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Alfonso Mayzart Ojahan S.

Saturday, 26 - 02 – 2022

In this part, you will experience the learning activity focusing on the knowledge about Cause and Effect.

A. Match the causes and effect in the following columns and then join the two sentences with

1. Sisca forgot to tie her shoelaces. a. The areas surrounding the forests will be
prone to erosion and landslide.
2. Microfibres from synthetic clothing b. I had an accident on my way home
materials are polluting rivers and oceans.
3. Many trees in the forests were logged c. Kiki is starving
4. Tropical fruits can not be grown in d. She tripped
subtropical countries
5. This is a holiday week for Rina e. The river will get clogged
6. My car’s tire had a puncture. f. She had to do additional homework.
7. The refrigerator is empty. g. Kiki slipped on it.
8. Elena forgot to do her homework. h. They have to import them.
9. The floor was all wet. i. We are advised to switch to organic
clothing materials.
10. Many people throw their rubbish into the j. She will take a trip to Malang with her
river, family.

1. Sisca forgot to tie her shoelaces so she tripped.

2. The microfibres from synthetic clothing materials are polluting rivers and oceans, as a consequent we
are advised to switch to organic clothing materials.
3. Many trees in the forests were logged illegally so the areas surrounding the forests will be prone to
erosion and landslide.
4. Tropical fruits can not be grown in subtropical countries so they have to import them.
5. This is a holiday week for Rina so she will take a trip to Malang with her family.
6. My car’s tire had a puncture so I had an accident on my way home.
7. The refrigerator is empty so Kiki is starving.
8. Elena forgot to do her homework so she had to do additional homework.
9. The floor was all wet so Kiki slipped on it.
10. Many people throw their rubbish into the river so the river will get clogged.

B. Read the following sentences and determine the cause in blue and the effect in red.

1. Dea was hungry so her mother made her a cheese sandwich.

Dea was hungry so her mother made her a cheese sandwich.

2. Kevin went to dentist because he had a toohtache.

Kevin went to dentist because he had a toohtache.

3. Because houses are very expensive in London, most people rent a flat’
Because houses are very expensive in London, most people rent a flat’

4. The weather was very bad consequently no one was allowed on the beach.
The weather was very bad consequently no one was allowed on the beach.

5. The old machine was hard to maintain therefore they sold it.
The old machine was hard to maintain therefore they sold it.

6. Since he returned the books late, he had to pat the overdue fine.
Since he returned the books late, he had to pat the overdue fine.

7. Some African countries are affected by severe drought as a result they suffer from water
Some African countries are affected by severe drought as a result they suffer from water


8. There was no car passing by so he had to walk to the nearest village.

There was no car passing by so he had to walk to the nearest village.

9. My sister was very tired because she stayed up past last night.
My sister was very tired because she stayed up past last night.

10. Prices are rising due to fuel shortages.

Prices are rising due to fuel shortages.


A. Read the dialog then complete tha blank spaces

A. Because it is very crowded nowadays

B. Due to a sudden and uncontrolled rise in their body
C. Because of sudden rise in their body temperature.
D. So heatstroke is caused by very hot conditions

Tony : Morning Rosa . How are you doing.

Rosa : Hello Tony. I’m fine. Can you help me ?
Tony : Oh, with pleasure. What can I do for you ?
Rosa : I’m looking for some information about “heatstroke”
Tony : Well, if I’m not mistaken, it is a sudden and uncontrolled rise in body temperature.
Rosa : Really ? I can’t believe that’s possible.
Tony : It happens when the human body is exposed to very hot conditions. That’s why athletes and
people who have to work outside can easily get heatstroke. 1) So heatstroke is caused by very hot
Rosa : You mean athletes will easily get heatstroke 2) Because of sudden rise in their body
Tony : Right. It’s 3) Due to a sudden and uncontrolled rise in their body temperature.
So what kind of information do you need ?
Rosa : I just want to know more about the occurrence of heatstroke. How does it occur ?
Tony : Perhaps our school library will help you a lot . Why don’t we go there right now ?
Rosa : I don’t feel like going there. 4) Because it is very crowded nowadays The school should provide
more tables and chairs for the visitors. I think we need a larger library to accommodate all
Tony : I think so. How about asking Mr Google ? You know he is the smartest in the world.
Rosa : Oh, how could I forget. Let’s go.

B. Answer the following questions based on the dialog above.

1. Where might the dialog take place ?

School, classroom.

2. What is the dialog about ?

Talking the information about hearstroke.

3. Write statements expressing cause and effect

- You mean athletes will easily get heatstroke 2) Because of sudden rise in their body

- I don’t feel like going there. 4) Because it is very crowded nowadays.

C. Combine the two sentences.

1. Sentence 1 : The tuition for university is very expensive.

Sentence 2 : Many students apply for scholarships
2. Answer : The tuition for university is very expensive so many students apply for

3. Sentence 1 : Bobby came to school late.

Sentence 2 : Bobby got punishment.
Answer : Bobby came to school late. Therefore Bobby got punishment.

4. Sentence 1 : Rico is easily exhausted and gets sick.

Sentence 2 : He consumes too much salt in his diet.
Answer : Rico consumes too much salt in his diet. As a result, he is easily exhausted and
gets sick.

5. Sentence 1 : Jenny is a vegetarian

Sentence 2 : She doesn’t eat meat, fish, or poultry.
Answer : Jenny doesn’t eat meat, fish, or poultry because she is a vegetarian.

6. Sentence 1 : Ricky makes a creative vlogs and posts them on YouTube

Sentence 2 : Now he is very popular.
Answer : Since Ricky makes a creative vlogs and posts them on YouTube, now he is very

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