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Bahir Dar University

College of Business and Economics

Department Of Management

Program: Masters of Business Administration (MBA)

Individual Article Review for the Course of

Management Theory and Practice

Title: Job Characteristics as Predictors of Work Motivation and Job

Satisfaction of Bank Employees
Author/s: Rabia H. & Adnan A., Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied
Psychology (2010).

Article Review Made By:

Name ID No

Eshete Getawa bdu1301703

Submitted to: Getnet Almaw (Assi. Prof)

Date: March, 2021
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

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Rabia H. and Adnan A. (2010) was conducted a study on job characteristics as a predictor of
work motivation and job satisfaction of bank employees in the case of Rawalpindi city in
Pakistan. The researchers were they trying to discuss different researchers’ argument that
showed the influence of job characteristics feature on banking employees’ motivation and job
satisfaction. The studies purposively select 150 male respondents whose positions are unit head
and branch managers.
The purpose of the study was to see the effects of various job characteristics features are how
much they affect the work motivation and job satisfaction level of banking employees in
Rawalpindi city of Pakistan banking industries.

The central argument of the article/the study:

The research was conducted to know how much job characteristics features are do have an
influence on banking employees’ motivation and job satisfaction. The independent variables of
the study were job characteristics, which represented by five features i.e. (skill variety, task
identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback), and to see their influence or prediction
power on the two dependent variables, i.e., banking employees’ motivation (intrinsic and
extrinsic motivation ) as well as employee job satisfaction. Thus, the study had centrally argued
that the concepts of job characteristics features can significantly and positively predict
motivational and job satisfaction level of banking employees by supporting different researchers'
findings. It is also possible to show the central arguments of the article in the following
conceptual framework. This framework was developed by the article reviewer to show the
articles central argument article easily and clearly for the readers.

Job characteristics
Skill variety
Task identity  Intrinsic motivation
 Extrinsic motivation
Task significance

Job satisfaction

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The major ideas or core issues of compensation and its conceptualized in the article.
The article were try to incorporate the concepts of compensation in the research body in one or
another way by discussing the issue of motivation. Motivation has discussed and categories in
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Such intrinsic and extrinsic motivation was also explained by
various factors; thus, those intrinsic and extrinsic motivation components are indirectly share or
explained some components or examples of compensation.
Even though the article lacks details explanation of each variable with sufficient example, but the
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be consider as the core issues that discussed somehow the
concept of compensation.

The Research methodology of the article/ study

The research had purposively selected 150 male unit heads and branch manager employees as
sample respondents. The questionaries’ of the study were developed using a four, five, and six-
level Likert scale. The reliability of the questionnaires was checked before final distribution to
fulfill the minimum requirements of the reliability scale for job characteristics, motivation, and
job satisfaction variables.  A total of 23 questionnaires were developed for job characteristics
features (independent variables), and 30 and 3 for motivation and job satisfaction measurement
items respectively. The collected responses were analyzed using correlation and regression
model analysis. The analyzed data of the study were presented using tables.

The strength and weakness of the article / the study

Even though I don’t have that much good experience and knowledge to criticize and suggest
technical comments for scientific journals or articles, but I try to list down some of the
weaknesses and strengths of this study as per my little knowledge.

The Strength of this study (Article)

The finding of this study was somehow trying to be supported by previous findings.
The study/ article had developed and used a high number of questionnaires for all
selected variables, this helps to increase the confidence level of the study.
The study was used a scientific data analysis model; this makes it good to generalize its
finding to the whole population in the study area.

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The Weakness of this study (Article)
 The study lacks to put conceptual framework design.
 The study had a limitation to show the total number of unit head and branch managers,
this leads to doubt for the appropriateness of the sample size of the study, and i.e. the
research has not shown a scientific sample size determination statement in the article.
 The study fails to develop a regression model equation.
 The study lacks to incorporate lower-level employees as part of sample respondents; this
may be leads to miss generalization of the research finding. In most banks at a unit head
and Branch manager position they have a good chance to get different benefits than
lower-level employees. Therefore, the job characteristics influence on motivation and job
satisfaction level of those unit head and branch manager responses difficult to generalize
to the whole banking employees.
 The prediction level of the independent variable (job characteristics feature) on work
motivation and job satisfaction is below 20% this probably makes the research irrelevant.
It leads to time and money wasting.
 Data analysis software was not stated in the study.
 The study has not put a clear and acceptable reason why it focuses on male managers by
excluding female managers as parts of a respondent.
 The study lacks to have research questions or hypotheses.
 The study lack to put its recommendation as per the finding results.

Lessons I learned in writing scientific articles.

In this article (study), I have learned the following scientific research writing techniques.

 Whether the researchers of this study were correct or not, I have learned that one
independent variable would have a relation with two dependant variables.
 I learned those nonprobability sampling techniques can possibly be used for multiple
regressions data analyses purpose.

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 In my former experience, I was considering that non-probability sampling techniques
could be used for qualitative data analysis purposes, but from this study, I learned it also
can for quantitative research.
 I have learned that from the wide contents addressed in full research, abstract,
background information, methodology, data analysis, and result discussion and reference
are some of the mandatory points to be addressed in writing scientific research/article.
 In writing scientific research or article, I have learned that the content has to be clear and
easily understandable for any readers.


Rabia H. and Adnan A. (2010) Job Characteristics as Predictors of Work Motivation and Job

Satisfaction of Bank Employees Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology July 2010, Vol.36, No.2, 294-299

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