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Film Analysis: The Relationship of Mathematics in Our Daily Lives

Mathematics is a big part of our lives. When I was a child, I avoid this vexatious topic
because I thought it is just a phase that I will encounter in life. Along with my academic
experiences, I realized that Mathematics plays a vital role in shaping the nation. This is
a challenge that makes everyone critical, and this is a subject that lets people recognize
the sequences that are happening in the world. Mathematics does not just dwell on the
monetary world; it also answers lines that highlight repetitive events in society. 

Nova: The Great Math Mystery is a film that made me understand the main concepts of
Mathematics. The film traversed with a diverse cast of the world's top mathematicians,
engineers, and physicists, encapsulating math's purpose in life. NOVA introduces
astonishing examples of math's ability that answers history, elaborating on different
famous people such as Pythagoras, Galileo, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein. The film
answers misconceptions about mathematics and used rhetorical devices, logical
reasoning to persuade its viewers. This paper will elaborate on these ideas and will
expose my reflective thoughts about them. 

The hidden mysteries of Mathematics

What I like about the film is that the visuals transcend theoretical ideas to its viewers.
The film left tremendous insights to the viewers and debunked few mysteries that
continuously misled people. One of the most insightful mysteries that I liked is the
informative part that discusses the 'Pi' ("π"). When I was in high school, I thought pi only
answers the concepts of circles. I was wrong. The film said that Pi also highlights
probability calculations and, in many cases, with wave-like structures. For example,
NOVA said that Pi helped us determine cells' growth into spherical shapes on the
upstandingness of a supernova in an application. It also allows us to recognize the
colors that we always see in the rainbow. 
While deeply assessing the ideas of NOVA, I realized that there are thoughts in
mathematics that we do not know. If we open our minds and wander the subject's
concepts, we will see that Mathematics has deeper meanings. Another example that
was tackled in the film is the relationship between music and mathematics. The film said
that we were able to discover the most beautiful, harmonious musical beats because of
mathematics. The film gave the jazz bassist Esperance Spalding as an example. The
musician illustrates on her upright bass the resonance by 6th-century Greek scholar
Pythagoras connected to simple ratios in illuminating strings of carrying lengths. 
Mathematics in our daily lives
The film helps to explain mathematics as it cannot be separated from our daily basis.
When the film gave examples such as WIFI, Cellphones, and other forms of technology,
I concluded that the subject plays a vital role in our lives. We are living in a system
where science and mathematics control the nature of our thoughts. The film made us
understand that without these basic tenets of ideas, we will not pursue knowledge. 
The film influenced me to discover and embrace more the idea of mathematics. Adam
Steltzner said in the film that even if mathematics answers problems, there are still
shortcomings. With this, I must say that we need to discover more about the hidden
mysteries of mathematics to answer such undecided ideas. We need to seek
knowledge about mathematics because it is the root of everything. Mathematics in our
daily lives project a very illustrative purpose. That is to illuminate unified truth and

With the help of the film, I was able to recognize the deeper face of mathematics. I
realized that without mathematics, we will not have a unified version of knowledge. The
film championed to raise the other facts about Mathematics. It makes me conclude that
there are things that we do not yet recognize in the world of mathematics. Taking
everything into account, we must seek to have in-depth research of it as it answers
different life beliefs in the society. As a student, I was able to reflect on the film. I have
learned that we need to be courageous in seeking mathematics. Without this subject,
we will not be able to have the knowledge that we have right now. Just like science,
even if the stigma that 'mathematics is hard' is embedded in us, we must learn to value
the subject as deeply as we can. 

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