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> library(readxl)

> UKI_CJ <- read_excel("tugas semester 5/riset/INDIVIDU/UKI CJ.xlsx")

> View(UKI_CJ)

> attach(UKI_CJ)

> shapiro.test(`Suhu_Kering_(max)`)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Suhu_Kering_(max)

W = 0.93975, p-value = 0.01446

> shapiro.test(`Suhu_Basah_(min)`)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Suhu_Basah_(min)

W = 0.85683, p-value = 2.808e-05

> shapiro.test(Kelembaban)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Kelembaban

W = 0.90006, p-value = 0.0005518

> shapiro.test(Kelerengan)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Kelerengan
W = 0.95162, p-value = 0.04297

> shapiro.test(Ketinggian)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Ketinggian

W = 0.97474, p-value = 0.3696

> shapiro.test(JDSA)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: JDSA

W = 0.91393, p-value = 0.001617

> shapiro.test(Jml_Jns_Semai)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Jml_Jns_Semai

W = 0.81073, p-value = 1.892e-06

> shapiro.test(Jml_Jns_Pcg)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Jml_Jns_Pcg

W = 0.73948, p-value = 5.68e-08

> shapiro.test(Jml_Jns_Tng)
Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Jml_Jns_Tng

W = 0.82366, p-value = 3.87e-06

> shapiro.test(`Jml _Jns_Phn`)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Jml _Jns_Phn

W = 0.79627, p-value = 8.774e-07

> shapiro.test(Jumlah_Semai)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Jumlah_Semai

W = 0.76599, p-value = 1.938e-07

> shapiro.test(Jumlah_Pancang)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Jumlah_Pancang

W = 0.60566, p-value = 3.076e-10

> shapiro.test(Jumlah_Tiang)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Jumlah_Tiang

W = 0.8189, p-value = 2.964e-06

> shapiro.test(Jumlah_Pohon)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Jumlah_Pohon

W = 0.87318, p-value = 8.161e-05

> shapiro.test(Krptn_Semai)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Krptn_Semai

W = 0.76599, p-value = 1.938e-07

> shapiro.test(Krptn_Pcg)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Krptn_Pcg

W = 0.70074, p-value = 1.079e-08

> shapiro.test(Krptn_Tng)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Krptn_Tng

W = 0.8189, p-value = 2.964e-06

> shapiro.test(Krptn_Phn)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Krptn_Phn

W = 0.87318, p-value = 8.161e-05

> shapiro.test(Tinggi_Tiang)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Tinggi_Tiang

W = 0.90388, p-value = 0.0007373

> shapiro.test(Keliling_Tiang)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Keliling_Tiang

W = 0.89924, p-value = 0.0005188

> shapiro.test(Ttpn_Tajuk)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Ttpn_Tajuk

W = 0.90361, p-value = 0.0007225

> shapiro.test(Ttpn_Tb)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Ttpn_Tb

W = 0.9376, p-value = 0.01193

> shapiro.test(Vd_30)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Vd_30

W = 0.84329, p-value = 1.217e-05

> shapiro.test(Vd_100)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Vd_100

W = 0.96214, p-value = 0.1161

> shapiro.test(Vd_200)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Vd_200

W = 0.92591, p-value = 0.004329

> shapiro.test(Vd_300)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Vd_300

W = 0.82995, p-value = 5.542e-06

> shapiro.test(Kpdtn_Semak)

Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data: Kpdtn_Semak

W = 0.83249, p-value = 6.42e-06


> density(`Suhu_Kering_(max)`)


density.default(x = `Suhu_Kering_(max)`)

Data: Suhu_Kering_(max) (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.9252

x y

Min. :20.22 Min. :0.0001033

1st Qu.:23.86 1st Qu.:0.0123533

Median :27.50 Median :0.0613115

Mean :27.50 Mean :0.0686475

3rd Qu.:31.14 3rd Qu.:0.1080395

Max. :34.78 Max. :0.1829153

> density(`Suhu_Basah_(min)`)


density.default(x = `Suhu_Basah_(min)`)

Data: Suhu_Basah_(min) (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.6168

x y

Min. :20.15 Min. :0.0001498

1st Qu.:23.57 1st Qu.:0.0071838

Median :27.00 Median :0.0277259

Mean :27.00 Mean :0.0729122

3rd Qu.:30.43 3rd Qu.:0.1329410

Max. :33.85 Max. :0.2741351

> density(Kelembaban)

density.default(x = Kelembaban)

Data: Kelembaban (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 3.392

x y

Min. : 49.82 Min. :5.402e-05

1st Qu.: 64.91 1st Qu.:5.366e-03

Median : 80.00 Median :1.254e-02

Mean : 80.00 Mean :1.655e-02

3rd Qu.: 95.09 3rd Qu.:2.730e-02

Max. :110.18 Max. :4.520e-02

> density(Ketinggian)


density.default(x = Ketinggian)

Data: Ketinggian (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 13.82

x y

Min. : 64.55 Min. :7.557e-06

1st Qu.:118.28 1st Qu.:7.984e-04

Median :172.00 Median :4.323e-03

Mean :172.00 Mean :4.648e-03

3rd Qu.:225.72 3rd Qu.:7.584e-03

Max. :279.45 Max. :1.152e-02

> density(Kelerengan)


density.default(x = Kelerengan)
Data: Kelerengan (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 6.84

x y

Min. :-13.52 Min. :2.087e-05

1st Qu.: 11.74 1st Qu.:1.662e-03

Median : 37.00 Median :1.087e-02

Mean : 37.00 Mean :9.887e-03

3rd Qu.: 62.26 3rd Qu.:1.602e-02

Max. : 87.52 Max. :2.235e-02

> density(JDSA)


density.default(x = JDSA)

Data: JDSA (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 69.76

x y

Min. :-206.28 Min. :1.351e-06

1st Qu.: 55.61 1st Qu.:1.564e-04

Median : 317.50 Median :9.070e-04

Mean : 317.50 Mean :9.535e-04

3rd Qu.: 579.39 3rd Qu.:1.524e-03

Max. : 841.28 Max. :2.575e-03

> density(Jml_Jns_Semai)


density.default(x = Jml_Jns_Semai)

Data: Jml_Jns_Semai (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.509

x y

Min. :-1.5269 Min. :0.0001798

1st Qu.: 0.4865 1st Qu.:0.0195041

Median : 2.5000 Median :0.0862258

Mean : 2.5000 Mean :0.1239704

3rd Qu.: 4.5135 3rd Qu.:0.2097694

Max. : 6.5269 Max. :0.3774560

> density(Jml_Jns_Pcg)


density.default(x = Jml_Jns_Pcg)

Data: Jml_Jns_Pcg (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.3084

x y

Min. :-0.9252 Min. :0.0002972

1st Qu.: 0.5374 1st Qu.:0.0101534

Median : 2.0000 Median :0.0661068

Mean : 2.0000 Mean :0.1706692

3rd Qu.: 3.4626 3rd Qu.:0.3332486

Max. : 4.9252 Max. :0.6369048

> density(Jml_Jns_Tng)


density.default(x = Jml_Jns_Tng)

Data: Jml_Jns_Tng (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.307

x y

Min. :-0.9210 Min. :0.0002979

1st Qu.: 0.2895 1st Qu.:0.0280182

Median : 1.5000 Median :0.1848576

Mean : 1.5000 Mean :0.2062413

3rd Qu.: 2.7105 3rd Qu.:0.3316773

Max. : 3.9210 Max. :0.6658215

> density(`Jml _Jns_Phn`)


density.default(x = `Jml _Jns_Phn`)

Data: Jml _Jns_Phn (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.3084

x y

Min. :-0.9252 Min. :0.0008916

1st Qu.: 0.5374 1st Qu.:0.0547958

Median : 2.0000 Median :0.0801060

Mean : 2.0000 Mean :0.1706872

3rd Qu.: 3.4626 3rd Qu.:0.2731724

Max. : 4.9252 Max. :0.6361894

> density(Jumlah_Semai)


density.default(x = Jumlah_Semai)

Data: Jumlah_Semai (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.9252

x y

Min. :-2.775 Min. :9.906e-05

1st Qu.: 1.612 1st Qu.:8.556e-03

Median : 6.000 Median :2.958e-02

Mean : 6.000 Mean :5.689e-02

3rd Qu.:10.388 3rd Qu.:6.241e-02

Max. :14.775 Max. :2.402e-01

> density(Jumlah_Pancang)


density.default(x = Jumlah_Pancang)

Data: Jumlah_Pancang (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.6168

x y

Min. :-1.850 Min. :0.0001493

1st Qu.: 2.575 1st Qu.:0.0066521

Median : 7.000 Median :0.0118933

Mean : 7.000 Mean :0.0564095

3rd Qu.:11.425 3rd Qu.:0.0475589

Max. :15.850 Max. :0.3337056

> density(Jumlah_Tiang)


density.default(x = Jumlah_Tiang)

Data: Jumlah_Tiang (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.9252

x y

Min. :-2.775 Min. :0.0001012

1st Qu.: 1.112 1st Qu.:0.0170433

Median : 5.000 Median :0.0260615

Mean : 5.000 Mean :0.0642161

3rd Qu.: 8.888 3rd Qu.:0.1146121

Max. :12.775 Max. :0.1945943

> density(Jumlah_Pohon)

density.default(x = Jumlah_Pohon)

Data: Jumlah_Pohon (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 1.098

x y

Min. :-3.294 Min. :8.324e-05

1st Qu.: 1.103 1st Qu.:8.240e-03

Median : 5.500 Median :2.979e-02

Mean : 5.500 Mean :5.678e-02

3rd Qu.: 9.897 3rd Qu.:1.133e-01

Max. :14.294 Max. :1.576e-01

> density(Krptn_Semai)


density.default(x = Krptn_Semai)

Data: Krptn_Semai (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.2313

x y

Min. :-0.6939 Min. :0.0003963

1st Qu.: 0.4031 1st Qu.:0.0342251

Median : 1.5000 Median :0.1183089

Mean : 1.5000 Mean :0.2275521

3rd Qu.: 2.5969 3rd Qu.:0.2496309

Max. : 3.6939 Max. :0.9606582

> density(Krptn_Pcg)


density.default(x = Krptn_Pcg)
Data: Krptn_Pcg (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.03084

x y

Min. :-0.09252 Min. :0.002978

1st Qu.: 0.09374 1st Qu.:0.159701

Median : 0.28000 Median :0.263945

Mean : 0.28000 Mean :1.340180

3rd Qu.: 0.46626 3rd Qu.:1.870046

Max. : 0.65252 Max. :6.291902

> density(Krptn_Tng)


density.default(x = Krptn_Tng)

Data: Krptn_Tng (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.009252

x y

Min. :-0.02775 Min. : 0.01012

1st Qu.: 0.01112 1st Qu.: 1.70433

Median : 0.05000 Median : 2.60615

Mean : 0.05000 Mean : 6.42161

3rd Qu.: 0.08888 3rd Qu.:11.46121

Max. : 0.12775 Max. :19.45943

> density(Krptn_Phn)


density.default(x = Krptn_Phn)

Data: Krptn_Phn (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.002745

x y
Min. :-0.008234 Min. : 0.03329

1st Qu.: 0.002758 1st Qu.: 3.29615

Median : 0.013750 Median :11.91647

Mean : 0.013750 Mean :22.71206

3rd Qu.: 0.024742 3rd Qu.:45.32184

Max. : 0.035734 Max. :63.04660

> density(Tinggi_Tiang)


density.default(x = Tinggi_Tiang)

Data: Tinggi_Tiang (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 1.951

x y

Min. :-5.8534 Min. :5.199e-05

1st Qu.: 0.8233 1st Qu.:8.558e-03

Median : 7.5000 Median :4.836e-02

Mean : 7.5000 Mean :3.739e-02

3rd Qu.:14.1767 3rd Qu.:5.831e-02

Max. :20.8534 Max. :7.115e-02

> density(Keliling_Tiang)


density.default(x = Keliling_Tiang)

Data: Keliling_Tiang (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 7.905

x y

Min. :-23.716 Min. :1.995e-05

1st Qu.: 2.642 1st Qu.:2.589e-03

Median : 29.000 Median :1.144e-02

Mean : 29.000 Mean :9.471e-03

3rd Qu.: 55.358 3rd Qu.:1.517e-02

Max. : 81.716 Max. :1.724e-02

> density(Ttpn_Tajuk)


density.default(x = Ttpn_Tajuk)

Data: Ttpn_Tajuk (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 11.54

x y

Min. :-34.614 Min. :8.591e-06

1st Qu.: 7.693 1st Qu.:1.315e-03

Median : 50.000 Median :4.514e-03

Mean : 50.000 Mean :5.902e-03

3rd Qu.: 92.307 3rd Qu.:1.019e-02

Max. :134.614 Max. :1.469e-02

> density(Ttpn_Tb)


density.default(x = Ttpn_Tb)

Data: Ttpn_Tb (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 11.53

x y

Min. :-34.6 Min. :9.635e-06

1st Qu.: 7.7 1st Qu.:1.273e-03

Median : 50.0 Median :5.049e-03

Mean : 50.0 Mean :5.904e-03

3rd Qu.: 92.3 3rd Qu.:1.012e-02

Max. :134.6 Max. :1.410e-02

> density(Vd_30)


density.default(x = Vd_30)

Data: Vd_30 (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 9.252

x y

Min. :-27.75 Min. :1.742e-05

1st Qu.: 11.12 1st Qu.:1.426e-03

Median : 50.00 Median :2.984e-03

Mean : 50.00 Mean :6.422e-03

3rd Qu.: 88.88 3rd Qu.:1.205e-02

Max. :127.75 Max. :1.882e-02

> density(Vd_100)


density.default(x = Vd_100)

Data: Vd_100 (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 10.25

x y

Min. :-26.83 Min. :1.674e-05

1st Qu.: 10.43 1st Qu.:1.389e-03

Median : 47.68 Median :7.581e-03

Mean : 47.68 Mean :6.704e-03

3rd Qu.: 84.93 3rd Qu.:1.102e-02

Max. :122.18 Max. :1.399e-02

> density(Vd_200)


density.default(x = Vd_200)

Data: Vd_200 (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 9.191

x y

Min. :-27.573 Min. :2.038e-05

1st Qu.: 5.588 1st Qu.:1.874e-03

Median : 38.750 Median :6.620e-03

Mean : 38.750 Mean :7.530e-03

3rd Qu.: 71.912 3rd Qu.:1.224e-02

Max. :105.073 Max. :1.735e-02

> density(Vd_300)

density.default(x = Vd_300)

Data: Vd_300 (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 9.734

x y

Min. :-29.203 Min. :9.395e-06

1st Qu.: 9.711 1st Qu.:9.587e-04

Median : 48.625 Median :3.570e-03

Mean : 48.625 Mean :6.416e-03

3rd Qu.: 87.539 3rd Qu.:9.029e-03

Max. :126.453 Max. :2.252e-02

> density(Kpdtn_Semak)


density.default(x = Kpdtn_Semak)

Data: Kpdtn_Semak (49 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 81.87

x y

Min. :-245.6 Min. :1.120e-06

1st Qu.: 131.6 1st Qu.:7.021e-05

Median : 508.8 Median :2.540e-04

Mean : 508.8 Mean :6.618e-04

3rd Qu.: 886.1 3rd Qu.:1.110e-03

Max. :1263.3 Max. :2.343e-03


> plot(density(`Suhu_Kering_(max)`))

> plot(density(`Suhu_Basah_(min)`))

> plot(density(Kelembaban))

> plot(density(Ketinggian))

> plot(density(Kelerengan))

> plot(density(JDSA))

> plot(density(Jml_Jns_Semai))

> plot(density(Jml_Jns_Pcg))

> plot(density(Jml_Jns_Tng))

> plot(density(`Jml _Jns_Phn`))

> plot(density(Jumlah_Semai))

> plot(density(Jumlah_Pancang))

> plot(density(Jumlah_Tiang))

> plot(density(Jumlah_Pohon))

> plot(density(Krptn_Semai))

> plot(density(Krptn_Pcg))

> plot(density(Krptn_Tng))

> plot(density(Krptn_Phn))

> plot(density(Tinggi_Tiang))

> plot(density(Keliling_Tiang))

> plot(density(Ttpn_Tajuk))

> plot(density(Ttpn_Tb))

> plot(density(Vd_30))

> plot(density(Vd_100))

> plot(density(Vd_200))

> plot(density(Vd_300))

> plot(density(Kpdtn_Semak))

> boxplot(`Suhu_Kering_(max)`~Petak)

> boxplot(`Suhu_Basah_(min)`~Petak)

> boxplot(Kelembaban~Petak)
> boxplot(Ketinggian~Petak)

> boxplot(Kelerengan~Petak)

> boxplot(JDSA~Petak)

> boxplot(Jml_Jns_Semai~Petak)

> boxplot(Jml_Jns_Pcg~Petak)

> boxplot(Jml_Jns_Tng~Petak)

> boxplot(`Jml _Jns_Phn`~Petak)

> boxplot(Jumlah_Semai~Petak)

> boxplot(Jumlah_Pancang~Petak)

> boxplot(Jumlah_Tiang~Petak)

> boxplot(Jumlah_Pohon~Petak)

> boxplot(Krptn_Semai~Petak)

> boxplot(Krptn_Pcg~Petak)

> boxplot(Krptn_Tng~Petak)

> boxplot(Krptn_Phn~Petak)

> boxplot(Tinggi_Tiang~Petak)

> boxplot(Keliling_Tiang~Petak)

> boxplot(Ttpn_Tajuk~Petak)

> boxplot(Ttpn_Tb~Petak)

> boxplot(Vd_30~Petak)

> boxplot(Vd_100~Petak)

> boxplot(Vd_200~Petak)

> boxplot(Vd_300~Petak)

> boxplot(Kpdtn_Semak~Petak)

> modelreg=glm(`Cekakak jawa`~`Jml _Jns_Phn`+Jumlah_Pancang+Jumlah_Pohon+Krptn_Pcg,family

= gaussian())

> summary(modelreg)


glm(formula = `Cekakak jawa` ~ `Jml _Jns_Phn` + Jumlah_Pancang +

Jumlah_Pohon + Krptn_Pcg, family = gaussian())

Deviance Residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-0.85727 -0.14065 -0.04653 0.07073 1.07073


Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept) 0.001017 0.091723 0.011 0.99120

`Jml _Jns_Phn` -0.142208 0.057683 -2.465 0.01766 *

Jumlah_Pancang -0.201377 0.077200 -2.609 0.01238 *

Jumlah_Pohon 0.070459 0.023939 2.943 0.00517 **

Krptn_Pcg 5.603338 1.808789 3.098 0.00339 **


Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 0.1163523)

Null deviance: 8.0000 on 48 degrees of freedom

Residual deviance: 5.1195 on 44 degrees of freedom

AIC: 40.377

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2


> coplot(`Cekakak jawa`~`Jml _Jns_Phn`|`Jml _Jns_Phn`,panel = panel.smooth)

> coplot(`Cekakak jawa`~Jumlah_Pancang|Jumlah_Pancang,panel = panel.smooth)

> coplot(`Cekakak jawa`~Jumlah_Pohon|Jumlah_Pohon,panel = panel.smooth)

> coplot(`Cekakak jawa`~Krptn_Pcg|Krptn_Pcg,panel = panel.smooth)

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