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By Josh Hills
1 INT. Jack’s bedroom - Morning

It starts with JACK on the computer, he is watching memories on

video of him and his SISTER. He watches a video of him and his
sister playing when they were younger. He finishes watching the clip
and then starts to get ready

He gets ready like brushing his teeth and having breakfast and then
goes out the door for college.

In this scene music is being played in the background the song is

called when we were young by adele

2 EXT. Park bench - Midday

Jack is sitting on the park bench waiting for his friend BEN. Ben
turns up and sits next to him

Hey how you doing mate

Well not too good to be honest (sounds down and sad)

Oh how come?

Starts telling the story and then it shadows what was happening
whilst jack is explaining the story

Well on wednesday night Ellie went out of the house to go and do the
shopping like she usually would on a wednesday. As it got later and
later I started to worry a bit but just thought that she was taking
extra long tonight. I decided that I would check my find friends to
see if I could see her location but nothing was showing up. That's
when I started to get really worried so I decided to ring her but
she didn't pick up. It reached midnight so I decided that I would
ring the police to tell them she's missing.

Oh my god, that's terrible. So what's happening now
well the police have started to put up missing signs around the area
but there's been nothing yet.

Wow that's such a shame she was so nice as well
What do you mean was (awkward laugh) she isn't dead, she's just

(stutters a bit) oh um no i didn't mean it like that, iii just was
thinking that um to be honest most people that go missing end up
being found dead

But how would you know if she was dead, she's not dead in my eyes
until there's proof, there's still hope.

I get that but come on be realistic if she was alive she would have
come back by no-

No how would know, you don't understand, there's still hope and
thats it ok

(Jack walks off)

3 INT. HOUSE Evening

Jack walks into the house and opens the door looking stressed. He
goes into the kitchen and starts to make cookies. It closes up to
Jack face looking emotionless and then fades into a flashback of him
and his sister making cookies also in the clip you can see a
necklace slightly which will become a significant part, when it
fades back into him eating cookies. He walks upstairs, gets into his
pyjamas and goes to bed.

Music in the background is called only the strong by laura marling


Jack is half awake watching memories on his computer like last time
he does his usual morning routine and heads off to college very
similar to the last time he was getting ready.


Sorry about yesterday mate i just got a bit of a short temper and
blew, there was no need for it i think i was just picking on
anothing to get angry on

Its ok i understand your very upset and vulnerable at the moment,
don't worry though cause im always here for you mate

Thanks ben i appreciate that

Anyway, how long are you from completing that assignment due for
next week

Not to far but i can just slowly feel myself falling behind from
everyone else

Well I can help you if you want at lunch?

Cheers for the offer but i'm gonna leave at 11 today im super tired
and need to get some rest

Fair enough mate

Have you heard any updates on your sister mate

Nope not much at all they said they were carrying on the search but
it's looking less and less likely that they will find her. To be
honest with you i'm starting to lose hope

Damn that's such a shame, well I hope they make some progress in the
search… i've gotta go to class now, ill ring you later on.

Oh.. ok yeah no worries see you in a bit

Jack gets in the door and feels extremely tired, he shuts his blinds
and tries to get some sleep, it extremely slowly fades into his
dream in black and white and it keeps changing from ellie walking
and ethan also walking suspiciously, the change is very quick and
also includes this necklace that they are both wearing, the necklace
keeps flashing up until the last shot of the necklace being place
into a palm of a hand is seen.

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