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Name(s): &-)'On 0Jhwle z../f?G

How Do Genes Determine Skin Color?
Introduction: This case explores how skin color is inherited in humans. The presentation for this case is located at

Answer the questions as they are presented to you in the story of Catherine and Richard Howarth whose children
are suprisingly light skinned compared to their Nigerian mother.

1. If skin color were inherited in a simple dominant or recessive pattern, like seed color in pea plants. What would
be the genotypes of dark- skinned parents that could produce fair-skinned children? . I~
1):: ~ '~m &fqrk-J ::::~ -the No\--\ --e.:, Dl\JS-\- r.o'(e ,eumve. gene ru
d~ '(fU££,ve [ -fo.,-rJ. ~ uce ,,9h-l--- sk\n~ ~VZJ
2. What other traits are likely to be controlled by multiple genes?

-sw~, s,-z.e ox,c\ c.olif 0t 'o:cl.t:J feo..~(ne:,,,,vl~'fS)°0C£e) \0-e~+)e-lc.)

3. What color skin would a person with AaBbCc genotype have?


4. Examine the genotypes shown, there is a pattern that explains why polygenes are called "ADDITIVE ." What is the

Eb€h·,~m ~ne ffW1,rr, n~bni~ (dctrktr \St-in cokr)

5. What genotypes would you assign to Jonah and Sophia?

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10/31/2019 How Do Genes Determine Skin Color

6. Create five offspring by flipping your coins and record them on the table.



7. What do each of the colored circles on the _chart represent? J" I .

- wh1+edot~ repr:e&btr recerc1ve 3enes ¢ b (O{..~ doD t.e,ff'B.3-e.nt aantrJ(()IJf
8. What genotypes and phenotypes are possible in their offspring?
- MJ;bCc
9. Do you agree with this quote? Explain your reasoning using your understanding of the genetics of skin color.

-N?, lttQllt£ it -\-he ~Qne \~ ~~ive.{CK hex--H- rr6'j be dom,nt\nt

,n the lall't?Y '-v~ch prcdc<t-d lt9hf--sk-'tmtc/ d~'r:t].

10. Summarize ke vocabulary:

fli a) Dominant and Recessive L

ti _C+~ ~oe ¾+ \S ex?~ c;::,ho~ s)
-- ihe IIE +hfr- gels hdrJc:11
b) Polygenic (Quantitative) Inheritance / J , L
- a ~s,'f!j_\ /-€Q4ure +hctf a:nl-ro /ea by 1rHAl·-rpe gJhfS

c) Melanin

-µcle in +haf-@rves ovr 6J-!- in pynerrt {eo fc,J

d) Genotype and Phenotype

!}f!rt'/L rn11~p {Bb)

t>h--,s\CCJ} teah.r{S'lbl:)wn ettf~)
e) Heterozygote

·=...v-r+ tJJr: d /or ct

n lLr.l.'Vt
(9ft' aom,,
:u /I ) .
(t)f '/J-
f l ({tl~\.e Ct£llf!
fD"Wbr ~ifvre

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