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Jl. Mataram No. 66, YOGYAKARTA 55213

Telp. 0274 - 566610

SPM/ 5.b.059/x/2018

Project for Street Children

To :
The board of the Foundation Kleinschalige Projecten Indonesië *
Meijhorst 61-04
6537 L J Nijmegen, Netherlands

Dear Mr. Anton,

In the past two years, SPM Realino paid attention to street children. We thank you for getting
funding support to carry out these activities. The various activities we do make us more
aware of the complexity of the problems experienced by poor people. The poverty circle that
causes people live in poverty from generation to generation. So far we realize that education
is one of the factors causing poverty.
Street children come from uneducated families so they cannot get decent jobs. Finally they
only work as scavengers, beggars, buskers, etc. Parents with a low educational background
educate their children according to their background. Many children neglected because
parents have to make money to survive. There was one case when we were mentoring for
children, a child jumped over a small ditch, we warned the child that it was dangerous, if he
injured then parents must spend a lot of money to treat it. But the child answered, “My
parents never took care of me, if I was injured I was not cared for but left alone.” This
condition really shocked us. The neglected children will be engaged in dangerous and illegal
activities such as drug, crime, theft and gang activities. Many of them undertake economic
activities such as parking, car washing, vendors, beggar, street performer, etc. The existence
of these children is uncontrolled, they will become street children and eventually girls will
get pregnant in very young age, and they create a generation of poor people again.
This awareness makes us want to do something not only for the children but also for the
mothers. We feel that what we do for children is not enough. The environment in which they
live must also be considered and improved. We want to do activities not only for children but

* SKPI is Stichting Kleinschalige Projecten Indonesië (Foundation Small Scale Projects Indonesia)
KvK: 53956168.
RSIN: 8510 89 136
for families, mothers and children. Families will be able to pay better attention if their lives
are better economically.
So far we have started activities with mothers but not yet fully organized. We want to
accompany mothers with various activities that empower them. In addition we want to equip
mothers in parenting by inviting experts. Thus we develop mothers with a variety of
productive activities to improve their economy. Besides that we will accompany mothers in
educating their children.
To realize our plan, we need support. We can’t do it by ourselves because of our limitation.
Realino asking for help to the board of the SKPI to support us by give us funds to realize ours
project. We will manage the funds well as we aim and report transparently.
Hopefully, you will support our project by give us funds and we will use that fund to the
street children. May God give health and blissfulness for us.

Yogyakarta, 12 October 2018

Yohanes Adrianto Dwi. M, SJ

Coordinator of Realino Foundation

Jl. Mataram No. 66, YOGYAKARTA 55213
Telp. 0274 - 566610

I. Personality
Applicant/Organization : Realino Foundation
Address : Jl. Mataram 66, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Postcode : 552213
Place of living : Jl. Mataram 66, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Name of contact person : Yohanes Adrianto Dwi. M, SJ
Telephone Number : +62-274-566610
Email Address :
Website :
Bank details :
Yayasan Realino SPM
CIMB Niaga Sudirman Yogyakarta
Account number : 800-00-91916-00
Currency : Indonesian Rupiah
II. Project
1. Organization
Realino Foundation has two projects. First, distribution of scholarship for the poor children.
Second, empowerment project for the poor, for example: street children, homeless, etc. This
proposal is directed toward empowerment programs for street children.
The aim of the main project is: empowering street children and the mothers. Street children
come from uneducated families that do not have decent jobs. Finally their parents only work
as scavengers, beggars, buskers, etc. Parents with a low educational background educate their
children according to their background and usually children neglected because parents have
to make money to survive. The children become unsupervised, dropped-out from school, go
to the street to make money and they become often subject to abuse, neglect, exploitation.
We have been accompanying children on the streets for years but we feel that is not enough.
We have to do something also to the source of the problem that make street children exist that
is the family. When the condition of their families is good, the street children will be reduced.
Based on that awareness, the strategies to perform this project are:

 The strategy must come from the awareness of the condition of the street children. We
have to enter through their daily life. The main problem starts from families who do not
pay attention to children because of economic conditions. finally the children work for
their needs by begging, selling wares, becoming shoe shiners, performing music, etc.
Their orientation is earning money so they can survive. We have to make program by
this awareness.
 Based on that awareness, we will make programs for families; children and mothers.
We will continue to assist and accompanying children as we have been doing so far. our
attention is also focused on a number of girls dropped-out from school. The condition
of these girls are very vulnerable, some of them are pregnant at a very young age (15
years). Aware of this condition, we will send them to learn a variety of simple skills. for
example; making crafts or others.
 We have started empowering activities with mothers but not yet fully organized
because of the awareness that arises after accompanying street children. We want to do
activities for mothers more organized again. So far so far we have been assisting
mothers in making women's accessories and traditional herbal medicine. Mothers feel
interested in this activity. So, we will be more serious about this. we will invite trainers
who will assist mothers more professionally

2. Description of the project

In this project, we will accompany street children and the mother in Prambanan, Bong
Suwung, Pingit, and Code Pintar Yogyakarta, Indonesia. These four places have unique
characters. We have no problem in Bong Suwung, Pingit and Code but we have to be careful
in Prambanan. In 2018 we were expelled from Prambanan when there were provocateurs who
said we spread religion. We have prepared equipment, rented a house and just carried out the
program but all failed because of the hoax
 Prambanan Project
After we are kicked out of Prambanan, they wants us to keep holding activities for
children and mothers. We are very happy if we can do activities with them. With the
awareness that not everyone accepts us, we will design activities carefully. Prambanan
children suggested that we hold activities in the city park. Our previous activities
developed so fast, it makes people dislike and suspicious. We will do Prambanan
activities with something simple, for example; reading together, learning from nature,

etc. In addition we will look for a neutral place and involve more local people to ward off
provocateurs who might come back.
 Bong Suwung Project
We will make programs for families; children and mothers. We will continue to assist
and accompanying children as we have been doing so far. We will integrate this activity
with learning assistance activities from campus so that children's learning activities will
be more intensive. Activities can be done several times a week so that children get more
Our attention is also focused on a number of girls dropped-out from school. The
condition of these girls are very vulnerable, some of them are pregnant at a very young
age (15 years). Aware of this condition, we will send them to learn a variety of simple
skills. for example; making crafts or others.
For the mother, we will continue to empower mothers with more organized activities. So
far we have accompanied mothers by making herbal accessories and herbs. In 2019 we
will continue the practice but we will add other cooking and craft workshops. We will
invite cooking and craft trainers so that mothers are increasingly capable. We will rent a
place to display their work.
 Pingit Project
In 2016 we created electronic workshops for youth. In 2017 we distribute scholarships
for children. This year there are three important activities we will do. First, continuing
the mentoring activities of children. Second, mentoring activities for mothers. Third,
repairing some rooms that have begun to break down.
In this proposal the focus is on child assistance and mother empowerment. For the
children, we will continue the children's activities as we have been doing so far. For the
mother, we will make cooking workshop. We will use one room at Pingit for cooking
workshops and we use it also to food from their work. We will make healthy and simple
dishes for children.
 Code Project
The project code is the activity of mentoring children on the Code riverside. The activity
in this place is still very simple that is in mentoring children from the poor families that
live in Code riverside. This activities is this activity was carried out by volunteers from

Some risks that can be happened are:
 Provocations that have occurred in Prambanan can occur again. We have to involve more
local people so that if there is provocation we can face it. We also have to regenerate
local leaders who will be project coordinators.
 Problems that will be encountered in the activities of children and mothers are
endurance. We must accompany patiently and intensively to train the endurance of
mothers and children to undergo the process.

3. Purpose and Aim

Street children are one of the most vulnerable groups of urban poor. The main purpose of this
project is give them opportunities to grow like other children. Targets of this project are street
children in the age of 7-17 years old. In Prambanan, we have targeted 50 children. In the
Bong Suwung Project, we have targeted 20 street children (7-10 years old) that will join our
activity and in Code Community, we have targeted 30 street children (7-10 years old) to join
our activities. We have targets for the activities of mothers, 15 mothers participate in
activities in Bong Suwung and 10 mothers participate in Pingit.
We are also aware that design project for the street children is not easy. Street children are
children who always struggle themselves to live, many desires are not fulfilled. This
condition makes them very oriented to make money to survive. This awareness makes us
wise in behaving and using the funds. We want to accept them as a human being, appreciate
all the struggles of their lives.

4. Planning
The project will be for one year, but, we hope that after this program they can produce and
sell their own product by themselves.
Program Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July …
Workshop for Mother in Bong Suwung
Socialization √
Preparation (technically and

human resource)
Workshop √ √ √ √
Production and marketing √ √ √ √ √
Workshop for Mother in Pingit

Socialization √
Preparation (technically and

human resource)
Workshop √ √ √ √
Production and marketing √ √ √ √ √
Tutoring Children in Bong
Tutorial for street children will be done all years
Suwung and Code

5. Evaluation
Evaluation is done every month. Realino and all involved including participants will make
evaluation together. So, if something goes wrong we can evaluate and make a decision before
worst. Evaluation for the training workshop is done by observing workshop productivity;
more productivity means more skilled trainees.

III. Financial
1. Financial estimation
a. Mentoring Children in Prambanan Community
Detail Quantity Estimation
Material/year 24 Rp. 6.000.000
Transportation/year 24 Rp. 4.800.000
Field trip 1 Rp. 5.000.000
Rent a house Rp. 6.000.000
Total Rp. 21.800.000

b. Bong Suwung Community

1. Menthoring Children
Detail Quantity Estimation
Materials/ year 48 Rp. 6.000.000
Musdic instrumen Rp. 3.500.000
Field trip for street children 1 Rp. 4.500.000
Total Rp. 14.000.000

2. Workshop For Mother
Detail Quantity Estimation
Materials fo cooking/ year Rp. 3.500.000
Material for craft Rp. 3.000.000
Trainers 1 Rp. 2.000.000
Total Rp. 8.500.000

c. Pingit Community
1. Mentoring Children
Detail Quantity Estimation
Materials/ year 96 Rp. 14.000.000
Field trip for street children 1 Rp. 4.500.000
Total Rp. 18.500.000

2. Workshop For Mother

Detail Quantity Estimation
Materials fo cooking/ year Rp. 3.500.000
Trainers 1 Rp. 2.000.000
Total Rp. 5.500.000

d. Code Pintar Project

Detail Quantity Estimation
Rent a room/6 month 1 Rp. 750.000
Materials for tutoring/year Rp. 5.145.000
Total Rp. 5.895.000

Total financial estimation we need to make workshop is Rp. 74.195.000

2. Portofolio
Item Detail Estimation

Remaining Budget 2018 Rp. 38.046.640

Workshop for mother Individual Rp. 5.000.000

Mentoring children Church Rp. 7.500.000

Total Rp. 50.546.640

3. Sumittance Small Project Indonesia

The fund that will be asking from the Foundation Small Project Indonesia:
We need help to fund our skill training and tutorial for street children Rp. 23.648.360

Item D K

Expenditure Estimation Rp. 74.195.000

Remaining Budget Rp. 50.546.640

Additional Budget Needed Rp. 23.648.360

IV. Overseeing the Progress
1. Specification of expenditure
We will ensure that all funds you give will be well managed (all the
transactions and receipts will be documented). It means that we will manage
the funds in a way that is effective and efficient toward the better lives of the
street children, and not only oriented in making some incautious programs
which will only waste the funds.
2. Report of Progress
Realino Foundation will report the project on October 2019

Yogyakarta, 16 October 2019

Yohanes Adrianto Dwi. M, SJ

Coordinator of Realino Foundation


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