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A Comprehensive Study about Mental Health Effects of Modular Distance

Learning to some ABM 12 students in San Jose City National High School -
Senior High School

Group Members:

Akira Zyra O. Colllado

Samantha M. Loria

Althea V. Mendoza

Adrean G. Padilla

Rochelle F. Quinto

Dencel V. Verdarero


First Quarter

S.Y 2021-2022

Research Adviser

Mr. Deomel Caballero

November, 2021


According to Carry (1994) "the modular approach uses programmed

materials which are carefully organized in a logical sequence through which the learner
advance sat his own pace with each of his responses confirmed or corrected immediately.”
COVID-19 pandemic has highly affected our society because of its health risks that may
lead to danger. One of the affected sectors was education and it resulted to the suspension
of classes in order to avoid the spread of the virus. Despite of these challenging situations,
the Department of Education still managed to continue the classes through online conduct
setting. Education helps people think, show their emotions, feel about things in a way that
benefits to their success, and improves not only their own personal contentment but also
their society and community. Also, education develops the individual‟s personality,
thoughts, that deals with other people and prepares anybody for the purpose of the reality
and life experiences (Al- Shuaibi, 2014). Face-to-face learning usually where the instructor
and the student meet in a set place for a set time, for either one-on-one learning or, most
commonly, in gathering class lessons comparable to what happens in school. Face to face
learning could be a truly compelling way to memorize information and abilities since it
frequently combines distinctive ways of learning to count writing, reading,
discussion, presentations, projects, group work, film clips, demonstration and practice
(Jones, 2017). Online learning is the most up to date and the most prevalent form of
distance education nowadays. In the past decade, it has a major effect on
postsecondary education and the trend is only increasing. Online learning is an instruction
that takes put over the Internet. It is frequently referred to as “e-learning” among other
terms. However, online learning is fair one sort of “distance learning” - the umbrella term
for any learning that takes put over distance and not in a traditional classroom
(Stern, 2016). Modules permit instructors to organize content to assist control the flow of
the course.Modules are utilized to organize course content by weeks, units, or a
diverse organizational structure. Modules basically make a one-directional direct flow of
what students ought to do in a course. Each module can contain records,
discussions, assignments, tests, and other learning materials. Module things can be
included in the course from existing content or modern content shells inside the modules.
Course content can be included in different modules or iterated several times throughout
a person module (Anthony, 2015). This study will research the Effective platform for the
learning delivery modality in Grade 12 students of SJCNHS. The study will also measure
the advantages and disadvantages of modular learning through the effect of printed
modules for the Grade 12 students of SJCNHS. Different platforms and the effectivity will
be also find based on the Grade 12 student’s academic performance.

Modular learning, as the name implies, employs learning modules that

allow students to learn on their own. Modular learning is a type of distant learning that
use Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the essential learning
competencies (MELCS) created by teachers with the assistance of curriculum developers.
Sections on motivation and assessment are included in the modules, and they serve
as guides for teachers and students in achieving targeted competencies. Teachers can
use feedback mechanisms to track student progress and identify students who need
additional help. Distance Learning also need to use technologies. In the early days of
distance education, radio and television were the media used to conduct educational
activities. Currently, the methods have extended to the internet, email, software, video
tapes, cameras, etc. In comparison, instructors and student may choose to use technology
in a conventional classroom teaching but it is optional. Bruce et al. (2005) suggest the web
has the ability to provide students interactions and multiple paths for learning. Learners
can have greater control over information access, individualized pacing and timing and
with more support in the inquiry process. Lebaron and Miller (2005) advocate the vast
possibilities offered by effective online design: entry to a global range of resources, 24/7
interaction within purposeful learning community, covience access for reflective dialogue.
The COVID-19 outbreak has forced the school to cease face-to-face learning for students
and teachers. This epidemic has cleared the path for the adoption of Modular Distance
Learning as an immediate response to assure educational continuity. The Philippines is
currently transitioning to a new normal type of education, and educators' constant
creativity and active participation from other stakeholders are the driving forces behind its

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