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Speaking 303


Students take this final speaking exam individually. This exam includes ten topics with a
threepart design. Each student has 20 seconds for self-introduction in Part 1 before proceeding
to Part
2, for which students are required to present a topic. There are suggested follow-up questions
Part 3, but the examiner can vary the questions.
1. Talk about changes in your intentions or plans. You should include:
+ what your change of intention(s) or plans was
+ when it happened
+ explaining the reason(s) for the changes
+ how it has affected your life
+ showing your regret or satisfaction about your changes

2 months ago. I had a plan to return to my hometown, but due to the complicated situation of the
covid19 epidemic, so far I have not had the opportunity to implement this plan. Now I am
missing my grandparents. I'm so sorry I didn't come back sooner
Cách đây 2 tháng tôi có dự định về quê nhưng do tình hình dịch bệnh covid19 diễn biến phức tạp
nên đến nay tôi vẫn chưa có cơ hội thực hiện kế hoạch này. Bây giờ tôi đang nhớ ông bà ngoại
và tôi. Tôi rất tiếc vì tôi đã không quay lại sớm hơn

2. Talk about a holiday in Vietnam, your hometown, or in another country. You should include:
+ name of the holiday
+ purpose
+ typical food, music, or clothing
+ other traditions if possible
+ whether you like it or not and the reasons
My country has a lot of holidays but the one that makes me feel the happiest is New Year's Day.
on this day you will be free to have fun decorating your home, get together with your family to
visit the people you and give them your best wishes, Tet is the best holiday
Đất nước mình có rất nhiều ngày lễ nhưng điều khiến mình cảm thấy vui nhất là ngày tết, ngày
này bạn sẽ được tự do vui vẻ trang trí nhà cửa và cùng gia đình đi thăm những người mình yêu
thương. Nếu lâu ngày không gặp nhau và dành những lời chúc tốt đẹp nhất thì Tết là ngày lễ
tuyệt vời nhất.

3. Talk about your reading habits. You should include:

+ when you started the habit
+ what you read
+ how often you read
+ why you decided to read
+ how your reading habits help you with your student life
+ provide some suggestions about reading habits to be a better reader

Actually, I don't have a habit of reading books, I just watch and read books but it is a way to help
me relax after a working day. Reading helps me a lot in life reading helps me make up for what I
lack and makes my reading more fluent. you should also read books because books can change
your mind

Thực ra tôi không có thói quen đọc sách, tôi chỉ xem và đọc sách nhưng đó là cách giúp tôi thư
giãn sau một ngày làm việc. Đọc sách giúp tôi rất nhiều trong cuộc sống Đọc sách giúp tôi bù
đắp những gì tôi còn thiếu và làm cho việc đọc của tôi trôi chảy hơn. bạn cũng nên đọc sách vì
sách có thể thay đổi suy nghĩ của bạn

4. Talk about a (natural) disaster you know or hear of. You should include:
+ type of the disaster
+ place
+ event
+ property damages and/or casualties
+ showing sympathy/ reactions to the news

I have heard about the double disaster in Japan in 2011 including earthquake
and tsunami what was left after the disaster was a pile of rubble and countless
deaths. I feel very sorry for their plight. Thank you for letting me be born in

5. Talk about what you should do for a medical appointment. You should include:
+ description of your symptoms
+ day and time of the appointment
+ other possible days and times
+ contact information (name, phone number, and place of living)

about 2 months ago i had an appointment with my doctor the day before i had
a very high fever and my parents were very worried about me so they made
an appointment for me to see the doctor the next day around 8:00 he is Mr.
Hoang. When he came to the clinic, he checked my health and gave me
medicine. After I went to the doctor, I felt better

6. You are going to visit a friend in a foreign country. You are not pretty sure about the customs
there, and you do not want to upset your friend’s family just because of your lack of cultural
literacy. Talk about your friend’s local customs. You should include:
+ how to greet
+ day and time of your visit
+ expressing your eagerness about your trip
+ talking about ways to greet others, dining etiquettes, codes of photo taking, clothing at a
religious site
+ what dos and don’ts foreign visitors should be noticed

I was planning to visit a friend abroad at around 7 o'clock tomorrow but I

don't know anything about their greeting culture so I called and asked my
friend how I could communicated. talking to other people he replied you just
say hello or hi because they hate being touched by other people now i'm
really looking forward to meeting my friend

7. Talk about a Vietnamese wedding that you are invited to. You should include:
+ greeting
+ the wedding’s date
+ exchanging information about wedding preparation and wedding ceremony
(where to celebrate the wedding, what the bride and groom do during the party and dress
code for guests)
+ what dos and don’ts guests should be noticed

I received a wedding invitation letter from a teacher of mine the wedding will
take place around 4pm I went there and sent a greeting card to my teacher.
Wedding in Vietnam is the most important day in everyone's life. Before the
wedding, many things must be prepared such as food, drinks, tables and
chairs, and musical performances. usually the people who come to the
wedding will give the bride and groom a blessing song

8. Talk about new technology. You should include:

+ what the item is
+ its brand-name
+ its features and functions are
+ expressing what you think about it
Currently we have a new technology product of apple company that is the
iphone13, this is a very popular phone line today. Its use is to help you
contact distant friends with video calls, moreover, it can entertain you with
funny clips on the internet and this phone is also equipped with a frame
recognition feature. the face of the owner of the phone

9. Talk about text messaging while driving. You should include:

+ what you think about it
+ discussing safety issues
+ giving examples of why you think it is good or bad
+ addressing solutions (if any)

for me texting while driving is against the law because then you can cause a
traffic accident and maybe you will die for example you are driving on a
crowded road but you don't pay attention to the road just pay attention to the
phone you will not be able to see the objects in front of you and you will
cause a traffic accident. you can stop to text and then you can continue don't
text while driving

10. Talk about ways to reduce global warming. You should include:
+ some common causes of global warming
+ some harmful effects of global warming you know
+ specific examples
+ some solutions recommended by scientists
+ what you choose to do to protect the environment

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