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SY 2020-2021

Second Semester
Quarter 1
Name ______________________________________________

Section ______________________________________________


Class Adviser ______________________________________________


in the Archdiocesan Notre Dame Schools of Cotabato
Strictly not for Public Circulation
Lesson Topic Time Week Activities to be Module
No. Allotment Coverage Done Page
Mental Break 1 Week Week 1

Jan. 11-15
1 Quantitative Data Week 2 Motivation to 5-7
Analysis 2 Weeks Jan. 18-22 Activity 4
Week 3 Activity 5 to 7-8
Jan 25-29 Practice
Week 4 Review/Examination
Feb. 1-5 Week
Week 5 Enrichment to 8-9
Feb 8-12 Evaluation
2 Statistical 3 Weeks Week 6 Motivation to 10-11
Methods Feb 15-18 Activity 3
Week 7 Practice to 12
Feb 22-26 Evaluation
Week 8 Review/Examination
March 1-5 Week


In this quarter, the learners develop skills that will satisfy their curiosity about the certain subject
matter. The only way to do this is to link themselves with people, things and other elements in the

Textbook: Practical Research 2. Baraceros, E.L.(2016) 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St.,
Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines
Rex Book Store,Inc.

CHI-SQUARE – a statistical test for bivariate analysis of nominal variable to test the null
CORRELATION – uses statistical analysis to yield the results that describe the relationship of
two variables.
MEAN- average of the items or scores.
MEDIAN – the score in the middle of the set of items that cuts or divides the set into two groups.
MODE – item or score in the data that has the most repeated appearance in the set.
REGRESSION – shows the nature of relationship of variables.
T-TEST – tests the difference between two means.


Quantitative Data Analysis

Finding Answers
through Data

Statistical Methods


Quantitative Data Analysis
 Differentiate the quantitative data-analysis techniques
 Organize data in tabular manner 2 Weeks
 Use a graph to show frequency and percentage distribution
 Calculate the measures of central tendency
 Use descriptive statistics in analysing data
Statistical Methods
 Define statistics
 Justify the relevance of statistics to research 3 Weeks
 Differentiate descriptive statistics from inferential statistics
 Explain the methods of bivariate-data analysis
 Compare and contrast the kinds of tests to measure correlation or

Lesson 1: Quantitative Data Analysis

Time Allotment: 2 Weeks


1. Differentiate the quantitative data-analysis techniques
2. Organize data in tabular manner
3. Use a graph to show frequency and percentage distribution
4. Calculate the measures of central tendency
5. Use descriptive statistics in analysing data

In answering the research problems it is essential that the researcher has the supporting
data to be able to answer the problems or objectives of the study. In this chapter, we will discuss
regarding data collection or data gathering, data organization and the statistical treatment of the
data. We can now get the results of the study after processing the data.

Look at these figures. Did you know what these symbols mean? What is running
through your mind as you examine the figures? Write your answer in your

Quantitative data analysis is time consuming because it involves series of
examinations, classifications, mathematical calculations and graphical recording.

Steps in Quantitative Data Analysis

Step 1: Preparing the Data
1. Coding System - to analyze data means to quantify or change the
verbally expressed data into numerical information.
2. Data Tabulations - for easy classification and distribution of numbers
based on a certain criterion.
Look for the example of tabulated data on page 110 of your textbook.

Step 2: Analyzing the Data

1. Descriptive Statistical Technique
 Frequency Distribution - gives you the frequency of distribution and percentage
of the occurrence of an item in a set of data.

Question: By and large, do you find the Senator’s attendance in 2015 legislative sessions

Measurement Code Frequency Distribution Percent Distribution

Strongly Agree 1 14 58%
Agree 2 3 12%
Neutral 3 2 8%
Disagree 4 1 4%
Strongly 5 4 17%

Activity 1: Arrange me!

Write your answer in your activity/assessment notebook.

1. Arrange the following data in ascending order.

a. 7, 2, 10, 14, 0, 6, 15, 24, 8, 3
b. 4.6, 8.1, 2.0, 3.5, 0.7, 9.3, 1.4, 0.8

2. Arrange the following data in descending order.

a. 14, 2, 0, 10, 6, 1, 22, 13, 28, 4, 8, 16
b. 1.2, 3.5, 0.1, 0.3, 2.4, 8.6, 5.0, 3.7, 0.7, 0.9

Activity 2: Frequency Table

Construct a frequency table for each of the following. Write your answer in your
activity/assessment notebook.
a. 4, 3, 6, 5, 2, 4, 3, 3, 6, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 4
b. 6, 7, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8, 7, 9, 6, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 4, 6, 7, 6, 5

 Measure of Central Tendency – indicates the different positions or values of the

items, such that in a category of data, you find an item or items serving as the:

Mean – average of all the items or score

Example: 3+8+9+2+3+10+3 = 38
38/7 = 5.43 (Mean)

Median – the score in the middle of the set of items that cuts or divides the
set into two groups
Example: The numbers in the example for the Mean has 3 as a
2, 3, 3, 3, 8, 9, 10
Mode – refers to the item or score in the data set that has the most
repeated appearance in the set
Example: In the given example above for the Mean, 3 is the Mode.
3, 8, 9, 2, 3, 10, 3

Activity 3: Complete the Table

Write your answer in your activity/assessment notebook.
Mean, Median, Mode, Range

35, 56, 34, 44, 52, 12, 34, 45 86, 24, 65, 65, 24, 24
Mean =_________ Median=_________ Mean =_________ Median=_________
Mode= ________ Range=__________ Mode= ________ Range=__________

24, 34, 32, 16, 45, 38, 28 32, 23, 22, 33, 33, 23, 32, 23, 22
Mean =_________ Median=_________ Mean =_________ Median=_________
Mode= ________ Range=__________ Mode= ________ Range=__________

 Standard Deviation – shows the extent of the difference of the data from the

Step 1: Compute the Mean

Step 2: Compute the deviation between each respondent’s answer
and the mean. The plus sign (+) appears before the
number if the difference is higher; negative sign (-) if the
difference is lower.
Step 3: Compute the square of each deviation.
Step 4: Compute the sum of squares by adding the squared figures.
Step 5: Divide the sum of squares by the number of data items to
get the variance.
Step 6: Compute the square root of variance figure to get standard

Example on page 112 of your textbook.

2. Advanced Quantitative Analytical Methods

a. Correlation
b. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
c. Regression

Activity 4. Analyzing Data
During the first semester, you have conducted an interview with your family
member. Analyze the data that you have collected from the interview that you have
conducted with your family member during the first semester. Use the descriptive
statistical techniques. Write your answer in your activity/assessment notebook.
1. Solve for the Frequency Distribution
2. Solve for the Standard Deviation

Activity 4. Which is which?
The demand for data analysis skills is on the rise in this lesson and no matter
which field you choose when you graduate, understanding quantitative data will put you
on the right track for an exciting career. What do you think is the most important
characteristic/s of a researcher that you need as a researcher in capturing verifiable and
testable results? Among the nine core values of our school, which value do you need to

have in order for you to obtain accurate data? Write your answer in your
activity/assessment notebook.

Activity 6. Compute
Following the procedure in calculating standard deviation, compute the standard
deviation of the data set. Likewise, give the median and the mode of the data set. Write
your answer in your activity/assessment notebook.

Sum of Squares:____________
Variance: _________________
Standard Deviation:_________

Data Item Deviation Square of Deviation


Lesson 2: Statistical Methods

Time Allotment: 3 Weeks


1. Define statistics
2. Justify the relevance of statistics to research
3. Differentiate descriptive statistics from inferential statistics
4. Explain the methods of bivariate-data analysis
5. Compare and contrast the kinds of tests to measure correlation or covariation

It is important to use appropriate statistical methods in answering the objective of the
study. It indicates that statistical tools should be consistent on how to answer the objective of the
study. In this lesson, the learners are able to determine what statistical methods and sampling
procedures they are going to use to come up with a result about the study.

Based on this title of the reading material, Statistical Methods, what do you think
is the text all about? Write your answer in your activity/assessment notebook.

What is statistics? Statistics is a term that pertains to your acts of collecting and
analyzing numerical data.

Statistical Methodologies
1. Descriptive Statistics - this describes a certain aspect of a data set by making
you calculate the Mean, Median, Mode and Standard deviation.
2. Inferential Statistics - a branch of statistics that focuses on conclusions,
generalization, predictions, interpretations, and hypotheses.

Activity 1: Compare and Contrast

a. Compare and contrast descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
b. What statistical methodology do you think is the most important in research?
Explain your answer.

Types of Statistical Analysis of Variables in Quantitative Research

* Univariate Analysis – analysis of one variable
* Bivariate Analysis – analysis of two variables (independent and dependent
* Multivariate Analysis – analysis of multiple relations between multiple variable

Statistical Methods of Bivariate Analysis

1. Correlation or Covariation (correlated variation)
- describes the relationship between two variables and also tests
the strength or significance of their linear relation.
2. Cross Tabulation (crosstab or students-contingency table)
- follows the format of a matrix that is made up of lines of
numbers, symbols, and other expressions.

Example of Bivariate Table is found in page 120 of your textbook.

Measure of Correlation
1. Correlation Coefficient - this is a measure of the strength and direction of the
linear relationship between variables and likewise gives the
extent of dependence between two variables; the effect of
one variable on the other variable
a. Spearman’s rho – the test to measure the dependence of the dependent
variable on the independent variable
b. Pearson product-moment correlation – measures the strength and
direction of the linear relationship of two variables and of
the association between interval and ordinal variables.
c. Chi-square – statistical test for bivariate analysis of nominal variable, to
test the null hypothesis.
d. T-test –evaluates the probability that the mean of the sample reflects the
mean of the population from where the sample was drawn.

2. Regression - determines the existence of variable relationships, but does more

than this by determining the following:
a. which between the independent and dependent variable can signal the
presence of another one
b. how strong the relationship between the two variables
c. when an independent variable is statistically significant as a soothsayer
or predictor

Activity 2: Organize
Organize the concepts you have learned about statistical methods, statistical data
analysis, bivariate-analysis method and measurement of bivariate analysis. Outline your
ideas in your activity/assessment notebook.

Activity 3: Graph
Draw a graphical presentation of the outline you made in Activity 2. Write your
answer in your activity/assessment notebook

Sampling Procedure
Sampling means choosing from a large population the respondents or subjects to
answer your research question.
The entire population is involved but for your research study, you choose only
part of a whole.

Factors Affecting Sample Selection

1. Sample Size
2. Sampling Technique
3. Heterogeneity of Population
4. Statistical Technique
5. Time and Cost

Sampling Methods
1. Probability Sampling
 Simple-random Sampling
 Systematic Sampling
 Stratified Sampling
 Cluster Sampling
2. Non-probability Sampling
 Quota Sampling
 Voluntary Sampling
 Purposive Sampling
 Availability Sampling
 Snowball Sampling
Activity 4. Answer
Answer activity 3 page 132-133 of your textbook. Write your answer in your
activity/assessment notebook.

Activity 5. Ethical Standard
Cite one ethical standard in research that you think is a must and important in
collecting and analyzing numerical data. Explain your answer in at least 5 sentences.
Write it in your activity/assessment notebook.

Activity 6. Research
Think of 1 quantitative research topic. Decide on which appropriate sampling
technique to use for this topic. Make a written report defining, explaining, and describing
every aspect of your sampling design or plan. Write your answer in your
activity/assessment notebook.

Written Report Rubrics

Topic Organization Quality of Grammar Interest Neatness
Information Usage Level
10 % 20 % 25 % 25 % 10 % 10 %

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