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The Female and Male Gaze

Carola Vargas

Andrea describes female misogyny as misogyny that we don't always know were
doing like for example when society tells you can´t be sleeping or kissing around
because your worth goes down, you feel guilty for doing something a man would get
praised for.
I think the most recent and uncomforting situation I had was when were in school
taking a masterclass, and a male classmate started shouting obscene things making
the group uncomfortable, a lot of the girls from class had to head out, but I didn't sit
still, look pretty and started arguing with him, I told him that if he expects to get to
college being that way he was gonna have a hard time, he answered: at least I can
go to college because I can pay it and you can´t. I answered: I don´t need my
parent's money to go to college I can work and acquire a scholarship. He finished
with a: at least I have parents. I got super mad so I smacked him across the face,
and even my professors who I thought would understand the situation, a professor
started inventing I was drunk and that's why I reacted that way, (who gets drunk at
school?) they told me that's not lady like and that I was very wrong in my reaction.
I don´t know for sure where I learned all of these things because in my family my
mother was the one to support the house for a long long time, so I have always
known that I don't need no man no woman to be successful but being in the oxford
school, things were different, they were always punishing us for how we looked and
dressed the uniform especially when we had joint events with the institute. They
would reprehend us for wearing our hair down saying we were doing it to call the
boy's attention, the skirt had to be not too long but not too short, you cant wear
leggings because your butt stands out more in leggings, etc… thanks to my mom
and dad that teached me a lot of values before they were gone, I don´t consider i
have a lot of misogyny of course in some subjects, yes, and that's why I'm reading,
learning, and transcending to be better.

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