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Examination Questions based on Unit 6

Ethics and Ethical responsibility

Practice questions 1

Question 1
Identify the statement that is not true about ethics.
a. Ethics, in a general sense, is the code of moral principles and values that govern the
behaviors of a person or group with respect to what is right or wrong.
b. Ethics sets standards as to what is good or bad in conduct and decision making.
c. Ethics deals with internal values that are a part of corporate culture, but is not
concerned with decisions concerning the external environment.
d. An ethical issue arises when the actions of a person or organization may harm or
benefit others.*-//////////////////////////////////////

Question 2
To be ethical, organization decision makers should observe the following EXCEPT:
a. Apply different ethical treatment to individuals in the organization based on their
qualifications and experience in their respective fields.
b. Act with equity, fairness, and impartiality
c. Respect the rights of individuals
d. Develop a code of ethics which may help to define ethical standards for the
Question 3
An ethical dilemma arises when:
a. Each choice or behavior is undesirable because of potentially negative ethical
b. The choice involves a conflict between either the individual and the organization
or the organization and the legal framework of the country as a whole.
c. Right or wrong cannot be clearly identified.
d. There is a decision-making problem between two possible moral imperatives,
neither of which is acceptable or preferable.
Question 4
The principle of _____________ states that an action is right if the satisfaction of the
action produce greater total satisfaction than the consequences of an alternative action

Practice questions 2

Section 1 - multiple choice questions - Units 1-3

1. All of the following is true about Organizational Behavior EXCEPT:
a) Organizational Behavior is the study of human behavior in the
b) Whenever an individual joins an organization, he brings with him unique
set of personal characteristics, experiences from other organizations and a
personal background.
c) It is possible to study the organization without studying the behavior of
the individuals working in it.
d) The organization influences and is influenced by the people working in it.

2. Organizational Behavior revolves around the fundamental components of:

a) The nature of the environment and the nature of the government
b) The nature of people and the nature of the culture
c) The nature of people and the nature of the organization
d) The nature of organizations and the nature of Labor Laws.

3. Which of the following statements describes Hofstede’s individualism vs.

collectivism dimension:
a) The degree to which societies are integrated into groups and their perceived
obligation and dependence on groups.
b) How unknown situations, and unexpected events are dealt with.
c) The preference of society for achievement, attitude towards sexuality
equality, behavior, etc.
d) How societies can control their impulses and desires.

4. All the following are features of terminal values EXCEPT:

a) Having a job, money, sufficient wealth and good health
b) Being famous, respectful and highly regarded in the society
c) Interdependent, mutually helpful, depend on each other, being helpful to
each other.
d) Having true love and true understanding with opposite sex partner

5. Select the option that describes the affective component of attitude.

a) The beliefs, thoughts and attributes that could be associated with an object
b) The emotional or feeling segment of an attitude which deals with emotional
states such as fear, hate, love, shame.
c) A person’s tendency to behave in a particular way toward an object.
d) our evaluations, preferences or rejections based on the information we

6. Which of the following factors do not directly affect job satisfaction:

a) Fair Policies and Practice
b) Initiation and Leadership
c) Size of work team on a project
d) Relationship with Supervisors

7. The Big Five Model of personality appears to be positively related to job

performance and can be used as an employment selection or screening tool. Which
of the following is not a true statement about the big five model
a) Of the Big Five traits, emotional stability is most strongly related to life
satisfaction, job satisfaction, and low stress levels
b) Employees who score higher in conscientiousness develop higher levels of job
knowledge: probably because highly conscientious people learn more.
conscientiousness has been rather strongly related to GPA.
c) Individuals who score high on openness to experience are more creative in
science and art; and more comfortable with ambiguity and change than those who
score lower on this trait.
d) Agreeable individuals may be excellent negotiators; they are so unconcerned
with pleasing others that they often strive to please themselves only.

8. Which of the following statement does not address emotions?

a) Emotions are characteristic of our culture, family and community
b) Emotions are chemicals released in response to our interpretation of a specific
c)) Emotions can affect attitudes and behaviors in the workplace
d) Emotions include the contemplation to act a specific way based on feelings or
physiological changes.

People's worldwide desires for goods and services, combined with technological advancements,
have resulted in remarkable expansion in globalization, increasing the number of commodities
and services exchanged daily across international borders. As a result, globalization has had an
impact on people management skills, which need variety, flexibility, and the capacity to manage
across large distances. Managers may also be given missions or duties to perform from a foreign
base branch company overseas as a result of a job promotion, and they may be required to leave
home to travel and learn a new language and culture. They may be in charge of a workforce with
completely different demands, aspirations, and attitudes than their domestic country or
hometown. It also has an impact on managers' people skills in the sense that supervisors and
employees may originate from different ethnic groups, each with their own culture practices and
ways of resolving conflicts or do things different, and this may affect managers skills. Managers
must value diversity and effectively bring people from various backgrounds together to function
smoothly. A competent manager must be a good listener, endeavor to understand the needs of
others, and learn to manage disputes in order to deal with these issues.

Organizations can respond appropriately to ethical dilemmas faced by employees, by:

Demolish the dilemma by analyzing the situation carefully because most times the issue can be
resolved easily by asking questions and clarifying to the other party. By doing this employees
may see that they misunderstood the manger request and asking questions, allowing the manger
to repeat and give clarity can resolve the issue.
Value theory approach select alternatives then select the best possible solution for the issue,
which projects a greater good. So be able to reconsider the problem and select the most
appropriate alternatives and even new ones to have positive outcome.
Transformational leadership is a leadership style that creates positive and valuable changes into
people who they work with. Transformational leaders allow followers to a place of awareness
about what is more important and away from being self-centered, these leaders are more focused
on the vision, motivating and proactive, whereas charismatic leadership is a leader is defined by
his or her ability to influence people through communication, conviction, and charm. Because of
their many commonalities, charismatic leaders are frequently referred to as transformative
leaders. The focus and audience are the most significant differences between them.
Transformational leaders focus on converting organizations into the leader's vision, whereas
charismatic leaders strive to improve the current quo.

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