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1, The role of communication in the management of the business?

 Communication is the lifeblood of the business. No business can develop in the absence
of an effective communication system.

 Communication is the mortar that holds an organization together, whatever its business
or its size.

 When people within the organization communicate with each other, it is internal
communication, and when people in the organization communicate with anyone outside
the organization it is called external communication.

 Ability to work well in teams, to manage your subordinates and your relationship with
seniors, customers and colleagues depend on your communication skill.

2, How to speak assertively in business contexts?

 Get to the point (use SER)

1. State your core message
2. Elaborate: Give reasons. Show benefits. Give a one-line example if possible.
Offer a brief quote from a credible source. Cite a study that offers compelling
3. Repeat your message., and state clearly what you want the client to do.
 State your position clearly and logically.
 Target the issue, not the person.
 Be specific and factual. Do not generalise.
 Speak from your own viewpoint, only
 Use appropriate nonverbal signals.

3. The importance and Techniques for effective impromptu speaking in job

interviews. Give examples for illustration.

 The importance of Impromptu speech:

- Improve your oral expression of thought

- Develop your communication skills

- Develop confidence in public speaking

- Learn to “Think on Your Feet”

 Techniques:

1. Listen:

 Listen carefully to the question / speech topic.

 Make sure you understand the topic.

 Ask for the question to be repeated: This ensures that you understand it. It also gives
you a little more time to prepare.

2. Prepare: Take your time getting ready to speak, You may be given a short time to
collect your thoughts. If not, as you are walking from your seat to the front, use this time to
prepare as much as possible. Whatever time you have, use it to prepare an outline.

3. Relax:

 Take 1 or 2 deep breaths before starting to speak.

 Pause briefly before speaking.

 Tell yourself that you can be successful.

4. Act Confidently:

 Look at the audience and smile.

 Stand with good posture.

5. Speak Slowly and Smoothly:

 This gives you time to think as you speak.

 Your audience will be able to listen to you better.

 This helps you reduce fillers (umms and aahs)

6. Focus

 Focus on your subject.

 Be brief.

 Use the speech techniques you have learned, especially maintaining good eye contact.

 Make your conclusion memorable: The final part of your speech will make the most
impact on your audience

Some other tips: smile, use ur energy, don't apologize, Tell a story, capture the first
thought, make a pause, avoid filler, and remember to give a summary.

4. Definition and The requirements of an effective elevator speech

Definition: An elevator pitch (also known as an “elevator speech” or “elevator statement”)

is a short presentation that is intended to convince a conversation partner of a project or
business idea. The term isn’t essentially about the location of the presentation, but the
length: the few seconds or minutes of an average trip in an elevator.

Requierments: An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to spark
interest in what your organization does. You can also use them to create interest in a
project, idea, or product – or in yourself. A good elevator pitch should last no longer than a
short elevator ride of 20 to 30 seconds, hence the name, They should be interesting,
memorable, and succinct. They also need to explain what makes you – or your
organization, product, or idea – unique. A successful elevator pitch will end with an
exchange of contact information and an invitation to a personal meeting. To this end, you
need to arouse the interest of your potential employer or investor so that they want to hear
more about you or your business idea

5. The steps in planning a job interview

There are six strategies for planning an interview:

 State the purpose,

 Get information about the other party,

 Decide the structure, consider possible questions,

 Plan the physical setting and

 Anticipate problems.

6. How to make your paragraphs in written business communication more attractive

and effective? Characteristics of good paragraphs.

All effective written communication has some characteristics in common:

+ Purposeful: Write to solve problems and convey information

+ Persuasive

+ Economical: present ideas clearly but concisely

+ Audience oriented: concentrating on looking at the problem from the perspective of the
+ Clarity and conciseness: stick to the point and doesn’t meander around or include lots of
extraneous information.

+ Correctness - To be effective, written communication should use the correct tone,

inoffensive language, and appropriate grammar.

7. The elements of communication process:

Seven major elements of communication process are: (1) sender (2) messages (3) encoding
(4) communication channel (5) receiver (6) decoding and (7) feedback.

(1) Sender:
The person who intends to convey the message with the intention of passing
information and ideas to others is known as sender or communicator.

(2) Ideas: This is the subject matter of the communication. This may be an opinion,
attitude, feelings, views, orders, or suggestions.

(3) Encoding:
Since the subject matter of communication is theoretical and intangible, its further
passing requires use of certain symbols such as words, actions or pictures etc.
Conversion of subject matter into these symbols is the process of encoding.

(4) Communication Channel:

The person who is interested in communicating has to choose the channel for
sending the required information, ideas etc. This information is transmitted to the
receiver through certain channels which may be either formal or informal.

(5) Receiver:
Receiver is the person who receives the message or for whom the message is meant
for. It is the receiver who tries to understand the message in the best possible manner
in achieving the desired objectives.

(6) Decoding:
The person who receives the message or symbol from the communicator tries to
convert the same in such a way so that he may extract its meaning to his complete

(7) Feedback:
Feedback is the process of ensuring that the receiver has received the message and
understood in the same sense as sender meant it.

(8) Brain drain: On whole process there is a possibility of misunderstandings at any

level and is called brain drain. It may arise on sender side if they do not choose the
adequate medium for delivery of message, by using default channel and it may also
arise when receiver does properly decode the message. In other words, we can say
that it is breakdown of cycle at any level.

8. The definition of communication and the role of feedback in communication

>> Communication may be defined as an interchange of thought or information between

two or more persons to bring about mutual understanding and desired action. It is the
information exchange by words or symbols. It is the exchange of facts, ideas, and
viewpoints that bring about the commonness of interest, purpose, efforts.

The role of feedback in communication

9. Write notes on overall tone in written communication.

10. The barriers to effective communication and give some solutions to overcome

1. Wrong Choice of Medium

2. Physical Barriers: Noise, time, and distance.

3. Semantic barriers: Interpretation of the word, Bypassed instructions, Denotation &


4. Socio-Psychological Barriers: Attitude and opinions, Emotions, Closed mind, status

consciousness, The source of information, Faulty transmission, poor retention.

11,Seven Cs of Oral Communication:

1. Clear: An oral communication become effective when the message is clear for the
audience or receiver as the sender wants to convey. Oral messages are often misunderstood
because the speaker does not talk distinctly. So, for this purpose clear pronunciation is very
much required. To minimize this kind of problem a speaker tries to workout on different,
lengthy, and unusual words for clear pronunciation.

2. Concise: Many people enjoy while talking and sometimes oral communication suffers
from the problem of over-communication. But when the speaker keeps on talking for long,
his/her message will be distracted. So it will be advisable to speakers to try to keep the
message as brief as possible without changing the real message.

3. Complete: Like written communication in oral communication also, completeness

required. While communicating with others makes sure that you have paid attention to the
below questions. Checking for the five w’s questions Who where when what why.

4. Correct: In oral communication, correctness means the source of information or from

where you get information is the right or trustworthy source. Because if your source of
information is correct than the others generate faith in the speakers and listen to them
5. Concrete: For making oral communication effectively speakers should use specific facts
and ideas and also avoid exaggerating any information. They try to choose appropriate
word which are not affecting a particular individual, society, culture, or nation.

6. Courtesy: Courtesy involves you-attitude. Use polite words for oral communication.
Tries to avoid irritating expression, sincerely apologies for any mistake, do not use any
discriminatory expressions which are related to individual people, race, ethics, origin,
physical appearance etc.

7. Candid: When the speaker chooses the candid approaches, its mean that their message
should be straight, open, frank, outspoken. But not hurting particular individual.

12. Things a candidate should prepare in advance in order to have a successful


 Ensuring Professional Phone Techniques

 Making the First Conversation Impressive
 Researching the Target Company
 Preparing and Practicing
- Rehearse Success Stories.
- Practice Answers to Possible Questions.
- Clean Up Any Digital Dirt.
- Expect to Explain Problem Areas on Your Résumé.
- Decide How to Dress.
- Gather Items to Bring.
 Traveling to and Arriving at Your Interview
 Fighting Fear

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