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Prepared To Meet The English Practice Exam
Academic Year 2022

Written by :
1. Risya Dopwatul Aisyi
2. Syifa Husnul Khotimah
3. Yuyun
Tutor : Ms. Titin Ernawati, S. Pd


"If you can do it today, why do you have to do it later?"
"Do the best and pray. God will take care of the rest."
"Live as if you will die tomorrow, and learn as if you will live

Praise and gratitude the authors pray to God Almighty for His blessings and
grace so that the authors can complete this paper. Shalawat and greetings may
be poured out to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The authors do not forget to
express their gratitude to both parents, parties who cannot be mentioned one by
The reason why the authors chose the topic of health aims to educate the
general public so that they can understand how to prevent hypertension.
Hopefully this paper can be proof that you have completed one of the English
language practice exams for the 2021/2022 lesson.
This paper still has several shortcomings, both in terms of content and
systematics. Criticisms and suggestions are needed for future improvements.
The authors hope that this scientific paper can increase public awareness to stay
healthy, so that there are fewer people with hypertension. Thank you for the
attention of the authors.

Karawang, March 12, 2022

Risya, Syifa, Yuyun

MOTO ............................................................................................ ii
ANKNOWLEGMENT ................................................................ iii
TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................... iv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 1
A. Background Of The Study ................................................................... 1
B. List Of The Problem............................................................................. 2
C. Purpose Of The Problem ...................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II CONTENT ............................................................ 3
A. Definition Of Hypertension.................................................................. 3
B. The Sign And Symptoms ..................................................................... 3
C. The Cause Of The Hypertension .......................................................... 4
D. Prevent And Treat ................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION ................................................... 7
A. Summary .............................................................................................. 7
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 8
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................... 9
APPENDIXES ............................................................................... 10

A. Background of The Study
Hypertension is generally defined as a systolic pressure of more than
140 mmHg and a diastolic pressure of more than 90 mmHg.
(Palmer,2005:01). Examination of blood pressure will get two numbers. A
higher number is obtained when the heart is contracting (systolic), a lower
number is obtained when the heart is relaxed (diastolic). Blood pressure less
than 120/80 mmHg was defined as (normal). In high blood pressure, there
is usually an increase in systolic and diastolic. Hypertension usually occurs
at blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or above, measured in both arms three
times over a period of several weeks.
As a person’s age increases, blood pressure will be higher due to
several factors such as reduced elasticity of blood vessels and kidney
function as a counterweight to decreased blood pressure through the
production of renin and angiotensin (Hananta, 2011: 123). Hypertension is
divided into 2, namely essential hypertension and secondary hypertension.
The cause of hypertension in the elderly is due to changes in heart valves
that are thickened and stiff, the ability of the heart to pump blood decreases
by 1 every year after the age of 20 years, so that contractions and volume
also decrease. Clinical manifestations of hypertensive patients include
headaches, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, restlessness, nausea and vomiting,
epistaxis, decreased consciousness.
The goal of antihypertensive therapy is to reduce the morbidity and
mortality of cardiovascular and renal diseases, this can be done with non-
pharmacological and pharmacological therapies. Hypertensive patients
usually die early if the disease is not controlled and has caused
complications to several vital organs. Age, race, gender, alcohol
consumption habits, hypercholesterolemia, glucose intolerance and body
weight all affect the prognosis of essential hypertension in the elderly.
Hypertension is one of the cardiovascular system diseases that are
often found in the community, currently the death rate due to hypertension

in Indonesia is very high. The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia based
on Riskesdas (basic health research) in 2007 reached 30% of the population.
Hypertension can be defined as persistent blood pressure, where the systolic
pressure is above 140 mmHg and the diastolic pressure is above 90 mmHg.
The importance of understanding the concept of hypertension
considering the impact or further complications of hypertension, if left for
a long time can cause serious damage to several body systems. The authors
hope that the results of this paper can make people more familiar with
hypertension. When the situation becomes serious, this disease immediately
gets help from medical personnel and gets more appropriate treatment.

B. List of The Problem

1. What is Hypertension?
2. What are the signs and symptoms of Hypertension?
3. What are the cause of the Hypertension?
4. How to prevent and treat Hypertension?

C. Purpose of The Problem

1. To find out what Hypertension is
2. To know the signs and symptoms of Hypertension
3. To know the cause of the Hypertension
4. To find out how to prevent and treat hypertension


A. Definition of Hypertension
Hypertension is an increase in systolic blood pressure of at least 140
mmHg or diastolic pressure of at least 90 mmHg. Hypertension is not only
a high risk of suffering from heart disease, but also suffers from other
diseases such as diseases of the nerves, kidneys, and blood vessels and the
higher the blood pressure, the higher the risk . As a person's age increases,
blood pressure will be higher due to several factors such as reduced
elasticity of blood vessels and kidney function as a counterweight to
decreased blood pressure through the production of renin and angiotensin
(Hananta, 2011: 123). Based on the description above, it can be concluded
that, as a person ages, the blood pressure will be higher due to several factors
such as reduced elasticity of blood vessels.
According to (Tambayong) in Nurarif A.H., & Kusuma H. 2016:15),
the classification of clinical hypertension based on systolic and diastolic
blood pressure is:

No Category Systolic (mmHg) Diastolic (mmHg)

1. Optimal <120 <80
2. Normal 120-129 80-84
3. High Normal 130-139 80-89
4. Grade 1 140-159 90-99
5. Grade 2 160-179 100-109
6. Grade 3 180-209 100-119
7. Grade 4 >210 >120

B. The Sign and Symptoms
Signs and symptoms in patients with hypertension are divided into:
1) No symptoms
There are no specific symptoms that can be associated with increased
blood pressure, other than the determination of arterial pressure by the
examining physician. This means that arterial hypertension will never
be diagnosed if the arterial pressure is not measured.
2) Common symptoms.
It is often said that the most common symptoms that accompany
hypertension include headaches and fatigue. In fact this is the most
common symptom affecting most patients seeking medical help.
Some patients who suffer from hypertension are:
a) Complains of headache, dizziness.
b) Weak, tired.
c) Out of breath.
d) Nervous.
e) Nauseous.
f) Gag.
g) Epistaxis.
h) Decreased consciousness.

C. The Cause of The Hypertension

1) Primary hypertension
Several factors are thought to cause primary hypertension including:
gene mutations or genetic disorders that are inherited by the family,
physical changes and body functions with age, as well as environmental
factors and unhealthy lifestyles.
2) Secondary hypertension
Secondary hypertension can occur quickly and cause more severe
effects than primary hypertension. Causes of secondary hypertension
are kidney disease, alcoholism, sleep apnea, certain endocrine tumors,
and drug side effects

D. Prevent and Treat
1) Prevent
How to prevent hypertension is to avoid factors that can increase the risk
of developing this disease. Some effective ways that can be done are:
a) Achieve and maintain an ideal body weight.
b) Reach and maintain an ideal body weight.
c) Get regular exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling 2–3 hours
each week.
d) Eat low-fat and high-fiber foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
e) Limit the amount of salt in the diet, to no more than 1 teaspoon per
f) Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.
g) Limit consumption of caffeinated drinks.
h) Stop smoking.
2) Treat
In some cases, people with hypertension must take blood pressure-
lowering drugs for life. However, the doctor may reduce the dose or stop
the medication if the patient's blood pressure is under control through
lifestyle changes.
Doctors will prescribe antihypertensive drugs in patients whose blood
pressure is more than 140/90 mmHg and is at risk for complications.

Some types of drugs that are often used to treat hypertension are:
a) Diuretics, such as hydrochlorothiazide
b) Calcium antagonists, such as amlodipine and nifedipine
c) Beta blockers, such as atenolol and bisoprolol
d) ACE inhibitors, such as captopril and ramipril
e) Potassium-sparing diuretics, such as spironolactone
f) Angiotensin-2 receptor blockers (ARBs), such as losartan and
g) Renin blockers, such as aliskiren

h) Vasodilators, such as minoxidil
It is important for the patient to take the above drugs in the
prescribed dosage and notify the doctor if any side effects occur.


A. Summary
Hypertension is an increase in systolic blood pressure of at
least 140 mmHg or diastolic pressure of at least 90 mmHg.
Hypertension is not only a high risk of suffering from heart disease,
but also suffers from other diseases such as diseases of the nerves,
kidneys, and blood vessels and the higher the blood pressure, the
higher the risk. As a person ages, blood pressure will be higher due
to several factors, such as reduced elasticity of blood vessels.
Hypertension is generally defined as a systolic pressure of more than
140 mmHg and a diastolic pressure of more than 90 mmHg. Human
blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day and high blood pressure
becomes a problem only when it is persistent.
Examination of blood pressure will get two numbers. A
higher number is obtained when the heart is contracting (systolic), a
lower number is obtained when the heart is relaxed (diastolic). Blood
pressure less than 120/80 mmHg was defined as (normal).
Investigations in hypertensive patients include laboratory tests, CT
Scan, ECG, IU, and Thorax.

B. Suggestions
The author’s suggestion regarding hypertension is that if the
community experiences pain in the head or dizziness, it is hoped not
to conclude that the disease is only mild. If the pain is felt, it is better
to immediately take it to the nearest health center or health worker
to get treatment from doctors, nurses, and other health workers.
Patients with hypertension are expected to recognize and know what
risk factors and causes they suffer from hypertension, then try to
reduce or even avoid the risk factors by always living a healthy life.
Families and society try to avoid risk factors that can cause

hypertension, especially modifiable risk factors such as obesity,
coffee consumption, smoking and excessive salt consumption.
Avoiding these risk factors is also useful for preventing
complications from hypertension such as stroke. Changing an
irregular lifestyle into a regular and healthy lifestyle is one way to
prevent hypertension.


Nursing Care in Hypertensive Patients With a Research Approach. Ponorogo :

UNMUHPonorogo Press. Downloaded
on March 05, 2022.

Prevention of Hypertension Disease downloaded via on March 05, 2022.

The causes of the Hypertension downloaded via
gejala-penyebab-dan-cara-pengobatannya on March 05, 2022

Treatment for Hypertension is downloaded via on March 05, 2022.



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