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Project proposal

Candidate name:

Candidate number:


Project title:

Section 1 (Rational):

Over the past 11 units I have gained knowledge and understanding as well as gained new practical
skills that I can develop/transfer into my further training. During units 1-4 I learnt the common
techniques of Martha Graham and Merce Cunningham where practically I gained new technical skills
such as transferring from different styles as well as gaining knowledge about how contemporary
dance has developed and modernised into how it is seen today. Moving onto Unit 5-6 where we
were unfortunately in lockdown due to COVID-19, but because of this we learnt even more skills.
For this unit we had to create a group dance, and this was especially challenging to do in Lockdown
over facetime calls, but we learnt how to create a group dance but creating it independentlyfrom
not being together. This led us into unit 7 were we had to create a solo site-specific dance filmsolo,
during this I learnt how to create and adapt choreography to and outside environment ,as well as
learning how to film and edit.I also had to learn how mitigate risk and as well as preforming dance
and ultimately perform safely outside of the studio space. What did you learn/enjoy particualrly
about these 2 lockdown rojects, that may have inofmred how you work now?

Then finishing go oour first year culminated inwe worked on a showcase for our Unit 8 FMP, and this
was unit 8, tThis allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and choreograph in a new style, which
was? I also had the opportunity to balance learning lots of different dances including............ Then
moving into our In the second year the emphasis in term was has been preparation for auditions-

we started off with unit 9 & 10 where we learnt and prepared for a mock audition day, this allowed
me to prepare for my real auditions for dance schools and learn how to manage nerves. What did
you learn about yourself? What surprised you? How did you manage yor nerves and then how did
you manage the real auditions? How did you approach your real auditions? State you got in!

Don't list here,explain the opportunity in unit 11 for you to learn a completely new style, and talk
about why you chose African-what you got out of this that you still might use now.

Then finally this year our last topic we have worked on was unit 11 were we taught a workshop into
a new style that we had learnt, this allowed me to gain confidence in teaching and has allowed me
to become a more diverse dancer.

Section 2 (project proposal):

For my FMP I plan to create a piece of choreography that reflects everything I have learnt over the
past 11 units-in what way?

, this will be my contribution to a performance we are planning to put on, on the 17th of May. To
begin to think about what kind of choreography I would like to create I started to look back at all the
pieces that have inspired me over the past few years, and I decided that Hofesh Shechters ‘Clowns’
really inspired me the most. I set on an idea whilst being inspired by Hofesh Shechters work that I
could have a circus theme to my piece, but I also would like to incorporate some other ideas to my
piece, such as looking at how performers deal with failure and not being paid enough ,as well as
looking into how a circus traditionally treatedused to be and how the animals weren’t treated well
and finally in the last section of my piece, I plan to show how performers can have a bad day but
have to go on stage and the show must go need to acknowledge how you will broaden your
research to look at other performances that have explored this theme.

I plan to use a different piece of music for each section, all the music I have found are from movie
soundtracks which I plan to edit together.why this choice of music?

I will link my FMP choreography to my unit 11 African dance workshop by incorporating some of the
stylistic features such as a low sense of gravity and pelvic/chest movements. Good To create and
help me get inspired to create my piece I will watch films that show circus scenes and look at a
book??? I have on choreography to help with the process, I will also use Hofesh Shecters piece
‘Clowns’ for inspiration of movement material and look at some more of his work on YouTube. Our
FMP performance of all out choreography will take place in the St Georges Hall at Exeter, and we will
preform it in the rounds, we are also doing two performances one at 10:30 for a school audience
and the other at 7:30 so that friends and family will be able to watch.


To plan and manage my time I hope to set goals daily I will take footage of all my work in class and
make sure to rewatch the footage and make notes of things I can work on for next time. To also get
feedback I can ask my teachers as well as get help from my dancers in my choreography and peer
feedback from the girls in my class to get an outsider’s opinion. For my FMP I will also create weekly
schedules and plan what I will do in each lesson as well as creating weekly ‘To Do’ lists and a daily list
of what I hope to achieve each day. I am also planning on working with new people which will have
challenges as well as positives. I think it will offer me new ideas and working with new people will
help my teaching skills, but as I am working with new people that means the dancers aren’t in my
class so it will be hard to organise a timetables slot for when we can do my choreography each week.
I think my FMP will challenge me to become a stronger choreographer and make me more adaptable
to work with as I am having to work with a new type of stage setting, (the rounds), and it will also
make me a stronger dancer by prreforming in at least 10 different dances, this will make my muscle
memory stronger and well as my physical body and training and make me more diverse by dancing
in lots of different styles.

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