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Abaca is a leaf fibre, composed of long slim

cells that form part of the leaf's supporting
structure. It is still used to make ropes, twines,
fishing lines and nets, as well as coarse cloth for
sacking. There is also a flourishing niche market
for abaca clothing, curtains, screens and
furnishings, but paper-making is currently the
main use of the fibre.
Cyril Kimbel H. Pineda
Coconut Shell
Coconut shell is an agricultural waste and is
available in plentiful quantities throughout
tropical countries worldwide. Coconut shell is
widely used for making charcoal. This is shell is
use to produce various handicraft applies and
other applications.

Bamboos are a diverse group
of evergreen perennial flowering plants in
the subfamily Bambusoideae of
the grass family Poaceae. Bamboo is one of
the most used building materials, particularly in
areas of the world where it is found in
abundance. Historically and today, is an
important resource to build bridges, houses,
scaffolding, falls, floors, roofs and other

Corn Husk
Corn husks are the outer covering of an ear of
corn. Dried corn husks are used to make the
classic Mexican dish tamales. The wrappers are
soaked to soften them, then stuffed with corn
masa paste and a variety of savory fillings such
as beans and cheese, stewed pork, chicken or


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