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Advantages of coconut tree

The coconut nucifera cocunut tree is a cuture of higia socioeconomic sionificance for the papu lactions
and not only the largest populations and are in the provinces of zambezia , Inhambane, and Nampula
the products.

Derived from the cocot tree in particular copra, are a source of foreign exchange for the economy, of
mozambique and generation of coconut trees .

The coconut income for communities living on the coast tree.

Think is extracted the wad that can be used in the manufacture of furniture benwoods, boards, and
clays for cans truction , the grated cocunut in addition to bling the copra consumes if fresh it's milk
provides a great.

Complemented for making disnes and pastries fiber extracts, carpets, roper and miscellaneous and

It also serves for the production of pertinzers for plans, also for the production of the campus sura
dumpling the leaves of coconut tree after drying are wideb used in the ewering of houses the fresh
while fresh leap is also used in the production of baskets the coconut hull, also used in the production of
handicraft and woody fuel.

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