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PRACTICE TEST 1810 (Trừ Reading II và Writing I)

I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that has the underlined part pronounced differ ently
1. A. chapter  B. yacht  C. manage  D. panel
2. A. example  B. feed  C. ink  D. inhumane
3. A. junior  B. humour  C. custom D. purify
4. A. doll  B. hall  C. chalk  D. forecast
5. A. recite  B. refund  C. reconcile  D. reproduce
II. Choose the word which main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others.
6. A. relax  B. recognize  C. realize  D. relatively
7. A. permanent  B. power  C. permission  D. carpet
8. A. photography  B. minority  C. heroic  D. amateur
9. A. resignation  B. politician  C. uncontrollable  D. comfortable
10. A. managerial  B. determination  C. unbelievable  D. inability
Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence
11.  We carried out a careful ....................of the area.
 A. education   B. preparation   C. calculation   D. examination
12. In the primary school , a child is in the ………….. simple setting.
 A. comparison   B. comparative   C. comparatively   D. comparable
13. After the …….. of the new manager the staff worked more effectively.               
 A. dismissal   B. retirement   C. resignation   D. appointment
14. The doctor took one look at me and said that I was …………. overweight.
 A. slightly   B. accurately   C. certainly   D. continuously 
15.Try and see things from my point of view, and be a bit more ………….. .
  A. reasonable   B. reasoning   C. reason   D. reasonably
16.There were 50 ………………in the talent contest.  
  A. competitors   B. examinees   C. customers   D. interviewees
17. His performance in King Lear was most ………….. . 
A. impression   B. impressive   C. impressed   D. impress
18. Many trains have been cancelled and long ……………………are expected.

1 PB.TA9.
A. distance   B. postponements   C. timetable   D. delays
19. The journalist refused to …………………….. the source of his information.
  A. disclose   B. expose   C. propose   D. enclose
20. The existence of many stars in the sky ……… us to suspect that there may be life on another planet.
  A. lead   B. leading   C. have led   D. leads
21. Be careful with your gun! You may ………… somebody.
 A. injure   B. wound   C. hurt   D. ache
22. Some of the passengers spoke to reporters about their ……. in the burning plane.
  A. knowledge   B. experience   C. occasion   D. event
23.After the enormous dinner he had to ………. his belt.
  A. broaden   B. enlarge   C. widen   D. loosen
24.Throw away that old vase. It is ………… .
  A. value   B. valuable   C. invaluable   D. valueless
25.- Is the lift is working?. - No , its …………Lets use the stairs.
  A. out of work   B. impossible   C. in danger   D. out of order
26.These people …………… for the most successful company in the town. 
  A. are seeming to work   B. seem working 
C. seem to be working  D. are seeming to be working
27. …………in the hospital for 4 years, he has decided to give up his work.
  A. To work   B. Working   C. Being working  D. Worked 
28. She has been sleeping for 10 hours! You …………her up.
  A. had better to wake  B. may wake   C. must wake   D. would like to wake
29. People think that an apple ………….. is good for you.
  A. in a day   B. for a day   C. for every day   D. a day
30. I'll never forget ………….. you have told me.
  A. anything   B. what   C. anything that   D. all are correct
I. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete it.
People in many countries grow fresh water fish from eggs. They move the small fish into lakes and
rivers. The fish live and (31) ___________ there. People go (32) ___________ in these lakes and rivers.
They enjoy catching fish because fish is also good food. Now the Japanese grow salt water fish.
Most of them are yellow tail fish. Workers grow the fish from eggs. Every time they feed the fish,
they play (33) ___________ of piano music. The fish (34) ___________that piano music means food.
When the fish are small, the Japanese put them into the ocean near the land. The fish find some of

2 PB.TA9.
their (35) ___________ food. Workers also feed them. They play the same piano music. The fish (36)
___________know the music. They swim toward it and (37) ___________ the food. In (38)
___________months the fish are large. The Japanese play the same music. The fish swim toward it
and the workers (39) ___________ them. The Japanese get about 15 percent of their seafood (40)
___________farms in the ocean.
31.  A. bread       B. born       C. grow       D. develop
32.  A. enjoying      B. fishing      C. shopping      D. catching
33.  A. songs       B. films       C. tapes       D. lot
34.   A. think        B. recognize  C. realize       D. learn
35.  A. own       B. own’s        C. self        D. self’s
36.  A. recently       B. mostly        C. nearly        D. already
37.  A. see        B. find        C. bite        D. hold
38.  A. few       B. a few        C. couple       D. many
39.  A. grasp        B. catch        C. seize        D. hold
40.  A. on        B. of        C. from        D. in
II. Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word in the following passage.
The idea that a blind person could drive a car sounds crazy. And the concept of someone who can’t
see driving a car at almost 150 miles per hour sounds even (41) ______. Miranda Naylor, a blind
accountant from Southport, has done exactly that in an attempt to (42) _______ money for charity. Mrs.
Naylor drove (43) _______ sports car for two miles in a straight line along the runway of a disused
airfield. She was in radio contact with her husband Pete Naylor, (44) _______ was able to give her
directions and advice in this way. Her amazing achievement is expected to raise about £50,000, which
will be donated (45) _______ a company that trains dogs for the blind. Mrs. Naylor has been blind (46)
_______ she was six years old and she still has some visual memories of the world (47) _______ her. She
admits that not having her sight makes her life awkward at times. She believes that if you are disabled
in any way, you shouldn’t waste time (48) _______ sorry for yourself. “It makes a lot of sense to keep
busy” she says. “Achieving (49)_______ can be a great source of self-confidence”. Miranda is now
looking for a new challenge and (50) _______ like to ride a motorbike.
III. Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C or D to answer the questions. 
Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the
dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around
1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the
Norman invasion of 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England
and had not extended even as far as two centuries, English began to spread around the globe as a

3 PB.TA9.
result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work. Thus, small
enclaves of English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these
communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international
business, banking and diplomacy.
 Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is English.
Two - thirds of the world’s science writing is in English, and English is the main language of
technology, advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers - Today there are
more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are nonnative speakers,
constituting the largest number of nonnative users than any other language in the world.
51. What is the main topic of this passage?
A.  The French influence on the English Language.
B.  The English history. 
C.  The expansion of English as an international language.
D.  The use of English for science and Technology.
52. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?
A. in 1066   B. around 1350   C. before 1600   D. after 1600
53. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the
world except.
A. the slave trade   B. the Norman invasion   C. missionaries   D. colonization
54. The word “enclaves” in line 6 could be best replaced by which of the following.
A. communities   B. organizations   C. regions   D. countries
55. The word “proliferated” in line 7 is closest in meaning to which of the following
A. prospered   B. organized   C. disbanded   D. expanded
D. Writing
I. Complete sentences using the given words:
56. Opinion / football match / fair
57. I / have / air conditioner / fix / tomorrow. 
58. Provide / your handwriting / legible / your answer/ accept / test scorer.
59. The patient / recover / more / rapidly / expected. 
60. I’d / play football / rather / watch / it / T.V

4 PB.TA9.
61. We / informed / most / animals / zoo / starving / death. 
62. It / better / play safe / exams / give / original answer.
63. small shopkeeper / face / fierce competitiveness / supermarkets.
64. I / not be / trouble / police / now if / take / your advice / first place.
65. Hardly / I / go back / sleep when / loud noise / woke / up.
II. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence.
66. Thankfully, Diana doesn't need to have an operation. NO
67. The minister had to resign because of ill health. LED
68.You will benefit from seeing the doctor if you've just got a cold. WORTH
69.I'm seeing the nutritionist at three tomorrow. APPOINTMENT
70. I don't want to be a vegan anymore! TIRED
71. Your arm probably won't heal before the match on Saturday. UNLIKELY
72. I wish I could do a hundred press-ups in one go. ABLE
73. Do you think I should reduce the amount of chocolate I eat? ON
74. I lost my keys once before this month. SECOND
75. It's a waste of time denying that you did it when we've got proof. POINT

5 PB.TA9.
I. Các quy tắc
Quy tắc chung:
Chủ ngữ là danh từ số ít hoặ c danh từ khô ng đếm đượ c đi cù ng độ ng từ số ít và chủ ngữ số nhiều
đi cù ng độ ng từ số nhiều.
Tuy nhiên, đô i khi chủ ngữ cò n hoà hợ p vớ i độ ng từ tuỳ theo ý tưở ng diễn đạ t hoặ c danh
từ /đạ i từ đứ ng trướ c theo cá c quy tắ c nhấ t định. Sau đâ y là mộ t số quy tắ c cơ bả n về sự hoà
hợ p giữ a chủ ngữ và độ ng từ :
Quy tắc 1: Khi hai danh từ nối nhau bằng chữ "and" thì động từ chia số nhiều.
Ví dụ :
- My sister and I like listening to classical music.
TRỪ cá c trườ ng hợ p sau thì lạ i dù ng số ít:
* Khi chú ng cù ng chỉ mộ t ngườ i, mộ t bộ , hoặ c mộ t mó n ă n:
Ví dụ :
- The professor and the secretary are on business, (ô ng giá o sư và ngườ i thư kí là hai ngườ i khá c
- The professor and secretary is on business, (ô ng giá o sư kiêm thư kí là mộ t ngườ i.)
- Salt and pepper is…… (muố i tiêu - xem như mộ t mó n muố i tiêu.)
- Bread and meat is..(bá nh mì thịt - xem như mộ t mó n bá nh mì thịt.)
* Phép cộng thì dùng số ít:
- Two and three is five. (2 + 3 = 5).
Quy tắc 2: Sau "Each, Every, Many a…. " + V (số ít)
Ví dụ :
- Each person is allowed 20kg luggage.
- Every student is told about the changes of the timetable.
- Many a politician has promised to make changes.

- Quy tắc 3: Sau "To infinitive/Ving" + V (số ít)

Ví dụ :
- To jog/ Jogging every day is good for your health.
Quy tắc 4: Mệnh đề danh từ + V (số ít)
Ví dụ :
- What you have said is not true.
- That tree lose their leaves is a sign of winter.
Quy tắc 5; Tựa đề + V (số ít)
Ví dụ : "Tom and Jerry" is my son's favorite cartoon.
Quy tắc 6: Danh từ kết thúc là “s” nhưng dùng số ít
* Danh từ tên môn học:

6 PB.TA9.
Physics (Vậ t lí), Mathematics (Toá n), Economics (Kinh tế họ c), Linguistics (Ngô n ngữ họ c),
Politics (Chính trị họ c), Genetics (Di truyền họ c), Phonetics (Ngữ â m họ c)....
* Danh từ tên môn thể thao:
Athletics (Điền kinh), Billiards (Bi-da), Checkers (Cờ đam), Darts (Phó ng lao trong nhà ),
Dominoes (Đô mi nô )...
* Danh từ tên các căn bệnh: Measles (sở i), Mumps (quai bị), Diabetes (tiểu đườ ng), Rabies
(bệnh dạ i), Shingles (bệnh lở mình), Rickets (cò i xương)....
* Cụm danh từ chỉ kích thước, đo lường: Two pounds is…. , five centimetres is a short unit
* Cụm danh từ chỉ khoảng cách: Ten miles is …, two kilometres is a short distance
* Cụm danh từ chỉ thời gian: Ten years is …
* Cụm danh từ chỉ số tiền: Ten dollars is
* Cụm danh từ chỉ tên một số quốc gia, thành phố: The United States (Nướ c Mỹ), the
Philippines (nướ c Phi-lip-pin), Wales, Marseilles, Brussels, Athens, Paris....
Quy tắc 7; Danh từ không kết thúc bằng “s" nhưng dùng số nhiều (nói về tập hợp)
Ví dụ :
People (ngườ i), cattle (gia sú c), police (cả nh sá t), army (quâ n độ i), children (trẻ em), women
(phụ nữ ),men (đà n ô ng), teeth (ră ng), feet (châ n), mice (chuộ t)...
Quy tắc 8; The + adj = N (chỉ người) + V (số. nhiều)
Ví dụ :
- The blind are the people who can't see anything.
Quy tắc 9: Hai danh từ nối nhau bằng cấu trúc: "either ... or, neither... nor, not only but
aslo" thì động từ chia theo chủ ngữ gần nó nhất.
Ví dụ :
- Neither she nor her children were inherited from the will.
- Either they or their son is not allowed to come in.
- Not only she but also her friends are going to the cinema.
Quy tắc 10: Các danh từ nối nhau bằng: as well as, with, together with, along with,
accompanied by thì chia động từ theo danh từ phía trước.
Ví dụ :
- She as well as I is going to university this year. (Chia theo "she")
- Mrs. Smith together with her sons is away for holiday. (Chia theo "Mrs. Smith")
Quy tắc 11: Hai danh từ nối nhau bằng "of"
* Hai danh từ nối với nhau bằng "of" thì chia theo danh từ phía trước nhưng nếu danh
từ phía trước là "some, all, most, majority, enough, minority, half, phân số, phần
trăm".... thì lại phải chia theo danh từ phía sau.
Ví dụ :
- The study of how living things work is called philosophy. (Chia theo "study")
- Some of the students are late for class. (Nhìn trướ c chữ "of" gặ p "some" nên chia theo chữ
phía sau là students)
- Most of the water is polluted, (phía trướ c là most nên chia theo danh từ chính đứ ng sau là

7 PB.TA9.
* Lưu ý:
Nếu các từ trên đứng một mình thì phải suy nghĩ xem nó là đại diện cho danh từ nào, nếu danh từ
đó đếm được thì dùng số nhiều, ngược lại dùng số ít.
Ví dụ :
- The majority think that... (đa số nghĩ rằ ng...): ta suy ra rằng để "suy nghĩ" đượ c phả i là danh
từ đếm đượ c (ngườ i) dù ng số nhiều.
Quy tắc 12: "A number" và "The number"
A number of+ N (số nhiều) + V (số nhiều) : nhiều
The number of+ N (số nhiều) + V (số ít): số lượng
Ví dụ :
- A number of students are going to the class picnic. (Rấ t nhiều sinh viên sẽ đi picnic cù ng lớ p.)
- The number of days in a week is seven. (Số lượ ng ngà y trong tuầ n là 7.)
Quy tắc 13: Một số danh từ chỉ tập hợp
Bao gồ m cá c từ như: "family, staff, team, group, congress, crowd, committee ..."
Nếu chỉ về hành độ ng củ a từ ng thà nh viên thì dù ng độ ng từ số nhiều, nếu chỉ về tính chấ t
củ a tậ p thể đó như mộ t đơn vị thì dù ng độ ng từ số ít
Ví dụ :
- The family are having breakfast. (Ý nó i từ ng thà nh viên trong gia đình đang ă n sá ng).
- The family is very conservative. (Chỉ tính chấ t củ a tậ p thể gia đình đó như là mộ t đơn vị).
Quy tắc 14: Cấu trúc với "there"
Cấ u trú c vớ i "there" thì ta chia độ ng từ chia theo danh từ phía sau:
Ví dụ :
- There is a book on the table. (Chia theo "a book")
- There are two books on the table. (Chia theo "books")
* Chú ý:
There is a book and two pens on the table, (vẫ n chia theo "a book")
Quy tắc 15: Đối với mệnh đề quan hệ thì chia động từ theo danh từ trong mệnh đề chính
Ví dụ :
One of the girls who go out is very good. (Chia theo "the girls")
Quy tắc 16: Gặp các đại từ sở hữu như: mine, his, hers, yours; ours, theirs thì phải xem
cái gì của (những) người/ vật đó là số ít hay số nhiều
Ví dụ :
Give me your scissors. Mine (be) very old. (Ta suy ra là củ a tô i ở đâ y ý nó i scissors củ a tô i: số
nhiều chia độ ng từ ở số nhiều: Mine are very old)
Quy tắc 17: Những danh từ luôn chia số nhiêu
* Mộ t số từ như "pants" (quầ n dà i ở Mĩ, quầ n ló t ở Anh), "trousers" (quầ n), "pliers" (cá i kìm),
"scissors" (cá i kéo), "shears" (cá i kéo lớ n - dù ng cắ t lô ng cừ u, tỉa hàng rà o), "tongs" (cái kẹp)
thì đi vớ i độ ng từ số nhiều.
8 PB.TA9.
* Tuy nhiên, khi có từ "A pair of/ Two pairs of..." đi trướ c cá c danh từ
nà y, đứ ng là m chủ từ , thì chia độ ng từ số ít.
Ví dụ :
- The scissors are very sharp.
- A pair of scissors was left on the table. Quy tắc 18: Với đại từ bất định thì động từ theo sau chia ở
số ít
Đạ i từ bấ t định là nhữ ng từ sau: Someone, anyone, no one, every one, something, anything,
everything, nothing,...
Ví dụ :
- Everything seems perfect.
- Nobody loves me.
Quy tắc 19: Với chủ ngữ có “no”"
Nếu sau “no" là danh từ số ít thì động từ chia số ít.
Nếu sau "no" là danh từ số nhiều thì động từ chia số nhiều.
Ví dụ :
- No money has been invested for this company for 2 months.
- No lessons were given to us by our teacher this morning.
Quy tắc 20: Cấu trúc đảo ngữ với cụm từ trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn
Khi cụ m trạ ng từ chỉ nơi chố n đượ c đặ t lên đầ u câ u, độ ng từ hoà hợ p vớ i (cụ m) danh từ
đứ ng sau độ ng từ .
Ví dụ :
On the top of the hill is a temple.
Quy tắc 21: Sau none of/either of/neither of/one of động từ chia ở dạng số ít
Ví dụ : None of my children has blue eyes.
II. Bài tập áp dụng
Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer:
1. The trousers you bought for me (doesn't/ don't) fit me.
2. Physics (was/ were) my best subject at school.
3. Fortunately, the news (wasn't/ weren't) as bad as we had expected.
4. The police (wants/ want) to interview Fred about a robbery.
5. Three days (isn't/ aren't) long enough for a good holiday.
6. Where (does/ do) your family live?
7. England (have/ has) lost all their football matches this season.
8. (Does/ Do) the police know about the stolen money?
9. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine (isn't/ aren't) sharp enough,
10. I'm going to take a taxi. Six miles (is/ are) too far for me to walk.
11. John, along with twenty friends, (is/ are) planning a party.
12. The picture of the soldiers (bring/ brings) back a lot of memories.
13. If the duties of these officers (isn't/ aren't) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the project.
9 PB.TA9.
14. Advertisements on television (is/ are) becoming more competitive than ever before.
15. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, (is/are) at an all-time high.
16. Mr. Jones, accompanied by several members of the committee, (have/ has) proposed
some changes of the rules.
17. The levels of intoxication (vary/ varies) from subject to subject.
18. Neither Bill nor Mary (is/ are) going to the play tonight.
19. Anything (is/ are) better than going to another movie tonight.
20. Skating (is/ are) becoming more popular every day.
Exercise 2: Verb form:
1. A number of reporters (be) at the conference yesterday.
2. Anybody who (have) a fever must go home immediately.
3. Your glasses (be) on the bureau last night.
4. There (be) some people at the meeting last night.
5. The committee already [reach) a decision.
6. A pair of jeans (be) in the washing machine this morning.
7. Each student (answer) the first three questions.
8. Either John or his wife (make) breakfast every morning.
9. After she had perused the material, the secretary thought that everything (be) in order.
10. The crowd at the basketball game (be) wild with excitement.
11. A pack of wild dogs (frighten) all the ducks away.
12. The jury (be) trying to reach a decision.
13. The army (have) eliminated this section of the training test.
14. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter (be) appalling.
15. There (have) been too many interruptions in this class.
16. Every elementary school teacher (have) to take this examination.
17. Neither Jill nor her parents (see) this movie before.
18. There (be) no girls in this class.
19. There (be) no key for this door.
20. 80% of the students (have) voted.
Exercise 3: Correct mistakes.
1. Geography are fascinating.
2. Where is my gloves?
3. Each ticket costed $5.
4. The boy with his dog are here.
5. John or Tom are bringing the car.
6. His hair are turning gray.
7. Are there anybody at home?
8. Neither praise nor blame seem to affect him.
10 PB.TA9.
9. Three fourths of his fortune were devoted to scientific research.
10. Two-thirds of these books is novels.
11. There are a car and two vans in front of my house.
12. Why is the police standing there?
13. So far everything is all right.
14. More men than women is left-handed.
15. Fifty minutes are the maximum length of time allotted for the exam.
16. None of my classmates speaks Arabic.
17. Every student are tested twice a year.
18. Each of the items in the bill are correct.
19.10 years in prison were too long for him.
20. None of the children were awake.
Exercise 4: Gap fill
1. No smoking or drinking allowed during work time.
2. Indians a lot of junk food.
3. More than one student late for class this morning.
4. The United Nations founded in 1945.
5. A number of boys swimming in the lake, but I didn't know the exact number of them.
6. One and a half day what I need.
7. There still the possibility of heavy rain and high winds.
8. Politics a constant source of interest to me.
9. The pilot as well as all the passengers rescued from the crash.
10. Half of the cookies been eaten.

I. Mark the letter A, B, c or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. versatile B. slice C. sprinkle D. combine
2. A. sprinkle B. drain C. tender D. garnish
II. Mark the letter A, B, c or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. assure B. pressure C. figure D. leisure
4. A. concentration B. favorable C. adolescence D. relaxation
III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
5.David _______ a seat on the evening flight to Ho Chi Minh city.
A. travelled B. paid C. booked D. made
6. In Con Dao, there are green _______ of forests and fresh meadows and the houses with red
roofs, which forms the picture of nature with bright colours.
A. lands B. regions C. wilderness D. stretches
7.A _______ is usually necessary when you travel overseas.
A. passport B. driving licence C. birth certificate D. degree

11 PB.TA9.
8.Our plane arrives in Hanoi at _______ two o’clock in _______ afternoon.
A. Ø – the B. the – the C. a – a D. the – an
9.They are going to spend their holiday _______ rural France.
A. relaxing B. exploring C. reserving D. searching
10. Green Tourism applies to any activity or facility that operates in an environmentally
friendly _______.
A. way B. habit C. routine D. benefit
11. Cua Lo Beach is also famous for its beautiful islands such as Lan Chau and Song Ngu, which
protect it from heavy storms and strong winds _______ from the East Sea.
A. to come B. to come in C. coming D. coming in
12. There was a long queue at the _______ and customers were getting impatient.
A. stopover B. take-off C. departure longue D. check-out
13. Excuse me, how much is a _______ to New York?
A. ticket return B. returning ticket C. return ticket D. ticket returning
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following questions.
14. Chinese Painting became popularly around 581 AD since more and more people began
to appreciate its beauty.
15. In order that promote the development of the craft village, more support from local
authorities is needed.
16. Careful planning is very important to help craft villages growing and flourish to attract
more tourists to the country.
V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following
17. - “________________”
- “It was very sunny and hot. We had a bit of a heat wave.”
A. Did you enjoy your holiday? C. What was the weather like there?
B. How was the wave? D. How was the beach?
18. - “Could you do me a favor, please?
- “________________”
A. Let me help you. C. No, thanks. I’m fine.
B. Sure. What can I do for you? D. Yes, go ahead!
VI. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. This year, more girls enrolled on courses in art and design.
A. avoided B. inserted C. erased D. enlisted
20. In some rural areas, women and girls are forced to do most of the housework.
A. invited B. encouraged C. made D contributed
VII. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
21. Much has to be done to achieve gender quality in employment opportunities.
A. attain B. obtain C. reach D. abandon
22. People have eliminated poverty and hunger in many parts of the world.
A. created B. eradicated C. phased out D. wiped out
VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Living in Vietnam today (23)___________ greatly from the lifestyle of 100 years ago. People in
the past mainly worked in agriculture (24)___________ today there are significantly less people
working in this sector of the economy. These days, by comparison, people are more likely to be
employed in manufacturing and tourism than in the rice fields. Moreover, Vietnam, which was
(25)___________ agrarian, is transforming into an entirely different country. While agriculture is
12 PB.TA9.
still an important component of the Vietnamese economy, other enterprises are (26)___________
an increasing amount of economic activity.
However, along with the differences, similarities also exist. The people of Vietnam have
retained many of the characteristics of their forefathers. The Vietnamese people are as friendly
today as they were in the past. This is best exemplified in the way they welcome foreigners
(27)__________ their unique country. Moreover, the resilience and determination of the people of
Vietnam has not changed. The Vietnamese work collectively and happily towards the
development of their country.
23. A. compares B. differs C. becomes D. offers
24. A. however B. therefore C. whereas D. when
25. A. traditionally B. gradually C. occasionally D. presently
26. A. grasping for B. holding for C. making up for D. accounting for
27. A. on B. at C. to D. for
IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
In the past, getting recipes and cooking tips was a complicated process. A person had to go to
the store and buy a cook book, or get recipes from friends. Fortunately, the Internet has
changed all that. Now, if you want to find a recipe for lasagne or Cobb salad, you just search
online. It couldn’t be simpler.
Cooking blogs are a great source of information because they are free and there are so many
of them. They are also nice because they give all different kinds of ideas. The problems with
blogs is that because we don’t know who is writing them, we need to use with caution. When
you are looking at a new blog, you don’t know if the writer knows what he or she is talking
We’d like to introduce two popular cooking blogs. The first is called Smitten Kitchen. This
website is run by a family living in New York City. It focuses on food that doesn’t require many
ingredients. If you want to make food that is simple but wonderful, then this is the site for you.
It offers hundreds and hundreds of recipes, divided into categories. You will be amazed at how
many there are.
Wednesday Chef is another great cooking blog. It is run by a writer who lives in Berlin. This
blog also offers many recipes, along with recommendations for great restaurants in Berlin, and
advice for people who want to start their own blogs. Wednesday Chef has great pictures of its
food, as well as interesting pictures of Berlin. The blog got its name because in the past,
newspapers published their food articles on Wednesdays.
There are a lot of cooking blogs on the Internet, and most of them are pretty good. Go online
and check some of them out. You might be surprised at how much they can help you improve
your cooking.
28. How did Wednesday Chef get its name?
A. The writer posts recipes on Wednesdays.
B. The writer only cooks on Wednesdays.
C. The writer was born on a Wednesday.
D. Newspapers used to publish food articles on Wednesdays.
29. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of cooking blogs?
A. There are many of them. B. Everyone who writes them is an expert.
C. They are free. D. They give a lot of different ideas.
30. Who runs the blog Smitten Kitchen?
A. A family in New York. B. A woman in New York.
C. A family in Berlin. D. A woman in Berlin.
31. What does the passage say about Smitten Kitchen?
A. It only gives recipes on Italian food. B. It focuses on simple recipes.
C. It only offers a few recipes. D. Most of the food on that blog is hard to make.
13 PB.TA9.
32. Why should we be careful when we are looking at new blogs?
A. We don’t know who the writers are. B. Most new blogs are terrible.
C. The recipes on new blogs are usually hard to make.
D. They charge you some fees to get the recipes.
X. Rewrite the following sentences using the provided word and keep meaning as that of
the root one.
33. It took me a long time to be accustomed to living in the country.
 It took me a long time to get ...............................................................................................
34. My school is near my home, so I go to school on foot every day.
 My school isn’t .........................................................................................................................
35. I would like my sister to improve her English speaking.
 I wish ............................................................................................................................................
36. Vietnamese people only eat dried candied fruit at Tet.
 Dried candied fruit .................................................................................................................
XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word in brackets.
37. That house is part of the town’s heritage, but the council is demolishing it. (WISH)
 .........................................................................................................................................................
38. I’m not good at English, so I can’t become a tour guide. (IF)
 .........................................................................................................................................................
39. Mary said she would hold an event about skin care the following month. (WILL)
 .........................................................................................................................................................
40. He gave her the book “The fault in our stars” as a birthday gift. (SHE)
 .........................................................................................................................................................

14 PB.TA9.

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