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The Giant Crystal Cave

The Discovery of the Giant

Crystal Cave

The Location

The Form of the crystals

Condition inside the cave

5. Summary: The Giant Crystal Cave is an underground cave containing the

largest selenite crystals ever found. The cave was discovered in the year
2000 by the miners. The location of Giant Crystal Cave is in the limestone
rock near the Naica silver mine in the Chihuahua Desert, Mexico. The form
of crystals initially from the magma that heated the water in a chamber
below the cave which the hot water became saturated with minerals
including the large quantities of gypsum and filled up the cave. It remained
filled about 500.000 years at the constant temperature of over 50° C
(122°F). these conditions allowed the crystals to grow to immense sizes. The
condition inside the cave is extremely hot, around 58° C (136° F). A person
can survive inside of it without protective clothing for about 10 minutes, and
45 minutes with it. And the crystals are also extremely dangerous because
they are sharp and slippery.

B. How to wear the protective gear.

Protective gear designed to protect the wearer’s body from

injury. It usually included protective clothing, helmet, goggles, and
other equipment to prevent the wearers from any dangerous and
hazardous things around them.

In order to enter the cave, you must put on protective gear.

1. First, put on an insulated vest to protect your skin from frostbite.

2. Afterwards, put on the ice vest that filled with tubes of iced gel. It
purpose is to cool the body from the heat inside the cave.
3. Next, put on the overalls. The overalls will keep the heat off the ice
and provide protection from sharp crystals that may injure the person
when he or she enters the cave.
4. Then, put on the respiration backpack (20 kg) that filled with ice.
5. Finally, the facemask. Put the facemask at the last stage before you
enter the cave. it provides chilled air for breathing.

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