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( 1868


1532 |) 39

Table Alphabeticall,con
täyring and teaching the true
writing andynderſtanding of hard
vluall Engliſh words,borrowed from
the Hebrew , Grecke, Latine,
or French , & c.
With the Interpretation thereof by
plainc Englith words,gatheredfor the
benefit and helpof allenskilfull perſons.
Whereby they may the morecaſily and
beiter underſtand many hard.Engliſh words,
which they ſhallheare or read in Scriptures,
Scrmons or elſewhereandalfo bemade
able to vſe the ſame aptly themſclucs.

Sceforth by R.C. and newly corrected ,

and much inlarged with many words
now in vſe.

The 3 . Edition
Legere, & non intelligere,neglegeneeff.
As good not to read, asporto vnderflando
Printed by T. S.for EdmundWrawer andarc
tobe ſold at his hhopar the greatNorth
dorc at Paulus Church . 1613 .
‫;] ;‬ ‫܂‬

‫ܝ ‪ ... , ..( ..‬ܢ ܝܢܰܢ ܪܰܚܪܶ‬

‫{ ‪ff‬‬


‫‪5:41‬‬ ‫‪,‬‬
To the Reader .
Vch as by their place and cal
ling (but eſpecially Preachers )
as hauc occaſion to ſpeake pub
liquely before thcignorant pco .
ple,are to beadmoniſhed, that theyneuer
affect any ſtrange inkhornc tearmes, but la
bour to ſpeakelo as is commonly receiued,
and ſo as themoſt ignorantmay wellvnder.
ſtand them : neyther ſeeking to be ouer finc
or curious,nor yetlivingouer careleſſc,vſing
their ſpeach as moſt men doc, and ordering
their wits as the feweſt haue done.Some men
ſecke ſo far for outlandiſh Engliſh, that they
forget altogether their mothers language,ſo
that if ſome of theirmothers were aliue,they
wercnotableto tell orvnderſtand what they
ſay;and yet theſe fine Engliſh Clearkes will
ſay they ſpeake in their mother tongue, but
onc mighe well charge them for counterfay .
ting the Kings Engliſh. Alſo, ſome far iour
nied gentlemen , at their returne home, likę
A2 is
To the Reader
as theylouc to gocin forraine apparrell, ſo
they vvill pouder their calke vvith ouer-[ca
language. He that commuch lately out of
France,willtalke French Engliſh, and neuer
bluſh at thematter. Another chops in with
Engliſh Italianáted,and applyeth the Italian
phrafeto our Engliſh ſpeaking, the which is
as if anOracor, that profefTech to veter his
minde in plaine Larine, would needs (pcake
Poctric, &far ferched coloursof ſtrangcan
tiquitie. Doth any wiſc man thinke, that wit
reſtech in ſtrange words, or elſe ſtandeth ic
notin wholſomematter andapt declaring of
amans minde ? Due we not ſpeake, becauſe
We would hau others to vnderſtand vs? or is
northc congue giuen for this end, that onc
might know what another mcanech ? There
forc, cither wee muſt make a difference of
Engliſh,and ſay, ſome is learned Engliſh and
otherlome is rudc Engliſh, or the one is
Court talkc,che other is Country-ſpeech,or
elle wec mult ofneceſſitic baniſh all affected
Rhetoriqoe, and vſealtogether one manner
of language. Thoſethereforçchatwillauoid
this follic, and acquaint themſelues with the
plaineſt and beſt kind ofſpeach, muſtſecke
from time to ume ſuch wordes as arc com .
to the Reader
monly receiud, & luch as properly may ex
prelTe in plainemanner thewhole conceit of
their minde. And looke wharwords wc bcft
vnderſtand, and know what they mcane, the
fume Should fooneſt bc ſpoken, andfirft ap
plyed,to thc vtteranccolour purpoſe. Ther
forefor this end, foure thingswould chiefly
be obſerued in the choyfc of words. Firſt,
that ſuch wordes as wec víc, ſhould be pro
per vnto the tongue wherein we ſpeakc. A
gaine, thac they be plainc for all men to per
ceiue. Thirdly , that theybe apt and meetc.
moſ ſet outthemarter.Fourch,
lie, that wordes tranſlated, from one figni.
fication to another, ( called of the Grecians
Tropes,) bevſed co beautific the ſentence, as
precious ſtones are ſecinaring, to commend
the gold. Now ſuch are thought apr words,
thatproperly agree vnto thatthing, which
theyſignific, and plainlyexprellethe nature
of thefame. Therefore, they that hauc re .
gard oftheir cſtimation and credite,docwa
cily ( peake,& with choiſe, vteer words moſt
apt for their purpoſe. In waightie cauſes,
graue vvordes are thoughe moſt needfull
that the greatnetle of thematter,may thera
ther appears, in the vehemencic of their
A 3. talke
To tbe Reader .
talke. Solikewiſe ofother, like order muſt
be taken. Albeit ſome, not oncly doe not
obſerue this kinde of aptnetle, but alſo they
fall into much fondnes, by vling words out
of place and applying them to diuers mat
ters, without all diſcretion .
Ifthóúbe delirous (gentle Reader)right.
lyand readilyto ynderſtand, and to profit
by this Table, and fuchlike, then chou muſt
learnc the Alphabet, to wis, thcorder ofthe
Letters as they ſtand, perfectly withouc
booke, and where euery Leerer ſtandeth : as
(b ) neerethebeginning, ( n) about the mid,
deſt, and ( c ) toward the end. Now if the
word, which thou art deſirous to finde, be.
gin with ( a) then looke inthe beginning of
this Table, but ifwith (v) looke towards the
end. Again ,ifthy wordbegin wich ( ca) looke
in thebeginning oftheLetrer (c) but ifwith
( cu ) then looke toward the end ofthat Lct.
ter. And ſo ofall thereft ,& c.
And furthervnderſtand,thatallſuch words
as are deriuod and drawn from the Greeke,
are noted with this letter(g.)Andthe French
are marked thus ($) but ſuch words as are de
riued from the Latine and others, haue no
markeat all. Farewell.
A Table Alphabeticall :
contayning and teaching the
true writing and vnderſtanding
of Hard vfuall Engliſh
vyords , & c .
( b ) ftandeth forå kinde of.
(g ,orgr. ) ftandeth for Grecke,
The French words haise this (8) before them .

S Bandon ,catt away,02 púelde up, to

. . s
Abaſh , bluth .
abba , father in
abatement, taking froin , lefening. 11
S abbeſſe, Abbatelle,mittrede of a punnes
rie , comfojters of others .
S abbettors, counſellers .
abbreuiat, 2 tothozten , og make
Sabbridge, Sthort.
Sabbut, to lye unto, ozbozder vpon , asone
aberration, agoing attray, 02Wandering.
abecedaric, theozber of the Letters ,02 hó
that breth them .
Sabet, to maintaine.
abdicate,put away ,refuſe, oz forfake.
84 abhorre,
An AlphabeticallTable,
abhorre, batt, diſpiſe 02 Otſdaine.
abie & , bale, cat away in dildaite.
abiure, renounce,deny, fozfweare.
S aboliſh , 2 make void, betrop, Deface,
abolited, S og out of bre..
aborciue, bozne befoge the time.
abricot, (k) fruit.
abrogate, take away, difanail, dfſallow ,
abruptly, vnozderly , without a preface:
abſolue, fintly of acquite.
abſolute,perfect , oz upright.
abſolurion , foggiaenclle , diſcharge.
abſonant, öntuneable, abſurd .
abſtract, dpawne away from another : &
2 littleboke oz volumegatbereb ont of a
abſtruſe, hio, ſecret, difficult.
abiterlure ceanling.
abfterious, very temperate in diet.
abftincne; fozbearing, temperate.
abſurd, folith , trkſome.";
academie, anUniuerfitie, as Cambridge,
07 Drfozd .
academicke, ofthe lett ofwile and learned ,
men .
accent, tune, the rilingof falling of the
of hard Engliſh words.".
accepe, to take liking of, or to entertains
willingly .
S acceptance, an agrétng to come farmer
ad done before .
acceife, frée comming to ,0za lday to a place.
accellary , partaker in the ſame thing .
Sacccllorý,an accident,ofaddition
accident, a chance ozhappening .
accidentall, falling by chance, not by nas
ture .
acclamation,Ihowting,gtning of appzobatis
on, 07 Dibiking by crying out.
accommodare,to make fitto , oconuentent
to the purpoſt.
Saccompliſh, finify, ogmakean endof.
accommodating, lending. $ 60
S account, reckoning .
Saccord, agreementbetwinepæſons.
Saccoſt, bawnereunto.
accurate, cartous, tuuning , diligent.
Saccrew , grow , fintreale ,goe'to .
accumulare, tobeape together.
accurace, curioas, auring .
Sacertaine, make fare,certifie.
Tharpnede,oz lowernede.
Sachicue,to make an end of
S acquicall, diſcharge.
An Alphabeticall Table,
acquift,: 79
acquiſition, getting, parchating .
achicument, 23,
acrimonie, tharpnetle , Courenette.ou .
Saction, theformeof a ſuite.
actiue, nimble ,ready ,quick .
actuall,in ad, oz fhcwing itTelfe in dúde.
acure, Charp ,wittie, gatck . 5.55
adagc, an old (peech , 02 pzouerbell
adamantine, as hard as Idamant..
addi&ted ,giuen fo ,appointed to . Hihin.) ?
adhærene,cleauing to, oz taking partwith.
Sadiow , farewell .
S addreſſe, prepare, oz dirett .*****
adiacine, lying to , adtopning to .Quis!
adiunct, an accidentall qualitie, 02 any p28
pertie that is not a ſubtance.:
Sadiourne,defer,ozputofffill anothertime.
adiure, make to ( weare, oztodeny.
adiuvate,to helpe . 37"},}
adle, ill oj odleated, astr.2010.7101
adminiſter, gouerne,ferne, oz order, ozose
ſeratceunto .
adminiſtrator, one that doth butnete foz
another .
admire, maruell at ozbe inlouewith. $
admiration,Wonderment, rsiogcing.
of hard Englih words ..
S admirall, chiefe by ſea,wozthy.
admiſſion, receiuing, oz leaue to enter into
a place, accelle,
adopt, to take foz his childe,frely to choſe,
adore, Wojſhip , 02 reuerence .
adorne, beautifie, apparcell, piepace.
S aduance , pzeferre, lift bp to honour,
aduent, the comining . *
aduerſe, contrary , oz backward.
Saduertiſe ,giue knowledge,aduiſe,counſell.
adulation, flattery oz fawning .
adultcrate, to counterfait, 02 cozrupt. y.
aduocate aſpokeſman ,atturner,ogpleader,
aduouſion , patronage, 02polper topzeſent,
02 giae a liuing, : :
aduſt, burne.
Æ ,fec E.
affable, ready , and curteous in ſpách , gras
cious in words .
Saffayres, bulinelle.
affectation, curtogtie, deſire to pleaſe.
affect, to delire earnettly, sz tominde.
affected, diſpoſeb ,inclined.
affinitie, kinne by marriage.
affirme, aueuch , acertains.
Saffiance, trott.
Saffianced, betrothed,
An Alphabeticall Table,
affixe, togned unto,
affiat, vere, trouble, tozunent.
Saffianchiſe, let at ltberty ,
agalt, afraid .
agent, doer, steward, by comunidloner .
aggrauatc,makemore grteuous, and moze
aggregate, gather together,
agilitic, nimblenele oz quicknellt.
agglurinate, to topne together.
agnition, knowledge, oracknowledging,
agnomination ,alludingto ones name.
agitare, briuen , tirred ,tolleb .
egonic,(gr) heanp paflion , anguith , grtefe.
Saigre, tharpe, colper.
alabaſter, (k ) ttone.
slacritic, chárefalnette, liuelinette .
alarum , a found to the battell.
alchymic, ( g) the art of turning other met.
tals into golo .
algeares, suery way, or howener it be.
Salien , a Uránger.
alicnatc,to etrange,03withdrawthemind,
og to make a thing another mans.
aliment, nouriſhment,fattenance.
Sall haile, all health, God fórde.
alledgc, bzing praft.
allegation ,
erapa cn
got wurd .
allegation, epcuſe, bringing of trdimonte .
allegoric,( gr) Ümilitude,a mytrail ſpeech ,
moze then the bare letter.

Sallegiance, obedience of a ſubiect.

allevatc, al wage,oz make moje cale and
Salliance,kindjed, oz league.
alluſion, meaning and pointing to another
matter thenis ſpoken in inords.
allude, toſpeake onething that hath reſemo
blance and reſpect to another.
Saloofe a farre off.
alpha, (gr) the firt Gréke Letter.
alphaber(g)ozderofletters in thecrcteroid
after, chaunge.
altercation,debate, wrangling, contcntiai.
altitude, height.
amaritude, bitternete.
ambage,long circum & ance ofWojds.
Samballadour, mellenger .
ambition, drüre of honour, oz Utriuing for
ambroſiæ , delicate meate, faigned to be eas
ten of the Gods .
ambodexter, oney playeth on both hands.
ambiguous, doubtfull, vncertaine.
Sambulhment, pziuie traine, lying ſecretig
to trap by the way.
S amerce, ? fine, 02
amerceinent, S penalty.
amiable, louely, oz witha god grace.
amitie, friend thip ,loue.
amorous, full of loue,amiable .
Samorte, dead, ertinguiſhed, without life.
ample, large.
amplifie, enlarge, oz make bigger.
analogic, (gr) conuenience, pzopoztion.
analyſis( gr)reſolution ,deuiding into parts.
anarchie, (gr) when the land is without a
Prince,oz gouernour.
anatomie, (g) cuttingup of the body,
anathema, (g) accurled 02 ginen ouer tothe
Sangle, cojner.
Sanguiſh, griefe.
anguſt,traight, narrow .
animate, encourage.
adnimaduerfion , noting , conlidering , 02
annales, Chronicles of things fromgåereto
annex, to knit ozioynetogether.
annihilate,make voyd, ozbringto nothing.
anniverſaric, a yårs time, oj done andcoins
ming yerely. annotations,
of hard Englith words.
annotations, notes , markes, obſervations .
annuall, pårely .
antarticke, (8) towards the South.
anthem , ( g) ſong.
antecellour, an aunceltour , oz pjedeceflour
that goeth, oz liueth in the ageoz place
before bs.
Santedate, a foge date.
antichrift, ( g)againlt2oz contrary to Chriff.
anticipation, pzeuenting,fozeknowledge.
antidote, (g) a remedie againte potſon .
antipathie, (g) contrarietie of qualities .
antipodes, ( g) thoſethatgoe with their féet
oppolte to ours .
antiquitie, auncientncte.
anticke, diſgutſed .
antichelis, ( g) repugnancie, oz contrarietie.
antiquarie, a man ſkilled in , of a ſearcher of
anxitic, care oz ſozrow .
aphoriſme, (g) generall rule in philcke.
apocalypſe, ( g)reuelation.
apocrypha, (g) not of authozitie,athinghtds
den , wholeoriginall is not knowne.
apologic, (g) Defence, 02 ercule byſpeach.
apoftatate, (g) a backdider.
apoſtacie, ( g) falling away, backiliding,
rebell017. apoſtle,
Anophabeticau Table ,
apoftic, ( 8 ) an ambaffadour, oz one ſent.
spothegme, (g ) thozt wittie ſentence, or
apparant, in ught oë open .
appall, feared
apparition, appearance, oz trange & ght.
S appeach ,accuſe, oz bewgay.
S appeale, to ſécke to a highet zadge.
Sappcaſe, quict, 07 pacifie.
appendix, hanging ozbelonging tomother
sppertinent, belonging vnto anothec
appurtenance,S thing .
apperire, cetire to any thing .
applaude, to thew a likingof, as te wert,
by clapping of hands.
application ,applytnig to , or relozting to .
appoſe, to ar ke quettions ,oppoſe.
appolition, adding, of letting ta .
apprehenſion , conceit, and undertanding
approbation , allolvance, oz liking.
appropriate, to take, and kåpe to, and for
himſelfs alone.
approuc, allow og make god.
approch, come nigh.
apt, fit .
arable, that is ou may be tilled .
of hard Engliſh words.
arbiter, ? a Judge in a controuerbie
arbitratour, 5 betivirt men.
Sarbitrement, tudgement, cenſure, award.
arch , (g) chiefe.
arch -angell, (g) chiefe angell.
archbiſhop,chiefe biſhop.
architect, chiefe butider .
artick, (g) nozthward .
ardent, boate, earnett.
ardencie heate, earnettnelle.
argent filuer , coyne.
argue, to reaſon .
ariditie, dzinette.
ariſtocraticall, ( g ) gouernement ofa king
dome by the peeres and nobility.
arithmeticke,( g )art ofnumbzing .
arke, thip oz chet .
Sarmorie, houſe of armour. 1

aromaricall, of a ſweet ſmell.

Sarrerages, debt vnpatd , of things left ON
doneand duties comining behind.
Sarreſt, tay, oz lay hold of.
arride, to pleale well, to content.
Sariue, 7 cometo land ,
ariuall, S oz approch.
arrogate, to claime, og challenge.
arrogant, pzoude,pzeſumptuous.
B artifice,
An Alphabeticall Table,
artifice, fkill, ſubtiltie, oz a curing peece
of wozke.
artificer, handicraftſ-man .
artificially , wozkmanlike,cunningly.
articulare, toynted ,let together, oz to point
out, and diffinguity .
artichock, (k) herbe.
Sartillery, engines oz inftruments foz war.
S aciſan, a handicraftſ-man ,
aſcauncc, afide.
aſcend, goe vp, oz climbe vp.
aſcent, a going bp .
aſcribe, giue to, adde to ,attribute unto.
askow , ? læking aðdt,
aſquine, S 02 awap.
allallinare, (poilc, murther.
Satlay, pzofe og tryall.
atfent, agrément, oz conſent.
allertainc, allure, certaine.
atſentation, dattery, (peaking faire.
aſpect, loking vpon , beholding, much ,
aſpectable; worthy, ozcalie to be lóne.
aſperat, rough, ſharpe, oz vnpleaſant.
aſpiration, breathing.
afperſion, beſprinkling.
alpire, climbevp, oz labour to come to.
$ alfault,
Oh wor
of hard Engliſh words .
Saffzult, 2 to let ripon , oz
Satráile, Sto pzoue.
S aſſemble, gather together.
aſſemblic , company .
atTertion affirming, atouching ofanything
a (Teucrition, earnet affirming.
affiduitie, continuance, diligence.
alligne, appointment.
affignation, appoynt, ordaine.
aſſimulate, to make úke, to compare with.
aſli tance, helpe.
alloriacion, fopning together in fellowship ,
aſſociate, to accompany, oz follow .
ſtoniſh, pat in great feare.
S alloyle, ercule, clære.
aſtipulation,an atourbing, oz witaelling
ofa thing, an agrément.
aſtrictiuc, binding , oz toyning
aftringent. Stogether .
aſtronomic,( 8)knowledge of
aſtrologic, ( ) Sthe.Starres.
aſtrolabe, (g)an inftrument to know the
mnotionof the tarres.
without God,oz beléping
atheiſt, (g)2 that
achcall, Snpingthereany isofnohisGod , on des
attribu tes .
B2 atheiſme,
An Alphabeticall Table,
atheiſme, (g) the opinion oftheatheit .
atomie. (g ) a thing ſo ſmall that it cannot
be decided .
S artach , ſeaſe vpon, rett, oz bolo.
Sarraint, conuid of crime.
Sattainder, a convigion , oz prouing guiltie
ofa crims og fault.
Satrenpt, let open , oz taken in hand.
attendance, watching, taying foz, 02 Ways
ting bpoit.
atrentiuc, hädie, oz marking.
attenuare, to make tljinner of weaker, to
atteſt to witnete, oj call to witnete.
attractiue, drawne oz palled tw .
Sartrap, enſnare.
attribute, giue to , by impute.
auarice, couetouſnefle , oz inozdinate delire
of money .
auaunt, fozwar ).
auburne, ( k) colour
audience, hearing , 02 hearkning, oz thoſe
that heare.
audacious, bolo,raly, oz folith hardie.
auditor bearer ; oz officer ofaccounts .
audible, eale to be heard .
Saucr, aupuch, call to witnelle, pzoue.
of hard Englih words.
avert, to turne from , og kåpe away.
augment, to encreaſc.
auguration, 2 guelling, oz coniectaring at
augure, things to come.
Savowable, thatwhich may be abouco and
affirmed .
Savouch, affirme with carnrænes ,dsfeno.
auoke, to call from , G2 puil backe.
auricular, in the care, plapning to the eåre.
auſpicious,betokening god ſuccette, me
auxiliarie, that come to help andaide. 'sin
auſtere, Charpe, cough,cruell'.
authenticall , ( g) of authozitie, allowed by
11. authoritie : the originall.
autumne, the haruett. * It
axiome (8) a certaine principle,o2 generall
ground ofanyart.
ay, euer, at any time, foz euer.
azure, (k) ofcolour .

BaAinbate, efte, a poster.

ballance, a paire of ſcales .
S balaſe, grauel', wherewith thips are poy
ſedto goe vpzight.
B3 bang,
An Alphabeticall Table,
bang, beat.
banquet, featt .
S band, company ofmen , oz an afembly,
bapcilme, ( 8)dipping, oz ſpzinkling.
baptiſt, (g) a baptiſer .
barbarian ,a rade perfon.
barbariſme, radeneđc, a corrapt formę of
Writing or ſpeaking
Sbarke, ſmall thip.
barnacle, (k) bird .
barrelter, one allowed to glue counſell, 02
to plead.
barreter,a contentious perſon, quarreller,
Sbarter,to bargainc,02 change.
baud, whoze.
bauin, a faggot, 92 kid.
baſhfull, bluſhing, o , thamefaft.
baſis, (8) foundation , ground .
Sbattric, beating oz triking.
bay,(k) tree.
beadlc,officer .
beagle, (k) hound,
blettsonelle, happinette.
beliue, anone .
bele, girdle.
benedi&tion ,
of hard Englihwords.
benediction ,pzating oz blefling.
beneficiall, profitable, liberall.
beneuolence, god will, oz favour .
benigne, fauourable,carteous, gentle.
benignicic, gentlenelle, oz kinonefie.
$ beniffon, bleſſing .
bequcath , giue.
bereft, depziued, alonz,vopo ,robd.
Sbeſiege, compañe.
betrothed,affianced,02 pzomuſed inmariage
S beucrage, dzincke.
bewaile, mone, complaine. .
Sbiere, a copbin wherein dead men are
carryed .
bigamie, ( g) tvile marrted ,ozhath hadtwo
Wiaes .
bipartite, deuided intoparts ,
bisket, bzead .
biſhop, ouer-ſéter, oz pzetate.
billcxtile , the leape yére.
Sblaſon, report, publith , thew forth.
blaſphemic, (g ) to ſpeake ill of God.
blattering, vatne babitng.
S blanch, to make white.
bleate, cry.
blife,top, blencone ,
64 blith ;
An Alphabeticall Table ,
blinck , loke alide. 1

bonnet,hat, oz cap .
bob, beate.
S bouge, tir, remouefrorn a place.
bode, a inetenger, oz tydings.
boote, helpe.
bourne, a water ſpringing out ofthe earth.
brachygraphic, (g) (hozt writing.
S bragard, fine, trime, pzoude.
S brandish , to thake, oz cat with fozce.
breviarie, bziefe, collection , Chaztroll.
breu tie, thotnctle.
bričkle, calily bzaken ,
brittle, S lyinber.
S brigand, a thüte og robber by the high
way tide.
Sbrigandine, coate of defence.
S brigantine, a ſmall ſhip .
brochell, kúper of a houſe of baadze .
Sbriſque, quicke ,liuelp, fierce..
brooch, tewell.
$ bruite , repost ,noyle. (men .
bucolike,(g) pertaining to beats og beardſ
buggerie, coniunction with one of the ſame
ofhard Engliſh words.
kinde, o2 of men with beats.
bugle, glafle.
buglalſe, ( k) hearbe.
bullyon, coyne oz lampe of Glucra
butte, bojder vpon, lye ouer againti.
Sburgele, a head man of a towne.
S burglarie, robbingofhouſes.
buxomnelle, plyablenelle, o2 bumble top
ing , in ligne of obcdience.

Abaliſtick ,mitttcall traditions ...

cabin, cottage, poze lodging
cadence; falling, pzeperly the ledging of
come by a tempet.
calculate, catt a count,recken .
calcfie, makewarme, beateog chale.
calligraphic, (8) faire writing.
calliditie, craftinelle, oz decett.
calumniarion ,' a diſcrediting bywozd , O2&
falle accufation .
camphire, kinde of guinme. "
candidate,a ſuiter foz,02oneelca foz a place,
canine, doggeshungry.
Scancell, to vndoe, deface, crolle out, 0 ;
canon ,
An Alphabeticall Table,
canon ,( ) law , oz rule.
canoniſc,(g)make a ſaint,to eramin by rale.
canopic, couering.
canticke, a ſong.
Canualiog, narrowly ſearching out of any
capacitie, largenelle of a place, concett or
receit .
capitall, deadly, of great, oz worthy of
Thame, and punifhment.
capable, wile, apt to learne, bigge og at to
capitulation, diftinguilhingbyparts, bying
ingto hands.
captious, catching, deceitfull, fubtile.
captiue, priſoner.
captiuale,make ſabiedt,oz apzifoner.
captation, płocuring, purchaling.
Scapuchou, a hode oz coule. 74
S carbonado, meat bzoyled on the coales.
cardinall, chiefe, oz pzincipall.
carminate, tocard wall,02 deuide.
carnalitic, ilethlinette.
carnall, flechly, plealing the flety.
carpe, take erception againt, oz wrangle.
Scalere,dilmike, put away, 02 out of office.
caftrated, gelded, diminttheb.
ofhard Engliſh words.
caſualric, chance oz hap.
caſtigacionchattiſment,blaming,cozregion .
catalogue, (8 ) beadzole, og rehearſal of
wozds, oj names ,
cataſtrophc, ( g) the end of a thing, oders
throw .
category . ( 8) an accuſation .
catechiſer, (g) that teacheth the pzinciples
of Chrittian religion .
cathedrall, chiefe in the Diocele.
catarrc,a flowing ofhuanoars from the head
catholicke, ( g) pniuerfall oz generall.
Scauallerie, hozle men .
caue, hollow place.
cauţelous,circumfpes , warie craftie ,
cauill, to tett, (coffe, oq reaſon fubtilly,
Caurcrize, ( 8) to leare, bume.
caucion, warning, putting in minde, og ta
king hørde.
celebrarc,holy, make famoas, to pabliſh,to
commend, to keeps ſolemnely.
celcritic, ſwiftnette , hatt .
celeſtiall,heavenly,dlaine,palling ercellent
cement, mozter, oz lime.
cenſor, a cozreto;, a indge, oz reformer of
manners ,
cenſure, correction , or reformation,
An Alphabeticall Table,
centre, (g) middelt of any round thing of
circle .
centurion, captáine of an hundzed men .
certifie, giue to vndertfand.
cerule, white leade, oj painting that was
men ble.
cellation, rett , idlenes ,leauing off,
cellement, tribute.
channell , Anck
chaos,(g )a confuled heap oj mingle-mangle
Schapelet,a garland .
chaffar ,buying and ſelling . isi
character, ( g ) the falhion of a letter, a
marke oz. ttainpe . 30
S champion, wilde field ,alfo a challenger.
chambering, lightnelſe , and wanton beha
viour in priuate places.
charter, a grant of anything confirined by
Schaltiſe, cozred ,puntfy. (ſeale.
Schaunt, fing.
Scheualrie, knighthod.
Scheualier, man at armies .
cherubin, ozber of Angels.
chirograph (g) hand writing.
chiromancic (g) telling of foztunésby the
lines in the hand .
chirurgion, (g) a Surgeon .
of hard Engliſh words.
choller, (g) a humour cauling anger.
chrift, (8 ) announted.
chronicler, (g) 7 Vittozywpis
chronographer, S ter.
chronicall (g) returning at certaine times.
chronologic, (g) tory of tines patt.
cibarics, meates , nouriſhment.
cider, dzincke made of apples .
circuit, compatte about.
circular, round .
circumciſe, to cut the pzinie (kin .
circumference,theround and utmott circuit
02 compalle.
circumligate,binde abont.
circumſcribe to compafle about with aline,
to limit .
circumſpect,hády, quick of right,Wiſe, and
doing matters adutſedly .
circumlocurion, a ſpeaking of that in many
wozds which may be ſaid in few .
circumftance, a qualitie that accompanieth
any thing, astime,place, & C.
circumftant, things that are about us.
circumuent, to clofe in to deceiue, oz intrap
. craftily.
cite, alledge,call as witnetle ,to ſummon to
I S citadell,
An Alphabeticall Fable,
citadle, the fozt ofa towne.
citron , (k) fruit.
ciuill, bonett in conuertation , oz gentte toi
S claimo;title, rightchallenge as his owne.
clamorous,making a great nople.
claſſick , chiefe, and appzoued .
clarific, make cleare .
claritude, coerenes renowne.
clemencie, gentlenelie , curtefie.
cloped, called.
clenched, fattened .
client, he that is defended .
climate, a poztion of the world betwirt
Northand South .
climactericall, (g) that which ariſeth by des
grås as the firtté third yére, isclimac.
tericall of Ceauentie, alfo dangerous.
clyfter, (g) medicine.
coaction , compelling.
coagularc, congeale,come to a carde.
coadiutor, a fellow helper:
cobble, amendi
cockatrice, a kinde of beatt .
coction, boyling, digetting.
cocquall, like, eucn .
cænation, ſupper, a place to fap it .
of hard Engliſh words.
cogitation , thought, muling .
cognition , knowledge.
cohærence, ioyning, and unitingtogether.
S coin, 02net .
collect,gather together.
collcagus, companion , fellow in office.
collaterall, on the other lide, ouer againte,
as two lines dzawne equally diſtant
one from another , in dae place.
collocation,adiſpoſing,02letting together,
a placing in ozder .
Scollation, a fhozt banquet.
Scollogue, flatter, (peake fatre.
colluſion, deceit, coulonage.
colliquarion, melting, oz ditoluing.
Scolonell, the Benerall of an army.
columne, one ade ofa page of a bake.
combate, fight, trife.
combinc, couple together.
cõbination, atoyning,orcoupling together.
combure,burne, oz conſume with fire .
combuſtible, eally burnt.
cöbuſtion, burning ofconſuming with fire.
comedie, (k) tage play.
comicall, handled mertly like a comedy.
commemoration , rehearling, o2 remem ,
bzing .
An Alphabeticall Table,
S commencement,abegiming oz entrance.
comer, (g) a blaling tarce.
.commentarie, erpofition ofany thing.
conimerce,fellowſhip ,entercourſe of mar:
commination, threatning , oz menacing .
commiſeration , pittie.
commixtion , 2 mingling
commixture, Stogether .
commodious , profitable , pleaſant, fit.
con motion, rebellion , trouble, ozdiſquieté
communicate, make pertaker, oz giae part
unto .
Scommunaltie, common people, 02 Coms
mon idealth .
communion , fellows
communitie , S Thip.
commutatiue , changed, altred .
compact,ioyned together,oz an agreement:
compartiment, C

compallion , pittie, fellow -féling. C

compell, to fouce ez conttraine. C

compendious, thost, profitablc. C

compenſation a recompeńce . C

compeare, like.
of hard Engliſh words,
competitor, he that ſueth for the Care
thing, oz ottice that another doth.
compilc, gather together .
perfecting of any thing.
cornplete, fulfilled, finitheo.
complexion ,nature,conttitution of thebody
complices, fellowes in wicked matters.
compoſe, make oztoyne together.
compoſition; agreement, a making ofmins
gling together .
+ 'comprehend, 2 to cons
compriſe, Staine.
† compremiſe, agrément made by parties
choferi öni epther lide.
7 compremie udge:
compte,inė,becked, trimmed .
compulſioni, fozce, contraint.
computation , an accounto reckoning.
compurgator, one that comes to purge og
frá another.
compunction ,pricking .
concaviatie, hollownelle ,
conceale, to keepe coſe.
conception, conceiuing in the wombe.
concinnate, made fit, finely apparrelied.
conciſe, batefe oz (hozt.
conclaue, inner par oz , clofet.
s conclude,
An Alphabetical Table ,
conclude, make an end.
concoct, to digeft meate .
concord , 2 agres
concordance, S ment.
concrete, foyried op congealed together.
concubine, harlot o , fight barwite.
conculcate, to tread underføte .
concupiſcence , degre.
concurre,agrå tagether ,tunne together og
concourſe, running together of mang to a
condenſate, make thicke.
condignc, wozthv .
condiſcend, agré unto, oz confent.
condite , ('Wæthed , lawced , ſeaſoned .
condolc , to be gricucd , ozſozrówfull with
condu& , guiding.
confabulate, to talke together.
confection, compounding,making ,on mit
confederareagreeing peaceably togetherby
couenants made.
conferre . ta ke together .
conference, comutantcation, talking toges
ther .
ofhard Englich words.
confidence, truſt, bope.
confine, to bozder opon , to compalle in .
confirmic, ettablith .
confiſcation, forfeiture oz lolle of gods
conflict,battaile, ftrife, fight.
conforme, to make like unto, confent.
confound, ouerthrow , deſtroy, mingle to:
gether, oz otſozder .
S confront,oppofe
compare oneto another.
confuſed, out of ozder .
S conge, leate, farewell.
toharden,ozware hard, ogfréze
congeſtion, an heäping up.
conglucinate, to topne together .
congratulate, to reioyce with another fog
ſome gød foztune.
congredient, meeting, 02 going together,
congregate, gather together.
congruence,2 agréablenelle,
> congruitic, S oz likenelle .
coniunction, iopning together .
coniurc, toconlpire together,to ſweare by,
annexion, toyning together .
conniuence, latfering, 92winking at.
conqueft, vidozy.
4 conſanguinitia
- This
An Alphabeticall Table,
conſanguinitie kindzed by blød, oj btcth.
• conſecrate, make haly, to dedicate oz giuc
conſectaric, that followeth bpon any other
confent, agrément.
conſequence, fotlowing
conſcquent, S byozber .
conferuer, képe,Caue oz maintane.
confiderately,wiſely and with abuiſe.
S conſiſtoric, place of ciuiltiudgement.
conſociate, company with, oz ioyne a com
panton onto.
con ation , comfort.
conſonant,agreabte, likely .
confort, a companion , oz company.
conſpicuous, eaſie to be fine , ercellent.
conſpire, agrå together foz ta doe taill.
conſtellation , a company of itarres .
conſtitutions, laides of decrées .
conſtruc erpound.
conlul, a chiefe goucrnour among the Koi
manes .
conſult, take counfaile.
conlununate,accompliſh, tulgii, ozfinit)."
contagious, thatwhich cozrupteth, oz ina
festety .
ofhard Englilh words .
sontaminate, defiie , 02 cozrupt.
contemptible, Worthy to bedeſpilco ,not to
be ſetby.
contemplation, meditation , 02 maung.
contend, wangle , triue.
conteſtate, to call to witnclic .
context, the agreeing of the matter going
befoze, with that which followethe
contiguous, touching one another.
continent, wobet, abttainng, chatt : alle
the firine land where no tie o ſea is .
contingent,happening by chance.
contract, inake fbozt alſo a bargaine, oz co
contradi tion, gainelaying,
contributc, bettoW vpon , og glas onto,
contribution ,abettoming ofanything with
others .
contributoric, gluting his part to any thing.
contrite, bzoken , ſözrowfull.
contrition, Cozrow , ſadnete.
contriuc, make.
contumacie, fabbogenetle, contempt.
contumelic, dander, repzoch.
contuſion, bzaile .
conucnt, båing beforea judge.
comuenient, fit,well beleeming.
3 S conuenticle,
An Alphabeticall Table,
Sconuenticle, a little adembly.
converſe, conipany with .
conuert, turne, change.
conuexe, hollow , binding downe on euery
conuict, pzoued guiltiè, duercome.
conuince, to ouerceme, confute,oz proue
conuocation, an atembling, o , calling to
S conuoy, an adembling, oz képing com
panyin the way .
conuullion, a pulling , özthrinking bp.
copartner, fellow ,partaker , of companion.
cophin, (g) baſket, oz chet foza dead body
to be put in .
copicus, plentifull, aboutding .
copulation,toyning of coupling together.
cordwainer, Thorinaker .
cordiall, comfozting the heart.
S corriuals, competitops, loyers of,07 luers
foz the ſame thing.
coriambickes, verſesmadeby fatyrtits.
cornuted, having hozkes . 3
ion imeilrg, groſe .
co rall , crolem .
corpo , bodni .
Gorporate ,
ofhard Engliſh words.
corporate, haung a bodg.
Scorps, dead bobp.
corpulent, grade of body,fat,ez great.
correſpondent, anfwerable .
correllariucs,when two things are ſo linked
together, that the one cannot be with
out the other.
corrigible, ealtly cometed .
corroborate, confirme, oj trengthen oz
make itong.
corroded, gnawo about.
S correllarie , ouerplus, that is moze then
corroſiue, tretting,
coſmographic, (8) deſcription of thewozid .
coftiue, boumd in the body.
Scouch, bed , lie downe.
couen,fraud, deceit.
counterbuff,a doublingof a blowagatne.
Scoucre, hidden place, ſecret.
S counterchange to change againe,
Scounterfait,maketite, lãmethat it is not,
$ countermand, commaund, contrarie.
countermine, vndermine one againtt ans
S countermure, to builde one wall againt
another .
C4 coupe ,
An Alphabeticall Table,
coupe, kept within certaine limits.
cralie, Weake, ückly .
craſſitude, fanes ogthicknede.
S counterpoile, make leuell, oz toweigh as
beanie as another thing.
counterſcarpe, a rampie to a wall,
cowſlip ( k) hearb.
countcruaile, of equallbalew .
couch, knowne.
credence, belicte.
Scurbe, rettraine, képe in .
credible, whtch may be beidened .
Scouefturc, couering.
creditur, hewhich lendeth,of truttetymo.
credulous,teadle to belieus.
credulitic, ralines in beliening,
Screuas, rift,chinke, cleft.
S ¢rible aften.
criminous, 2 faultie, that wherein is fome
criminall, S fault.
criſped, curled, oz frided ,
criticall(s ) ishich giaeth indgementoffick
nelle, &c.
crocodile (k) beatt.
crone, an old pzating woman .
crucific, fatten to a crolls ,
ofhard Engliſh words,
crude, raw , not ripe, notolſgested .
crupricall (g ) hibien 02 ſecret.
chryftalinc ( 8) cløre as gledeoz chulfall.
cubire, a fote and a halfe.
culpable, blame-worthy , guiltie.
culture, hulbandzy , tilling.
cunne, to diſcerne, allo togiue.
cunſtable, the trayand ſuppozt ofthe king.
curioſitie, picked diligence,greater careful
nes then is femely on necedarie.
curtall, cut fyozt.
curſorilic, fitftly , of bytefely.
curuefic, bowed, or make croked.
cuftodic, keeping, og læking to .
cymball,an intrument ofmalick ,ſo called.
cynicall ( g) dogged , froward.
Cypher (g ) a circle in numbering, of no
balue of it ( elfe, bat ferueth to make
bp the number, and to make other
tagares ofmoze value.
cynoſura, Rozty & arre Postb pole ſeauen
ſtarres in the Pouth pole.

Amage, lote, binderance.

An Alphabeticall Tablc,
deacon, (8) prouiderfor thepoze.
demoniake (8) podeded with a diuell.
deambulation, a walking abroad.
debate, trife, contention .
debar, let.
debilitie, weakenelle , faintnette.
Sdebonaire, gentie,curteoas,affable.
decalogue ( g) the ten commandements.
decacurdon(g) an intrument with texno
decene, comely, w beláming.
deceaſe, a departing, oz gluing place to .
decide, to determine,ozmakean end of.
decipher, deſcribe, oz open the meaning,0?
to count.
diciſion, cutting away .
declamation , an ozation of a matter feyned.
declinc, fall away, oz fwäruefrom .
decoction, liquo , wherein things are cod
for philicke.
decurun , comelinette.
decrepite, very old.
decurion, a captains ouer ten .
decrctale, decres, conftitutions .
dedicate, to giue for euer .
deduct take a dzawout,abate, oz diminith.
$ deface, blot out,ttat ;bring outof fathion.
ofhard Engliſh words.
defamc, tolaunder, oz (peake åll of.
defect, want, fayling.
deferro, put off till another time.
S defic, dittrutt.
define, to thew clearely what a thing is .
deflower, diſhoneft, muth , oz dlſgrace.
deformed, ill thapen , il fauozet
Sdefraude, decniae, beguile.
3 Sdefraye, lay out,pay, diſcharge.
degenerate, be vnlike his aunccttours : to
grow out ofkinde.
Sdegrade, vide diſgrade,
dehort,miqueos perſwade from , to adutle
1 to the contrary.
deiccted, cat domne, bzanght loth.
S deigne, vouchlafe.
dcitie, Godhead.
deifia, make like God.
delectable, delightfull, pleaſant.
dele &tarion, delight og pleaſure.
delegate, an embaladour, oz one appointed
in anothers places
deliberate, to take counteil.
delicte, fault, Imall offence.
delincate, to dzato the pzopoztion of any
delicate, daintie,giuen to pleaſure.
An Alphabeticall Table,
delude, dxetne, or laugh to ſcore,
$ deluge, great fiole, oz ouerflowing of
Ipaters .
deluſion, mockerte, a deceitfall thing.
demaund , requeſt, aſke.
S demeanc, behaue.
demerite, deſeruing, mozthinette.
democracic ( g) a common -wealth gouts
ned by the people.
derronologic, belongs to diuels.
Sdemoliſh , catt downe.
demonftrare, chew plainly o openly, to
point out oj manifeft .
demenour, bebautoar .
demurre, to ttay,to Uinger og ble belayet .
Sdenier a penny.
$ deniſon, frá borne.
denounce, declare, 97 giue warning af, 0 %
denomination, a naming.
deufated made thicke.
dcualtation, watting oz (polling.
depend , 2 hang
dependance, S vpon .
deplore, to lament or bebaile.
deplumc, to pall off thefeathers.
deportation, carrying away.
ofhard Engliſh words.
depopulate, (pogle , oz watt.
depoſe, pataway, bepziue, oz put doinne.
depraue, marre o cozrupt, ez make wozie .
Sdebauſhed, lewd,incontinent,vngratious,
diflolate,naughty .
deprecation ,(application , 6 % requiring of
pardon .
deprelſe,toképe downe.
depriuc, fiedepoſe,
deputc, account on ettáme.
deride, mocke, oz laugh to ſcomnt.
deriſion , mocking
derige, fetch from .
depriu ation , taking away fromſome other
dermatte r?
derogate, to take away, oz to deminity .
S deſaſtrous, bnluckie, onfoztunate .
deſcant, variation of the gtouto of a ſong.
deſcend, goe downie.
deſcribe, to write fogth to coppyout, oz to
deſeigne, 7 an appointing how ang
S. deſeignement Sthing thall be done.
delcet ,cat ainay from any thing.
deſertion, aléauing or forſaking.
dcligne. to marke out, of appognt for anry
purpoſe. delin ,
In Alphabeticall Table ,
defift, leaue off, oz day.
dcſolats, left alone, 02 fożſaken .
deſperacion, Witbout hope, oz. patt hope.
delpume,fome, ogcat vp a ſcamme.
detect, bewzay, diſcloſe, accuſe.
deſtinated, appointed.
deſtituted , fozraken .
deteſt, hate greatly oj abhozre.
deteined, with -holden , 03keptback ,
decermine, refolue, conclude:
detract , take from , oz backbitte,
detriment, lotte, hurt, hinderance.
detrude, thjuttout, oz from .
uent a finde
me to appointunto.
deuote,to give unto , toappoint ynto .
deuotion , boinette.
S devoyre, datie , endeavour .
dexteritie,aptnelle, nimblenete.
ddiiabadoleme, (g)a
, (g) dikuellich . Mu
orin e.ackeofall
ings crown
( a
parts ,
diet, manner of fode.
dialect( g) themanner of(peachin anylans
guage diuetsfrom others.
dialogue( g) conference,ojtalking together.
diameter (g) aline croting themiott of any
ärdle oz aguré. didacticali
or hard Engma TOS .

dida & icall( s) fall af detrine of tattrudion .

diffamation ,a llaundering ,oj (peakingill of
different,unlikely , diſgræing.
difficill, 2 hard, breake,
difficult, 3 Dangerous,
diffuſe, poure out.
digeſt, bzing into order, to deuite, i dettri.
bute things into their right place,
dignitie, wozthinelle.
digrelle,turnefrom , goe away.
digreſſion, departing from the matter to
hand .
dilacerate, torent in funder.
dilapidation Wattelull, (pending, oz ſuffer ,
ing to goe to decay.
dilere, enlarge, ( pread abroad, oz to dir
courſe upon largely.
dilemma. (g) a fozked kinde ofargument,
which on either Aide entrappeth.
dimenſion, meaſuring.
diminiſh, make lelle,oz take from ,
diminution , lellening .
dioc tre, ( g ) ſurtſ Didion .
dioceſan , that hath iurifdiction .
dire, croell, curſed ,damnable.
dircet guide og rule : right,traight, alſota
oper . dilable,
An Alphabeticall Table,
diſable, makevnable, 02 finde fault with .
'diſabilitie, unableneties
diſaJuantageous, hindecingmuch.
diſanull, make voybe, oz bzing to nothing.
diſarme, pull sffarmour .
S disburſe , lay out money .
diſcent, comming downefrom another.
diſceène, know ,put one foz another, ojput
difference ,
difcide, cut off , az in påces.
diſcipline, inftrudion , oz trápning vpo.
diſciplc, ſcholler.
diſcipher, to layopen , o2makeplaine.
diſconlolate, without comfort.
diſcloſe, diſcouer, vtter of manifett.
S diſcomfiting, putting to åtght.
· diſcontinuance, abſence.
difcord ,diſagreement,variance.
S diſcouraged, made afraide, oj ont ofhart.
diſcoucr, lay open , finde out.
diſcretion , wiſechotſe ofone from another.
diſcutſe, eramine, debate, og ſearch nac ;
rowly into.
Sdiſdaine, to ſcorc, ciſpiſe.
disfigure, bring out ofthape.
S disfranches,take away frédome.
of hard Engliſh words .
diſioyne, ontoyne oz ſeperate.
difunction; a diuiding , oz ſeperating.
S disfranchiſed, depziued of liberty.
diſgorge, (pue up, catt out of the ttomackel
diſgrade, to diſcharge of his diders, oj deo
dilguiſed,counterfaited,ſeeming that it is
dilheueld, plated ož laid ini ogder.
diſlocation , ſetting out of rightplace .
S diſloyall,one whoth it ts notgod to trait,
vntruly, trayterous.
diſmember, to pulland part one péce from
another .
diſmall, onlackie.
diſmille, let pale, ſend away.
diſparagement,hurt,hinderance,oz diſgrace.
diſpatch, make an end.
diſpenſe, to giue licence unto, allo charges,
tot .
diſperſe, ſcattet oz (pread abroad.
diſpcoplc, to vnpeople a place.
diſplant,to pull up by the røtés.
diſplay, (pread abzoad .
diſpoſc, to ſet in ozder , to appoint.
diſpoſition, naturall inclination ,og ſetting
in ozber .
D dilpoyle,
An Alphabeticall Table,
diſpoyle, take away by violence, oz rob .
diſputable, queftionable, of doubtfull,that
inay be reaſoned of .
diſſent, diſagre ,to be ofa contrarte opinion .
diſſimilitude , tnlikenete.
diſſimulation , dillembling ,hiding cloaking .
diſſipation , ſcattering abroad.
dillolue , valore, og melt,
difToluble, éage to vnløſe.
diſſolure , carelelle, retchletle .
diffolution , bzeaking ,vnløling .
dilſonant, diſagreeing .
diſtance, (pace betweene.
diſtemperature, belides the meane, 02 due
pzopoztion .
dillended , Ctretched out, og out of toynt.
diſtick , ( )a double måter,oz two verſes of
one matter .
diſtinguiſh , put difference, deuide, of point
out from others.
diſtillation, 2 Dzopping downe by
diſtilling, Slittleand little.
diſtinct,differing, oz teuided.j .
diſtinction, a difference, oz ſeperation.
diſtracted, 2 drawne into diuers parts,als
diftraught, $ co out ofhis wits.
diQorting,drawing another way .
of hard Engliſh words.
diſtribute, Deutde tn fundet, og to glue th
1 ſandze parts.
diſtribution, diatlon , 02 laying out by
diſturbe,difquiet, let og interrupt.
dillwade, to perfwadeto thecontrary.
dirric, the matter of a ſong.
diuert, turne from to another.
diuine, beauenly , godly, allo to gente, cons
tecure oz prophetie .
diuinitie, heavenlydodrine, allo gob-head .
diuiſion, parting oz ſeperating.
divorce, diuifion , ſeperating.
! diureticall, thatpzodoketh bitne.
diurnall,daily, belonging tothe day.
diuulge, 3 pabliti,02 make
diuulgate, 3 common .
docilitie, eafinetle to be taught.
1 document, 2 learning , 02
doctrinc, Sinſtruction .
docked, cut off.
dogmaticall,thatgiueth inttractions,
dolor,griefe, fourow , or paine.
dolorous, grieuous, oz ſozrowfull.
Ş domage, lofte, barme, oz hinderance.
domiſticall, at home,belonging to houſholo.
dominere, rule, beare (way .
D2 dominion,
An Alphabeticall Table,
dominion, 2rule, lozdfhip, 02
domination, S mailterthip .
donatiuc, a gift, in monie oz other things.
dole, thequantitie ofmedicinethe Phul ,
tion appointeth.
doughrie, vertuous, ftoat.
draule, to ſpeakę dlowly
drerie, beauy, rozrowfull...
drenched, drowned 02 Dippede
droope, faint, hange the head of lnings.
drudge, tople. .
dulcimur ( k) ? inttrus
dulcimar, ' S ment.
duell, a lingle combat .
duarchy , the equallraigne of twoprinces
together .
duplicitie,double kinde ofa thing.
driblets, ſmall debts .
dulcifie, ( weten .
durable, long lating, oz of long continua
ance .
durance, hoid, latting,

oGr, oencea
Art , aru .
Eccechc . le.
ofhard Engliſh words.
ceclipſe(g )falling of the light ofthe Sanne
02. gone.
eccho, a loand , reſounding back againe.
cccleliafticall (8) belonging to the Church .
eden , pleaſure, oz delight.
edict, a commaundement from authoritie,
a proclamation .
edifice, building.
cdifie,to intrus ,02 butide op in knowledge.
cdition, putting fozth , ſetting abzoad .
education , bringing op.
effcet, a thing done, oz to bying to padle.
effectuell, fozcible.
effeminate, womannith, delicate, wanton .
3 efficacic, fozce, oz ftrength.
efficient, working, 02 accompliching.
eftfooncs, fogthwith .
effuſion, powing, oz running foztó .
egge, prouoke.
TH czeſt,to catt, og carry fozth.
cglogue (g) a talkingtogether.
egregious, Angular, paling gwd.
egrelle ,fosthgoing, oz pallage out: i.
ciaculate, catt out.
eicction, a catting fozth .
elaborate, done curioudy oz diligentig.
clection, chote.
be D3 cleet,
An Alphabeticall Table,
elect, choſen o2 picked out.
clegancie, finenedle of (peech .
element, the firtt pzinciple of beginning of
any thing .
elench (g) a ſubtill argament.
clevate, lift up, oz heaae vp.
clocution , gon pttetance oftpc .
cluilh , froward .
emerods (k) ofotſeaſe .
Sembark, 2 to ſhip a thing , 07
įmbark , Sload a Chip.
cmancipate, to fet at libertie.
emblem ( 8) a picture thadowing out ( ems
thing to be learned.
eminent,appearing higher, oz further oat,
Semmot, piſmire.
cmphaſis ( g) a fozcible erpjelling.
emperick (8)he that hath allhis ( kill in phts
ücke by pzadiſe.
Sempire, gouernement, o kingdome.
emulation, enutezimitation ,delire to exceto
another .
eparration, declaration, erpounding.
enigmaticall (g )ful ofhard quettiös,oblcure.
Senchant,bewitch .
encounter, fetagaintt, or to máte. Es
of hard Engliſh words .
S encrochment, when the Lozd hath gots
ten and fetred of moze rent og ſervices of
tengel his tenant then of right is due.
Sendoffe,put on the back ofwrite on ý back
onduce, mode.
engender, beget.
enimitic, 2 diſpleaſure, 02
enmitie, Shatred .
enflame, burne,ſet on fire.
Senfranchiſe, make frá .
engratc, pzette vpon .
$ cnhaunce,tolift up, oz make greater.
BA S enlarge; make bigger, ſet at übertie.
cnoblc, make noble, oz famous.
mal cnormious, out of ſquare, vnozderly.
Senligne, dagge for War .
Senterfire, to ttrike one another.
Senterlace, to put betwåne, intermingle.
Senterpriſe, begin , take in hand.
Senterre, lay in the earth.
Sentrals, inward parts,as hart,ltuer,& c.
enthymeme (g) an inperfed Allogifme.
cnuctcate, declare, make manifett .
Senucloped, wrapped .
Senuiron, to encloſe, of compatte aboat,
epha, a kinde ofmeaſure.
cpiced, fümerall cong .
D4 . cpicure,
An Alphabeticall Table ,
epicure, giaen to plealurce
cpigram ( g ) a fentence lpitten bpon ang
foz pzaile ozdilpzaile.
epilogue (g) conclufion.
cpileplic (g) thc falling acknctie.
epilcopall (8) bilhoplike.
epiphanie ( g) appearing,
epiſtle (g) letter fcnt.
cpitaph (g)the writing on a tombeoz grade,
cpithice (g) a nameog title giucn to any
epichalmie,mariagetriumph .
cpitome (g ) the briefe copie of a boke,&c.
cpitomiſe ( g ) to make an epitome, uz to
bzing a boke into a leder volume.
equalize,match ,make equall.
equinoctium , when the papes and mights
are equall.
$ equipage, furniture.
cquitie, right, lawfulnede.
cquiualene, of equall valew .
cquiuocare, to ſpeake Doubtfully .
cradicate, pull up by the rates.,
crect, let op , oz lift op.
crmite ( g) one.cwelling in the wildernelle.
crre, mittake, goe wang.
erronious, fall of errour,and Wandgingpat
ofhard Engliſh words.
of the right way .
eruction, bzeaking of winde opward.
crudition , learning.
Sellay, tryall what one can lap, oz doe in
any matter .
Selchcat, forfeit,
cſchow , Thun , auoide, eſcape,
S elpouled, pzomiled in marriage..
ellence, being of any thing .
Fetloine, ercule for any cauſe, delay.
stablih, con ma nghe trong
cftimare, eltáme, valae, oz priſe, thinkC 0 %
eternall, cuerlatting, without end.
chnick (g)an heathen , or gentile .
etymologie (s ) true erpounding .
cuacuated, made vopde, cleans taken as
way, 07 emptied.
cuangell (7) trae expounding.
cuangelift ( g) bzinger of glad tidings.
cuaporate, to bzeath out.
cualion, eſcape, Chift.
cuent, chaunce of thatwhich followeth and
cuict, ouercome by law .
cuchariſt ( g ) a thankſgiaing, the Lords
fupper .
An Alphabeticall Table ,
cuitable ,that may be thunned og auoydeb .
cunuch (g) gelded, without tones.
cuere, turne vpüde dobne.
cuident, eale to be ſeene, playtre.
cuocarion , calling forth .
exact, perfedly done, oz to require with
srtremitie .
cxaggerarc, heape bpon , amplifie, to make
a thing moze then itis.
cxalcation , lifting bp.
cxanimate ,make afraide, 02 trouble in ininde
exaſperate,whet on ,te vere, oj makemojt
angry .
excauſate,makehollow .
cxcxcate , to make blinde.
exceffiuc, to much ,moze then inough.
Sexchcquer, officeofreceits.
exclaime,brap,oz try out.
cxclude, thratt, og Chut out, or keepé out.
cxcogitare, to mule, oz deniſeepadly.
excommunicate, to that out of company,
oz fellowthip.
excoriate, pull the fktnne off.
excrement,dung , affall, refule , oz dzegs.
excruciac, to vere, oz torment.
excurſion, a ſkirmith in Warres of ſome
few running from thetr company .
ofhard Engliſh words.
execrable, curſed, horrible.
exccute, performe, 02 ererciſe fomecharge.
cxcmpt, free, pziuiledged.
exemplific,enlarge,o2 dælare by examples.
cxhalation, a bzeath or fuine riling upward .
exhauſt, ozawne out, of emptied.
cxhibice, pat op og bettow ,to offer , 97 let
abzoad for all men to fá .
exiccate , to dzy bp .
Sexigent, necellitie, extremitie.
exile, banith , dzine out.
exiſtence, being.
exorable, eadte to be intreated .
exorbitant, out ofozder,mealuce ogplace.
exorciſt (g) conturer .
Sexorde, begins.
cxordium , a beginning oz entrance .
cxornific, to deck oz garnith any thing.
exoticke,outlandili, brought out of 4196
ther country.
cxpcet, loke fo .
expedient, fit, måte og beráming.
cxpedition , hat ,ſpøede.
cxpell,put out, o tyzut out.
expend, conlider og muſe vpon .
ill expence, cott, 02monie laid out.
experiment, aprefe, og tryall.
An Alphabeticall Table;
expert, ſkilfull.
cxpiation, pacifying with fatiffacion , purs
ging by facrifice.
expire,to dye,o2 giue up thegholt,to decay.
explanc, tomakemanifelt, oj declara.
cxplicate,declare plainely .
explicite ,made manifeft, vnfolded .
Sexploit, enterpriſe, as, dáede.
expuſe, to offer, oz lay open , to hazard.
expoftulare;toceaſon,ozchide with ,to com .
cxprefly ,fitly, mantfettly .
cxprobration, opbzayding, calling inones
tát .
expugnablc, to be monne of ouercome.
expulſe, dzius out, or thruff out.
cquiſice, perfed, fine, lngular, curious.
extant, appearing abzoad, thewingit ſelfe.
excaſie, a traance, oz ſowning .
extemporall, lubdaine, without
extempore, premeditation , 02
extemporarie, Study.
extende, ſpread forth ,prolong, ou make lons
ger, to inlarge.
cxtenuarc, letlen ,minily,oz make lege.
externall, outward, trange.
extimulate, pisuoke, pzick forward.
cxcinguiſh ,
ofhard Engliſh words.
extinguiſh, put oat,ozquench.
extinct, putout.
extirpare, to pull up by the røtes.
extoll, aduance, oz pzaire highly, to lift up.
extort, to wzing out, to wzett from by vios
lence .
extract, dzaw out.
extrauagant,wandring out of oider .
extraordinarie , beſides, 02moze then com
mon cultome.
cxuberancy , plenty...
cxult, bragge, triumph, oj leape foz top.
exulcerate, tomake loze, 2 cozrupt.

Abricate make faſhion .

fabulousfained,counterfaited,much talı
ked of.
facete, merry conceited.
fact Diede .
facilitic, salines .
faction deuifion of people into fundzyparts
and opinions.
factious,thatmakethdeutfion , contentions.
factor, one that doth buſinedeforanother .
facultie, licenſe, power ,aptrede,abiiitika
An Alphabeticall Table,
fallacic, decett, falthasde.
fallfie, to forge, to counterfait.
S faminc, hanger,deacth .
fams,report, common talke,credtt.
fanaticke, madde.
fantacic, imagination .
S fantaſtique,concetted,full ofdeutles .
Sfarce, to kill oz tuffe .
faſcinate, to bewitch,oz dilägarebyinchants
faſtidiouſnelle, lothromnette, og diſtatnfula
S faſchious, gelegous , oz inducing to anger.
, farall,moztall,appointed by God to come to
Sfealtic, faithfulnede.
Sfeature, faſhion , Chape.
feffe, iidue .
felicicic, happinette.
S female, 2 the che in mankinde, oz
feminine, other creatures .
fermentared, leavened .
fermently , hotely,hattely , carnettly .
feruide, hote, ( calding, barning.
feſtination ,halt,(pécde.
ofhard Engliſh words.
feſtivall, mercy, pertaining to holy Dayes .
feruenr, hote, chaſed ,very angry.
fertile, fruttfull, példingmuch frutt.
fouds, vtter enmitie.
figment, 2 alpe,07
fi & ion, Stale .
fidelitic, faithfulnelle, trutinede.
fiend, diuell.
figuratiue, to lhadow , oz repreſent, og to
figuratiuc, by figures.
filiall, like, o2 belongingto afoms.
7 finall, pertaining to the end.
finite, hauing anend,and certaine limits .
frme, ture, tepfat, trang,tontent.
fillure, rift,cleft,02 pertition .
fixed, fattnet ,fure, falt.
Sfagon, great wine cup, oz bottle
flagrant, burning, hot.
flexible, eally bent, pliant, ozmutable.
Hote, ( ipim aloft.
fluxible.thin and running ealily downe
like water .
Aluxe, diſeaſe of ſcouring.
Sfeeble, weake, lacking itrength .
foc-men , enimtes .
1 fomentacion,
An Alphabeticall Table,
fomentation, an al waging, of comfozting
by Warinth.
fomented , nouriſhed . 1

forraine, ttrange, ofanother country.

formall, following thecommon fathior .
foraminared, holed, oz bazed .
fordoc, kill, ouerthrow ,vndae .
formidable, fearefull,to be feared .
forelow , neglect.
fornication, vncteaunette betwenc fingle
forrage, fodder, alſo to pzoutdc meate.
fortification , trengthning.
fortitude, valiantaete, of couragtoulnelit,
trength ...7
fortunate, happte,hauing god fuccelle.
fragilitie, brittlenes, o : Weakenelle.
fragments, reliques, bzokenmeates,péces
broken off.
fragrant, sweetely ſmelling .
S franck ,liberall, bountifull.
fraternitic, brotherhood .
S franchiſc, libertte, freedome.
fraudulent, deceitfull, craftic , oz ful of gutie.
frequent,often ,done many times , ozdinarié ,
muchhaunted, cz goztw .
friction, rubbing,chafing.
of hard Engliſh words.
frigifie, cole, make cold.
frivolous, vaine,trifling, of no eftimation ..
$ frontiers , the fozepart.
frontler (k)attyze for the foxehead.
frounce, Inzinckle,put out of order .
fructific, to make fruitfull, og bring forth
much fruit.
frugall, thriftte, temperate in erpences.
fruition, inioying, poflellion .
fruſtrate, make voyde, deceine.
fugitiue, runnagate, 02 ttarting away.
fulgent, glittring, oj ſhining.
fuluidc, pealow .
fume, to péld ſmoke.
function, calling, 02 charge, or trade, and
place wherein a man liueth .
funerall, buriall, mourning, pertayning to
a buriall, 02mourning.
S furbulh, to dzelte ogſcoure,oz make clean .
S furniture, all things necellary to vle.
furious, raging , oz mad.
future, that which thall be hereafter.

Alliard, lutty, frolicke.

E . S gardian
An Alphabeticall Table,
S gardian, a kåper, defender, oz tuto..
gargariſc, to walh the mouth, and thzoate
within , by tirring ſome liquozvpænd
downe in the mouth.
garnar, 2 come
granar, S chamber.
Sgariſon , defence .
S garniſh, trime, deck vp,make fine.
S gay, fine, trime.
gem ,a precious tone.
gentilitie, 2 gentry, nobilitie,
generoficie, Sgentlemanthip.
genclis (g) beginning.
gentile, a heathen.
generation, of-fpzing.
genealogic (g) generation , oz a difcribing of
the ttocke pcdegree.
genitalles, pritsities.
genuine, peculiar, oz naturall.
genius, the Angeli that waits onman , be it
agod 01 euili angell.
genitor, father:
geographie( g ) the deſcribing of the earth,
geometrie (g) art ofmeaſuring thecarth .
geomancie (g) Cozcerie by circles and pricks
in the earth .
germane, come of the ſametrocke.
ofhard Engliſh words.
geſticulate, ble much oz folich gettare.
geſts, things done, oz noble ads of princes.
giglot, trampet, afliering wench .
giere, grin oz langh.
giftes, places to lodge in .
giues, fetters.
glandulous, full ofkernels.
gloe, mirth, gladnelle.
goſpell, glad tydings.
globe, any thing very round.
glorific, to giue honour, pzaile and coms
mendation to any body.
gloomy, cloindy or thadowed.
gloflc (g) a tongue, o2 erpofition ofa barke
TV fptch.

gloze, diſemble, flatter.
gorge, thomacke .
Sgourmandiſe, deuouring, glattony,
glutinate, to glae,oz toyne together.
* gnible, bite.
gnoffe,miſer, føle .
gnomen ( g) thetile, oz cock of a diali.
gradation ,tteps, by little and little.
graduate, that hath taken a degree.
E2 Sgrande ,
An Alphabeticall Table,
Sgrande, great.
Sgrapple, takeholde.
graſpe, catch fatt.
gratific, to plealure, op doe a göb tarne in
* wap ofthankfulnegle.
gratis, freely, without defert.
gratitude, thankfulnetle.
gratuitie, gift frály betowed .
gratulate, to be glad for anothers lake.
graue, waightie, Cober, fage, diſcreet.
greaſe, fat.
greciſme, the cutome of the Grecians,
greete, ſalute, aiſe wepe.
griſly, fearefull, gately .
S guerdon, a reward.
S guidance, gouerning, or direction .
Sguiſe, falhion, ſhape, cutome.
gulfe, dåpe pole, oz pit.
guſtation, talte.

iAbilicic, 2 ablenelle 02
litie, Sfefficiencie.
Shabiliment, clothing, furniture,
habitable, that may be dwelt in .
habicacis, 2 a dweling.
habitation, S place.
til habite,
ofhard Englih words.
habite, apparell, fathion , cattome.
habitude, diſpoñition, plight, reſpec.
Shagard, wilde, & range, contrary.
Shale, pall, ozaw , ltft bp.
halaluiah, pjayſe the Lozd .
halcyon, quiet, peaceable.
hallucinate, to deceiue, oz blinde.
harmonie ( g ) agreement of diuers founde
in mulcke.
harrie, pall violently .
Shautic, loftie, praub.
Shazard, benture, chaunce. 3

Sherault, kings mettenger.

heathen , fez Bentte.
hebrew , from Hebres ſtocke,
hceticke ( g) inflaming the hart and ſound.
ett parts of the body.
hemiſphere (e) balfe of thecompaffe ofhea
nen ,that we fée .
helmet, head-páce.
heriditarie,commning by inheritance ,oz ſue:
cetion .
herbinger, ſent before toprepare.
hcriticall (g ) 2 one that maintayneth
heretickc,( g) Sherelies,
hermitc, ſet ermite.
E3 heroicall
An Alphabeticall Table,
heroicall (3) beféming a nobleman ,oz.
heltes, will, commandenlents .
Shideous, fearefull, terrible ,great.
hierarchie (g) the gouerament of prieſts, 03
holy goucrnance .
hymne(g) kinde of Congto the praiſe of God
hymen , fongsſungat marriages ,
hipocrite (8) ſuch a one as in his outward
apparell, countenaunce ,and behautour,
pretendeth to be another inan then be
is indiebe, oz a decetuer .
hiſtoricall (8 ) pertapning to hitozie ,
hierogliphicks, ſescet characters,mitticall
Writing .
hiſtoriographer (g) a writer ofhittorie.
Shomage, wojſhip of leruice.
Shomicide, a mankiller, of the killing ofa
man .
homilie ( g) a ſpeech o2 ( ermon .
hononimic ( g ) when sigers things are üg,
nified by one wozd .
horror, fearefull, forrow , feare, terrour.
horizon (g ) a circle deuiding the halfe of
the firinament; from the other halfe
which wé fé not.
hofanna, Caue now.
ofhard Engliſh words.
hoſpitalitic, god entertainment foz friends
and trangers.
Shoſtage, pledge.
hoſtilitie ,hatred ,enmitie, dj open wars.
humanc,belonging to man , gentle, curte
ous, bounteous .
DO humide, wet
humidicic, moytare.
Erd humiliation, humbling.
huſh , 2 peace, oz be
ty huſhe, Stili.
hyperbolicall (g) beyond all credite, og
likelihode of truth .

Dcall (g ) pzoper.
Lidencity, eftlone, nold and then , euer and
anon . 23
idiome(g) a proper forme of(péch.
9. idcot (g) vrtearned ,a tole.
Iehoua,Loja almightie.
ientation, bzeabefat .
icopardie, danger.
Iclus (8) Santour.
ignoble, oflowand baſe birth .
igagminie, repzoch ,difcredit, daunder.
E4 ignorance,
An Alphabetical Table,
ignorance, lack ofknowledge.
illegicemars, bnlawfully begotten ,ebome.
illaqueation, intangling, enſnaring.
illiquinated, vnmelted .
illiterate, unlearned, withoutknowledge. :
illuſtrate, to make platne, to declare.
illuminate, to enlighten , oz make plaine.
illuſion, mockery, ietting oz ( coffing.
illation, a bringing up.
imbecillitie, weatnelle føblenelle.
imbarge, 2 lee em
imbarck, S barke. 2. Scitizer
irritation, following, doing the like. :)
immerſed, dipped, o? plunged .
immaculate, bnſpotted, vndefiled.
immature, vnripe, oz out of ſeaſon .
immanitie,beaſtly crueltie,ozhugenetleand
greatnelle .
immediate, nert to, not hauing anyother
immenſitie, erceeding greatnette,without
mealure infinite. 117 ,
imminent, at hand, ready to come vpond
immoderate, without mealare,ercáding
great, og erceliue.
immortall, euerlatting , that'opethnot a
immunitic , frédome from any thing, optie
2. bertie. immure,
ofhard Engliſh words.
immure, to ſhutyp , oz incloſe within wals .
immurable, conttant, till the ſame, unchans
imparitie, vnequalitie, vnlikenelle, differ
Simpart,to make partaker of, to tell to.
impartience, lacke of ſufferance.
Simpaire, diminiſh, letlen .
Simpcach, accuſe, hurt or hinder.
imped, graftet.
impediment, tet, oz hinderance .
impenetrable,thatcannotbe pierced,az en
tred into
impenitent, vnrepentant: 1
imperated ,commanded ,ogruled ouer .
imperious, deliring ofrule ,fullofcomman .
ding , ttately .
imperfection, vnperfectarte.
ET impcriall, belonging tothe crowne.
impertinent, not pertaining to thematter,
impetracjobtaine by requett. Likerke pres
impetuous, violent.
impietie vngodlinele,cruelty.
implacable,that cannot be pleaſed og pacis
fied .
implement, tuffe.
implicitc, hidden ,wzapped up together.
=; imply,
An Alphabeticall Table,
imply ,to fignifie, oz make manifett.
Şimploy, betown , (pend.
implore, to delire with teares .
implume, to pull off the feathers.
impoſe,lap vpon , oz put on .
importance, valew , force, oz worth.
Simpoſt, tribote .
impoſture, fallhud, decett.
impotent, weake feeble.
importune, to be earnett with .
importunate, requiring earnelly, Without
: being fattitted till the requed be obtøya
ned .
imprecation ,curfing ofwithing euiltonto.
impregnable, vnuanqutihed, not able to be
Butcome, trong
impreffion,printing ,marking ,ozttampimg.
improper, wnfit,informely, common .
impropriation, a thing accounted proper;
inhich is not tnorede.
improbable, that cannotbe pzoued
improuident, carelelle, not fozeléctng , oz
taking hébe befogeband .
imprudenit, ignorant,rath,carelelle.
impudent, ſhamelelle.
impugne, relit .
impunitic,lack,ozamiffion of puntthment.
impuritic ,
ofhard Engliſh words..
impuritie, Älthinelle,uncleannete,dithones
tie .
impuce, reckon, 02 3ligne, blame, oj to lag
to ones charge.
inabilitie, want of power oz abilitie.
inamored, in loue with .
inanimace, withoutſoule, ocad .
inarcificiall, without art oz (till.
inaugurate, to aſke couniell of ſuthlalers.
incarnate, taking üch bpon him , oz to bzug
leth vpon .
incenſe, tince of offering made by fire.
incend, kindle, burie, vere,02 chafe, to ins
cenfe ,to ftirrebp, oztoſet onfire, ozta
inccllantly , earneGly, without realing.
4 inceſt, unlawfull copulation of man and
womanwithin the degrees ofkinred ,0?
1 alliance, forbidden by gods law , inher
ther it be in marriage og charme.
inchaunt, bewitch az charme.
incoace, beginne.
incident happening oz chauncing .
inciſion, cutting oz ſearching of awoma.
žacitate, to moue, 22. prouoke.
incline, leane vnto, oz towaru.
include, to thatin ,ofcontaine within .
ES incommodious
An Alphabeticall Table,
incommodious, hurtfall, vnit.
mcommunicable, that cannot be imparted
to any other , o2 pzoper to one perſon,
and none other .
incomparable, that hath not his like.
incompatible, inſufferable.
incomprehenſible, that cannotbe conceiued
02 vnderttod .
incongruencie, Inant of agréinent.
inconliderate, rath , not taking counſaile.
incontinent, liginglefely , 02 vnchatly.
incontinently , preſently ,diſozderly od with ,
out moderation .
incredible, marurilous, ſuch as catinot bên
beléneo .
incorporate,tograft one thing into the body
of another tomake onebodyoi ſubtance :
oftwoozmoe, to mire oz put together .
incorruptible, uncokruptible, vnperiſhable ,
or not ſubied to cozruption.
incrinfick, the inner part,infidé.
incredulous, hardly brought to belicae.
inculcare,tovageogrepeateone thing often .
incurable, patt ture, a wound that cannot
be healed.
incurre, runne into.
indecent ,
of hard Engliſh words.
indecent, not comely oz belåining.
indeere, make bound to one.
indefinite, without rule og opter, rotach
mined .
indemnicie,without Icte.
indigent,needy ,poze, wanting.
indignitie, vnwozthinele, vnlgemely vlage,
infamie oz diſgrace.
indignation, anger, chafing.
indicate, Chaue.
indiffoluable, that cammot be unleſed oz ons
Sindice, to ignifie,oz glue in ones name.
indiuifible, 2 thatcannot be Deutded
individuall, 3 oz parted.
TI induce, to moueonto , og allare, oz djaw ..
11 indulgence,ſufferance to gentie intreating,
allo pardon .
induction , bringing in .
indurate, harden .
induſtrie, Diligence of labour.
ineffable, mſpeakable,g cannot beyttered .
ineqalitie, unlikenelle.
incftimable, thatcannot be avoybed .
incxorable , that cannot, oz will not bein,
treated .
infallible, vndeceiucable,onbegnilefull,trus
An Alphabeticall Table ,
infamous, ill repozted of, 02 defamed .
Sinfantcry, the fatemen ofan armte .
infatuate, to make falily.
infection , cozrupting .
infernall, belonging to hell.
inferre, bzing in, to alledge of ligniffe.
infidelitie, vnfaithfuinelle.
infinite, without rrumber oz end.
infirmitie, weaknelle .
inflamation , indaning, og ſettingon fire.
inflexible, that cannotbebended,unruly.
inflict, to lay vpon.
influence, adoining in , alſo vertue.
informe, giue notice, to teach, to begimeto
inttrud .
inftingc, to bycake, to make weate, 02 fées
infuſe, to poure in, oz tápcin.
Singage , lay to pledge, binde himſelfe .
ingenious, witty, quick mitted.
ingeminate, double, inake twile ſo much.
ingenerate, bzed , az grafted in naturally.
ingine, 2 an intrument to one any thing
engine, S with .
ingor a wedge of gald alſo the trough whers
til it is molten .
ingratitude, vnkindeies, orunthankfulnes.
of hard Engliſh words.
Singraue, carte.

ingrelle, entrance.
ingredence, S in .
ingurgitate, to deuoure vp grádfly.
inhabite, dwell in .
inhabitable, that cannot be dwelt in .
inhaunce, raiſe the price.
inherent, cleauing fat onto .
inhibir, fozbid .
inhibition, fozbidding.
inhumane, cruell, vncurtuotis.
inicction, catting in.
iniquitie, wicked oz vniuf dealing.
iniunction, commanding, rule oz ozdcr .
initiate,to begin, inttrat,03 enter into .
iniurious, wrongfull or hurtfull,
innauigable, that cannot be ſailed upon .
innouate, make new , young begin .
innouation, making new , an alteration .
inoculated, graffed in.
inpriuate, lodaine,pathought upon .
inordinate, out of ojder, diſozdered .
inquinate, to defile oz diſgrace.
inquiſitiuc, deſirous, and diligent to finde
out by aſking,
inquiſition,ſearching, or inquiring .
that camot be filled oz contenten .
An Alphabeticall Table,
inſcience, lack of knowledge.
inſcription, a title où note written vpon any
inſcrutable, that cannot be ſearched into, 02
throughly knowne.
inſenlible, thatcannot be feltozpercetued.
inſeperable, that cannot be cenited.
inſert, to put in , oz graft in ...
inſinuate ,cræpe into ones faucur craftily ,
alſo to ſignifie.
inſipidde , without tatt,unlauozy .
inlift, tottay bpon .
infoliable, that will not képe company.
inſolent, pzoud, diſdainfull.
inſpection , vieln , ſearch , loking into.
inſperge, fpzinkle, oz catt opon .
inſpire, bzeath,blow into.
initable, inconſtant, not tteadie .
f inftall, adinit to a place of office, ozhonom .
inſtant, earnet , impoztunate.
inſtauration,repayzing, renewing .
inftigation , prouoking, or mouing fouinard.
inftill, to put in, 02 dop in.
' i inſtinct, inward motion, og tirring.
inſtitute, appoynt, opdaine, begin ,oz goc in
hand with .
inſult, to triumph , oj vauni oder.
of hardEngliſh words ..
inſupportable, not able to be borne.
| information, riũng againg.
integritie, purenelle, immocencte.
intelligence, knowledge from others.
intemperate, without meafare of meane;
. brinoded in behantour.
intend , to purpoſe, ozthinke.
intentiue, earnettiy bent, and
intercellion, going betweene, oj making it
treatie for another.
intercepe, pzcuent oz take befoze.
interchange, erchange.
intercourſe, inatuall accelle, oz palage one
to another .
interdict, to fozbid traitly.
S intereſt,Joane, right, alſo à part in any
thing .
interlace, miré .
interline, draw a linebetwirt, og to bløt ogt
with a penne,and to write betwirt.
interlocution , interrupting of anothers
(pech .
intermedle, deale with .
intermingle, mire 02 mingle with , 03 &
in mongtt.
ptcrmiſſion, fozelowing, a pawling oz
bzeaking of
4 F interpellare,
An Alphabeticall Table,
interpellate, difturbed, hindered.
Interpreter, erpöunder .
interprete, open , inake platne, to the offe
Cence and meaning of a thing.
interrogation, a qüetion , og alking.
interrupt, bzeake of, ozlet.
inecrtiuc, that which is athome,ofbelonge
eth to the inward parts .
Sineire, whole, ſound,oncorrupt.
intefare,that opeth withoutmaking atoall.
intimate, to declare oz Agniis.
intired, ojawne, allured.
S intituled, called, noted, writtm on the bes
intollerable, that cannot be boine.
intoxicate, popſoned .
intractable, unruly, troubleſome.
intricare; inwrapped ,doubtfuil, Hard to be
introduction , entrance, oz leading in .
intrude, to thzutt ones ſelfe into thecompas
ny ofothers, oz enter in biolently.
inuade,to ſet upon , to lap hold on .
inucetiue, railing, ſpeaking agatalt.
inucigle, intice, oz dereiue by ſubtiltie,toin
trap .
ofhard Engliſh words.
inucigh, to radeupon bitterly.
Sinuentoric, table of goods.
f中 inuention, deaile, 02 imagtration .
Sinucloped, wrappedin , intangled .
inucrſion, turning vpade downe, turning
contraribile .
inuoluçd , folded in ..
Sinuclt, to adozne,ozdecke, ez grace.
inucierac, oflong continuance , géolonetri
mil inuincible, not to be ouercome.
inuiſible, that cannot be ſeene uz percetned.
inuiolable,that camot bebzoken .
2bin inuitc, bio, réquett.
inundation,an ouet
flowing ofwater.
inuocation,a calling bpon any thing with
trut in the ſame.
iordan , a chamberpot, oz wpinali.
Fold inure, to make plpable, oz acquaintfotth.
jocund,merry; pleaſant.
iretull, very angre .
eftpi irrefragablc,notto be broken, inot Grong,
irregular,outofrule oz ozber.
irchin, a hedgehog .
irkſomc, weartſome.
Eoll ironic ( 8) a mocking (peech.
irreligious, ungodle, wantingreligion .
Eige Fa irreprehenſible,
An Alphabeticall Table,
irreprehenſible, without repzofe.
irreuocable, not to be recalled ,oz not to be
irritate, to make angry. 38
Irruption, breaking in .
Silluc , euent, luccelle , ou end.
iterate, to repeat, oz doe a thing often ,ašpaties
IcWas euery fiftie gére. !
iudaiſme, wozfhipping one God without
iudicious,thathatha gæd judgement ou vná
dertanding .
iudiciall,belonging to judgement
jurifdiction,autbozitis, to inake,03execute
laloes in any place.
iuftifie, appzoue; ; make to be accopated
god aitd iut.
iuſtified,made of accounted for righteous,

eme n Charpe.
kindell, bring fozth young,:
knarry , knofty, tubbie .
ofhardEngliſh words. A

Aborinth, a place fo full of windings

and tarnings , that a man cannot
finde theway outofit.
laborious, painfull, full oflaboat ,
laccrate, teare.
Slance, cat, oz pzicke.
S language, a tongue oz (péch .
languiſhing, ptning , conſuming , wearing
away with griefe oz ficknette.
lapidaric, one (kilfull in pzecious tones og
Glard , bacon .
Slárgelſe, liberalitie.
laſcivious,wanton , lecherous.
latent, hiden , oz ſecret.
latitude, bzeadth , targenelle ,
lauacre, a bath oz font.
lauiſh, to ſpend ertragzdinarily .
laund, a plaineplace betwirttrás.
laud, pzaile, ofcommendation ,
laudable,wozthte of pzapfe.
laurcate ,xowned with Labzell, on Weae
ring a garland ofMages.
F3 laxatius,
Aa AlphabeticallTable,
laxative, loſe, parging
S league, agrement, oz coamant of peace.
Iccherie, unchattnetle, and unlawfulllat.
Iccture, readingozfermon .
ledge, lape.
Sleete, court.
Slegacie, a gift by will, oz an amballage,
legate, ambaladour..
legends, tales .
S legeirdemaine, light-handednette, craftie
Atghts ,andcorruetance.
legible,that may be cead.
legion,bott, o band of coulders.
legitimate, lawfull, accozding to lalo , an
god ozder .
lenitie, gentlenelle,mildnete.
Ienitiue, that eaſeth ogalwagethpatne,
lethall.moztall ,deadly .
lethargie , ( 8 ) (k ) browle and forgetfall
leuell, right, thraight.
Jeuitie, lightnette, incontrance,
libertine ,lole in religion ,onethat thinkes
hemay doe Lobat he litteth. . ‫܂ ܃܂‬
libell á writing og buke.
librarie,a tudie, agreat number ofbokes.
of hard Englifh words,
licentious, takinglibertie to doseaill.
ligate, bound, thed,
ligament, the thring tying the bones toge:
limaile, dut that commeth offeeling.
Slinage,tocke, kinred .
limitarion appointment, how farre anp
thing thall gob, reftrapning.
limmc, pollich , amend.
limpiddę, cléete, pure,
3 limber, brittle.
limit, bounda, bozber, oz land marke, alſo
to fet fuch bounds , & C .
liniament, a forme, oz pzopaztion bp lines,
that are drawne.
lincall, direct, in a rightline.
linzell, fywemakers tyzed.
linguilt, (kilfull in tongues.
linquiſh, to leane oz forſake.
lint, doth .
liquide, moitt, melted.
literature, learning.
licher, tole, lazie,
litigious, quarrellous, fullofdrite.
S licuctenant,depatie inanothers place,
lithernetle, dothfulnelle, talenete.
+ livelihood,meanes tomatutatne life.
1 F4 loame,
An Alphabeticall Table,
1oame earth oz mozter .
logicall (g) belonging to reaſon .
lollar, a bzcakerof fatting Dayes.
longitude, length.
lore, lain , knowledge.
lotſell, a craftg fellow .
Slotarie, calling of lots.
Slourdin, rude, clowniſh .
lubricitie, lightnette, dipery, incontant.
Sloyall, obedient, trattie, conftant.
Juculently, clearely.
Jumber, old Itatte.
lunatick, wanting his wits, at a certaine
tone of theage of the mone:
lumpih, ſad oz lower countenante. u :
luſter, gittering, Chining, glolle.
luxurious, riotous, and ercelline in pleas
ture and wantonnelle.

to trzepe in water, og make

leane, alſo to diſquiet.
machinations, war -like weapons .
madefic, dip, make wet.
maffic, ttainmer, ogfat. 6 .
magicke,tnchanting , conttring. AT
ofhard Englithwords.
magiſtrate, gouernoaſ.
magirian (8) onevling witchcraft.
magnanimitie, valiantnes, courage.
magneticall, belonging to the load tone.
magnificence, ſumptuouſnelle.
magnific. toertolloz pzaile bigbly .
magnitude, greatnetle.
maieltic, the tately post and honozable Tea
nowne of any .
Smaladie ,difeale.
Smalecontene, diſcontent, diſpleafed .
malediction , flaundering ,illreport ,ozback ,
biting , oz carling.
malefactor, an entil dder ,
Smalepert, fawoce, pzoud,inappith.
S maligne, tohate with purpoſeto hurt.
Smalignicie, naughtinelle, malice.
malicious, hating óz énuying.
mammon (g) riches.
manchet, fine white bzead .
mandate, a charge, oz commandement.
Smanger, to eate.
maniacque, mad , bzaine lick .
manicle, a ketter faz to binde the hands .
manifeft, opened, declared, ofrcucaled .
manuring, dang, tilling.
An Alphabeticall Table,
manſion, an abtoing place.
manuall, dene with the hand.
manumiffe,to fet frec, o at libertie.
maranatha, ( g) accurfeb.
Smarch , go in aray,ogoelazward .
margene,edge,ozbzim ofanything .
Smarte, a fatre.
Smallacre, kill,pat to death .
maffic, heauy, beaped together .
martiall,warlike,ozbaltant,oz taking pains
anddelight in Wars .
Martyre ( g) witnes, one futfering death for
the faith of Chit .
marticulate,to regifter og inrole.
materiall, of fomematter, oz tportante.
matrimonic, mariage,wedlocke.
matrix, wombe.
matron, an ancient, fober, and stirrétt
moman .
mature, ripe, perfect, fpeedy.
Smagre, difpight, againt ones will.
maxime,a principle,oz care ground inany
matter .
Smeagrc, leane.
mechanicall ( 8 ) handps
mechanick, Scraft.
mediatour, abuocate, og faette, og anemas
ofhardEngliſh words.
king peace betwpirt two.
medicinc, remedie, of care.
mcdiocricie,amealure, ameane.
mcdicate, male vpon , bethinkers
medication,the earnettminding oz thinking
upon a thing.
anelancholic (g ) blackecholer,a bomoar of
ſolitacinelle, oz ſadnelle.
mellifluous, (wåt as hong, példing mach
melody ( g)/wát faunding,oz (watmalick.
membrane,a thinneſkinne.
mendicant, begging .
memorable,worthy to beremembzcb.
Smenace, to threaten .
menſtruous,dcfiled , oz foule.
mentall, belonging tothe minde.
mercinary, Cerering for wages, an hireling,
meridian, pertapning to none-tide.
meritorious, that Delerueth, 02 let for at ,
mellias,annotated,og ſaniour.
metalica, belonging tomines, 07mettals.
metamorphoſis (g) a changing ofoneChape
metaphro ( 8 ) Aimilitude, or the putting
one of awozdfromhis poper and nas al
tor !
An Alphabeticall Table,
turall fignification , to afozraine og bus
pzoper lignification .
mercors ( g) elementarte bobtes , 07moyet
things ingendered of vapours in the
aire abone ,
mechod (8) an oider ,ozready way to teach ,
0 , doe any thing.
methodized (gy broughtinto ozber.
metropolitane( g) chiefe ofthecitie.
mickle, mach.
microcoſme ( g )alittle Worlo .
militant, warring, o, being in marres .
S mince, çat in ſmall pieces .
Sminnion, wanton , feate,fine.
miniſtration , miniftring , ez ſeruite, 67
charge to -doe a thing .
minoritic , a mans time under age.
minutely, ſmally.
miraculous, meruailous oz wonderfull.
Smirrour, a loking glatte.
miſcreants, infidels , miſbeláuers .
$ miſpriſſion,concealement ofa mans owne
misknow , to mittake purpoſely , tobe ignos
rant of.
mitigate,attwage,qualifie, oz pacimixion,
ofhard Engliſhwords,
mixion, 2 mingling, 02 tempering
mixture, Stogether .
. mobilicic,moning oz tirring.
3 Smodell,meaſure,patterne. ..
moderate, temperate ozképinga meme.
moderation, keeping due Ojder and propoze
S moderne, late.
modeſt, Cober ,demure. "
Smoitie, halfe.
moleſtation, troubling.
mollocke, earth, dongue.
mollific, make loft.
momenranic, that which lattech but a
moment, weight oz impoztante , alſo a
thout time.
monarch (g) one ruling all thekingdomes
about him .
monarchie (g) the rule ofone prince alone.
monaſterie (g) colledge ofmonkes.
monaſticall. (8) Colitarte .
monitor, an informar, oz ouerſár .
monopolic ( g ) altcence that none shall bug
o ſell a thing but one alone.
monument a remembrance ofſomenotable
ad ,as tombes .
1 moolell,
An Alphabeticall Table,
mooſell, tofetter .
Smoote, argue, oz otſpute acaſainlatu .
moralitic, ciuili behaviour.
morall pertaining to marmers , behautour,
andWfe among men .
Smorgagc, lay to patunk
morigerous, well mannered , obedtent.
mortall, that endety, havingan end, the
dying, deadly.
mortific, kill,oz make dead, and Cancelcih.
mortuarie, dutie paid for the dead .
motiuc,caule moving, ofthething,and resto
ſon thatmoueth to dos anything. "
Smoultre , make ſmall, turnetooutt .
Smuld, a fine, penalty, oz pantchment.
multiplicitic, vartette,öz dinerditie of fonts.
mundane, inozidly.
mundifie, to makecleane.
munition,defence, ſupportation, 07 trerigth
and plentie of weapons,toredtin war.
munificence, bounty , liberality.
municipall, pziuately belonging to a fres
man , oz burgetle ofacittte .
murk , parke.
murmuring grudging , og repining.
mufes ( 8) goddet'es of learning.
muſicall,thatloueth oz hath ſkil in malicke.
S muſtaches,
of hardEngliſh words.
Smuſtaches, the bayze oftheupper lippe.
muger, take view ofmen , in armour .
mus,the alant.
mutable, changeable, Waurcing.
mutation, change, oz alteration .
muthologie (8 ) expounding of the tales of
the Poets.
mutilate,wanting comeparts , maimed.
mutinie, tumult, [edition .
mutuall, one fozanother.
Smicher, a (neaking fellow ,abedgecréeper.
3 myrrhe ( g) (weet gummes .
myſtery ( 8) a ſecret, oz hio thing.
myſticall ( ) that hath amitterie in it.

Adir, the point directly under os oppo

naturalize, make fré ,deniſon ,
narration, declaration , oz repozt.
nationall, belonging, oz confitting of a na .
tion, oz kingdome.
natiue, where one was borne,oz naturall.
natiuitic, birth, on the day ofbirth.
nauigable where itps may ſafely pale, of
that may befapled vpon.
= nauigation,
An Alphabeticall Table,
navigation, ſapling, 03 paling by water,

by callin vnpton ( piriets .
ne & ar, a pleaſa Dzinck which is feyneb
to be drunke of the Gods.
nefarious, inicked, detettable.
negaiuc, that denyeth.
negotiation, trafficke 83 bulinelle,
ncotoricke ( g) one of latetime.
Snephew, a lonneoudaughters forme.
ncruc, Ginew .
S nete,fine, cleanc.o 17.11.
, fide
Snice, dow , laylie, falich .
nicholaitan (g)an heretike, like Nicholas,
who held that whics fhould be como
mon to all alike.
nominate, to naine, oz appouit,
S nonagc, a childs time, under age.
nonrclidencic,vrnecedary & wifulabſence
of any one from his place of charge.
nonſuite, not following, oz the endinge
giuing ouer of a ſuite.
notable,worthy, máte to be regarded and
citsmed .
of hard Engliſh words.
notarie, Scrtuener , oz regitter.
nocifie, to make knowne, on to give war.
ning of.
3 notion, inward knowledge, oz underland ,
notorious, knowne to all, and made platne
and manifett .
noxicus, 2 burt,
boyfome, S full.
nullitie, nothing.
numcration , nombzing.
Duncupatoric, telling , 07 declaring any
nuptiall, belonging to marriage.
nutriment, nourilhment.

Odbrate,barbi, em oz tomakemozebard
obicct, laide, oz let againtt, ozthatwheres
on any thing retteth, 03 that wherein
anpthing is occupyed, og leta wozke.
obiure , binde by oath .
1 oblation , offering ,
oblectation, recreation , delight.
G obliged,
An Alphabeticall Table,
obliged, bound of behalten.
oblique, crokeb,ourrthwart.
obliterate, blot op ſcrape out.
oblivious, forgetfull.
obloquie, euill repozt.
obnoxious, faultie,lubted to danger ,
obnubilate,9 to make darke.
obſcene, bawdy, filthy, ribauldzie.
obſcure , darke o2 clowopa
obſequious, feruiceable, ready athand.
obſeruant, dutifull, full of diligent ſeratce.
obſeſſion, beſieging,02 compañing about.
obſolete, olde, patt date, growne out of vle
oz cuttoine.
obſtacle, hinderance oz let.
obftinate, froward, tubborne, oz tiffe in
his owne opinion .
obſtruction, topping, repzeding .
obteſtare , humbly to belách , o , to call to
witnells .
obtrectation, daunder, euill report.
obtrude, thzuft with biolence.
obtuſe, dull oz blunt.
occidentall, belonging to the welt.
occluding, ſhutting fat .
Soccurrences, occafions, things that other
themſelnes by the way.
of hard Engliſh words.
ocean ( g) the maine ſea.
odious, batefull, diſdainfull:
oder, ſmell, Cent, on fauogr.
odoriferous, (weet ſmelling .
ucconomicke ( g ) things that pertaine to
houthold affaires .
offenliue, giuing offence , offering wzong,
oz dilpleafing.
officiall, belonging toan office.
officious, dutifull, diligent, very readie op
willing to pleaſe.
1 oligarchie(g )aCommon -Wealth wherethe
government is under a few perſons.
oliuet, places of Dliues.
Sombrage, Chade, harbor, oz bower to rett
under .
ominoys, that ugntfieth Comegod, oz ill
1 omir, let paffe, suerdip.
omnipotent, almightie, great, ohigh.
omni preſent, preſent in all places .
omni-ſcient, knowing all things.
onerous, burdensus of chargeable,
onuft ,leaden , ouercharged.
operation, 2 working, 03
operatiuc, S effect.
hauing a god opinion of, 0 %
- 02 tanding
An Alphabeticall Table,
ttanding on hts owne opinton .
oportunitie, fitnelle to any thing .
oppidauc, a townelman .
oppilation, & opping.
oppoſe, againt .
oppoſite, contrary, oz ſet ouer againt .
oppretſed, grieued ,02violently wronged.
opprobrious,repzochfall,to taunt,reutle az
vpbjaid with bad ſpeeches.
oppugnc, to labouragaintt, og refit .
option ,choling of wiſhing.
oracle ( g )a (pách o anſweregium from
oratoric, eloquent ſpécch.
ordination, apdepning, appointing.
Sordure,Đang ,fits.
orifice, mouth oz hole ofany thing.
originall, the firti, oz ſuch as it was at the
orgaine (g) an inttrument todoeany thing
with .
ornamenta decking,abomning,on trimming.
orphant (8) achilde without parents .
Soltages, pledges giuen oz taken .
oftentation, boating,
orthographic ( 8) trae waiting.
Souert, plaine, open .
of hardEngliſh words.
Soverplus, more then nåedeth.
Soutragious, fierce, unreaſonable.

Acific, to make qutet.

paction, a couenanting og bargapning.
pagan , of the country village.
page, the line ofa leafe.
Spalatine,belonging to a Princes Court,
02 pallace.
polinodic (g)arecanting, oj inſapingofany
Spalliſade, a place encloſed with pales.
palliate, cloaks, oz dlightly heale.
palpable,that may be felt, manifeft.
panigirike, pzaile.
pendeets,bokes treating ofall arguments .
pamphler, a ſmall treatiſe, oz boke.
pander,a man baude to a whoje.
parable ( 8 ) amttitude, oz an applying of
ſomething to our matter, ütly alleage
ed ,for ſome likencle which it bath to
our purpoſe.
paradiſc (8) place of pleaſure.
Paradoxe( s) or slots, trage gác .
S paragon,patterne, erample.
G3 paralelles
An Alphabeticall Table,
paralelles (8) lines ofother things as farrë
offfrom one another in one place as tri
S paramour, anamoſous louer.
paranimph,on that beareth all the way at
a bridall.
paraphraſe (3) expoſition of any thing by
many wozde .
paraſite ( 8) abaſe datterer, oz fathingcom .
parentheſis (8) a claule contained in anos
ther ſentence.
parget, to platter.
paricide, a murderer of parents .
paritic, equalitie, likenette.
$ parle, (peech,oz conference.
parſimonie, thuftinelle, ( paring.
participate, partake, deuide,07 dittributeto
giue, 02 takepart.
particularize, to deutde into parts , and to
handle every particular.
partition ,deutlion .
palleable, that may be palled ouer .
paſſeouer, one ofthe Jewes Featts, in re
membzance of Gods paling cuer them ,
whenhe dew ſomany of theegiptians.
pafſion,ſuffering, grtefe...
ofhard Engliſh words.
paſtorall,belonging to ſhepheards.
patheticall ( g) vehement,full ofpations,02
mouing affictions .
patriarcke (g) chiefe father .
patrimonic,fathers gift, 02 gods left by a
patronage, defence, pzotedion.
patronile, defend.
paucitie, fewnefle op ſmall number.
pauſe, thinke, tay, ozrett.
Spauillion, tent.
peerelete, wozthy, vnmatchable. 3

peccaui, I have offended.

peccant, offendig, doing ainitte.
pectorall,that belongeth to the breatt.
peculiar, pzoper, 02 (pecialiy belonging .
pecuniarie, coyne, inoney.
Spel-mell, confuſediy ,all on a heape.
pedant, one that hath the ouerlight of chil.
bzen .
pædagogue, vther to a Schole -mailter,
penetrable,that may be pearccd.
penitentiaric , onerepenting , oz doing pent
nance .
penaltie, lolle ,punithinent,fine.
S penſion, papment,pårelyfe .
G4 pentecof
An Alphabeticall Table ,
pentecoft( g) umhitfontide.
perceptible, a receiuing, a taking,onder
ttand, knowledge.
penurie,want ou ertreaine neede.
perch , lit upon a pole oz branch.
peregrinc, trange, ofanother land.
perambulation, walking about.
peregrination, tournying in a ftrangeland.
peremprorie, reſolute,(yozt, deadly.
perforatio, hole,oz pierce through.
perfidious, traiterous, vnfatthfuil.
perfricated,rubbed much.
perillous dangerous .
periclitation, ieoperate,o2 hazarding.
period ( g) the end ofa perfect ſentence.
periuric, fozſwearing, ozbzeakingof ones
bath .
permanent, continuing, of abiding tdithe
end .
permiſſion, ſufferace,leane.
permit, luffer, glue leave .
perinutation, change.
pernitious dangerous, bartfall.
perpendiculare ,directly, downe right.
perpetrate, to commit, oz doe.
perpetuitie, continuance fogeoer.
perplexitie trouble, griefe,aitrelle, doubts
fuinede. perſecute,
Call Tabl,e of hard Engliſh words.
perſecute ,trouble, affitt , oz purſue after.
atating, ano perlift; } continue conttantly,
perſeuer, S and reſolutely .
ade perlunare, to counterfait anothers perſon ,
nch. perſpicacie, quicknes offight,vnderttanding
land perſpicuous, euident, cláre, that may be
t. ſäene through.
Frangeland pertinacic, obftinacie, ſtífnelle in opinion .
eadly. perturbation, diſquietnetle, qz troable .
56 peruerſe,froWard, miſchieusus.
il peruert,ouerthzow , oz turne vplide downe.
Speſc, to waigh .
peruicacie, obttinacie, ttifneckenelle.
ng. Spelant, downe.
nce pefter, filled.
ofany peft, the plague, 02 peftilence.
peltiterous, contagtous,
asthe peſtilent, S hartiall.
petition, pzayer, ozrett.
Spettigree, tocke, oz off (pzing.
percilallerie, tealing of things of no great
petulancic, Wantonnelle, Caucines,
phantaſie ( g) imagination .
phantaſticall,idleheaded,folichly conceited .
phylacteries (g) ſcroles of pārchinent,whers
on was written theten commandements .
An Alphabeticall Tablo,
phyſiognomie ( 8) knowledge of a mans.
naturc by his viſage, and countenance .
philicke (g) medicine, helping of curing.
phlebothomic (g) letting bloud.
phraſe (g) forme of ſpeach.
philoſophic (g) tudie of wiſedome.
phrenſic (g) madnetz.
picric, godlinefle, holinelle.
Spillage , (poile in war,and lacking of the
enimies .
pinguiditie, fatnelle, of greatnelle.
Spilot, maitter, gutter ofa ſhip.
S pionner,digger, op ditcher .
piramis (g ) a ftáple, oz other building ,of
pirainides , S a pillar bzoad beneath , and
(harpe aboue.
piſtated, baked.
Spirate, a robber on the ſea.
Spittanc , hozt banquet .
placable , eade to be pleaſed .
S placards,writingsfrom higher powers.
planer í g) Wandzing ftarre.
Splaintife, the party complapning .
platforme, the moulde faſhion of an houſe ,
plaulible, plealing og received ioyfully , and
willingly .
plebian, a common man.
ofhard Engliſh words.
plenarie, foll.
plenitude, fulnelle, thicknelle.
S plungedip, oz put vader the water.
plume, feather.
pluralicie, moze then one.
poenie (8) verſes ofa Poet.
poet ( g ) a berſe-maker,
poetelle, a Woinan poct.
pole (g) the end of the areltré wheron the
aſtronomers fain the beauens to be turned
pollicie, a wittie gift,
poligamie ( g ) hauingmoe Wiues then one.
poliſh; todeck, az make faire,(math ,aléke,
.. 02 thining.
politique, frafty of running.
pollute, defile, oz dittaine, 02 make filthy.
pomegarnet, 02 pomegranet (k) fruit.
pompe, the countenance of things in furnis
ture,& ſetting fozth to the outliare ( hew .
ponderous, waightie, beauie.
E pontificall,Lordly;ſumptuous,Biſhoplike.
portable, that maybe carried.
popular, lieking the fauoar ofthe people by
ali mpanes pollible.
and populous, full of people.
popularitie, pleaſing the people.
portend,lignificbefore it happeneth.
An Alphabetical Table ,
poſition, a queltton to bedtſpated of .
pofteritic, theythat come after by birth, the
age after vs.
poſtſcript, written after.
potent, mighty,able.
potion , dzincke.
Spourtraic, dzaw the forme, oz propoztion
ofa thing.
practicall (g)
pratique, praditing.
pragmaticall, abulie body.
Sprcamble,fopeſpeech,a dlowwrity,entrance,
oz atay.
precedent, going befoze.
precept, a rule gtuen , anadmonttion , oz
commandement .
percinct,compade appoynted.
percipitare, cat downe headlong .
predeceffor, one that was in place befoze
another .
predeſtinate, to appoynt befoze.
prediction, afoze telling, oz pzopheſping .
predominant, ruling.
prcheminence, ercellencie, cale, authozitie
ouer others .
preface, a ſpeech before thematter itfelfe.
prefigurate,fozelhewbya figare,
of hard Engliſh words.
1 prefixcd,letin theforepart,appointedbeloze
pregnant, witty, labttantiail.
preiudicate, giaing his tudgement, before
he knoweth the man, ozmatter.
preiudice, hindering ones caule, ſentence,
oz opinion deliuered befoze knowledge
of any thing.
preludium , an entrance to any thing.
premeditation, thinking of a matter before
primuniric, fozfetture ofgoos.
preoccupation , a preventing by (pách of
other Wayes .
preordination, appointing befoze.
preparaciue, that which maketh fit of pzce
pareth .
uy , ſetting the cart befoze the borſe, as
Eft we vſe to cap .
prerogatiue, pziuiledge,oj authoritie befoje
another ,
$ preſage, to tell before,to betoken , to fozcie ,
presbiter (g) elderlyig.
o preſcience,fozeknowledge.
preſcript decré oz alimement.
preſcription, itmitation , 07 appointing a
certaine compate.
st preſcruaciye,
An Alphabeticall Table,
preſeruatiue,thatwhich defendeth .
prefident, a chiefe ruler, next under the
preſuppoſe, faine a thing to be befoje it is .
prctermit, to palle ouer to forget Willingly .
preterlapſed, paded, oz gone paft.
pretence, Ercule ,
pretext, S colour.
preuarication , collu & on , oz betraying of a
caule 02 matter for bant of moze ears
nelt (pech.
primitiuc, 2 fir&i, oz fozmot ,
primary, S02 eccellent.
primare, chiefe gouernour,
prioritie, being in the formott place, sy in
greater ercellence and ſuperioritte
then another .
priſtine, old, wonted, og accuttomed .
priuation, depziuing, vtter takingaway ,oz
priuiledge, prerogatiue, of liberty, moze
then ethers have.
probable, that may be eatly proued to be
probation, alowance, trpall.
probleme (g) pzopottion, oz ſentence, tri
marmer , procccdc,
ofhard Engliſh words.
proceede, goe fazth , or goe forward .
procelle ,pzoræding, paling fozward.
procliuitic, inclination to any thing.
proctor, afadoar oz ſolicitoz.
E procraſtinare, to deferre oz delay:
2 procrcate, begotten, oz byingfogth.
prodigall, tw riotousinſpending.
prodigious, wonderfull, giuing an ill ägne.
prodition, betraying, treaſon .
1 produce, bring forth.
3 profane, ungodly,not conſecrated ,07vnbal
lowing that which was holy.
profound,dåpe oghigh.
profligate, overthrow , put to fight.
profundiric, depeneđe.
21 profuſion, powzing outwaffully .
profuſe, immoderate,Watfull.
progenie, off-ſpzing,generation , oz (lue of
childen .
progenitor a fozefather, oj grandfather.
prognoſticate (g) to know oz giae out be.
70 foze hand , oz to tell afoze hand what
thall happen.
ob progrellc, a goingforward.
prohibit, te fozbid oz gtue ttraight charge
to the contrary.
proiect, a plot, og wiſe contrining ofany
An Alphabeticall Table,
thing , oz catting fozth.
prolixc, teotous, long, large.
prolocutor, a ſpeaker for another.
prologuc,a preface oz fojelpeech .
prolong, ftretch out, oz defer .
promerie, Deſert.
promiſcuous, confuſed, mingled.
promote , to honoz, oz aduance to greate
dignitle and higher place.
prompe, ready, quick . (ming.
promulgation,pabi(ching openly,oz proclai.
pronowne that is ſetfoz the name of athing
prone, ready , ozinclining.
S prowètic, valtantnede.
propagate, to eniarge oz multiply .
prophecie (g) fozetelt, 02 erpound.
prophet (g) he that prophecyeth.
propitiation, a ſacrifice to appeale Gods
propitiato: ie thatwhich retocilethorwhich
purchaſeth mcrcy at the mercy feate.
propitious, notdiſpleaſed, fauourable.
proportion, equalnelle, meaſure.
propoſe,propound,ſet befoje oz Chew .
proprietic,pzopertie, owning oz challenge
mg ashis owne, and none others.
prorogue, pat ott, pzolong,deferre.
ofhard Englih wotds.
profcription,a condemnation on bantcha
mant proclaimed, oz an open ſale,
proſe, thatwriting which is not verſe.
proſelite (g) & ranger connerted to our rell
gion and mammers.
proſecuce, follow after , og finith.
proſpect, a Üght a farreoff.
proſtitute, fet open for uncleannetle to lef
forth tofalo ,
proftrate, tocate doubne, offalldowone flat
on the ground .
protect, defend, laue oz coder.
proteft, to affirme, oz declare openlg.
protract, deferre; 02 pzolong, oz dzaw out
at length .
prouident, fozefiningwithwiſecontdekatta
on; and prguizingarozehand.
Calle prouinciall; teriſolation,belongingto apzos
uince, oz out country ,
toliko prouocation,prouoking, enfozcing
cate pzetion oz ailaring.
Sprouoſt, chiefe gouernour.ed
prudence, wiſedome, wittinellesi
publicane,a farmer,o cômoriman ofacitie.
Gallery Spuincy, younger bonne.
pugna, ditte-Triuing, of contending ,
punctuall,Imall,ozof na greatfozce.
criprio n co 正 puluisiſated,
An Alphabeticall Table,
puluirilared, beaten , oj bzoken into dat ,13
pupill, that is inder a tutoz, a Ward .
purgation, purging, cleanäng.
purloin, toptlfer, 02 teale.
purific,purge, ſcoure,or make cleane.
purſuit, following after .
puruie, prouide.
putrific, to warerotten ,orcozrupt as a ſose.
Spuillant, trong ,valiant.
pyxc ( 8 ) a bore .
.: - ‫ ܨ‬- ‫܇ ܀‬

Vaffing, (Willing, og ttplung.

quadranglc,fourecojnereo .
quadrant, foare (quare,oporuci
quadratc, S a quarter.
quaint, trange. $
qu al ms efe
,gri .
quartane, belonging to ,ocomming enery
fourth day .
qucane,abarren old col .
qucaſie,weake,fáble, notwelldigetting.
qucach , thickeheape.
quelle, trouble, torment,Detroy.
ofhard Engliſh words.
querimonious,full of complaining andla
mentation .,
Squineeilence, chiefe vertue, dzawne by art
out ofmany compoands together .
quondam , heretofoze,in timespalt.
Squote, cite, pzeuent.
quotidian, daily,that happenieth everyday.
quickuplc, fiuetolo.

nified bythe geffure ofthe perſon that
ſpeaketh it, to him that he ſpeaketh to .
radicall,pertayning to the rote, naturall.
radiant thining bright.
S rallic, gather together mendiſperled ,and
. out of ozdér .
Tanke, rotten , tinktng.
rancour,hatred, malice..
Srange,let in ouder.
Srampar,foztification , og trench ..
rapacitie;2 violenttaking away, ertozcton
rapinc, S 02 pillage, oj rauening.
Rob rarific, makethinne.***
raritie, ſcarcenelle, fetonelle.
rachc, racely .[ peedy.
oad Ha
An Alphabeticall-Table;
ratifie, ettabliſh oy confirme. Siin
rationall, that hath reaſon .
Srauiſh , tåkeaway by fozce.
S raunged,02dered , 03put in ozder,
reall, fubtantial of thatisindæd laboting
reaſſume, take againê. 23.1.
rebelf, utfe againt. 0.00103.
recantation, an vnlaying ofthat whichwas
befoze ſaid.
recapitulation , a batefe rebearting againe of
rccenfcd,repeated ichearſed,namiet. ?
reckletle, rath,carelelle.
receptaclc, a placeto receiųe things in .
reciprock ,01 2 thathath repeabadke ali
reciprocall, Sgaine to theCamething. ::
fecite;rehearſe; o repeat. 10.
reclaime,to gainlay, oz call back agatae.
Srecognillance, asemowledging ,oz a figne
ofacknowledging, and confefling ang
thing. . ) 301.99
S recoile, goe backe.
raconicile, bring into faucüc; oz to make
peace betwirt. SH
records, wzitings lata vpfoz remembranes
• recreate ,réfreſh , coinfozt. : 3539
redargution,a reprehenfion ,ozrepzofe.
ofhard Engliſh words.
recourſe, a running backe againe.
rectific, to make right ozttraight.
redceme, purchaſe,buyagaine, 02tanſome.
çedemprion, a buying againe.
şedound,ogerflow , fall vpon.
Sredretlc,rozred , amend. "
rcduce, tabaingback againe.
reduction, a bringing backe.
redundant, ouerdowing, of abounding ta
reduplicated, doubled,
reedific, build up agains.
recktublith, to ſettle againe as befoze.
tofcetion, a refrething;ozrecreating,
refell, to canfate, 03 pzoue falſe. Vi
rcference, a pointing at, og alluding to. 3 :
referre,pat ouet ,o2 to repozthimſelf
refine, repaire, renue, oz amend.

reflection, catting backe, oz bowing, tur».
al ning backeagainé,
gi reforme,amend.
refractarie, wilfull in opinion , obftinate
refraine, abtaine from ,keep in.
refuge, luccour, 03 place of ſafeties ?,??
refulgent, hining bright
by refure, to diſpzoue. 2007
regall,princelg , likeaking, tales
ole H3 regenerare,
An Alphabeticall Table ,
regenerate, bazneagaine.
regeneration,a new btrth.
regent, a Gouernour, 02 Kuler.
regiment, gouernment, guipance , rule, 02
Dominton .
regiſter, kalendera reckoning bpke.
regrator, hucktter, oz one that buyeth any
thing, and trims it upto makeitmoze
Calable .
regrelle, returning back agatne.
regular, made according to rate andozbiet.
reiect, ding, catt away oz refuſe...
Srcioynder, a thingadded afterward, ozis
when the defendant maketh anſwere
to the replicationofthe plaintife.
reiteratc, to dot ogrepente againe the ſame
thing often .
reke, Imoke.
relapſe, backdtding.
Telaic, report,rebearfe ozdeclare,
relation , reſpect, rehearting,
relaciuc, hautng relation unto.
Felaxation, refrething , releafing .
releaſe, frá , qutt.
S reliefe,ayde, helpe, ſaccour,fod.
reliques, the remainder .
rclinquiſh ,to leate, oz foglake. ,
relish ,
of hard Engliſh words.
reliſh , talt .
a wattling,
a triuing againt ,
relu&tati on, a contending .
remarkable , abls or worthytobe marked as
gaine ,
semille, loſe, negligent, of dull, og to fa.
remit,fozgiue, releaſe, oz aequite.
Srçmorſe, price of conſcience . f

21 remote, let a farre oft.

remuneration, rewarding ofrequiting
OH render, Velde,rettoze . 2

renouate, fozfake of repaire.

ife. renounce,fozlake, og reagne,
The San Srenoume,qedit,fame, repozt.
reparation, a renewing .
Srepalt, fade,nourithment,
S repeale, call back againe.
repell, to put ozthrutt back .
ER repercuſſiuc, triking og rebounding backe
repleniſh, fill.
24 replete,filled full.
repleucying, redáming of a gage , 92 ang

thing in priſon .
replie, toconfirme à fpách before vttered ,
t H4 S repoſc,
An Alphabeticall Table,
repoſe,reft,allo to put.
repreſent, erpjete,beare chew ofa thing.
reprelle, put downe,to let oz ttop,
rcprobate,a cať away, outof favour, a foz.
Rologne perfòn , and onepatt grace. 2

$ reproch, Chame, diſgrace.

republicke a common -Wealth.
repugnancie, contrarietie oz diſagreement,
repugnant, cohtrary.
repugne, to teatt, oppole,and againtt.
repulſc, to put oz dziue backe, allo derivalt
répute,account, azegtéme,
requiſite, required as necellare,
relcue, defend .
rcleruc, to keepe for the timeto come.
reſident,abiding of continuing in his place.
refignation, a yelding vp,ozceltozing of a
my thing.
reſigne, giac ouer to anothet .
reſolue,to vnløſe ,to ſatiſfie,toparpolecon
$ reſort, accele02 cornming to.
fcſpiration, bzcathing.
Sreſpite, defer,delay thetime to breath in .
sc[plendent, thining bzight.
call Table, ofhard Engliſh words.
t. reſponſes, anſieres, " Kali 140
chew ofa leping reſtauration, rettozing, 02 reutuing. : 13358
et oz ftop. reftitution,reſtoring, katilfaction .
et offavour,ai reſtrained, being held in , oz bzidlea . i
paſt grace. reſume, takeagaine.
. tertiinc, kæpebacke. 11:08
wealth. S retire, to giue backe, 02 goe backe.
: Oilagrémes retore,to turne, oz wzett backward .
retract, recant.
Fanto again Sretroit, going backe.Dit is
C, allo decina recribution , reward. 86
retrograde, going backward.
Greuell, play thewanton . :)
reuerberate,beate backe.
reuerend, wozthy ofreuerence.
o come. reucale,lapopeu, diſclofo;ozmateknotone
in his planet a matter of ſecret. !!
Itozing of reuert, tö'returne.
Srcuencw ,rents comming in
reuiſc, to loke on, oz read againe.
reuoke, to call backe, ozDzal backe.
urpoſ Sreuolt, fozfake gne, to goe to another his
enimie .
scuolution, turning back to the ſame place,
reuolue, to todle up and downe, to deter :
cath ft. mine well of'in theminde..... !
rotation,a wheling op and downe:
An Alphabeticall Table,
rhetorician (g )learned eſkilfult in thetszick
rhetoricke (g )artof eloquence i
shume ( g) aditilling ofhumoursfrom the
head .
rhythmicall (g )made in meter .
ridiculous, that deſeruety to bee laughed at
in (cozne.
Sriffle, (nach , takeaway by violence.
rigorous,cruell,and hard.
Srinſe,wath ,inakecleane by mathing.
Sriuall, one ſuing and frtuing for the ſame
thing that another doth.
riucling , turning in ,and out.
robuſtious, trong, oz mighty .
some, Ipalke, wander.
Sroyaltie, gouernment,rule, authoritie .
rubrick , a law, on title.
rude,ignozant, brſkilfull,cufficall .
rudiment , firtt intruction , uz principle .
rudicunde,reb , o ruddie.
ruinous, ready to fall.
ruminate, to chew ouer again , to tudte
tarnettly upon .
rumple, wrinkle.
rünnagate, one that ratmethaway ,and 1
wandzeth :
rupture, bzeach , og burting . 33,0 ?
ofhard Engliſh words.
rurall, 2 colonich, oplandiſh, oz charlith
ruſticall, S and vrmannerig.
ruth, pittie.

Acking, Ipoyling.
$ laboth , relt .
ſable, blacke, o2 mournefull.
ſacrament, holy Egne, oath ,02mgüterie.
ſacred, holy, conſecrated.
ſacrifice, an offering.
Lacriledge, Church-robbing, the tealing of
holy things .
Sfafeconduit,Cafetéping,02fate guiding:
ſagacitic,fharpnedeofwit, wittinelle.
ſalarie,ftipend, wages .
faine, holy one .
S fallic, to ttep out from the rett of the ata
my, to make a (kirmiſh.
falow , white.
ſaluation , a ſautng.
ſalubritic, wholeſomenette .
fan &tific, hallow ,makeholy, oz képeholy.
fan &tification,
fan & itic, holinete.
ali ſanctuary
An Alphabeticall Table,
- Sanctuary, holy places hade
ſandals (g) dippers .
(anguine, bloudy, oz ofthecolour ofbload.
ſanitic, health, oz Coundnelie,
fapience, wiledome.
fatiare, filled, Catiſfied .
farierie, fainide, plentie.
ſatisfaction , amaking amonds for wzorgs ,
ezdifpleaſures . In
Larisfactoric,thatdiſchargeth ,ez anſwereth
ſaturate, filled oz glutted ,
faturitic,fulneđe, 03plentifulnete.
Slauage, lvilde, cruell, oq rade.
ſaryre (g) anipping and coffing verfi.
faterickor 2 belonging toa
ſatiricall, S (coffing verſes !
fawc, ſaying, wozd .
fcandalize ( g)to offend,oz glueoccationto
fcandall ( g) an offence, of tumbling block .
Sſcarific,to launce, o2 open a loze...
[ catch , hárme, damage.:ois * 11170
S fcedule, obligation , oz billofones hand ,
allo a bziefe. 20
kchiſme (g) breach ,03diaifton in matters of
-icallTable of hard Engliſh words.
ſchiſmatick, that maketh a ſchiſme.
ſcience, knowledge, oz (kil .
colour ofblank ſcripture, wzíting.
ſcruple, doubt, difficultie.
ſcrutiny,diligentſearch , inquirte ,
fcrupulous, full of doubts .
fcurrilitie, lawucie, (coffing, railing.
forwoman feclude,ſhut out, oz puta part.
ſectarie,one whommany other doe follow
and end .
in opinion .
fedt, a diucratie in opinton front others.
fc& ion,a diuifion , oz parting.
fecenitié, quiètnede, calinncte.
Recular, wozidly, ofthe worlo .
fit fecondarie, thereceno,oz of theſecond foze.
{cciditie,carelelnyelle,feare ofnothing .
fediment;thatwhich anketh to thebottome
ſeditious,making contention . ?
ſeduce, decetae, oz deutde, ozleade afids.
ſedulitic, diligence on carcfulnelle .
S regniorie, Lozdthipa
legrcgace, to ſet apart,og ſeperate .
S ſeize, to fojfaite to the prince, alſo to lar
hold on
ſelect , to chaſe out from others .
Sremblable ,like.
femicircle, balfe acircle of compalle.
£ ;;; ſeminarie ,
An Alphabeticall Table,
ſeminarie, anarferte,oz látde plot fozyoung
trees, oz grafts.
ſenator,alderman , oz counfaller.
Cente, feeling, 02 perceiging.
fenlible, eally felt, 02 percetued.
ſenſuall, bzutif, pertaining tothe deth ,and
bodily fenfe .
fententious ,full of fine ſentences ,(peeches.
Srenținell, watching by night.
ſoperation ,deuiding, Ceuering, oz parting
onefrom another.
ſcpulcher, graue os tombe.
ſeptentrionall, belonging to the posth .
ſequcle, following,oz thatwhichfolloweth.
fequefter, to put into an indifferent mans
hands, to dinide, kúpe,oz iudge of.
ſerious, earnett oz ofWaight,& importance .
ſerpeneinc, of, og likea ſerpent.
ſeruile,danity ,
feruitude,bondage, flauery.
ſeucrc,Charpe, curtt, og cruelt.
fcucritic; tharpnelle,roughnells.:-*3272
fex , kinde .
Shackle, fetter.
fhenr,blame, (poglega Dole
Shrine,aremembrance foz.the dead.0012
ſignificant,plainely úgnifying, op Theting
R by tokens, likeriy,
of hard Engliſh words.
fikerly , lurely, truely .
fimilie , oz itkencle, oz res
fimilitude, S ſemblance.
S fimonie, when ſpirituall matters,art i
bought and Cold for money ..
ſimplicities plainenelle . 1900
ſinifter,unhappy bad,unlainful or contrarg
ſincere, pure, vncozrupt, vninungled, ogi
withoutannulation .
CIA fincopation, ... ‫أ ) ار‬
ſingularitic,a being like op body dle, bro
pinion, ozotherwages , ti , si
fither a, fterio
Lolved skinke, porire out.
ſituation, ſetting, oz ftanding of angplace.
oge di fleight, guile,saft, ſubtilties sold
upartament ſlecuclelle,vaine.
Saiucr, a parcello 112 na gol
fmatteret;fontewhatlearnsd ,onebaning
but a little ( kfllo 1 :2 Crnoi
(narch ,to , erlat
ſnippering,papzings Head ,in bo
Sloare,mount high :-)
ſociall,02 2 fellow like, one thatwillkeepe
ſociablc, iFtompanp,op one with whom a
: map eamy képe compang, siseca
Deal .
19,oplelong focictic,fellow :hip, company,
An Alphabeticall Táble,
fodometric, when one man lyeth filthily
inith anotherman .
Srojourne, retraite in a placed by
folice, comfort.lico Simon
fole, alone.. ODLM190
folemnize, to doe a thing with greatpomp,
regetencereldcuotion .
folecifmc, falfclatme.: 2199871 2979csici
S ſolicite,moue, o intreate earneftly :1
ſolide, ſound, heauie, 00018 "
Blitoquie,pztuste talke.rssiin ?
folitarie, alone, di tnithout comparip ,
foluble, loſe inbody, going oftaföto twles
folſtickc, when the Sunneisat thehigheli
. :lollowet.2010 ) : Did) ,114
ſolution ,onlofingjar paping ... ,
ſooth , truth . oplot ;:):)
fophifter (g) cauiller, oz craftie difputer .
fophidlication, acaititing , beceſto ?
ſophiſme, S full pächstan
fophoriferus, that caaſeth ftéped o rio .
fordide, baſe, beattig ,onbonelignincan
fordidated ,defiled, fluttih. tit . 97.2016
Siforte, folé, a . S1: chlaisio ,!1soo !
S foucraigne, chterezoshighett inauthority .
S fource,waitė ,outdatng forthøfwater .
Sfoilc, filthy, opagirtie , ?
ſpan -new ,
ofhard Engliſh words.
ſpan -new ,very new .
ſpatious , large;wide; oz bzoads,
Ipecific ,fignifie; og declare particularly .
ſpecke, (pot, ogmarke. 3 lived
ſpectacle, a thing to be lmked at
Iperme(g ) fåede ..
Yphäre ( g) cotind circle, og any thing that
is round. :: ini
(peculatiuc, narrowlyloking intoaymata
(picerie,a place to kúpe fptee in . - 1 : (ter.

{plendent, glittering , fhining.

(piene, milt.
o folk ( plcniticke; that is licke of the ſplene...
ſpongeous,like a ſponge.
ebighi ſpouſals, betrothings , or contracts .
ſpume, forneoz froty .
Itabilities (ticenelle ; certaine, trong .
Atable, ſure, tedfalk. 20.12
Atabliſhed,ſure,confirmed,og made ftreng.
Sftampe, print, market
ok Glanch,trap, flake.
‫ لا ما‬c) o . ſtarke ftiffe . .‫ܝ‬
ſtation,a ſtanding place.
19 faruc, an image of wobe, oz ariy other
‫' ان ک‬
matter .
ftature, height, bignette.
thaliator. ſterilicic, barrennete.
WE, 1 : fteward,
An Alphabeticall Table,
ſteward, ttéed-man, the keeper of the place.
ſtigmaticall (8 )knaatth , noted fora lewde
naughtie fellow , buint through the
care for a rogue.
ſtile,manner oz formeof(peech ,oz wziting.
ſtillatorie, a dittilling place ....
ſtipendaric, one thatTeruethfoz wages .
ftipticall (g)that toppeth oj bindety.
ſtiptdation, à fotonne couenant.
ftomacke, to hate, enuie,difoaine.
ſtrangle, kill, choake, throttle.
ſtratageme, a pollicie oz wittie chift in war .
ftranguric (g) makingof (paterwith great
paine and very hardly . 2
ſtrið, & rait, reuere,0 Tharpe . is
ſtrictnes, narrownede oz imalnette. "
ſtructuce,building, fetting in gadozder.
ſtudious, diligent,deſirous of learning.

ſtupeficc, to attorith.
ſtupiditic, attoniſhment, oulnede.
ſualorie,containing counfailee erhoztation
ſubalterne, ſucceeding, follawing by courſe
and ober .
fubdued, kept onder oj bzought into fube .
tedion .
ſubiugate,ſubdue, bring under thegoake.
fublimitic,height, bighnete.
of hard Engliſh words.
ſublime, ſet on high, liftup. ( dion.
ſubmitle, lowly, humble, bzought in fubtes
Sſuborne, to pzocurefalſe witnete.
ſubſcribe,izite under, oz to agree with ana
other in anymatter.
ſubſcquent, following hard by.
fublidiaric, thatis gtaen oz ſet to aide ano
d other .
ſublift, to abtoe oz hausa being.
ſubſtitutc, a deputie ozone ſet in place of mind
" other .
ſubftract, 2 take from ,
fubtract, 3 withojaw . 1 ** . ?? -
fubtill, craftie;Wily,deceitfall.
ſubuert, to turne vpude powne, todettroy:
ſucceede,follow ,tocome inanothers place.
fuccellor,hethatcomest place ofanother .
fuccinct,thozt,oz batefe, ozclofe gtctbp.
ſuggeft,prompt;telprintip oj put in mind of.
fuffixed, fattned unto .
ſuffocate, to choake vp, trangle oftop the
** byeath. .

fuffragane, a Withopsdeputie,of helper.

ſuffrage, conferit, og voyce, oz helpe .
ſuggeſt, to putinminde, totell.
ſulphure, bättnttone.
Slummaric ,anabztogement of thing dzawor
312 inte
An Alphabeticall Table;
into a lefe compatte.
fumimarilie,brtefely, in few words.
Slummon, to cauſe to appeare.
Sfumptuous,coctly, rich .
fupererogation, giuing moze then is res
quired. '.su da
ſuperabundant , 7 néedelele , vmecellary ,
ouer much, that which
ſuperfluous; i" S runneth ouers
fuperficies, upper ſide , og ontade .
ſuperficiall, belonging to the outfide and
uppermott part.
fupernaturall, beyond the guber ofnature.
fupernall, from aboue, that is on high.
fuperioritic, place aboue another. 1,tuuesa
ſuperſcription,writing aboue . . )
fuperftitious,feşrefullin matters of religi:
on without cauſe , one giam to fallt
70 ano baine religion .
ſupplant, ouerthrow , oztrip with the foto,
O rote out
ſupplement, that which makety bp,oz ads
deth that which wanteth in any thing.
$ ſupple, make ſoft oz gentle, soitti
fupplication requeft oz paper, timp ,
S ſuppliant, hambly intreating.
fupport, beare up, o comuag vnder.
ofhard Engliſh words.
fuppoſition, ſuppoſing, thinking, iudging,
02 imagining
ſuppretre, kæpe downe, conceale, oz képe.
ſupreme, the highett, oz greatct . (ſecret.
ſupremacie, chiefedome,oj highett place in
authoritteaboue all others.
Sfurceaſe,to giue ouer, oz ceale.
Sſurcharge, ouercharge, burt.
Slurmount, 2 erckde, oz goe
Slurpatic, Sbeyond,
S ſurpriſc , to come upon mawares, and ta
takeof a ſuddaine.
Sfurquedry,pzclumption .
Slurrender, to veld vp to another ,
ſurrogate, a deputte in anothers places
Sluruiue,ouerlige, oz liue after.
ſuſpenſe, doubt, oz vncertaintie.
(ultained, luffered, oz eridured.
future, a ſeame, oz ioyning together,
ſwarth, darke, oz blackity.
( waruc, alpzg , erre.
fychophant(g) tale bearer og falleaccuſer.
fymball (g ) creede,
ſymmetric( g) a due proportion ofone part,
with another .
13 fympathy,
An Alphabeticall-Table,
fympathy ( 8) fetlówlike féeting.
ſymphonie, harmonie and content in tune.
fymptomc (g)any griefe oz pallion follows
ing a dtfeale .
fynagogue (g) place of allembly .
fynode (g)a generall aſſembly azmeeting.
fynçaxe (g ) contrution and ozoer of Words.

$ tabernacle, a tent oz panillton .

tacite, till, Glent, ſaying nothing.
taciturnitie, Glence oz képing counfatle .
tangible, thatmay be touched . 31 ; o
Stapiſh, Ipe downe, bide it felte .
tarde, late .
tantologic (g) repeating onething twtfe.
taxed, Cetſed , appointed to pay a ſúblidte.
i tedious, troublefome, ieklome,weariſome.
reeme, beare children, empty.
temerarious, raly,unadutled op harebzaina.
temeritie, rathnes , vnabuifednefte.
temperance, Cobziette, moderation .
temperate, keeping ameane, moderate.
temperature, 2 temperatenette, means,
temperament, s oz dne pzopoztion.
tempeſtuous, bogttrous, ogformie.
ofhard Engliſh words.
temporall, that which indureth but for a
1 certaine time.
temporarie, foz a time.
temporiſe,toſecue the time oz to follow the
faſhionand behautour of the time.
tempration, trpall.
tcnuiţie,finalneđe, oz fendernede,
Stenure, bold, og manner of holding a polo
Celion .
tergiuerſarion, going back ,ogleaning a fute.
termination ,ending,finithing ,02 bounding .
terrifie, make afraid .
terrenc,earthly .
S territorie, region , oz thecountrylyingan
bout the citie.
tertian, belonging to puerythirdday.
terreſtriall, earthlg .
. teftament, lattwill.
teftification, fitnefing.
teltiinonics, tccoabs,depofitions 02Witnel
textuall, cunning in the tert.
tetrarch ( 8 )gquecncur ,ozprince ofafourth
part of a country.
theater,acommonplaceofplages e fhowes.
thech , thriük.
14 theme
An Alphabeticall Table ,
theme (g)matter propoſedto be writtenor
ſpoken of.
thcologie ( 8) diuinitie, the Crience of holy
things .
theorie (g ) the contemplation , or inward
knowledge of any art.
1 threpe,affirme.
throne ( s ) a kuigs feate,azchaire of eſtate.
tbrottle,trangle, hang, oztormént.
Sthwart, crote, o mocke.
tiar, ojnameritfoz the beaders
tjmcrous, fearefall, abalhed.1 iu
timiditie, fearefulnelle.
tin &ture, a colour, dye,oz ttayning. 7:57
titillation , tickling.
tollerable, that which may be ſuffered.
tone ( g) a tune,note,03 accent.
totally, wholy , altogether .
Strace, finde out by the fate tteps .
tractable.caüeto handle,ozeallyentreated.
tractarc,a trcatiſc, 02 bake,handling any.
Stracte,a ſpace,orlenght. (matter.
tradition, a deliueringfrom oneto another .
traduce,to flander , repzoach, 02 defame, to
bzing in ;02 dzaw from oneto another.
Straffique, bargapning , .011
tragédian,a maker, oz player of atragedit.
‫آب‬، ‫والی‬
ofhard Engliſh words.
SI tragedie (g) a ſolemne play, deſcribingtra .
ell murders and fožrowcs .
tragicall, cruelt, ſoprowtult, like a tragedie.
Strainc, followers, company.
ar tranquiliție, quietnelle, oz calmnes, o retf.
tranſcendent, ciiming ouer, mounting op.
transferre, conuey ouer.
批 transforme, 2 change from one faſhion
transfigure, S to another.
tranſgretſc, breate, offend, oz goe ouer .
tranſition ,pating fromonething toanother
Stranſitorie, fone paling away, not long
latting .
tranſlation, altering , chaunging.
tranſmigration, a palling from one place to
dwell in anether.
tranſmutation, a changefrom oneplace to
another .
tranſome, lintelloper a doze.
# tranſparent;that which may be fán through .
tranſport, carry ouer, from one place to ans
ET. other.
北 tranſpoſe, change, ozTet out of ozdeľ.
to tranſubſtantiation, a changing of one labs
ttance into another .
trauca place to thoe wildehorſes ut.
Strauerſe,trike, oz thrutt through ."
An Alphabetical Table,
triangle, 3 thrée Eogs .

triangular, S nered .
tribc, a company ,Ward , ohundred. 3

trelles, lockes of hayze broydko vp.

S tribulation,trouble, ſogrow , anguith.
tribunall, tudgement ( eate.
S tributaric, that payeth tribute.
Seribuçe,rent,pention , oz ſubfidie.
tricc, intance.
trinicic, the number of thzee.
triobolar, littlewozth , ofnoettination .
triplicitie, of threefold .
tripartite, thzáfolo , o2 deutded into thrát
parts ,
triuiall, common , of ſmall ettimation., great ioy outlardly thewed.
triumphant,retogcingfor the conquett.
Strompe, deceive.
tronchcon, take ,og billet.
trophee, a vidoze, oz any thinglet in ligne
of virtozy .
tropickes (g) circles in the heaven which
when the Sunne comes to , begins to
returne againe.
Stroupe, company, ez band ofmen in an
Seruant, loyterer. (armte .
truce peace .
call Table, ofhardEngliſh words.
cruculent, cruell, oz terribletncountenance.
tuicion, defence , løking to .
on hundred. trunchcon , weapon .
20yded up. tumulr, vpzozz ,harly-burly , oz tnlarrection .
arow , anguilo tumultuous, 2 troublous,pitturbing ,
curbulent, S oz diſquieting .
tribate. tyranize (g) vſe crueltie.
m2 fubfidie . type(g )figure, example,thadow ofanything
026 ..
fna effánatiar. Acant, boyde, oz emptie.
vacation, a time of cealing from laboz.
cuided into the Svagabond, rannagate, one thatwill tay
no where.
I ettiration . vagarie, running op and dowene.
ardly thewed. validitie, trength ,fozce, or value.
2the conquett. valour, force, courage, oz trength.
value, price , oz ettimation .
Svanquiſh, quercome, prenaite, conquere,
et. hing et gno o2 guerthrow .
To t l in le
vapor,moittuče,aire,hot bzeath ,oz reaking.
the heaaen bobilen variable, changeable.
amesto, begins varietic, change, oz diuerfitie.
Svaffall, daue, clyant.
band of men in a vaſte, emptie, huge, great .
(acente Svantgard, the forefront of any army.
Svaunt, brag, boatt.
truculary Svauntcourers,
Svauntcourers, forerunners.
vbiquitie, pzeſence of a perſon in all places.
varniſh, lhine, ſet a glolle vpon.
vegctable, pzinging,02 growing as hearbs.
schement Parnet, trang, facible.
veile, codering.
vendible, faileable,eatie e reabie to be ſolde.
vençmous, full of popſon .
venerable,wozthipfull, or reuerend.
vencriall, 2 deſhly , 07 lecherous,
yenerous, S given to lecherie..
yeniall, that which may be pardoned ..
vente , ſale, utterance.
ventricle, the ftomacke which receives the
venuſte, faire, beautifull. !. (meate . :

ventofitie, windinelle.
verball,full ofwojds .
verbatim , wozd bywozd, perfedly.
verbolicic, much talking, andpzatling.
verdor, frelhnelle, 07 gréemelle.
ſverger, one that beares a filder rodde in
our catheball Charches .
veritie, truth .
verifie, to pzoue to be true.
verſifie,make verſes.
vertigiouſncs, lightnes, of a ſwimming of
the head.
है ofhard Engliſhwords
veftall, a punne, powing chattitie.
veſture, ? garment, attire, 02
veſtment, S clothing
Sviand, biduals .
$ .viceroy, oneſet as a deputie in the kings
place .
vicinitie, neighbourhod.
vicegerent, one that ſupplyeththe place of
another .
viciſſicude, following nert by courſe,
vicious, faultie, oz full of vice.
victorious that hathgottenmanyvidozees.
views,behald,marke,ozcondider ,o2løke vp.
vigilant,watchfull,ditigent. ( on .
vigour, frength ,courage, oz fozce.
vile,bale, nothing wozth .
vincible,thatmaybe wonne,og eatilyouers
vindicare, fråe from danger. ( come.
vineyard, ozchard ofgrapes.
violate, to tranfgrede,defile, defiloloze oz
violent, fozcible, cruell,infurtous.
viperinc, like a viper ,02 of a viper .
virago, a woman ofa manly courage.
virillity, ;

virulent,fall ofpoylon , venemous.

Svilage, face, fozme, oz hape.
vilon ,
An Alphabeticall Table,
viſion, aght, apparition , oz a phantalle. -
viſible, thatmay be fázne.
viſitation,going to léo.
vitall, lively, oz pertayning to life.
viriarc, to cozrupt ,oz dellowze, and defile . 1

viuificent, liuely, oz full of & rength.

viuific, to quicken ,oz make altue.
vlcer, bile, oz botch.
vlcerate,to blitter,or make full of fojes.
vmbragc,vide, oinbzage.
vmpire, tudge.
vnconceiucable, not able to be conceiuied .
vnacceſſively , thatcannot be cometo . " ;
vnanimitie, one conſent of hart andminde.
vnction ,annoynting.
vndecent, vncomely.
vndermine, grauen ,dig under .
vnncáth , ynsalie, ( carce.
vncouth , vnknowne, tránge.
vnguent; an oyntment, og fat iayce.
vnitic, peace , 02
vnion, S concozo.
vnitie,tomake one thing oftwo, 02mot,
to couple, oz joyne.
vnſatiable not content.
vniformitie, one and thefame fathion .
vniuerfall, generall, common .
of hard Engliſh words.
vocall,with the boyce,oz pertayning to the
vocation, calling, eftate, oz trade oflife
vnſatiable, thatneverhath inough, neither
can be latúñed .
vntceming, barren,patt childe bearing.
vnweldie,not able to moue, lumpith.
volariuc, (wiftnelle, flying .
volubilitie, (witnele, oz inconttancie .
voluntarie, of the owneaccozd, without be.
ing taught, oz vrged .
voluptuous,ginen tapleaſure.
Svpbraid, rtlein ones tomack,cat in ones
vrbanitie,curtefte,god manners , o2 gentles
vrgent, earnectly calling, fozcing. " (nes.
vrinc, water ofman ozbealt. 1
vine, a pot o2 pitcher .
S vſurpc, take unlawfall authozitie, oz to
ble againtright and reaſon.
Svtenſiles, things neceffary for our te tu
houſe-keeping, oz in a trade.
vtilitie, pzofit .
vulgar, common , much bled .
Ariſh,eale, deliuer .
VV welde, moue.
An Alphabeticall Table,
waleer,wallow .
wean , refraine on from any thing.
wenc, thinkers
welken , ſkies"
wend , gee .
wote, know .
wonne , dwell.
wimple, hode, muffler .
wilt, knownte ." **
wood,Madde. BRITISA
L AT 89
wrekc, reuenge.

Elpe, pzate , talke .

Y.yerne,defire,take getefe alſo todelerde:
yodo, went.
yore,befoze, long agoe. line

Enith, the point of heaven right ouer

dar heads.
zodiack (8) a tirdle in theheguen ,wherein
be placed the 12. Signes ,and in which
the Summeis moued .
zorret ( g) circles in the heauens, deniging
theworldinto fiue parts .

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