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Logistics and Supply


Activity 1 T3

Professor: Eng. Maria Ines Cardona

Student: Medellin Espinoza Litzi


Date: 20/03/2022

Bimbo Group Storage ......................................................................................... 3

History............................................................................................................. 3
Sector and Competition .................................................................................. 3
Sector .......................................................................................................... 3
Competence ................................................................................................ 3
Products.......................................................................................................... 3
Main product ............................................................................................... 3
Elaboration: ................................................................................................. 4
Storage ............................................................................................................... 5
Current situation and description of the warehouse ........................................ 5
Warehouse layout ........................................................................................... 5
Warehouse areas ........................................................................................... 6
Quarantine zone ............................................................................................. 6
Bimbo Group Store function. .............................................................................. 6
What are the ways of working of a Manual winery and an Automated winery? .. 6
Manual Warehouses .......................................................................................... 6
Random storage. ............................................................................................ 7
Specialized storage. ....................................................................................... 7
Automated Warehouses ..................................................................................... 8
Automated storage/retrieval systems (as/rs)................................................... 8
Type as/rs. ...................................................................................................... 9
Carousel system types and designs ............................................................... 9
Carousel technology ..................................................................................... 10
Conclusion........................................................................................................ 10
Bibliography...................................................................................................... 11
Bimbo Group Storage


Bimbo is a bakery company of Mexican origin and currently has an international

Its foundation took place on December 2, 1945 in the colony of Santa María
Insurgentes in the Federal District, Mexico, where its first plantation was opened.
Grupo bimbo produces, distributes and markets nearly 5000 products.
It has more than 100 brands of recognized prestige such as: bimbo, oroweat,
Sector andand
marinela, Competition
many others.


Bimbo is mainly developed in the area of baking, in the sector of sweet bread and
bread to make sandwiches, hot dogs and hamburgers. In this sector it controls
approximately 90% of the world market.


Bimbo's main competition has been companies such as Wonder, Breddy, Lido,
Sara Lee, Mrs. Smiths and Hostess.
A strength of Bimbo is that in Mexico they are the number one company and it is
estimated that an average Mexican spends around 131.6 dollars per year on
products of their brand.
Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, South Korea,
Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Italy, Mexico,
Morocco, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Russia, South Africa,
Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay
and Venezuela.
Main product

Bimbo is mainly developed in the area of baking, in the sector of sweet bread and
bread to make sandwiches, hotdogs and hamburgers.
We will focus on the explanation of white bread "Pan de molde"
White bread and 100% natural bread.
Rich and nutritious bread, which has nutrients such as calcium, and a mixture of
vitamins that help strengthen the human body and develop child growth.
Raw material
• Wheat flour
• Sugar
• Water
• Yeast
• Vegetable oil
• Salt
• Conservators (E-282, E-200)
• Emulsifiers (E-481, E-471)
• Wine vinegar
• Bean flour
• Corn starch
• Flour treatment agent (E 300, E 341)
• May contain traces of sesame and/or soy
Current situation and description of the warehouse
In order to meet the demand and quality of the aforementioned products, great
coordination with all raw material suppliers is required. In the warehouse there
are more than 150 raw materials and about 80 different wraps. This makes
scheduling complicated, since stock control methods are inefficient, as
operations are done manually (daily physical inventories and kardex update).
Approximately 10 of the suppliers that supply the warehouse distribute based on
an order schedule. The rest of the suppliers supply according to the daily
schedule. The space available in the warehouse is small. There are 22 platforms
separated by a space of 8 cm. there are 6 corridors of 80 cm. that separate the
platforms. The figure graphically shows the distribution of the warehouse. If
access is required to the materials that are at the bottom of a platform it is
necessary to extract the materials stored in front with the forklift or if the amount
that is required is small they are extracted manually by any of the large aisles
Warehouse layout
A.- Office of the warehouse of inputs
B.- Office of the warehouse assistant
C.- Scale
D.- Access to production E.- Access
to Cingrex
F.- Access to raw material
G- Pit
H.- Pit #2
I.- Pit #3
J.- Pit #4
K.- Reimelt
L.- Production access corridor
M.- Bakery weighers
N.- Bread weighers 1 and bread 2
1 1 to 22- Cooling feedstock platforms
23 to 28.- Silos of Raw Flour
29 to 36.- Premium Oil Tanks
37 and 38 Cameras
39 and 40 Insulate with material 1R to 5R- Racks
with material
Warehouse areas

Bimbo Group Store function.

1.-Receive for your care and protection all materials and supplies: raw
materials, partially worked materials, finished products, and parts and supplies
for manufacturing, maintenance and office.

2.-Provide materials and supplies, through authorized requests, to the

departments that require them

3.-Take charge of the materials in the process of manufacture or the raw

materials that are stored in order to mature or be cured to be able to use them
(green wood, beer, etc.

4.-Keep the warehouse clean and in order, having a place for each thing and
keeping each thing in its place, that is, in the places destined according to the
approved systems for classification and location.

5.-Maintain the production lines widely supplied with raw materials, indirect
materials and all the necessary elements for a continuous workflow.

6.-Faithfully guard everything that has been given to keep, both its quantity and
its good condition.

7.-Carry out the movements of receipt, storage and dispatch with the minimum
of time and cost possible.

What are the ways of working of a Manual winery and an

Automated winery?
Manual Warehouses
In many storage systems, materials are stored in cargo units that are stored in
standard-sized containers. The standard container can be easily handled,
transported, and stored by the storage system and by the material handling
system to which it can be connected.
Strategies for locating storage.
There are two basic strategies for the organization of materials in a storage

Random storage and specialized storage.

Random storage.
Items are stored anywhere available (usually the closest) on the storage system.
The recovery of SKUs (Stock Keeping Unit) is carried out in accordance with the
first-in-first-out policy, that is, the items that have been stored the longest are the
first to be recovered.
Specialized storage.
SKUs are assigned to specific locations in the storage facility. That is, there are
locations reserved for each SKU. The specification of these locations is done by
different number sequences for each SKU, according to the activity level of each
SKU or according to a relationship between the level of activity and the space
required. Comparing the two strategies we realize that when using the random
method a smaller total space is required for storage although the performance is
usually higher when specialized storage based on the level of activity is used.

Conventional storage methods and equipment require a human worker to access

stored items so the storage system is static, immobile. Traditional or non-
automated methods of storage are:

A) Bulk storage Cargo units (placed on pallets or contained in containers) are

stacked on top of each other. In this way the storage density increases. However,
access to internal loads is often very difficult. To increase accessibility, loads can
be organized into rows and blocks, so that natural corridors are created. Although
bulk storage is characterized by the absence of specific storage equipment,
industrial carts and trucks are often used to place materials or retrieve them from
their storage location. Therefore, bulk storage is used to store large stocks or
quantities of cargo units.

B) Rack Systems. They allow the stacking of load units without the need for them
to support each other. One of the most common shelf systems is the one formed
by pallet shelves (platforms), which consists of a structure that includes horizontal

C) Drive-in racks They have the same structure as the previous shelves but, in
this case, one end of the corridor created is closed. Therefore, only the last-
in/first-out policy can be carried out.

D) Flow-through racks: They use long conveyor tracks capable of supporting a

row of loading units or inclined surfaces. The loading units are loaded on one side
of the shelf and unloaded on the other, providing a first-in/first-out rotation.
Typically, shelving systems are used to store pallet loads.

E) Shelves and coffers. Bookshelves represent one of the most common types
of storage equipment. A shelf is a horizontal platform, supported by a wall or a
structure, on which materials are stored. Often, shelves include arks, which are
containers or boxes containing loose items. Normally, both on shelves and in
coffers individual items are stored.

Automated Warehouses
Automated storage systems reduce or eliminate (depending on the degree of
automation) the amount of human intervention required to operate the system.

Generally, automated storage systems are divided into two types: automated
storage/retrieval systems (AS/RS) and carousel systems.

Automated storage/retrieval systems (as/rs)

An AS/RS generally consists of a computer-controlled system that performs

storage and retrieval operations with speed and accuracy under a certain degree
of automation. In the AS/RS there are one or more storage aisles that are
traversed by an S/R (Storage/Retrieval) machine. Each aisle has shelves for
storing items and S/R machines are used to place or retrieve items on or from
such shelves. Each aisle of the AS/RS has one or more P&D (pickup-and-
deposit) stations where materials are delivered to the storage system or extracted
from the system. These stations can be operated by hand or interconnected to
some form of automated handling system such as a conveyor or an AGVS.

Type as/rs.

The main types are as follows:

•Unit Load AS/RS (AS/RS of load unit). The cargo unit AS/RS is typically a large
automated system designed to handle cargo units stored on platforms or in other
standard containers. The system is computer-controlled and the S/R machines
are automated and designed to handle the cargo unit containers.

• Deep-Lane AS/RS: The Deep-Lane AS/RS is appropriate when storing large

amounts of stock, but the number of different SKUs is relatively small. In this
system one load is stored after the other. Loads are taken on one side of the shelf
by a type of S/R machine designed for recovery, and another machine is used on
the inlet side of the shelf for the load input.

• Man-On-Board AS/RS (AS/RS man on board) The MAN-on-board AS/RS allows

individual items to be taken directly from their storage positions by a human
operator mounted on the S/R machine trolley.

• Vertical lift storage modules. They are also known as automated vertical lift
storage/retrieval systems (VL-AS/RS). They use a vertical central aisle to access
the loads.

Carousel system types and designs

Carousel systems can be horizontal (most common configuration) or vertical.

Horizontal carousel systems can be found suspended from the ceiling (top-driven
unit) or mounted on the floor surface (bottom-driven unit). The latter provide a
greater capacity and solve some problem, such as oil dripping, of the former.
Vertical carousel systems, which consist of vertical conveyors, take up less
horizontal space but require a longer vertical length so the roof limits its size.
Therefore, the capacity of vertical carousel systems is less than that of horizontal

The design of the carousel coffers or baskets must be compatible with the loads
to be stored.

Carousel technology

Most carousel systems are operated by a worker located at the loading/unloading

station. The worker activates the carousel to deliver the desired ark to the station,
one or more items are collected or added to the ark, and then the cycle is
repeated. The activation of the carousel is carried out with manual control controls
such as pedals, switches or keyboards.
There are also carousel systems with computer control. This computer control,
which increases the degree of automation of the system, allows automatic loading
and unloading operations (without the need for workers) and good control over
the positions of the coffers, the items stored in it and other stock control records.

For bimbo it is very important that its suppliers are close to their plants in their
different countries because they are food, they need their delivery times to be as
short as possible and correct since the products can expire, likewise, it seeks that
the contracts with the suppliers are long-term and that they have large quantities
of raw material so that their products maintain the same quality always. As well
as the importance of the distribution being as optimized as possible since the
distribution network it currently has is a competitive advantage because this
network allows to articulate the different activities of the supply chain therefore if
there is good distribution it increases market penetration and meet the specific
needs of the client.
Warehouses are basically places where you can store raw materials, products in
process, finished product, components etc. These are safeguarded until their
next process. This department also links the different areas of a plant such as
production, finance, etc. To manage the inputs and outputs, it is also important to
know that there is a person responsible for controlling inventories, that is, to
ensure that there are maximums and minimums, avoiding delays in the supply of
materials, guaranteeing the purchase or production in economic totals, offering
speed and efficiency. As explained in this information there are two types of
warehouses the manual and automated were differentiated each and something
that is important to mention is that the manuals tend to be cheaper than the
automated. But it will already depend on each company if you want to invest in
an automatic system for the satisfaction of the supply chain of the same.


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