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Name : Muhib Ali

Reg.No : 57838
Program : BSCS
Class Timings : Thursday (11:45-2:45)
Room No. E-511

Answer #1

Mobile phone is the best technology invented in this era. It is

considered as one of the best sources of communication and
connecting with other people around the globe.
As we know that, Science is a blessing or curse meaning that
every technology has its benefits as well as dis-advantages depending
upon the practical usage of the user and overall, the attitude of the
people around the world related to new inventions and discoveries.
Now, as we talk about the huge invention of tech-world, Mobile
Phone, it has a lot of benefits like easy communication, social media,
education, helpful in emergency situations, calling another person
using Audio/Video support. These are the features that were not
available in the past.
As we talk about risks, so yes there are a lot of risks that can
expose to harm the user data. Because, a lot of data is stored in a
smartphone including personal information and confidential bank
records and statements. So, there is always a possibility of hacking
that can harm the user data.
These risks can be minimized by following strict network protocols
hosted by government agencies that will not allow the hackers to
attack on web-page or any software domains. If I chose not to use the
technology because of the possible risks, then it will put a great
impact in our lives. It will create disturbance in our lives because we
are used-to operate the technology. Without it, life would become
more complex.
Talking about the determination of benefits of new technology,
so first of all in my point of view, Government should determine
whether the said technology outweighs the expected potential risks.
Because, it is the Government that only have technological graphs
and stats of the different people using it. Based upon their research
and the feedback of the people, they can enable or may ban that
technology they are suffering from.

Answer #2

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