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Student name: Phạm Thiên Phước Student ID number: 31211026375


Unit name: Unit number:

Tutorial/Lecture: Business Communications Class day and time: Wed and Thurs
Lecturer or Tutor name: Mr. Saram


Title: Learning Portfolio 5

Length: 136 words Due date: 19/3/2022 Date submitted: 17/3/2022


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Student’s signature: Phạm Thiên Phước

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Portfolio Questions

1. Choose an example of an infomercial. Identify the persuasion tactics used in the

infomercial. What story does the infomercial tell?

 Biti's Hunter has just published an ad titled "Proud Inspiration from Vietnam's Central
Region in the Stone" in response to the #ProudlyMadeInVietnam campaign, which
explores the depth and beauty of the dignity of the people in the central region.

Cảm hứng tự hào từ Miền Trung Hoa trong đá - Biti's Hunter Street X VIETMAX 2021. 
(2021, October 8). YouTube. 

 Persuasion tactics: The persuasion tactic of this infomercial is that they use the picture
of Central people and their lifestyle to inspire the audience with the pride and the
beauty of dignity, amity, modesty of the central people. 1 pair of shoes – 3 diverse
variations from Low-Top to Mid-Top & Mid-Top Reverse inspired by the unique culture
from the Central region.

 What story does the infomercial tell?

The infomercial tells a story about Central people with a lovely lifestyle maintained from
ancient times to the present. The inspiration converges from optimism, talent & pride in the
Central region's identity. With the depth, the beauty of Central people’s dignity, and the

inspiration of Central culture, they create Biti’s Hunter street Blooming Central. Through
traditional values that reflect the times' ongoing growth, Central region - like a flower
blooming from rocks - its harsh exterior contains heritage quintessence; The extreme
poverty only elucidates the truth - goodness - beauty in people. 

2. How can you create an audience-friendly report? Explain.

To construct an audience-friendly report, we have to pay attention not only to the report's
emphasis and development, but also to the linguistic, grammar, and communicating style in
order to make the content appealing and easy to transmit to audiences. The following are
some ideas for making reports more interesting to the audience:

 Making a strong first impression by making an appealing cover sheet with a clear title,
colour, and sensible layout to gain the audience's attention.
 Using straightforward, basic, and simple language. Take notice of the grammar and
double-check that you're using the proper tenses. Avoid using jargon or emotive
language that highlights personal sentiments. Concentrate on the most crucial details
you want to convey to keep the report from becoming too lengthy.
 Using a defined format, ensure that reports contain the right design, perception,
semantics, and standardization. This not only improves the report's readability and
approachability but also provides it with a good presence.

3. Discuss suggestions for coping with speaker anxiety in online meetings

Before online meetings  During online meetings After online meetings

- Be well prepared and -Maintain a calm mood and -Review your

rehearse as much as possible. speak clearly. performance
-Ensure the information is -Believe in yourself. -Take note the important
accurate. -Maintain a constant stare on information
-Checking software meetings, the screen. -Improve for the next
connection stability, camera -Respond spontaneously to meeting
and microphone . the questions.
-Concentrating on the
conversation and interacting
with the audience

Portfolio Reflection 

Provide 120 to 150 words of reflection on your learning from any two (2) portfolio
questions. You may reflect by connecting what you learnt from these questions to prior
knowledge, past experiences, or recent perceptions/assumptions. Use the following as

Prior to taking these classes, I realised that most of my previous reports were written in a
complicated way. In addition, I was unable to control my emotions and was often

apprehensive before a presentation. I learned how an infomercial tells a story and how to
approach people with appealing stories in the prior lesson. I, myself, also learned how to
write an audience-friendly report and a satisfaction report, as well as how to connect with
the audience and provide advice to presenters to assist them to avoid anxiety during online
meetings. Therefore, I can deal with the anxiety that comes with speaking in public by using
what I've learned from the textbook. To sum up, I want to put these amazing knowledge and
perspectives into practice and apply them to my daily life more frequently.


Braun, K., Locker, K.O., & Kaczmarek, S.K. (2016). Business communication: Building critical
skills. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Ed.

Cheesebro, T., & O'Connor, L. (2010). Communicating in the workplace. Prentice Hall.

Cảm hứng tự hào từ Miền Trung Hoa trong đá - Biti's Hunter Street X VIETMAX 2021 .  (2021,
October 8). YouTube. 

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