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Shoulder and Arm - Anterior

1. Acromion
2. Anatomical neck of humerus
3. Capitulum of humerus
4. Cervical vertebra
5. Clavicle
6. Coracoid process
7. Coronoid fossa of humerus
8. Coronoid process of ulna
9. Costal cartilages
10. Glenoid cavity
11. Greater tubercle
12. Head of humerus
13. Head of radius
14. Humerus
15. Intertubercular sulcus
16. Lesser tubercle
17. Lumbar vertebra
18. Pectoral girdle
19. Radial tuberosity
20. Radius
21. Ribs 1-12
22. Scapula
23. Shaft of humerus
24. Sternum
25. Subscapular fossa
26. Suprascapular notch
27. Surgical neck of humerus
28. Thoracic vertebra
29. Trochlea of humerus
30. Tuberosity of ulna
31. Ulna

Shoulder and Arm – Posterior

1. Acromion
2. Anatomical neck of humerus
3. Cervical vertebra
4. Greater tubercle
5. Head of humerus
6. Humerus
7. Inferior angle of scapula
8. Infraspinous fossa
9. Lateral border of scapula
10. Lumbar vertebra
11. Medial border of scapula
12. Olecranon
13. Ribs 1-12
14. Scapula
15. Shaft of humerus
16. Spine of scapula
17. Supraspinous fossa
18. Surgical neck of humerus
19. Thoracic vertebra
20. Ulna
Scapula – Anterior, Posterior, and Lateral

1. Acromial angle
2. Acromion
3. Coracoid process
4. Glenoid cavity
5. Inferior angle of scapula
6. Infraglenoid tubercle
7. Infraspinous fossa
8. Lateral border of scapula
9. Medial border of scapula
10. Spine of scapula
11. Subscapular fossa
12. Superior angle of scapula
13. Superior border of scapula
14. Supraglenoid tubercle
15. Suprascapular notch
16. Supraspinous fossa
Humerus – Anterior and Posterior

1. Anatomical neck of humerus

2. Capitilum of humerus
3. Coronoid fossa of humerus
4. Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
5. Greater tubercle
6. Groove for ulnar nerve on humerus
7. Head of humerus
8. Humerus
9. Intertbercular sulcus
10. Lateral epicondyle of humerus
11. Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
12. Lesser tubercle
13. Medial epicondyle of humerus
14. Olecranon fossa of humerus
15. Radial fossa of humerus
16. Radial grove
17. Surgical neck of humerus
18. Trochlea of humerus

Radius and Ulna – Anterior and Posterior

1. Coronoid process of ulna

2. Head of radius
3. Interosseous membrane of forearm
4. Neck of radius
5. Olecranon
6. Radial tuberosity
7. Radius
8. Styloid process of radius
9. Olecranon
10. Radial tuberosity
11. Radius
12. Styloid process of radius
13. Syloid process of ulna
14. Trochlear notch of ulna
15. Tuberosity of ulna
16. Ulna
Wrist and hand - Anterior

1. Capitate
2. Carpal bones
3. Distal phalanx of fingers
4. Hamate
5. Hook of hamate
6. Lunate
7. Metacarpal I
8. Metacarpal II
9. Metacarpal IlI
10. Metacarpal IV
11. Metacarpal V
12. Metacarpals
13. Middle phalanx of fingers
14. Phalanges of fingers
15. Pisiform
16. Proximal phalanx of fingers
17. Radius
18. Scaphoid
19. Styloid process of radius
20. Styloid process of ulna
21. Trapezium
22. Trapezoid
23. Triquetrum
24. Ulna

Wrist and hand - Posterior

1. Capitate
2. Distal phalanx of fingers
3. Hamate
4. Lunate
5. Metacarpal I
6. Metacarpal II
7. Metacarpal III
8. Metacarpal IV
9. Metacarpal V
10. Metacarpals
11. Middle phalanx of fingers
12. Phalanges of fingers
13. Proximal phalanx of fingers
14. Radius
15. Scaphoid
16. Styloid process of radius
17. Styloid process of ulna
18. Trapezium
19. Trapezoid
20. Triquetrum
21. Ulna
Wrist and Hand – Anterior and Posterior

1. Capitate
2. Carpal bones
3. Distal phalanx of fingers
4. Hamate
5. Hook of hamate
6. Lunate
7. Metacarpal I
8. Metacarpal II
9. Metacarpal III
10. Metacarpal IV
11. Metacarpal V
12. Metacarpals
13. Middle phalanx of fingers
14. Phalanges of fingers
15. Pisiform
16. Proximal phalanx of fingers
17. Scaphoid
18. Trapezium
19. Trapezoid
20. Triquetrium

Forearm and hand – Anterior

1. Capitate
2. Capitulum of humerus
3. Carpal bones
4. Distal phalanx of fingers
5. Hamate
6. Head of radius
7. Humerus
8. Lunate
9. Medial epicondyle of humerus
10. Metacarpal I
11. Metacarpal II
12. Metacarpal III
13. Metacarpal IV
14. Metaracpals
15. Middle phalanx of fingers
16. Phalanges of fingers
17. Pisiform
18. Proximal phalanx of fingers
19. Radial tuberosity
20. Radius
21. Scaphold
22. Shaft of radius
23. Shaft of ulna
24. Styloid process of radius
25. Styloid process of ulna
26. Trapezium
27. Trapezoid
28. Triquetrum
29. Trochlea of humerus
30. Tuberosity of ulna
31. Ulna
Forearm and hand - posterior
1. Capitate
2. Carpal bones
3. Distal phalanx of fingers
4. Hamate
5. Head of radius
6. Humerus
7. Lateral epicondyle of humerus
8. Lunate
9. Metacarpal I
10. Metacarpal II
11. Metacarpal III
12. Metacarpal IV
13. Metacarpal V
14. Metacarpals
15. Middle phalanx of fingers
16. Olecranon
17. Phalanges of fingers
18. Proximal phalanx of fingers
19. Radius
20. Scaphoid
21. Shaft of radius
22. Shaft of ulna
23. Styloid process of radius
24. Styloid process of ulna
25. Trapezium
26. Trapezoid
27. Triquetrum
28. Ulna

Hip and Thigh – Anterior

1. Anterior inferior iliac spine

2. Anterior superior iliac spine
3. Body of pubis
4. Coccyx
5. Femur
6. Fibula
7. Greater trochanter
8. Head of femur
9. Iliac crest
10. Iliac fossa
11. Ilium
12. Inferior pubic ramus
13. Ischial ramus
14. Ishium
15. L5 Vertebra
16. Lateral condyle of femur
17. Lesser trochanter
18. Medial condyle of femur
19. Obturator foramen
20. Patella
21. Pubis
22. Sacrum
23. Shaft of femur
24. Superior articular surface of tibia
25. Superior pubic ramus
26. Tibia
27. Tibial tuberosity

Hip and thigh – Posterior

1. Coccyx
2. Femur
3. Fibula
4. Gluteal tuberosity
5. Greater sciatic notch
6. Greater trochanter
7. Head of femur
8. Iliac crest
9. Ilium
10. Ischial spine
11. Ischial tuberosity
12. Ischium
13. Lateral condyle of femur
14. Lesser trochanter
15. Linea aspera
16. Medial condyle of femur
17. Neck of femur
18. Posterior superior iliac spine
19. Pubis
20. Sacrum
21. Shaft of femur
22. Tibia

Pelvis – Superior

1. Ala of sacrum
2. Anterior inferior iliac spine
3. Anterior superior iliac spine
4. Coccyx
5. Iliac crest
6. Iliac fossa
7. Ilium
8. Intervertebral disc
9. Ischial spine
10. Lumbar vertebra
11. Pelvic inlet
12. Pubic crest
13. Pubic symphysis
14. Pubic tubercle
15. Pubis
16. Sacro-iliac joint
17. Sacrum
Pelvic girdle – Female – Anterior

1. Acetabulum
2. Ala of sacrum
3. Anterior inferior iliac spine
4. Anterior sacral foramen
5. Anterior superior iliac spine
6. Body of pubis
7. Coccyx
8. Hipbone
9. Iliac crest
10. Iliac fossa
11. Ilium
12. Inferior pubic ramus
13. Ischial ramus
14. Ishium
15. Obturator foramen
16. Obturator membrane
17. Pelvic girdle
18. Pelvic inlet
19. Promontory of sacrum
20. Pubic symphysis
21. Pubis
22. Sacro-iliac joint
23. Sacrum
24. Subpubic angle
25. Superior pubic ramus

Pelvic Girdle – Male - Anterior

1. Acetabulum
2. Ala of sacrum
3. Anterior inferior iliac spine
4. Anterior sacral foramen
5. Anterior superior iliac spine
6. Body of pubis
7. Coccyx
8. Hipbone
9. Iliac crest
10. Iliac fossa
11. Ilium
12. Inferior pubic ramus
13. Ischial ramus
14. Ishium
15. Obturator foramen
16. Obturator membrane
17. Pelvic girdle
18. Pelvic inlet
19. Promontory of sacrum
20. Pubic symphysis
21. Pubis
22. Sacro-iliac joint
23. Sacrum
24. Subpubic angle
25. Superior pubic ramus

Hipbone – Medial and Lateral

1. Acetabulum
2. Anterior gluteal line
3. Anterior inferior iliac spine
4. Anterior superior iliac spine
5. Arcuate line
6. Auricular surface of ilium
7. Greater sciatic notch
8. Iliac crest
9. Iliac fossa
10. Ilium
11. Inferior pubic ramus
12. Ischial spine
13. Ischial tuberosity
14. Ischium
15. Lesser sciatic notch
16. Lunate surface of acetabulum
17. Obturator foramen
18. Pectineal line of pubis
19. Posterior inferior iliac spine
20. Posterior superior iliac spine
21. Pubic crest
22. Pubic tubercle
23. Pubic
24. Pectineal line of pubis
25. Posterior inferior iliac spine
26. Posterior superior iliac spine
27. Pubic crest
28. Pubic tubercle
29. Pubis
30. Superior pubic ramus
31. Symphyseal surface

Femur – Anterior and Posterior

1. Adductor tubercle
2. Femur
3. Gluteal tuberosity
4. Greater Trochanter
5. Head of femur
6. Intercondylar fossa
7. Intertrochanteric crest
8. Intertrochanteric line
9. Lateral condyle of femur
10. Lateral epicondyle of femur
11. Lateral supracondylar line of femur
12. Lesser trochanter
13. Linea aspera
14. Medial condyle of femur
15. Medial epicondyle of femoral
16. Medial supracondylar line of femur
17. Neck of femur
18. Patellar surface
19. Pectineal line of femur
20. Popliteal surface
21. Shaft of femur
Femur – Anterior and Coronal

1. Compact bone
2. Condyles of femur
3. Diaphysis
4. Distal epiphysis
5. Epiphyseal line
6. Femur
7. Greater trochanter
8. Head of femur
9. Medullary cavity
10. Metaphysis
11. Neck of femura
12. Proximal epiphysis
13. Shaft of femur Spongy bone


1. Apex of patella
2. Articular facet of patella
3. Base of patella
4. Patella
Leg and foot - Anterior

1. Calcaneus
2. Cuboid
3. Distal phalanx of toes
4. Femur
5. Fibula
6. Head of fibula
7. Intermediate cuneiform
8. Lateral condyle of femur
9. Lateral cuneiform
10. Lateral malleolus
11. Medial condyle of femur
12. Medial cuneiform
13. Medial malleolus
14. Metatarsal I
15. Metatarsal II
16. Metatarsal III
17. Metatarsal IV
18. Metatarsal V
19. Metatarsals
20. Middle phalanx of toes
21. Navicular
22. Patella
23. Phalanges of toes
24. Proximal phalanx of toes
25. Shaft of tibula
26. Shaft of tibia
27. Talus
28. Tibia
29. Tibial tuberosity

Leg and foot - Posterior

1. Calcaneus
2. Cuboid
3. Femur
4. Fibula
5. Head of fibula
6. Intercondylar fossa
7. Lateral condyle of femur
8. Lateral condyle of tibia
9. Lateral malleolus
10. Medial condyle of femur
11. Medial condyle of tibia
12. Medial malleolus
13. Metatarsal I
14. Metatarsal 11
15. Metatarsal III
16. Metatarsal IV
17. Metatarsal V
18. Shaft of fibula
19. Shaft of tibia
20. Talus
21. Tibia
Tibia and Fibula – Anterior and Posterior

1. Anterior border of tibia

2. Apex of fibula
3. Fibula
4. Fibular notch
5. Head of fibula
6. Intercondylar eminence
7. Interosseous membrane of leg
8. Lateral condyle of tibia
9. Lateral malleolus
10. Medial condyle of tibia
11. Medial malleolus
12. Neck of fibula
13. Shaft of fibula
14. Shaft of tibia
15. Soleal of line of tibia
16. Tibia
17. Tibial tuberosity

Ankle and foot – Superior and Inferior

1. Calcaneus
2. Cuboid
3. Digit I of foot
4. Digit II of foot
5. Digit III of foot
6. Digit IV of foot
7. Digit V of foot
8. Distal phalanx of toes
9. Groove for tendon of fibularis longus m.
10. Groove for tendon of flexor halluces longus m.
11. Intermediate cuneiform
12. Lateral cuneiform
13. Medial cuneiform
14. Metatarsal I
15. Metatarsal II
16. Metatarsal III
17. Metatarsal IV
18. Metatarsal V
19. Metatarsals
20. Middle phalanx of toes
21. Navicular
22. Phalanges of toes
23. Proximal phalanx of toes
24. Sustentaculum tali
25. Talus
26. Tarsal bones
27. Tuberosity of calcaneus
28. Tuberosity of metatarsal V
Temporomandibular Joint - Lateral

1. Articular disc of temporomandibular joint

2. Condylar process of mandible
3. Coronoid process of mandible
4. External acoustic meatus
5. Fibrous capsule of temporomandibular joint
6. Greater wing of sphenoid bone
7. Head of mandible
8. Lateral ligament of temporomandibular joint
9. Mandible
10. Mandibular fossa
11. Mastoid process
12. Maxilla
13. Ramus of mandible
14. Surface projection of head of mandible
15. Surface projection of zygomatic arch
16. Temporal bone
17. Temporal process of zygomatic bone
18. Zygomatic arch
19. Zygomatic bone
20. Zygomatic process of temporal bone

Glenohumeral (shoulder) joint – Anterior

1. Acromion
2. Anatomical neck of humerus
3. Clavicle
4. Coraco-acromial ligament
5. Coracoclavicular ligament
6. Coracohumeral ligament
7. Coracoid process
8. Fibrous capsule of acromioclavicular joint
9. Fibrous capsule of glenohumeral joint
10. Glenohumeral ligaments
11. Greater tubercle
12. Head of humerus
13. Intertubecular sulcus
14. Lateral border of scapula
15. Lesser tubercle
16. Scapula
17. Suprascapular notch
18. Surface projection of acromion
19. Surface projection of clavicle
20. Surface projection of coracoid process
21. Surgical neck of humerus
22. Transverse humeral ligament
Elbow Joint – Anterior

1. Anular ligament of radius

2. Capitulum of humerus
3. Coronoid fossa of humerus
4. Coronoid process of ulna
5. Fibrous capsule of elbow joint
6. Head of radius
7. Humerus
8. Lateral epicondyle of humerus
9. Medial epicondyle of humerus
10. Radial collateral ligament
11. Radial tuberosity
12. Radius
13. Surface projection of lateral epicondyle of humerus
14. Surface projection of medial epicondyle of humerus
15. Trochlea of humerus
16. Tuberosity of ulna
17. Ulna
18. Ulnar collateral ligament

Knee Joint – Anterior

1. Anterior cruciate ligament

2. Articular surface of femur
3. Femur
4. Fibula
5. Fibular collateral ligament
6. Head of fibula
7. Lateral condyle of femur
8. Lateral condyle of tibia
9. Lateral meniscus
10. Medial condyle of femur
11. Medial condyle of tibia
12. Medial epicondyle of femur
13. Medial meniscus
14. Patella
15. Patellar ligament
16. Posterior cruciate ligament
17. Superior articular surface of tibia
18. Surface projection of patella
19. Surface projection of patellar ligament
20. Surface projection of tibial tuberosity
21. Tibia
22. Tibial collateral ligament
23. Tibial tuberosity
24. Transverse ligament of knee
Knee Joint - Posterior

1. Anterior cruciate ligament

2. Arcuate popliteal ligament
3. Articular surface of femur
4. Articular surface of tibia
5. Femur
6. Fibrous capsule of knee joint
7. Fibula
8. Fibular collateral ligament
9. Head of fibula
10. Intercondylar eminence
11. Intercondylar fossa
12. Lateral condyle of femur
13. Lateral condyle of tibia
14. Lateral meniscus
15. Medial condyle of femur
16. Medial condyle of tibia
17. Medial meniscus
18. Oblique popliteal ligament
19. Popliteal surface of femur
20. Posterior cruciate ligament
21. Posterior meniscofemoral ligament
22. Surface projection of cavity of knee joint
23. Tibia
24. Tibial collateral ligament
Ankle Joint – Lateral

1. Calcaneus
2. Cuboid
3. Extensor retinaculum of ankle
4. Fibula
5. Fibular retinaculum of ankle
6. Intermediate cuneiform
7. Lateral cuneiform
8. Lateral ligament of ankle
9. Lateral malleolus
10. Lateral malleolus
11. Metatarsal V
12. Metatarsals
13. Navicular
14. Phalanges of toes
15. Surface projection of calcaneal tendon
16. Surface projection of lateral malleolus
17. Talus
18. Tarsal bones
19. Tibia
20. Tuberosity of metatarsal V
Ankle joint - Medial

1. Articular surface of talus

2. Calcaneus
3. Flexor retinaculum of ankle
4. Intermediate cuneiform
5. Lateral malleolus
6. Medial (deltoid) ligament of ankle
7. Medial cuneiform
8. Medial malleolus
9. Metatarsals
10. Navicular
11. Phalanges of toes
12. Surface projection of medial malleolus
13. Sustentaculum tali
14. Talus
15. Tarsal bones
16. Tibia

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