings in the p plane are unaffected. ]
& V-1
ck g
0g oL al %'e have now shown that, for an arbitrary N-
Its oL v+ I
point function, we can always change the relative
FEG. 7. A many-point tree diagram. orderings of the turning points in any way we wish,

so that we include all possible orderings of N- the (N-2)! orderings correspond to diagrams with
point topology. distinct pole structure. For example, in Figs. 8(a, )
Perhaps an easier way to demonstrate this is to and 8(b) we have two different light-cone diagrams,
take the decay amplitude, so that we have one string but they do not exhibit distinct pole structure.
on one side decaying into many strings located on There is a simple rule for determining if two
the other side of the Riemann surface. In this light-cone diagrams fall within the same equiva-
decay amplitude where one string decays into N-1 lence class. If we have two light-cone decay dia-
strings, there are (N-2)! ways in which to pair grams which are identical in topology except for
off the Koba-Nielsen variables in successive fash- the relative orderings of two turning points t, and
ion, and hence (N-2)! ways in which to draw pla- I„, then the two diagrams belong to the same
nar light-cone diagrams. But the topology of each equivalence class if there is a s such that
light-cone diagram defines a definite pole struc- s& v& u
Ref„& max(Ref„Ret„),
ture, and hence can be put into one-to-one corre-
spondence with the pole diagrams which make up where the real part designates the interaction time
a dual diagram. of the turning point, and all turning points come
To be more precise in our language, let us de- from negative infinity.
fine a "dua1. diagram" as one diagram of the orig- It is not hard to see that any 1. .c. Feynman dia-
inal dual model with one definite ordering of ex- gram can be uniquely represented in terms of one
ternal lines which is factorizable in all dual chan- of the equivalence classes of light-cone diagrams,
nels. Let us define a "light-cone Feynman dia- and that each equivalence class of light-cone dia-
gram" as the various pieces which make up one grams can uniquely be represented in terms of one
dual diagram, such that each light-cone Feynman l. c. Feynman diagram. Therefore, since both sets
diagram corresponds to a unique pole decomposi- include each other, then they must be identical
tion of the original dual diagram. The number of sets.
light-cone Feynman diagrams which add up to It mill be instructive to give examples of how
make up one dual diagram is equal to the number the complete counting problem can be solved for
the dual diagrams as well as for the zero-slope
N-point polygon, "
of independent, noncrossing triangulations of an
i.e. , limit.
For example, in the case of the four-point func-
(2N- 4)!
tion, the light-cone expansion yields 12 light-cone
(N- 2}!(N —1}!
diagrams, each representing a light-cone Feynman
Let us define a light-cone diagram as the (N-2)! diagram. Because two l. c. Feynman diagrams can
different diagrams we find when we analyze a be added to form one dual diagram, we wind up
planar decay diagram in the light-cone formalism. with six dual diagrams, corresponding to two (st),
I et us define a Feynman diagram as the usual (su), and (tu) diagrams Now t. ake the zero-slope
function obtained from a Q' theory. limit. Each dual diagram breaks up into two Feyn-
Since there are (N —1)!/2 possible cyclic order- man diagrams, so we eventually get 12 Feynman
ings of N points, then (N- 1)l /2 dual diagrams add diagrams. But because of the factor g/2 in (5. 5),
up to form an 8 matrix. Each dual diagram, in
appoints we now recover exactly the usual (IF)' counting for
addition, can be decomposed into P& Feynman, or the four-point functions, i. e. , three diagrams.
light-cone Feynman diagrams. In the zero-slope In the case of the five- (six-) point function, the
limit, each dual diagram reduces to P„ light-cone light-cone expansion yields 5 (14) pairs of light-
Feynman diagrams and each Feynman diagram in cone Feynman diagrams for each ordering of the
the S matrix receives contributions from 2" ' external lines, or 10 (28) total light-cone Feynman
light-cone Feynman diagrams. diagrams. Since there are 12 (60) cyclic order-
Ne showed that each cyclic ordering of ings, the light-cone expansion yields 60 (840) pairs
contains (N-2)! light-cone diagrams. Since we !.
of c. Feynman diagrams, and since it takes 5 (14)
would like each light-cone (l.c.) diagram to corre- l. c. Feynman diagrams to make one dual five-
spond to a l. c. Feynman diagram, because each
diagram represents a unique pole structure, we
must be able to reduce the (N-2)! light-cone dia-
grams into a smaller set of P„ light-cone Feynman
The discrepancy between (N- 2)l different light-
cone diagrams for one particular ordering of ex- (o) (b)
terna1 lines and P„different l. c. Feynman dia- FIG. 8. The two distinct light-cone diagrams Figs. 8(a)
grams is resolved once we notice that not all of and 8(b) form a single light-cone Feynman diagram.

(six-) point function, we now have 12 (60) pairs of cannot be decomposed into a simple propagator
dual diagrams, twice the usual case. Now, if we with two interaction vertices. We will find that this
take the zero-slope limit, we obtain 120 (1680) region of integration maps onto surfaces which
Feynman diagrams, which is too many. The fac- have a continuously deforming topology. Second,
tor g/2 brings down the number of Feynman dia, — if we are to successfully reproduce an infinite
grams to the correct value of 15 (105). component field theory from our original Lagran-
In the N-point case, there are 2[(N- I)!/2]P» gian, and if we are to recover a Yang-Mills inter-
light-cone Feynman diagrams and (N- I)! dual action when isospin indices are added to our field
diagrams. The factor g/2 brings down the number functionals, then we are forced to consider the
of Feynman diagrams to the correct [(N- 1)!P„]/ addition of a four-point interaction which will sat-
2N 2 isfy the properties of second-kind gauge-invariant
In summary, iteration of the vertex (5.5) gives theories. A four-string interaction would incor-
twice the usual number of dual diagrams as in the porate the necessary four-point interactions need-
usual counting except the factor g/2 gives each ed to give local gauge invariance.
diagram weight 2 "". When we take the zero-slope The intuitive reason for the four-string inter-
limit, this factor 2 ' is precisely the factor action lies in the fact that the string may interact
needed to reproduce the counting found in a Q' with another string at points which lie in the in-
theory. terior region of both strings. In the usual picture,
Notice that our weights for trees are different one string propagates in time, until it breaks at
from the usual counting, so we find that our weights some interior point, whereupon two smaller
for loops are also different, viz. , we find no non- strings continue to propagate. In this new set of
orientable diagrams present in our counting. This diagrams, two strings propagate freely, until they
result is still compatible with the usual unitarity come in contact with each other at some point in-
arguments, because we are not taking intermediate terior to both strings, whereupon they merge and
states to be of positive charge conjugation. The change topology (see Fig. 9). Because the inter-
factor (1+0)/2, where 0 is the twist operator, can action point at which the two strings merge can
be dropped in our formalism. The zero-slope limit vary along the length of the interiors of the strings,
is also preserved in our formalism without non- we conclude that we must integrate along the in-
orientable diagrams, because the orientable and teraction point (this does not correspond to an in-
nonorientable dual diagrams contribute Feynman "
tegration over "time, and hence the four-string
diagrams in exactly equal numbers. By taking the interaction is still fixed in 7). The fact that strings
weight of orientable diagrams to be twice the usual can merge at points interior to both strings intro-
one, we achieve exactly the usual @' counting up to duces a new feature to the dual model. While the
the first loop. More on the counting problem for old first-quantization methods only explicitly re-
loops will be postponed until a later work. (For an vealed a three-Reggeon structure, which implicit-
explanation of the effects of the twist operator Q, ly contained four-point structure when analyzing
see the latter part of Appendix A. ) four-point dual functions in the zero-slope limit,
the second quantization of the relativistic string
VII. FOUR-STRING INTERACTION contains this interaction in the Lagrangian itself.
Furthermore, if spontaneous symmetry breaking
In the previous sections we have seen how to is to be incorporated into the string model, then
second quantize the free theory of relativistic it is preferable to have a 4' interaction rather than
strings and to introduce vertex functions which a 4' interaction.
permit one string to split into two smaller strings The mathematical reason for requiring a four-
at some interior point. This three-string interac- string interaction lies in the fact that the previous
tion is sufficient to give the correct counting of Lagrangian. studied up to now, with only three-
diagrams and the correct Neumann functions for Reggeon couplings, does not produce the entire
the Riemann surfaces corresponding to ~-point region of integration of the (tu) graphs. Using
functions, but it is not sufficient to give the entire
region of the Koba-Nielsen variables.
We are forced to admit a four-string interaction"
into our field theory for several compelling rea-
sons. First, if we closely analyze the region of
integration specified by the Koba-Nielsen vari-
ables, as specified in the mapping given by Mandel-
stam, we find that there is a region of integration
which corresponds to a Riemann surface which FIG. 9. Mechanisxn of four-string interaction.

perturbation theory to second order in the coupling

constant, we showed that it was possible to pro-
duce s-, t-, and u-channel diagrams. %'e demon-
strated that the s-channel diagram could be added 3"
to the t-channel diagram, to produce one complete
dual diagram. By carefully analyzing the Ri.emann
surface generated by the mapping of Eg. (6. 1), we FIG. 11. A light-cone diagram with a ~-channel pole.
demonstrated that this map is sufficient to generate The diagram represents the Reimann sheet structure of
both the s- and t- channel graphs, and that there the mapping (7.4) for x2 & x & 1.
is no topological ambiguity in defining the transi-
tion between the s- and t-channel graphs. I.ike- The change of one topology into another can be
wise, s- and u-channel graphs can be added in described as follows. In the t-channel graph of
much the same way to reproduce the Riemann sur- Fig. 10, the turning points gradually approach one
face of the (su) dual four-point function. another, until they collapse into a point A (see
For the (iu} channel graphs, however, there are Fig. 12). Then the two turning points merge into
serious problems in resolving the ambiguities one point, which then journeys from .4 and moves
arising out of defining the transition between the down the Riemann surface, until it eventually
t and u graphs. In Fig. 10, for example, we show arrives at point 8, whereupon the two turning
the surface corresponding to the t-channel light- points once again separate and reproduce the topo-
cone diagram. Notice that the turning points, when logy of the u-channel diagram. The intermediate
they approach each other, eventually collapse into region where the turning points are momentarily
a.single point and cannot go past each other, as merged into one point (called C} corresponds to the
was the case when deforming the s-channel graph four-string interaction. As C moves continuously
into the t graph. Qn the other hand, Fig. 11 de- from point A (I-channel diagram) to the point B
scribes the u-channel light-cone diagram, which (u-channel diagram}, this point represents the
also has the same ambiguities when the turning point where strings are rearranged, so that it
points gradually collapse with each other into a acts like a "zipper'* which interlaces a new sheet
point. structure as it moves down the path. The path of
%hen the turning points of both graphs eventually this point, from point A to C, represents one
collapse into the same point, we arrive at the con- particular connection of sheets, while the path
figuration given in Fig. 12, which seems to be the from C to 8 represents another.
same for both the t- and u-channel diagrams. It It will be instructive to trace the Riemann sheet
is tempting to speculate that the t-channel graph
collapses into a configuration like Fig. 12 only
momentarily, and immediately transforms into
the corresponding u-channel graph. Unfortunately,
structure of the vertex. us begin at a point
which lies on sheet 1 in Fig. 13 and journey down
this strip until we intersect the path (ACB)
we intersect the path (ACB) at a point which lies
above C, then we enter sheet 3. If we intersect
this conjecture is incorrect, because the topologi-
cal structure of the t- and u-channel graphs differs the path (ACB) at a point below point C, then we
radically, and so there must be a continual de- will enter into sheet 4. I.ikewise, if we begin our
formation of one graph into the other. ln other journey Rt a point on sheet 2, then if our journey
words, the four-string interaction corresponds intersects the line (ACB) at a point above (below)
to the continuous deformation of the t-channel point C, then we will enter string 4 (3). Thus, the
tojology into the u channel through the configura- point C acts like a "zipper" which continually re-
tion shoran in Ei g. 2Z. The continuous deformation aligns the sheet structure of the Riemann surfaces
of one topology into another can only be described as it moves from point A to I3.
by a Riemann surface in which four strings are Now that we have carefully mapped out the
intimately intertwined.

FIG. 10. A light-cone diagram with a t-channel pole.

The diagram represents the Reimann sheet structure of FIG. 12. The Riemann sheet structure which shows
the mapping (7.4) for 0 &x &x&. from Fig. 10 to Fig. 11„ for x& &x &x2.
the transition

(0 & v~ & rr f ar f ),
vr=v& (0&cr4&rrfa&f},
v, = v, + rr(n, — n, ) (0 & v, f f
& rrn, ),
cr, = v, + rr(n, — f a, f ) (0 & cr, « tr f a, ),

Ql, Q'2&0~ A3~ @4&0,

a, & fa, f&n, , a, & fa, f&a, ;
X,(v, ) =X,(cr, ) 8(cr, —v, ) +X,(v, ) 8(v, —o, ),
FIG. 13. The Hiemar~ sheet structure of a 4-string X, (v, ) = X,(v, ) 8(v, —v, ) + X,(v, ) 8(v, —v, ),
interaction term.
rr(a, — n, ) & v, & rr n,
f f f f
Biemann surface structure of the four-string in- The parameterization is defined in Fig. 14. Notice
teraction, we can write down the correspondence that eventually we must integrate over the point v, .
between strings. As before, we can decompose It is not hard to incorporate the topological struc-
strings 1 and 2 in terms of the strings 3 and 4 ture of the above equations into a four-string
as follows: interaction:

2, =-,'g' QSX, (v, ) (~,

)rr2 6(P+r+P~ P+~ —P~}4y [Xi]4r~ [X,]Or [X,]br, [X,]

, I

—X,(v, }8(v, —v, ) —X,(v, ) 8(v, —v, ))

(~, -t~t)
dv, II 6(X,(v, )

Q 6N, (v, ) —X,(v, ) 8(cr, —v, } —X,(v, ) 8(o, —o,))+ H. c. (7.3)

Now that we have shown the origin of the four- now bofIr lie in the region between 0 and x (for one
string interaction and have presented the inter- particular value of x) and both in the region be-
action in second-quantized form, we will now tween -~ and 0 (for another value of x). I}efore,
carefully discuss the light-cone mappings which the (st) configuration placed one turning point
produce these interactions. between 1 and x and the other between -~ and 0.
As before, we start with the Mandelstam map- In the (tu) configuration, both turning points u,
ping, only now we will take and u, are located in the same region, and hence
can collapse into the same point to produce four-
p = a, In(x —1) + n, In(x —x) + a, In(x),
string interactions.
n„o., &0, e, &0, Let xl and x, be the values for x for which the
discriminant vanishes (x, &x, ). When 0 &x &x„
Ql & A3 & Q2~ then the two turning points u, and u, are located
N'l & Q4 & Q2~ as follows:

Kith these conditions, we can produce either the
t- or u-channel graphs, depending on the value of
x. As before, the turning points are given by
Eci. (6.2), but now we will be interested in the
region where the term under the square root van-
ishes, because the mapping differs tremendously
from the conditions given in (6. 1). With the new
restrictions on the ~'s it is not hard to show that FIG. 14. The parameterization of the 4-string inter-
the two turning points in the ~ plane, I, and u. , action term.

-'g1 & Q1 & g~ & 0, (V. 5) onto a four-string interaction), there are two inte-
gration variables x and y. The integration region
When x, & x & 1, then the turning points are located which corresponds to the four-string interaction
as follow's: is a two-dimensional region in the xy plane. In
0 &Q~&Q2&x, general, for an &-point function, there are N —3
Koba-Nielsen variables which describe an (N —3)-
if x=x, then- &u, =u, &0, (7.5) dimensional space. The region corresponding to
one arrangement of four strings can be represent-
if x=x, then 0&@,=u, &x. (V. V)
ed by a closed (1V —3)-dimensional surface in this
The region x, &x&x„ then, corresponds to the Koba-Nielsen space.
Hiemann surface interlocking four Riemann strips. Vfe must prove that the orientations defined by
In this region, u, and u, become complex (u, =u, '). the field theory are sufficient to parameterize the
One of them descends into the lower half plane, entire (N —3)-dimensional closed surface and not
which is not included in the & plane that we are only parts of it. In other words, the line ACB
studying. The other complex point migrates in may be a curved line in p space when the relative
the upper half plane in a path which links the re- positions of the turning points are kept fixed, but
gions (-~, 0) and (0, x). The image of this point this does not mean we must abandon our local
in the p plane is the point C we referred to earlier four-string vertex given in Eq. (7.3). The solu-
in our discussion. The image of the path taken by tion to the problem is to take a different repara-
the point u which migrates in the upper half ~ meterization of our variables such that if we fix
plane is the path taken by the "zipper" (ACB) the position of C, then the other planar turning
We, of course, wish to have a vertex which is points assume all possible relative orientations.
local in "time, so that the four-string Lagrangian Another way to state this is the following: If we
is not a function of &. When the path (ACB) is fix the relative orientations of the planar turning
actually calculated by using Eq. (4. 5), we find points, then there must exist a parameterization
that the real part of the complex point C changes of ACB such that A CB goes in a vertical line.
as C moves from A to B, i.e., the four-string In conclusion, if we were to take the mapping
interaction given by the previous mapping is not in Eq. (7.4) and try to solve for the path ACB, we
local in ~. For the four-point function, however, will find that, in general, this path is curved,
this need not concern us, because we can always while our four-string vertex given in Eq. (7.3)
translate the Hiemann surface an arbitrary dis- yields only vertical lines, i.e., lines local in &.
tance in &, and hence force the path A. CB to be a This is not a problem, because there exists a
straight vertical line. Because the four-point parameterization of the region of the four-string
Hiemann surface is infinite in extent, and because vertex such that ACB is a straight line with re-
we are only interested in differences in the inter- spect to ail possible orientations of the other
action times, we are free to translate the infinite turning points.
strip any finite distance. For the four-point func- To prove that we can always take a paramet-
tion, therefore, we encounter no problems in erization such that the line A. CB is a vertical line,
using a four-string vertex local in 7'. i.e., with fixed ~, is equivalent to showing that
F or the higher-point functions, however„ there the real part of point C can be made to vary in-
remains the delicate point of whether the line A. CB dependent of the orientations of the other turning
can be arbitrarily fixed with respect to the other points, so that all possible orientations are ob-
turning points. The field-theory perturbation with tained. A simple way of seeing this result is to
a four-string vertex local in & tells us that we reexamine the mapping in Eq. (2. 17). While we
must be able to integrate over al/ relative orienta- originally started with the choice ~& as independent
tions of the real parts of the turning points and variables, we can always take new variables as
also over alE relative orientations of the turning 7„. . . , v„, i.e., the relative distances between
points with respect to the vertical line ACB. It the real parts of the interaction times. The
is not obvious that the mapping given in Eq. (2. 17) Jacobian transformation from the set (e~) to the
yields Hiemann surfaces which are in one-to-one set (r, ) is a smooth one, so all the r's can be
correspondence with the set of diagrams which made to vary independent of each other. In addi-
include all the various relative orientations of the tion, we know that the limits placed on the integra-
real parts of turning points with the line A. CB. tion region for the (s, 's) are mapped into regions
In the case of the four-point function, there was in the 7 space which correspond to taking each
a finite B,ne segment over which x could range interaction time from -~ to +~, Because the
which would map onto four-string interactions. In path taken by the "zipper" point is the path taken
the five-point function (one planar vertex sewn by one of the turning points (after they have col-
lapsed), we can be sure that the point C can be VIII. MEASURE AND CONCLUDING REMARKS
made to vary independently from all other T;, so
that me have shown that all possible orientations It is not hard to use the perturbation machinery
are possible. The orientations we prefer to defined in this paper to produce explicit expres-
choose, of course, are those in mhich the line sions for multitree diagrams expressed in terms
A. CB is fixed in T with respect to all orientations of Neumann functions over the corresponding
of the other turning points. Biemann surface. In effect, we have reproduced
The next question that we must answer is: Are Mandelstam's Eq. (3.1).
there five-, six-, and higher-string interactions? But there are a few yet unresolved points that
Have me really exhausted the set of all Hiemann have to be made. The first unresolved question
surfaces which cannot be generated by three- and is the Lorentz invariance of our three-Heggeon
four-string interactions? The answer is that vertex function. Mandelstam has recently shown,
three- and four-string interactions are sufficient by dividing up the string into a series of points,
to generate all trees. that the application of a Lorentz transformation
Because, in order to have a multistring inter- on the three-string vertex has the correct pro-
action, several pairs of turning points must col- perties only if the dimension of space-time is 26.
lapse into each other and become complex vari- (Previously, he demonstrated the Lorentz invar-
ables in the upper half plane, we discard the lower iance of the finite-time vertex function; this new
half plane solution. Then these complex turning calculation is for infinitesimal times. ) The rel-
points must stick together in the upper half plane. ativistic invariance of the four-string interaction
But since me know that the Jaeobian for the trans- remains unresolved.
formation produces a one-to-one mapping, me A more pressing question is the problem of
are not allowed to have these turning points co- measure. Unless we can calculate the measure
incide for a region of the integration range, or explicitly, me cannot claim to have fully derived
, else the 7 variables would not be really indepen- the &-point functions of the original. dual model.
dent of each other. Unf ortunately, when calculating +-point functions
In closing this section, we wish to comment on in our formalism, there remains a determinant
the Yang-Mills structure of our four-string inter- of the Neumann function defined over the N-point
actions. Since the light-cone gauge has been surface. Since our field-theory prescription began
chosen in our quantization formulation, the inter- with an integration over the "time" variables, and
actions of the first excitated states (spin 1, mass- since we mould ultimately like to obtain the usual
less) have to be compared with the Yang-Mills Koba-Nielsen variables, then me suspect that the
theory quantized in the same gauge. It is not determinant of the Neumann function is, indeed,
difficult to convince ourselves that both the iso- the Jaeobian of the transformation from one set
spin and the helicity structure of four-interaction of variables to another.

vestigated by Tomboulis. "

coincide with those of the Yang-Mills theory in-
In doing this however,
There are several reasons for suspecting the
Jacobian of the transformation to be equal to the
the following points must be taken into account: determinant over the Neumann function. First,
(1) In defining ( t. 3), the correct symmetriza- we know that if the o s are set either equal to
tion (1 + II)/2 combined with the Chan-Paton factor zero or to the l.ength of the original strip, then
must be done, the determinant reduces to 1, no matter in what
(2) In the light-cone gauge, the polarization order the limits are taken (assuming, of course,
factor is independent of momentum". that the limits do not change the topology of the
diagram). There is also another function of the
e" (0, i)e„(q,j ) = 5„. parameters that reduces to a trivial result when
the a's are taken to be either zero or the length
of the strip, in any order consistent mith the to-
(3) A certain part of isospin factors in the Yang-
pology, and this is the Jaeobian. Second, another
Mills theory, which does not appear in (7.3), can
reason for believing that the determinant repro-
be eliminated by using the relation for the struc-
duces the Jaeobian is that Mandelstam evaluated
ture constants
the four-point interaction explicitly in his formal-
ism with operators. The same calculation, of
acffE~ —6&~6+~ = -Capg~gce y
course, could have been performed by functional.
techniques, in which case we would have found
which is true for any simple group. The detailed that the determinant arising from the functional
discussion on this problem, however, mill be calculation corresponds to the Jacobian coming
shown in a later article. out of the operator approach. But because he

took a very symmetric configuration, we certainly sible to state, but without proof, the general
cannot conclude that this is a general proof. structure of all the matrices that occur when cal-
One last unresolved question is the problem of culating Neumann functions over quite general
constructing a Lorentz-invariant second-quantized light-cone surfaces.
Lagrangian. Simply taking a trivial covariant gen- The plan of the proof is quite simple. First, we
eralization of (3.8) uilf certainly Not produce the will actually perform the integrations over the 5
correct Lagrangian, because this new Lagrangian functions by attaching three distinct Green's func-
does not have the gauge invariance which allows tion propagators onto the three various strings.
us to take the gauge (2. 14) in the first place. Con- By functionally integrating over the intermediate-
struction of a gauge-invariant Lorentz-invariant string states, we will obtain the amplitude for
Lagrangian is a highly nontrivial problem. And splitting relativistic strings taken at arbitrary,
because the canonical momentum conjugate to 4 finite interaction times. Second, we mill actually
is a function of o, there are also profound ques- construct the Neumann function over a wedge-
tions of interpretation. shaped Hiemann surface w'hich defines the inter-
action taken at finite times. The construction of
the Neumann function is achieved by expanding
the Neumann function into normal-mode eigen-
We are happy to acknowledge many fruitful and states of the free string and then by matching
valuable conversations with Professor S. Mandel- boundary conditions. Because we know that the
stam and especially Professor B. Sakita. boundary conditions are sufficient to determine the
Neumann function, and because we know that the
Neumann function is unique, w'e have now calcu-
lated the unique result, which agrees exactly with
In this section our goal is to prove Eq. (5.6}, the calculation performed by integrating over the
i.e. ,the statement that the 5 functions which de- 5 functions.
fine the breaking of a relativistic string are equal Later, in Appendix B, we will calculate the
to the functional integral over the Riemann surface interaction vertex by yet another procedure, by
corresponding to the two-dimensional surface of explicitly solving Eq. (5.7). This technique of
interaction as the width of this surface goes to constructing the vertex is yet another method
zero. Once we have established this result, then which yields the same result as the previous two
the cumbersome procedure of solving directly methods. The advantage of this technique is that
for Neumann functions can be dropped in favor of the equations are well posed and lead to solutions
the 5 functional technique, which very quickly in terms of the usual harmonic oscillators.
gives us the solution to the &-point functions and We begin the calculation by attaching three
the multiloop amplitudes. In fact, the 5 functional Green's function propagators onto the three strings
technique allows us the chance to formulate gen- defined in the 5 function. We will represent the
eral rules for writing down the general solution to string at the instant of interaction by X, while the
any light-cone topology by inspection. It is pos- string taken at finite times will be represented by

X': Let
G(x,', T„x„o)=((oI 4, [x,.', i, ]c,' [x„o]]o))
(~-2) i2
exp[-p, («', —«, )'/2r;]

„, L w
sinh(s~, /a)
(B-2) /2
exp]- slnh (,
87;y Q)
[(x', „'+«; „') cosh(sr, /a) —2«,
„«, „]], (Al)

We now construct

v(x, , „.. .,)=


1=1 &=0

ux, „G(x.. ., ; x, , o)II 5g, (,) - x, (,) e(

I, -, - x.(, &(, I, )) . (A»
I ) ) — I

The product over 6 functions can be expressed as

X)Po, expi da, Po, , o, —X, o, 6[n 0., —o, —X, o, 8a, — e,m (A3)


X((og) = x) + Q 2x( „cos(FLQ;/ag)

P s(o&) = p& + Pp& n cos(nov a&)
, SA ~

and define the functional Fourier transform of E[X„X„X,

] by

P[P„P„P,]= II sX&E[X„X„X,]exp i do, g P, (o,

) X;(o,)8, (o)

o, =o, (0&a, &wa, ), a, +a, = a„

o, =o, +ma, (0«o, &va, ), nq&O;
—8, (o) =- 8(w a, —o, ), —8,(o) = 8(o, —ra, ),

Then, the Fourier transform of (A3) reduces to

11 5 p, „— I A'„'„p,
rn= 0
)5(i, „—QA„,
„p, ) fft"-

where the overlapping matrix A" is defined by

Pg 0'3
' cos —' da.
Pl 0'~
, n7m c0

A. "= ma 3
cos —dQ= 0,
&n 0- cos dQ' = sin

Ao o= a;/a3, ag &0, ai+ a2 = a3.

Using (A6), one can show that the Fourier transform of (A2) is
', „' r. . .}

„, pr
(p; c,. —
's, - p; (r, P~c, ' s
~, , P, 3
+2+ ,P, A,
—8; '~P';

=(detM)' "~'exp —Q (P';I&;, IP, '), (A8)

L g j

where with

Q A3(C( —
Ps) =(Ps, P(, zs Pi, 2~ 1
M= S( 'A;p. (All)
(C, ) „=
5„cosh(«~/a ~), In (A9)-(A11), the zero-frequency part of
(I/~)S~ ' is defined to be 1. Now that we have
(S,. ) = 5„sjnh(nvz;/Ia, ) .
derived an explicit form for the finite-time inter-
The overlapping
[(A»)„= 5„]. In
N]] -S,. , —
1, matrix

A„ is defined by (AV}
the last expression of (A8),


, —C) —8)
action vertex, we still must show that this result
is identical to the calculation performed through
defining Neumann functions in the finite-time
Riemann surface.
Our notation will be defined through Fig. 5. %e
will divide the Riemann surface into three areas,
N)~ =5] M -1A. ,) (A10)
each corresponding to one of the three strings.
Because the Neumann function depends on the for all o'', 7' within the Biemann wedge. Then we
values taken at two independent points, we will will simply match boundary conditions as a', 7'
split the Neumann function into nine separate roams throughout the Hiemann surface, keeping
parts, depending on which of the three regions cr, 7 fixed. And finally, we will match the first
the two points are located. In addition, there will derivative of the Neumann function throughout
be a tenth term, corresponding to the singularity the Beimann surface.
which corresponds to the logarithmic diverging We start with the following expansion for the
term. Neumann function:
Our plan is simple. We first expand the Neu-
N(g'$'; g$) =No(cr', t', g, $)
mann function into eigenfunctions of the free string
which satisfy the conditions

7" cr' r')
+ P, v,', () X,, P, cr&, (, ), A13)

as = 0, Fels ',

as=ffni if '&0 where

l P, (g;, &, )) = cosrr g; coshn(&, —7', /a, ), (A14)

N(g, r; g'—
, r') =z (A12)
with g;=g/cr; and $r =r/cr;,
7 F I&7 2&7s and

N, (p', p)= Q-cos(ncrI)cos(ng, )6(, [e " 'r ' +e ""' r' )'e'"" "' ]- m»(~;, ~ ) (A15)

with 6(3) =6(1)=-5(2) =1. The expansion of N(p', p) s ~N3&

= 2f~r
with respect to (A14) guarantees the boundary
-A, p, NN, 2 =2K, ' —NS2N„,
condition (A12) except along the lines r; =0, where
the three Neumann functions are to be glued (see A, p, NN„=S2NN„,
the region 8 in Fig. 4).
A, p, NN3) =S, NN&2.
Hecluiring N(g'„$,'; g„— e) =N(a,', $r'; g;, + e), for
example, one obtains constraints over (A13} Because of the identity
(e -0):
1 =Asi
A„+As2 —
Its —
+».C. =»»Ci&»+»s. C.~»y (A16)
only six are independent among Eels. (A16)-(A22).

a„c,»„= C, »„— X, -'

One can, therefore, solve them with respect to%, , .
Using (A16) and (A20), for example, one obtains

A2sCs»s2 = C, », 2+ —K, ' Xss=2I|, s —-1+Ss 'C, M ' —1 —S,

Q~ where M is defined in (All). Then, taking N, in
OIs (A13} into account, one can show that, if $,' = ~„

A„C,» = C, »„" its

[one finds the same overlapping matrix A„as
defined in (A7)]. The new matrix &; is given by
which agrees with (A9). Similarly, all other re-
(Ar)„= 5„e" (A19)
lations in (A9) and (A10) are obtained.
Next, requiring the continuity of As a consequence of the above arguments, the
equivalence of the dual model vertex expressed by
the Neumann function to the overlapping condition
has been proved. Q. E.D.
In the above discussion we considered only an
(2'', +N„NS, )A„=N„NS, , unsymmetrized vertex function. The symmetriza-
(A20) tion of the vertex, however, can be easily ac-
(2K, +N~, NS, )A32 =N, 2NS, , complished by twisting some of the strings which

appear in the vertex, i.e. , if the ith string is to

be twisted, the parameter o, in (A4) and also in the
step functions should be replaced by mnf —vf. This
procedure simply replaces the overlapping matrix Then, one can confirm that I V, ) should obey
(A"}„ to (A")„(-1) . The rest of the discussion
X,(c,)I V, )=0
is valid without any change. %'e stress that we
have the option of adopting either the untmisted because of (Bl). Furthermore, from (B2) it is
or the twisted (with definite charge conjugation) easy to show that
vertex, but the only model mhich is physically = P, (o, ) 8, (o)
relevant is the model mith symmetrized vertices
P, (c,) 8, (o) V,
I & I V.

and isospin. =0
The expansion formulas
In this appendix me mould like to show another X(((F) = x(+ Q 2x; „cos 5

simple derivation of vertex functions. The method

we use is an extended version of the one developed
by Goto and Naka, jn their bjlocal field theory.
P;(c) =
p, + p p; „cos-

The advantage of this method is that the continuity show that (B5) and (B6) are equivalent to
conditions (or overlapping conditions) enable us to
obtain the representation of the vertex function in (a. , „+a.,' „} v, = o,
I &

which the energy matrix is diagonal.

(a, „-a,'„)I v, )=o,
Let us assume that a string X,(o) breaks into
X,(o) and X,(o) at v=0, say, then the vertex func- (a, „-a,'„)I v, )=o,
tion (at v. =o} should satisfy the following condi-
1 (
[x,(o, ) —x, (o, ) 8,(c}—x, (c,) 8, (o}]I v& = o, xf
(2 })/2
(a( a )
8, ((z) =-8(((I n, I —o, ),
p, = (~a)"'(a(, . .)/f.
8,(c) =8(c, —v a) I I }; (Bl) The solution to (B8) is now given by
[P,(o, ) + P, (o,) 8,(g) + P, (o,) 8,(c) ] V) = 0, (B2)
I Vo&=exp[-,'[(a) Ia, )+(a, Ia, ) —(a, Ia, )])I0).
[P, (o), X,(o')] = i5 (o —v'-)8„. Substituting (Blo) into (B4) and eliminating all the
Let us introduce a new state I V, by
& annihilation operators, one obtains

I ~)=~*uIl Q ("I';)-)( ll i)

~2f=l & 3, 3, a, + a,

~ 3; f31 ~2 &»
j=l 2- 1 ~ 5
& 5, 3 &

+ ssP1~2A32
a, gA, (A(,
i=l 3 f i 3
a, IO)exp — Tr ln 1+
A, , A. ;, (B11)

with A3 f being the overlapping matrix. The four- functions to the 5 function vertex and then by func-
string interaction vertex can also be constructed tionally integrating over the intermediate-string
by the same method. states. Here, however, we mill calculate the
four-string interaction by using the methods of
APPENDIX C Goto and Naka.
The explicit expression for the four-string inter- For the sake of brevity, we will only present
action has been obtained by attaching four Green's the highlights of the calculation. %e will omit

the integration over the zipper" variable, and we [X,(a, ) -X,(a, )8, (a) -X,(a„)8,(a)]! V)=0,
will drop some contributions due to zero modes:
A; & 0, Ql + Q2 = OI3 + Q4, Ql & A3 & 0['2, [X,(a, ) —X,((r, ) 8, ((r} —X, (a, ) 8, ((r) ]!V& = 0,
e, &e, &n„0&v] &ma, ,
[P,(a, )+P,(a,)8, (a)+P, (a, }8,(a}]!V)=O,
8, (o)-=8(a, —a, ), 8,(a} 8(a, -o, )
&f(Q& —cl~) & a(& & war~ & [P,(a, )+P,(a, )8,(a)+P„(a,)8, (r }]!V)=0,

I )') -=exp I- &rr(p(, )[r((rr )rr(rr) r( (rr)rr(rr)& r' (rr )(X(")rr (rr) 'X (rr)rr (rr)&&)(r. )

2 4
x,(rr, )(l&')=r 0,
rr a& v) r(, (rr, )I&'.)=0, ~!V) = exp —
g P (a; —a,"!M„!a, + a& ) V, ,
t=l j=3

X2(a, )! V)=i y
( 2)
~ X,(a, )!Vo) = 0, 1
— 3
~ 13 14

p, (rr. )(l r»=-' 5R, a, ) &

&') p. (u. )(l »'. =O,
~!V&=exp 4 o. M„s
MB o(
Bn op

P&(a. )I V&=-r— ~P~(a. ) I Vo&=o

5X,(a, )

m! Vo&=exp ——Q 'Io()+-g

(o, (o,'Ior') Io),
4=1 j=3

1 asj

g (o,'I a;) g+ ' o,') '
((r, I I o&
2 2
i=1, 2; j=3, 4,
+14 0 ~ ~14 +0~ x exp[--,'(D —2) Tr 1n(1+4M RM(&„)].
~13 = 00 &13 = &Q'1 ~

o„=rr(o(& —o.,), br3=a„ %'e adopt an unconventional, but obvious, summa-

~24 0 0 ~24 +4 0 tion convention over u and P.

*This work is supported in part by the National Science Ramesh Chand (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1970);
Foundation under Grant No. GP-38097X, and also in L. Susskind, Nuovo Cimento 69, 457 (1970); H. Nielsen,
part by the Research Foundation of City University of in High Energy Physics, proceedings of the Fifteenth
New York, New York, New York 10031 under Grants International Conference on High Energy Physics, Kiev,
Nos. 10217, 01651, and 10209. 1970, edited by V. Shelest (Naukova Dumka, Kiev,
'The idea of constructing a free-field theory based upon U. S. S. R., 1972).
a nonlocal classical object can be traced back to ~T. Goto, Prog. Theor. Phys. ~46 1560 (1971); -N. I.
H. Yukawa, Prog. Theor, Phys. 3, 205 (1948). Chang and F. Mansouri, Phys. Rev. D 5, 2535 (1972);
2See S. Mandelstam, in I.ectures on Elementary Particles F. Mansouri and Y. Nambu, Phys. Lett. 39B, 375
and Quantum I ield Theory, 1970 Brandeis Suxomer (1972).
Institute in Theoretical Physics, edited by S. Deser, M. A. Virasoro, Phys. Rev. D 1, 2953 (1970).
M. Grisaru, and H. Pendleton {NIT Press, Cambridge, TR. Brower, Phys. Rev. D 6, 1655 (1972).
Mass. , 1970). SP. Goddard and C. B. Thorn, Phys. Lett. 40B, 235
3K. Kikkawa, B. Sakita, and M. A. Virasoro, Phys. Rev. (1972).
184, 1701 (1969); M. Kaku and L. P. Yu, Phys. Lett. SJ. Goldstone, P. Goddard, C. Rebbi, and C. Thorn,
333, 166 {1970); C. Lovelace, ibkf. 323, 203 (1970). Nucl. Phys. B56, 109 (1973).
V. Alessandrini, Nuovo Cimento 2A, 321 {1971). On OJ. L. Gervais and B. Sakita, Phys. Rev. Lett. 30, 716
the question of the weights, see, for example, D. J. (1973).
Gross, A, Neveu, J. Scherk, and J. H. Schwarz, Phys. ~~S. Mandelstam, Nucl. Phys. B64, 205 (1973).
Rev. D 4, 697 {1970); L. Brink and D. Olive, Nucl. ~2M. Ademollo, E. Del Guidice, P. Di Vecchia, and
Phys. 358, 237 {1973). S. Fubini, Nuovo Cimento 19A, 181 (1974).
Y. Nambu, in Symmetries and Quark Models, edited by K. Bardakci and M. Halpern, Phys. Rev. 176, 1686

(1968). ~~A. Neveu and J. Scherk, Nucl. Phys. 836, 155 {1972).
~4J.L. Gervais and B. Sakita, Phys. Rev. D 4, 2291 SN. Nakanishi, Prog. Theor. Phys. 48, 355 (1972).
{1971). ~9The necessity of a four-string interaction was suggested
~~After we finished our work, we learned that (5.6) was to us by S. Mandelstam. See also X. Artru and G. Men-
proved independently by J. Goldstone (private communi- nessier, Nucl. Phys. 870, 93 {1974).
cation) and E. Cremmer and J. L. Gervais I.Orsay 20E. Tomboulis, Phys. Hev. 0 8, 2736 (1973).
Report No. LPTHE 73/3 (unpublished)l. T. Goto and S. Naka, Prog. Theor. Phys. 51, 299
~6J. Scherk, Nucl. Phys. 831, 222 (1971). (1974) .


Absence of nmaways and divergent self-niass in nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics*

E. J. Moniz
Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139(
and Department of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

D. H. Sharp
Department of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 79104
(Received 14 January 1974)
We derive the quantum-mechanical operator equation of motion for a point electron and show that (i)
the electrostatic self-mass of a point electron is zero in quantum mechanics; (ii) the equation of motion
does not admit runaway solutions; (iii) the correspondence limit of the solutions of the quantum-mechan-
ical equation likewise does not display runaways; and {iv) the solutions do not violate the principle of
causality in quantum mechanics.

The Lorentz-Dirac theory of a classical non- tonian' governing the interaction of a nonrelativis-
relativistic point electron, interacting with its
self-field and subject to an external force F(f),
leads to the equation of motion' '
field, "
tic point electron with a quantized electromagnetic
on which the conclusions of this paper are
based, and it is not our purpose here to give such
a proof. Instead, starting from the operator form
-, d'ft(f)
3c' di'
of Maxwell's equation and the Lorentz force qua-
tion which follow from the Hamiltonian, we derive
where m, is the mechanical mass of the electron a quantum-mechanical operator equation of motion
and Sn is its electrostatic self-mass (divergent for a point electron which reduces to Eq. (1) in
for a point electron). This equation is beset by the correspondence limit (i.e. , S-0) and show
the well-known difficulties that it admits runaway that (i) the electrostatic self-mass of a point elec-
solutions (exponentially growing accelerations tron is zero in quantum mechanics, (ii} the equa-
even in the absence of external forces) and violates tion of motion does not admit runaway solutions,
causality (when the runaways are eliminated by (iii) the correspondence limit of the solutions of
the imposition of suitable boundary conditions, the quantum-mechanical equations likewise does
the electron accelerates before the force acts). not display runaways, and (iv} the solutions do not
While these results mar the internal consistency violate the principle of causality in quantum me-
of classical electrodynamics, the view is often chanics. These calculations thus show how nonrel-
adopted that since preacceleration occurs on such ativistic quantum electrodynamics is compatible
a short time scale (10 "sec
for an electron) the with requirements (no runaways, etc. ) which pre-
noncausal effects belong in the domain of quantum sumably folio~ from the general principles of
theory, to which one must turn for a resolution of quantum mechanics and in addition possesses a
the problem. physically reasonable correspondence limit.
To prove that runaways are not present in quan- The results in the quantum-mechanical case are
tum theory one would have to show that no Heisen- best understood by comparison to the classical
berg-picture operator in the theory has an expo- results for an extended charge distribution. For a
nentially growing time dependence. This result spherically symmetric static charge distribution,
has not been established for the standard Hamil- Eq. (1) is replaced by'

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