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• Identification of problem
• Problem Statement
• Literature Survey
• Methodology
• Flowchart
• Code
• Results
• Conclusion
➔ In general the accidents are a serious cause of concern due
to glare from headlights of vehicles during night time create
disturbance for the drivers making driving at any
undesirable situation.
➔ What happens if we come across with automatically
adjustable headlights itself so that it doesn’t fall on our
➔ Won’t you tried of repeatedly enabling and disabling high
beam lights every time ?
• To design a system where the headlights during night time
enables and disables the high beam automatically.

• It must be able to work intelligently and produce

accurate results in faster pace.
● Designed to dim the headlight of oncoming vehicles to avoid human eye effects.

● This automatically switched the high beam into the low beam, therefore reducing the glare effect by
sensing the light intensity value of the approaching vehicle and also eliminating the requirement of
manual switching by the driver which was not done at all times.

● Muralikrishnan. R explains Glare during driving is a serious problem for drivers. This is caused due to the
sudden exposure of our eyes to very bright light; the bright headlights of vehicles in this case. This causes
temporary blindness called the Troxler effect. Eventually, this becomes the major reason for night

● Tejas Vijay Narkar proposed this approach at night time, while driving in the cities there is light
everywhere which can affect the working of the device. At that time the model can shift to manual mode
to avoid flickering of the headlight. When both the vehicles were fitted with the “Automatic Dipper” then
both the vehicles dip the headlight beam of each other efficiently.

Reference: National Conference on Communication and Image Processing, Dept. of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, T John Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Pub. By: International Journal of Science, Engineering, and
Technology, ISSN (O): 2348-4098, ISSN (P): 2395-4752
● The automatic headlight system research and implementation are happening from the
late 90’s. The automatic or adaptive headlights are used in the luxury cars like BMW,
Mercedes, Volvo, Audi etc., but the sensors and other components used in these cars are
very expensive

● In a research paper called “Adaptive Front Light System” the researcher proposed a
headlight control system which swings horizontally based on the movement of the
steering angle and also swings vertically based on the distance of the opposite car
approaching this vehicle.

● The researcher gave at most importance for the consistency, accuracy, and the availability
of the components used in the adaptive front light system. Researcher also considered
the total cost of the system and try to build a cost effective adaptive headlight system.
● A monochromatic or polychromatic optical device such as a still camera that captures still
frames and simply transmits it via an electronic detector.

● Through varied image process techniques, the info of any vehicle approaching as well as vehicle
coming back from opposite direction as obtained. therefore the extraction is featured. Once that,
the analysis of the level of intensity is detected and henceforward the intensity of the vehicle
headlights switches from high to low beam once needed.

● This technique might not be reliable as the weather is prone to modification and the diversity of
reasons that come back in handy place to place as the vehicle travels and environmental
condition conditions that would have an effect on the frames captured by the optical sensors.

● As it is a camera-based image process unit it would possibly pair with the information. The
information that is predefined. Failure of matching of knowledge in period atmosphere conducts
unwanted intensity of lightweight. This would possibly once more arise a fatal impact whereas
driving on highways.

Reference: Feng LUO, Fengjian HU-“A comprehensive Survey of Vision-Based Vehicle Intelligent Front Light
System”,IJSSIS, Clean Energy Automotive Engg. Centre, School of Automotive Studies, Tongji University,
Shanghai, China.
● The central motorized vehicle rules (CMVR-1989) 105 and Delhi Motor Vehicles Rules
(DMVR-1993) 112 and 177 of Motor Vehicle Act (MVA-1988) penalizes for the improper
use of headlight and lightning of high beam on vehicle where not required.

● Though a system similar to AHBCS already exists, it is present on luxury vehicles only.
Low cost vehicles are equipped mostly with 60Ah battery which may get drained in 10-12
starts. If the headlight remains on during day time it puts extra load on the battery and
accounts for frequent battery drainage due to overload.

● Also due to this many accidents take place. We designed a system using an Arduino Uno
R3 microcontroller whereas the system costs only 2000 INR.

Reference: Automatic High Beam Control System, Vithalkar Akshay Ganesh, Khavare Vinayak Vithal,
Maitshaphrang Syiemlieh, Gawande Prashik Babarao, Supriya Y Sawant, International Journal of Mechanical and
Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092.
Most of the accidents throughout the night occur because of the high intensity of light falling on the
vehicle to beat this downside the intensity of light falling on the opposite vehicle ought to be reduced
mechanically there's manual adjustment of the intensity of light however it's tough to regulate
manually throughout some things to beat this downside, automatic adjustment of light is required that
is delineated during this paper the necessity of the headlights is crucial throughout night travel. The
assorted elements employed in the circuit are LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), Arduino, LED.
Ultrasonic Sensor:

● Ultrasonic waves travel faster than the speed of audible sound.

● For ultrasonic sensing, the most widely used range is 40 to 70 kHz.

● At 58 kHz, a commonly used frequency, the measurement resolution is one centimeter

(cm), and range is up to 11 meters

● As the ultrasonic sensors have more range it helps us to find the vehicles faster as it can
give the required datas quickly.

● In order to calculate the distance between the sensor and the object, the sensor measures
the time it takes between the emission of the sound by the transmitter to its contact with
the receiver. The formula for this calculation is D = ½ T x C (where D is the distance, T is the
time, and C is the speed of sound ~ 343 meters/second).
Light Dependent Resistor (LDR):

● In LDR no external voltage is required. When light intensity falls on it the resistance
increases or decreases.

● Its operating voltage is 5V. Available in following dimensions: 5mm, 8mm, 12mm &

● The vehicles light intensity is set as default value in the code so that comparison can
be easier.

● Also its used for finding whether the light is coming from vehicle or not.

● The data is collected along with the distance and its sent to cloud for further
processing of datas.
Arduino Uno

● Arduino could be an affordable, flexible, and easy-to-use programmable ASCII text file
microcontroller board that may be integrated into a range of electronic circuits.

● This board is often interfaced with alternative Arduino boards, Arduino shields, Raspberry
Pi boards, and many management relays, LEDs, servos, and motors as an output.

● The Arduino software system contains an Arduino IDE (Integrated Development

Environment). Arduino IDE is employed for programming. Arduino Uno is the most often
used development board though it's not a primary board within the market.

● Arduino Uno may be a microcontroller supported ATmega328p. It consists of an oscillator,

transformer, communication protocol, etc. it's fourteen digital input/output pins, out of
that half dozen are often used for PWM and half a dozen analog pins.
Flow chart : Ultrasonic

Yes No


Yes No

More for Less
More to No
Less Change

const int trigPin = 10;
const int echoPin = 9;
const int LED1 = 6;
const int ldr = A0;
int duration = 0;
int distance = 0;
void setup()
pinMode(trigPin , OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin , INPUT);
pinMode(LED1 , OUTPUT);
pinMode(ldr, INPUT);
void loop()
int light = analogRead(ldr);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
distance = duration/58.2;
digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
If (distance <= 5)
digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
● Initially, the sensors detect whether there are any objects are not in front of it or we
could tell that whether there are any objects within its sensing range, and once its
there, it checks whether the object is producing any light or not, if it produces light
then it checks for the intensity value of the light, if the intensity of the light from the
object seems to be higher than the specified value then the high beam light gets
turned off and it returns low beam light turns on.

● We are powering the device as of now with a 9V battery. But once it is fixed with any
vehicle then it will be powered by the vehicle’s battery and a relay and resistors will be
connected so that the Arduino won’t be powered with high voltage.
● We call the device name AHBC as it stands for Automatic High Beam Controller.

● When the device is powered what happens is that the ultrasonic sensor is turned on first. Once it is
turned on, it starts emitting waves within its range for the purpose of object detection.

● When any object is detected by the ultrasonic sensor then the data is sent to the light-dependent
resistor (LDR). Once the data is gone there, it checks whether the object detected produces any
light. If it produces any light then it checks for the intensity of the light.

● If the intensity value specified in the code is less than the value detected then the command from
Arduino Uno passes to the high beam light and it turns off automatically and enables the low beam.
If the intensity is low or if the ultrasonic sensor doesn’t detect any objects then there won’t be any
changes done to the headlights.
● For the prototype model we have used the Ultrasonic Sensor for object detection and LDR for light
detection and to check the intensity of the light. The ultrasonic sensor range is 5m only. As it is a prototype
we decided to stick with a small range sensor.

● The 5m range is cone-shaped from the sensor so it gives a bit of a wider area of range at the end of 5m.
When any object is detected at this particular range that is within 5m then automatically the next part of
the program works, that is the loop for light detection and checking the intensity comes into the picture.

● The intensity value for the LDR sensor which we used is very less compared to the real-time intensity
produced by the headlights. We currently have set the value as 800 as the LEDs produce very little
intensity compared to the normal light bulbs. So when the intensity of the light is high then the high beam
headlights turn off.

● This particular thing works only if the light from the opposite vehicle falls directly on the LDR, only then
the intensity can be calculated and measured. Once all the required data are collected and compared with
the given values, the high beam lights turn off automatically, and then the low beam gets turned on. Later
the driver can switch back to the high beam if required.
● We are satisfied with the work we have done for making the prototype.

● Even though we couldn’t get a few things done with the prototype due to reasons like lack of knowledge on
areas like AI, Open CV, etc, and also due to time constraints, we are happy that we could make the base of
the prototype stronger.

● Things like image recognition and concepts like AI, Open CV, Natural Language Processing can be added to
this prototype at any stage once the foundation of its work is stronger. These things are additional features
and things that will improvise the current prototype in a huge manner.

● We are also planning to expand our prototype in the future by adding these features to it and making it
process the data quickly as the light switching has to be done within a couple of microseconds so that the
driver feels comfortable and keeps his complete trust in the device.

● By doing this project we were able to learn a lot of things and concepts happening in the industry and
things are done by other research scholars too for the purpose of finding a solution to this particular
problem and we are a bit proud too that we were also a part of finding a solution to this particular unsolved

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