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Paramita: Historical
Historical StudiesStudies Journal,
Journal, 28(2),
28 (2), 2018184-197
ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825


Heri Priyatmoko
History Departement, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University


Six decades ago, Muhammad Yamin with Enam dekade silam, Muhammad Yamin ber-
some other scholars actualized the dream of s a m a ka u m ce rd ik p a n d a i l a inn ya
“indigenization” of Indonesian historiography mewujudkan impian “pribumisasi” historio-
in the Indonesian National Historical Seminar grafi Indonesia dalam forum Seminar Sejarah
I. Yamin obtained the knowledge about Nasional Indonesia I. Pengetahuan tentang
Nusantara history when he attended Alge- sejarah Nusantara diperoleh Yamin tatkala
mene Middelbare School (AMS) Solo in sec- duduk di Algemmene Middelbare School
tion A1, Oostersch Letterkundige (Eastern (AMS) Solo. Di sini pula, perspektif siswa
Letter) class. Under the care of Dr. W.F. Stut- diperluas dengan pandangan dari sudut Islam,
terheim, archaeologist, AMS students were Hindu, dan Buddha lantaran mereka dicekoki
taught about Indonesian culture. In here, stu- kebudayaan Indonesia yang terbentuk dari
dents’ perspective was broadened with the percampuran antara unsur budaya Islam, Hin-
point of views of Islam, Hinduism, and Bud- du, dan Buddha. Tidak lupa mempelajari juga
dhism since they were taught about Indone- kesusasteraan Jawa dan Melayu dengan guru
sian culture that formed from a mixed element Raden Tumenggung Yasawidagda. Pada era
of Islam, Hindu, and Buddhist culture. Not to 1926, tercatat sekolahan ini sudah mem-
forget, they also studied Javanese and Malay peroleh murid lebih dari 100 orang. Mereka
literature with Raden Tumenggung berasal dari Ambon, Batak, Padang, Aceh,
Yasawidagda. In the era of 1926, it is recorded Betawi, Priyangan, Madura, Sumatra, Bali,
that this school had more than 100 students. dan Jawa bagian tengah, serta kelompok
They came from Ambon, Batak, Padang, Tionghoa dan Belanda. Fakta historis tersebut
Aceh, Betawi, Priyangan, Madura, Sumatra, menujukkan bahwa AMS Solo merupakan
Bali, and Central Java, as well as Chinese and sekolah favorit kala itu, setidaknya terdengar
Dutch people. That historical fact shown that sampai ke luar Jawa. Sekolah pertama di Indo-
AMS Solo was the favorite school at that mo- nesia yang mengajarkan pendidikan multikul-
ment, at least was heard until outside Java. tural ini melahirkan banyak tokoh terkemuka
This first school in Indonesia that taught mul- di kemudian hari seperti Dr. Prijono, Dr Tjan
ticultural education produced many magnates Tjoe Siem, Armijn Pane, Amir Hamzah,
at a later time like Dr. Prijono, Dr. Tjan Tjoe Ahdiat K. Mihardja, Prof. Mr. Kusumadi,
Siem, Armijn Pane, Amir Hamzah, Ahdiat K. Prof. Ali Afandi dan lainnya. Makalah ini ber-
Mihardja, Prof. Mr. Kusumadi, Prof. Ali tujuan untuk mendiskusikan model pembelaja-
Afandi, etc. This paper aims to discuss the ran di AMS Solo yang berbasis keragaman
learning model in AMS Solo based on cultural budaya, profil para guru hebat di AMS yang
diversity, profiles of great teachers in AMS berhasil menelurkan sederet tokoh bangsa,
who had produced many national figures, as serta respon pemerintah kolonial Belanda dan
well as the response of Dutch colonial govern- kerajaan pribumi.
ment and indigenous kingdom.
Kata kunci: AMS Solo, Pendidikan Multikul-
Keyword: AMS Solo, multicultural education, tural, W.F. Stutterheim, Oostersch Letterkun-
W.F. Stutterheim, Oostersch Letterkundige dige

Author correspondence
Email: 184
Available online at
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

INTRODUCTION by the Mission (Roman Catholic). Initial-

Ethical political policy in education field ly, the institution was established in
rolled fast in Solo City at the beginning of Magelang in 1890, then spread to the area
the twentieth century. In addition to trans- of Surakarta. In 1930, 17 of their schools
migration and irrigation, educational path spread in Margoyudan, Manahan, around
was believed to be able encouraging social Pasar Legi, and Gajahan.
change of society in the colonies in a bet- This was also born a school handled
ter direction. The Dutch government was by Muhammadiyah in response to the rise
asked to pay off “debt” because they had of Christian and Catholic schools. Institu-
dredged millions from the colony and sur- tion under the command of K.H. Ahmad
vived bankruptcy. Indeed, no regulation Dahlan was spread in Mangkunegaran,
that cornered the Netherlands to repay the Kampung Sewu, Serengan, Kauman
“debt”. However, the law of honor and Pasar Legi, Notokusuman, and Kleco,
honesty requires that it must be fulfilled as then followed by school managed by
a moral duty, and ethical politics is the Boedi Oetomo in Lumbung Wetan, Ti-
answer (Locher-Scholten, 1996: 238-241). muran, Colomadu and Tegalgondo. This
Not for so long ethical politics was institution was difficult to move because
launched, the school in Surakarta grew as of insufficient fund and it was relatively
much as fungus in the rainy season. Also, slow in responding to government regula-
this established the Western rules of edu- tions that make restrictions on the educa-
cation which can only be caught by the tion sector.
European class, the foreign East, and chil- The schools run by the royal also
dren of priyayi. Salaries and social status appeared. Referring from Kabar Paprenta-
of parents are the key to determine wheth- han (1932), the Kasunanan palace was
er indigenous children can be admitted to concerned about education and proven by
European educational institutions. It establishing HIS Kasatriyan in 1910, fol-
needs to be arranged these various kinds lowed by Froberschool Pamardi Putri in
of schools. Referring to the information of 1926, and HIS Pamardi Putri in 1927.
Opgave Van Openbare Onderwijsriehtingen in Like other HIS, student acceptance in HIS
Het Gewest Soerakarta (1936), local lan- Kasatriyan was also based on economic
guage public schools consisted of 13 Sec- factors and descendants, at least raden
ond Class School (De Scholen der Tweede class students. Nevertheless, Kasunanan
Klasse), 2 All-Girls Schools (Misesschool) built Volkschool (Vilage School) with Java-
and 7 Teachers Preparatory School for nese language for paupers. In 1905, Paku
Village School (Onderbouw Holland Inlander Buwana X opened an Islamic-based
Kweekschool). This series of schools were school, Mambaul Ulum. Meanwhile, Pra-
spread in Pasar Kliwon, Serengan, Jebres, ja Mangkunegaran built Sekolah Siswo dan
Laweyan, Colomadu, and Mangku - Sisworini, also known as Pawulangan Bocah
negaran City. Wadon Ing Mangkunegaran (education for
Three Dutch-speaking Neutral girls in Mangkunegaran). Then,
Schools were HIS (Hollandsch-Inlandsche Mangkunegara VII founded MULO
School) Jongen School in Mangkunegaran, (Middelbare Uitgebreid Lagere Onderwijs) in
HIS Meisjesschool in Slompretan, and his territory after pocketing permit from
Schakelschool in Mangkunegaran. Fol- the directorate of education and culture in
lowed by a school managed by Zending Batavia in 1938. MULO in Solo fulfilled
received much funds from the colonial the first-born MULO in Yogyakarta and
government. This institution was easy to Bandung in 1903.
grow. Until 1930, they established 20 Alumni MULO, which is equivalent
schools scattered in Sidokare, Jebres, to junior high school, needed to be chan-
Kerten, Margoyudan, Danukusuman, Ka- neled to the higher level. Therefore, HBS
watan, Gilingan Villapark, Gemblegan, (Hogere Burgerschool) and AMS (Algemene
and Manahan. Next, school was carried Middelbare School) were created. According

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

to Nasution (2008: 137), when HIS and dents to continue studies in various facul-
MULO inaugurated, pushed the idea of ties. Only after being abolished as a col-
opening a special high school for different lege requirement in 1903, Greek was not
Indonesian children, but equivalent to included in this high school program. Ini-
HBS. The government was aware of these tially, section A I was felt a bit awkward
demands and assured them. MULO grad- for students living outside the Hindu-
uated who was barred from tasting the Javanese culture that became the subject
same education as HBS requested to be of the lesson in that section. However, this
given the opportunity to enter university, a aspect precisely that determines the flow
request that was reasonable and needed to of great thought of AMS section A I alum-
be met in terms of wise educational poli- nus.
tics. Considering also, the Chinese people After the idea is cooked, the govern-
urged the government to open HCS for ment fulfills the elite's request to establish
their children. this institution. AMS B I prioritized math-
To enter universities through ELS ematics and physics to be opened in Jakar-
(Europeesche Lagere School) – HBS, the re- ta (1919), and AMS A II, Western classi-
quirement to master French was consid- cal studies in Bandung (1920) and AMS A
ered difficult to grasp by Indonesian chil- I Eastern classical studies in Solo (1926).
dren. In fact, intelligent indigenes also The development of AMS AI in Solo was
choked up with that. It was feared that discussed specifically below.
Indonesian students run to various univer- “Ing taoen 1925 wonten kabar ramé
sities outside the country. In general, gov- bilih ing Soerakarta badé wonten AMS. Badé
ernment leaders in Indonesia and Nether- wontenipoen AMS ing Soerakarta, jektosan.
lands, also Boedi Oetomo, supported the Directeuripoen inggih poenika toewan Dr.
opening of the secondary school. After the W.F. Stutterheim, sampoen dateng,” wrote
consideration, committee advisors about Yasawidagda, teacher and Javanese litera-
high school was added. The Committee ture author in Serat Pengetan Gesangipun
argues that the school is open to all na- Jasawidhagdga (1950). Solo was chosen as
tions, the medium of instruction was in Eastern classical studies of AMS location
Dutch and abolish French in the program, and it is very appropriate considering the
incorporating subjects according to Indo- region of Surakarta is rich of ancestral rel-
nesian culture, at least language and litera- ics. Ancient scrolls, temples, artifacts, pal-
ture. An AMS certificate was equated ace, also the library were provided in this
with HBS to enter a college or to occupy a oldest heritage city of Mataram Islam dyn-
particular position. Thus, the path of In- asty. That means, in every time, teachers
donesian children to taste education in and students are very close to the object to
university level was opened. be learned in the classroom. Stutterheim
stuck the nickname “archaeological para-
ALGEMENE MIDDELBARE SCHOOL dise” to Solo. Plus, the intellectual passion
IN SOLO in Bengawan City is so fertile marked by
According to Nasution (2008: 138), the the number of poets, various newspapers,
school is divided into section A which and political discussions.
highlights literature and history, and sec- Stutterheim originally sailed to
tion B which emphasizes mathematics Dutch East Indies as archeological assis-
and physics. Section A is also selected in tant in 1924. In 1926, he left Batavia and
the A I section for Eastern classical stud- became the head of AMS Solo. He felt
ies, and section A II deals with Western Batavia was too stuffy. Many of his fellow
classical studies. Of course, the section Leiden alumni and civil servants were
suited with Indonesian is section A I. Sec- jealous of him. Stutterheim’s progressive
tion A II teaches Latin and Greek which attitude made a clash with them
is less suitable for Indonesian. Latin was (Djajadiningrat, 2009: 164).
taught because it was needed for the stu- Het Nieuws van Den Dag newspaper

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

(29 Agustus 1926) published a short news undertook the establishment of internaat,
with headline “Dr. Sutterheim”. The jour- and Kasunanan gave aid of fl 200 and
nalist reported that the government ap- Mangkunegaran fl 100 per month, plus
pointed Stutterheim as the Board of Direc- the aid from the governor (Serat Pengetan
tors for Afdeeling (Section) Oostersch Let- Gesangipun Jasawidhagdga, 1950). This fact
terkundige (Eastern Letter) AMS Solo in shows a good response from local and co-
mid-1926. He was from Oudheidkundigen lonial rulers in the development of educa-
Dienst (Antiquities Department), doctorate tion in Solo, in line with the spirit of ethi-
in Oostersch Letteren (Eastern Literatures). cal politics.
While waiting for his registrants, Lodge in Wreksadhiningratan had
Stutterheim’s first job was finding place rental price of fl 250. Generally, dormito-
for teaching and learning activities. As ries were led by Dutch paid fl 300-350 per
Yasawidagda stated: “Tata-tata padhos grija month. Uniquely, AMS dormitory actual-
séwan, angsal tilas grijanipoen babah Major Be ly held by Jayawidagda which in fact, Ja-
Kwat Koen ing Mesèn.” That former school vanese. With consideration, he is consid-
is now used for Sebelas Maret University ered to be able to accompany the students
Surakarta campus building. Stutterheim learning custom, procedures, and Java-
paid the rent fl 230 to the mayor, before nese language. Referring to Gouverne-
Mangkunegaran loaned the building in mentbesluit 28 June 1926 No.30, Yasawidag-
Manahan (now Sport and Health Educa- da was appointed to take care of Hapsara
tion FKIP UNS campus). Be Kwat Koen Internaat which opened in July 1926.
is a Chinese who was mandated by coloni- The first month after it was unan-
al government as Kapiten China (Chinese nounced publicly, Hapsara lodged only 11
Captain) in Semarang and titular mayor in AMS students. There are 27 students who
Surakarta. Beside befriend with Gusti choose to live in Zending dormitory. After
Mangkunegara VII, he also had influence second year onwards, boarding students
in the royal family of Thailand, ruler of there were more than 30 people. Students
China, and even Germany. were not required to occupy Hapsara dor-
AMS Supervision was handed over mitory, it all depended on their parents.
to a special inspector for high school. In For those who occupied the room alone
order to ensure smooth transition between was charged fl 30, while double room
MULO and AMS, MULO director was each person should paid fl 25.
given the opportunity to attend classes in Under Yasawidagda's care, the ac-
the AMS 1st grade, while the AMS direc- tivity and lifestyle of the boarders are ar-
tor was allowed to witness the lessons in ranged neatly. After school, at 16.00 WIB
the highest class of MULO. they played keroncong freely. Then at
With the opening plan of the AMS 17.00-19.00 WIB, they may play out of
in June 1926, Stutterheim understood that the dorm. Study time started at 19.00-
there would be many students from out- 20.00 WIB and followed by dinner time
side Java. Immediately, he visited the gov- before 21.00 WIB. After that, the dormito-
ernor to discuss the lodge or internaat ry residents are welcome to rest in their
(dormitory), including the issue of subsi- room, whether sleeping or studying. Every
dies. The governor responded positively Saturday, residents eat well while learning
and would help as best as he could. Stut- miscellaneous table manners like idheran
terheim then submitted this case to Neu- (itinerant ministers), buffet, party, and Ja-
trale Schoolvereeniging, organization that vanese way. Learning various table man-
took care of HIS boys and girls in Solo. ners, it was expected they were not embar-
Here is the name list of caretakers: RM. rassing or disappointing if one day they
Harja Woerjaningrat, Ir. Moens (replaced became leaders or important people. AMS
by Stutterheim), E. van Naersen, RNg. learning activities in Mesen shifted to
Djaksadhipoera, RNg. Tjitrawaloeja, and Manahan, Hapsar a dorm itory also
prince Aria Hadiwidjaja. The caretakers moved. Dorm residents was moving to

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

Manahan in June 1930 during school holi- 1950).

days. Mangkunegara VII who befriended Student admission in AMS is based
with Stutterheim helped with fl 56.000 to on the MULO final exam scores. For ex-
build the lodgment with the land (Serat ample, enough scores for Dutch language
Pengetan Gesangipun Jasawidhagdga, 1950). will be accepted in AMS Western classical
In the era of 1926, it was recorded study, while AMS B should earned
that this school has received more than enough scores in mathematics and phys-
100 students. They came from Ambon, ics. Rigorous selection based on value to
Batak, Padang, Aceh, Betawi, Priyangan, prevent students breaking up in the middle
Madura, Sumatra, Bali, and Central Java, because of failing to follow the lesson. In
as well as Chinese and Dutch groups. It AMS Jakarta, the number of dropouts
was very discrepant compared to AMS were fewer than other schools. From the
exact field in Jakarta when opened first in first generation who entered the year 1919
1919. This AMS filled with the majorities as many as 74.4% reached the highest
of Indonesian students: 22 Indonesians, 15 grade and 71.4% successfully passed on
Dutch, and 5 Chinese. After the opening, the final exam (Nasution, 2008: 139).
Indonesian students were dominating in Strict selection among Indonesian
number, though in the Western classical students caused good results, in addition
section Dutch students surpassed Indone- to perseverance and struggle of students as
sian. The difference time span of the open- said by Panut. For the sake of preparing
ing of AMS Jakarta with AMS Solo is on- final test in AMS, Panut entered the dor-
ly 7 years. mitory led by Holland Christian teacher in
These little facts indicate that AMS Villapark Banjarsari with fl 22.50 per
Solo was a favorite school at that time, at month. His scholarship was from fl 30 re-
least sounded out of Java. The students duced to fl 7.50, for pocket money and
who ever went to AMS school including buying clothes. This teenager wanted to
Muhammad Yamin (later to be a writer learn to live regularly according to the
and Minister of Justice, as well as Minister terms and etiquette of Dutch society, he
of Teaching, Education and Culture of the made use of the library (including maga-
Sukarno era), Armijn Pane (literary), zines and newspapers in Dutch) which
Amir Hamzah (literary), Achdiat Karta was available in the dorm. He educated
Mihardja (writer), Tjan Tjoe Siem himself, a difficult thing to do, however
(Javanese literary expert who is also pro- kept trying in that direction (Priyatmoko,
fessor of University of Indonesia), R Pri- 2017a).
jono (founder of the University Gadjah Former AMS Solo student who be-
Mada and Minister of Education of the came a poet, Achdiat Karta Mihardja,
Sukarno era), Amin Soedoro and RL Soe- called the AMS students at that time sort-
kardi (both were officials of the Archeo- ed out in "spree enthusiasts and dancing"
logical Service of the revolutionary peri- and "genuine faction". The second group
od). is divided again into those who carry the
Yasawidagda originally wanted to religious, such as Jong Islamieten Bond
be in Klaten, finally willing to stay in Solo and Mude Kristen Jawi, as well as nation-
to let his son to study in the prestigious alist streams such as Jong Java, Jong Cele-
AMS one day: “Sakawit djalaran saking bes, Sekar Rukun, and Jong Sumatranen
anggèn koela mikir dateng anak -anak, Bond (Tim Tempo, 2017).
kepèngin dhados Schoolopziener ing Klathèn. Not all indigenous people studied in
Nanging sareng mireng bilih ing Soerakarta AMS. In addition to smart-brained, only
bade wonten Algemeene middelbare School, they who were from noble and rich family
sedja koela koela sandhèkaken, amargi gadah could access this educational path. That
pangangkah apesipoen koela saged njakolahak- fact was valid until AMS Solo combined
en anak dateng AMS waoe” (Yasawidagda, with AMS in Yogyakarta which concen-
Serat Pengetan Gesangipun Jasawidhagdga, trated on the science and engineering in

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

1932. An implicit fact from the narrative who have climbed into class II was bor-
of Gusti Nurul, daughter of Mangkunega- rowed so he did not need to buy. This
ra VII. Graduating from MULO, she was good senior named Moelyatno, later be-
willing to continue her study in AMS. But came the great teacher and minister in the
her wishes were a mere plan, because once government of the Republic of Indonesia.
she graduated MULO, AMS Solo was The advancement to the class II was
closed and united with a similar school in successfully done by Panut with a pretty
Yogyakarta for the sake of austerity. Romo good figure. When his fund was empty, he
(father, Mangkunegara VII) did not agree tried to get a scholarship from the Dutch
if his daughter continued education out of East Indies government. With a help from
town; he did not let her go from temple Stutterheim as school director, he received
wall. Instead, Romo directed her lessons at fl 30 each month, free books and free
Van Deventer School which was equivalent school fees. In the meantime, this man
to MULO. The girl followed the advice of breathed a sigh of relief without financial
her Romo.” (Hermono, 2014: 95). difficulties, he even could help his best
Additionally, did Utami Suryadar- friend (Soewidji, 1973: 23-26).
ma, the daughter of a Chef van de Solosches
Recherche (Solo Police Chief) and a mem- CURRICULUM
ber of the Boedi Oetomo organization. The AMS curriculum consists of general
She was born with the name Raden Rara subjects that are intended for the whole
Oetami Ramelan in Sragen, 2 February students, that is Dutch, Malay, and Eng-
1917. The position of her father as a high lish language, history, geography, state
civil servant made Utami siblings could go laws, mathematics, botany, zoology, and
to school in ELS and MULO, then for- physical education. Each part of the AMS
warded to the AMS Eastern Literature for has special subjects according to the na-
aspiring as a poet and cultural thinker. For ture of that section. AMS section A I on
3 years in AMS, she was fond of history Eastern literature study had Javanese, ar-
and literature, especially the work of Indi- cheology, ethnology of Indonesia, physics,
an poets, Tabindranath Tagore and Saro- chemistry, hand drawing, and German
jini Naidu (Suryadarma, 2012:. x-xii). subjects, while French is elective. Students
School managers fixed the AMS in AMS section A II on Western literature
entry fee of fl 7,50. Approximately 75 % study were given similar lessons from
of parents of AMS students earned less Eastern literature study, except Latin in-
than fl 200 a month (Nasution, 2008: stead of Javanese, archeology, as well as
140). Most of the AMS students were chil- bookkeeping.
dren of regent, patih, wedana even mantri Subsequently, the concentration of
whose economic condition was quite sup- AMS section B on mathematics and phys-
portive for them to school in Solo. The ics presented subjects of physics, chemis-
moneyless, but strong-willed people en- try, mathematics, cosmography, line
tered the AMS, must dare to suffer. This drawing and German language. Partly in
reality was described by a legal expert, other languages, French is elective. Stu-
Soewidji (1973: 23-26) through Panut fig- dents studied in AMS for 6 years, a year
ures from non-priyayi and poor family. A longer than HBS which was 5 years. AMS
short story, a teenager named Panut was A II opened the opportunity to continue
forced to marry by his father and was giv- studying to law faculty, with an addition
en an empty land. The marriage offer was of Greek also could go to the faculty of
rejected, but the parent's land was received theology and philology. Certificate of
and sold at a price fl 600 for the AMS So- AMS A I opened the door to the literature
lo school fee. After successfully joining in, study, with an addition of Latin can also
Panut racked his brain so that can survive go to the law faculty. Differentiation of
until graduation. As an effort to save his AMS into 3 sections did not allow student
fund, the textbooks belonging to his senior to change their majors. Once one chose a

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

course, one should follow it up until grad- ets such as Yamin and Sanusi Pane. Amir
uate (Nasution, 2008: 139). Hamzah hardly ever picked up the Dutch
If HIS and MULO students see the or English terms in his poetry or even
world through Christian, then the students prose. In this case, he was an Eastern ar-
of AMS Solo had expanded view through guably, because if not using a Malay entry
Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism because in the essay, the word comes from the dia-
in the subjects about the culture of Indone- lect of the region, Arab, Javanese or an-
sia cannot be ignored about Islam, Hindu- cient Javanese or Sanskrit. However, who
ism, and Buddhism. Javanese and Malay compares the Amir Hamzah language to
literature also cannot be separated from the old Malay literary language, it will be
that three lessons. Panut as student repre- obvious that the Malay language of Amir
sentation of AMS Solo, devoted the histo- Hamzah has gone through the modern-
ry of Islam, philosophy of Hinduism and day thinking exercises he has gained in
lessons of Buddha Gautama. The history school (Alisjahbana, 1979: 8).
of the temple, hermitage, and mountains S. Takdir Alisjahbana do not seem
for the students added clearly. The relics to understand the teaching model and cur-
of their precious ancestors and ancient riculum of AMS Solo, looking at the de-
traditions do not need to be thrown away velopment of Amir Hamzah's ideas that
without a better or more useful replace- do not fall into Western influence as a
ment. This is a new outlook on life strange thing. It was mentioned by the
(Soewidji, 1973: 23-26). This precious ex- average Western teacher, but that does not
planation from Panut shown that AMS mean putting the result of "Eastern" cul-
Solo was the first educational institution ture is lower than Western civilization. On
in the Dutch East Indies which taught the the contrary, the legacy of Indonesian an-
cultural diversity of Indonesia Students cestors is critically and respected. They are
are invited to appreciate the cultural treas- invited to love and to review their own
ures inherited by Indonesian ancestors. culture, not a culture carried from the
The curriculum has a strong influ- West. Observed, the teachers AMS Solo
ence on students in the future. Pulling out through curriculum implicitly teaches
the confession of S. Takdir Alisjahbana about multiculturalism.
(1979: 2) about the character of two Theoretically, multiculturalism in-
friends who were also alumni of AMS So- cludes an understanding, appreciation and
lo, namely Armijn Pane and Amir Ham- assessment of one's culture, as well as a
zah. Armijn Pane is more theoretical and respect and curiosity about another's eth-
brings the concept or modern term in the nic culture. Assessment of the cultural di-
work of renewal of Indonesian literature. versity of others, does not mean to ap-
He was clearly affected by Western litera- prove all aspects of the culture, but to see
ture, primarily Dutch literature after the how a particular culture can express value
first world war. While Amir Hamzah stat- for its own members. Keywords in multi-
ed, the rise of Indonesian literature is a culturalism were the recognition of differ-
Malay literary continuation or at least the ences and rewards, two words that have
old Indonesian literature. often been contrasted. Therefore, in a mul-
"East", in addition to the identity of ticulturalism approach based on respectful
AMS Solo, also used as the object of awareness is able to negotiate on the exist-
study. Not only the majority of Western ing formulation of reality. At least, multi-
teachers, books and the way of thinking of culturalism plays a role in promoting har-
the leaders are western and often called as monious community life, embodies appro-
modern. Weirdly, there is no explicit priate cultural relations models, values
Western influence in Amir Hamzah, no diversity, improves social prejudice, and
real spoken with firm words. Amir Ham- appreciates diversity and fosters democra-
zah is not influenced by the mode of son- cy (Supardan, 2008: 235-236).
net adopted by a group of Indonesian po- Stutterheim (1926) exemplifies the

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

ancient Indonesian historical material of search for the state symbol, Yamin took
the meaning of art-building and the arts of Ki Hadjar Dewantara through an archaeo-
two winged gates of Islamic culture in logical site and studied ancient literature
Sendangduwur Village. Both gates are in several parts of Indonesia. They found
each entrenched in the west and north the figure of Garuda bird in Candi Kidal,
courtyards of the mosque. Stutterheim Prambanan Temple, and Mendut Temple.
mentions the establishment of a mosque in In addition to his mighty figure, the
1507 Caka or 1585 AD. By locals, the gate choice fell on Garuda because there is a
in the western side is called the urug-urug mythology that supports its existence as a
gate because its door threshold is connect- protector of the state. In the puppet of Ad-
ed to the building part which is the hall. hiparwa, the story of Garuda that freed his
At the headquarters of the National Office mother from the occupation of a thousand
of Relief and Heritage, the urug-urug gate dragons (Tim Tempo, 2014: 31). More
is marked with the letter B, while the gate extreme, the color-forming elements of the
in the northern courtyard is marked the Red and White flag have been linked to
letter E. Yamin for 5000 years ago. Although ac-
In the context of the history of an- cused of being unhistorical and chaotic
cient Indonesian art, the two closed top methodologically, Yamin's move is an
gates are commonly called paduraksa. emergency effort to nurture nationalism
Both gates have wings. From the perspec- that is still related to the greatness of the
tive of waking art history and sculpture, kingdom in Indonesia (Priyatmoko, 2016).
the two-winged gates contain important
values. Stutterheim says the wings or lar TEACHER PROFILE AND HIDDEN
can be connected to the image of the sun CURRICULUM
and the eagle. In Javanese literature, Ar- The material in the class attracts students'
djuna Sasrabahu, this winged gate is lik- attention. However, the social interaction,
ened to an eagle flying in space. Besides, it spirit of learning, and the behavior of
can be dotted with a picture of Meru teachers also strengthen the foundations
(mountain home of the gods). and examples for students. Before review-
Also found trees filled with branch- ing the hidden curriculum that expands
es. The tree depicts the tree, the tree of the mindset and actions of the AMS stu-
heaven, the tree of hope, kalpawrka kal- dents, it is necessary to present the profile
pawrksa, kekayon or gunungan. Pictures of of the teaching staff of AMS Solo. The
such trees in the Indonesian-Hindu art principal who is also the teacher is Willem
period are well known and embedded in Frederik Stutterheim (born in Rotterdam,
some areas of temple decoration. Sutther- 27 September 1892 and died in Batavia,
heim describes the image of kekayon or September 10, 1942). Described by Made-
mountains closely related to the image of lon Djajadiningrat (2009), Stutterheim is
Meru (Tjandrasasmita, 1964: 155-175). not a striking Leiden graduate. This man
Through the material, Stutterheim is considered eccentric and too artful to be
seeks to understand readers and students a scientist. Having an amazing artistic tal-
that it is important to study the culture of ent, that is what caused him to be in-
ancient Indonesia because of the continui- volved in the restoration of the palace of
ty and taken by the next culture (Islam). Mangkunegara. From the information of
There is a harmony that arises in the arti- R. Goris, a fellow student, Stutterheim is
fact. Also, the history of Indonesia with- skillful in drawing and made sketches
out leaving the old elements. This perspec- nicely. For example, the ruins of the tem-
tive is obviously affecting one of his stu- ple are detailed and beautiful. In fact, the
dents, Yamin, later on. This student ex- ordinary tavern objects in the city are
plained that Indonesia is difficult to be drawn in such detail to reflect the flashes
released with the symbol and glory of the of "the local environment" in the eyes of
ancient kingdom. For example, in the the person glaring at the picture.

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

Love and sharpness of Stutterheim's knowledge of the Borobudur Temple. Un-

observation of antiquities are also beyond fortunately, he fell ill and closed the age of
doubt. R. Goris stated: "he can sniff an- 1942.
tiques from miles away ..." Sometimes As a teacher, Stutterheim's supervi-
when he gets out of the car, Stutterheim is sion of pupils is sufficient in the classroom
able to guess: "Ee will not find anything in and frees up the activities of students out-
this village". And usually he is right! If side the classroom. Similarly, political dis-
Goris still wants to enter and see a statue, cussion and movement activities are also
Stutterheim will say: "go and see, but it is enlivened some AMS students. Amir
not an old thing!". While enjoying work Hamzah and Armijn Pane are listed as the
leave in AMS Solo, Stutterheim chose to managers of Indonesia Muda (Young Indo-
wander to historic sites such as Ubud, Ba- nesian) at Solo branch. Held Great Indone-
li. Concern and appreciation of Javanese sia Muda congress in Societiet Habipraja on
traditional elements were evidences when December 30, 1930. Young Indonesia was
he was asked by Mangkunegara VII with officially formed on December 31, 1930 at
Karsten to design a public bathhouse in around 24:00. The banners were laid out
1937. Stutterheim gave a picture of an an- in front of approximately 800 participants,
cient bathhouse. Karsten, Mangkunegara including Sudiro, who later became the
VII and Stutterheim agreed that the public Mayor of Jakarta, and Wilopo who later
baths should be built in traditional style, became the prime minister. Led by
preferably in Javanese style, but still Yamin, AK Gani, Asaat, and friends, this
adapting modern ideas for hygiene and organization has 2,400 members spread in
privacy. 26 major urban branches of the Dutch
S tut te r he im ' s fr i en d sh ip wi th East Indies.
Mangkunegara VII is deeply woven be- Speech from Amir Hamzah drew
cause both have mission to develop cul- attention. In front of the participants of
ture, to forward thinking, and to care the Young Indonesia Congress, he speaks
about education universe. It is so close to fluent Malay. “Selamat datang and selamat
the relation, then Mangkunegara VII pro- berkongres, para pemuda-pemudi dari berbagai
vides a free space in Manahan to be occu- daerah and tempat,” (Welcome and con-
pied by AMS in order not to rent any gratulate Congress, young people from
more place in Mesen as well as to partici- various regions and places) said Amir, the
pate in building dormitory for AMS stu- chairman of the committee of the Kongres
dents. Relation awakened through corre- Indonesia Muda (Young Indonesia Con-
spondence when AMS Solo moved in gress). Sutterheim student action is not
Yogyakarta and Stutterheim also accom- immune from the supervision of intelli-
pany it. In Yogyakarta, this man is seri- gence officers. One time, based on the tes-
ously involved with the Java Institute. timony of Achdiat Karta Mihardja, Stut-
Then, Stutterheim was appointed the head terheim was approached by the intelli-
of archeology at Batavia in the late 1930s. gence officers who questioned the associa-
Held a special farewell event for this tion of the AMS students' studie club and
good friend. The newspaper De Sumatra movement leader in Solo. “Saya bukan
Post (27 October 1938) reported that Dr. babu. Di luar sekolah, murid-murid saya se-
Stutterheim, Head of the Archeology De- rahkan kepada kebijaksanaan and tanggung
partment, was treated to a farewell dinner jawab mereka sendiri. Mereka sudah cukup
by Mangkunegara VII. Followers of him, dewasa,” (I am not a servant. Outside the
Dr. Bernet Kempers is also present. Four school, my students leave it to their own
years later, when Japan entered, Stutter- wisdom and responsibility. They're old
heim was initially taken prisoner with oth- enough) says Stutterheim (Tim Tempo,
er Dutch communities. Not long after, he 2017).
was released and sent to study in Batavia. Second, the teacher is also the man-
The reason, the Japanese army needs his ager of Internaat Hapsara, the Raden Tu-

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

menggung Yasawidagda (1885-1958). In ing the old Javanese literature. Poerbat-

AMS Solo, he became a Javanese literary jaraka has the position that only indige-
teacher who guided the students to learn nous people are right on target in captur-
customs, ordinances, and Javanese lan- ing the meaning and taste contained in
guage. This man who was born in Klaten Indonesian literary books. Such intuitions
and is the author of Javanese literature and feelings do not belong to European
from the Balai Pustaka era is productive. scholars.
The number of books he wrote was no less Feelings of fear are also quickly ex-
than 13 titles, and popular among many pelled from the heart as he crossed ideas
people in 1915-1943. After graduating in magazines as well as in scientific fo-
fr om angka siji school, he went to rums. One day, the community of writers
Kweekschool Yogyakarta. Year 1906, he was furious because of their translation
became angka siji school teacher in Kepati- was criticized by the young Poerbatjaraka.
han, Solo. Three years later, he transferred Here's the story, the nobles in Solo estab-
to Kendal. In 1910, he was appointed as a lished a society called "Sito Danudjo". Ac-
mantri teacher in Ngambre, Ngawi. Two cording to Winter's Kawi dictionary, the
years later, he was a teacher in HIS in So- name means "the eminent knight". Later,
lo (Priyatmoko, 2017b). Poerbatjaraka traces its origin in Sanskrit.
Yasawidagda was also known as an Apparently, Winter's interpretation
activist. Build multiple courses. The femi- proved wrong. The meaning of "Sito
nine section was also noted, in 1918, he Danudjo" is more precisely "the cold gi-
and the doctor Van Teuten established a ant". The aristocratic universe was excit-
special hospital for women. Chairs the ed. He devotes his energy and mind to
Household Course (Huishoud Cursus) study the past of his own country, a task
Siswarini in Mangkunegaran neighbor- that must first be borne for the improve-
hood, which will become Huishoud School ment of the education of the Indonesian
(Household School). Then, he was ap- nation. Not only the teachers in Benga-
pointed as the Regent of Anom Mandra- wan City are tempted to explore the sub-
pura in charge of the palace in 1937. In ject of philology and archeology to Poer-
1939, he joined the publishing agency batjaraka, but Yamin also takes a Sanskrit
Balai Pustaka (Soeprapto, 1991: 60-61). In language course to him in outside school
addition to generating books, Yasawidag- hours. Yamin pays a couple or two cents a
da routinely delegated his writing to news- week to the teacher (Tim Tempo, 2015:
papers. This activity will affect the stu- 56).
dents enterprising work and become a Conceptually, the hidden curricu-
writer. lum is the transmission of norms, values,
Third, Poerbatjaraka taught an- and beliefs delivered both in the content of
cient Javanese literature or philology. His formal education and social interactions
return came after obtaining a doctorate in within the school. Schools do not simply
in the Netherlands just as AMS Solo was describe the knowledge or ideas as listed
founded, 1926. The people freely enjoyed in the official curriculum. Hidden sources
Ramayana ballet, reading Ramayana, Ar- of curriculum may include practices, pro-
junawiwaha, Dewa Ruci, Smaradaha, cedures, rules, relationships, social struc-
Nitisastra and the legacy of Indonesia's ture of the classroom, standard learning
abundant literary wealth from Java, activities, use of textbooks and audio-
thanks to Poerbatjaraka. In an interview, visual aids. There are two aspects of hid-
journalist magazine Intisari (1963) man- den curriculum study, one of which is cul-
aged to extract information when he pre- tural aspect which covers school norm,
pared himself to arrange the bricks of his- hard work ethos, roles and responsibilities,
torical buildings that became the basis of interpersonal and intergroup social rela-
the formation of Javanese civilization. His tion, interpersonal conflict, ritual and wor-
mind and soul were immersed in translat- ship, tolerance, cooperation, competition,

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

teacher expectation as well as time disci- army occupied the Archeology Bureau
pline (Hidayat, 2011:. 80-83). building and dumped the precious collec-
Discipline, diligence, and serious- tion out of the building. This man imme-
ness that symbolize the AMS teachers in diately contacted Ir. Th. A. Resink, an
learning dripping in their students. Simi- enthusiast and an archaeologist. Then,
larly, awards and honors to the "treasures" Amin allowed to arrange and to imple-
of the ancestors of the Indonesian Nation. ment the emptying of his office. Most of
Good behavior and consistent to develop the wealth of the Bureau, especially ar-
the scientific world for the progress of the chives and archaeological documents, are
nation are done by the teachers are also transported to museums in Merdeka Barat
done by learners despite being "outside" of and they are still controlled by the Indone-
the AMS. They are not listed or written in sian government (Soekmono, 2002: 9-10).
the curriculum. Students can see the atti- Meanwhile, R.L. Soekardi was
tude of asceticism practiced by teachers tasked with inventorying the collection in
every day, and intellectual and spiritual the Archeology Bureau in 1946. He had
intelligence more and more thrives in no experience in the field of archeology.
teachers. Capital interest and just basic knowledge
Stutterheim's intellectual work was of AMS AI working on the Head Office
followed Yamin and some of his students. Bureau of Archeological Goods. Without
Having so much admired the age of the guidance and leadership, their work is
ancient kingdom, Yamin loved the histor- simply learning and compiling their own
ic objects that prove the glorious times of knowledge according to their own inter-
the various kingdoms in the archipelago. ests and tastes. The fondness of the ances-
Stutterheim's penchant visited and scruti- tral heritage leads to a rescue effort, and
nized historic sites imitated by Yamin, ultimately can be used for the benefit of
even to collect cultural heritage objects. next generation research.
While visiting the Netherlands and other Long before becoming a lecturer in
European countries with the Head of the AMS, Yasawidagda had a penchant for
Culture Department Soedarsono, Yamin scraping ink in newspapers and giving
pioneered the return of historical artifacts birth to books. The hobby continues and
and cultural objects of Indonesia in these made an example for his pupil as a writer.
countries. From this project, Yamin has Incidentally, Solo is also a "warehouse"
inventories of 1,151 cultural-historical ob- newspaper at that time. Various newspa-
jects in museums in the Netherlands and pers helped to take the world of reading
31 other historic objects in Germany, and to deliver Solo as a very literary and
Denmark, and Belgium. Later, the ances- advanced city. It needs to be mentioned
tral heritage returned to the land of Air, the various names of newspapers that
including the skull of Sangiran, the origi- have been drowned. That are, Bromartani
nal statue of Prajnaparamita, and Malay, (1855-1856), De Nieuwe Vorstenlanden
Javanese, and Madurese literary manu- (1858), Bromartani II (1870-1932), Jawa
scripts (Tim Tempo, 2015: 115-116). Kandha (1891-1919), Jawi Hiswara (1891-
Also did Amin Soedoro and R.L. 1919), Sasadara (1900), Candrakanta (1901-
Soekardi, they were former pupils of Stut- 1903), Ik Po (1904), Darmo Kondo (1913),
terheim. Amin Soedoro understands the Sarotama (1914), Medan Bergerak (1916),
importance of Oudheidkundige Dienst's Medan Muslimin (1916), Islam Bergerak
headquarters as a source of archaeological (1917), Mardi Siwi (1922), Pustaka Jawi
data. A pile of fieldwork reports, photo (1922), Wara Susila (1925), Suara Aisyiah
and image documentation, as well as spe- (1925), Djanget (1928-1929), Adil (1932),
cial libraries pertaining to archeology are Api Rakyat (1932-1933), Pedalangan (1935),
the treasures for which they are responsi- Rahayu (1934) and Ratna Dumilah (1939).
ble. Thus, Amin did not lose his mind dur- Amir Hamzah's willingness to care
ing the revolutionary war of the Dutch and to love Malay as a unity language is

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

channeled through works, in addition to reasons is that Malay does not know Java-
mentor some friends in dormitories and nese level. Yamin naturally said so be-
society. He wrote many poems in Malay, cause he went to school in AMS Solo and
as well as essays on the importance of had experience interacting with local peo-
youth unity. Although the Dutch tried to ple who incidentally use the Javanese lan-
bury the Malay language as a language of guage for daily conversation. Yamin that
unity, Amir still struggled to make the lan- comes from outside Java, of course feel
guage popular among the people by writ- the complexity of the language is divided
ing poetry, prose, or poem in Indonesian into a bagongan language (language used
in mass media. At that time, writing in in the palace), krama inggil, krama alus,
Indonesian was a great struggle. ngoko alus, and ngoko lugu. In addition,
About the language, Amir did it first Javanese is also feudal, making it difficult
by becoming a mentor to his study col- to create an egalitarian Indonesian socie-
leagues in AMS. Understandably, its lin- ty.
gua franca is Malay, the root of the Indo- The role of AMS Eastern Literature
nesian language. In return, his colleagues is very strong in keeping the students to
included Ilik Sundari who became his lov- work and to reach their dreams to be writ-
er, taught Amir Javanese. At each meet- ers and thinkers. Beside the men, the fe-
ing, they both asked the participants who male student of AMS who recorded the
attended Malay language. In fact, Amir pen was Utami Suryadarma. Since school
and Ilik went directly to the village teach- in AMS, she had aspired to be a writer or
ing the community to read, write, and philosopher. After graduating AMS in
count in Malay. With the multicultural 1936, she returned to Solo with some
understanding injected in the AMS class, friends to establish a women's magazine
Amir in the Young Indonesian organiza- called Pahesan, meaning mirror. Pahesan
tion has undoubtedly promoted the unity Magazine although written in Dutch, but
of ethnic groups in the archipelago as a nationalist view. According to Utami, this
sovereign state. magazine examines many of the problems
The other Yasawidagda protege faced by young Indonesian women in the
dubbed literary is Yamin. This man pub- past. Starting from the case of social lame-
lishes a work, for example his poetry book ness, world peace, to the relationship of
titled Indonesia, Tumpah Darahku. This young women in all the world. Her writ-
book is published two days before the ings often come from members of the
Youth Congress, which is 26 October Perhimpunan Indonesia (Indonesian Socie-
1928. The work consists of 88 verses and ty) or Indische Vereeniging (IV). Pahesan
each stanza consists of 7 lines. Interesting- reached the peak of popularity around
ly, Yamin's poems in this second book 1941 (Suryadarma, 2012: X-XII). This fact
have changed the message of the theme of proves the success of AMS AI (eastern
nationalism. In it, Yamin's homeland was literature) that not only targeting men, but
no longer limited to Sumatra or Perca Is- also women in developing the idea of In-
land, but changed to Indonesia (Tim Tem- donesian-ness.
po, 2015: 127). Yamin Sonnet's works are
increasingly popular and followed by his CONCLUSION
two younger siblings in AMS Solo who As an educational institution born in the
take care of the Poejangga Baru magazine, colonial era, AMS A I Eastern literature
Armijn Pane and Amir Hamzah. in Solo spelled out the successful spawn-
Since young have been thinking ing of many national figures who have
about the unity of Indonesia. In the Youth great attention to the problems of Indone-
Congress of October 26, 1926, Yamin sian nationality and culture. The curricu-
made a speech that Malay was more im- lum which was being taught and qualified
portant and brighter for his future being educative personnel is a major factor in
used as a language of unity. One of the the success of scoring the thinkers, poets

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 28(2), 2018

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of National History Seminar) at the Facul- Solo: Tri Tunggal Tata Fajar.
ty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada Soewidji. 1973. Kisah Nyata in Pinggir Jalan
University 14-16 December 2017. Thank Slamet Riyadi in Surakarta. Surakarta:
Yayasan Sastra Jawa/ Indonesia.
you for the inputs from the committee and

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